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Evaluation Task 7 - Looking back at your preliminary task

(the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have

learnt in the progression from it to full product?

I believe that we have made improvements upon our Preliminary film because the camera
shots have improved. We have used the skills that we have learnt from using the camera
and the Mac’s (editing).

We have learnt how to change the settings with the camera such as changing ISO which is
the speed the camera records videos at, the white balance although we didn’t need to
change these settings during the filming it was helpful that we knew how to do this, in case
we had to make change the settings on the camera but didn’t know how to.

The first time that we used the Mac for editing we wasn’t really sure how to use them but
due to the consistent practicing on the mac editing our shots throughout the filming of both
the preliminary and final opening scene, although we learnt the most from editing the
prelim, so when it came to the editing on our final piece we knew that we had to
concentrate the continuity matching the shots together so that they worked correctly and
how we decided we wanted them to. For example when we was editing we wanted to make
sure that the audience couldn’t tell that we had stopped filming to shoot each new shot, we
needed the shots to flow, we achieved this by using a number of different effects, which
consist of Crosscutting, Cutaways and the use of sound effectively, we have decided to use
two different sound tracks, one sound track for each character, they will play each time they
appear in the film opening sequence.

We didn’t know how to do this kind of editing during the process of us producing the
Preliminary film.

In my view our camera skills has developed dramatically because on the Preliminary we
have very basic shots which are all filmed at eye level where as during the filming of the
opening sequence we have used a range of shots which include snail eyes view, bird eye’s
view and following the rules of the 180o rule, and making sure that the continuity matches
up correctly, when we paused and restarted filming each shot.
Final Film Pictures Preliminary Film Pictures

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