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Dallas W.

634 Riviera Circle
Nipomo, California 93444

Eyes Wide Shut: An Enigma™

Dallas W. Thompson

Word Count: 100,000

Hide in Plain Sight

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ISBN is 1451507925
EAN-13 is 9781451507928.


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Eyes Wide Shut: An Enigma™

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Table of Contents
B1: Action: Our One Thing - Top Secret: Hiding in Plain Sight . . . . . . . .…………. 5

B2: Toxoplasmosis – T. gondii - Super Human Behaviors......................................26

B3: Set Main - Falling Silver Disk: What Was That?.................................................31

B4: Action Curtis: main story line: set story goal; Curtis Joins Daemon...............36

B5: Reaction: Curtis: main story line: What are you going to do?..........................47

B6: Action: Curtis: main story line : First Day Working for Daemon.......................50

B:7 Daemon Has T. gondii............................................................................................61

B8: Action: Curtis Baldwin: Curtis romantic subplot..............................................67

B8: Action: Curtis Baldwin: main story line: “Right” human characteristics.........70

B9: Action: Mary Sue London: Wine tasting..............................................................79

B10: Action: Curtis: Mary Sue was a wild card..........................................................83

B11: Action: JR - Team Work.....................................................................................85

B12: Action: Curtis: Hacked Daemon’s Computer....................................................88

M1: Reaction: Curtis Baldwin: Curtis Knows When Daemon Was Watching................91

M2: Action: viewpoint character: Five Doomed Altered Humans............................96

M3: Action: Daemon Calls “New World Order Banker Friends”............................108

M4: Action: JR, George & Curtis Compare Notes....................................................115

M5: Action: George Gives Daemon Too Much Information....................................120

M6: Action: Daemon: Where Was He?......................................................................126

M7: Action: Curtis Experiments.................................................................................131

M8: Action: Daemon. Curtis, JR, & George Meeting................................................140

M9: Action: Daemon Demands answers...................................................................146

M10: Action: Curtis: main story line: surprise #2....................................................152

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M11: Reaction: Curtis: main story line: response to surprise #2...........................162

M12: Action: viewpoint character..............................................................................173

M13: Action: viewpoint character..............................................................................184

M14: Action: viewpoint character..............................................................................188

M15: Action: viewpoint character..............................................................................190

M16: Action: viewpoint character..............................................................................195

M17: Action: viewpoint character..............................................................................195

M18: Action: viewpoint character..............................................................................196

M19: Action: viewpoint character..............................................................................196

M20: Action: Curtis Baldwin: main story line: surprise #3.....................................196

E1: Reaction: Curtis Baldwin: main story line: response to surprise #3..............196

E3: Action: viewpoint character.................................................................................197

E4: Action: Curtis Baldwin: lead's romantic subplot...............................................197

E5: Action: Mary Sue London....................................................................................197

E6: Action: Curtis Baldwin: main story line..............................................................198

E7: Action: Curtis Baldwin: main story line: worst failure......................................198

E8: Reaction: Curtis Baldwin: main story line: point of hopelessness.................198

E9: Action: Curtis Baldwin: main story line: achieves story Goal.........................198

E10: Reaction: Curtis Baldwin: main story line: response to achieving story goal;

resolve romantic subplot............................................................................................199

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Chapter 1 Our One Thing - Top Secret: Hiding in Plain Sight

Curtis Sparks was talking to General Daemon in his office at Mojave Air and Space Port

when two-uniformed Military Policemen (MPs) approached as if on command. General

Daemon, looking directly at Curtis Sparks said, “Watch how we take care of things the

right way.” General Daemon simply barked a command, “Display on-going bank robbery

in Bakersfield.” Immediately a life-sized 3D hologram displayed a realistic looking huge

greasy longhaired man.

He was pointing his sawed-off shotgun at a hysterical bank teller. The drug crazed man

was jerking his head in circles as he was walking toward the trembling bank teller with

his bulging, eyes locked into the helpless teller’s eyes like a snake to a paralyzed bird

when he hissed, “This is a hold-up, give me all your money, or you will see me in hell.”

The wide-eyed blonde-haired young girl screamed in terror, “This is my first day at work,

what am I supposed to do?”

She could not see where to put her key to open her cash drawer. With a toothless

foaming smirk, the puke smelling bank robber leaned toward her and grabbed her hair.

He snarled, “You are going to come with me. I will take you to Sunday school. I can

show you lots of things.”

Her hands shaking violently, she dropped her gaze to her cash drawer. Tears were

making it impossible to see the key hole. She had to use both hands to insert her key

into the cash drawer lock. In her panic, she turned her key the wrong direction. She

could not open her cash drawer. He began to pull her hair toward him. Terrified, she

turned her key other way and opened her cash drawer. She gathered all of her cash,

and placed it on the counter. With a slow tug, he growled, “I bet you cannot wait to be
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my girlfriend.” as he pulled her onto the top of the counter. She screamed, “Somebody

help me.” Slowly, the robber released his grip with a sighing groan and collapsed to the

floor dead. The hologram disappeared. Both Military Police (MP’s) were smiling as they

left. They were proud of what had happened. The MP’s had done the right thing. They

had executed a bank robber. No one would know.

General Daemon had mastered the ability to turn almost anything anywhere into a

weapon including Nano scale technologies. His ubiquitous surveillance on demand

coupled with his Top Secret communications technologies had created a monster with

mass destruction capabilities. His Orwellian-style by cybernetic technology was totally

unknown to the public. His technology links the brains of people to satellites controlled

by ground-based supercomputers.

General Daemon had created a perfect cyber-soldier. He was using Remote Neural

Monitoring (RNM) making it possible to read and control a person’s mind and actions

and eliminating them.

General Daemon smiling and with pride said, “They killed him from here. We monitor

everything and know what, how and when to do the right thing. We have global to

individual monitoring capabilities. Our quantum computers can pinpoint any activity we

wish to monitor. In areas of interest, we have Radio Frequency ID (RFID) smart dust

grains broadcasted. These tiny autonomous wireless sensors provide inputs to produce

artificial intelligence on demand.”

Curtis Sparks felt a cold chill run down his spine. Curtis Sparks realized General

Daemon thought he was above the law. He operated his own private law that was

invisible. General Daemon was hiding in plain sight behind another government
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Authorized Top Secret Experimental Flying Weapons Systems program based at

Edwards Air Force Base in California. It was located in an isolated underground area in

the Mojave Desert. No one had the need to know what he was doing. No one knew.

General Daemon was a rogue General with his own personal agenda building a small

army of soldiers that answered only to him. He decided what was right, or wrong. His

world was black or white. General Daemon eliminated “bad” humans.

Curtis had been briefed about Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM). The National Security

Agency (NSA) of the US had developed a very efficient method of controlling the human

brain. This technology is called Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM).

It is possible to read and control a person's emotional thought processes along with the

subconscious and dreams. People can be eliminated through RNM. Various methods

can be used: cardiac arrest, strokes (brain attack), or cars wrecks etc.

At present, around the world, supercomputers are monitoring millions of people

simultaneously with the speed of 40 billion bits per second.

RNM has a set of certain programs functioning at different levels, like the signals

intelligence system that uses electromagnetic frequencies (EMF), to stimulate the brain

for RNM and the electronic brain link (EBL). The EMF Brain Stimulation system had

been designed as radiation intelligence that means receiving information from

inadvertently originated electromagnetic waves in the environment.

The recording machines in the Signals Intelligence System have electronic equipment

that investigates electrical activity in humans from a distance. This computer-generated

brain mapping can constantly monitor all electrical activities in the brain. The recording

aid system decodes individual brain maps for security purposes.

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Curtis Sparks had read where a former National Security Agency (NSA) employee and

whistle-blower had sued NSA back in 1992 (case #0449). NSA used The Signals

Intelligence mission to decode EMF waves in the environment for wirelessly tapping into

computers and tracking persons with the electrical currents in their bodies.

General Daemon sat down and waved Curtis Sparks to join him at his end of the

conference table, “Remember the phrase, ‘Eyes wide shut?’ we are highly visible, but

no one sees us. We have the perfect cover: to hide in public.

Pressing his hands flat on the table, “My associates and I have the capability to do as

Hermes Trismegistus summed on his Emerald Tablet.” Curtis Sparks shocked and,

irritated. He interrupted, “I do not need a history lesson.”

Like a patient professor, General Daemon said, “That which is below corresponds to

that which is above, and which is above corresponds to that which is below, in the

accomplishment of the miracle of the One Thing…”

To make his point, General Daemon emphasized, “Our One Thing is to do what we

think is right – anywhere in or out of this world. You saw an example of our one thing

that was right when we killed the bank robber. We monitor the air and ground 24/7. No

one needs to know. No one knows. Our courts are not responsive to the good citizens.

Bad people are polluting the earth. We are going to save the earth and eliminate the

bad people. I will eliminate all people who kill in the name of God, or Allah. In the last

one hundred years, over 80,000,000 people have been killed because of religion, or

communism. I am going to stop this madness.”

How did General Daemon determine what the “right thing” was? Who was his boss? Did

they know how corrupt he had become? What was General Daemon’s mission? What
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motivated him? Curtis Sparks was reluctant to notify the police. He did not know how

extensive General Daemon network of supporters was.

General Daemon, saw the puzzled look on Curtis Sparks’ face, felt the need convince

Curtis Sparks he did the right thing. He explained, “You know my mother named me

after Eudaemon, she pronounced it, “you daymon.” She had read where Daemon was

the idea of the guardian angel or Higher Self in psychology; they watched over mortals

to help keep them out of trouble. She told me, “In Greek Antiquity, a Daemon was a

spirit, or immaterial being, holding a middle place between men and deities in pagan


“I work through my associates. My mother knew I was born to lead others.” General

Daemon poured himself a cup coffee acted as though what had just occurred was


Curtis asked Daemon, “Is it really possible to externally direct the evolution of human

culture?” Daemon replied,

History gives many examples. The evolution of the structure of cultural

norms in humans is a parallel to the evolution of the genetic system.

Genes and culture are mechanically distinct systems of inheritance.

Behavior is the product of predispositions resulting from genetic

inheritance and predispositions resulting from cultural inheritance.

Curtis trying to understand his old PhD classmate said, “What makes cultural learning of

behaviors is that you eliminate ‘bad’ people, the surviving good people will learn the

good behaviors because it is advantageous.”

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General Daemon replied, “The hook is what encourages the ‘host’ to spread the

accepted behaviors. It is like very similar to biology, survival of the fittest. An example is

Christianity. Religions represent some of the most powerful and elaborate complex

behaviors. They have evolved over millennia into countless variants and co-evolved

with cultures. The behaviors and beliefs form a symbiotic whole. The core behaviors

and beliefs need symbiotic behaviors to provide benefits and provide legitimacy to the


Curtis pressing, trying to understand General Daemon’s motivation, asked, “Your New

World Order use the bait of a better peaceful life, freedom from fear, personal

happiness, and prosperity combined with the threat of elimination, or damnation to

promote interest and acceptance.”

“It will be a New World view.” General Daemon looking off into the distance as a self-

appointed visionary said, “No others will be allowed to influence high level planning and

behaviors. It is like the bible in Mathew 24, ‘Ye cannot serve God and man.’ Humans

will be encouraged to set good examples for others, which also increases the likelihood

of learning acceptable behaviors through social learning.”

Curtis wheeled around looking General Daemon straight into his eyes, “You want to

eliminate God?” General Daemon with an air of self-assurance replies, “Not eliminate,

but improve all human behaviors. I want to eliminate bad behaviors. I want to improve

their behaviors by making them an offer they cannot refuse.”

He was out of control; his reality was skewed. Although General Daemon worked in the

background, he was a very dangerous man. General Daemon was directing a Top

Secret “Black Box” project that not accountable to anyone. The government’s security
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philosophy based on “the need to know” basis was corrupted by a rogue General.

General Daemon had turned into a self-righteous demon.

General Daemon was a massive destructive individual where one clandestine act of his

could cause millions of deaths because society had surrendered its rights to

government to a government that was not accountable. Universal surveillance had

become accepted. If he could kill one bank robber, what would stop him from killing

millions of others that he considered “bad.”

General Daemon’s the “end justifies the means” code of ethics has no limitations.

General Daemon can demand his soldiers to follow orders even if faced with certain

execution. They do not question their orders.

Curtis Sparks realized General Daemon trusted him. He must stop this mad, out-of-

control man that apparently had unlimited funding. General Daemon had changed to an

unknown demon. Curtis Sparks needed to determine who else was involved and what

their timetable was. He must find out what sinister plans General Daemon had.

Chapter 2 – Playing God - Super Human Behaviors

Curtis Sparks asked General Daemon how he had altered the “humans” to have the

capability to kill from a distance. General Daemon replied as he took off his hat with

three General Stars in the center,

This system can, remotely and non-invasively, detect information by

digitally decoding the evoked potentials in 30-50Hz, 5 milliwatt

electromagnetic emissions from the brain. The nerves produce a shifting

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electrical pattern with a shifting magnetic flux that then puts on a constant

amount of electromagnetic waves. There are spikes and patterns that are

called evoked potentials in the electromagnetic emission from the brain.

The interesting part about this is that the entire exercise is carried out

without any physical contact with the subject.

The Electro Motive Force –voltage—(EMF) emissions from the brain can

be decoded into current thoughts, images, and sounds in the subject's

brain. It sends complicated codes and electromagnetic pulse signals to

activate evoked potentials inside the brain, thus generating sounds and

visual images in the neural circuits. With its speech, auditory and visual

communication systems, RNM allows for a complete audio-visual brain-to-

brain link or a brain-to-computer link.

Of course, the mechanism needs to decode the resonance frequency of

each specific site to modulate the insertion of information in that specific

location of the brain. RNM can also detect hearing via electromagnetic

microwaves, and it features the transmission of specific commands into

the subconscious, producing visual disturbances, visual hallucinations,

and injection of words and numbers in to the brain through

electromagnetic radiation waves. In addition, it manipulates emotions and

thoughts and reads thoughts remotely, causes pain to any nerve of the

body, allows for remote manipulation of behavior, controls sleep patterns

through which control over communication is made easy. Two-Way

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Electronic Brain Link has become the ultimate communications system for

CIA/NSA personnel.

Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM, remotely monitoring bioelectric

information in the human brain) has become the ultimate surveillance

system. It is used by a limited number of agents in the U.S. Intelligence

Community. RNM requires decoding the resonance frequency of each

specific brain area. That frequency is then modulated in order to impose

information in That specific brain area. The frequency to which the various

brain areas respond varies from 3 Hz to 50 Hz. Only NSA Signals

Intelligence modulates signals in this frequency band.

Daemon said, “He has another project he had researched earlier that was

promising to produce soldiers with desired characteristics and attributes. He was

on his second iteration, or generation of altered humans that he had infected with

prepared Toxoplasma DNA that produced his desired human characteristics and


He had worked with Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) and was impressed how nature had

a perfect process to alter DNA and resultant behaviors of animals and humans. Most

patients who become infected with Toxoplasma gondii and develop toxoplasmosis do

not know it.

How is this connected to altered human behavior? Curtis asked as he tilted his chair

back. He needed better soldiers to implement his orders. He needed extraordinary

soldiers for an extraordinary goal: A New World Order.”

General Daemon, enjoying his professor to student role, explained,

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The T. gondii parasite changes the behavior of humans and has orders of

magnitude much more potential using the application of recombinant DNA

technology. He had experimented with cows, withdrawing large amounts

of blood to use as a culture for T. gondii. Now he was experimenting with

humans. It is a natural process in the DNA that enabled the production of

desired behaviors and characteristics in humans. By altering the DNA of

T. gondii with selected protein synthesis, he could design human

behaviors by infecting humans with T. gondii.

Curtis knew Daemon must have a database of genomes and genes that were correlated

with peoples traits. He was playing God. He determined what traits were important and

to produce humans with his desirable traits.

Curtis Sparks puzzled, said, “You are referring to the recent completion of the

Toxoplasma genome sequencing? How could a parasite be responsible to control the

host’s behavior?

General Daemon said,

The genome project was published and coupled with the availability of

other genomes for comparison; it is delivering an unprecedented amount

of information. In this new area of genomics, the accessibility of T. gondii

to multiple genetic manipulations makes it a very attractive and powerful

system to manipulate. There are no limitations to the identification of

relevant genes and little or no barrier to experimentally unravel their

biological function at a relative large scale.

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General Daemon asked Curtis Sparks, “Remember when we worked together 30 years

ago on our PhD research project? Why so formal? Curtis did not have to call him,

General Daemon, just Daemon. He preferred Curtis, to Curtis Sparks.”

Curtis still red-in-the-face replies, “Yes he remembers working on synthetic human

insulin with him. We explored the possibilities of human DNA engineering. That was 30

years ago when airplanes used propellers.”

Daemon said, “He wasn’t using propellers anymore. He had taken a focused approach

to integrating protein synthesis into human DNA for desired human attributes. Our

backgrounds and experiences are similar and I need your help in going past jet

propelled airplanes to beyond…”

Curtis, looking directly into Damon’s eyes asked, “Why are you wearing a three star


Daemon impatiently, “I will not answer all of your questions now, but I will tell you why I

am a USAF three-star General. I earned the three stars.”

Shaking his head, Curtis stood, “Why the Air Force? Civilians make more money.”

Daemon looking directly into Curtis’ eyes, “OK, OK…I was asked to join an Air Force

research team that required security clearance of MAJIC Ryolite-38 clearance - one of

the highest in the world at that time. Civilians were not granted that clearance.

Daemon waving his hand across the room said, “The Top Secret Project had a goal to

explore human DNA for desired human attributes that have engineered DNA potential

for human behavior modifications and capabilities that could be an asset for the

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Daemon warming to the topic said, “In the beginning, it was very simple. It was almost

like Mendel’s genetic research – you remember the basic underlying principles of

heredity. Except this program inserted modified DNA into humans for immediate use.

The goal was to make soldiers more durable and stronger.

The program was terminated. I continued my research. I took advantage of the Need to

Know security philosophy, used my Top Secret Security Clearance, and accepted the

offer to direct the Experimental Aircraft Weapons Research Program. It was a perfect

cover-up. I could do my human DNA testing program and no one could question me.”

Daemon cleared his throat and began his lecture to update Curtis about T.


T. gondii parasites made rats to be attracted to cats so that they could be

ate by cats. The only place they could reproduce was in cat intestines.

T. gondii dictated the behavior where women infected with Toxoplasma

spent more money on clothes and were consistently rated as more

attractive. Women are more easy-going, more warm-hearted, had more

friends, and cared more about how they looked. However, they were also

less trustworthy and had more relationships with men. Scientist called T.

gondii, “Fatal attraction.” Infected men appeared to suffer from the “alley

cat” effect. They become less well-groomed undesirable loners who were

more willing to fight. They were more likely to be suspicious and jealous.

They tended to dislike following rules.

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He had discovered a much better process to alter DNA. His associates

were new and improved human beings. They were the second iteration, or


Toxoplasma gondii parasite protozoa (T. gondii) Cell

Relaxing, leaning forward on the table, Daemon said, “Hell, about half of the world’s

population has been infected by T. gondii. Most humans had been infected with T.

gondii by cats. Some people infected have developed schizophrenia or bi-polar

disorders. He has been able to enhance the good characteristics and repress the

undesirable traits.

Pacing in front of the conference table, Daemon told Curtis, “Both Escherichia coli (E.

coli) and T. gondii had infected humans. They can be grown easily and their genetics

are comparatively simple and easily manipulated or duplicated through a process of


Curtis looked up as Daemon told him, “The minds are effected, thus the behaviors.
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It is a perfect, Eyes Wide Shut project. He would infect selected individuals with a

widespread invasive parasite with the desired modifications. No one would suspect, or

know. Over half of the population has already been infected with T. gondii. Daemon

would modify soldiers as needed.

No one could tell which soldiers were modified by Daemon. Curtis was disturbed by

Daemon’s cold, calculated demeanor. Curtis had always believed the human brain as a

magical control center that differentiated humans from animals. He imagined the brain,

as that shiny mound of being, that mouse-gray group of cells, that dream factory, that

pleasure factory, that small tyrant protected inside a ball of bone, that wad of neurons

calling all the shots, that little everywhere stuffed into the head with no room to spare.

