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Line: The lines of this painting or extremely irrational. The clouds on top take strange paths through other clouds
crossing over the irregular blue mountains and the land. The cypress, object of the painting, is bent in an eerie
irregular way by the strong flowing wind. The wind even deforms the wheat living it strange folds inside and outside.
All this line deformation gives the viewer a sense of extreme uneasiness, discomfort and violence.
Form: The painting irregularity gives into no placed for regular forms as a square or a circle except the cypress that is
evidently constructed like an upside-down cone. It is very pointy and sharp, spiky.
Texture: The painting is rough. Not smooth. Some brush strokes and remainders of pain have been left on purpose
across the sky giving it more intense and powerful feeling. Very thick
Space The painting is not very three dimensional. It looks flat and without depth. Prospective was not the author͛s
main focus. The flat mountains in the back and the other elements as the cypress contribute in this sense of unease.
Nobody would want to live in a place like this no matter how beautiful because of this uncomfortable view.
Color: The colors used in the painting are dull but in contrast the yellow is bright and golden. The author mainly used
Green, blue and golden yellow. The painting doesn͛t emanate a sense of brightness but it is easily viewable that the
sun is out because of the shades of the cypress.. The three colors above are used in many variations as light blue,
mixed to some white, dark blue, dark and light green͙.
Value: The painting looks dark despite the sun and the golden wheat. Especially the cypress is odd dark green with
occasionally some flashes of light green that give the idea that the sun is out and those are it͛s rays. The yellow is
golden and the Blue Mountains on the back are situated like this: the lighter color mountains are closer instead in the
back there is a dark dark mountain that looks very far away.
I guess: This painting is seemingly done in an abstract way but with a coherent subject. It is very sharp and spiky to
give a sense of Van Gogh͛s discomfort in the place where he was, It gives a sense of violence inside the deforms
strokes and unease looking at it he was crazy. I guess he painted this painting to express his feelings in that mome nt. I
think this painting represents van Gogh͛s discomfort inside the mad asylum.

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