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Journal of Nucleic Acids Investigation 2010; volume 1:e3

Robust hybridization-based dards for HPV screening programs.1-3 National

public health institutions require the monitor- Correspondence: Ivan Brukner and Anne-Marie
genotyping probes for HPV 6, ing of vaccine efficacy and HPV typing has Larose, Department of Medical Diagnostics,
11, 16 and 18 obtained via in become clinically and epidemiologically rele- SMBD-Jewish General Hospital, Suite/Room D-
133, 3755 Cote-Sainte-Catherine Road, Montreal,
vitro selection vant. Two HPV diagnostic assays have been
Quebec, Canada. Email:
approved by the US Food and Drug
Ivan Brukner,1 Anne-Marie Larose,2 Administration (Hybrid Capture 2, HC-2,
Key words: HPV assay, hybridization, cervical
Izabella Gorska-Flipot,3,4 Qiagen and Cervista HPV 16/18 genotyping
cancer, HPV typing, multiplex assay.
tests, Hologic, Beford, Mass., USA), while
Maja Krajinovic,1,5 Damian Labuda1,5
Linear Array HPV genotyping test (Roche) and Acknowledgments: we would like to thank Dr.
Centre de Recherche, Hôpital Sainte- INNO-LiPA HPV Genotyping v2 (Innogenetics) Larry Gold (SomaLogic, USA), Dr. André Dascal
Justine, Université de Montréal, assay are registered for use in the European (McGill, JGH, Montreal), Drs. Markus Schmitt
Montréal, Québec, Canada; Union. They are followed by a spectrum of and Michael Pawlita (Heidelberg, Germany),
Gestion UNIVALOR, Limited Partnership, other assays in late development and early val- Irina Nazarenko (Qiagen, USA), Kerry Gunning
Montreal, Quebec; idation phases.4-6 These assays demand sophis- (IDT, USA) and Alex Ferenczy (McGill, JGH,
Centre de Recherche, CHUM, Hôpital ticated instrumentation, significant material Montreal) for encouragement and useful advice.
cost outlays and technically-skilled personnel. This work was supported by the Canadian
4 Concordance among various assays under cer- Institutes of Health Research (POP-CIHR) and
Département de Pathologie, Université the Research Center of the CHU Sainte-Justine.
de Montréal; tain conditions (e.g. mixed infections) still
MK is a research scholar of the Fonds de la
Département de Pédiatrie, Université de needs to be technically resolved.7,8 The next Recherché en Santé du Québec.
Montréal, Canada generation of HPV typing assays (bead-based

platforms) are in the developmental phase (for Received for publication: 17 November 2009.
research purposes only) and although they

Revision received: 1 March 2010.
have a higher throughput capacity and elegant Accepted for publication: 3 March 2010.
design, their overall assay cost represents a
Abstract heavy burden for national health care screen- This work is licensed under a Creative Commons

Attribution 3.0 License (by-nc 3.0).
ing programs.9-15 Of additional concern is that
This paper describes the technical and ana-
lytical performance of a novel set of hybridiza-
tion probes for the four GARDASIL® vaccine-
most of the world’s population does not have
access to the equipment required to perform
current HPV typing procedures.16 Encouraging
©Copyright I. Brukner et al., 2010
Licensee PAGEPress, Italy
Journal of Nucleic Acids Investigation 2010; 1:e3
relevant HPV types (6, 11, 16 and 18). These efforts have been made by PATH-QIAGEN to doi:10.4081/jnai.2010.e3
probes are obtained through in vitro selection introduce screening assays to developing

from a pool of random oligonucleotides, rather countries.17 However, a robust typing assay still
In this work we hypostatize that: (a) select-

than the traditional “rational design” approach does not exist. At the heart of this problem is a
typically used as the initial step in assay devel- ed probes19 do have robust performance (toler-
dominant technological and scientific hurdle
ate 8-10°C operative range) and preserve ana-

opment. The type-specific segment of the HPV imposed by the current limited understanding
genome was amplified using a GP5+/6+ PCR lytical sensitivity of 1,000 genome equivalents
of the specificity of nucleic acid interactions.
of HPV in the context of 10,000 (or less) of

protocol and 39 synthetic oligonucleotide tem- A recently described technique18-20 was

plates derived from each of the HPV types, as human genome equivalents; and (b) selected
applied to bring HPV typing one step closer to
PCR targets. The robust performance of the 4 probes preserved specificity over the same
robust performance. The technique uses in
conditions as in (a) for a specific target

selected hybridization probes was demonstrat- vitro selection procedures to generate oligonu-
ed by monitoring the preservation of the speci- (either 6, or 11, or 16, or 18) and did not show
cleotide probes with type-specific resolution.
any cross-hybridization with any of the

ficity and sensitivity of the typing assay over all Hybridization probes, empirically obtained
39 HPV types, using a different spectrum of remainder 38 HPV types, for which counter-
through selection, are used to build a novel
HPV (genome equivalent: 103-109) and human selection was performed.
hybridization assay that is applicable to a num-