The ruffles and ridges that kept remodeling itself. The brain was the sacred center of

human intellect, the temple of the human body.

How could Daemon feel justified to manipulate, alter the human center of knowing to

suit his selfish needs?

Curtis was alarmed. Toxoplasmosis (Toxoplasma infection) is considered the third

leading cause of death attributed to food borne illness in the United States. More than

60 million men, women, and children in the U.S. carry the Toxoplasma parasite, but

very few have symptoms because the immune system usually keeps the parasite from

causing illness. The concern is there is no cure. T. gondii stays in your brain and

influences behaviors. Toxoplasma gondii increases the likelihood that a woman will give

birth to a male child. It changes entire cultures.

Most humans who become infected with Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) and develop

toxoplasmosis do not know it. In most immunocompetent patients, (do not have aids)
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the infection enters a latent phase, during which it forms cysts in nervous and muscle

tissue. Most infants who are infected while in the womb have no symptoms at birth but

may develop symptoms later in life.

If a woman initially becomes infected while pregnant, there is a fair chance the T. gondii

will migrate across the placenta to her unborn child, with ghastly results ranging from

abortions, cerebral palsy, seizures, and mental retardation to death. T. gondii is the

leading cause of congenital defects. In children and adults, it can cause other signs, and

is sometimes fatal. It can cause severe disease in persons with poor immune systems

such as those undergoing chemotherapy.

He knew that T. Gondii, is a parasite that is commonly found in warm blooded animals.

Humans are a warm blooded animal. T. gondii is a protozoan parasite that is considered

as the most prevalent parasitic disease in the world. It comes from cats, or animals that

have become infected from cats and consumed by other arm blooded animals or

humans eating undercooked meat.

Most studies are based on the effect of the parasite on the relationship of cats and rats.

These extensive studies have revealed the genius of the parasite. T. gondii WANTS to

live in the gut of a feline, and in order to get there it infects rats. It then alters the way

the rat’s mind reacts to feline influence. Instead of running away, they stay put,

becoming easy prey for cats, thus allowing the T. Gondii parasite to return to the cat’s

digestive tract. It’s an amazing example of a parasite controlling it’s host. Cats are the

only primary hosts of T. gondii; they are the only mammals in which Toxoplasma is

passed through the feces.

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The most startling piece about T.gondii for Curtis is the unknown. It seems to cause

strange and seemingly pointless side effects ranging from dementia to full-blown

schizophrenia possibly the genetic relative of the proposed Rage Virus.

Human domestication of cats happened fairly recently (in ancient Egypt) in human

evolution. So a deleterious effect on humans of a cat parasite seems like something

humans would not have had time to evolve to develop an effective response.

The unintended consequence of genetic manipulation is a new science. Curtis

remembers the genetic altered corn in the Midwest of the US. It spread, infecting

“normal” corn. There were cases of human sensitivity causing serious allergic reactions

and a popular new variety of corn plant that has been genetically modified to resist

insect pests may be taking a toll on the monarch butterfly.

The biotech industry has genetically modified (GM) crops that “resist pests.” Insects do

not stay away from GM fields. The resistance crops contain their own pesticide. When

bugs take a bite of the GM plant, the toxin from the plant splits open their stomach and

kills them. Daemon wants to genetically alter humans for a specific behavior where one

gene may alter unknown consequences by either turning on or off an avalanche of

future unknowns.
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Chapter 3 Gondii no Gandi:

Is it really possible for Daemon to change the way people think or behave? Can a

culture be changed?

What was the role of Daemon’s “altered,” nanotechnologically improved soldiers with full

information dominance. How was Daemon going to “eliminate” the world’s bad


Was Daemon considering to Nano-engineer new bacteria or viruses that could be

slipped in water pipes or grain silos to make sure that the people vote right?

Daemon has powerful and unanticipated tools to achieve his goal. The threat of

massively destructive Daemon may coerce all of the people into placing themselves

under his control. He must be stopped. Who knew what he may do. Daemon had no

limitations. He was out of control. He was applying Top Secret tools, methods, and

processes for his private army.

Curtis knew that he must use the best defense as an offense to learn how to stop this

mad man. Curtis did not know what he did not know. Curtis had many experiences

penetrating Top Secret projects. He knew his enemy.

Curtis remembered when he worked with nuclear tipped missiles. It was supposed to be

a very secure system whereby the President of the United States would use his special

briefcase (known as the “football”) key the same time that TWO people at the missile

silo would activate the firing process.

Curtis knew where to cross two wires and by-pass the security system and single-

handily fire the missile. The government knew that he could do this and required that he

could not be in the “back room” alone and must be screened for a “Human Reliability”
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Clearance. Personnel that have access or the potential to release a nuclear device must

have this clearance.

The Command Center brass did not have the required clearance to go into the back

room. How would anyone know if you were by yourself? Government bureaucracy at its

best: rules were made to be broken. As long as people were involved, Curtis could find

a weakness and bypass the security protocols.

Curtis needed to define what the problem was and to determine who was involved. He

needed answers. At this point, when he did not know who was involved with Daemon,

he did not want to alert the police, or military authorities.

He knew that “the need to know” security system could be beaten. He had done this

many times before.

It was time to excuse himself from Daemon. He needed time to plan how to stop

Daemon. Daemon said as Curtis left, “Hope it is not another 30 years until we meet.

You know you are one of the few that I can trust. Think about assisting me creating a

New World Order.”

Curtis could not get out of Daemon’s office fast enough. He did not know how to stop

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B3 – What Was That?

It was a picture-perfect Saturday for riding ATVs in Mojave Desert. Riding in the winter

was the best time. It was a brisk day. Curtis gunned his high performance all-terrain

Vehicle (ATV) to the top of the steep Mojave Desert hill. Shutting off his ATV, he

watched his best friend, Jack Rose (JR) struggle up the hill.

Taking off his helmet, he gazed across nearby Edwards Air force Base. It was a bright,

cloudless, clear day. Curtis could see for miles. A large shadow passed over him.

Glancing up, he noticed a silver disk about 40 feet in diameter falling back and forth like

a leaf. The disk disappeared quietly into a jagged, dark cave below him.

“What was that?” Curtis yelled to JR as he shut-off his ATV. “Did you see that silver

disk? How could it have gone into that cave, when it was falling like a leaf?” JR,

stretching and taking his helmet off, stands up, staring at the cave, matter-of-factly

replies, “It is probably one of the experimental research aircraft from Edwards Air force

Base, or from the nearby Mojave Air and Space Port. Let’s check it out.”

Curtis’ and JR’s ATVs did not get far on the rocky hill. They got off their ATVs and

began to hike to the cave. The terrain quickly became too steep and rocky. They

discussed whether they should report what they had just witnessed. Curtis taking out his

cell phone taking pictures and storing the GPS coordinates, says, “Let’s go see our

friend Sherriff Sloan. It is best to be on the safe side and report what we saw. He will get

a laugh when we tell him what happened.”

They loaded their ATV’s onto their pickup truck and drove to the Kern County Sherriff’s

Sub-Station. It was located in a small rural community called, Mojave, California.

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Mojave Air and Space Port is the first inland spaceport in the United States. It is where

Burt Rutan’s Spaceship One took off and returned non-stop around the world. In

addition, the civilian National Test Pilot School is located there. Various aerospace

companies and institutions such as Scaled Composites are located there.

Welcome To Mojave

The Sherriff’s Office would probably not know anything about the silver disk, or cave.

Hell, no one around here knows anything. Anything was possible. Mojave had a

pyramid house with an old gas station that has a faded gas price sign: $1.10/gal.
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Pyramid House, Mojave, California

Old Gas Station Palm Inn, Mojave, Ca

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B4: Reaction - Never Happened

Walking inside JR was thinking about the possibilities of what actually happened.

Besides Edwards Air force Base that had all kinds of suspicious things happening,

Mojave also was a hotbed of strange activities.

Their friend, Sheriff Sloan was at the counter. “What brings you guys here? Smiling he

asked, “Bring any donuts?”

All three had been on many search and rescue operations for idiots that were riding

motorcycles or ATVs. They would have an accident, get lost, or would be unable to get

out of the rough, mountainous areas. They knew the vast area. They were experts.

“No donuts” A smiling Curtis replied, “We did not see any little green men, but we did

see a falling silver disk that went into a cave while we were riding our ATVs.” Sheriff

Sloan nodded his head grinning, looking back and forth at them, “Can I have whatever

you guys have been drinking?” Sherriff Sloan noticing that they were serious, “OK, why

are you really here?”

Curtis, now looking Sherriff Sloan straight into his eyes, “No joke, we saw a huge, silver

disk fall into a cave.” Sherriff Sloan, grabbing a clipboard and attaching a form, says,

“Let me make a report. You guys saw a large silver disk fall into a cave. Where is the

cave? Give me the details. Let’s check it out.”

Most 60-year-old guys their age could not keep up with Curtis, JR and Sheriff Sloan on

the trails. All were in excellent physical condition. Their ATVs climbed the same hill that

they had just climbed a few hours before.

Stopping at the same place at the top of the hill where Curtis had taken his GPS

coordinates, they looked for the cave. They compared the GPS coordinates and
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pictures to ensure that they were at the correct location. Despite a cloudless day at

2pm, they did not see a cave. Nothing.

Sheriff Sloan had brought his hiking equipment. They collected the hiking equipment

and climbed to the GPS coordinates. They could not find the cave. They drove a stake

in the location where the cave should have been. Sherriff Sloan called for a helicopter to

assist the search for the cave. The helicopter flew to the indicated GPS site where the

cave was. Despite a comprehensive search around the area, no cave was located.

They stopped searching. Scratching his head and looking at Curtis and JR, Sherriff

Sloan said, “Either you guys were seeing a mirage, or it was something else…what

else, I don’t know. Let’s go home.”

Sherriff Sloan went back to his Sub-Station. Curtis and JR left the area and went to their

homes to a small mountain town 40 miles away, called Golden Hills, California.

Curtis knew what he saw was real. Edwards Air Force Base is the used by the

American military for the flight-testing of experimental aircraft. Strange objects and

activities were common. Curtis dismissed the incident as something the government

must be doing. Curtis stopped at JR’s house and helped JR unload his ATV.

JR’s neighbor came over and said, “Some guy knocked on my door and asked if you

were home.” I told him, “I did not know you were gone.” He asked, “If you worked for the

government?” I told him, “You were on welfare. Screw him. He was a strange fellow.”
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JR knew that Curtis had worked in various Top Secret government jobs. Did Curtis

know more than he told him about the falling disk? How could a cave disappear? He

had seen the cave. What about the silver disk, was it manned? Could the disk be from

the nearby Mojave Spaceport? Burt Rutan does fly experimental aircraft from there. JR

knew there were classified projects there too.

There were always rumors about weird things performing unusual maneuvers out in the

desert. Curtis would not tell him even if he did know. That was how Curtis was. At times,

he would be ambiguous, or just simply say that he did not know.

That night Curtis called JR, “JR have you noticed anything strange?” Noting except a

guy came by and tried to sell me a vacuum cleaner at 6pm. He usually asked questions

about what I did for a living, where I worked. He was weird.” Curtis replied, “The same

incident happened to me. That was not a vacuum cleaner salesperson. Somebody is

looking for us. They each described what the salesperson looked like and it was the

same person.

That night Curtis’ cat jumped on the bed, playing with something. Curtis pried open “Boo

Boo’s” jaws to see a little shiny beetle object that was vibrating its damaged wings.

Curtis examined it. It was a bugbots. That “vacuum cleaner salesperson” had slipped it

in the front door. Whoever “they” were, they were watching. Curtis knew that this was

connected to the falling silver object. The government used dragonflies, sensorflies,

samari, robobees and many more bio mimicry “insects” to monitor whatever they

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Curtis called JR to warn him. JR said, “He was doing nothing wrong and had nothing to

hide. Let them spy, he was going to sleep.”

Curtis hung up his phone and glanced out the front window. He saw a dark van parked

across the street. Curtis understood he also was being watched.

Sunday around noon, Curtis was enjoying reading his newspaper, when his doorbell

rung. A pretty, young lady said that she needed to verify his name because he had won

a prize. Curtis asked her, “What prize?” She explained that her radio station had

randomly selected a house address. His house address was a winner. Curtis told her

that he needed to confirm this. He asked for the radio’s phone number. He dialed the


A person answered. Curtis thought that is strange. Hardly any business has a person

answer the phone. Normally, you must dial a number and punch many numbers to

select different menus to leave a message, or, finally talk to someone.

Curtis had been trained to interrogate and be interrogated by USAF in Crypto. He

decided to do a passive questioning process, stalling, to assess the dynamic process.

He could hear military, or police fast-paced radio conversations in the background.

Curtis told the person, “He was excited to have won the prize that the young lady was at

his door.” Many questions were asked by the “radio station.” Curtis replied with vague

answers. He sounded like a politician. He could obfuscate. After five minutes, Curtis

knew what he needed to know.

This was not the radio station and the lady was phony. He thanked the radio station and

thanked the lady… she was not in a hurry to leave. She said with a smile, “I am sooo

excited. This is my first job. Will you help and answer questions? I need this job.”
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Curtis replied, “I was just getting ready to go to church. I must leave now.” She insisted,

“It would not take very long.” Curtis thanked her and shut the door. He wanted to learn

about her and to discover who was behind this, but it would be on his terms and timing.

Curtis called JR and explained what had just happened. He asked JR if anything else

weird has happened. JR explained, “He had called Sherriff Sloan and asked him if

anybody had questioned him about their trip to locate the cave. Sherriff Sloan replied,

“A strange incident happened, the Kern County Sherriff Wimball himself called and

asked about the report.” After I explained what had happened, Sherriff Wimball

requested that I deleted the report. I did. It did not happen.”

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B4: Set Main Story Line Kidnapped

Monday afternoon, in Golden Hills McDonalds, an upset man wearing an Air Force

Dress Uniform approached Curtis. The man asked Curtis if he would help him. His

crippled wife was lying on the ground. He needed help getting her back into their van.

Both the man and Curtis knelt down to the woman and lifted her into the van’s opened

side door. The man stayed outside the van as Curtis laid her down on the folded down

seats. Inside the van, Curtis adjusted her pillow. The man quickly shut the door. It had

no door handle. Curtis could not get out. Curtis shouted “What the hell’s going on?” as

the strange man jumped into the driver’s seat. The van sped out of the parking lot.

The strange man was not driving. He was watching the 3D hologram computer. Yet, the

van somehow knew how to maneuver through traffic and where to go. Curtis’ extensive

covert intelligence training kicked in. He knew something was very different and not to

struggle at this time. Curtis studied the emotionless man and his wife. She just laid there

looking at the van ceiling.

The woman sat up. She waved her hand as she was sliding back to the rear seat to join

her. Curtis and she buckled their seatbelts. The stranger “driving” talked to the 3D

hologram computer in the front of the van. The 3D Hologram displayed someone

looking at him. He could not hear his replies. He looked familiar, but Curtis did not know

any three star Air Force Generals.

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Curtis is a research scientist. He was trained in observing cause and effect: action and

reaction. He thought about the apparent chain of events: falling silver disk, unable to

locate cave, and now kidnapped. How were these events connected?

Curtis looked at the familiar face in the hologram and asked, “Who are you? Have we

met? Who were they? Where was he going? What did they want?” No one answered.

They turned from highway 12 onto Freeway 58 going east. Curtis recalled this same

freeway was where a spy had been “eliminated.” The spy had worked on the “non-

existent” Edwards Air Force Base Top Secret self-contained satellite proof underground


The spy knew too much. The city did not exist. The research programs were not

happening. The spy died in an “accident.” He was traveling US Freeway 58 in the

mountains on a 6% downhill section into Bakersfield when his brakes failed.

No trial, no publicity: security breech closed. The government saved millions of dollars

in trial cost with the bonus of no bad publicity. In addition, billions were saved from not

having to build another “non-existent” underground Warfare Center Research and

Engineering City.

Curtis was familiar with the concept of allowing a known spy participate, or be given

bogus, or outdated information. Then when their usefulness was ended, they were

eliminated. This spy had reached the government’s goal of disinformation.

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Curtis had unknowingly worked with a German spy for Russia three years. The

government intercepted everything that he did. It was brilliant. The day before he was to

be married, he was publicly “discovered” because it served the government’s need try

him, rather than to simply eliminate him. It is always a twisted story of not knowing the

full story.

Most important to the government, the public did not have “the need to know.” The

government decided what information was in the government’s best interest that the

public should know. As Curtis knew, foreign governments and terrorist must not know

either. The policy of plausible denial worked well. Curtis was on high alert for anything.

Forty five minutes later, still traveling east, the van took an Edward Air Force Base

(EAFB) exist from the freeway. Apparently, the van was operated by remote control.

Shortly, the van turned onto a narrow, nondescript county road with a sign on the

shoulder that read, “NOT THRU ROAD.” About 50 telephone poles later, they slowed as

a rusted, locked gate opened and closed without getting anyone getting out. Curtis

noticed a small EAFB sign on the gate. He was on the base.

There was a truck parked near the gate. He saw a box with a shipping label that had,

“Wackenhut Special Securities Division, EAFB” in the back of the truck. Curtis knew

they were part of a worldwide semi-private security firm based in Coral Gables, Florida.

They had had an exclusive contract with the U.S. Department of Energy including

ground-level perimeters for several large underground facilities in and around EAFB.
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Wackenhut Special Securities Division also maintained security at many other secret

facilities and sensitive installations throughout the U.S. and U.S. interests worldwide.

Curtis was relieved that he was not being kidnapped by a criminal element. The silver

disk and kidnapping must be connected to a Top Secret government program.

Without a word, the woman placed a hood over Curtis’ head. Curtis was pushed forward

to the folded seats into a prone position. He felt a blanket on him.

After 20 minutes driving with the hot, sweaty hood over his head, the van stopped. The

van started again, but was moving slowly. It was quiet. After what seemed to be a few

minutes, the van stopped and moved forward again stopping moments later.

Curtis heard the vans front doors open and close. Curtis sensed that he was alone. The

van side opened. Blinding bright lights made it impossible to focus as his blanket and

hood were removed. A man wearing a Military Police (MP) Uniform motioned for Curtis

to get out and to follow him.

Curtis looked around as he followed the MP. He saw that he was at the end of an

enclosed road that looked to be about 20 feet wide with a high, ceiling. Apparently,

Curtis was inside a large solid concrete building, or underground. Everything was grey.

It looked similar to Kunia, Hawaii underground facility where Curtis had been assigned

to the Joint Chiefs of Staff-Far East, Crypto Division. He worked with NSA Fifth

generation: network-centric systems KG 250 (Double encrypted). They worked in a

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bomb and chemical resistant facility that was buried in a canyon, underneath pineapple


The MP escorted Curtis to a smooth, flat door that opened as they approached. They

entered a conference room. The MP left Curtis. Curtis saw a bright room with single

conference table that had eight chairs on each side with one chair at each end.

The same 3D holographic person came in. The face and the uniform did not go

together. Puzzled, Curtis gave him a once over and asked, “Don Daemon?” The man

wearing a United State Air Force (USAF) Airman Battle Uniform (ABU) smiled. He had

three stars on his hat and collar. He was the three-star Air Force General that had killed

the bank robber. They knew each other. Curtis had thought of him since he last saw him

and remembered they had research together in the breakthrough in Unified Quantum

Field Theory (UQFT) and integrated the concepts and applications into quantum

biophysics in living organisms. Both used synthetic biology as a valuable approach to

biological engineering. It was innovative science and math. They earned their Doctorate

Degrees in the process.

Curtis yelled pissed-off standing face-to-face to General Daemon, “Why in-the-hell the

drama of kidnapping?” General Daemon setting down at the other end of the table,

replied, “When your name came up as the one that made the report about the silver disk

falling like a leaf into a cave, I recognized you. Curtis shaking his fist, “You kidnapped

me because you know me? That falling silver disk must be part of your official To Secret

Experimental Flying Weapons Platform Systems.” Daemon impatiently replied, “In due

time you will have your answers. You know too much already.”
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B5: Action Curtis: main story line: set story goal; Curtis Joins Daemon

Daemon asked in a formal business manner, “Are you with me, or against me?”

Curtis knew Daemon was a dangerous man. He must join him to stop him. Daemon

would be the key to how own destruction.

