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Grand Opcnin,,, .DecelDber· ,30tIJ", .1' J ,am Ne'\-\J' P~ati',e n:t ·.-IJ1ec;',a1:

We puy ,)ltDu:r stu:t.e .mg.iStry Jee T' 2 tree g'r:-amsl Dl.ui'fl,g Rejemn.g .Ph)'Sj·(iaF~~ Hau1S\!

'Wednlesda~;, Dec ,30 4·-&:p.m· [uld Sa:liu·.flda,y~ Ju.nuuQ! 2' l~' UH]' - 4.p.IH'" See '""cbs-ilcE! Ja.l det!i!ijs~ 'lVl",", f)~llerg.ref.n'- p o:tll'eca,Q!,ic,c)m:

'II) F"'" ds

.. em _01 ·.nel1]"·,

".Fe nre proud to O'~FBrr- 'O"'LII'r- 'pO'*'11e' nts an U" pscale dispensary focused

\i'V II> iU... . .... ' .. I .- . ." .'. " .. U!. .. · '. '.' It ." ilL 'IL. .... 0.. . " .. il. . . J,", ..;U~ ... ' . 1.lL:} ali . .If Ij;.., I . U.

on disnensl 1'fJ" q_ . ...,.'I'ity ... rn edical msriiuana '0' ··WO· . Old b"'Y locals lth

" '- ~'lP' . n. ,6, I. ll.dtI _.~ . ~ .J. -.' !t~r~Jllla 311 , !!i...-. I.i' .' 'LU~ ·.l.

2J, yrs olf' health care e: rperience: we 118ve a 'p8SS~Oll for helping 'people find natural alternatives, 'W'e' are looking forward 'te caring for your needs, -"Rtdpl]ll eX Heidi

1568 s.






(720 )-979-4002

CaU (0 schedule your physician referral

Artie ···le····5·····

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International News

'M d'·' I M .. ,~ Ad

, ..... e,':lc'a, I. ,8'r,I)U8'n"a " .' ,-",V'8'nc'es!

~ :n Israel

Breaking News

••..• 1

C~olo'rado A'tto'rnay 'Ganeral Su:p'p'orts Taxi:n'g Me,di,c~,al M,a:rijuana

Medical News

G- A' · M d ~ 'I M .,.

r',a,·~.·.y···· ··-·r· ~ ea I' n e rear ianjuana

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Mid~Page -Fold-Out

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Filma, Tkaehenko

Editori,al Director Kars'n Sts'ph,eUjlSO'n

Cr-,eatlve Director 'Vlaidis(av Plazi'n:sk,iy

Features 'Sen~ ar 'Writl!f,

u .... 'r~n·· 'S~' t~ ~p,b'~Il1' t~_'ftn~ 1\01- I~ _ '_ •• ~.'"_ ~ .,1:-1 ~I __ .~._ '

'!I'!Ii •

'Co:ntrmbuti'ng 'Wri'ters Jasapln ICa'PIPineU'y Margillret 'Pu:zh A'mbier Davis,

Jim CanteUa

N~~lle' BUlr'kman JessiGi P,a1rk

,Spec,jlll Projl@ct CoordinatD'rs Barbara, [Balk,@r'

N- ,- ·····W·,··, ... ·"·,·· ... ·,:

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Dear Readers, Family and. Friends:

Ne\N beginnings are happemngat Post 420 and 'W;(?!~ thank aJ~ of our advernsers and our fatthfud readers who have enjoyed our magaztna Here at Post 420 we strive to matntatn 'what we started a publtcanon for the pubUc that - - - ~ b - f.-

. ~~',,". " _. ,.' ,. -".- . ...•. '-" -' ... - _." -" - ',.,. " .... -." '.' ".' - .. .,,,.... • ...... --' ." •.. " -"1 ., - I " ·.C·. "·'1

bt lngs news Hl0St mainstream In8 dia [lend no r to report. As pu .. ilisher, I feel

tt's 'Very Important to keep the readers up-to-date on the latest news, legisla-

h t] E d f

tion c anges.r l,@; ,: 'acts an ~, Interesting tn .ormatlori

I'm thrilled w lth the overwhelming positive feedback on our first Issue, Readers, natients and shop owners :h;:]I'IOJ'£:ii sent in '=Ii plethora of compliments of how W· e have

t"iU., - "iL3 iLl ,1,.. J . .'u_ :.' 'd_ ,. -', ,,;j '" u,~ L WI-, IlL , 1iU,I.Jl _ 1L~,ld" ,!!.J. . . , ·,IL"U. .J! I, , !Lo . ~ . '.', ,1 'd .~:,' 1.0.", :'

captured the right amount of news, 'information and advertisements mto our magazfne, This Issue comes to all of you 'with a deep passion for the cause and together, with aU, of .yo u r. we 'll continue to _ge'it Into every corner' of our communlty i It's truly an honor 10 presen 'this issue to the Post 41,2:0' M'agazh e community,

Adv - rtls,ing 'St,ani3aba,yev' ,30,l,~'717'iII!3,8,,2,6

71 '9.2001• '21'2,

,:iii;I~e~nD: :5·-t~AI2-,O.-:lm·i~iCL ~m' ..

uu~~ .. ' _', ~ I .' • U~III!'-U ..

We ask that our 'readers I 0 please support our sponsors that are fe,.atured m this tssue because without them, Post 4.20 Magazine wouldn't be here today, They are helping us.

'I':' ", h- . -: .', ,," _.'. ':', ' ... ; "'i the ,-,," ',; di -' :1]-1 ~ .'. " ,.' - ,,' "'~"., ..... -.' - -.' - ~ ... ' lt .1

_0 " ,3 ve a VOIce In ",8 me· ... lea maruuana commuru 'Y.,

j J

In this Issue, there is a. strain guide with a handy pull-out option so '[hat you can keep it on, hand for educational and personal use, This will continue is subsequent issues U ntll the entlre A tn Z guide is completed.

'We're dillgently working on our web slte so that readers can visit us online to get thelatest scoop on our magazine and on the :mssues that affect our community, Our "Neb

S'! te ls-· a' srea t wa - y:.'- ,to ... ' c. -'0' .: ' nnect 'W' ~ - ~'tiI'h, '. others '~~O' : d ~'~:r- - iss ~.~,~ "C_S'" e S:, ,to ha II a: re ~'m,' portant "0'

= ~ - .. _ 0' ~.t)!.. w -_ . .. ~~-. ~ - h, .. ~~~-. I!". ~l~Ii,..U;;J-. l!!I,!~ l~ U . tJ!!OC:J!. .. ,~ ~-·I ~ (],!!.~

you Please vtst us 'at ~p,ost4,20rnag~co'm and we'll see you there!

1'1h~ OOT!I~ts ,tjf' ,~, ,adS, In U'tls ill'itt~in~ ill''e l~,

. - - " . " - ...

a~I1~~ ms~rljlil¥. ~ng Or USingl i!i1~~tiOn 'FrroUll 'tlFlis ~a~ WI1h®UU t~ 'Wfik~ ~mi~ of h publish8f is, IPJuhimmd.

H~ ~, -,II1I-~ n -il',"d-I ~" ~' -"'m- P -st 42' 0 appy IJ,-,,,ays rnl __ 'fJ .... . ..... ,

Speciol Thanks .1;'nn, the publisher Fima Tkachenko

n E(!EM B IEH, :2Q 09



Despite getting 'new's on the Internet newspapers are still popular among many people, Ihe

hi :)." , - " ' 'f" '. b"] '" 'h' ,'"" -- rh , b ,- -, -' - , , -, , , , II!' " "tru' -. -'~ , .&;' - " ' ,- , '" 'b"I'" -, - t !o' "" , d' ' , -' II!', '~' , "

J ign C'OSI 101, pu ,-.,', 'IrS, ung nas oeen at. major s - C uggu lor' many pur tcanons as ac veL' .ismg rev-

enue h! as taken ,8:··," beating d uring th ,e~ J'~e~-::IC'-',Ie',-'s: sion Recentlv Rocl ,", Mountain N:-,~', '" s sh U,-1'1r dow n

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an.,_ __ .. os,e' wno remain are: i: el r -,~g, cre,a,l_lve I a trytng _ 0 __c It11: ways, !_'O :Slll""VlVe'i' ,!.larlJlllan,a ICIQU,,-, .

"be' the t'gold rush' that sa ves prin media.

Wes[w,ordl) Denver's aop alternative' wee'kJy accepts dispensaries as advertising cllents, In ,3 recent edrution~ on both s,",des 'Of I hel -, back cover, l'hirty .. two dispensaries adverttsed thetr services. In the "alternatlve healing" section, nearly nine pages, were fined wt~h simllar

~"A!e, ~u~!

Patricia C' a'I'1 oun W·n~~~wor-d",e:;. .fi·"U1~,jj;o'm~ has 'no il'£"'~U- ~C" JI1,a~I~,]inICl on dtsoensartes as ~·d·"'~,,jfi'iI!"iii' lstng cllents C" ~,]'hO'1 iII'n Ih- as 'W'II"tne~~nd' marnuana

0111".; ~,IQ 1.-.' fbi! .u, .~;j,IL'.I,·~, '~U,~'!J.·lll-: I. I~. I~~ '~IIi\, .,10-"11 U ,,;jl~~ .,;:)gJl g,'~dI' -.! .0 'Ii'dllllll. .;:),~ Ill., 'I':.;'~ .IL~',. ~H' !lJiJIH 1 '1i:I._ ... lu :-;ji~ ,en~:w., I. [lI,-

:fi: tat -dl adver tlslng sea .' in such a brief :pelr-ruol~ 0' th" e I-':hat 05'1 e' plans '~Q. release a 81f"de focusing on medical ntarUuana, VI ry soon,

'VI:'ry' strong m~jiolrity of Colora '-1,01 voters were the supporters of Iezalized ,Be'Ce'S!, to medical




'W'estword has gon e one s ep furthe , and they're looking for a. medtcal :m ar~Juan a crtttc. T]lis appears to be' a first tn Arnertcan j ou rna] Ism ,8 nd 250 appheants Sire hopeful of filltng this, 'hi story-m ak w ng POS! t non.

--------, ..

Post4201 - ~,a_gaz' ne ts Delver- based ar d Is, t'~ . onl,y med ita ~ marijuana 'n:ews m aga ~di'l11e that b rings to thel r readers

'[ 'II d'i - '" ]

iocai stan anc natrona' news

High-end Ufeslyle pubUcaU,ol1s,. 'ocnc~ud,-

.. ~'2 8'0 - 'nL.,'" "':11"

mg :> .... ',~ .... _' are' no asing ulspe:nsary

advettlslng yeti ,a~,' l:]ou,gh " here are a growing number 0,1·" d:is. ·ensar~es in 'Greenwood VU:lag,e . Jld Cherry Creek North,

Pu bllca tlons sh ouldn ~t fea r off .. nding convention a] su bscr ibers:: after all ~ in 2000 a ve [cOy strong, Imajol t I)'

-------------'. . -------------

hat, ot om1Jy is relevant, but deltvers current news, There's so n uch happ . n lng local 1y an d arou n rl the 'C.OUrn i ry and Post. 20 Magazine reccgnfzes that thelr readers need unbiased jou --I alt sm. Pos 420 ,Matgazwne strives ~Or':r a. good ba,I,BJU). b·.I'. een q·lw.alwty sditortal content U3'O%) and advertising (40%) and they are o,mcw,a1~y launchIn,g, their onhne publication (h'ttp:llw~v\'N .. post4:,2IO'rna.g~c-o:m:) very soon

The Denver Post has run several from pag,e' stories about the debate over how' or whether to' increase dispensary regulations. They are much slower getting Into the -atdv,ert~ing sa~d of medical marjjuana but 'they have run quarter page ads from a '~,ew dtspensarles and 'they' do p an to expand advertlslng access,

ef IC-: olorado voters were " he supp a if' jl ers of "I'oO'~:I:l'''7'ftd a' ccess '["0

v I .' "', w .. :. 1,,111.. j.', • "," .• ~i ~ i"'!lIt.·~l, ~ I_l~ .:I~ i .•... ~ L~_~l VI J~O~JI l"-,i~ .... _ : ... \;;~~ ..

medtcal ,mlatrUUmla Into state constltution .. ····~O\ -"'i national polls ShO\N that abou t :.5% of aU adults support Ilega,1lz3'ti 0:', I of :ma:r~juana, for recreational purposes,

In, today's recesstonary .. recoveryt imes conventtonal businesses are cutting expenses any way they can in order 1-0 survive, However the boom j ng medical m,ar'~ uana COon1 :lITl1iumlh:y is in. ani extremely unlque posltlon to hel J print media survive. Many dispensaries are in fierce' I()O]TI pletlon 'with one anotl er and by' adverttstng; this brings. a surge of new cltents all ,ryin,g for premier advert is,i ng space"

,DECEM,SER .200,9

~, ,.;;J



Anew set of mar riiuana la· ·w·="-S····I ]~'S'- 'II-e' arin 'go. approval in Breckenr 'l':'d',-g" re where P7--_--O::""s':-'s, e S: ,8,_-··-]'IO· "'n- ofthe dru rug .... ,.

m-" '.,'.: ":_" '",' - ,. ,jJ""'_ .•.. ,lL· .'. ,-'_.:". '. - .' .. " 1, -":-" 'U1"I:"-"" :',' _-c_ .. ,., ,'-. ' __ I,: .•.. -,_-."" ' .. ;, .' , .. ·:.,-- .. :I._-.-:,' , __ , .. ''-,'' ,' ,- .. 1-- c-.,--',:'--.;.,

and paraphernalia 'by people over 21 is to be decriminalized J811~ l.