DNA concentrations (10-100 ng) as well as ber of different platforms. The assay uses well-
temperature and buffer composition varia- described GP5+/6+ HPV PCR21,22 with minor
tions. To the Authors’ knowledge, this is a modifications.19 After amplicon conversion to
unique hybridization-based multiplex typing the single stranded form, hybridization with
Materials and Methods
assay. It performs at ambient temperatures, type-specific probes is performed. Assay per-
does not require the strict temperature control formance is further analytically tested under Oligonucleotides
of hybridization conditions, and is functional varying conditions: a different HPV copy num- The oligonucleotides were synthesized by
with a number of different non-denaturing ber within the context of human DNA and a Integrated DNA Technologies (Coralville, Iowa,
buffers, thereby offering downstream compati- range of temperatures under which robust USA). Targets were 139-148 nucleotide-long,
bility with a variety of detection methods. hybridization and washing may typically be type-specific segments (GP5+ strands) of
Studies aimed at demonstrating clinical per- performed. To the Authors’ knowledge, this is a GP5+/6+ amplicons, located between positions
formance are needed to validate the applicabil- unique hybridization-based multiplex typing 6624 and 6765 of the HPV16 sequence (acces-
ity of this strategy. assay that does not require temperature-con- sion number K02718). The 5’ block TTC-
trolled hybridization conditions. Due to the GACAGGAGGCTCACAACAGGC and 3’ block
inherent features of selected probes, the TGGGAGACAAGAATA AACGCTCAA were used
hybridization assay is operative within differ- to “block” the anchoring segments of the
Introduction ent (non-denaturing) buffers. That feature probes. The forward GP5+ primer has been pre-
might provide downstream compatibility with viously described20 and a mixture of 4 oligonu-
The HPV vaccination era calls for new stan- a number of different detection techniques. cleotides was used as a reverse GP6+ primer:

[Journal of Nucleic Acids Investigation 2010; 1:e3] [page 11]


versal HPV probe (UP) sequence was:
probes were obtained using an in vitro selec-
tion procedure (Figure 1). The selected probes
used in this assay were: i) for HPV 6: 5’GCCT-
TATTCTTGTCTCCCA3’; iv) for HPV 18: 5’GC-
CTGTTGTGAGCCTCCTGTCGAA GAGACAGGTA- Figure 1. Iterative hybridizations. Methodology used for the selection of probes (modi-
GAAGGGCCCAGG TTGAGCGTTTATTCTTGTCT fied from18). The technique involves five forward hybridizations (steps 1-3) to generate
CCCA3’. pools of probes with significant affinity, but not necessarily specificity, for the target.

Specificity is then achieved during subtractive hybridization steps (steps 4-6) where only
probes having a differential diagnostic performance are retained. Iterative hybridizations,
DNA extraction

cloning, sequencing and testing of the performance of selected probes can all be fully
Human DNA used for spiking experiments automated. Intended and non-intended targets, probes and complexes between them are
was extracted from blood (QIAamp DNA tubes, shown in the legend (see below). Note that the intended targets are attached to the solid
support, while non-intended targets are free in solution and present only in subtractive
Qiagen, Mississauga, Ont., Canada), while the

hybridization steps.
concentration was measured using NanoDrop
(NanoDrop ND-1000, Wilmington, Del., USA)
and DNA integrity was validated on 0.7%
agarose gel.
Membrane us
Streptavidine-coated Promega membrane
peratures (22±2°C). To analyze the effect of
temperature variation, hybridization was also
(SAM, Biotin Capture Membrane, Medison, carried out at fixed temperatures (Figure 3).
Wisc., USA) was used in the following manner. The membrane was washed with hybridization