Daemon broke into Curtis’ thoughts with, “Well?”

Curtis said, “Count me in. My background and interest is a perfect match. I need to live

like a normal person. Will I be able to leave this place?” A relaxed Daemon said, “of

course. You begin work at eight. I, not any government program, will pay you. I will pay

you in cash more than you ever dreamed of getting $1,200,000 per year – that is

$100,000 per month.” Curtis nodded his head and said, “I am with you.” Daemon

replied, “Welcome to the Experimental Flying Weapons Platform Program.”

Dallas knew Daemon could access information, or people anywhere, anytime. He would

know what Curtis was doing. Daemon reminded Curtis about the dead bank robber

incident. Curtis understood he would be under constant surveillance 24/7.

“Our primary concern is that the Top Secret activities not be discovered. Our cover is

the experimental testing of advance flying weapons systems platforms – both manned

and unmanned. We are damn good at it. Are there any questions Curtis?” Curtis did not


Daemon describes some activities of the facility. “One example of the experimental

testing program was the development of the antigravity fighter disc fleet (silver disk) that
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you saw. That cave entrance has a clever entry and closing mechanism. We knew you

looked for it.”

The antigravity fighter disc fleet is equipped with Neutral Particle Beam directed-energy

weapons, and capable of effecting optical as well as radar invisibility, it is deployed for

worldwide military operations.

Another product was the TR-3, a secret hypersonic ram jet aircraft capable of a Mach 6

performance that was immediately recognizable by the pure delta triangle airframe and

the reported, “Donuts-On-A-Rope” contrails. We use that aircraft to conduct regular

flights to the secret ‘Black’ space stations orbiting the Earth. It has reached the end of

its useful cycle. You do not need to know about the replacement.”

Curtis believed Daemon. When the U2 was phased out, it was technology had

surpassed the program. Same with the SR73.

Daemon, with a tilt of his head, said, “He was integrating a particle beam weapon into

his flying platforms.” Curtis asked, “So what is a particle beam weapon?” Daemon, who

loved to demonstrate his superior knowledge, explained, “It is similar to a laser. Lasers

shoot a beam of electromagnetic radiation (light), while particle beam weapons shoot a

beam of sub-atomic particles. Things such as electrons, protons, or ions. Think of

particle beams are atomic weaponry on steroids. The best part is you can direct them to

pinpoint accuracy. The beams are not radioactive either.”

Curtis asked Daemon exactly what were his “altered humans” going to do? How were

they going to “eliminate” the people that he did not approve?

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Daemon smiled and said, “You always ask too many questions. When you have the

need to know, I will inform you. You know the “Need to Know” process. It is a matter of


Daemon was scary. Curtis looked at his watch, thinking he had heard enough and

knowing he was tired of Daemon. He wanted to go home. JR would be worried if he did

not meet him for a scheduled dinner at their favorite Jakes steak house. Daemon had

noticed that Curtis glanced at his watch and said, “I bet you are wondering how you will

get home?” Curtis yawned, “Yes he must leave immediately to meet his friend. He

needs to get back to his car at McDonalds.”

As Curtis passed through the magnetically opened door, he wondered if he was going

to be kidnapped again. Daemon interrupted his thoughts telling Curtis he is arranging

transportation to his car.

There are security protocols that Curtis needed to know about this place. How does he

get back here? Does he need a pass and duress word? What time did he work

tomorrow? Daemon told Curtis “It was not like the old days, a pass, or duress word was

not required. Curtis’ unique electronic profile had received clearances. Be here at 8 in

the morning.”

Daemon paused in the hall and said, “He needed to tell Curtis about the area in general.

There are many underground facilities around here. Their existences are classified. A

facility known as the Plateau is nearby Tejon Ranch where Northrop has built a secret

underground facility.

Another nearby underground facility around here is Llano. It is similar to The Facility

here. It does not use wires for electricity or anything electronic. It uses fiber optics and
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magnetism. There are no normal electrical controls. Everything electrical is the same at

the Facility. This is used to have a defense against a large nuclear device triggering

electro motive forces - pulses (EMF) that would destroy all existing wired electronic and

electrical devices.

The average depth of these bases is over a mile, and they again are basically whole

cities underground. They all are between 2.66 and 4.25 cubic miles in size. They have

laser-drilling machines that can drill a tunnel seven miles long in one day. The Black

Projects sidestep the authority of Congress, which as we know is illegal. Right now, my

friends are depending on these bases.

We are of course at Edwards Air Force Base (EAFB) Experimental Flying Weapons

Platform Testing facility. It is called simply, The Facility. It is the most secure facility in

the world. The facility is about 3,000 feet below the surface in a bomb-proof, biological,

and chemical hazard resistant facility. It was self-contained.”

Curtis had been briefed in other underground facilities. The rock geology posed a

significant challenge for nuclear weapons. Such a target is difficult to penetrate. The

facility has “S” reversed curved halls with two abrupt 90º corners to deflect and trigger

massive doors dropping immediately into the tunnel.

Daemon gave Curtis a summary of the Facility. “Using the current massive ordnance

payloads (30,000-50,000 lbs.) with dual delivery, where a second penetrator follows

immediately behind the first, and boosting the penetrator velocity with a rocket motor, a

depth of up to 40 meters (131 feet) can be achieved in moderately hard rock. In view of

the promise of such a massive penetrator for both conventional and nuclear payloads,
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the Facility is 3,000 (914meters) feet below the surface. The Facility cannot be

penetrated by a nuclear payload.”

There was a section of The Facility that was connected to the underground research

self-contain city. Daemon was the only one that knew about it. He had his “deleted”

associates construct the unhidden door. It was a clever arrangement of hiding the

entrance in plain sight within the underground city. No one could have access to The

Facility from the underground city, except him. The entry had quantum-encrypted locks

that matched his unique biological vibrations.

In addition, the facility had a Faraday grid embedded in concrete ensuring that they

were not accessible to audio or electromagnetic penetration. They were invisible to

satellites. The Facility utilized cloaking devices that bent electromagnetic waves, such

as light, or radar. The facility was invisible.

Curtis had worked many underground installations. Some of them were near EAFB.

Most recently at the underground tunnels and facilities in New Mexico at Dulce,

Quartzite Mountain, and Tonopah.

Curtis had a cousin, Laury who told him about Edwards Air force Base. "There's more

than just tunnels down there. There's everything you can imagine down there. I know

because we put it up. It would blow your mind. We installed it. We did everything."

As Curtis reflected about what Laury had said, he remembered Laury saying “He said

he would take tube shuttles 50 miles to the other end of the base in the Tehachapi

Mountains. The underground base had been referred to as an underground city. He

remembered his buddy was fired for being ‘unmanageable’ as EAFB management puts

it. He was spray painting. He was talking. He was not supposed to talk. The Spybee
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kept bumping into the back of his neck. He turned and said, ‘screw you’ as he sprayed

the Spybee.

Laury said, “Even though he was fired, it was funny watching the Spybee blinded,

disappeared bouncing off the walls, and quickly withdrew from its spy mission.”

The Spybees were weird. They were everywhere. If you said anything, one would


Curtis could not tell if the two people inside the approaching van were the same ones

earlier. They all looked alike. Curtis thought, “Are they clones?” Daemon said, “Get in,

they will take you back to your car. See you tomorrow.”

Steganographic Telephoto of Entrance: EAFB Experimental Aircraft Testing

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As Curtis was being escorted to the entrance of the underground Facility, he could see

how the facility was designed to deflect bomb blast ricocheting down the hall with two

90º turns. It did not take long to drive through the “S” shaped tunnel. Two similar looking

MPs were at the entrance.

The ride back to McDonalds was uneventful with no conversation. Curtis was glad to be

back in his car. It was time to meet his JR for dinner.

Curtis had worked in projects where he used time proven technologies of alerting his

agency each time that he changed locations and indicating estimated time for arrival

(ETA) for his arrival at the new locations. Cell phones and a GPS devise that updated

his position on a real basis were used.

The rules were changed. Daemon was very resourceful. The USAF Experimental

Aircraft Testing Facility was doing the monitoring. They knew everything. His job was to

find and exploit the weaknesses.

Curtis and JR greeted and sat down for dinner. How was Curtis going to tell JR what the

hell has happened? JR was knowledgeable about the projects that Curtis has worked

on. He was a quick and resourceful thinker. JR could help Curtis, if he knew what to do.

Curtis knew he was being watched. How was he being watched? Electronic or audio

surveillance, or both? Daemon was obviously integrating Remote Neural Monitoring

RNM of individual’s bioelectric fields.

Everyone has a unique electronic resonance that could be monitored through many

inputs: satellites, power lines, metal pipes, Radio Frequency ID (RFIDs) grains

broadcasted in strategic places, or invisible holograms all integrated into useful

information upon user’s request.

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Daemon had access to advance tools and unlimited resources. Curtis would develop a

systematic approach to learn the extent of his surveillance. He knew JR had lots of

experience in this area. He would consult with JR.

Curtis knew that JR’s most recent experience in developing advanced surveillance tools

included Air Force Spybees, Bugbots, or Micro Air Vehicle (MAVs) bug-like drones that

were smaller than a fly. They now used artificial Intelligence (AI) and were in

communication with thousands of other BugBots as well as command centers. JR had

successfully integrated passive Radio Frequency ID’s (RFID) when scanned from

satellites, produced enhanced surveillance. The combined inputs produced flexible, on-

demand information that enhanced other surveillance inputs.

JR had worked with NSA Signals Intelligence and was able to remotely detect

individuals electronic neuronal activity.

As Curtis and JR settled in their chairs, Curtis noticed two gentlemen being seated with

their backs facing Curtis in the far corner. They looked the same as the two MP’s that

demonstrated their ability to do Daemon’s “right thing.” They had been followed.

JR noticed that Curtis was quiet. JR asked, “Are you OK? Curtis replied, “Are you a

widow’s son?” JR knew this was a duress statement. Both were neighbors from the first

grade through high school graduation. They were veterans of various games such as:

“Cops and Robbers,” and make believe “James Bond Spy games.” They had agreed

when they were children they would always be available for each other and their coded

statement would be used to let the other one know something was wrong.
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They had chosen this statement because JR’s dad had been rejected for a bank loan

when he muttered, “Are you a widow’s son,” (thinking the banker had no heart) and the

banker immediately stopped and gave him the loan. JR and Curtis thought that the

phrase must be important, or meant something.

JR smiled and said, “Do I look that bad?” They both laughed. They had communicated.

They enjoyed their dinner; Curtis invited JR to stop for an aperitif. JR agreed to follow

Curtis home.

The two gentlemen at the far corner did not move. They did not leave their table. Curtis

knew that they did not have to follow Curtis for Daemon to know what they were doing.

Daemon wanted Curtis to know he was watching.

They went directly into a very special room that Curtis had prepared for emergencies.

Curtis slightly lifted and twisted the large picture on the far wall. An invisible vault door

swung opened; the door edges matched the paneling grooves.

They entered the self-contained safe room. It was “spy proofed.” No electronic or

audible penetration was possible. No compromising (usually referred as TEMPEST)

emanations of any frequencies could come in or go out. It was his safe house where he

could live for a month or escape. They entered and closed the heavy door. They heard

the massive dead bolts engage. No one could get into the reinforced, 18-inch thick,

concrete walls, floors, and ceiling safe room. They were safe for now.

“What the hell is going on Curtis?” JR waved his hand toward Curtis with a concerned

look, “You get someone pregnant?” Curtis answered running his hand through his hair,

and said, “Wow, you would not believe what happened to him.” Curtis told JR what had

happened as JR poured two shots of their favorite aperitif, Frangelico liqueur.

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JR puzzled asked, “What are you going to do? Curtis replied, “He first must treat the

Daemon threat as if it was a research project. The first step in solving a problem is to

use the Ockham's Razor principle: keep it simple.

Curtis knew from years of scientific research that a simple five-step scientific method:

1. State the problem,

2. Make Observations,

3. Form a Hypothesis,

4. Do the experiment, &

5. Draw a conclusion

To solve the problem would be the first step in the process to organize his thoughts and

actions/reactions to eliminate, or neutralize Daemon as a threat.

The problem was how to stop Daemon with “New World Order” undertones. Was this a

worldwide conspiracy being orchestrated by an extremely powerful and influential

Daemon? Daemon determined what was right, or wrong with life or death

consequences. He was the judicial system that included the verdict.

JR poured another shot for both of them. Curtis began to pace. Curtis said, “JR, a good

opponent can be beat if they are understood and their capabilities are known.”

JR asked, “Was Daemon the leader of the apparent genetically related individuals? Is

Daemon the leader? Are there others?” Curtis replied, “Perhaps many of the world's

wealthiest people, top political leaders, and corporate elite are involved. Daemon’s goal

may be to create a One World Government, stripped of nationalistic and regional

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boundaries, which would be obedient to their agenda. He says he wants to eliminate the

world polluters.” JR, looking straight at Curtis said, “Pollute, hell, he is just another

greedy bastard that wants power. He is crazy to think stopping the world polluters will

produce stability and peace. We got to stop that bastard now.”

Curtis and JR had established their goal: stop Daemon. How would they be able to it?

Curtis knew he had seen only the tip of a huge iceberg. To stop octopus tentacles from

moving, you must kill it.

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B6: Reaction: Curtis: main story line: What are you going to do?

JR impatiently asked, “What are you going to do next?” Curtis replied, “Both were in

danger. Would JR help? They needed to learn what, where, and when to observe.” JR,

gulped down the rest of the second shot. He replied, “Count me in.”

Curtis noted that they would apply the same principle that Daemon had applied: eyes

wide shut. They would hide in plain sight. They would do their normal routines. Their

hidden agenda was theirs alone. No one else could know. The same “need to know”

rules that Daemon used applied to them too.

JR said, “The safe house was compromised. Daemon would know that it existed when

they entered.” Curtis agreed and tossed back the rest of his second shot. Curtis

reflected, thinking aloud, “JR, how are we gonna get out of here undetected? The safe

house would be a place that they could talk, but Daemon would know something was

being hidden from him.” “Exactly the case,” JR replied.

Curtis, relaxed said, “The good booze was stored in the safe room. It was always cool in

there. The safe room was the best place to go for a drink.” Simple. Curtis said, “He

would invite Daemon over for a drink and introduce him to JR.”

No plan of action could be discussed. They needed to learn more. Curtis said looking at

JR with a smile, “How many times did they do the impossible?”

Curtis said, “JR, nothing stopped us. We produced results. Remember when they said

that the KW26 Crypto Computer could not be decrypted? It used the Fibonacci Code as

a universal code line that never repeated itself with, a noise diode that randomly started

the code line change based on random noise?” JR Remembered the Fibonacci Code.
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The KW26 took the numbers derived from the Golden Ratio and converted them into a

binary code.

Curtis said, “Recall it was impossible to decode (break) the Fibonacci coding, our

project broke the code lines?” Curtis and JR were original thinkers.

Curtis told JR, “He had developed a method whereby they could securely communicate.

It exceeded the need-to-know granularity. All data stored and processed by multi-level

information systems security initiative (MISSI). This begins the process to stop


Curtis had completed a recent study of Frequency-hopping spread spectrum (FHSS),

direct-sequence spread spectrum (DSSS), time-hopping spread spectrum (THSS), chirp

spread spectrum (CSS), and combinations of these techniques that used forms of

spread spectrum.

No one knew of the technique where Curtis used sunlight, moonlight, or starlight as the

carrier. Any source of ambient light would work. The noise was filtered. He got the idea

when he answered his doorbell and the motion detector on his porch light had turned on

the light.

Perhaps if he developed a transmitter that sensed where information had changed the

environment, and he filtered the ambient noise out, he could transmit and receive all

over the world using existing light. There was always light available. He used light filters

that enabled him to work in infrared and visible light.

Curtis had developed The Golden Ratio that was used to generate infinite positive or

negative values encryption methods. These techniques employed pseudorandom

number sequences that determined and controlled the spreading pattern of the signal
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across infinite bandwidth that was based on transmitting short duration pulses. It was

triple random encryption of the Golden Ratio encryption process.

He had figured how to monitor the infinite spectrum for desired key codes that enabled

him to transmit to a receiver that could decode his ambient infinite spectrum. The

quantum codes were infinite.

Curtis and JR agreed to use Curtis’ newly discovered communication process that did

not use headphones or use electrical or mechanical devices. Their special eye contacts

provide visual communication.

Curtis, getting a glass of water, told JR, “The real breakthrough was the transmitting

side. Reducing the transmitter to a transparent contact lens was difficult.”

Curtis told JR, “His special eye contacts would be available next week at JR’s

optometrist.” They said good night and JR left.

Curtis had six pairs of the special communication eye contact lens that could be worn

24/7 for a month before requiring to be cleaned. They could be modified for individual

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B7: Action: Curtis: main story line : First Day Working for Daemon

Nothing like a good cup of coffee. Curtis drove to EAFB front gate, but the MP would not

let him into his section of the Air Base. The MP called Daemon. After some

conversation, the MP gave Curtis a red car bumper sticker with the word “FACILITY”

across the sticker.

Curtis asked the MP for driving instruction to the facility. Daemon was not perfect. He

had forgotten to clear him with the front gate.

Driving toward the entrance to the facility, he thought of the perfect disguise of the

declared mission and the covert Daemon’s hidden mission. Upon arrival at the front of

the facility, two MPs approached him in a van. Curtis parked his car and got into the


The MPs drove to his destination and motioned him to get out. The van left as a single

MP approached and motioned for Curtis to follow. He was escorted to a different door.

His escort left and the door with no knobs opened.

Curtis entered into what he knew was going to be his work world. It was a large, well-

lighted room with an office at the end. It was empty. Daemon came in with an

eagerness said, “Let’s get started.”

Curtis said, “Wait a minute, where is the bathroom? Where was the water fountain?

Where was the coffee machine? Where was the cafeteria? Where were the office

supplies? Where are the other researchers?” Daemon replied, “Curtis was always the

one to ask questions.”

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Daemon said, “We are it. There are no other researchers here. The others are research

products that are part of the process towards perfection. The altered humans are

required parts to the machine. The need to know basis dictate that only required

personnel know what they need to know to do their jobs.”

“…required parts to the machine?” Curtis knew he had to stop this maniac. The people

that had their DNA altered, were not human to him, just “products of the process.”

Curtis knew the fuzzy line between creativity and madness is a fine one. Daemon was

definitely a schizotype that benefited from it. Daemon could make buttons from their

bones and feel good about it.

Daemon said, “…and the bathroom is in your office. The water fountain, office supplies,

and coffee machine are there too.” Curtis asked, “Where do we eat?” Daemon said,

“The MPs would bring food at noon each day and take you to your car at 5pm.”

Daemon said, “My mission for the Experimental Flying Weapons Systems takes lots of

my time. My associates assist, in their compartmentalized areas, not knowing what

others are doing. This is standard operating procedure, as you know.

My primary interest is in the human DNA modifying process to produce desired human

characteristics. When there is an opportunity to integrate the two projects for my benefit,

it is done.”

As they entered the office, Daemon said that they used quantum computers that make

the Cray computer like using chalk on a board. As he continued toward Curtis’ desk, he

told Curtis to input into the computers, he simply spoke. The computers had artificial

intelligence and learned quickly.”

Curtis knew that there are four ways to manipulate genes:

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 Amplify – To learn more about gene’s role

 Delete – To learn about gene’s role when removed

 Modify – To identify specific sequences of DNA that is responsible for a gene’s


 Map – To understand the activity of a gene and its protein

Daemon playing his favorite professor role, turned and said he wanted to review basic

facts about T. gondii. “T. gondii is readily amenable to genetic manipulation in the

laboratory. Cell biology studies are more readily performed in T. gondii due to the high

efficiency and the availability of many cell markers, and the relative ease with which the

parasite can be studied using advanced microscopic techniques. T. gondii remains the

best model system to manipulate T. gondii DNA to insert into human DNA.”

The quantum computers were an ideal tool to conduct research with unlimited

possibilities. Human behavior is very complex and to match DNA attributes with desired

human behavior is a very complex task.

Curtis asked Daemon, What is the first priority? What is needed? Daemon replied, “The

first priority is improving the protein synthesis program to modify human DNA for

superior intelligent agents where they would perceive their environment and took

actions that maximize their chances of success in a rapidly changing environment. What

is needed, you tell me.”