Th e regulations would make public disp Iay an nd c · .. onsumptio n 0'" f'm ar '---I~J~uana-('-":-_-"" punis shable by 'a": :$:,' 10" 0'·····

I:, ",·",:~-·'U-'.", .. ':" :···,.:- .• ',-_ .. ·-.-,1 ,'i:ll1\.: .-." e, ", W.: .. -,·,I __ -, ' .. ', ,-'.1.'.", ... , I" ' .. -", I .. r~,_ ",1.,-'-,,:, .. , .. 1"":,1.,.1,1 ... , ,1_---,.,,'

fine and up to 15 days in Jail.

H,·: ckenridze oolicc chi :~-f·-,-n=: 'k1}1]- -.-'1'--: said h-·····" 'd'- ,.', ,.:,-:-, "tl: c,-.".- .... -.,-_- .. __ .. much chanee :~-- the t --'.' n th I' :~'"

, reckennuge po Ice c ," et fiJ,IC f,' . rorman sam ,e uoesrr roresee muer c iange m I. lie I own .. ar, m

210-'.'10 ... - .... 8 ... - '.. 'I -- d" . ml ',' 1- 0'1 t-:~·, "k- . -- t--· f " , - -" . .--.. ,~ .... ,- .', 'f'~' .' --" -U-'" .. ', - __ - -" -I" -·tsl of , - =-, --~,~'- .. ::-. 'f' .~. d c' '- -- ,..c:. -, ,-- . -' .. , '.,'.

, :.-.",; lssu,e., 0".- y - ,.·.·,lce-s, ,or possessIon 0 - slna .. ,amOtn1'1 0 - ,m!arlJLJalla, an-i'our lor posses ....

sion ofparaphernalia under 'th,e municipal laws,

1J')iIO··,S:S··· !AS:':-S-,]"'O' "In b etween I' O······'W1·-·· c '0, an .. d 8········· Q.····'·· .. unces ~S" stil '~I 't--'IO" be ,8> m .. us sd ernea n __ -Io, :,Ir' in ,'. th a town W:: l~t- h 'PI!O-'S'·,:'-S··· essie m

r c;; , ,G II.. VV!;;:.';lC , " .. '. ,I !!G .... I", . " .~'., ..II.. ,W". ,rc;" I. '!C,; 1 ,v , " - ",IIC; , .' 'v 'It j, Jl~ .... I ". Ie;. . "

of more than ,8 ounces a felony, Election rcsu ts earller this month reflect: about '7'1 percent of town

, -

residents who voted favored decrrninahzing small amounts of mariluana

Holman acknowledged that "some people are ntis-educated" about what passed in this month's ballot m.itlat~_ve: for decrlminalzation Use of marijuana at Breckenridge Resort remams 'illegal, under (he, Colorado Skew Safety Act

The town, 'will continue to prohibit selling and driving' under the influence of the drug

The: town on .~,ts web site explains that non-medical marijuana possession still, violates state laws, and that the local pollee "may still, exerctse, a' the~r discrerlon, the' aJuthori.ty to charge I hose tn volanon of stale or 'federa~1 law,"

Holman bas said. such enforcement would vary depending on the situation"

Un ]-,~1;i"'e' the . ;i"",j"nr of 'Denver 'W' '}''1i'I' ch decrtm l' nall zed not ln . -2'00- -i5-: .' ,,,,,,t... Cii B~· reck QII("1" 'd; ge '~O' "!U; i!'n cod 'e "[11;:1-11-] ClP°;(",: fically a1U1o-w' " fo 'r' p' eople over

.... ,I. Jll\., - HilL 'L.h!. J' ,'. ,!L.o.W , ... '''---''IlL ~ ,.,'. ,!Ii ' H, ". ,'L-'L.. , . , .. ,_ ~.l.i!!.;- -LiIJ Jr.", ,,'" - " " ~ U i'L' 'L-.'L.l\.\ .. ...III,llll.,. ...• III I' 'io' Ii' U . U", V",J., J .' !Lo!Lli W,,,,"--u · ... ·,..AWe ... , j[!. ,. -L-U,' ...., .. ,!

,21 'I~O possess parapbernalta The draft to 'which town council gave prelfmmary approval on Tuesday- also a~~,crws for transfer wt 1:1011t sale of less than an ounce of :mM~UaJla between people'. Sale of martiuana remains a felony.

Possession between 1 ounce and 8 ounces is still to be a. misdemeanor 'in, the town, with possession of more than 8 ounces a, fe~ony:, Elecnon results earlier this month reflect about 71 percem of town r-esmdents 'who voted favored decTi'm'~[nali zi ng Sl11al1'~'1 amounts of :marijruana.


n E(!EM B IEH, :2Q 09



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edical marijuana makes legal sense; it has the potential to, make' legal cents for future Colorado budgets,

In the 1988 Colorado General Assembly, Chris Paulson (then-majority leader) introduced House H,i1]. 1167 to impose a stamp tax on marijuana. The concept came from a book of suggested legis tion fOT conserva .. tives and. tile law" had 'been adopted in several states, By 19'9,4 similar laws 'were adopted in almost thirty states. The Colorado version took effect in. 1'98,'9 and the tax was $,:1 00 per ounce ofmarijuana,

.14., stamp affixed. to the packages of m,cl1r~Juan.a was proof of payment of the tax 'The type of stamp 'was determined by the State Revenue Department, The handling of the

t bl dr IT" t.. d t d .e h b tt "d' d H't t ,. 'L

(",' .. (., . . . I'·· I L' • '.( d '. ,'," [., .. I .1 . . . .,. . ;' . ' '."', . ', ' .. ,'" .," .

IDea ue : ug ,ansae ]lons was con" uc ,e ,I U1, cas". oecause r avome a cons ruuona

pmblem or self- Incrtmination,

The penaltyfor the "marliuana owner" who didn't have the t8!X, stamp affixed 'would. be ten times the amount of taxes owed. Mt 'was reduced to three times in 19'93,ho\vevert, if a ~person was legally' 'Ul, possession ofmarijuana, nc taxes was owed,

In, June 19'941 the U,.S~ Supreme 'Court handed down a decision that doomed the drug lax law in, Colorado, The court expanded the Filth Amendment prohihltlon against multiple punishments for the same offense to taxation,

The htstory of drug stamps. affects medlcalmarljuana today. Amendment 201 spells. out exactly how' legal growing selling and. purchasing' of medical marijuana Is to work .. A. le ga state tax could be levied on Colorado dealers"

con e ientl

D'E[EMB E.R .2009 ;JCI!!iTISil 5


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Th e'c ..... U.· .. ni ~it:·. e d St a t es 0·····-:-··· ffic •• .,·.l .. a-II ly

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has it's first marijuana cafe

, .

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W ~~lC_ poses a test 0_ -e Ie

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··m'·····:::-,af··:.,.···-:·lllU.·c ',an·····.,.· .... "C. a:.' c·' .

" . -" ,,~-, - - - - ~

'The Cannabis Cafe' in Portland, Oregon :~s the, now glvwng certffied medical mru:.~jiUlana 'users a place, to get their pot and

'. '. ", :' t,' ' , ' ·'r Th·· .•. II'i' I b "",;'" " - "iI"'C". Ir:" 'd': (" ;,- .' 'f:,~' ,;' ... 't.. .... , '.. .-. " ,. be .'.

smose n, .. .. is C tal . nepresenL:) rreeoom mr rneir mem BfS"

~ . d' .

This club not onlyprovldes medical marijuana, ·dl.ey also serve

food and in, the works is a Cannabis Comrnuntty Colege' to help 'reach people how to grow cannabis as well as other

t .

. 'OP.ICS"

:.. . :

-- ----------_ .. ----- .. --- .. '-._-- -

Members pay a monthly fee of $.2S to use this 1. OO=person capacity cafe. The "budtenders" provtde tile, 111 e diea 1 ::m,arijuana to. '[h.em,· and although food ts served, there ts no

'~I ,Iih,'~ TI .. '. :"''J'''~ IS· "-:1·" ,I, ..... , I' 0-':' .···,·., ... c ,-" "',' std it "': ho ti '-',"

aW,COUOA~ 1@ care . open !!.o any~regon, res ieru w. 0 are

N'ORlVnl members and .. hold an offidal medical .. marijuana card,


Oregon has about 2 illiOOOI regtstered patients who can use

m a~:-i'.f"">:iI·] m ~ -&11U"JI,n ':l Dr '., octors }'1' "JI''I,'" 1'0 pif!'oICii,cP ribed m "'JI i"'i . "00- "'l lii"n r ' .~Ua . .;;a..'.. ;b.I,~ 'oll.i:U., . I '~)L.,·I.l,~ . : .. .tJ. ~ ~ ":.I!.·~~1;.,..I Il '_ ~.. ,,' .. :OJi.·.gu: .. ,b.. 1Il.U':·

:n1'I...... 'I di Al h '" P,..."9. d'· b

many iunesses me U··. If]Jg:,.' zr enner S u.1SBaS81, c ta ietes,

multiple sclerosls, Tourette's syndrome and more.

Eric Solomon mH' OW]1,er or the cafe, is looking, forward '[01 'holding :marijuana-tb,emed weddmgs, film festivals and dances run the second-floor ballroom ..

In the Dutch city of Amsterdam, pot. cafes are popular and possession of small amounts of :marijuana Is legal. Gl~oWingl possessing, distributing and smoking marijuIDla are still illegal under U:,S~ federal law'! and it makes no dtsttnctton

d - .

between me leal and recreational use.

[)ECEMBER .2009


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In : sre, Medical ari] .. ane A. vances

In the Knesset and-It Sh,e,\8 Hosnital

heba Medical Center 'in Tel Hashomer has 'beC0111e the first bospnal In Israel to admlntster medrcal manjuana I 0 patients. the Israen newspaper Haaretz reported: Tuesday. Some 20 pa tents have been treated with medical mariiuana In, at pilot 'pro grrul] OVHf the last six month the ,,",. .,,' . ' ..... ;t;.....:1

'.' ,U":!s,, ne newspaper reporIH~U.,

Meanwhile, the, Jerusalem Post reported Wednesday that the Knesset's Labor, Social Affairs, and Health C o mm ittee had instructed 'the Health Minis try to. finish Us proposals for regulating medical marljuana use within four months .. Such regulations should address. the production, quaU'ty. and m a[ ketmg of medtca ~ m~lr~~ua.naf as well as prevent dmvers'm on

into no·'n-me .. d·, "'c'-: ]' .: , .. ,-~,a, . .Iil'" the ..... ,'. ,"·t,·: .-. '~"" 't,· '-'ili- A th .. '.- ,"'".,",'

1 '~ '., ~'= _ '~ ~. ~L a, mal1t{eLS, 1,W,e Ins ruc,u.euu'e nunws-



In Israel, peep la w:~'th cancer, 'm,ultlp],'@ sclernsis or certain. other conditions can apply for at license t.o. receive ,3, free supply of' medical marijuana. It Is provided by a charitable organization, Ttkkun Olam which SUlp'p lies ~U, to some 7 a 0 patients,

At Sheba Hospital. Ora Shamal.head "nurse in the paln manageJ!I.~,nt program, 'has recently finished drafting a formal protocol fo , provtdtng medical martiuana another l1'rs'[ for- an Israel hospt ta~. Th at draft has already been app roved by d e Health MInIstry oifli,C-ia]' in charge of approvtng medical martiuana treatments, Dr. Yehuda 'Baruch" Th.'8 hospital is expected to soon a.pprove the protocol,

Under the protocol, if doctors determine a patient needs marijuana, the doctor ,m charge ofthat patient's treatmentwill apply for the necessary permit from 'the minlstry Patients

who , r-8'n'"'' al l' "" ,"'n 'h.· '~,', ... it d:1 .... . ,'~~",,'" .. ", "1-1- . h' . ",t ~IL

.' I~."" We \ W WJ IIJ! e urm ,e to sm o,~ln,g ]]1 l e " osp ~ alii. S

smoking room, 'w'h~ih~ bedridden patients will on ~!y be aJ 'I owed 'to smoke In private rooms with an open window

li'W 111...· 1 . . h . tiC· " d

: se make it c. ear to tne start that smoking me llcal m,arUuana

doe-snit endanger the medical staff on the, wards ii Shamat said.

