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From: a Thursday, November 03.2005 9:08 AM Subject: Message Store Project Dally Update and Team Action Items for 11/3/05 DAILY UPDATE: 1) On November 2, SIS provided RoboCopy logs for OMB, CEA and CEQ which will next be run through lil Directory-Compare Utility. 2) On November 3, SIS provided RoboCopy logs for NSC, OPD and OSTP which will next be run through Il Directory-Compare Utility. 3) On November 3, SIS provided RoboCopy logs for the re-run of the OA Issues files to pick-up the 3 missing files ("dupe" issue). 4) On November 2, J and NII got the CDMFI script to run by creating a batch file and they ran it against the 2005 OVP files (took about 2.5 hours). FYI (test command line from Microsoft): C:\Documents and Settings IIINEEP "C:\Program Files. Microsoft\Command Findit UtitCmdFLexe" "CiMtest folder\Personal Folders(1).pst" /longinfo result.txt 3) On November 3, two WHO files were moved/relocated on [INN for the Findit utility to run: WHO Journal Aug 2003_dupa.pst WHO Joumal Aug 2003_dupb.pst These file are located at \NES\2003\PA_Issues NOTE from I "for some reason findit couldn't process them. We had to move them to the issue directory so we could continue the search. This was discussed with IM arid [believe we just need to document the fact that these files were moved." 6) On November 2, [MMM said he would convene the Oversight Team to decide what to do about the 31 OVP files were moved by someone after IE conducted their detailed IV&V /analysis (they still have not been moved back to their proper locations) 7) On November ME invormea the MST that the 6 WHO files that are either mis- named or were put in the wrong directory (due to the master inventory) should not hold up the IV&V but that these files need to be marked for deeper analysis 4°PSTS\WHO2003_11 WHO 2004 04 dPSTS\WHO2003_11 WHO. 200404 dd: PSTS\WHO2003_11 WHO_2004 04 2004_05_13_MES_Sube pst ES\WHOW003- WHO_2004 MES. Subd.pst ES\WHOW003 WHO 2004. 3_MES Subp pst q }ES\WHO003 WHO _2004 daPSTS\WHO2003_11 WHO 2004_04. 13_MES Sub pst ES\WHOW003 WHO 2004 4PSTS'WHO2003_11 WHO _2004_03 20040513 MES Sube pst ES\WHOW003~ WHO_2004” dePSTS\WHOZO03_11 WHO 2004_03_2004_05_13_MES”Suba pst ES\WHO\2003.- WHO_2004 TEAM At “TION [TI Team - provide input on the draft procedure for email archiving provided by on 10/28 (especially TDBs and blanks). DUE TOMORROW! HOGR70A-041087 GEORGE W. BUSH PRESIDENTIAL RECORD OAP00033662 HERE - vide peer review for draft procedure for email archiving provided by_IEE on 1028. DUE TOMORROV ME - collect feedback from Team and [NII 2nd complete detailed procedures for SIS Team to start placing new PST files in correct folders on J and provide to Oversight Team for review. - provide RoboCopy log file for ONDCP, PFIAB and USTR when completed. Complete Findlt analysis of 2 WHO files in #5 above. Has Python been installed on J? ‘Meet with to review the inconsistency found by NNI(6 WHO files went to wrong directory or were mislabeled originally). complete [V&T of WHO file copy. Report findings to II - inform me when Microsoft. provides the remaining 2 custom PST- compare/analysis utilities that have been requested. HM - continue running CMDFT utility against OVP and then start WHO. HB - Run RoboCopy logs for OMB, CEA, CEQ, NSC, OPD and OSTP and OA through Ill Directory-Compare utility. Report findings to H- resolve issues reported by and I. Coordinate MST activities. Update Oversight Team as needed. HOGR7OA-04106R GEORGE W. BUSH PRESIDENTIAL RECORD OAP00033663

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