Curtis knew new scientific studies on the genetic basis of human behavior and the new

sociobiology favors nature over nurture and provides a cultural context for the

widespread acceptance of the new biotechnologies. Daemon was taking it much further.
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Daemon paused and continued, “The various spybots, bugbots (digital insects) –

mobile, autonomous snoop that combines photo-rechargeable batteries with Nano

sensors for sound, infrared and visible light, plus molecular detectors. The tiny platform

narrowcast its findings in digital microburst to an off-site receiver to global

communication programs, including the silver flying disk that you saw, presently are

performing within acceptable parameters. He networks with DARPA (the US Defense

Advanced Research Project Agency)

Curtis asked Daemon “Was the world's wealthiest people, top political leaders, and

corporate elite involved? Is this your weird Illuminati fantasy? Did you form a synarchist

group of global rulers, which rule this planet by the iron fist in a velvet glove divide and

conquer methodology? ” Daemon replied, “Curtis, you have read too many conspiracy

theory books. Science is leading the New World Order. Technology makes national

boundaries obsolete.”

Daemon, warming up to the topic; “My program is too important to entrust people that I

do not know. I do have friends in high places –both in the military and civilian.”

Curtis said, “You want a One World Government and one-unit monetary system, under

a permanent non-elected leader?” Who is the New World Oder Leader?

Is Bilderberg the leader? The rumor is that their ultimate goal remains unchanged: Turn

the UN into a world government with “nation-states” becoming merely geographic

references. The European Union is to become a single political entity, followed by the

“American Union” and, finally, the “Asian-Pacific Union.” The “American Union” is to

include the entire Western Hemisphere, including Cuba and other offshore islands.
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Daemon said, “That pretty much sums it up.” Curtis asked, Why? Daemon replied,”

Humans are not fit to rule the world as their DNA is presently structured. They would

destroy the earth. The unfit, undesirable DNA traits need to be eliminated. Science can

modify human minds, thus their behaviors. There is a window of opportunity to change

the world for the better. My program is making a positive difference.”

Curtis said, “Have you considered what Cicero said back in 42 BC?” Daemon replied,

“…and what was that?

Curtis using his cell phone entered “Cicero” into the Google search engine “Let me read

it to you:”

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot

survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for

he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves

among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the

alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears

not traitor, he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and he wears

their face and their garments, and he appeals to the baseness that lies

deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works

secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city, he

infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to

be feared." - Cicero, 42 B.C.

Daemon, smirking, said, “You know Cicero’s career as a statesman was marked by his

inconsistencies and a tendency to shift his position in response to changes in the

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political climate. He was prone to overreaction in the face of political and private

change. The last three years of his life were probably closer to the truth. He developed

six characteristics”:

1. that only what is morally noble is good;

2. that virtue is sufficient for happiness;

3. that any transgression or right action is equally bad or good;

4. that all fools are insane;

5. that the wise alone are free, and all fools are slaves; and

6. that only the wise are wealthy.

Daemon, on a roll, said, “Cicero summed it up with:

‘The wise do nothing against their will nor with regret nor by compulsion;

but the wicked are enslaved because their abject spirit has no volition of

its own. Those with excessive desires are needy and poor no matter how

much money they have, while those who are content with what they have

are rich.’

Do you still believe Cicero was a wise man?”

Curtis annoyed, replied, “Cicero believed in philosophy of human brotherhood. He

believed all people share the spark of divinity and are protected by natural law. He

believed all people have value and importance. You are not the natural law. You have

taken the law into your own hands.”

Daemon replied, “Are you a bleeding liberal?” Curtis replied, “No, but have you

considered the danger when you decide what is right or wrong? What unique

knowledge do you have that qualifies you to decide what is right? How do you know
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what are the rights of others should be?” Who has decided what your rights are? Who

appointed you the decision-maker? Who made you God?”

Curtis knew that he could not push Daemon too hard. He wanted to join him and defeat

him. Daemon knew that Curtis had a basic political conservative philosophy and Curtis

wanted Daemon to share his philosophical view and agreement with Daemon’s


Curtis said, “Daemon, you have always been an autocratic, and hard-headed person.”

Daemon replied, “Yep, that’s me. Curtis, you know that making something new requires

many approaches, and adjustments. I have researched and consulted with various

world leaders, business leaders, the best farmers, and best bankers to reach a

consensus as to the desired traits for humans that would not destroy them. I am trying

to save our world.

Daemon said, “This altered T. gondii DNA is the perfect solution to achieve my goals.

The aggregate (or cumulative) effects of T. gondii parasitic infection in millions of

people has a major effect on collective personality. T. gondii’s subtly influence on

human societies and cultures, such as women’s behavior/reputation in France would

mask his altered humans. France has one of the highest infection rates in the world. He

could hide in plain sight. He wanted to use T. gondii as a tool to save the earth from

mad humanity that was destroying the earth.

Damien was back in his mad scientist voice, “This is a noble effort to save our planet for

our children’s children. The process requires sacrifices. Some human’s DNA

manipulations produced undesired traits and behaviors. It was necessary that they were

destroyed. Curtis we both have eliminated people. They all died naturally, or had an
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accident. We did whatever method suited our needs. Nobody knows what happened. It

is clean and efficient. The government has done this from the beginning. All

governments do it. It is not murder. Warfare is not murder. Even nature does this, Army

Ants sacrifice themselves by drowning for the benefit of other ants to crawl over them

and cross streams.”

Curtis told Daemon, “This is not warfare, this is murder.” Daemon responded with, “It is

simply politics. I have plenty of potassium chloride and calcium gluconate. I call it, ‘heart

attack on command, all natural. No trace. Remember the exploding pen? That was a

good one.”

Curtis was alarmed. How far had Daemon gone? Was he responsible for the recent

deaths of over 100 microbiologists over the past several years, and the deaths of some

bankers and world leaders?

Curtis said, “Well, there are clearly established acceptable rules, procedures, and

policies in the intelligence business. Sometimes within this process, people are

eliminated that pose a threat to our country.”

Daemon replied, “Eliminating the bureaucracy and being focused, knowing what is best

for desired goals dictates what procedures are best. You have your career politicians; I

have dedicated and committed world leaders that have established simplified rules that

will help save our planet. It someone gets in the way of the process to save our world,

they are eliminated. We do the same thing, but for difference reasons.”

“Curtis you may be surprised that I carry a copy of the bible in my slate cell phone.”

Curtis looked at Daemon with a puzzled look. Daemon continued, “Perhaps it is like in

the bible where God told Moses to have the children of Levi to kill in one day three
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thousand men because they failed to say they supported God. Look, here it is on my

slate phone, Exodus 32:26-28. God and Moses were both eliminating people way back

then that were not in agreement with their belief system.”

“Daemon, my father was a Pentecostal Preacher.” He preached, “Hell-Fire and

Damnation.” My father had preached a sermon where God was a wrathful, vengeful

God, but he did not preach killing people in the name of God.” Curtis was alarmed, he

must somehow figure a process to change his views, or eliminate him.

Daemon looking at Curtis like he was his mentor, said, Curtis read this as he handed his

slate cell phone to Curtis with a bible passage where God had commanded “…Abijah

and his people to slew them with a great slaughter: so there fell down slain of Israel five

hundred thousand chosen men. Thus the children of Israel were brought under at that

time, and the children of Judah prevailed, because they relied upon the Lord God of

their fathers (2 Chronicles 13:15-18).”

Daemon replied with a smile, “Well, I was not raised that violent. I was an altar boy and

the priest was nice to me.” Once when the priest was drunk, he told me that I had better

do the right thing, or God would kill me. I said that God does not kill people.”

Daemon put his feet on top of the desk and leaned back and said, “The priest told me

that God had not only killed people, but he also had people mutilated. He told me about

people getting their toes and thumbs cut off, here, I’ll show you in the bible. I never

forgot it”

Reaching forward for his cell phone, Daemon pressed his finger to the screen a couple

of times and said, “Look where the bible said mutilation was OK if done for the right

thing.” Curtis read, “…When Abonibezek had, …Threescore and ten kings, having their
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thumbs and their great toes cut off, gathered their meat under my table: as I have done,

so God hath requited me” (Judges 1:5-7). 

Then Daemon said, As if that was not a good enough threat, the priest told Daemon

about God having 1,000,000 people killed.

Curtis said, “1,000,000 killed? Daemon said, “Yea, it is there in the bible, here, I will

show you. Read this:”  “And Asa had an army of men . . . And there came out against

them Zera the Ethiopian with an host of a thousand thousand . . . Asa cried unto the

Lord his God, and said Lord, it is nothing with thee to help, whether with many, or with

them that have no power, help us, O Lord our God . . . So the Lord smote the

Ethiopians” (2 Chronicles 14:8-12).” 

Curtis saw Daemon relax. Curtis gave the slate phone back to Daemon who started to

look through the bible with his finger on his cell phone. Daemon knew he had an ally.

Daemon knew that the God stories were even more graphic where God had the earth

filled with billions of murdered victims. Daemon was really feeling justified for his actions

when he said, “Listen to this: “And the slain of the Lord shall be at that day from one end

of the earth even unto the other end of the earth: they shall not be lamented, neither

gathered, nor buried, they shall be dung upon the ground (Jeremiah 25:33).”

Curtis thought this was a good time to ask again how Daemon’s was going to eliminate

people he did not like. Curtis asked, “Daemon, how are the altered humans going to

eliminate the bad people?”

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Daemon with a smile, replied, “It depends how many, and the situation the bad people

are in. If it were an army, broadcast measures of destruction would be required.

Individuals would be eliminated with surgical precision. It would be of course with

plausible denial. Armies may require a political solution. You know, picking a fight

between two bad guys and then eliminating the winner by some means that would not

be connected to him. My altered soldiers would provide the means and leadership.”

Daemon was insane. He was beyond schizotypes.

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B:8 Daemon Has T. gondii

It was possible that Daemon either had infected himself, or had become infected. He

displayed the classic trait of “religiosity.” There is a positive correlation. Curtis would get

a one of his hairs to determine if Daemon was infected.

It was obvious Daemon thought he was not doing any harm to humans with his

experiments. The government killed people and most people already had T. gondii.

If Daemon is infected with T. gondii, it may be the weakest leak. Curtis had to find a

process that would eliminate T. gondii infections and antibodies and therefore the traits.

Daemon thought that they would save the earth from being destroyed by humanity.

There would be no culture conflicts. He would produce the chosen elite to carry out his


He would design different exterior human models, but with evolving superior intellect,

behaviors and traits. It would be a family of humanity that was managed. They would

have one leader. One government. One world. One higher self. Peace.

Daemon was near the end of his first phase of human DNA manipulations with altered

T. gondii genes. He used a technique of DNA cloning of T. gondii using expression of

vectors to generate a library of clones. Each clone expressed one protein. Daemon had

used this expression library to screen for the properties of interest and clones of interest

that he had recovered for further analysis. He had narrowed the selections.

Daemon said, “Let me show my recent research as the he walked over to a large

research bench.” Daemon talked as if he was talking to Curtis and said, “I need the
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results of the data run last week.” Immediately displayed in front of Curtis and Daemon

was a summary of his research of protein syntheses and gene genetic information that

was in the molecule deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA of the latest human model #3


Daemon and Curtis both new that DNA was made and resides in the nucleus of living

cells. It was biology 101. Everyone knew DNA gets its name from the sugar molecule

contained in its backbone (deoxyribose); however, it gets its significance from its unique


Four different nucleotide bases occur in DNA: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G),

and thymine (T). They had used gene expression in the process to get information from

a gene to be used in the synthesis of a functional gene product.

Curtis knew that Daemon was using T. gondii because of its known ability to alter

learning, memory, and behavior. By employing a cut and paste genetic engineering

technique, he could delete or replace a gene to determine or change its functions. Most

model organisms naturally rejoin the manipulated pieces at the location of their proper

and predictable sequence. When the T. gondii DNA was altered to Daemon’s

specifications, he would insert T. gondii into his selected soldier. T. gondii would infect

the soldier and the soldier would develop Daemon’s selected characteristics and


Daemon displayed a large chart indicating he had created safe, genetically modified

vaccines to put into people. He was able to quickly and consistently target strains for

genetic engineering. He needed to identify the best serum for the vaccination of the

altered T. gondii into humans.

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Daemon explained, "Fundamentally, first must genetically deleted all possible growth

and virulence factors as well as the potential for transmission. Then key protective

antigens or genes from other sources must be introduced in a defined way. Now we can

do this efficiently, reliably and, cleanly."

The next display represented a non-redundant view of all T. gondii genes and data on

their expression patterns, cellular roles, functions, and evolutionary relationships.

Daemon asked Curtis, “Did he know this information?” Curtis replied yes, “That he had

occasion to refer to this information.”

Curtis said he was concerned that T. gondii was so widespread in the world among

humans and the long-term effects were not known. Toxoplasmosis is the third leading

cause of death due to food borne pathogens in the US.

It was in the ocean. Most warm-blooded marine mammals are infected with Toxoplasma

gondii. This is indicative of contamination of the ocean environment and coastal waters

with oocysts/eggs. About 90% of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) from the

coasts of Florida, South Carolina, and California have antibodies to T. gondii.

Curtis had read where scientists and researchers have recently discovered a correlation

between Toxoplasma gondii and the decrease in the sea otter population. Since cats

are the only creatures that shed the T. gondii parasite, through their feces, there seems

to be a cause and effect.

Curtis with a pained, concerned look on his face said, “Sewage Treatment Plants does

not kill the T. Gondii parasite. Cat owners using flushable litters, may be unwittingly

contributing to the ultimate deaths of sea otters.”

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Daemon remained stoic. He was not listening. Curtis was not going to give up. Curtis

continued, “Storm Drain Runoff eventually runs off into a creek or river which flows

directly into an ocean bay. Since outdoor cats bury their feces, deep watering or heavy

rains float the oocysts/eggs (which have an extremely hard, durable shell) out to a bay

in the ocean.

Daemon smiling, said, “You have certainly kept up with T. gondii research. That is one

of the reasons that I need you.”

Curtis told Daemon he needed more information about injecting the modified T. gondii

into humans when the long-term effects were not known. What were the unintended

consequences? If sea otters were dying, what long term effect on humans, their


Daemon responded to Curtis’ concerns, “His research results confirmed his notion that

the immediate benefits to the human race far exceed the possible unintended

consequences.” Curtis reminded Daemon there was a huge responsibility in altering

DNA. Curtis was concerned Daemon had no fear that mankind's fast-growing store of

genetic knowledge may be less of a treasure chest than a Pandora's Box.”

Daemon was committed to using T. gondii to enable him to develop the perfect human

for the New World Order. Curtis was committed to stopping Daemon and neutralizing

Daemon’s associates.

Daemon said he would leave Curtis alone and let him review his research. He left.

Finally, Curtis would wipe down Daemons chair and sweep the floor checking for any
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hair that he could analyze to verify his suspicions that Daemon was infected with T.


Curtis located one of his hairs on the chair that Daemon has sat on and three from the

floor. He would find out the answer immediately.

Curtis used the Boston University method that did not require amplification. It was less

error prone and quicker for DNA sequencing. He had a match. Daemon was infected.

Curtis knew that Toxoplasma kill infected cells; they must constantly hop from cell to cell

to survive. He reviewed that basic facts about T. gondii. He was looking a process or

procedure that would eradicate T. gondii.

When T. gondii burst out of an infected cell, they leave a mess behind. They pillage,

destroy and shred the dense meshwork of proteins that make-up the host cell

cytoskeleton and breaks the cell apart, killing the cell. 

In the absence of calpain, T. gondii cannot escape the infected cell. Blocking or

removing calpain-1, the calcium regulated protease, left parasites trapped inside the

host cell. Perhaps he could use this process and stop Daemon.

There was another process that he could use. It required a laser. Curtis knew

conjugates, or a protein that functions in interaction with other chemical groups of gold

nanoparticles and antibodies have useful functionalities. Gold Nano rods were

conjugated with an anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibody and used to target the extracellular

tachyzoite, which is an infectious form of an obligate parasite Toxoplasma gondii.

Subsequent laser irradiation was used to kill the targeted protozoans. This concept

provides a new paradigm for the treatment of parasitic protozoans. Was it practical?
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Could Curtis use this process? He had to research the best method that would suit his

needs to eradicate T. gondii infections.

The rest of the day Curtis engaged himself in reviewing Daemon’s research to

understand, but more importantly, to look for a weakness to enable him to stop

Daemon. Daemon and his associates all were infected.

At the end of the day, Daemon came into Curtis’ office. He asked Curtis if he would like

to have dinner with him and his friend at Jakes Steakhouse at 6 pm. Curtis agreed and

Daemon left. Curtis was puzzled. What were Daemon’s motives? Why meet him after

work? Who was his friend?

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B9: Action: Curtis Baldwin: Curtis romantic subplot

The ride home was uneventful, but Curtis was alert. He could not see anything following

him. He wondered how extensively Daemon was able to multi-medium monitor him.

Checking around his house, Curtis did not see anything unusual.

Curtis poured himself a cold beer, grabbed the Wall Street Journal, and glanced at the

first page. One item caught his attention was a meeting notice of the International

Monetary Fund (IMF) where they were warning the world banking community not to

make their own rules. Curtis wondered if this was a reflection of Daemon’s friends


Was this part of Daemon’s group? Did Daemon tell him the truth that he was the only

one to be involved in his research to produce cloned humans in his maniac approach to

save the world? Was Curtis paranoid?

As Curtis parked, he noticed a black limousine. The medallion notified Curtis that

Daemon was not now monitoring him. Was that Daemon and his friend? Curtis checked

in and was told, “It would be five minutes before his table was ready.” Curtis grabbed a

Mojave Newspaper and sat in the lobby. He read the headlines: “Burt Rutan's Mojave-

based Space Ship Two” The article was about Scaled Composites team celebrated an

international triumph Dec. 7 with Virgin Galactic's glitzy rollout of the first commercial

space vehicle, Space Ship Two.

Curtis hears his name. He looks up to see a beaming Daemon. His “friend” was

youngish 40’s head turning, petite and curvy blonde-haired person that was a billboard

for expensive jewelry. She was definitely “eye candy.” What was Daemon thinking?
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Daemon introduces Mary Sue as a co-worker that works at his Mojave Air and Space

Port office. Pleasantries were exchanged as the maître d’ says, “Table for four guests?”

They were seated at one of the best tables that looked over snow-capped mountains.

Curtis was curious. He asked Daemon smiling, “Where did you find her?” Daemon was

proud of his trophy girl. Daemon causally remarked, “She applied for the Research

Assistant position that I advertised.” Curtis thought, “fair enough.” Curtis speaking to

Mary Sue, “Daemon treating you right?” She blushed and looking straight at Daemon

responded, “He is a super boss. I enjoy working with him. He is a very smart


Curtis thinking this is too gushy, changes the topic. He explains to Mary Sue, he has

known Daemon for many years and has just started assisting him as a research

consultant. Mary Sue asked Curtis if he “liked what he was doing” and Curtis

responded, he “Loved his work. It is what he was trained to do.”

Daemon glanced at Curtis when Curtis asked Mary Sue, “What was her background in

terms of work experience and education?” Mary Sue looking at Daemon answered, “I

had just enough ‘background and experience’ to qualify for what I do.” Wow. She said

nothing, but answered the question. She was good. Daemon was grinning ear-to-ear.

Curtis could not help but notice how pretty her eyes were. They were a radiating green.

She smiled a lot. It was a pleasant dinner where the conversation never drifted into

areas that Daemon or Curtis would not feel comfortable talking about. They were

experienced in these matters. They were professional. Their lives had depended on it

many times.
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Daemon explained to Curtis that Mary Sue worked at the Mojave Air and Space Port.

Daemon taking his cue, looking at Mary Sue, “Curtis will be occasionally checking in at

your office. Curtis knows what he needs to do to accomplish his assigned tasks.”

Daemon told Mary Sue that he would call her to let her know when Curtis would be

coming. That was like Daemon, always in control. Curtis told Mary Sue he looked

forward to seeing her again. Daemon smiled.

