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By JOHN FAHEY a ‘A St. Bernard Parish state representative said ‘Thursday that mandatory hydrocarbon emission 2 a few of ‘these oceslons officials of the Temneco refinery did appear to hear the complaints and promised eran caren th eperation ofthe lant. The latest request by Juror NS, Cusimano that Murphy Olt otticits appear has gone unanswered, Fernandes sald that in 1677 emissions of ! harmful substances in St. Bernard was 13,005 year, He sald this is one-third of tho total of (2.281 tons relessed Into the alr in Jefferson, Orleans and’ St, Bernard perishes, “This is 0 tre- mendous amount, considering the land aien of {he other parishes in comparion to. Berar” be The site Ale Control Commission, Fersnder added, has ordered Tenneco Oil Co. to reduce its tmisons by 183 frm 808 fom pr you to 6863 tons, and Murphy OW Co, front 4848 tone to 21 ena He std Bernardi neo te were ne danas we bave asada crs fee ‘sions cannot locate unless they get a special Kemcy ‘Tener ne sak copa popes Tonnes hat 8 maj exp the planing. stages ‘ut appears ere ao ‘Increase in emissions and mo EPA special permit is i 4 ‘Mandatory Emission Cuts’ | _ Seen Easing Cancer Threat |__ Se ‘reports of emisalons,” he said. a oo eae ee “eb. 4. arte cea Sa pale Er gts a Il = a Saas SEP cue feet ‘Thursday that the Department of Natural Resources - is dragging its fect in providing data for egal actlan {n efforis to clean up hazardous waste sites in the ute, He sald be Seeded mare dat from the department before he can ‘waste disposal areas cited by the federal Enviraa- ‘mental Protection Agency.

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