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Overview – Feverfew (Chrysanthemum parthenium or Tanacetum parthenium), also sometimes

called featherfoil or featherfew, is an herb with medicinal properties. While its name is derived
from the Latin febrifugia, or “fever reducer,” Feverfew has been used to treat a variety of other
ailments since ancient Roman times. In the last 40 years it has again come into popular use,
especially for treating migraines, headaches, and arthritis. Traditionally, the fresh leaves are
consumed, though Feverfew extract is now available in liquid or capsule form since chewing the
leaves can cause mouth ulcers.

Anybody who has had a migraine will tell you that they are a terrible affliction. They are
incapacitating and can strike at extremely inconvenient times, such as while driving on the
highway or at work. Unfortunately, most people resort to taking pain killers to get them through
the day and this will work to stop the pain, to some degree, but painkillers have some nasty side
effects, such as possible addiction, slow cognitive function, low energy, etc. On the other hand,
Feverfew has been shown to prevent migraines when taken for a period of time. By taking a
feverfew supplement, you also bypass the oftentimes unpleasant side effects of medications now
prescribed for migraines and arthritis.

Further, Feverfew also has anticancer properties. A study by the Medical University of Lodz
showed that “Parthenolide, an active component of feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) inhibits
proliferation and kills various cancer cells mainly by inducing apoptosis.”

What Feverfew Can Treat – Inflammation, Cancer, Arthritis, Fever, Headaches, Migraines,
Muscle Soreness or Tension, Mild Pain, Menstrual Irregularities or Cramps, Stomach Aches

Treatment and Dosage – To prevent migraines and reduce the severity of migraine or headache
symptoms, it is recommended to take Feverfew every day. Take 300-400 mg per day. The effect
of doing so will not be immediate, but you will notice a great difference after 1-2 months.

You can also make Feverfew tea by boiling one teaspoon of dried Feverfew leaves in a cup of
water. Drinking 2-3 cups a day would be optimal.

How it Works – Feverfew is not a painkiller, as are most of the headache and migraine
medications. Instead, it works to mitigate and prevent the vascular spasms in your brain’s blood
vessels, the causes of the pain and other migraine symptoms, by means of sequiterpene lactones,
the active ingredient in Feverfew. They work by normalizing serotonin production as well as
reduce the production of histamines, prostaglandin, and certain white blood cells
(polymorphonuclear leukocytes) that lead to inflammation.

Toxicity - Though few people report side effects of Feverfew, at this time there have not been a
sufficient amount of studies on Feverfew to determine its toxicity. Do not take Feverfew if you
take an anticoagulant. Do not take feverfew during pregnancy.

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