Ir~ t d'I' o· '0;(" 'fl' 'O'!- h" a" ~- , th '.. 'c ~;. i t- h- .. - c.. :;': ••••••• ~ '. 1-" 'I!

ill. .,,' ~~ '" '_ ~ , "I: I ,m. _ " ose ~n. _" ,e ar,ea. Villa. pass~ve sm,Ol{lng.,

Doctors at Sheba downplayed any possible harm to. patients from smokl ng marijuana on at llmited basts, Ii I t's certatnly a dilemma. but It's ,the lesser oftwo evils.' said 'Dr. hay Cur-Arle. the 'head of Sheba's pain management unit. uW.ben you're talktnz about smoking a J' olnt 0:-"[ tw . o "JI! day 'W" "'e' I d on = 't thin k .. j-:II\-..1ii,i!i:'

"' I.' 110.."' ~ .. ". . .. I"" ...•. • _ . I I 11'",", .' .... ', .. '. ' ~ r . u',' ~ "./ I.. I' I" ,il l ." ., .' LJ].J~

causes short-term harm Ito the pauen $\.,!I

Sheba is also maktng use of vaportzers j machmes that heat 'marijuana. but don't ru.gnite, it, allowing patients '[0 tnhale vapors instead of smoke The Israel 'Association for the Advancement of Medical Cannabis. whtch has been involved :m the pilot prDgran1. from the onset, is now [aiswng Dln,ney to buy 'more' The hosp Ital currently np; 'Or' ares five

_ .', .1 ..• , _._ .... JL. .. iIJI.~. 1L-. D!I....r "; JJJ.. l.)1 ·:"L. a. LLli' ,,~. '.

. '"',

Along 'wU:h, Canada, Cermany, Holland, and 8'O1118: American s tates, Israel has been a pioneer ill, accepting medical marijuana, 'Nl~h the Knesset action this week, srael moves closer to setttng up ',a regulated and expanded system" The Sheba. ~,O$P~ tal protocol 'is llkewisle on the CUI tmg edge of medtcal marijuana acceptance by hospitals.

Governments are cash-strapped and always on the prowl looking for innovative ways to generate revenue. Colorado Attorney General. John Suthers r'e' ceo 'n' tly stated th a' t the st a" te W' tll collect a sales- tax 0" n rn iedi

I,_:,;:~' 1 ',','-- '"." ~'-,'-I: -':~ -1-', S ,.,~.,"'. -,-,-" " . 1/,'1- ,::~',', ,,/',~' --':':: •. r .• '1"" ',., 1:." •. ,'_". lIMl

- '_ 1 I, . , ' . . . _ . , ... '. ,'. I _ .' I." I , , ' _" , , . . .. ', _ . " .... , , . '. . ,. . .",' .. I ...

l iI!!' iI!!' '5' th b l iii th t dt l !!Ii ~ .' t ""b l

ca mlarl]IUa,na..u'ers neueves tnat mel: tea rnanjuana ts tangtote

t t'~h t i b i t d t t t ~l t'

proper Iy' 'a', lS suojectec ,,10 sta e sates 'ax.

This 'wouldn't be the first tax imposed on. medical marijuana. Oakland" Calffcrnla is the first American city to declare they 'win Impose a. tax and '[his takes effect on January l, 20'10".

I, 1 .,' ,"'" 'I' 'I' da ('. '.' ... lth flL·""'t' :~I, Y'I1'1I'] Se .tj' '. '1' ] 4"" . ,··f' 'ii+:~i '., ,C····· ',1, "!d'" C:·,,·· - ·,··t' 'i't 'l·,,'1 ,. ":· ..... ~I,, 'iii-. , , ,. , "~: t

n accor ance wu "t'llIl [ewe AV JI.!L , cec on, 0, ur]eo ora .oO]]S l U!J.IOrl" SmSS. tax [nus

now' be collected by the, vendor on sales of medical marijuana.

TI~~e' law no 'W" req u 'iil!'fi<::" all medical nll,·Ijj]'rH~ ~'I'~ 'I ana disp ens g'I"~!Oi~ be 'm lee n s D~ thr -. -0" ~I ~"o:h' - ,;1-:1.1, I'e' ·C·" o .. lorad 0- liLli, .ILd,", u"_. .lJIl 'LoJ' ul .II. WvLl JllJ.III.UJt. ~ ueu Jill W0I ''''--'.!JI.iJ!bU. ,!lh • .J.Jl, • nll;..." I ",-"U "~, U-l . u "

Department of Revenue and to commence collecting and remitting sales tax. Should anyone fail to collect sales tax from their customers, they wlll be held liable.

.1\,,,,,,,,, b' ,~", i"_"'-:' .,.,- selllne ..-.,.-:1", al '-", ,_"OJ, . "'" ·th' ':Ii- 'd' , .. , ot hav - - state .-' ,,'1 .. --:-, tax 'm-=-~'i" '., th .. _.·"

ruruy .. llSllle5Ses se g meil.llC, mar1J uana, alU., ' .. a. no ,1a ve as.. e S3Illles ax JILl.ce.use p ley

need to im:mediate.~y file and submit the ,CR. 0, 1 OO~ Colorado Business Registration Form to

- t - , - - - - ,- t - . d - b t - a. - 'Ut'; - - - Th - - · - - fI'" - d - - 'I' - - t - d'l - 't' - - , " - d'] h - - -

'_ ," I [. .. ,.~' [I' "' _ ' . '., . .. I . ," .', '. ' •. ' . , ,.. D, " '_ , -,', I ., " ".,. i'· I 1 f .' . 1 1 l' .... .' I' ,

58 up an ac.cooo, an .... 0·· .. ElrU1 a cense. .ere lS a _ ee an . sa:e5 ax ... ,epOSM. lffeqU]fe .. i w en

submlttlng the application The completed form can be delivered to any' Taxpayer Service Dlvlsion Service Center . i\n account can be set up immediately and the applicant can be issued a temporary 'license with the permanent license being mailed in about one, month. 'Vendors are urged to malntaln timely filing to avoid penalty and mterest charges,

'Courtney Tanning ills the executive director of the Colorado Wellness Assooatlon which represents medical m8lf~uana dispensaries and the doctors and patients 'who. deal with them. She feels the community is 'wUlhl,g to' pay taxes If it helps to' prove the ~egUrrnacy 'Of the h" e'- ffo ... rts.

IIJJ .1 .1IiJ: 11'. . ,(i 1b_..:')'11

State Senator Chris Romer, D.-Denver, sees this tax: ruling as a boon for state coffers, Romer has. boon advocating for ne gllisla.U.on to. further regulate medical 111 arij uana

~ " '~.:,: '/ r, ' :~ t 1 J.I ~ l'~~ ~,~

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h!Mi Nlil

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~ Denver mav be the

~ ''.I


i firstto implement a

...... .......

~ sales tax on medical

-.;.,.., '~ '-';

~mari.l",'I",·uana. Starting .. ',." ....

~ ~

....... ......

~ in December

~ .- ' : _ '-,I

....... ,


~Denver dispensa-

...... ....... .,.,.,_


~ ries will .... be 00··· r ·,·········'11· ". ec/ ct-

~: , :,'~~: 1"'_' '_' 't.· . ._._.,> ~.> ~ .. ~ r .._ ';. '-.,


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in g"_- .,' m·'~··"·um· 'c' icipal sale .. ··'s.l

.:":' ,i . . . '. . .... ' .• '. . 1 ~ '1.' '.' . ~' ... > ~ ,.._ c..

I· .'

, .


. . - ... - - .. - . -.

tax ' ... 0: n-", m--! .-",

- . _. . _. '.' ,

'm' .... '='1,luana·:=-":-, . , .. " (U_ ,IJ '. ,.. ~ -- •







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CIO" ·····\(Je······· ·.-,r·:: sto •.... ry .. - - .... --

j',. ",' y I! ,' t."" .. ' __ " _ .

[~ -- .

Th t-· [I k d . I

I -~ .'--- .. '-. [.-,- -.". ,--.' /-'1 .- [ ".,- ..... '-- ... -'-"-.' .'--: 'I '~-:I "'1-

I ne most cot • moruy ase. ques. Ion

" .. -

. ,

'h·-''!'' I!!' .. ,-'- verv broad -·:-·-I,·t·"I!!I-- with -. '·~"'·C'·."c diffe ent ':. :,-,.,~,":.> '''1·.'

]S IS 8. very _.' raa. '_ que,s, ion WI .' I rnanY_IIlL,eren,. answ,ers~

H-·-· ,,- - .. -. " .. h .. _f' .. " 'd' th at -. - .- t· .-. . "1- . iI_. to' .... t tc b t Id "he . t .. ··

.owever we r .ave roun rna most peo,pl,e JUs I wan .0 ne --0,. .IIOW. o

.' - -. ".": .,' .-. _-.' .. ot' T:h·· ~ "., "-I-~d""':': .', lu ... ,.- b .... "'.,'" .. ' d "1 '! ,'. ,'~ ",.,-,":.' ". -d t'-' -.'- ,.- ..... - .'-. c-' .-.:. .' he t i .', -I ,- '.' .'. " .. ".< M-I·"·-',-·,···-·c:" .. '.'

g,row pO'- 'I' _ lIS gUl e, .c een eSlgne 1.0 s,erv'e, ~. la pur.plose,~,~an.y

books on marijuana cultivation instruct you on what conditions marl-

juana needs tOI thrive and why it needs these conditions.

'r'h h h iii· '1I--f·1 - "II - - 'il iii, - ]- b] f"" - ,1;_, I -

. '. c'·: .' .. ' .> '1-" . - - ': . . ... '-- -" : ., .' '-.. . , "." - . ": . . " I" .,,,' . '. " -. I .. " . , " .. ":' .. ":" . -.,- ". , . -. , ',' , . : . . ." '.

,,'. "OIUg .. t .. 1S Ifl ormation IS, ,e etten It 18 ,a

1,0'. t 't-O .• -I sift t h 'r'" 0: ',u-g,'-hl a n d ,a,··,b'····s.····· o':'-"'f,;::b- :'- his gu id ,e.->· d etail s a

'. , '.' ·.ll _ 1_ .,_. ,II . . '..' . I., .--" .... e- .... , .11. .

- . . - - - .' .. i - - .- - - :. ::.: ._ - - - .

_ .. 1:" -·,1,··:· '·,C,-c·-_.', .. 1 .... " mcthod stcn h : .. '. ·t'_·· -~" . dth - ... ~'. tt -''"' .. ,''.-

SIngle ,grOWIng me ,10' se'p'=I.,y=sep WI" plcures

instructing on, exactly what to do at each point.

'Y:·::;O-UI·. will 0':'- ot h av e·.·· to .. fi:__ g,-'·.UI rre O··'·:',U'· t wh a .•.. t che rn tical or

. . '" _ ,I ' .1. ' , .'._ '.' I.' ' .. :./_ . '_ .,,' I. ". :. I,.' '., I, _' _ ./.

sotl mixture you want to use or when tOI do certain

, r

t··· .-.- k- . '.'" N:"" I' -. th .Ii, ".c !ii: .. -. -.- ·t- :'h-'- _·C·. d Iii "--: I'· t ...... = .. '. ..' -'.-. . ... - -'." h -, . ld-:-

ias,:<.,s,. , .. , .... '0' .. 'Ilng 15 e .. C .el In S .. on'e SID y'ou S.,oU.t:.'

experiment and use whatever works best for you.

M· ", !Ii!, . '. .' . It' 111', ··tlll'- ,'I' .. , - ' , 't - td .'.' tak '.' .. ' - '.