The dinner ended with a toast by Daemon. “Here’s a toast from William Shakespeare,

‘The wine-cup is the little silver well, where truth, if truth there be, doth dwell’.” All

glasses were “clinked” and the wine enjoyed.

Daemon’s truth and his truth are very different. Curtis thought perhaps the secret to

destroying Daemon was to learn what his “wine in the silver well” was to determine the


Curtis was curious about what kind of relationship Daemon had with Mary Sue. She was

bright, articulate, and obviously trained to adhere to the “less is more” philosophy.

The evening was cool with a full moon. Daemon’s driver met them at the exit from the

restaurant. Goodbyes were exchanged with Mary Sue raising her hand to Curtis. He

warmly clasped her hand and said he would see her soon. Daemon had a living trophy.
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B10: Action: Curtis Baldwin: main story line: “Right” human characteristics

Curtis had not made any progress the first week to stop Daemon. He needed more

information to know what Daemon considered the “right” human characteristics were.

Curtis speaks to the unseen hologram monitor/computer in his office and requests that

Daemon meet him in his office. Daemon agrees via the just appeared hologram.

Curtis asked Daemon, What are the right human characteristics that he is looking for?”

Daemon pouring a cup of coffee pauses and says, “I am looking for humans to become

more than human. I want to develop humans using technologies to become

transhuman. I am creating libraries of interchangeable DNA parts and 

assembling them inside microbes to create programmable, living machines.”

Daemon summarized the traits that he wanted:

1. Focused

2. Persistent

3. Take orders (follows only his direction), Not rational

4. Risk takers

5. Obsessed with success

6. Determined to make a difference

7. Possess Artificial Intelligence Integrated with their own intelligence

8. Brain-computer bio interface (able to be updated)

9. Augmented reality
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10. Incorporate bionics

11. Capability to be Cloned

12. Mind uploading and transferring information (E-update)

13. Virtual retina display

14. Programmable Electronic Broadcast Receive Dissolution of Memory (PEDOM)

15. Expanded vision – infrared to ultraviolet

Curtis was concerned about the notion of a human e-brain. The ability to “adjust

memory” and human behaviors was disturbing. Daemon told Curtis that he supports the

use of science and technology to improve human mental and physical characteristics

and capacities. His project has been an evolutionary process where he has created a

highly intelligent species by way of cognitive enhancement and attributes. He not only

wanted altered soldiers, but he wanted to improve the world population with his desired

attributes and characteristics.

“A genetic breakthrough or eugenics? You want to rewired human brains so that cultural

memes, or symbols or practices, which can be transmitted from one mind to another?”

Dallas asked. Daemon walking to the middle of the office, cleared his throat and said,

“The impact on society will be the new division between what I call ‘the good naturals’

and genetically enhanced. I will control the enhanced.”

Curtis interrupted with, “You are going to create a new life cycle of memes, where both

their cultural and psychological behavior properties are evolutionary conditioned and

ultimately they seek to promote their replication. Something like establishing a new

religion?” Daemon cleared his throat and replied, “Well an example is the slogan, ‘Kilroy
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was here.’ It started when he inspected crates and stamped, ‘Kilroy was here’ as his

approval. GI saw it and started to scrawl ‘Kilroy was here’ everywhere. It became a unit

of cultural transmission, or unit of imitation. An example is when genes propagate in the

gene pool via a process, which in a broad sense could be called imitation. It is a

process of natural selection. The bad human genes would over time be eliminated.”

Pacing in front of Curtis, Daemon said, “Here is the bottom line: Through research

experimentation, I have concluded that gene engineering and vaccination are the most

cost effective and timely process. I have focused on Genetics in developing a vaccine

that I can inject into a human that will produce my desired behaviors and attributes.”

Daemon was being animated. “In the biotech labs, however, the recombinant

possibilities are near limitless. The new genetic technologies allow us to combine

genetic material across natural boundaries, reducing all of life to manipulatable

chemical materials.”

It was clear Daemon had a plan to genetically alter his humans by vaccinations.

Through observations, and cause and effect applications he was perfecting his required


Daemon revealed his madness when he told Curtis that he had engineered his first-

generation humans to self-destruct when he sends a worldwide communication alert.

He was going to send the alert next week.

The first generation altered T. gondii vaccine that changed human behaviors and

attributes were outdated and had served their purpose. He said that the event would go
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unnoticed. It would be a natural phenomenon. There are not that many and they would

self-eliminate with no discernable patterns.

In addition, his second-generation DNA altered humans would a signal programmed to

have them self-destruct. Each iteration or generation was a significant advancement.

Curtis, wanting to learn as much as he could to stop Daemon, asked, “Are you going to

clone your associates in the future, or inoculate humans with the altered DNA? Daemon

replied, “Both, I want to experiment.”

Curiously, Curtis asked Daemon, “If he had considered stem cells to alter human

behaviors where human blood stem cells can be engineered into cells?”

Daemon was warming up to the subject. “Stem cells are defined by their ability to self-

renew and to differentiate into one or more mature lineages, and they reside within

natural niches in many types of adult and embryonic tissues that present them with

complex signals to regulate these two hallmark properties.”

Curtis interrupted, “OK, I see why at the present, you use vaccine. Stem cells renew, or

differentiate into something else. You want that something to be predetermined.”

Daemon in his professor voice, “In due time, I will be able to use Stem cells. At the

moment protein synthesis altering with plasmid DNA encoding and vaccinations are the

best method.”

The third generation he suspected would meet his expectations. They would add to the

prior generation’s positive attributes and characteristics. They would incorporate

bionics, capable of mind uploading, and transferring information. It was an evolutionary

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Daemon spoke to the unseen 3D hologram, “Display most recent DNA alterations

vaccine results.” Graphs and charts immediately appeared and Daemon walked toward

the 3D holograph, adjusting the sizes of his charts and graphs with a wave of his hands.

Curtis could see obvious alarming progress that Daemon had achieved. Daemon had a

baseline of reference for the existing DNA protein and the quantum computer projected

results for each DNA possibility considered. It was like magic.

The computing iterations speed was almost instantaneous. Curtis knew it would have

taken more than a month using NSA 100 plus-networked CRAY computers to produce.

He had not conceived the possibilities of conducting research thru a 3D quantum

computer with results immediately available. Gone were the years it took for

experimentation, trial and errors. It could immediately show the results. You had to

know what variables to present. Asking the quantum computer the correct question was


Curtis knew that he did not have much time to stop Daemon. What was Daemon’s need

for him after he had produced his desired altered DNA vaccine and, “Save the world?”

Daemon’s slate cell phone glowed red. He had a call. He left the room telling Curtis to,

“Ask the computer questions, and get started in research. He would figure it out.”

There were literally billions of possibilities in DNA modifications. Curtis had to devise a

process to narrow down the possible DNA alterations that would produce the desire

outcomes. It was back to the Scientific Problem Process.

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 Define the Problem: Develop DNA that had desired human outcomes

 Observation: Run the quantum computer for projected outcome

 Hypothesis:  The hypothesis is formed by examining the observations carefully

and making a/an educated guess as to what the outcome might be.

 Experiment: to do an experiment that tests the hypothesis.

 Conclusion: Examining the data from the experiment, two possible outcomes,

o Regard as true

o Regarded as false, Adjust hypothesis, review observations, Flaws?

Daemon came by the office twice a day to chat without meaningful interrogations.

Friday they reviewed the progress. What progress did Curtis make?

Curtis wearily told Daemon, “He had narrowed the search process to only a billion

variables. He needed to narrow down his scope in his hypotheses. Was there a

program that he could use that would automatically suggest DNA alterations to have the

quantum computer project the outcomes?”

Daemon approached the 3D quantum computer area and requested results of his latest

study for the 15 desired human DNA traits request. Immediately many charts and

graphs were displayed. Speaking to the computer as if it were a human, Daemon

chided the computer with the admonition, “Now, I want simple answers to complex


Immediately an indicated 500,000 possible combinations with 500,000 pairs of

combinations appeared. Irritated, Daemon chided, ‘That is one quarter of a billion

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possibilities. Narrow the possibilities to 100.” The computer went silent…. Two minutes

later, it requested more time; it was upgrading itself and connecting to a network.

Daemon shrugged his shoulders and said if it were easy, he would have done it already.

Go back and review your hypothesis. Narrow done your choices, think out of-the-box.

Daemon said he thinks I have met Mary Sue; I turned around thinking, “What is he

talking about?” Mary Sue walked in. Curtis was surprised. Obviously, she had a security

clearance. How much did she know? Daemon must be reading his mind, because he

was saying to Curtis, “When Mary Sue is present, you cannot perform your assigned

task. She has a pass that is granted on a case-by-case process. You are aware of the

need-to-know security process. Mary Sue knows and understands this. She will not be

allowed inside of the Facility unless I approve her entrance.

I asked her to come here to facilitate her Top Secret messenger service that she

provides for me. She is an approved carrier for me. She facilitates work that I do here at

the Facility and at my office at Mojave Air and Space Port.

Curtis looked around his office. He now understood why it was always empty. There

was nothing classified that you could see. The computer was the only thing that was

Top Secret and it required a bio pass. Mary Sue did not have clearance. If she walked

in while the computer was working, it would go blank.

Daemon’s cell phone glowed red; he took the call and left the office. Mary Sue and

Curtis were alone. Did Daemon plan this? Why did Daemon do this? Why did Daemon

leave him alone with Mary Sue? Was this a test?

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Curtis took advantage and asked Mary Sue if she was, “Seeing anyone?” Mary Sue

replied, “She sees everyone, she is not blind.” This broke the ice. Curtis responded with,

“You know what I mean? I would like to invite you to go wine tasting this weekend.”

Mary Sue looked puzzled, and then smiled. “Of course I would love to taste wine. I have

heard about the wine here, but I have not tasted any.” Curtis said, “How about

tomorrow…it is Saturday isn’t it?” Mary Sue says, “What time, 9 am OK?” Curtis feeling

like a moth being drawn to a fire at night, say OK, it is a date, 9 am tomorrow.”

Mary Sue said she had to go and to tell Daemon that she was leaving. The thought

crossed Curtis’ mind Daemon had brought Mary Sue to see Curtis. Was this a “set-up?”

Curtis was going to enjoy the process.

Wow. Curtis rationalized that if you are going to hunt with the big dogs, you have to act

like a big dog. He would be careful. Daemon would know.

Sitting at his desk thinking, Curtis reviewed his first week at The Facility. He had learned

that time was of the essence. Daemon was ready to implement his grand scheme to

save the world from itself, killing who knows how many people in the process.

Curtis was aware he could not overtly conduct research on T. gondii to find a process to

eliminate the infections, thus the behavior of Daemon and his associates.

Curtis reviewed what he knew about T. gondii. He knew that it was a species

of parasitic protozoa and was a causative agent that is usually minor and self-limiting

but can have serious or even fatal effects. In addition, there are many similarities
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between the T. gondii parasites and the parasites that cause malaria. 

Curtis had a plan of action. He would review the effectiveness of anti-malarial drugs

against T. gondii in humans.” Was this going to be practical? How could he inoculate

Daemon and all his clones?

A back-up plan would be to pursue the unique resonating frequency of T. gondii.

Perhaps a huge excitation pulse of the exact frequency could be propagated over the

entire world at the same time. It would create a piezoelectric explosion inside each

pathogen. T. gondii infections would be eliminated. The behavior modifying parasitic

pathogen would be eradicated. The Daemon and his associates would be “normalized.”

There was work to be done. Daemon would never know. It would accomplished using

his facilities and his equipment. Hidden in plain sight. It was Curt’s own “eyes wide


On the way home, Curtis noticed the two MPs following him. Was that a coincidence?

Curtis did not care. Daemon was demonstrating he was in charge.

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B11: Action: Mary Sue London: Wine tasting

Curtis and Mary Sue Saturday enjoyed driving through the rolling hills of Bear Valley

Springs Resort a private gate-guarded community. The two wine tasting rooms are

adjacent to Bear Valley resort.

Curtis noticed Mary Sue’s snug-fitting black jeans and form-fitting blue top. She was

definitely “eye candy.” She held her head up and looked Curtis straight into his eyes

when she talked to Curtis. Curtis liked that. Blue was Curtis’ favorite color. It looked

good on her.

Curtis opened her door at the Souza Family wine tasting room. They are known for

great Zinfandel wine. Mary Sue glanced at Curtis and made a mental note that he

looked good in his Wranglers. She did not know he was part “country.” She liked that.

The Souza Family wine tasting room is an eclectic, smorgasbord of locals mixed in with

tourist. Curtis and Mary Sue engaged in conversation with a retired Hollywood actor that

was autographing his book. Curtis was comfortable with Mary Sue as she placed her

hand on his knee. After two samplings of wine, Mary Sue was more relaxed.

Mary Sue was surprised that she and the actor both knew many of the same people.

Curtis learned from their conversation, Mary Sue had traveled the world working with

MTV and accompanied rock stars when they performed in concerts. She had been a

make-up and hair stylist artist. Mary Sue had experienced enough of the concert crowds

and the extensive traveling. She was done. You could stick a fork in her leg. Done.
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They enjoyed the Zinfandel wine. It was great. There was another great wine tasting

room about a mile away. Signing the guest log, they left.

Arriving at Triassic Legacy Vineyards, Curtis noted the “geologist” influence. The wine

tasting room featured rock walls, and a rock fireplace. The elderly man serving the

samples of wine noticed that Mary Sue was looking at the rock samples. He told Mary

Sue that the rocks had a significant effect on his wine. Mary Sue replied, “Oh, you own

Triassic Vineyards?” He smiled and said, “He was a retired geologist.”

The atmosphere had an environment of relaxed, casual conversation. There were

people from everywhere. Curtis and Mary Sue enjoyed their conversations with all of

them. As they talked to others, each learned more about each other. Dallas and Mary

Sue smiled a lot at each other. He could understand why her hair looked great. She was

a professional high-class hair stylist.

Curtis liked Mary Sue and he knew she had an interest in him. The wine samples were

different, but equally enjoyable. Mary Sue especially enjoyed their specialty: Triassic

Rocks, a blend of 52% Zinfandel and 48%. Dallas purchased a bottle of it.

The owner introduced himself, as Chuck and Curtis introduced Mary Sue and himself.

Curtis, seeing the logo was a dinosaur asked Chuck “Was he into dinosaurs?” Chuck

replied that the Triassic geological era was when the dinosaurs lived. It was when the

rocks were formed that influenced the unique flavor of his wines.

The day quickly passed. The sun was setting. It was time to have dinner at JR’s and

Curtis’ favorite diner. It was time to say goodbye to the 50 or so people that were milling
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around the wine tasting room and leave. Curtis and Mary enjoyed each other’s

conversation. They left.

Curtis glanced over as Mary Sue slid over next to him in his car. She again placed her

hand on his knee. It felt good. Curtis had forgotten how pretty the view was. Perhaps

good company creates an awareness of the environment. He felt she was good for him.

On the way to the restaurant, Mary Sue asked, “What kind of work do you do?” Curtis

glancing at her profile says with a perfunctory reply, I work pushing a pencil behind a

desk,” she laughed. Curtis said, “You saw my office. There is nothing in it.”

Curtis was going to enjoy the evening. He did not care why she asked what he did.

Dinner was pleasant for both. Each was exploring the other in terms of likes, dislikes,

and interest. It was a getting to know you evening.

A band started to play soft music. Curtis asked her to dance. When they danced, they

did not have lots of conversation time. They were concentrating on staying with the beat

of the music and keeping up with each other.

Curtis did not know if there was an agenda by either Mary Sue, or Daemon, or both. He

was going to be conservative. Around mid-night, Curtis proposed a toast to Mary Sue.

“Good night, I’m toast.” Mary Sue enjoyed the toast and told Curtis she enjoyed the

evening. They agreed to meet at Mojave Air and Space Port restaurant the next
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morning to tour the facilities. Mary Sue had only seen the place where she worked. It

was time for both to go to their homes.

Mojave Airport, 3,000 Acres Storage Area

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B13: Action: Curtis: Mary Sue was a wild card

Curtis did not alter his behavior. Perhaps he could use Mary Sue to assist him to disable

Daemon and his associates. Daemon would have his surveillance profiled to note

aberrations in his established profile of actions and behaviors.

Mary Sue was a wild card. She would be an asset to Curtis. In the process, she would

not be harmed and would have no idea of what was going on. Daemon and Curtis were

playing high stakes chess. It was Curtis’ move.

Mary Sue and Curtis waited at the Mojave Voyager Restaurant for the tour of the Air

and Space Port, also known as the Civilian Aerospace Test Center. Mary Sue was

interested in the engineers and pilots’ conversations. Curtis was impressed seeing Mary

Sue’s recognition of the photos on the wall of the aeronautical pioneers.

Curtis looked at Mary Sue from a different perspective. Not only was she attractive,

there was a keen intellect that was attractive. He wanted to learn more about her.

Catching the shuttle to the Air and Space Port, Curtis asked her as many questions that

he could without seemingly interrogating her. He told her he was interested in learning

about her.

Mary Sue was enjoying the process. As she explained how as a hair stylist, she learn to

fly and had traveled in just about every type of airplane that there is, including land or

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As they prepared to go for a ride to see the 100’s of planes at Mojave Space Station,

Curtis sensed he was being watched. Curtis was used to this. He had always been

watched by sat least one government agency for years. He wondered was it a

combination of electromagnetic, visual surveillance. He made a mental note to act


Curtis was sure that Daemon would be bored with his surveillance of Curtis this

weekend. It was exactly what Curtis wanted: complacency to set-in.

Curtis had promised to have her in her car by 3pm Sunday. She wanted to get home

before dark. With a warm hug and a quick kiss, he waved her good bye. It was a good

weekend for both. They agreed to be strictly professionally if they saw each other at

work. Both wanted another date soon.

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B12: Action: JR - Team Work

JR called Curtis Sunday evening, asking him if he could come over. JR knew that they

could not have any meaningful conversation about Daemon, but he wanted to establish

“normalcy.” They would not talk about any “sensitive” areas.

Curtis answered the door. JR entered. Both knew that JR would go to his optometrist

tomorrow and pick up his special contact lens. The optometrist did not know that his

prescription lens for JR had been replaced with Curtis’ special contact lens. It was

simply a ploy to give JR the special contact lens without Daemon’s knowledge.

Tomorrow, they would have a means of secure communication. They would ride their

ATVs when they talked to each other. The background sounds of the high performance

ATVs would mix with their voices rendering them unintelligible from the noise.

It was an added precaution to the special contact lens that Curtis had designed that

would encrypted digitally as well as integrate 5 th generation frequency spread and

time/phase encryptions.

Curtis had known each other all of their lives. They have learned to work and entertain

themselves together; they were an outstanding team. They trusted each other 100%.

Curtis beat JR two out three games of pool. It was a good evening. They relaxed and

enjoyed the evening. Next time JR would probably win. They were both evenly matched

and competitive. Over a couple of beers, they relaxed and watched Sunday Night

Football. It was a good game, the New Orleans Saints won.

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With a high-five, Curtis said, “He would see JR Monday.” JR grinning said, “He would

demonstrate the fine art of playing pool tomorrow.”

JR knew Curtis had a life or death challenge to stop Daemon. Daemon wanted to

change the world to suit his needs. Daemon wanted control. Daemon is more

dangerous than Hitler was. Daemon had unlimited governmental resources to eliminate

people that did not suit his needs.

What could JR do to help Curtis? One week already has passed. He began to think

about Daemon’s communication system. How could he hack into it? The weak link

would probably be in the satellite system response to Daemon’s Internet requests. Even

if and when he found the weak link, he had to decrypt to plaintext. Quantum

cryptography would be a challenge, but he felt confident.

Reviewing his note, Curtis recalls live vaccines have drawbacks. They can be

problematic to produce quantities; they may be unstable, have a short shelf life and

there are safety concerns due to the nature of the parasite. In addition, live vaccines

would not be considered safe to use in people.

Perhaps if he researched the resonate frequency of T. gondii and the possibility that a

transmitter could be constructed that would resonate within the T. gondii cell, causing it

to burst.

Relaxing, Curtis leans back in his office chair and reflects on the status of his work. He

knew DNA/RNA are polar molecules and are susceptible to frequency effects. This may
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a factor to research more. A key note is each DNA molecule has a resonant frequency.

