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Chapter 5 : Personality-based, Rule-Utilitarian, and Lockean Justifications of i

ntellectual Property
Quote : "Although many of legal principles governing intellectual property have
evovled over centuries, it was not until the 19th century that the term intellec
tual property began to be used, and not until the late 20th century that it beca
me commonplace in the United States"
What I expect to lean :
I expect to develop on how Personality-based can overcome your self-confidence t
o others.
Intellectual property or IP is a term to a number of distinct types of legal m
onopolies over creations of the mind, both artistic and commercial, and the corr
esponding fields of law. Under intellectual property law, owners are granted cer
tain exclusive rights to a variety of intangible assets, such as musical, litera
ry, and artistic works; discoveries and inventions; and words, phrases, symbols,
and designs. Common types of intellectual property include copyrights, trademar
ks, patens, industrial design rights and trade secrets in some jurisdictions. Al
though many of the legal principles governing intellectual property have evolved
over centuries, it was not until the 19th century that the term intellectual pr
operty began to be used, and not until late 20th century that it became commonpl
ace in the United States/ The British Statute of Anne 1710 and the Statute of Mo
nopolies 1623 are now seen as the origin of copyright and patent law respectivel
Ayn Rand supported copyrights and patens, noting in Capitalism: The unknown Id
eal that they are the legal implementation of the base of all property rights: a
man's right to the product of his mind. An idea as such cannot be protected unt
il it has been given a material form. An invention has to be embodied in a physi
cal model before it can be patented; a story is not the physical object as such,
but the idea which it embodies. Although it is important to note, that a discov
ery cannot be patented, only an invention. Value is based upon some idea or coll
ection of different ideas. According to the personality-based justifications of
intellectual property like it is not clear that we own our feelings, character t
raits and experiences. We just possess these things that part of us. We can't fi
ght against it because, as explained, each one of us has an intellectual propert
y. the analogy is that you cant' dive to the intellectual property of others bec
ause it is private and only you can understand it. That's for personality-based.
The next one is the tule utilitarian. This is where utilitarian of intellectual
properties used. Some critics of intellectual property, such as those in the fr
ee culture movement, point at intellectual monopolies as harming health, prevent
ing progress, and benefiting concentrated interests to the detriment of the mass
es, and argue that the public interest is harmed by ever expansive monopolies in
the form of copyright extensions, software patents and business method patents.
Some libertarian critics of intellectual property have argued that allowing pro
perty have argued that allowing property rights in ideas and information creates
artificial scarcity and infringes on the rights in ideas and information create
s artificial scarcity.
What I have learned :
I learned that supported copyrights and patens is nothing to do in Capitalism.
Integrative Questions:
1.) What is Personality-based ?
2.) What is justice justification?
3.) What is libertarian critics?
4.) What is intellectual property?
5.) What is sel-confidence to justifications?

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