8I1Juan,a cumvanon IS an ar anc can at Ie y'8,

tIO", Hl '.' ·,a·ls··:· .. ter.

• "_' __ ' .• :.' ",'--. [!II!!

This guide is fo.r medical use only .

-.' ;IICaliliBIiS

This w;s the most important piece of this grow gukle and tha t is why' it comes first, Read lt and re ta in. it. Most places I know of marjjuana cultivation is

a crime. 'This unfortunate circumstance forces an '~i'FIIIld·" 1· V' 1 dual 'W' he W·: :'. on 1- -c·;jj '~i t'~I:" a to e' n,'l',ny.: t h is exneri ence

.wJI.~", .. ,,i, .. II... . IU ... ' U.,!. W~JI.!Ii\.1I,_.o u ". ':.iL..J.. ,.II. ~"'lII' ,.,1, ...

b - ill- f '~-

. ". " ····,"'1 ! .. ,' ' ,,- i

to _ e extreme -y care. It , .

H - - 0,- ~- -th"· d t ,'m ,;,

'I" : . ['. " ('11 . "" - r ! .'. .-, .' I." [..... '['" - .. ". '1.····,

ere are Just a ew . _ lngs you can .. a .0 mmamze

your risk of getting busted. Some of this stuff may sound really obvious but lt ills surprising the careless mistakes p eople make.

D'ECEMi8E R 2.009'






''-1 c EJ


Though. Y,()1JJ may 'wan' - "'0 teJ all of your

f ",~., ·Id·· i,.·.· '. 'b," i . ~, ... '," ""' "'Il-, . _:_ " .. h-' " ··:b·lb;·.',:.' I .. ··: .. : -r IL ..... , .' ::

rien is a .. OUIL. your coo' n.ew In ".'_ y or S·dOW

off your killer bud. you really want to keep the number ofpeople who know you. grow to . .o:ll mini ~ m "U' nn ·0',0··· .. n't tell a -n, vo n' 1iiQ; Yi')'I'1 a r ~

. . 01. .JLIlJlJl ... ... .. ' .. ~ .. .. .lLIL. ¥.IL ;,} _ .. '!C; .... U'ILI.. _ ~

growing, This point cannot he reiterated

:'f' . :;,.- rh a ';d ;" j;I,-.,;.:.:. -I st :.-;,-.:.. - .. stake

enou,g . an ... lS U.JJ.E:! mos._. commnn mts _ .e

.' 1ffi"'-

.' ..'.., '.~'. . ., .", _ • 1.1.'. ~'.", I' :" ,-" ." . .~ .". . ."' . -,-, '"

01 a.d e .. ]It can be very d.1 tcult not to share

, ... --. '. "'jl. " .. '.' - '., . ..JI ... ' .. " .' "]'! "~i .- '" - ·~·.n '.' ." th .

you.I" excitement anu accompnsnments WJlI.I.:

people but it is

Your' freedom at stake here,

Keep it between you. and your most trusted friend. No one else needs til' know ~ If .you ten one person which in. turns tells two other

. ' .. ~.' '-··1- ",1"'" . ·llll·d··' . md ' .. -'. ·.:'.··"t·h·l_ ";: .. '1· md "~'fI

peopie you co UJl, ena up WI. ,on,€! nun . Feu

peopla knowtng about .your. garden, Post yUUJr pictures on. the Pos, web site and you can. share with the whole world

"Ji'nn 1f'iii'UM' - 00 C':lI,V r ''WI' . I.V'.IJ . .IIj· .I. ~ ~-.r.;mi.ll.J' •

Location is probably' the single most important factor in. your growing safety, Locations are ' ilstedl by order of preference;

'T b h d'

rown nome or 0 ier ownec

- .... " 'd· .. · --' .'. , lth . 1- ,,' .... - .-., '-,. '. 11·" d

1 .... I I - i·:_· .,: ' ." ".' _. ,',' " "--

res;}, .. en.c.e. WI_I. C ose or attac Ie ,.


R-. d lL·.· ,' .. ,enlLe . .Jl1.Ollrse

Rent d apartments and houses are 'OIK ~but

. ~. d-) . · b

.' . [ I ,. ' . _', _ . I 'I. ;;'\, '" _ I ri . I I ~ .'. , ,~ , . p"

not .pre Ilerre._ - ,' to grow m. , .• U[ you must

·be· aware tb:at. any' s.mall. eVien-t. ei.Ul. catastc\ophi.c. conseq·ueID.ces. Thoug;h.. th,e cbanr:es of 'y. Olw' landIord conrlno in unan-

... 1. I. . .. '. '._ " .. . ... '.' I i!:t!'" , . I .. ,

d mil ft· tW';

. . ... ' ". . .... '. . .... . .' I .. . ..... .... I' .,. '.

nou.noel BJIle ;s,m, '!' 0. en. ng .as.

simple as, a clogged pipe emu 'make that happen .. Just be aware and always be

'!'!!!lr I

ready to pu 'II 'II down at 'i"jj m om" rents no' ·t·jc:e If

.1. ~~ : I, . ,'. L _.1.1 .' _.' ' ,,'l( .1I.1l.!gli. g..... ,~. . . I_l[.~, _ .. ,.. ,Ii,'. '. .

. b .] nil d' ~ ,~, 'lb' 'lb' dl

t _e . a.n(~Jj.tQfi notmes you 'I : .at 'I (liey 'nee,

to come in, I've seen large 0IH~r.a.' ·'[OlUS. taken down and. put back 'U.p wlthlltl. a. 1.2

hou ·ii'"n.n:rii·,~"';1 :",-,,!p.~ C",;(i" the "'ll'p"a' rr tment

. . I: . .11. .l"''t. . .II,U u. J u,.:) l. i!311L) II. ' I.~ 'itJi.:' . I. '. .. !Ie " .

company could do a 10' second. wa1lk

th h ;it 1 t t'1I b-' lkll .t" 1

~1:rOUgJI. '1[.0 evauia e . ne mn '. ng lor sate,


Chect: Itf.t

Lli tJi;'iI"'£iio ~ C' ".]1 q;j .~,",;i'; 11.... cheek ~'~"iC',·iP fief" 'U: 18 C'1i''iI P p·}'I; £iii[' 1 Jl~~ is 'tIl_ 'iUiILJ!\. ~~JJ: :t:l_:.f!i..u;J![_ v,.11. une .:i!'!!;Jii <1_1 !L~.3,

needed, A. description and picture of each il,elD follows as well as where to obtain the itt em. and. possible: a tern a tives, This information can be found ln ·3 condensed format ~u the s upplles lnsert,

o l~~'U

.0. N tlltrrients

D P![ant'Medium

o IJ;Hlte~[ ~it

o I.eienl,ailr aJlndl Tray D C.Lon i'ng Trays

'0 Pot~

o ,um1p's

o Power hea:g:s . 0. Tilmers,

o .5oi l. (fOr ImIOm$)

o IFans, D Mylar

o M~asiLi rtne CLlIP'

o fire Extiil:iLdsher

o E::(tens:i'o;n cords .0 Duct 'TaJp~

D 'Tarp

D ,A.i'r IFreshener"cS\

o N,gatThVe I'Qn ge1rl1eratpr D .ActiY1e Ca rbon IFllter '0' .5t2lJjpte gu.n and S:ta,PIL~5 o Strainer

D lEmpity,colUrtaffiners


Hi,g;b Pressure Sodlum .Ugbts. ar,e· 'ith.'8:' :Jlights w;e. H.s,e. 'to flowe~tc ·onr 'bud~ Tfu.;ese lights come in 'watts l'aJ];gillg frODJl ]100-1000" TIbe a01.0unt: .needed ll~eaUy d.epends

- t· -

C" '-'-'0' . ·"·:V· . ie····· '.,.,. S' ~ -'0(" .... ry" , .

. '" " ". " - . . . ,_~ ....\ '.' I ' '

Just make sure you. have as manywatts as possible En your area Surround the grow area with flnorescents and use high fluoreseents mixed with one or two grow bulbs, VVba "ever lights, YOiU us you sl .. ould replace your bulbs a leas once

a year.

For Budding Plan s:

Ceneral I ydroponlcs is what 'we use, b ut ally brand of B.i.OO(ID (IO~ 5,-4· plnk

Slt·-U'·.~. M.:;j,c':tn 1('5:: .~-'O·.-l purple .. ·.; s·:t·'u-·-ff)1 a nd

J!JJ./~· --.~ u, -. --,P'- .. ---.~ - u

flor.a (,2 ~ 1-161 green stuff) 'win do, As, .fO'f

the cat alyst 'we u se Earth J ulce, but any brand will do. Bat guaIDo from. lany

.',' ".~ .. - 1 .. ,,' ,,,. U~,'lli b .' . 'k- TI 1,.., . .,jj, ..... l \~, '. d 8" . ii·

.nu:rsiery w. ,.II.. ,;'18: 0 .. ,; .. JJ..II.!B Ca.lUlllyS:l a.u, .. ' ~alL

guano are not. necessary but we feel that it Increases the potency; size, and taste of your buds, Bat guano mixture

'b l"'d-

~. .. _.'. .' .

S. i.IOU. ....

DiE[ IE.M SER 2009

~ o rtl ~





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You will need to get some clonmg ge~, and

11 . - s, . l-·-t,j, . 'W:·"" ,_ ..... ,c' 0" ]I''ii',:-·,- ~'-, wh ~ -Ii.;.

Clonln_g: SOI!U 1,0 :,_,., '." e use ',' .',' I v~a s,~ \\ _ -,I(:J,Jj

k ., ] 'W'Of S 'DlceJ:Y.,

Cloning; Sohuion

Cloning Gel


yo ur plants. It also g ives normal plants aood root structure but y' "0' '-r buds wlU be

D" ," '."" .'~ '. 1.. .. I ...... 'I _,".. ". ,,:.... _.... . .. _ .. ; - . ".'

so Ibi:g' that they 'may lean 0[" fa]1 over" If they start Ieanlng you should use some

st 'r-·1j11'1.· g' '.' to k'" ee , p ,11-1111 e "IH'" IUl'p' C' .'.l\"'e: .' ck the tips

~.- U . ..' 's ~''''''' '. It j~l J[ - 'Il Ill. ··"L· ~" , .

I _ • , , t=

section for more info"

ROC/al10V/ Cubes

You, "~iU need ,any lund, of 210~20=20 fertil- Before first use or before re-use you

izer" 'Peters. ferttllzer is a good buy but any should always rtnse your hydro corn, ,2·0~,2;'O~210 fertilizer will b e sufflcien _ "'

The small Ix,] rockwool cubes are 'what we~ use .. We, have found tba smaner rockwoot tubes prevent nutrtent buildup, Wi'"h 'he: small cubes. you, earn plant 'lb." clones djrectly 'into your :p ots of hydro corn,

You should try and buy the hydro corn thar is reusable, The non-reusable hydro corn ,faU s apart af er a couple of cycles, Hydro iii"'.i'l!f··n, I k ·.e.···;tj;:p·r~ , he perfec mots ure and nutrl-

~u ., ,_ .. ~.- ~.~ __ .~ JI)._ .. ~ .. _'_' ,_~ . _ _ __ ~. __ _

e11'~ 1,le\I'e:~, for

Nutri ent . ",.] "'I~' i should '~..., k .' ,f' ',,- ,·'-":1 " . i(1"11 "'lI

U~,f]en , so_,u Ion S.~tOU.ll .' ue -,ep!l (l.:fOlUl u ~,

p.'H of 16.,01,; Electronic units run, for around I~'i 00: "'IF' J..'I~ ch om'· c ..... 11' 'iii"'A'it'iS'~ 10' "'0" s 'h' ··'O''''W·,::fn, her 'e

~~.:,. ,I. V.,il, Jl-~,~ ~ ~~~~ .. _I<.lru ~·~,Il.· lll,:_,~,_, I". '~_' .~.,Jl.J! ,ll.~,

for aro "lll.D,d·. ~~, 5· '_

Iv~ ~i. y__ ~ ~

Bottle contains around 1 0101 tests, If you wan' to spend a few more bucks you, can

- -= - '111 ~''I!'!\' . -,~ P'H' 'i It, .... ,~, " T'Il...··· ,.. ..

'uy- an ,J],lec u·onu: =.~ '_' !i.e·s" _ Jj JJes,e are

available a' you r local fis,h supply stor and run ,"l,'II"IO, und ,$SIO.