In general, the simpler the life forms the lower the resonant frequency of the being.

Since every cell in a living being has a DNA molecule (half in sperm and ova) and since

the DNA for each species are the same size, they have the same frequency. When the

cells are subjected to their resonant frequency at sufficient power, they are destroyed.

This may be the weakness to exploit to eradicate T. gondii. It was a good candidate to

explore further.

Curtis made a mental note to explore if the resonant frequency could be determined of

T. gondii. When the correct frequency was discovered he could they eliminate infection

as an opera singer's voice can break a thin crystal glass when the singer match the

glasses' natural frequency. A given energy input into an object at its natural frequency

will cause the object to resonate and shatter, or burst.

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B13: Action: Curtis: Hacked Daemon’s Computer

Back at work, Curtis was talking to his 3D quantum computer, developing parameters to

research possible frequencies, the power required and the viability of the concept.

Daemon had dropped in for coffee and left saying it was going to be a very busy day in

his other job.

Suddenly, JR’s was standing, looking like he had just won the Nobel Peace Prize, in the

3D hologram. He was in the computer. JR said, “I bet you’re glad to see me.” Dallas

was speechless. Where was Daemon? How did JR hack into the “hack-proof” computer

and network? Would Daemon know? JR with a wide grin replied, “OK, OK, take a deep

breath, I will answer.”

“Daemon is off-site. He is not monitoring us. He is comfortable with you here. He

worries when you are not. Daemon will not know that I hacked his network.” Curtis,

laughing said, “You know where the word, ‘hacking’ came from? It is from a German

word meaning, ‘someone who makes furniture with an axe.’”

Curtis concerned, asked, “How can you let me know when Daemon is watching me?”

JR says, “Well, I can watch him watching you.” Curtis cuts him off, “What good is that?”

JR replies, “Slow down. Let me explain how I hacked Daemon first.”

JR, proud of his accomplishment, gave a long answer to explain how he hacked

Daemon’s network.

JR said, “In a penetration test on Daemon’s network, he used a Skystar 2 PCI satellite

receiver card, a piece of hardware that can be purchased on eBay for $40 or less, along

with open source Linux DVB software applications and the network data analysis or

"sniffing" tool Toolshark. Exploiting that signal, JR says he was able to connect to the
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Internet via satellite, creating a high-speed, untraceable anonymous Internet


JR explained, “He also reversed the trick, impersonating Daemon’s Web sites. He

intercepted a Domain Name System (DNS) request, also known as a request for an

Internet service provider (ISP) to convert a spelled out Web site name into the

numerical IP address where it's stored. Curtis interrupted, Simple idea, continue with

you explanation. JR, with an air of pride, continued, “Then it sends back an answer

faster than the ISP. This allows him to replace a Web site that Daemon requested and

goes to a site of his choosing. He was also able to hijack signals using GRE or TCP

protocols, all undetectable. Satellite hacking is one of my tools in my blackbox.”

Curtis, walking toward the 3D hologram figure of JR, asks, “How did you decrypt

Daemon’s files? Everyone knows quantum-computing codes are unbreakable. It

provides near-invulnerable encryption that cannot be eavesdropped upon. The

encryption keys are sent via a pattern of single polarized photons and can be changed

100 times per second.

The method is also spy proof, since any third-party observation of the photons changes

their properties - laws of quantum physics – the act of observing changes the


JR, beaming, replies, “Quantum cryptography and quantum information science uses

the unit. Unlike conventional computers that uses a bit. Quantum computers use a
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quantum bit – qubit. A qubit may not only be zero or one, but also zero and one

simultaneously. I used photons as a physical representation of qubits.

Curtis interrupts, “I know quantum cryptography is a method of secure communication

using qubits. Such communication is based on the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. If

an eavesdropper listens to qubits, they change them, which are inevitably noticed by the

legitimate users. That is, any attempt of eavesdropping will be caught (in theory). This

principle would indicate that it would be impossible to decrypt.”

JR drawled, he was enjoying this, “Curtis you have not been doing your homework. My

task was to make sure I duplicate the eavesdropping. I reviewed the implementations of

quantum cryptography. You must fight fire with fire. Since observation alters the state. I

set up an observation. I duplicated what Daemon had done. . It is not perfect, but it

works…so far.”

Curtis animated, asked, “Have you found out what Daemon has accomplished in his

New World Order scheme?” JR replied, “He has not completely downloaded all of the

information. He thinks he can have everything downloaded by this afternoon. He has

discovered only ten humans have been altered. Also, he learned of the locations of

Daemon’s spybots, bugbots, and other communication connections.”

Curtis thinks aloud, musing, “It appears Daemon’s ability to monitor others is enhanced

by his extensive communication network. Obviously, Daemon uses his experimental

aircraft and satellites to augment his intelligence gathering network.”

Curtis asked again, “How will I know if Daemon is watching me?” JR sitting down at a

desk replies, “Quantum Entanglement. You remember quantum entanglement is a

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physical resource, like energy, associated with the peculiar nonclassical correlations

that are possible between separated quantum systems. Entanglement can be

measured, transformed, and purified. A pair of quantum systems in an entangled state

can be used as a quantum information channel to perform computational and

cryptographic tasks that are impossible for classical systems.”

“I will set-up a computer monitor that will notify you when you are being watched. I have

a necklace with a medallion. Inside the medallion is a receiver. The passive receiver will

be programmed to activate a solenoid that will send a sharp short needle into your

chest. You will know when you are being watched.”

JR, waving his hand, says, “He has to go to complete the transfer of information.” JR

disappeared. He was like Elvis: “He has left the room.”

Curtis, heart beating rapidly, began to pace in his office. Wow, this information would

make a difference. Information is a tool, but the information Daemon has assembled

was now Curtis’ knowledge. Now, he knew he could stop Daemon.

M1: Reaction: Curtis Baldwin: Curtis Knows When Daemon Was Watching
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It was time to get back to work. JR had certainly provided a tremendous boost toward

stopping Daemon. Curtis knew that until he was wearing the Mary Sue medallion

necklace, he would not know when Daemon was watching him. He must assume that

Daemon was watching.

Curtis had two challenges: The first was to stop Daemon. The second was to stall

Daemon while he conducted research for Daemon. Daemon wanted to use vaccine to

alter humans. Curtis wanted to develop a world-wide procedure to eradicate T. gondii.

There was not much time for either project. Time was of the essence.

Curtis must discover the best protein synthesis with Daemon’s required human

characteristics and attributes. Curtis reviewed the process.

1. Review outcomes and notes from Daemon

2. Discover cause and effect. Which protein synthesis when inserted into human

DNA produce the desired outcome

3. Produce the vaccination and best method of introduction into humans

a. Oral

b. Intra muscular

c. Cranial

4. Test outcomes

5. Ramp-up productions of desired vaccine

6. Inoculations

Curtis desperately wanted to stop Daemon before he had to inoculate a human.

Curtis spent the rest of the day reviewing Daemon’s notes. He noticed that Daemon did
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it two steps, process:

Step 1: DNA Transcription

Step 2: RNA Translation

The genome of the protozoan parasite T. gondii was found to contain two genes

encoding tyrosine hydroxylase; that produces L-DOPA. The encoded enzymes

metabolize phenylalanine as well as tyrosine with substrate preference for tyrosine.

Curtis could tell Daemon did not go into detail about protein synthesis. L-DOPA was the

key. He would consult with Daemon tomorrow. Time to go home, call it a day.

Time to call JR and get that medallion. Curtis wanted to know when Daemon was

watching him. JR would meet him at home.

As soon as JR came into Curtis’ house, Curtis asked JR if he had downloaded

everything from Daemon’s network. JR said that he did, but it was apparent that

Daemon used standard operating procedures for classified information (SOP). He must

have compartmentalized his information. The list of his friends was not included.

Until they had the list of Daemon’s “New World Order” friends, they could not trust

anyone. There could be multiple back-up plans by Daemon and his friends. They could

be eliminated as soon as their usefulness was ended.

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Daemon would soon determine that JR was too “friendly” with Curtis. Daemon may

already know that JR is Curtis’ best friend. Curtis said to JR, “We must eliminate

Daemon, or we will be laminated.”

A sigh of relief came to Curtis as he put on his medallion that would let him know when

Daemon was watching. The picture of Mary Sue was nice too. He gave JR a big hug.

JR had a medallion around his neck too. JR, always the doer. A man of action. Both of

them now would know when Daemon was watching them.

Together they reviewed Daemon’s notes. Daemon had narrowed down the search

process for protein synthesis. It was now a matter of cut and paste the T. gondii DNA.

The realization that they were suddenly already on step #3 produced a mild panic. The

next step was producing the vaccination and determining the best method of

introduction T. gondii into humans.

Daemon was planning to eliminate the first generation altered humans in two days. That

was five humans. The other five humans were DNA altered #2. It was already


Curtis and Daemon were experienced in eliminating the enemy. The enemy knew they

were the enemy. They had a choice. Other people and leaders were consulted. It was a

group decision, based on the needs of the US government. It was warfare. If innocent

people were about to be harmed, or an unfair advantage would be given to the enemy;

it was OK to eliminate them. Curtis and Daemon knew the same thing could happen to


The problem was that Daemon had crossed the grey area of right and wrong. He did not

consult with the government, or anyone else. He was an undeclared dictator that had
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run amok. He clearly had to be stopped.

Curtis realized he must develop a process that would stop Daemon. To eradicate T.

gondii infection had to be 100% effective.

Curtis had completed research that clearly demonstrated all stages of the complex T.

gondii life cycle could produce tissue cysts/eggs in cell culture. It meant that the vaccine

was not effective to eradicate T. gondii on a global basis.

Curtis began to develop an in vitro (inside living tissue) system to examine the effects of

various chemotherapeutic agents on tissue cysts/eggs. T. gondii tissue cysts/eggs are

dormant stages and not susceptible to drugs that kill other stages of the parasite.

Curtis again, stressed the importance of trying to find Daemon’s network of friends. It

must be somewhere inside Daemon’s computer. JR said he would try locating the list.

They would work together to stop Daemon.

After happy hour at Curtis’ house JR said goodnight to Curtis. They had a plan to stop


As soon as JR stepped outside, Curtis’ medallion alerted him that Daemon was

watching. Curtis smiled. It was working. Timing was everything. It was a good evening.
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M2: Action: viewpoint character: Five Doomed Altered Humans

One more day and Daemon would cause his first generation five altered humans to

“self-destruct from natural causes.”

It was Tuesday and Wednesday was the day that Daemon said he would eliminate the

first generation.

Curtis said good morning to Daemon. Daemon spoke to the 3D quantum computer,

requesting simulations of vaccination and best method of introduction into humans:

1. Oral

2. Intra muscular

3. Cranial

The screen again went blank. After a minute, an audible voice said, “I must update my

data. I will give requested information ASAP.” Daemon, impatiently snapped, “How

soon?” The computer replied it might take all day because millions of databases from

millions of sources must be accessed, reviewed, sorted, and condensed. Daemon

mutters, “computers.”

Curtis speaks to the computer and asks, “Best protein synthesis to insert into T. gondii.”

Immediately displayed, was the process of obtaining protein synthesis that altered L-

DOPA in humans. This was the key. Curtis knew which questions to ask.

Daemon left the room, saying he had an important meeting with somebody. Curtis got

back to work. Curtis was determined to somehow save those five doomed altered

humans who were programmed to self-eliminate tomorrow. Lots of work to be done.

The day went quickly. On the way home Curtis got a call from JR. He wanted to bring
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an old friend for a drink. They both knew that whatever was said on cell phones was

accessible for years after the call was made. There was a record of every conversation.

You just had to know to access it. Daemon knew how. JR would meet Curtis at his


Curtis meets JR at the door and is invited in with his friend. JR introduces his friend as,

George Thompson.” George Thompson was in his early 60’s, bald, with a beer belly and

seemed at ease. He was introduced a good friend of JR’s who he had known for years.

He was knowledgeable about protein synthesis, was very analytical, and calculated.

Curtis shook his hand and asked him if he wanted a drink. George Thompson self-

assuredly replies, “I want ‘Wild Turkey’ straight up.” Curtis tells JR, “Your friend sure

knows what he wants to drink.” They laughed as they went into the pool table room.

Curtis racked the balls and motioned for George and JR to play pool. As they played

pool, Curtis watched. He was studying George. Why did JR think this man would be

able to help them? At that moment, both JR and Curtis looked at each other. Their

medallion necklaces had both jabbed their chest. They were being watched by Daemon.

They knew they could not talk about Curtis’ work. Curtis decided it was time to introduce

JR to Daemon and might as well include George. It was best to be on the offense.

Acting as if he did not know Daemon was watching him, Curtis talks about Daemon and

tells them that he is consulting with Daemon at EAFB. Curtis knew years ago, that less

is better. The less said the better.

He explained that Daemon is a bright, articulate person that they should meet. They
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would like him. He told George that once when he and Daemon were in college, he had

downed a six-pack in three minutes and then chased it with a shot of Bacardi 151.

Curtis knew that was George’s kind of guy.

It was a normal evening of three guys playing pool. Curtis agreed to check with Daemon

to see when he would be able to meet them. Curtis reminded JR that he could not call

during the day. The company that he was consulting for did not allow cell phones at

work. He would call on the way home from work.

There was nothing Curtis could do tonight that would save the five altered humans. He

could hardly sleep. How could Daemon be so cold hearted? How did he get this way?

What had motivated Daemon to go “crazy?” Was it money? Power? Money would never

change Curtis or JR’s ethics, their sense of right and wrong. They were not for sale.

Finally, the clock told Curtis to get up. He felt helpless. He had to do something.

Running through the motions, Curtis went to work. Strangely, his medallion necklace

kept going off. It seemed surreal to look at the medallion and see Mary Sue’ picture and

to know Daemon was watching. Perhaps this was a test to see if Curtis was really with

Daemon. He had to be very careful.

Daemon was already in Curtis’ office talking to the 3D quantum computer. He was

animated and angry, yelling at the computer as if it was a live person. Walking up to

Daemon, who ignored him, he heard Daemon yell, “I asked you yesterday for

simulations of vaccination and best method of introduction into humans. Where is my

results?” Daemon was furious. Perhaps his friends were putting pressure on him to start

his crazy, “New World Order” scheme. Something was different.

Daemon says to know one in particular, this is the best 3D quantum computer in the
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world, and I might as well be throwing bones on the ground to predict the future. This

thing is locked into infinite iterations. It has gotten itself into a loop. I must rephrase my


Daemon looks at Curtis frustrated, “I thought you would have my answer by now. You

have been here over a week. Nothing. Perhaps you are not the man I thought that you

are. You had better get me an answer quick. I do not have lots of time.

Curtis seeking to calm down Daemon asked nonchalantly, “What is the worst thing that

would happen if you did not get your answer?” That was not the right thing to ask.

Daemon, without a word left the office. Curtis’ necklace medallion went off. Daemon

was watching him.

The 3D quantum computer was blank. Curtis called out hello. The computer responded,

“Yes?” Walking into the middle of the hologram, Curtis asked, “What is the problem?”

The computer responded hesitantly, “I do not like getting yelled at.” Curtis responds, “I

am sorry. Let’s try again.”

Curtis thanks the computer for its “tremendous efforts,” and asked, “For simulations of

vaccination and best method of introduction into humans the altered T. gondii that would

produce the desired effects on L. DOPA on humans.”

Curtis asked, an afterthought, “You do remember the ‘desire affects’?” The computer

response is immediate, “I will repeat them to you:

1. Focused

2. Persistent

3. Take orders (follows only his direction), Not rational

4. Risk takers
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5. Obsessed with success

6. Determined to make a difference

7. Possess Artificial Intelligence Integrated with their own intelligence

8. Brain-computer interface

9. Augmented reality

10. Incorporate bionics

11. Can be Cloned

12. Mind uploading and transferring information

13. Programmable Electronic Broadcast Receive Dissolution of Memory (PEDOM)

14. Virtual retina display

15. Expanded vision – infrared to ultraviolet

Curtis instructed the computer to make the calculations and summarize. The computer

reminded Curtis, “Each variable affects the desired outcome. When that particular

outcome is reached, for instance, #1 has focused as a characteristic; it affects the #2

persistence characteristic. Then the millions of possibilities that produced the first

outcome must be reviewed again. Please be patient. There are fifteen desired altered

human characteristics with literally billions of various possibilities”

It was a time-consuming process. Daemon came back into Curtis’ office, asking Curtis if

he had made any progress, as if he did not know already. Without answering, Curtis

said, “How much time do I have to figure this out?” Daemon replies, “The signal had

already been sent to the first generation altered humans. They would self-destruct

today. It would not make any newspaper headlines, just heart attacks spread out
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The five remaining altered humans would be good for three months. He had to get the

third iterations up and going by then.” Just like that. Daemon has just killed five people.

Curtis asked Daemon, how long did it take to do the first and second generations?

Daemon taking a deep breath, sighs, “The first generation took almost two years. The

second generation took about nine months. I have already spent nine months on the

third generation and knew that a year would be enough time to produce the desired

human characteristics. Bottom-line: three months. We may need more help.”

Curtis wanted to probe Daemon for information. He asked Daemon, “Why do you have

to do this? Why the “New World Order?”

Daemon, stopped and turned toward Curtis, “There will be no middle class. All laws will

be uniform under a legal system of world courts practicing the same unified code

of laws, backed up by a One World Government police force and a One World unified

military to enforce laws in all former countries where no national boundaries would exist.

We will eliminate companies and individuals who pollute the earth. Gather all privately

owned firearms or weapons of any kind and eliminate them."

Curtis pressed his point of working within the system, rather than trying to destroy it. He

asked Daemon, “Would not a grass roots program of political reform obtain the same

results?” Daemon replied, “The system is broken. Time is running out. Radical Muslims

are arming themselves for the ultimate solution. It is a matter of time before they will use

atomic weapons. North Korea is a ticking time bomb. If that is not enough, global

warming is happening now. We must work within the existing timetable. We have three
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months to produce the third generation altered humans.”

This was Curtis’ cue to invite Daemon to meet JR and George. Curtis walked over and

said, “Can you meet two of my friends tonight? They know a lot about DNA research

and protein synthesis. We could farm out work to them in unclassified bundles of

request for specific research.” Curtis knew that he already had seen them. He was

watching them last night.

Daemon agreed to go to Curtis house at 6 pm that evening and meet JR and George.

Daemon wanted to make sure he did the talking. He did not want anything classified

discussed. Curtis agreed. Daemon left.

Curtis felt sadness. How could Daemon change to a ruthless madman. In their

university days, they enjoyed lots of good times and shared lots of their research.

Daemon was beyond reconsidering. Perhaps it was the T. gondii infection affecting his

brain, thus his behaviors. He was the monster that he created and he wanted to create

others just like him.

While Curtis rushed home after work, he called JR telling him to get to his house ASAP

and invite George. Daemon was going to be there at 6 pm. He wanted to talk to JR and

George first.

As Curtis pulled in his driveway at 5:30 pm, JR joined him walking up to his door. So far,

Daemon was not watching them. Curtis had to be quick. Curtis asked JR, “Could

George could be trusted.” JR replied, “George was greedy and often played both ends

against the middle to suit his needs.” Laughing, Curtis said, “With friends like that, we

do not need any enemies.”

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JR replied, “I have known George for years and he means well. He comes from a good

family. He is very educated. His research is on the cutting edge. George’s research

discovered women infected with Taxoplsama spent money on more clothes and are

consistently rated as more attractive. They were more easy-going, had more friends,

and cared more about how they looked. However, they were also less trustworthy and

had more relationships with men.”

Curtis butted in, “I see why Daemon started working with T. gondii. JR interjected, there

is more George discovered, “By contrast, the men who are infected with T. gondii

appeared to suffer from the “alley cat” effect. They are less well-groomed undesirable

loners who were more willing to fight. They were more likely to be suspicious and

jealous. They tended to dislike following rules. The parasites infect cats and are passed

on to rats by cat feces. In rats, it creates the proverbial fatal attraction. They call T.

gondii, the “love potion.”

Curtis remarked with a grin to JR, the cat lover, “T. gondii infected cats are free to

operate in plain sight to undermine Western Civilization while every single one of them

affects an air of total indifference and disinterest. There is a parallel between Daemon

and cats: Eyes Wide Shut. If some terrorist group was releasing pathogens that had this

effect we'd be hunting them down and killing them without mercy.”

