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4169 38Th St. Apt.

San Diego, CA 92105
April 9, 2010

Mr. Tracy Thompson, Principal

Lindsay Community School
232 West Ash St.
San Diego, CA 92101

Dear Mr. Thompson:

I am writing to inform you that I’m highly disturbed with our school lunches’ nutrition that we
are eating during our school days.

I would really appreciate it if you can make some type of changes with our school lunches.
Specifically, I’m asking for healthier lunches for us as students, and as mothers of the children in
the nursery, who are also eating the school lunches. Our school has been eating unhealthy
lunches that contain hydrogenated vegetable shorting, which can lead to serious medical
conditions. Instead of Hot Pockets we should get whole foods like yogurts with granola.
Receiving whole foods in our school would be a good start to eating healthier. The eating habits
that we instill in our children now will carry over into their adult lives.

Therefore, healthier lunches for our school would make a huge difference in lowering down our
intake of junk and unhealthy foods. I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my


Nancy Sanchez

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