IU _ ~' u ... _

You can, buy pre-built reservolrs and trays from companies such as IGre'e-n

T -', .; I d '[j'" 'd·, .- lq .. - 'II Thl'" '. :", . t' he - fee ,an.. Jrl.,Y ro ,JL" arm~ . ",IS IS '.' ,e

easiest way if you, can afford it, It Isn't ''''h ~It ex pe nsive :'JIi r l,d, , 'w,:,~]JJ defi n I)''''t· DIy, r P' ,gy':'

I!... 'u, ,A.···., oJ.II '\" y", _ ' " ,iI, u~, '. '-' " y, .'

~ , 1 ' •

for' 'It's self If you don't want to

'purchase tile reservoir and tray you

C"!I'n'" b'u' ·UO;' lid," your own 'U-,~ii'ir"i'O' '\-r1nIO' . d': I llned

,g._, __; ., 1 ' ','. _, IUVir i_., ._ ,JI!,I!.~ ~b Vir u '_ -'_ ;I!,J!~U

with plastic or some type of plastte tubs.

You wU1. need to drU-1 out drain, plugs and a :fil,ef' plug, Mixture should be ,y~ po 'Ill" nd of Bat g' ruano 'p .. er g .: allen of

' ..... .Il, ." I., .Illu· '.,' IL~·Y ',' . .11, , .. IW.lJ.U, \oJ.!

'. . , .

'water" Pre-mix some- Bat g:[I],81I10 man,

empty gallon carton of milk. You 'wil also need to pick IIp some pl ~ ower and pilI raise any brand Is ok, just make sure you follow the directions. on the back of the bottle,

Reser, ou: & Tra r

Nee d ed :;,c' 11""'.110' ning, ,"::1"0' y". n' tJ1'1!"C'le:'ry···' will

'Lr' . . .. ,t,I, U, !!LrJi.l. .Ill,.,!! LlL,·. ' .Ul J . . . . .

carry' them, 'You can, use some type of plastic contalner leaving the lid

S' llg h' "t Ily' r'Ii""'m eke AI

t. "; :::,'[ i. [I"· .. · ,~~ ... &tt~ j. '. 1IlJI,~j

Tile lid needs to be a. clear lid that ,.,..l1'I:,O.·"w~·~:'-"~ '~~"8f)i"ht 1In-- If you d on't have a

diLl .. __ ~ ,1". ~".Il ,IJ •• , JLt u. , " . ~ '_'

. '. ,

clear lid clear plastlc wrap will work,

Jus' make sure you poke a, few holes 01 the plastic wrap to allow for some f h ,i,

res. asr,

C!oltlng Truy






You win also have more room in your tray because of the reduced number of plants when you veg!;


You will need some type of pump to. fill your

, A' '11-" d '.' I"

reservairs, '" ny JU.y- ropomcs sUP,P rer or a

th I .' 'I' ill'

pet store' JJJJat ser S aquarium eqiupment 'W

have pumps. lust ask for a submersible pump,


11 a I

Fish tank power heads are 'what we ate talking about here, YO'llJ can pick them up at ,8JJ1Y' pet store ilia t sel s Ii $11!, or a, super store such. as W'aJ,~' art. They are 'Used to keep oxygen in the water for the fish, but 'we use them to keep the water /nutrlent formula mixed. Tile power heads keep the nutrients mixed lJJlP'"' It also mlxes the, nutrients while you are :fiUin,g the reservolrs to prevent nutri ent Iockout,

U- -, ... . , ..... , .,..1 ·d- thr -, "', ., 't'~i' -.

se ,g;rOtllllue •• ,IL i- lree' 'pIO,Og, rimers.

especially when working near water, You can purchase these at any hydroponics retailer or any' hardware store such




,Any laD, purpose potting sotl will be, ok for

, ··!:'~I -D'-IIJ- ~, , '!! t· "- 1l,~ ,- .. ' ."':, " .' ;. -d- It-" ':, 11, - r.! - . .- - - '-' th .- __:__, ,- H'

SOn" ... l!J:mlU. @ ,Jllme IS use. , _ (] Jlow@:r ~ P I, I

of , your soil, You can pick u,P Dulhnlte Lime

., al lth n" 11'--

" _._', :-'. '- -I "-,, - ',:" ',- , '- .,,: ' , ,,-,- - " "'1 '-" ',' ,.

at most ,nurse flesj, :'. on"g, \\\" It . , a ,so. pl. ,


-a"· 8."

.. ,_" l I::"

Y-- -"" '.- "H ,- eed '- ""."" Ie of h ,., ':I··-,·Oi old ~. "-',.

nu M, neena coup, eo. ouser 0 I .. I rans

to keep the air clrculatmg in, your

garden, Tillis is. veu:~1' important for healthy ,p~ ants,

You, should surround your garden ,~n, as much mylar as posslble with,o:ut affecting v entilat Ion, If you don't want to use, mylar paint the walls flat white, Llghtweight pressed wood 'boards with, mylar attached allow you to get the mylar rlght up against the plants and easily adjust and move w en you need, to get ,in to work,

M- - ea s UJ rin 0 1f""~UI' ·PI· ,

L ... II'D 10.... ,.

Fire Extinguisher

E~e-''II'l-,C:l'''O':-:' .:0- - c'~-o'· r ':'dl" S::

A L. .. ·1J). ~I ." ",' . ....... '."

Duct ape

Ta-'-'r .. p .• ··

.... "

A- lr Fr e sh i~iI']: e rs

~, '.' .... ," L,.,j(, '" .. ,",

.g _ :tvelaD .e J .181.1

'P ..... m··· ii"'Ri'UiIOi,C" nd' nr , ... lust "'!iin ... l1 pollen Ir rom ,;ii:Lt::i, ,~ I, : ,IV'f'!G~ ur .'u., 'II' uus , a ,!Oi. ,,;,v',l! ~,.II, I u I UJI:0:

afr, Very useful when placed in. an ,adlj acent rOOIn., T,beSB come in m.aD:Y shapes an,d sizes and. are generally available as a device to remove dust and, odor from the air, Keep something 'Underneath, these because they do remove dust from the air and deposit it all, around the generator, Ion your grow' area,


e co

next issue

t cove .. u 5' ory

J)[N ,_r EH.GREE-N- L E/\F.('()YJ


rou IfRJE1E ,~ (8661) ']Cb§ 'n'59




MVW"meetup"ooDl!N:onh ... 'D-enver .. Medical .. ,

I. "'_'~'liirll'l''li 'II'IIi'"1Ii, '0···; scussi '0-· '0- G' -- .. roup - IV-ldJl.; U ~.- ." ,~LUl~a~· '.: I .... -" I J, ! ... _ ,_" ..


Five years after voters overwhelmingly approved its use, ···e ieal marijuana is becoming a boom · ng business in Montana- But' so, ". e medical marijuana

. ". ' .. ' ". . " . . . _',.... '.' .' .' .' '.' . :.' . =, . . ",;: ".. . __ --' ':_:". . 11<. . .. ."' . '.' . _. - . ' .. - ". . =..... " .. ' ..L .. ' --' . _ . = _.' ". . .. 1 .. '

. - . . - -." I",'

grO'lIP','S are at odds; over the direction they think the budding industry should

, .". -' 'I- .~ '-,- ... ' _,-,', '.~' -. '._-.'._.' ·c· '- ... , _-' "'- .... , ' ... _.' '.". '- ... ',.<, _. " ,_., .~' '-.' .. '. - ._. . >" '.: . _._"-.'. ". _,~"" .' . .:. .- ..... _ .. '

. . '.' d b ==, .. '.' . '. td .. ·t· ' •.... t··· . h lid 1-. ..... . t·· '., "·'thin-· .-', t ". -. .==.... rf'tl .

gO',- an" lOW gr'.:-' rowers anc pauen ·S, S· .. IOU, ope ale W-. 'I. e gr/-ay\/, areas '0 . ae

.. ",... • . . ,. '." ,', .. ." . .• - • - .•••. ••• . .. . . -,' . •...•. '." .~.. 1':' ," • ~.::' .• .. . • . • .

. I CUIT'ent, state ' aw~,

D,ECE,M,IB.E.R 2009

.As more medical marijuana growers ~ or 'patient caregivers ~ crop up in the Sit ate l' so too do disagreements among them Everyone within the medical mar~limla community seems to agree on one thing The health and wellbeing ofmedleal marijuana patients shou d be the 'paramount concern, of' all caregivers,

But when it comes to advising patients on 'what is and isn't legal under Montana's m e- d'_' leal m - '~'r:~ ~'I~I ta 'n"JI: lo:ni iU "W' '.'h- d,t c '0-' n tstltu . tes "bo n -:l "~'d-- e'- I p he y': :~ ida n 'p- atl le nt r elat lonshi p-' I~ '0- lr

,.: .... ,·.u :, i[..!J. .J.jllUlJ.: -lIL!JU '!tA'~'~ .' [JIL .... ~ ~. ilL. _.' U1 ...... I" 0,""- tlll:- r- I <.:._j,. Uk ,~.l.U . ~.l, . :"U oJ.", .ll WI .' . l' ... I

whether patients should use the drug outside of the privacy of their own homes, the

:- d·· li -'1 -: '.- '".+ -, : '.... '. -, -: , - ,-. ,- -'h,. s . : .' l:·'tIi-

me .. ca .marjuana commumtj IS sp J.'!J..

The rift among some prominent medical ma:rUuana. groups went pubhc after a high-profile medical marl] UIDl,3, clinic appeared on the front page o.f the Great Falls Tribune late 'lest month.

,A, handful of patients 'who .attended the event, which 'was sponsored by' the Mlsso tda=, based. Montana Caregivers Network, raised eyebrows 'when 'they smoked marijuana in plain view of the public jason, Christ founder of the group, was chastised by' city officials after he smoked a howl of Cannabis on the steps of the Great Palls Clyte Center,

Tom Daubert. director of Patients and Farmlles Uni ted ar 'd! a careglver himself irs, one of me authors of the Montana Medical MariJuana, Act Daubert penned an op-ed fn the

T '-'i-,. • - • • f ;I-'IL-" C' F ; '1'1,,-;

rioune crltic~zmg some aspects 0' ,- ILl ,we r rear aus event

~IMed' ' .. ...;,'~ . ar'·"· . ~ ~ Ious s ·b'· .*" at' '0' - .~ - rt whc '·CI ,'I 0 . _. -a _. - d

"~" - Jew" rna ~j uana 1S a serious : J.1_ '~leCl!L; Wf1:' e aune .t, WJlJ10 rs ais a caregnler an,

co ... owner of Helena-based Montana Cannabis, a. medical ,marijiuana com pany in Helena

~I '[t~ - f:' - tr tin- ~\ - - , .. , - tn - - fr _.' '~ _. - ]. . h' t _·t h'- - - iIf-lt-. '1- _. - - - - - - · "" . ...:1 II'

, . 50 ' rus - a .. ' gLO see It cas., lID] a' ~VO!OlmS 19 . or -0 " ear '1!lJ 1.8. ,clW' nusrepresenten. .

Mike Smith. a caregiver and founder of the Heallng Center .of Montana. also. is critical of patients smoking mar~iuana in, public,

"If you feel that somebody is going to walk around the 'corner and see you smoking a be 'l - . - '0.'. - t d' - - ~t d - tt II,S' lth - - ld - 000"" - ~"- - th - p - - ple the m:" d - 't kn -

I ...•. : :' .' . '. -, I [ .' I ' . . '. . I' :"..' .... ' I . . ",. ~.' II I I .' .' .' -' Ii' . ". .... ' 'I "1 . . .. ' I I I' .' I;'"' , " . . _ . '. - '1 I,· '.'. ' '_' ,

ow. or HJ,illl-i' ,on . 0 l;, . "mt Sal .. ' "ve c. _ ' esy or . .e ,_eD,' . , "a·. anr .. ·OW

. h ts - 0" _. - - It's _. d iI"" do h -t' ,I.:!-. - did JI

W,u2Jl ' '. 8'mg on.' ~ rue e ~O ... '. '~V, HI 'uJUey' '.,. r ,.

Christ, 'who said he suffers. from severe and chronic abdominal pain thalli makes it almost. impossible for him to sit, defended his public display of marijuana smoklng,

"OST r-' - ,



wi sh .Illy pal n would nit flaunt ttsel f Chrt st sa i d. ~'Sn101rnlE marijuana is the only thlng that helps me with the amount of pain that I'm tn, It hurts a1l the tlme, T01n Daubert doesn't deal with pain like this. Mike Smith dnesn' deaf with pain li~e thls, I deal wtth pain like this.

