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Mainstream Theories and their inconsistencies

Archaeological, genetic and linguistic evidence appears to point to the fact that the majority of
Polynesians originated from SE Asia about 6000 years ago, yet did not enter Polynesia until
about 200BC-300AD. Most scientists agree with this. The problem that has caused so much
disagreement is: Where were they living for approximately 4000 years between leaving S.E.
Asia and arriving in the isles of Polynesia. Genetic evidence rules out Micronesia and recent
genetic evidence indicates a separation from Melanesians 11,500 years ago! Cultural and
artifact evidence suggests there have been inputs from areas other than S.E. Asia, in particular
North and South America.
Their language, their culture and their genes do not match up with any particular area on the
Pacific Rim except for Canada and Alaska. Their language is Austronesian (SE Asian), but
they are linguistically distanced from there by about 6,000 years. They also managed to avoid
the Bronze age in SE Asia. They do not possess any recent genetic similarities with either
Indonesians, Melanesians or Micronesians. They Possess some linguistic, cultural and artifact
similarities with Peru, but their genes are different. They have both genetic, cultural and
artifact similarities with the Coastal Indians of Canada, but their languages are different. If
they left SE Asia 6,000 years ago, where did they spend this time?

Polynesian woman from Rurutu, Austral Islands and Polynesian man

from Tahiti, from Vikings of the Sunrise, by Sir Peter Buck, 1938.

Lapita Pottery is still held to be the key to unraveling the Polynesians' origins. Lapita pottery
is found amongst Melanesian deposits and is also found on some western Polynesian islands,
especially Tonga and Samoa. It is believed that the fairer skinned, straight haired Polynesians
moved through Melanesia, living amongst and evolving with the Melanesians, including
making pottery with them, slowly progressing eastward into the central Pacific. Genetic
evidence, along with archaeological finds have now proved Lapita pottery is almost always
associated with Melanesian settlement, with Polynesian artifacts such as fish hooks, harpoons
and stone pounders being quite different to either Melanesian or Lapita culture. The theory
held by Terrell, that; Polynesians were a Melanesian mutation and evolved via a "genetic
bottleneck" was a desperate attempt to cling on to the Lapita/Polynesian connection, despite
clear differences in the sociopolitical structure of both societies. Polynesian society could not
have evolved from within Melanesia. Geneticist SW Serjeantson has this to say; "It seems
quite implausible that a group evolving within Melanesia could have acquired, by chance, so
many non-Melanesian genes! Melanesian elements have not been carried into eastern
Polynesia." The suggestion that the rich and diverse Polynesian race was created from
Melanesian stock via a "Genetic Bottleneck" (genetic mutation) is totally absurd. To say that
straight haired, paler skinned Polynesians evolved from frizzy haired dark skinned
Melanesians, is like saying Europeans evolved from black Africans in less than 3,000 years!

Mother and children, Namosi, Fiji, 1965. Photo: L Marsh.

Susan continues; "Polynesians have had little contact with Micronesians. Despite similarities
in physical appearances between Polynesians and Micronesians, there are only a limited
number of similarities in the HLA system. It is clear that Micronesia has had an independent
source (probably the Philippines) of HLA genes that are not found elsewhere in the Pacific."
This basicly rules out both entry points into the Central Pacific from the west.
Another theory was that the Polynesians used islands such as Rennell Is, Trobriands, Uvea
and Rotuma as stepping stones into the central Pacific, thus avoiding the culturally different
Melanesians, yet at the same time exploring the surrounding islands, mastering their
navigational skills and sharing their pottery skills (which they mysteriously lost once they
arrived in Polynesia), without any racial or cultural mixing with the Melanesians - for a period
of 4000 years??! Unfortunately oral history by the people of these 'Polynesian outlier islands'
tell of their ancestors coming from the central Pacific, either being blown off course in a
storm, or escaping from warring tribes, less than 1000 years ago.
On Lapita pottery, Archaeologist Matthew Spriggs states; The earliest Lapita pottery found to
date is from Elouae in the St Matthais Group, north of New Ireland with a date of 3900 BP.
"The earliest reliable dates for Lapita outside the Bismarks all occur later than 3500 BP, with
most Lapita sites in Vanuatu and the Solomons having a date around 2900 BP, "Contemporary
with the final phases of Lapita and continuing long afterwards in some areas we find the
Melanesian incised and relief pottery or Mangaasi style widespread in Melanesia. In Watom,
Mangaasi pottery is found with Lapita pottery, made from the same clay and dating to 2420
BP". "The possibility of cultural continuity between the Lapita potters and Melanesians
has not been given the consideration it deserves. In most sites there was an overlap of
styles with no stratigraphic separation discernible. Continuity is found in pottery temper,
importation of obsidian and in non-ceramic artifacts. With production ceasing around 2000
This clearly indicates that Lapita had its origins within the heart of Melanesia, was associated
with the Melanesian obsidian traders and Lapita was phased out as other designs became
more fashionable, ceasing production before Polynesians even entered the Pacific! The Lapita
Potters were the Proto Melanesians, they were the Obsidian traders and they were
adventurous sailors and they did sail to some Polynesian islands 100's of years prior to the
Polynesians arriving. They did not use fish hooks, make stone grinders or Peruvian style stone
walls. They were not the Proto-Polynesians, but were a group of oceanic traders that came
into Melanesia enhancing Melanesian society with their pottery and seamanship skills.

In Search of New Answers

There appears to be mounting evidence indicating that a higher Stone Age/maritime culture
existed on the islands Stretching from the Phillippines to Japan and centred on Taiwan over
12,000 years ago, which influenced all the cultures in that area.
Traits of this very influential culture include;
Genetic similarities between Tibetans, Thais, some Koreans, some Japanese, Tlingit and
Eastern Polynesians (see Genetic Evidence).
Austronesian language.
Intricate wood carving skills with spirals and tongue motif.
Large single canoes, such as the Maori "war canoe", Hong Kong "dragon boat", Kerala canoe
and Kwakuitl "Wave Eater".
The red and yellow crescent crest of Hawaii, also worn by Tibetan priests.
Extended ear lobes, found in Maldive statues, Ibans of Borneo and statues of Rapa Nui.

~10,000 year old Underwater structures at Yonaguni-jima, Japan suggests that the megalithic
civilizations of South America and Easter Island may have ancient East Asian connections.
Photos by Dr Robert M. Schoch, Morien institute.

It appears that this civilization may have suffered a catastrophic event such as a tsunami
precipitated by isostatic rebalancing as the final meltdown of the last Ice Age occurred
between 7,000 and 5,500 years ago. Pulses of meltwater as ice dams broke and 1-2km thick
ice shelves collapsing into the sea would have caused rapid flooding, with the possibility of
Tsunamis. Scientists believe that sea levels at this time could have risen 20metres in 100
years, this would certainly have led to the collapse of this great civilization. After this terrible
event, many survivors feared the ocean and moved up rivers into central Asia, the highlands
of Luzon, Taiwan and New Guinea. The Chinese civilization is a product of this coastal
culture travelling up the Hwanghe River and mixing with more northerly, people of inner
China, The Tibetans and Thais also moved inland to higher ground. The Polynesians on the
other hand according to legend, were swept away on a large tree, to make landfall on the
Queen Charlotte islands of Canada.

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