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April 19, 2010

President Barack H. Obama

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President,

The American people are at a critical point in the fight to repeal “Donʼt Ask, Donʼt Tell” (DADT), the
discriminatory law that has denied more than 14,000 Americans -- and countless others barred or
discouraged from enlisting -- the ability to serve openly and honestly in our military, hurting our readiness
and national security.

The House Armed Services Committee is only 30 days away from marking up your Defense Authorization
bill. As you prepare to send your final defense budget recommendations to the House and Senate
committees, this is both the time and place for you to reaffirm your strong commitment to repealing this law.

Many were angered after the Department of Justice recently filed a brief defending the constitutionality of
DADT. This is the time for your Administration to set the record straight. By including repeal in the
Administrationʼs defense budget you will be sending a clear message to Congress and the American people
that patriotic gay and lesbian service members – currently fighting and dying for our country in two wars --
are treated as equals to all their comrades-in-arms.

I am very disturbed by multiple reports from Capitol Hill that your Congressional liaison team is urging some
Members of Congress to avoid a vote on repeal this year. The upcoming House and Senate votes will be
close, and very frankly, Mr. President, we need your help now.

As a veteran, and on behalf of thousands of men and women who have served and want to serve their
country openly, I ask you today to stand by your encouraging words to the American people in your State of
The Union address: “This year, I will work with Congress and our military to finally repeal the law that denies
gay Americans the right to serve the country they love because of who they are. It's the right thing to do.”

Mr. President, this is also about the integrity of all service members. I respectfully urge you to continue
speaking up for them on Capitol Hill. Under your leadership and with your voice we can have a repeal victory
this year.

Thank you,

Aubrey Sarvis
Executive Director,
Servicemembers Legal Defense Network

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