PCR buffer containing 0.1% SDS for 10 min at

One mL of 100 pmol/mL of type-specific 5’ bio-
The 50 mL-volume PCR was performed as ambient temperature and either exposed

tinilated oligonucleotide probes was manually

originally suggested20 with minor modifica- overnight at -80°C with intensifying screens or
spotted (HPV6, HPV11, HPV 16 and HPV 18) on
tions including shortening the elongation and exposed in Cyclone Storage Phosphore Screen

the surface of a 3¥2 cm membrane (see Figure

denaturation time to 20 sec. This modification (Perkin Elmer Life and Analytical Sciences,
2 for spotting schematic). The 0.3 pmol of the
was applied to minimize non-specific amplifi-

HPV universal probe (UP) was spotted on the Shelton, Conn., USA) for 10-30 min and read
cation, which was present in the original pro- by Cyclone software (OptiQuant, version 4.00,
membrane and dried at ambient temperature
tocol,20 especially in the cases where the copy for 5 min. The membrane was washed in H2O Packard Instrument Co., Boston, Mass., USA).
number of HPV targets was below 1,000 HPV

for 1-2 min and pre-hybridized in 2 mL

viral copies in the context of 1,000 or more
hybridization buffer: SSPE (150 mM NaCl, 10
genome copies of human DNA. PCR yield was

mM NaH2PO4, 1.1 mM EDTA, pH 7.4), contain-

monitored by loading a 10 mL reaction mix on
ing 1% SDS and 200 mg/mL heparin
1.5% agarose gel and EtBr staining.
(hybridization oven, Model 400, Robbins

Scientific) for 1-12 h at 55°C. The membrane The performance of a new generation of
Conversion of PCR product to sin- was either stored at room temperature (for as HPV-type specific hybridization probes is pre-
gle-stranded (ss) DNA and labeling long as four days) or immediately used for sented. They were obtained using in vitro
The rest of the PCR mix (40 mL) was digest- hybridization assay. selection as opposed to rational and computer-
ed for 15 min at 37°C with Exonuclease I (New assisted in silico design and optimization. A
England Biolabs Ltd., Pickering, Ont., Canada) Labeling set of such probes for 39 HPV types has been
to remove excess primers following enzyme previously obtained.19 Briefly, selection from
Labeling (SA, specific activity of 105-106
inactivation (20 min, 85°C). Lambda exonucle- the random pool of probes was composed of 5
cpm/pmol) of 2-20 pmol of single-stranded PCR
ase (New England Biolabs Ltd., Pickering, preparative hybridization steps (Figure 1,
product and/or an oligonucleotide was per-
Canada) was used (15 min, 37°C) to remove a Steps 1 to 3) using the intended type-specific
formed using 5 mL of [g-32P] ATP (6000
GP6+ PCR strand, followed by an enzyme inac- HPV target, followed by 3 subtractive hybridiza-
Ci/mmol) and 1 mL of T4 polynucleotide
tivation step (20 min, 85°C). The sample was tion steps (Figure 1, Steps 4 to 6). During sub-
kinase, following the manufacturer’s recom-
passed through a Sephadex G-25 (GE tractive steps, the remaining 38 non-intended
mendations (Invitrogen, Burlington, Ont.,
Healthcare Life Science, Baie d'Urfé, Quebec, targets were added into the hybridization mix.
Canada) for buffer exchange reaction compat- The selected probes were cloned, sequenced,
ibility with a downstream T4 polynucleotide chemically synthesized and tested for their
Hybridization specificity.19 Here, the focus was on 4 vaccine-
kinase (Invitrogen, Burlington, Ont., Canada) Hybridization was carried out in the
labeling step. relevant HPV-types. The assay format, includ-
hybridization buffer for 1-12 h, at ambient tem- ing the 4 corresponding probes, was dictated

[page 12] [Journal of Nucleic Acids Investigation 2010; 1:e3]