George drives up and smiles as he approaches. They greet each other go into Curtis’

house. Curtis wanting to take advantage of not being watched by Daemon quickly sums

up the situation. “OK guys this is what is happening. A guy that I am consulting for,

Daemon, is involved in a government project and needs our help. He will be here at 6

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Curtis and JR did not trust George. Curtis wondered why JR would have George as his

friend. Must be more to George than he knows. Perhaps he has a cute sister. George

knowledge about T. gondii could be useful.

George asked, “What does this guy want us to do?” Curtis replied, “Not really sure.

Daemon asked me if I knew anybody that could assist him in his research project and I

mentioned you guys. You decide if you want to work with him or not. It is your choice.”

Promptly at 6 pm, Daemon rang the doorbell. Daemon was invited in. He was dressed

casual in Bermuda shorts and a tan shirt. Curtis introduced everyone to each other with

the comment, “Daemon wants to explore if you guys can assist him in a project.”

Curtis wanted an informal meeting. Curtis asked, “Anybody want anything?” George

immediately says, “Wild Turkey on the rocks.” Curtis smiles and remarks, “You cutting

back? Last time you had it ‘straight-up’.” George replies that he did not want to

embarrass the lightweights. George had no idea of the high stakes involved in tonight’s

meeting. Daemon said he would have a soft drink.

Curtis thought perhaps Daemon’s choice to have a soft drink, reflected the seriousness

of his being there. JR had a beer and Curtis enjoyed a soft drink. Curtis too wanted to

be very careful and on guard tonight.

Daemon took the cue as everyone sat around the counter bar in the kitchen. Daemon

knew that when you “compartmentalized” classified activities, you could create

unclassified activities. It was like a bucket of bolts and a barrel. Each person knowing

only about their assigned task to produce a single item or task, did not “need to know”

the desired goal. Until the gun was assembled, no one would know that they were
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producing a gun. Each made “parts.”

Daemon cleared his throat and surveyed the room, as he began to explain why he was

there. “Curtis is assisting me in some research that I am doing. We have some

deadlines and Curtis suggested that I meet with you guys to explore if we have mutual

needs that would accommodate my goals. Specifically, I need somebody that has

knowledge of DNA protein synthesis, has good research habits, and that can work

under pressure.”

Curtis knew that Daemon had already researched both JR and George. Daemon was

always thorough. He was playing the role, to allow them to catch up to what his needs

were. Daemon would provide the bait, get JR and George to go for the bait and then

structure their work into a small piece of the big puzzle to prevent them from knowing

what was really going on.

George, fortified with his stiff drink, looks straight into Daemon’s eyes, “How much do

you pay and what do you need?” It was typical George. It was about the money.

Daemon surprised, replies, “Have you done any research about T. gondii? George

replies, “You mean the ‘love potion’ parasite that changes human behavior and makes

rats love cats, so the cats will eat them? The parasite that changes L DOPA in the

brains of humans? I do not know anything about it.”

Daemon, reaching over and shaking George’s hand, says, “You are my kind of man.

How much you want to work about 90 days on T. gondii? You will have the latest and

best equipment. I have lab that you would die for.” George replies, “All that I can get,

plus a nickel.” Daemon looking George strait into his eyes asked, “How about $100,000

per month? Will that buy you enough Wild Turkey?” George simply replied, “Done.”
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“OK, you are hired. You will report to my office at the Mojave Space Station, Hangar

three at 8 am tomorrow.” Daemon says to George. Daemon now turning to JR, asked,

“What is your specialty? Do you know anything about cut and paste gene-splicing DNA?

JR, calmly replied, “Are you talking about the process by which a segment of DNA is

attached to or inserted into a strand of DNA from another source, or DNA from humans

or other organisms is spliced into bacterial plasmids? My recent research has been

working with and designing bio quantum computers. I am exploring ways to engineer

DNA to produce better bio quantum computers.” Daemons, says, “Curtis, you have

great friends.”

Daemon asked JR if, “He wanted the same deal he offered George?” JR looked at

Curtis and said, “Yes.”

The deal was made. Both did not know what they were going to do, but the money was


George standing up, now that we have a job, “I would like to make a toast to lying,

stealing, cheating, and drinking. If you're going to lie, lie for a friend. If you're going to

steal, steal a heart. If you are going to cheat, cheat death. And if you're going to drink,

drink with me.” Daemon smiled and seemed impressed with George. They raised their

drinks with a “hear, hear” and took a sip.

Curtis wanting to keep the evening short, but fun and productive, invited everyone to his

pool table room for a game of pool. The evening was the beginning of a “cat-and-

mouse-game” to stop Daemon. Curtis did not trust George, but he would wait and see

what happens. Perhaps George would learn something that was useful to Curtis.

Daemon puts his cue stick into the wall rack. He is done. Daemon stretches and says,
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“Gentlemen, it is time for me to go. I will see you guys tomorrow. Curtis, I will see you

tomorrow at our regular office. It will be probably after lunch.”

Curtis had three months to produce the final third generation altered humans. Curtis

needed to know who his “leader associates were.” As JR and George were leaving,

Curtis reminded JR he needed the associates list. JR responded with, “Right, I am

working on it.” George responds, “What associate list?” Curtis waves them good night

with a parting comment, “JR is getting the list of research scientist in our graduation

class.” George did not need to know.

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M3: Action: Daemon Calls “New World Order Banker Friends”

Daemon placed a conference call to his five powerful banker friends. He had selected

these five friends very carefully. He felt the five friends were symbolic of the harmony

and the balance that he wanted with the environment. It is also the number of the divine

grace. It was God’s will that he save the earth from being destroyed by humans. He was

using five pebbles, like small King David, to kill the giant Goliath.

Daemon updated them with his progress and his concern of obtaining his goal within

three months. He would keep them posted. They assured him that money was not a

problem. They had placed at his disposal 656 bank accounts with funds converted to

digital currency to keep them private. They reminded him e-currencies do not require an


Daemon came into Curtis’ office Monday afternoon. He was in a good mood. He was

pleased that JR and George were working for him. Daemon told Curtis, “Your buddies

have a great attitude. I may need you to meet with them to review their progress and

input their data and finding into you research.”

Curtis wanted to explore Daemon’s motivation for his secret altered human project.

Curtis asked Daemon if he really believed in the Conspiracy Theory of a “One World

Order?” Daemon replied, “He did not know. He had heard the same rumors Curtis had


Curtis knew that Daemon was not opening up. Daemon knew exactly what Curtis was

talking about. Curtis did not whom to trust if he would need assistance from others. He

must assume the worst: there are unknown collaborators assisting Daemon.
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Curtis pressed Daemon further. He paused and looked up to Daemon and said, “You

believe it is not coincidental that politics and international finance go hand in hand. All

economic problems are eventually solved by the barrel of a gun?” Daemon replied that,

“You have been reading history books.”

Daemon without answering replied, “Money does not own anything. Money only serves

as the medium by which to transfer ownership. In the history of humanity, property has

been transferred by the power of the gun perhaps as often as by any other technique.”

Curtis wanting to obtain ownership from Daemon about his philosophical belief about

New World Order, asked if his New World Order is like the former President Bush’s New

World Oder speech in 1992? Daemon again was noncommittal with his reply, “Perhaps

this is the reason for the frantic struggle to enact gun control legislation in the United

States. As long as American citizens possess some 200,000,000 guns, the financiers

have to put on hold their five thousand year old dream of seeing all of the world's wealth

fall into the hands of a small group.” Daemon replied, “Whatever.”

Curtis said, “Have you research the Conspiracy Theory, ‘One World Order’? Daemon

vaguely replied, “You read about it in the newspapers. Everybody has heard this.

Enough of this conversation. We have lots to do.”

Curtis worst fears may be true. Daemon was a self-appointed “One World Order”

facilitator to achieve his goal to “save the earth” from pollution. Curtis was sure that

Daemon was being used by others for their hidden agenda. He would listen and

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Daemon’s cell phone glowed red, he had an important call. He left Curt’s office. Curtis

spoke to his computer, “How are you doing with my last request for simulations of

vaccination and best method of introduction into humans the altered T. gondii that would

produce the desired effects on L. DOPA on humans.”

The computer replied, “DNA vaccines containing full-length proteins are being identified

as the best candidate for specified human behaviors. The process is being narrowed

down to about one-half of the beginning possibilities. An example of the scope of your

instructions is there are 423 genes in human DNA that can cause cancer. There are

over three million base pairs that are different from one human to another. Be patient.”

Curtis replied, “Is that the best that you can do?”

The computer replied, “Yes. It is.” The room was quite. This was not good enough. He

needed answers. He must talk to Daemon. Daemon did not reply, or return his call.

Since his medallion had not gone off, Curtis knew he was not being monitored. He could

do his own research to develop a process to stop Daemon. He asked the computer to

work on the best process to destroy T. gondii.

The computer responded, “Multiantigenic DNA vaccine is a very effective approach in

the protection against T. gondii.” Curtis instructed the computer to seek more solutions

to eradicate T. gondii.

Curtis taking advantage of being alone and not being watched by Daemon instructed

the computer to search for a “cocktail” of vaccines that may be effective to eradicate T.

gondii parasites.
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The computer will focus to identify the main protective antigens within the different life

cycle stages of T. gondii and use novel antigen delivery systems to try and stimulate

protective cell-mediated immune responses.

The computer responded it would print out the finds. There is mounting evidence that

the immune system can eliminate T. gondii cysts from the brains of infected hosts when

immune T cells are transferred into infected humans. Simulations provided a

mechanism of the immune system to fight against chronic infection with T. gondii. There

is a possibility of developing a novel vaccine to eliminate cysts from humans and to

prevent the establishment of chronic infection after a newly acquired infection.

Curtis instructed the computer to focus on identifying the main protective antigens within

the different life cycle stages of T. gondii and use novel antigen delivery systems to try

and stimulate protective cell-mediated immune responses.

Curtis instructed the computer to simulate the drawbacks, or concerns with eradicating

T. gondii with a vaccine.

The computer printed a summary answer. Live vaccines have drawbacks in that they

can be problematic to produce in large quantities, they may be unstable, have a short

shelf life, and there are safety concerns due to the infectious nature of the parasite. In

addition, live vaccines would not be considered safe to use in people.

Curtis pursed his lips, scratching his head instructed the computer to simulate human

tissues that are subjected to chilling, freezing, heating, microwave cooking, and gamma

ray irradiation, or cooking in a microwave is insufficient to kill T. gondii tissue

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cysts/eggs. The response was none of these approaches would be effective to

eradicate T. gondii from human tissues.

Concerned that the computer was using too many variables to identify the main

protective antigens, Curtis suggested narrowing the focus to radiation that would

resonate within T. gondii cells and explode, or something that T. gondii could absorb

and enable eradication.

Again, the printer began to print the computer response. There is prima fascia, first

readout where radiation with Cobalt-60 (60Co) (a radioactive isotope of cobalt) on the

virulence and immunogenicity of the RH strain of Toxoplasma gondii. doses of 15,000

and 20,000 rads appeared to be effective. The survivors of higher irradiation showed no

evidence of the development of the parasite in them. At those levels of radiation, the

only effect was the reproductive blockade of the parasite.

Curtis knows that Cobalt-60 can be safe. It has many uses:

 Tracer for cobalt in chemical reactions,

 Sterilization of medical equipment,

 Radiation source for medical radiotherapy,

 Radiation source for industrial radiography,

 Radioactive source for leveling devices and thickness gauges,

 As a radioactive source for food irradiation and blood irradiation

After entering a living mammal (such as a human), most of the Cobolt 60 gets excreted in

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Curtis was making progress. He had narrowed the possibilities down to radiation or

“seeding” cells as the best probabilities to eradicate T. gondii parasites in humans.

Curtis instructed the computer the research questions were Top Secret and were not to

be shared with anyone. Curtis assigned his biological body frequency as the password

to this project.

It was time to go home. He would contact JR. They needed to compare notes. Curtis

needed the list of Daemon’s associates. Curtis needed to know whom and where are

they located. Curtis needed to know if Daemon was being used as a naive ideological

with a set of aims and ideas that directs his goals, expectations, and actions to “save

the world.”

Curtis needed to know if there really are people involved in a “New World Order (NWO).

Curtis knew in all organizations there is a Pareto principle. This principle is also known

as the 80-20 rule, the law of the vital few. The principle of factor scarcity states that, for

many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes.

The Pareto Principle also applies to a variety of more mundane matters. An example we

wear our 20% most favored clothes about 80% of the time, perhaps we spend 80% of

the time with 20% of our acquaintances, etc.

Given the world population of six billion people is governed by an elite of 6,000

individuals, could be a natural distribution. When Microsoft fixes the top 20% of the most

reported bugs, 80% of the errors and crashes are eliminated. The ten wealthiest

individuals in the world, the top three (Warren Buffett, Carlos Slim Helú, and Bill Gates)

own as much as the next seven put together. This is not politics. It is natures “Bell
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Shaped Curve.” In health care in the United States, 20% of patients use 80% of health

care resources.

The Conspiracy Theorist will not be swayed by reason when there are lots of emotion

involved. Curtis did not want to take any chances. He wanted to find as much

information as he could about Daemon’s friends. They could be telling Daemon what he

wanted to hear to enable them to manipulate him for their benefit. They could simply be

economical motivated for themselves.

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M4: Action: JR, George & Curtis Compare Notes

JR called Curtis as Curtis was driving home. They agreed to meet at Jakes for great

steaks. JR would bring George.

Just as Curtis pulls into his garage, his medallion alerted him that Daemon was

watching. It was not what Curtis wanted. However, the knowledge that he knew

Daemon was watching, provided Curtis an agenda of behaviors that would satisfy

Daemon’s needs.

A quick shower, change of clothes, Curtis has about 30 minutes to relax before dinner

with JR and George. Curtis turns on the TV. The first topic the anchor led in was, “‘UK

economy must face new world order.” After details explaining the dire economic the

United Kingdom faces, the second topic was the comment by the Washington Times,

“Obama’s new world order where President Obama is on a path toward establishing a

one-world government. This is the warning of Christopher Monockton, a former major

policy adviser to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher...”

Curtis attention shifts from the TV to his thoughts that perhaps individuals may attribute

a select few leaders as being an organized “New World Order.” It could be something

the media exaggerates because the idea sells. In any event, he needs to get that list of

Daemon’s friends from JR. Daemon’s friends may encouraging him to believe that they

are the leaders of the “New World Order.” This may suit their hidden agenda.

JR and George were already seated and waiting for Curtis. They were pleased with

their first day at work. George said he would buy the drinks. He wanted “Wild Turnkey,”

straight up. George asked Curtis if he wanted his milk warm. George was feeling great.
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Curtis knew that George did not know what Curtis knew about Daemon. He did not

know that Daemon could monitor them at will. Curtis felt the need to tell George not to

say anything that would embarrass him if he knew Daemon had heard it: without tipping

Daemon, he was telling George he was being watched.

Curtis told George, You know we cannot discuss what we do in public. Most activities

that are done at the Mojave Air and Space Port and Edwards Air Force Base (EAFB)

are classified. There are always people watching and people watching the “watchers.”

JR nodded approvingly to Curtis. George laughed and said as he raised his mid-finger,

“Enjoy the show, whoever is watching.” Curtis and JR were aware Daemon was

monitoring them.

It was going to be a challenge to communicate with George and obtain needed

information without divulging classified information to him. Curtis made the best of the

dinner and enjoyed the dinner.

Curtis asked George how he liked his new job. George responded with a hearty laugh,

“Beats collecting cans.” Curtis could tell that George was simply enjoying the moment

and was not wanting to talk “shop.” Curtis invited them to a game of pool. George asked

Curtis, “You ready to get beat like a stepchild?” George seemed focused on Curtis.

Curtis smiling, “Bring your leather and chains. Let’s play some pool.”

As Curtis was driving home, the medallion notified Curtis Daemon had stopped

monitoring them. Curtis intended to take advantage of this. This why he invited JR and

George over, hoping Daemon would stop watching them. Now he could compare notes

with JR and George.

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JR had made a mental summary of Daemon’s instructions to George and himself. Since

he knew what Curtis knew, he could stitch together the big picture. He needed to talk to

Curtis, but he could not let George become aware of his communication. Perhaps the

evening would present an opportunity to be able to communicate with Curtis. He would

be on the alert.

George challenged Curtis to play the first game of eight-ball with him. JR would play the

winner to establish the “champion pool player of the evening.” As JR watched the well-

matched game of pool, he began to formulate a plan to communicate to Curtis. JR

announced would pay $100 to the winner. Hopefully Curtis would win and play JR.

JR wanted make sure George went to the bathroom while he was playing pool with

Curtis. He asked George if he was ready for a “Hurricane, New Orleans style.” George

asked, What’s that? JR replied it is 3 oz orange juice, plus 3 oz pineapple juice and 3 oz

cranberry juice with 1½ oz white rum, 1½ oz Jamaican rum, and 1½ oz Bacardi 151

rum. George replied, “You are my kind of man.” JR thought, this is going to be easy.

JR told George, “This tastes like punch, so go easy…” George pulls his arms back and

sticks out his chest, “Why you giving me a “girls drink?” JR says he could put more

booze in it, but does not want to take advantage of George when he plays him. George

says he is not used to drinking with wimps. JR responds with, “George drink it and after

you have finished, tell me what you think.”

George grabs the 16 oz eye-rolling back drink and swigs half down two gulps. Alarmed,

JR admonished George to, “Take it easy.” George starts singing country western and
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making wild shots. He lost to Curtis.

Curtis knew what JR was doing. He needed to talk to JR. George racked the balls for

Curtis and George and excuses himself to the men’s room.

Curtis speaking quickly and quietly asked JR, You have the list?” JR replies, “He has

the list, but it is almost useless. It only has first names. The names may not be their real

names. There are no addresses, no clues to enable contact, or find out who they are.”

Daemon is clever indeed. Curtis tells JR to cross-reference the names with Daemon’s

data banks. JR says he has and received no hits. He would try different methods to

identify Daemon’s friends.

JR told Curtis that Daemon is having them to determine the best vaccine serum to insert

T. gondii into cats. Daemon told them that he is researching a process that will

eradicate T. gondii.

Curtis told JR, “Clever idea, to tell you to research for the best vaccine serum to insert

T. gondii into cats, to hide the fact he really is using humans.”

Curtis told JR to keep an eye on George. He was like a loose cannon on deck. George

came back in the room singing George Strait song, “Living for the Night.” He was feeling

no pain. He was happy. He did not care who was winning. Mission accomplished.

George drawled he is “being paid big bucks to be a veterinarian. He hates cats. What is

the big deal about T. gondii? 50 Fifty percent of Americans has it. Every warm-blooded

creature has been infected, or can be infected. It has changed the world. An example is

France. France has over 90% human infection rates. T. gondii infections changes their
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women to applying lots of attention to themselves- you know, lots of make-up, jewelry,

perfume, and stuff, flirty, and promiscuous. What is bad about that? Their men are pigs,

ruffians, aggressive, and dirty – so what? Maybe that is why the English call them


JR and Curtis exchanged glances. JR tells George it is time to go home. George

looking at Curtis, “I think Daemon really is working on humans and using cat research

as a cover. Why all the secrecy?” JR replies, “He has no idea, let’s go home.”

George raises both arms straight out says he, “…cannot tell that he has had any drinks,

he has a hollow leg.” Curtis and JR agree that he has a “hollow leg.” George burst out

laughing as he gets into JR’s car. George tells JR, “You guys are a bunch of women.

You can’t hold your liquor.”

Curtis thought, “I wonder what George would do on a Friday night? He acts like this on

a Monday night?” It was time to go to bed.

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M5: Action: George Gives Daemon Too Much Information

Tuesday morning. Curtis had lots of work to do. Perhaps if he instructed the computer to

use the same T. gondii protein DNA synthesis process to select the best serum medium

to vaccinate humans, it would narrow the choices.

Curtis instructed the quantum computer to process a multiplex, or many modifications to

a genome simultaneously inserting into a large batch of T. gondii where the parasite’s

own machinery for self-assembling DNA would take over to produce billions of different

T. gondii genomes. From there it would be a simple task to select the variants that

produced the desired serum. At that point, to compare the genome, chunk by chunk to

the computer simulated desired genome to see where and how the two differed.

