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e ew > UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY } pie As 2074, ai, 1201 ELM STREET DALLAS, TEXAS 78270 y 21 AUG 1981 Honorable Robert L- Livingston liouse of Represent Kashington, D.C. Dear fr. Livingston: i Thank you for your letter of July 25, 1981, concerning the complaint of your constituent, fir. Jerry C. Ford, about odors from the hh facility located in feraux, Louisia: Although the Enviror al rotection Agency (EPA) has no rity regarding odors, we have taken enforcement action against Murphy O11 which should result: in air pollution abatement. On Nay 26, 1981, this office issued an enforcenent order to Hturphy 011 to reduce the particulate enfsstons from their Ho. 2 fluid cata~ lytic cracking (FCC) unit to levels that comply with EPA's Hew Source Performance Standard. Stack testing on this unit was conducted in early August, and we are now waiting for the result. Also in early August, testing was conducted on the sulfur recovery unit to ensure compliance with the state sulfur dioxide regulation. In the near future, testing will be conducted at the company's fo. 1 FCC Unit to ensure compliance with the State particulate regulation. Finally, as part of our continuing investigation of this source, EPA will be cOnducting a site inspection during the next two months. By ensuring that a source ts in compliance with emission regulattons for particulate matter, sulfur dioxide and volatile organic com pounds, odors from refineries can generally be minimized. In those Situations where odors are not directly related to a pollutant regu- - lated under a State or Federal emission regulation, we will refer such a problem to the State for their review for enforcement under the State's nuisance ordinance. In ceneral, enforcenent under State nuisance laws is difficult because what "is" and what "is-not” 2 nuisance is not always clear. Since a large nuaber of complaints from citizens usually is effective in providing evidence that a nui- sance does in fact exist, I would recommend that ltr. Ford and his neighbors contact the State Air Pollution Agency outlining their problen. Correspondence to the State regarding air pollution should 1 sent to: Mr. Gus Von Bodungen Chief, Air quality Division RECEIVED Department of Natural Resources P.0. Box 44066 SEP 3198 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 76804 | emcee one jes such as Murphy’O11 can be a difficult pro- the State of Louisiana are ware’ ‘of problems at at rear reducing odors from the Murphy

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