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Looking for our kids online Informed consent (part of intake process)
What are the legalities honesty (as service
In order to view online sex work postings of providers)
youth, a police suggestion is to have workers recording of onlne communi‐
debrief their observations with different cation with youth - who gets
supervisors for different youth told, where is it stored

Best practices policy - including disclosure and duty to report

documenting IP addy, log on pw and confidentiality
un of professional profiles, email
I.P. addresses addresses, accounts and identities. looking at files
for the best interest of the child Definition of child
pornography release of information
chain of custody recommendations
Age of Consent
Managing online identities/accounts confidentiality

Clients rights online Maintaining professional boundaries

Personal vs professional accounts
Don't make policy fb or
craigslist specific Professional boundaries and
self care (not working 24/7) self-care
Online rights for clients
Professional safety
Accountability Watching/adding kids on facebook
Development of profession-
documentation al boundaries and guidelines
are there existing policies Set online hours for chat
around online outreach? with clients
user friendly user disclosing of personal info
agreements who can access information

documentation of online contact policy re: adding youth to

personal online profiles
role of caregivers in online
safety and choices
collecting information - pix,
Acting on good faith?
associates, last time online,
Harm reduction?
Part of our contact with kids NOT a
replacement of f-2-f contact

ETHICS mindmap.mmap - 09-04-20 - Jordana Corenblum

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