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6744 Pilot Way

San Diego, CA 92114

April 16, 2010

Tracy Thompson, Principal

Lindsay Community School
232 West Ash St.
San Diego, CA 92101

Dear Mr. Thompson:

I wanted to talk to you about the lunches being served here at our school. Myself and others are
deeply concerned about just how nutritious they really are.

Let me just say “Aren’t the lunches suppose to be healthy?” The ingredients in the food we are
all eating are more harmful than nutritious and are killing each and every one of us slowly and
surely. Not only is the food unhealthy, but it contains high fructose corn syrup and has a high
saturated fat content that will end our life short. Just recently, we were all served Pepperoni Hot
Pockets and Giant Goldfish Grahams. Just one of those things alone contains more grease and fat
we should consume in one day. It is made from ingredients that will kill us, such as high fructose
corn syrup, palm oil, red dye, and other substances that we do not even recognize. It has been
proven that a majority of these foods and the ingredients in them contribute to obesity, cancer,
diabetes, heart disease, and a mass of other health problems and concerns all possibly resulting in
death. I am more than sure that neither of us wants any of those health problems. I want to ask
you this question Mr. Thompson, “Do you know the process our food goes through before it
even gets to us?” It actually is cooked and frozen in the factory in which it is being made in and
then it gets to us and then we reheat the food in an oven or microwave and then set it in this box
to keep it warm before it’s actually being served. Also, did you know that each and every time it
is being cooked and reheated it’s actually losing nutritional value? That is, if the food even has
any nutritional value. I agree with food activist Alice Walters when she says that, “All children
are deserving of fresh, healthy, and good-tasting food.”

If you care that much I hope you’ll take a closer look at what is being served here at our school
and alternate them with healthier and wiser choices such as fruits and vegetables, which will
decrease the likeliness of obesity and other health issues nobody wants. After all Mr. Thompson,
a majority of us in this school are pregnant and parenting teen moms who feed these meals to our
kids too.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Chelsea Galkoski

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