Smith also matntams that under the Montana Medical Marijuana Act, patients can obtain the, drug from other registered patients. or from a caregiver other than thelr own

reglst ered caregiver. .

Christ's Great Falls clinic attracted the attention of the Montana BoCU"d of Medical Examiners, 01.11 Friday, Christ appeared before the board to explain 'how bts organization f~c.u].tates the medkalmartjuana recomrnendation process for patients.

'IIT,he s:p'wri t of the law Is t ha~ a pat ~len,t can grow their own

m"'1;'r:'I'IU~"n~ and thev ·C~'·41' ge "il from ~"n'y oth ~'~ 'p" e' ~""Ii'\n· .-~ h· k.

,U . ':,}_,(.)Ii!!i ,~a.~, G _' '_" U_,J ,,~1!1! '~,-" w., I ,u, 'g,j "_ '!J,..I! ,~,m,- .. " .m. .jIY~, ,w, .0 uas

alegal card," Smith. satd, -

Lewis and 'Clark COUJ1.~"y Attorney Leo Gallagher said he does no' t ag tree wl th ,S·"~"· m'~ ... :iih, 1,iC' In ternretad 0·"." 1'1 of th Q ~r aw '~I'n tl .... '':!II't· 'r,iO;'!i.'J:"JI rd"-:

" , _ _ ,",' ~. _ _ _ ,,_, _. _ ,,,L LlJll ~, , _~. [r' ~ 'l1.u . J, _ ,l ,v. _"'~ 1u. _. .lJUILI UJ,loL. ' t c'~ . ' __ I!I'

Christ told the board that his .organlzatlon connects, patients suffering from quahfytng medical condttlons witb licensed phystctans, Pattents fax thetr medical records tiC' his company, and. then they schedule a face-to-face meeting with, H doctor at chnfcs n.k@ the one in Great. Falls, Patients rypicalty :m .. 8@,~. wfth the doctor for :6'18 to l 5 minutes before walking out the door with a recommendation, Christ said, adding that omy about 1 percent of patients are turned 8\Nay at the c Iintcs.

"The trigger to. avoid urosecutton ks they need to have the card

, -,'" 1, •.•.. :. e- -, .•.... ,F. '" .I., ... ,"'-, ." R" , •• - ••••.•••••• ,., ••••••• ,., •.•• t_.. ... _

":. lth the ~! G-ll'- "",-ih_:",,,-,, " .• ,....:iI

vV.l.. . eilll1. . .,a ag,! sruu",

But Gallagher ~ llke many law enforcem ent officials, said there are gray areas ln the law that 'need to be 'ironed out.

'11'C'·.r;a'n" 'pa:' :·Q'1'~~ get lt from .,.-.-,--, .... -,.- .... ,-. - . ,'~.JII ... oth ... ;lFl . 'tlJ!.....

~. ,. ,. l~L~~, 'Iu. I, ,- ._ ' a careglver or prOVluJier Ow-,f,n 'u.,~lan. ~.d~

one th ey have registered? I'm not sure, abou that II Gallagher sa-tel, "However they get tt, '1- hey are entt tled to have It. 1 suppose '[hey could -go down and get it at 'IIDe corner bar and. as long as it's 'under the 1 ounce OJ['' six plants tn [Q assess lon, Though there m,ay be, llabtlfty to a caregiver or provider who gfves the marijuana to someone who tsn't thetr patient,"

Board members questioned whether at brief meeting 'with a doctor at a clinic like the one 'in Great Falls constitutes a II bona fide- physklan-patlent relatlonshlp" as stated. Jn the Montana Med'w ca l ' u ana Act,

Daubert, who attended Frtday's meeting via conference call,

told ,,~L. b :.- ,~' th : ~ h - .. "1'· 11 __ .]- '- -, A .. ,_. ~ . . - ......l ii' ' .. b .. - ,il-. ~i ".,.

_0., _ U,I.e oaro ..a~ ae .~;S. aiarmea ano concerneo . ar out acnvi-

iI"!·':·l:iiC that h C'io thm - k- iiD i1b- - ,,"JI'Y· ":lil'11 m'··· complats und - -" t - Ai f'

u!C;'~ ,,0 :.:¥ u. • ".~l ~~, I Cilo.- ,n :1. " u.... ". : .".t; 'yo U.: 1_ .ers _ an!,l,IJ1.g 0 ..

b oth ,~.'Iik,o ']- etter "JII·ld- fntent ~i . ·'f;· 'M' - , •. ..,.,..... .. i _. . ...... :!iI~' - .. ~' - .. • "- . .. .

u_ :,. ljU~ ,.~ _ II!,.~,_ - ,(:..I.., ..... _. JL" I. _'t.. t., .0_ _ , .. ; on UlJ ,I.a S Ineu.u::a.ll ]]1 drlJU.ana


Dauberthas been working with law enforcement agencies and state lawmakers for months in art effort to find consensus on ways to Improve the maw before the next legislative session.He said when patients or caregivers push the llmfts of the law! ~t threa ens 'those efforts

But Daubert 'who hasn't been shy about publlcally chasnslng patients and caregivers who flirt with the ledges of the state

1 '- It itl t hl \h;f;"

aw, tsn 1 'WIl lOU . w-,.I1lS own ern CS.

"It doesn't matter '\;v-f 'at M'ikle Smith thinks the blW' says= It doesn't matter what I think the law says, 'What matters Iswhat

I .' "J , ....... c --', --', ., thir ik - -"'" d·', hoi " th "" ,,, .. - -,,- -,,·'1 the lav .. ·d- 'hi." -,

atv\ enrorcement L . trues ano "ow, .,ey ,app .. y I ., e law 00 __ I.oW

they respond. to diff~rent sttuattons," Daubert said, "My steadfas t position is that this law ls too precious in the Ilves of patients who need marijuana. as. medicine fo:[< anyone to behave trresponslbly and to Rift. at the edges of what the law

- - - I~


M~k,e Smtth whose organ izatiol1 operat es nonprofr medical martiu iana "colleettves" or pr tva ~ clu ~<" w,IU..'or~ p.' ":1il 'I~'nto ~a- n

I'. '~ I .,~:_, ,~o' ',' 1.1 , ~ ~. ~,·.~-·I¥~I ,_ : lIJ- ,"f ,\~f·~:. '6 I~JIl '_ LJ'd ',"~. w M'6~ ~ ','ci.11 _I~J, ,,1,1 ~J J~J"

- . bli'" . ~"I.. f-' '9 f-'~ ~d

J~O 'I Q 0 . '1u.a-J.n, lnaruuan,a ~Tom, a varle''y ,o~ careg,lve'~~s - sal·

Da'ub-. a:~~t- ';s-: m"C'i],;O;'a,.rl~l'n·g·:_"_ p. '?I't]· .t:iIft'tp "';lI·bif"itil['· ,iI"',;O; [.jio 'a. ]""n ''.li'!C'-nQC·''-'·'''!!C'- 0" -:,"' 'th,iOi 1Ii";l.,.:t~

, !t:!,!li .II. .,' ,la, ,IL; ,lLJI.lIL"," !WIJ., ,Il": lJj ,I, i:) ,IIJ[ ", U .1 , !L.. t:;, _ lL ~" LL:3,r ~,L:) ·..Ill ,. ,C; .~ jU,-y'Y~,

SpecificaUy .. Sm.ith. tak'es issue· with 'Daulberfs asserUon that

Pa'~'~iQ-lil'C' f"":l- ... ,fc '~I ..... H . U' . ,- . -".. . - .,' .,p,.,q ;j,·k-. - .. - •. -- ,j~b. :~

,~ U!tI,.l~1 'lLitI.tli1,Ol. w.egau.y .. _ se ,maur,~uana unllLl_l ul,ey .:f18Ce, ud~lr

m.ecUral. mamUuana card fro:m 'the .sta.te ~health department., Daubert .also believes that u~nder the maw~ patients can only obtrun nled:~fal marijuana by growjng W.t tllem~e:~.ves or ge1[ttng :l~;f;· if' G,:ml ';i\-'he' '''''a- ·re· .g' l"VD"F 'J]'=1imed-: O:iIf] ~he·'~hlf" Qt","lftira, re-'g- ~i'~+'r":li,·'tl'o·n,

I!L , .,',' , ,I l_ , .. " !lr,'.~ .... _: ,~ "'!E~,, .,'., ".w., ilL. ·.0 Q!, ailJ..~, ' .. ? .,~llli.:)I!J...o " .. ,,i,WliI

A·rcording to Smmth! ,a 'pH tient W:b'D has obtained a p'hysician~s recomlnend.ation to USie nruedica] mar,ijuana to treat a debUUat= jug condi'ion can legaUy obtain rnarUuana '[ro;m one, of

rf"'o- . ll.t:ilt'""11i"9iij,Jg 10· ·c· a't~o'ii"'ii'C' DV',Q'in 'f'r t'IL\..,·" - ~ ,t~ ,--,~, h· - i"t _. 't - . . 'd

'bo .. '. ~ ~ ~lY '(;; ~'.'., IJ,~~, v_ 'G,U 1, u,'e pIa len ~ _ ,_,asn ye receIve· _ a

state,-'ws8u.ed m,edical 'ma.r~Juana card 'frorn the state.

Cascade County Attorney John P'aiker sarnd h,e bell,eves that bY' and large" rruos,:' pa we'fl 1_ S and careg~vers are tryIng to :sta y within 'the lei'tier of the. law .. , IT~I.e added I hat law ieriforc:em:e·ri,'1 officers are also I[ryin,g to w',ade through d_:e gl"ay areas of ,- h'e lavv and avoid,essary arrests or pros,ecuti,.ons of lle,ga.l p,atients,.

U,My pos,j_t~on 'rus that th,ere probabl~l ought·to be sonie ,administrative .rules d.eve'~.oped to Hesh nut what tll.e stahItes :nl,emlSj, and that 'wi ,provide gUidance for cou:nty attorne:ys~u P,arker said. I! The need. for clari~y' ls man.Best I~

Smith. sa~d Daub er~ I'S :interpre _at~on of d~le :~,aw ._ as stated in hms 'Nov. 5 'Tribune op ird .. on pieoe - :is,g '~O paU.ents" Smith lik.e.ITS :it to. purchasing a car from a d.ea~e[.

There· w'Ul be efforts to lTIodillfy' th.e eidS'i'lng law,. 'which has r,ema'rnned ltncha.nged sjnc-e 6.3 ~p·ercent of Montana voters approved ],' ~ in 200-4., d uri'ng the 'next lli.egislatj ve siess.~o,n. In the

m ·,t,~ 'D·'·_· ,,·b - .,- f,.1 - ·d-" . ,~." - . ." ,~,,, - .. ,t-,".-.,. ·'i'iC' ._" ·d .. _" - ·--r" - - - : •. 't-·· .. "

. ,eanuIIle~, .. ,a.ll'. ~f1~ So .a __ .v,~.c~ LO pa d:en Q an·.. eare gl V€':lIT'S IS . [)

avoid. ,fIa.untin,g the taw 0][' :puslhlng its lim. ~ts~

~I'O'ncevou buy:'.' tbat c@fandy.·ouh,aveaUthep··'ap·,erwork'y'ou

,.,. . ,J: - - "__ . " - "" .. ~ .. ,." ... " ,,_' '" . . . . _C ,. ,,,.. .".," .. r, ,,;. "-".

can l.egaUy dIillve that car wnYi'e the . state pn]cesses tbe p~i'per'"~ S:m.ith saJdm N!]fs the Salllle with medl,cal Dl.arijuana., ,O'nee ,you get tha.i[ re~COlll.lll,end.aU on fronl ~your ph'ys.i·cill£ln,~ you i r-e

]- I n _"egan". -

'IIIi' yo~[ 'warn: to nlak.e the law' better tban you should 'work to . -", .. -- :: ... -. 'th'·· 1-'··· .~I -D· i '~,~ ,··rl· IfiB·i.', ,·r·-,,, .. -·, h- .,'_._" ·,,··-t· ,_.t-'I' un.p'fove· . ~ ,8 a.w~ , au.u,erlu.. Sal. ",iut 1_ you . ave pat -lens

long- ternl best :interest. at heart 1 dl:rum.ik If's mm.portant to ~d~here to the ill,elter of the law as closely' .as .one can,.'"


'~,'3 4u~


~ .

\ e··- c ·'0·······,· ·Ir··-:- d ed

••.• ", ", • . I .' . .' '. ~ ". -'. ',.,. .

