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Remi Joffray

Week 7

In 1519, Spain was the first European nation to claim what is now Texas. The Spanish
came to Texas in search of a shorter route to the Far East and with hopes of finding treasure
while they “civilized” and Christianized the natives. They built their first settlement
in Texas: Ysleta Mission in present El Paso, established in 1681. Gradually expanding
from Mexico, the Spanish built other missions, forts, and civil settlements for nearly 150
years, until Mexico threw off European rule and became independent in 1821. During
that time, those who came to this land survived on game that included buffalo, venison,
hogs, and the native wild cattle. They learned to raise gourds, squash, sweet potatoes, and
corn. Other small grains such as oats and rye had been imported, while the settlers grew
most of the other foods that they consumed.
Planning to expand its base from French Louisiana, France planted its flag in eastern
Texas near the Gulf Coast. But the first colony, called Fort St. Louis, was not successful
owing to natural and political disasters that included disease, famine, and hostile Indians.
For more than a decade after Mexico became independent, hardy pioneers from the
Hispanic south and the Anglo north flowed into Texas, a frontier for both groups. But
conflicting social and political attitudes alienated the two cultures. Texans revolted, and
they won their independence on April 21, 1836. Those who had come and survived continued
to depend on wild game and corn, though many brought familiar breeds of cattle,
hogs, sheep, and poultry with them.
During nearly ten years of independence, the Texas republic endured epidemics,
financial crises, and continued volatile clashes with Mexico. But it was during this period
that unique aspects of the Texas heritage developed. Texas became the birthplace of
the American cowboy; the Texas Rangers were the first to use Sam Colt’s remarkable
sixshooters; and Sam Houston became an American ideal of rugged individualism. In contrast to
the Wild West, the eastern coast of Texas had become highly settled, with seaports
and plantations. The leading port of Galveston reflected European and Southern
influences in its culture and cuisine, and staples such as salt, coffee, sugar, and wheat
flour were brought from New Orleans to Galveston.
In 1845, Texas became the 28th state to join the United States of America. But 16
years after Texas joined the Union, the American Civil War erupted. Ignoring the advice
of Governor Sam Houston to establish a neutral republic, Texas cast its lot with the
doomed Southerners, reaping devastation and economic collapse as did all Confederate
states. But two events fixed Texas and Texans as somehow different in the nation’s eyes.
First, Texas troops on Texas soil won the final battle of the Civil War, not knowing the
South had surrendered a month earlier. Second, returning Texans found a population
explosion of wild Longhorns, sparking the great trail drives that became one of America’s
legends. Pushing aside the defeat and bitter reconstruction after the Civil War, the offspring
of Texas pioneers marshaled their strengths to secure a future based on determined self reliance.
One of the first successes was the famous Texas Longhorn, providing beef for a
growing nation. Newly turned topsoil on vast farm acreage yielded bountiful crops. The
20th century dawned with the discovery of fabulous sources—gushers roaring at a place
called Spindletop near Beaumont in East Texas. By the mid-20th century, modern Texas
industries were developing in a climate of advanced technology. Today, Texas horizons
continue to expand, reaching up to the limitless reaches of outer space.

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