by its clinical relevance and expected cost-

Figure 2. Assay specificity
effectiveness. and sensitivity. Autoradio -
The experiments were performed to test the graphy results of HPV typing
limits of the specificity, sensitivity and robust- assay using reconstructed and
ness of the assay. First, the specificity of clinical samples. Recon-
hybridization probes was tested under condi- structed samples (see
Materials and Methods): (A)
tions where the concentration of targets was 10,000 copies of HPV in the
about 10 times higher than that of the typical context of 10 ng of human
PCR yield. All probes were hybridized in the DNA (~ 3300 haploid equiv-
presence of 20 pmol of all 39 HPV type-specific alents); (B) 1,000 copies of
HPV and 10 ng human DNA;
single-stranded oligonucleotides, identical to a (C) 1,000 copies of HPV and
GP5+ primed single strand of double stranded 100 ng of human DNA. (D)
PCR. Our typical PCR yield does not exceed An example of hybridization
1 mg of product (from 50 mL reaction mixture). observed in clinical samples.
Therefore, maximal number of post-PCR mole- UP - Universal HPV probe.
cules is lower then tens of picomols. Tested
probes were hybridized with 20 pmols of each
of the 39 type-specific amplicons (synthetic
oligonucleotides) and neither (except intend-
ed targets) gave any detectable signal. The fact
that there was no observed cross-hybridization

even in an extremely high concentration of
HPV amplicons, indicates high specificity of

the selected probes.
Second, the sensitivity of the assay was test-
ed using PCR amplified targets in the context

of 10 and 100 ng of human DNA (Figure 2)
approximating clinical samples in the range of
103-104 human genome equivalents. While esti-
mating assay sensitivity, we used terminology
of minimal numbers of required genome
equivalents per reaction mix. This term would

Figure 3. Assay robustness.

be equivalent to the viral copy numbers per HPV typing at different

assay, without refereeing to the assay volume hybridization temperatures.

units. Viral loads reflecting 100 and 10,000

copy numbers of HPV were analyzed in the

context of variable genome-equivalents of observation has recently been noted with clin- use of a variety of different PCR-based “broad-

human DNA (Figure 2A-C). For example, sam- ical samples: mixed infections produced high- range” primer sets. The roots of both problems,
ples having 10:1 and 1:1 ratios between HPV ly disconcordant typing results among a variety stemmed from an insufficient knowledge of
and human genome equivalents produced of assays.8 sequence-dependent interactions among

clear patterns (Figure 2 A and B). However, a To evaluate the robustness of the assay, nucleic acids. The second technical problem
1:10 ratio between HPV and human genome hybridization was carried out at different tem- caused significant non-concordance among

copies produced noise in the hybridization pat- peratures in the range of 20-35°C (Figure 3). different typing assays, when reporting double
terns (Figure 2C). The 100 copies of HPV in The hybridization buffer was changed from the or multiple HPV infections, “probably due to
the context of 1,000 human genome equiva- one previously used19 for the selection of HPV the differences in the affinities of the primer

lents were not amplified well enough to be typing probes (10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 10 mM sets for the different HPV types”.8 Therefore,
detected. These results reflect the present lim- MgCl2 and 50 mM NaCl) to the one described clinical validations of a range of primer
its of assay sensitivity, which are related to the in the Methods section in order to better fit the designs14 and improved amplification proce-
present limits of PCR sensitivity. membrane-based hybridization requirements. dures or pre-PCR sample enrichments12 are
Clinical samples, which were previously necessary.
genotyped by RFLP analysis using the MY The 4 selected probes (6,11,16 and 18) were
09/MY 11 primer set, were analyzed (Figure 2 tested against 39 different HPV types under
D). RFLP vs. hybridization assay produced the Discussion defined conditions (presented as hypotheses
same typing data when single infections were (a); see above). Only intended target
considered. When multiple infections were HPV typing using multiplex hybridization sequences showed hybridization signal, while
simulated (equimolar quantities of 2-4 tar- assays is facing two distinct technical issues. the rest of non-intended targets did not show
gets), the PCR amplified oligonucleotide tar- The first one concerns cross-hybridization any detectable cross-hybridization. The signal
gets produced type-specific signals of uneven among non-intended targets. As shown by the had a minimum 10 times stronger P32 number
intensity (data not shown). However, when present evaluation of the sensitivity, specifici- of counts per minutes than background, over
hybridization was carried out without interme- ty and robustness of our HPV typing assay to the same membrane surface. The visual pres-
diate PCR amplification, the hybridization pat- detect 4 GARDASIL®-relevant HPV types (6, 11, entation of autoradiography of membranes
terns were proportional to the concentration of 16 and 18), this issue was successfully (Figures 2 and 3) illustrates typical signal-
input multiple target templates (again equi- resolved. The second technical issue is more noise ratio. Non-intended targets (all 38) did
molar quantities of 2-4 targets). A similar general: an amplification bias caused by the not show any cross-hybridization with 4 select-

[Journal of Nucleic Acids Investigation 2010; 1:e3] [page 13]


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