Contr .. (ary.· .•.•. -.'i t."I_,O.:.··. wha ~ s.·o·.·.· 'I··n······-::·e···.' pol iticians i .. : an>J .. -id· p' · .. rohib .. iti .. ,o .• ·· . m:·'C. ists try .... .r t ... O .. ··•···· te .. ·.,l·l 'Y:"'O.·:··'l'l th ,e.·:r·:·e····· .. has .• ·

.... , .'" . . '.' "." . " "',' " ..... , .. " ..... , .... .,...... " . '_ .. ," "', . ", . " ..... , '. ',". " . ", ". . ". . .', . ," ." . ..... ', ..... , ',." -",.- .

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> IC,~ ~....- . '. '. ' "'1 -.. ' .'. ...,. . ' .. '. . '. ..,-' Co •••••••• '.. II -. ". . , .'. '. . --'., _. ;.. :'" ' ..

NEVER been a death om marijuana 01· Y overdose. Theeason fo . his s

,~~ II· ~ ity I' 'I' iI .. ,. . II! II III rd 1,11 ~ fr:

marnuana's toxicrtv eve . 1 :s non- O!X1IC' you canvoverc ose'' easrer rrom

, •. __ ,~. _, .. __ ~'.' _ .. , ._. ~'_'.~' "~ .~ ._. ,._" , •.. ,. _. '~. ~l [- ... .1 ••• _"_. - __ ._ , .~ •••• " _~ ••• ~... _ • __ •• "., •• '"


Studies have shown that the levels it 'would take to kill a person from. overdose ills 4·0~OOO tlmes higher than what it: would take to get you

~I'h ~,nh II - - _. - - - d tli-'tl,.,,:" - t - ..... '1 - "h - '1 '~;- · - '1,- ilt-a't· nit' - b - t AI t ~I ii'1 t _. eiC' the - . 0 . - t It t ....... ,t. - S itt-n, itt- .. ~Ih" - h ~I - d 4-'1Ao ;i,~ ~ - 'nl!":!J~ p - n - ":b'~1 .~ OUt - .... ,·~I·~

_ ul!~ " compare tms 0 aico '0. wmcn rases a ou -r to .!Il u un OJ!' Mo' amoun u d&J2 '1!l.'U gHu. you .lg.. arr UiQ ][S :.. t;.:" .,0 snne lor lce:raJljjY'

thousands of deaths revery year from overdose, So explain to me. agatn why' ITlatijiuana is iMegaJ. and alcohol isn't?

Also, the number of American deaths per' year that result directly or prlmarfly from the following selected causes nationw ide is repre .... sented by the chart below, according to World Almanacs! Life Insurance Actuarial {death) Rates, and the last 20 years of U+Sm Surgeon

,("'i""""'ne"ft .. • .. :.:III,.-.I' reports ..

~, .". JI.. ~I •• '_' .' : ·.,1, '!k:).i

A- 1-' h 1-

,C .. ··,O·· '"10<-1

.' '. ,I '.'

Legal Drugs Caffeine

11 icit Drugs Overdose



M-,·- '"',.,

I'_~ anjuana

1: ,,000 to, 10,'0'0,0 I


3,800 to 5;200 I

M·· '.'.. ,'" -, .', . "~I"'" h .. , .. tlu ,.' - . ',' -" 'J. ,.' , .. id .. ' . "f'~ - .-"...;Q ", " ~I h ·nih" ,. ,..;a Oi.'i-.,..... dac tder 'Iio ·t'h·· ,. " th ] .. --, ,- . ".", .

ar,1juana Llsars a~o .... ,3 VB " e sam.€'! O.~ . nW'Br. lnCI' '. ence 0 _ m.urU.ers ant] ,J 't&.,IJJ,\Vay u.ea.u,~ an., ,acct. ,en t.$ I, an L., .Ie gen,er.a . non=.mam.1juana

using population as a whole, Crancer S[udy~ UClA: U -e S, Funded (.$6 'ml~li.o:n)l' First & Second Jamaican Studies, 19'68 to 1974: Costa Rican Studies, 1 9'80 to 1982:: et al. LOWEST TOXlCm 1 iOO% ofthe studies done at dozens of American universities and research facillties show

I ". t -+ . '.' ,",., .ity ... Id"-'" .... ' : ,'1 t .... " .... " st 'M"'~'" 'd: "" . .' ~I '1" isto :. ~II' . ";:' ,. ··It· .. : ...... ~d '. " . ./ .' . '. d·i·':· ," ", , .ft 't ..... . .... ". ..":." .... d .. , .. ':'.'-" "J ... f ., . ." ... ;_ ... "'.' (IU' 'eLA'" -I:J" ... d T'" .',' :1 .. ···· ·,t .. ··)

po u.D.Xl(l , .. oes no eK]S ..... Ie .. lcaw. 1]5. en)' uoes no . reeo!. ", anyone '. yllng "dram an over .. ose 0 _ l11an J uan.a ',' . ',~. lCIJf'VaJ[f ":' emp, e~ e_ c, .


• _ J •• _

.- . - --------


Pastor P' osecuted Fa

.A local pastor Is preach log the benef ts of pot to his fo'l lowers, But now ' his m.arij uana mtntstry ts facmg '1 he wra h, of county

. "fnC"o «» utors p .. 'Vi,;JI~'L:_: .,:, ,3 ..

Whlle Los Angeles city leaders struggle to figure OU~. how to deal 'with the hundreds of medical marijuana dispensaries that "have sprung l~lP aU over town" law enforcement is targeting alleged 1 aw .. breakers, A pastor who bunt his ministry around m,a,rij uana is now out of business, One' look, at the storefront on

A k I '~I l",·~·_ t

one West Los Angeles street ann you know you re ~oul\im,:~g a. a

m:ar'j~ uana dispensary, Bever] y Hllls Green C ross Is different

Craig Rubin conducts bible study 'I here .. T.I1:e, ordatned mtntster is pastor of' Templ e ,4;,2 a i a mary uana m lntstry,

"Whatwe've always tried '1[0 do, my wtfe and It is present godt~,

~I t d . ']- ,. ,. U·' d RL' bl I~ [T' I h . B ~ b ~ ]

peopte wno use m.ELJCa. marijuana. SID'_ IIU· m. 1 .. ··.:8 IJ ···:~.;e

says 'we are healed by' hts stripes' In Isaiah 53! and a. as CIt Jewish. person, I believe the Old Testament, and I think Chrtst fans should 'believe the Old Testam ent Irs, valid .. ] teach a co urse in college called The Jewish History of the New Testament. I

i'M·a.rijuana ws speeftcally rnenttoned in the Book of Exodus 'mn a holy anomtmg 0]1. It's called 'cannabossum," satd Rub:wn ..

You could say he practices what he preaches .. When asked ]~" he,

.- b ~ R b ,u. ,.~ il"Y'-'" ] ...:~ 'I It T-~ '., ]- ',' . ,', ,",~ -,' .'

smoked canna ns, xunm sam ~ es~, uo smoke, . ne _ ast urn.€:

"he lit up? "Ten minutes ago. II

L.A. County District Attorney Steve 'Cooley' says he's cracktng down on hundreds of marijuana dlspens aries he says are operating lllegally in Los Angeles, Cooill.ey Says rellglon is just another 'way dope dealers try to get around the maw' to. make a profit

!!I wan to reach out to people who do smoke JH)t and ler them know that god.s ru loves them, and they-Ire, welcome to come to. clu '~Ir' rch a' 11' d,-i ,f,'" 81..1' ~ t ;t' sn it at '~j n to sm ole P" ··ot ,in said 'Rubin,

.~.'I!.l!! '.1;".. " :_ .. e _ u: .L_ .~ .. c .. .;;:! [, _ _ ..;;Ii.. . _ _ ..... _' '_ _ _'~ _ . ... _ _.

!II think they're frauds and they're corrupt, II' sand. Cooley. _ "And they should be pursued 'by people fn positions of law enforcement authority. I!'

That's what happened at Rubin's dispensary; After lilt undercover itnvestig;a.tion~ L~j;J\. poltce raided the place on October 22

. . 4 - 'ji, 0'" ~, ". 'iF'IIJ..,· 'f'i' . ,- , ..

a ,~,~,I' in IIJUe arternoon,

'reacing Gaspe, Of


, _', -- , .. I

R- ~"'" ~ ' .. " 1Ih,"., , . bm 'H' r- "-' 'I.. d'" :'-, '. "- . b 8'iI'· nn' afte I'

__ Uunl IS wn il(Jlg rou_~~'e," __ ,e was ,a,,!,rea_ y on p'rnl- ",lou'. _. ,~ : '"'

being convicted previously of marijuana possession for sale, NOV;f he IS factng those same charges again, .p Ius a possible pro batt on vlolation that could send him [0 'prison for years.

uHeY1' I'm facing jail time,' said Rubin .. "And really I feel I haven't done anythJ:~ng wron.g but try and preach the word."

Rubin said he's be ~ ng single d out because he ~ s an outspoken advocate for medical marijuana 'who once ran for mayor of Los. Angeles, He says his d, ~lsp ensary 'was licensed. and 1 hat he'd consulted W~I 11 the city at orney's office to make sure they

0"', K" '. h- ~-

were '" .. _: wttt . rt

Rubm was arraigned on Monday., He's acting as his own. attorney.

He says god and the law are both on his. side, that the law under 'which. he's being prosecuted makes an exception. for dai dmi lst

Of' amec mirusters.

One of his supporters could 'be seen Monday smoking a: marijuana Cigaretl' e r-wgh au tside the courtl ouse ..

!I TI e sta e makes an exceptio n for du ly ordained mtn tsters to run 'psychological cllntcs, and wr~; do provide psychological counseling and services, biblical services.' said Rubin,

Rubln is due back in court in JaJi1Jua:ry. representing him self and hts beliefs, with his. freedom. on th.€' line.

Rubm says he has the documentatlon to prove his tnnocence and he's ready to go to trial He's undeterred. by the fact that the last time he acted as his own. attorney, he was convicted.

DE.CEM. SER 2.00 9

zs .;£ ..

;:lOS I·

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_" --. I . _' , , ,_ .. ', _ .' _ _.' _',' " _ _ ' .. ' ,I . _ __ ,_' ' .. _ , _".' '. ,. " , .' , ' _ ',__ '. __

'Ironton- Republicans and Democrats have been making the news ..... ore often addressing [nat" ca marijuana in New Jersey.

A· . '.,-' - r hlv 'S··-·" . 'J ''-k'-' " J' -,'~ R" ob .. ",·t·, told ,iI-'h·-., N-" .. ' ': ark ·S~···t· . , --L rdae , -. 'N':' "".' 15" that th ".', ryI.~, .... ·1 : .' . ,. bts '~' , ":'·1· itio ;"" '11·ld:' b .", .. ' ,- .,." , "t" ft"

SSeJll .. y " pea o,er ,os.ep,w] ,,0 . ers o.lU Ule, '. ewam .. _ ar e,ger OJI ,av., -_ IIL.uClJ.iL I ""e m,eLd,Ccu .. carn1aJS .legrns at lo.n \NOU.Le. a pr.lorl:Y lor

the upcoming lame-duck sessions tn Trenton,

Codey and Roberts say one big lame-d uck goa] is to make New J ersey the 141 th Slate ~tn the 'nation to legalize mar'~Juana for people wtth dehilltarmg Ulnesses. Corzine has said he would sign the blliU;: Chris tie said it. needs more restrlctlons but supports the concept of m edlca]

- - -~, ~ --

Inarlj uana,

~I'W" d - ld

.............• e' n,eie •• ·. 0 provn ,e

compassionate medica], mariiuana use to' people who are suffertng I~ saic Rob

.- UJI i~ I I.:: I" I _ ~_" 1-

erts R'EA'"", D" 'N····· le wark

• _ ". ',. - .... I . _' . _:_. _." _ .. '1 ' . . ._ .... " , ,_:,\"

Star-Ledger arncle in, .full

In the las four weeks

,0 tiel h

?o'me P,Q,c_l ]c.llians ' __ a v'ie

b 'J ,;

een votcmg ever

stronger supper I for

b" "1 d

canna :IS re ated

Issues in, the Garden St -.

-, .ate.

