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2-12-97 LITURGIES Phil A. Kok #40 BULLETIN LENT SEASON Liturgy 1 (traditional) No pron ‘Vvotun ‘Our belp is in the nane of the Lord, maker of heaven and earth Salutation: greetings and peace Psalm: #318(PH)** Holy, Holy, Holy lav: Reading the Decalogue Pealn: #45(PH) Grace & Truth General Prayer: Poalm @ Offering: #95(PH) Gracious God My Heart Renew Scripture Reading: John 12: 1-8 Sermon: "Mary or Judas" Closing Prayer: Pealn: #325(PH) Lora Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing Benediction: "Peace Be With You" Parting Hym| Mo eo #93 (PH) "Praise God" w seman sumary: ¢ st(*, Bxamining one's motives, realizing one's self-deception, believing one'e aele coibe superior, Holler.” While one might scorn Judas for nis actions, how Sany have chonseivec denied Joous during holy day-to-day life.” wavthoy dented Saale tare tinea. How tany tinea ehie week have you detied desu? With which BE the two characters do you identsfy? Some nay aay Hazy You work hard, eacrifice for your children, help your neighbor 'at"tlaes, Gad, you think, do ae much aa you can possibly ao, route sary. ‘ST ouhare ony ony night not be a acy, but 2 an dacinicety nat a dudae. tou have ‘never stolen fron the church cotter.” Yet’ pernapa’ you laugh at the Innocence off # child, the naivety of self-sacrifice, eainking, “that Is aot nisconsesued. "Tn fact what you ave doing le breaking the nfath commandment os Eegarde co heating “alee witnans, by ytag on decoivings and. an thie case che Yncenvened, it Se ponoiisie that bury would haye"bgen sveyed by dudsa" worse, end Cp oye Cg ee tree eer Ingorcane ‘aspect of Ehiletianity, namely faich, wocehip, praise’ snd nowot, "end fly” imight, you be guitty of hie a your anyon day ate. You sighjavsdginly give an offering, eather than joyfully. You wight gruagiagly go Ebinore each day, rather thar Joytuily. “You might Sarge che measing of 148 Sa" Eotaet ike sacrifice given fer you, and in cometting, ‘sliply going ree, you might cause others to blaspheme as well cn dod nad #00 yous Te da'a cali to rejoice, be thanklel, agit oc conpeseton with e peasica Por iia ‘TRADITIONAL SERVICE NOTES: ‘The walls are bare, except for afew banners which correspond to Lent. The liturgical calor is violet or purple, and *herefore the banners should be solid purple background. This color signifies penitence, humility, and suffering, Sections of the pulpit area could belordained by poinsettia. Processional-~'be overthaled with the significance off Cheiee'e auctering His compacsion for you, Hi Pagaion fot you, and aubsequently, want to give to the Eorg. inte te got your grudging, eactitice uf yous lasd-cncned many, ne a Joyfin giving of gratitude for the gift of grace given to youl! thle to\an Satpouring of your gracivude. aut noe only of money, but mare inporcantly of your hosrte. "Today i a reminder of Christ's sacrifice, for which we all Bjsice! CONTEMPORARY SERVICE NOTES: Decorations: purple hanners decorate the walls, mote varity than traditional service, Opening: also praise and worship band is playing seasonal songs for the service. They continue 10 play as people enter. Continuous P&W , transitioning from one to the other Without stopping, music displayed on overhead Processional: children enter, proceed down the aisle with palms, and also some with eymbuls, ‘or other instruments. They lay palm branches atthe altar ‘The minister is already seated at the font, is able to see the people entering. As everybody ‘enters, the minister has them all arise. Pre-selected songs are sung. Finally, the people are seated, A lay person takes prayer requests. She gives the ‘congregational prayer. ‘The minster arises. Reads scripture and gives secon. Singing Continues. Preselected songs ae sung. The people tse Offering: the people are seated. assigned deacons deliver offering plats. Prayer: people remain sated, short prayer is given. Blessing: people arise, Messing given, people depart. Social ime announecd Roles: assigned people ake designated roles as greeters, bullein-monitors, ushers, offering atendants, and prayer person,

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