Two of th .. 8- sta' e Sena tors sponsortng

, 10

The New Jersey

Ccmpasstonate Use Medical Manjuana Act recently askec for

. ~:h,e Covernor to grant

apardon ,on" grounds of medica use.It is a, particularly egregtous case: For growing 17 cannabis plan s

mu htp ~e,-s cleros is

,pa nerr . John Wtlson is facing 15 years In

~~i~i:~~~~ fel~~~ a


Senators Nicholas

Scu ari and Raymond Lesniak issued a press relea S e': fro -'m" th e'

,_' :'1Il111;_:) . :". _t" ". j_l~



S·:,' . ' . ,to M"-" .:~ ... ',- "ity" ., ·,'Om-'-'- "- .' . ",., '0····· i!t '. ob .. ·, ... '2·' 7'" th .... m,..":,, ..... ,c: . th ..

ellS, e.~Jor]ll: 0 II ,oe ion ': ~ c~oll,er I ..... : ,ashlng .lor I" e

d-;I;I![ ]1 d unusual 'N J ~

P,ar nn." ' S'l~:eJn.s crU,I€Jll ,ani _, 'unus-u,a! ' r 0 treat New _ersey" s


,,~, .k ". , d d·':' '',-'" "., o"f' th - , ,",. dr - ..... , + .. ····1 'm,...',· ...... , . fr . ,.

SlC : .... Bini i .••.. :YlIln,g as tr I ey were, .' .. u,g, carte ,Jli\lng,plns, .. lorn,

the, debiltta mg effects of multiple sclerosis,

Moreover, mt is a complete 'waste of taxpayer money having to, house anri trea an MI·····S:' patient

.... .... ill._ .

In, ajail at the public's expense," said Senator ScutarL

D Union Mll"'d: dle sex

= _ : ., Ii. ,~,.,_ ,· __ ..IL· ... ' •..

rl' S· ~

ano Somerset.

Specfflcally, ~n the case of John Ray Wilson. the State- is taking a fiscally Irresponsible hardlln 'e', , a-:p'lp,-··.ro' ,a; c,.hl

--= - - .. I - ~ -

against a, 'man, who's simply seeking

what little relief could be found . from the debllltating effec So ofmul tlple sclerosis Covernor Corzine S110tiI!d step in lrnrncdtatcly and end this perversion cf crtmtnal drug' statutes in the

G- d St ill- !~ ',',arf'- en >, rate.

~~'W]thou,o compas-

I' d f

sion anc a sense Ol'~

moral righ'! and wrong,


laws are worth less than the paper they're printed on," sakl

c -L .... ,'~l... j[J--' '-U' '''-N- J 'st 'h .. ,; 1 d

Senator Lesniak. ,I'-Jl]nn~ '-', \ ew' "ersey s tougn crmunai ,rug'

laws were- never intended to be used against patients suffering from chronic and terminal medical conditions. The, prosecutors and presidtng judge have, set up at scenario where 1Vk~ WUson Is no dliifurent than ,8, common street thug '01 'the eyes of the. law,"

This is. the first time that legislators in any state have-asked for sucha pardon The, Senators are nOli asktng hat al! charges be

d .. ' .. --. d . - t ,.,i I" f'· '~I_, ffe . .:ro,ppe '1' J1J.S me ~ e~ony 0 ,l@-,nse~

The Coalitlorr for Medical Marjjuana New Jersey and ,NO'RML= NJ are supporting the cause to pardon John Wilson, 'The groups are planning a rally on December 14~ 20019 at the Somerset County courthouse, An. online letter to the Offices of the N'J Governor and Attorney General is available from


. : : .. "," ....

',': ,", i!

Two of this Assembly' sponsors of the medical ma-r-wjuana, bill have also been W'19ig;ll-wng in the issue+ Republtcan Assemblyman M'wchaelli Patrtck Carroll was recently profiled for his support of safe access in the Randolph Reporter

"The government should not stand between a patient and his doctor" II' said, Carroll who :is considered one of the state' s most conservative legislators. ~I 'I se e people til. wheel chairs, who say marijuana Is thelr amy way to get help, ~i Randolph Reporter

Assemblyman Reed Gusclora, the sponsor of A804;j has long belen a vee a'~ supporter of m edtcal cannabts. Hts office weighed fn on the change in stance by the American Medical Assocranon ~,?s'[' week,

I. = _ =~, .. _ ~~~ __

I!'~ com T1Ii'l ~ nd - TIl.£!! Am ,-. ' eric ':! n Med ical Assocl ation fa r having the

.~ !j",.. '" ",I"Lo,;;.~"a,., . "" !!<:;, '" ,~JI." ,I'.,dDI.. " ' ". _., ' • _ ,,!;Jl , .. , ' "'. ' .. ' ,

courage- to. request that 'the status of marijuana be re-evaluated fn order to enable advanced cllnlcal research, development of

, - - "I - - "-1 d- -'~". .', h d- til

C31'JJ'.1a his- based m ed iclnes and alt erna te II. edvery mel" D·. s,

remarked Cusclora,

!I'W'· h · 'il\.." t" .] , iii- - th - t ttal .Ii='- -, N" -"I" J . -$'- ,

"It· tts pharmaceuttca giants. me po enuai lOJr_.f2W .. e.r-ey

take the lead :in new, b reakthro ugh research Is enormous, ~I

. - tl ,,.,:I 'G" - - ",' , 'i'R' " '1· ....iiI - 'i'e . 'f' the :S·': tate '.- -1 ...... 1'- , .....:iI mg th Q,e fi

co:nl Ulueu -USCIO-r:a., _ es, uen~1 0' . L" '~,~ l,~ Uu]_ '_, !L ,J;'~

who suffer from chronic illness and those who are employee in the ,P harmace uncal sector, could recognl ze terrthc benefits," READ IN 'FULL

And let us. not (orget that Governor elect Chris Christie had a change of heart on the issue of medical marijuana during the election, debates tu Chnstte went from, :[u11. oppostton to supportrug 'some form of cannabis access, In an, interesting twist of fate, it was Rick Cuslck a BOaI'd member of N'ORML~,Ne\r'v Jersey and the Associate Publisher of High Tirnes Magazine that ended up posing the question ..

M d- 1 • ". d p,~i l • ~, • 11 e.··j,cal marijuana rs a mainstream ann very acuve pouucai

Issue on the local and national scale, It is positive politics too: .86% of 'New Jersey residents polled in favor of state authorized, cannabls program, Even for pollttcians 'who don It look at polls much, that one is hard to ignore.

Th N J' C· ";It 'U M dl ..... '~I M-- ,,'" - - A' -t

he New ersey Lompasstonate .se vie lCm ar~Jlucma ,C

S m 1 91 i\,8'O 4 is tn its. fmalleglsla tl ve phase and m trust se e a flo or vote in the Assembly, Covernor Corzme has repeatedly stated

I .h . h ,- "1-1 . " _. 'j':~' b 'I' A .;li'[-: :t,t " ,.' . h ." IIJ..,,+., d' " 'k-'

. nat ie wtu sign me _'1. ,1 ,,~. ~ reac I ,es rns esx.

The s trong and P asslonate lang UJag.e on the part of these

U,c . _ .' "'. '" _ "_.,, ,. ,I ., _" . _ _.. .. .

' .. 't- t-·· d . "~ '~ .. 'm...... '~'.- t -,,'ft- - .• '. S···~ ,- }-.. ,-, I' ,·,;"t-"'··I'Vl:!I, ;e;'unp" '0' rt d' o· .0.,'0

e, ec .8 __]a~, -t5 l1Iear~J~:l11.n,g.,uiC -1 POS,i"_", -~ ~~,r, .. ' '" __ ' .~~

bode wen for the future of the bill and .. for rue many patients who could directly 'benefit from it.

G,,[OUPS that support: Sl J 91/ A80'4::: the New Jersey State Nurses Assoctation; Ute New Jersey Academy of Family Physicians; the New .Iersey Hospice and Pa lllatlve Care' 0, .ganiza tlon; the 'N""" "J' .. L' ." - 'f" ',", '1',· .s., ".-." ,t"I~ .. L' .,,-, t.·, . "',, "d- L' - oh '.,-' "

iew rersey eague nr !\lurslngi ne Leuserrua an _ .-yrn,p~oill,a

Society So-uthern NJ and Northern NJ chapters: the Coaltnon for Med'ica1 Marlluana New' Jersey; The, Drug Poltcy A~liaJlnce:

N OIDvlL=:N ew J ersey, and tile American C ivim Liber ties U nlon


] 01 ,2 'W EVANS AVE DENVEJ, CO 80:223

Ii"'lLIE CIE- M··· IhliE'R' '2· Of"l n

lLJ I.'.. . ",. 1lD. -.." .. ".)ll;'

WWW~ metrocannabis.org1

,45 ~ Stra:i'lllS, ,at any giiVle n 'tl~m e latg 8' Valn1e,t, 01 Edii biles

'F! b T'-

_:~'F!I • I I fIIct!:ure:s

.ks sOlll"ted p,.,e -:fo·II,ed S,

BAli ms • Lotie:nS' • Clones,

o ' en 7 day, a w,eelc fro "am to 9pm

4 01 "E. Wesley Ave." Ste #1 Denver~ GD 80222

(4 b lod6 .sou h 0' ' 1 ~1! IOn CDlorado Slvd I: E. We 51 ey .Ave)

Nu' pofntm un f n ec-.eSH 1('1. (but p referretl) No ·Jteed to s" 11 III rver' y,Dttr caregiwf'1

, a ,p urchase minim wml



.. ". .

, .... __ :

PSAIS 'Green Materials Plan. focuses .on three areas: Blopolymers to replace plastics derived

,C,.,.., "1" • "I· N'", " ,~ " ..... 1 fi'l ,.,,' ,', fr ,,:. flax: id h ""', " ',' ,"_'", d ' : Ith "·1m:, .. ".~" ".", ~ , . '", h '" ,':.' ' 'd- ..... ,t-.. •. ",.'

.u om 01. ",at,ULd! oers . rom sax an" . ,-emp nuxea WI , rnarenais, sue as WOO ,'!L..l,dpS.,

A- ;j] .., '~I ;j] mat ".", ,'~il fn ',', '~, ed d ed ,1..", ....... tic b ittle .,' 'J ed ""'th·-, las ·~h".

nc I erYC!Il8C!, 111011 enats .rom ·:Silllre'".'" e.l. p~ ic no " es nuxec W~ .. glass, nners,

The plastic interior door pane-IDs made by PSA are already 50 percent flax fibers pressed

"","j:i,. .,. d chi .'. 0'1\:1,.·· .'''1i.~ ' .. ] dl' ", ,,' =" 'd' .... ]'h"']'d"'~ .'" . "'ti,"'" 'II'" her "

WI n.1 WOO. UlLUPS. '.' mer PaLl, Q, U1G U' mg .l1l.1I'fOI all" , wine S ier .... WThper ~n,tQUIDl ngs, use. ,em.p

instead of glass fiber In their material mix

Oil based plastics in cars make t1.p to 20 percent of a carl's weight on average, Of that 20 percent only six percent is currently green. or cellulose based .. P SA~s. goal is to. increase that six percent to 3{) percent of the plastic used ..

Hemp is legal fn France, so further advances with hemp for car parts .ll1aty· unfold. laurent Bechln, PSA.\s natural- fibers. specialist pointed out that the hemp used dues not produce marijuana "It would need. about two tons of this material to pro duce one joint", he quipped,

Hemp and. flax for building cars rus not new. It was. actually done :m, the USA by Henry Ford while hemp was legal in 19-4llim Th-e experimental model's body was seventy percent made

0,[· fibers from field i!;:'.fo .... a_:,·,W .. " cotton fibers hemp and flax Theother 3:'0: percent consisted of"

.... .IIll J ·.11..11, W,···,..:JiLl .. , ul. v,II J..J! _,. - ,I_! iUI U _I .. c..u!i.. .' !U1,~W " ......•... L,..L 'L ,.Jli!.J' , .

.soy meal and blo-resin fillers,

Ford's SUCCesSfl~ prototype was lagged as the vegetable or hemp car;

Ford's motivation was green-based for two reasons. He wanted to mcrease agr.ill.cult.ural involvement for rna tertals m, the automotive industry to improve the farmers' economk plight. .And he wanted to build ~:ighter, stronger cars with better fuel effici.ellCY.

The car 'weighed 2rClOO pounds compared to 3,000 pounds for slrnilar all-steel automobfles, In IB4ill,!, ethanol had a htgher octane and was cheaper to produce than gasoline. Ford designed the car to run on partial Of com plete ethanol fuels,

But steel. and on magnates lobbied government to ensure Ford's vision 'would never manffes t

J,.IL, 1 Lllil.b.. . Il








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