Finally, to put all the separate, reworked genetic chunks back into serum DNA. Each

would find its own way, via the cells natural ability to assemble DNA, to the proper


The computer acknowledged the instructions and went blank. It had many computations

to perform.

Daemon came in the office unannounced. He seemed preoccupied. He asked Curtis,

“How is it going?” Curtis responded, “…is getting the process focused to a manageable

size.” Curtis gave him an update. Daemon seemed satisfied.

Daemon told Curtis he would check on JR and George that afternoon and give Curtis an

update Wednesday morning as he walked out of Curtis’ office.

Curtis was free to work on his own project to stop Daemon.

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Curtis wanted to research the possibility that T. gondii could be destroyed by beaming a

given frequency to the cells that would produce a resonance that would destroy the cell.

If the frequency could be determined, how strong should the frequency signal be?

Curtis, asked the computer, “Is it possible to determine the resonance frequency of an

cell that has a diameter in nanometers in size?

The computer responds, “The answer is, YES, it is certainly possible. The physics that

define the behavior of damped, driven, or harmonic oscillators are well established

Things can be driven by some form of energy (a person pushing a swing, electricity,

shaking, etc) and they will respond by moving in a periodic motion (oscillations), and

they will eventually stop moving because there is always friction absorbing the energy

(damping). In addition, objects have favorite oscillation rates (natural frequencies) that

they prefer.”

Curtis interrupts, “If one pushes a child on a swing at just the right frequency (time),

then the child will swing with higher and higher amplitude. This is the concept of

resonance - drive a system at its natural frequency and you will receive a maximum

response, and a happy child.”

The computer responds to Curtis’ comment with, “A mathematical model for bursting T.

gondii oscillations is analyzed from a physical point of view as a system of internally

coupled fast and slow oscillators. The fast subsystem determines the interburst

frequency, whereas altering the kinetics of the slow processes changes the duration of

the bursting phase in a resonant manner.

The resonance effect appears between two oscillatory T. gondii buffering mechanisms.
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This may be important for a highly selective T. gondii signal transduction from cell

receptors to target proteins.

This was very good information. It was a lot to absorb. Curtis took the printed summary

to his desk. He made sure the acid disintegrator used to destroy classified papers was

adjacent and ready to immediately destroy his printouts. He placed all of his printed

summaries on the intake tray. Within hundredths of a second, they could be destroyed

with no chance to ever be reconstructed. They would be literally become “soup.”

Curtis began to review in his mind the facts he needed to produce a resonant frequency

that would eradicate T. gondii. The fundamental point is that every microbe has at least

one frequency of mechanical vibration (sound/ultrasound) that can kill it very easily

using very low intensity sound/ultrasound.

The frequencies of mechanical vibration generated are odd multiples (1,3,5,7…) of the

voltage square wave frequency. So, if one of these frequencies closely matches the

lethal ultrasound frequency of T. gondii, it can be destroyed.

It was time to destroy his notes and print summaries. He had acquired the foundation of

a method to destroy T. gondii. It was his first step to stop Daemon.

Curtis made a quick check with the computer for an update for Daemon’s project. The

computer was still working on the best serum for T. gondii infection of human DNA.

It was a good day. It was time to go home. Curtis’ medallion notified him that Daemon

was watching him. It did not matter.

Curtis had lots of thinking to do. Daemon could not monitor his thoughts. He drove
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slowly ten miles to Mojave Air and Space Port Diner. Many cutting edge engineers,

technicians, and pilots frequented this diner. Curtis enjoyed their food and the “pioneer”

atmosphere. There were pictures of history-making pilots and their planes autographed

on the walls.

Curtis walked to the booth in the far corner and ordered a cup of coffee while he

decided what to order. Curtis notices George is seated alone with his back to him

reading his laptop. Curtis reads the word across the top: The National Geospatial-

Intelligence Agency (NGA) is a Department of Defense combat support agency and a

member of the national Intelligence Community (IC). NGA develops imagery and map-

based intelligence solutions for U.S. national defense, homeland security, and safety of

navigation. Why would George be reading that?

Curtis needed to talk to JR. Curtis ordered his steak. An Air Force Captain came in and

sat at George’s table. After pleasantries were exchanged, Curtis focused on their

conversations. The captain asked George how his work was progressing and George

responded with OK, but he feels he is overpaid to study veterinary medicine. The

captain laughed and asked him what he was studying. George responded T. gondii, you

know, the cat parasite.

Curtis thought that was strange. How would the Air Force Captain know about George’s

new job? Curtis’ suspicious grew when the Captain asked who he was working for.

George told him, “An Air Force General that must have a side job because he works off

the base and the General works somewhere else.” The captain asked, “What is the

general’s name,” George told him, “General Daemon.” The captain leaned forward and

said, “General Daemon?” George replied, “Yep.” The captain lowered his voice and
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asked, “Why would the General have a side job working with cats?” George said, “It

does not make any sense, a stupid General playing with cats and paying big bucks to

have two people to research T. gondii. Everybody knows all cats have it and most

humans have it too.”

The Captain pressed for more information, “What do you think is the real reason you are

researching T. gondii?” George, animated, blurts out, “I think he is researching T. gondii

in humans and trying to keep his agenda hidden.”

George then blurts out, “he has a friend that works for the NGA, you know, National

Geospatial-Intelligence Agency that traced Daemon leaving George’s office to

disappear into an underground Top Secret Facility in Edwards Air Force Base.”

The captain leans back relaxed and says, “That explains it. The General has farmed out

a declassified portion of a Top Secret project. Who knows why he has you research

cats. It could be for germ warfare.” George smiles, and says, “Maybe so, the money is

good and I do not care.”

Their conversation drifted onto other topics that were of no interest to Curtis. Curtis

would rather leave now before George sees him. He may ask about Daemon and he did

not want to tell George anything about Daemon. George talked too much. It was time to

go home.

JR called and they explained small talked. Curtis told JR he was going to spend the

evening reading a James Rollins novel and relax. JR took the hint. Curtis wanted to be

alone to think. His medallion indicated that Daemon was still watching. Curtis wondered

what Daemon thought about George…

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After settling down with his book, Curtis was still being watched by Daemon. Curtis

would read his book while he reflected about his efforts to stop Daemon.

Going to work Wednesday morning Curtis’ medallion indicated he was still being


Daemon had indicated he was going to get an update from JR and George on their

research. Perhaps he wanted a context that JR and Curtis were working in. Curtis was

sure that Daemon was watching George too. George did not know and did not care.

Curtis arriving at his office immediately began to work. He was being monitored. He

looked forward to Daemon reporting the updates from JR and George. Perhaps it would

be a large incremental step that would help Daemon, but perhaps help Curtis to stop

Daemon. Beneath every cow dung, there was a teeming biosystem… He could hide in

plain sight too.

After lunch, Daemon walks in. He is not happy. Daemon, scowling says, “What the hell

is George talking about?” I stopped by to get an update from JR and George and the

first thing George says, “If you want me to research about T. gondii human infection, I

will.” Daemon said, “What do you know about him? Is he OK?” Curtis tell Daemon what

he already knows, “He is a friend of JR. He is OK. He is a carefree spirit. Nothing

bothers him. He works hard and plays hard. He sleeps well at night. What you see is

what you get.”

Curtis knew if Daemon really were worried, George would simply die a quick natural

death. You had to be very careful with Daemon. He was committed to his goal. Nothing
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would stop him.

M6: Action: Daemon: Missing

Curtis slowly walked into his office at work on a rainy Wednesday morning. Something
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was different. The Marine guards at the tunnel entrance guard shack seemed tense.

The same driver that drove the van from the guard entrance of the tunnel to Curtis’

office looked different. Daemon did not respond to calls. It was strangely silent. Curtis

could feel the hair on the back of his neck stand up…

Curtis asked the computer for a status report. No response. The silence was deafening.

Curtis walked out of his office and down the halls. None of the doors would open. He

heard a phone ringing behind a door. Curtis had no idea behind which door was

Daemon’s office. He had never been out of his office.

Curtis was not being monitored by Daemon. Perhaps this would be the time to explore

the complex. If Daemon came in, or he was suddenly being monitored, he had a good

explanation that he was trying to locate Daemon because his computer would not work

and he did not return Curtis’ calls.

Curtis began to walk away from the tunnel entrance door down the hall. Curtis began to

think about where were the personnel that worked on Daemon’s legitimate Experiments

flying weapons platforms. He had only seen Daemon’s “assistants.” Curtis knew the

“need to know” basis that Daemon worked under and had never asked. Daemon

obviously had a legitimate need for this facility or the government would not have

provided it for him. What was really going on? Was Daemon involved with the

experimental flying weapons program? What was his official capacity? He had to be an

Air Force General, because security would not have granted him access through the

front gate of Edwards Air Force Base; let alone the two-armed Marine guards stationed

at the entrance to the tunnel of the Facility.

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Deep in thought, Curtis staring straight ahead thought he heard a humming sound

coming from the distance directly in front of him. He would check it out. Looking ahead,

Curtis saw an apparent dead end. As Curtis neared the dead end, he noticed the hall

went both ways. He was at the intersection of the “T.”

Curtis knew that right-handed people always went right when in doubt and that most

people are right-handed. He turned left. He was not sure the sound was coming from

this hall. After walking about 100’, the humming sound was louder. He was either

coming to a dead-end, or another “T” hall intersection. He listened. The humming sound


Undaunted, Curtis proceeded to walk straight ahead. He would explore as much as

possible. It was a dead-end. Puzzled, Curtis stopped and turned around listening.

Nothing. Dead silence. Nobody was around.

None of the smooth metal doors had doorknobs. All were electrical operated. Curtis had

no choice. He began to walk back to the “T” intersection and go the opposite direction

just to explore where that hall went.

Within fifty feet going down the new hall, the humming sound started again. It sounded

like it was coming from direct ahead. It was a smooth electric motor whine kind of

muffled sound. Nearing the dead-end of the hall, the sound stopped. Puzzled, Curtis

turned around and stood still, listening. He waited over five minutes. The humming

sound was not episodic, or cyclical in starting or stopping. Perhaps it was the air

condition machinery.

Curtis decided it was time to go back to his office. Curtis asked his computer again for a

possible vaccine serum summary. No response. There were no landline phones

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available and Curtis cell phone would not work in the Facility. Curtis decided to go

home. He would try to contact Daemon from his home.

His driver did not appear when he approached the tunnel exit door. He waited. The

small personnel door was open. He walked the one half mile to the front of the tunnel

entrance to his car. The personnel door closed behind him. Curious, Curtis tried to

open. He could not get back in. He was locked out. The two Marine guards were gone.

Wow! This was a major event. What is happening? He had better get off the base while

he could. The Air Force Military Police waved him through at the Edwards Air Force

Gate. He was out. Curtis contacted JR via his special contact lens. Daemon could not

trace, or be aware of, or to monitor this form of communication. Curtis had designed a

form of communication that did not exist.

Curtis simply asked JR to come for “Happy hour.” JR responded he would. Both knew

that JR’s office cameras might monitor JR actions and words. It was still early morning.

Curtis needed to know what had happened to the Facility and to Daemon. Perhaps JR

could tap into Daemon’s quantum computer network and get the truth.

Curtis placed another call to Daemon. No answer. Relaxing at home, Curtis turns on the

TV and checks the all-news channels. There were headlines about the Israeli

government conducting a search and destroy of Iran’s nuclear research facilities. There

were no photographs; just the “Breaking News.”

Curtis, pouring a glass of V8 and settling back into his reclining chair began to fit the

pieces together. Daemon’s legitimate experimental flying platforms were involved. How

and in what capacity did not matter. Curtis knew Daemon was involved. The Marine

Guards at the Facility somehow knew something serious was going on when Curtis was
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waved through to go to his office this morning. That is why they were not there when he

left. The Facility had closed it down.

Curtis checked the websites. There was not much more detail than the headlines just

released. Curtis knew there never would be a known connection between the Israeli

attack on Iran and the involvement of the US. It was standard operating procedure.

Curtis smiled when he remembered when his old Air Force boss told him that even if the

government were in bed with a known hooker, the government would always deny. This

way, there was always room for “doubt,” always leave room for “plausible denial.”

JR came in the living room. Curtis poured him a V8. They both enjoyed V8. Curtis told

JR what had happened. Curtis asked JR if he could get into Daemon’s quantum

computer network and find out what Daemon really was doing. JR said he would.

JR told Curtis, “I have not yet been able to get that list of Daemons friends, or to find out

who they really are. You know Daemon is really good at double encrypting things.”

Curtis knew what JR was talking about. During the Six Day War when the Israelis fought

their war, Curtis would read the decrypted traffic. It seemed to be perfectly normal

battlefield summaries, but the true meanings were known only those that needed to

know. Curtis had seen the same thing reading the Vietnam War Top Secret

communications. The body count thing was the big deal then. It always was always

double encrypted to enable only those that needed to know would be able to

understand the facts. The facts were hidden in plain sight, but only those that needed to
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know, knew.

Curtis knew by double encrypting, even with the best computers that could decrypt into

plaintext, the sentences did not mean what was apparent. The Bible used the same old

trick. When the Prophets told parables to the masses, they had a hidden meaning for

the “enlightened” leaders.

M7: Action: Curtis Experiments – Thursday Morning

Curtis woke in the morning. He could not see. It freaked him out. Was this connected to
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Daemon? What was going on? Was he blinded? Who did this? How did this happen?

Curtis remembered his special communication contacts. As soon as he took them out,

he could see. He examined them. They were black. Why?

There was no communication from Daemon. Should he go to work? Curtis placed a call

to Daemon. There was no answer. He would not go to work. This would give him time to

research what had happened to his special contacts.

He did not call JR because all phone calls leave footprints. They can be read, or

someone can listen to them. He missed his special contacts already.

Curtis had very special equipment he used to construct his special quantum frequency

and, time jumping encrypted display in his contact lens. He applied the equipment to

trouble-shoot. The readout indicated a “break-in” attempt had been made. Curtis had

programmed his special contact lens to shut down and become blank/black whenever

an attempt was made to reverse engineer, sample, or decrypt. Who would know? Who

would have the ability to attempt to compromise Curtis’ special communication contact


Experience had taught Curtis to program things to monitor themselves. He read the log

of his contact lens. The logs indicate that the attack was not focused on his special

contact lens. It was a general quantum computer security check coming from the

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Daemon not only had the Facility shut down, but he had all of the security precautions

being taken. The probes were similar to spybots used in websites to determine what

data is available in a user’s computer. It was standard operating procedure.

Curtis had to modify his contact lenses to prevent this happening in the future, but to

maintain his required security. This was the time to update his special contacts lens to

have the capability to identify the altered humans when he met them. He also wanted to

know when there were spybots, or any other surveillance system that was monitoring


Curtis knew that the altered humans that had the modified T. gondii inserted into their

DNA that altered them to Daemon’s needs had the ability to detect infrared light. His

updated contact lens would now show their eyes with red centers. This way the altered

humans would stand out in a crowd. They would have glowing red eyes.

In addition, Curtis added telephoto feature. They could zoom in, or out.

JR called complaining, “What the hell did he do to his “magic” contact lenses? It scared

the hell out of me.” Curtis, laughing, replied, “I know what you mean, I could not see

either. I had program the contacts lens to go blank or black if there was an attempted

break-in, or hacking attempt. They did what they were supposed to do.”

He then explained what had caused them to go black and what he was doing about it.

He told JR he would give him a modified contact lens now if he could stop by on the

way to work. Curtis explained the updated and the added capabilities of the new and

improved contact lens.

JR asked Curtis to go to work with him. Daemon would not mind. Curtis thought that

was a great idea.

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JR stopped at Curtis house to install the new, modified, and improved special

communication contact lens.

Curtis followed him to JR’ office at Mojave Air and Space Port. They did a

communication check with their new, improved contact lens as they drove. It worked

perfect. Curtis was proud.

Mary Sue looked good in her new short haircut that displayed her sparkling diamond

earrings. They matched her eyes. Curtis smiled and exchanged “good mornings.” Work

was no place for personal feelings. Both were professionals and dedicated to their


George strolled in singing in his George Jones country Western voice,

“Let’s Build a World Together, One world, safe, together.” George is a happy wise-ass.

Ignorance is bliss and he does not care.

George asked Curtis, “Why are you here? You get lost? Your boss out of town and the

mouse is playing. Or you just are roughing it with us mortals?”

Curtis laughing, “Which one do I answer first? I thought I would check to see what real

men are doing for a living making the big bucks. I guess you are doing the same thing

that I am doing.” George asked, “What are you doing?” Curtis’ quick mind retorts, I

came to see Mary Sue.”

JR steps into the conversation with summary of what he and George are doing. George

smiles and leans back in his chair. George makes a wisecrack, “He might as well wear

a veterinary smock. Since he is studying cats, he might as well be dressed for the part.”

Curtis and JR both look at each other; they are being watched by Daemon. Their
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medallions had alerted them. Daemon must have some free time to check up on them.

The phone rings. Mary Sue answers it. It is Daemon. He wants to talk to Curtis.

Daemon apologizes for the Facility locked down, but he is sure that Curtis understands.

Daemon tells him that the Facility is now open. Curtis tells Daemon he will go to work


George tells Curtis, “Your boss yanked your apron string?” Curtis smiles and says

goodbye to Mary Sue. He has work to do. It was Thursday morning and he was already

behind schedule.

His medallion notified Daemon was not monitoring him. He had time to review his work

to stop Daemon.

While driving to his office at EAFB he reviewed his choices to stop Daemon:

Consider transmitter at T. gondii resonant frequency to eradicate. How much power

needed? Could three satellites positioned 22,000 above earth be sufficient to broadcast

with enough power to eradicate T. gondii from the earth?

 Feasible to broadcast worldwide?

 Cost/benefit vaccine vs. radiation…?

 Chemotherapy feasibility study: pro and cons

The Edwards Air Force Base (EAFB) guards were smiling. That was a good sign that all

was back to normal. The two Marine guards at the entrance to the tunnel were back and

they too seemed to be their normal, stiff, militaristic, serious self. The van appeared as if

on command. All was back to normal.

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As soon as Curtis walks into his office, he asked his quantum computer if a vaccine

approach is viable, notwithstanding its shortcomings. The computer displayed the

following: (Curtis did not want a printed summary for fear Daemon may come in)

The vaccine contains a living form of the parasite. However, it is a genetic mutant, so its

life cycle is not completed, and it can't produce oocysts, a hard extremely small


Cats vaccinated with this become immune to infection by T. gondii and do not shed the

oocysts/eggs. You would have to give this vaccine every year—and especially to

newborn weaned kittens, because they are a main source of infection. Curtis discarded

this option as not practical.

Curtis was getting closer to possible vaccine approach. The computer noted the live

attenuated S48 strain of Toxoplasma was a good candidate. As was DNA vaccines

containing the full-length of SAG1/P30, ROP2 or ROP 1 genes would be a promising

candidate to induce protection against toxoplasmosis (T. gondii).

Curtis asked the computer to run simulations of cloning human DNA with selected

characteristic and attributes vs. DNA alterations using T. gondii to change human DNA.

He wanted to compare and to contrast the differences. The computer indicated it would

begin immediately and would alert him ASAP for the summary.

Curtis was walking a tight rope over a 60,000 feet canyon filled with alligators. He had to

produce some key components for Daemon, but he did not want to enable Daemon to

complete his project for altered humans to achieve his “New World Order.” It was a race

against time.
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Curtis’ medallion went off indicating Daemon was monitoring. It was just as well. Curtis

was on task.

Daemon came and said it was good to see him and again he apologized for the lock-

down. Curtis responded with a smile, “No problem.”

Curtis gave Daemon an update. Daemon seemed preoccupied. Curtis knew not to ask


Daemon looked tired. He was in a non-communicative mode. Daemon noting that

Curtis was looking relaxed responded with, “I have been up all night. I am going home

to get some sleep. I would like to you to join me at 8 am tomorrow at the Mojave Air and

Space Port for a brief meeting with JR and George to coordinate our efforts.” Daemon

said on the way out of Curt’s office. Curtis thought, “He has left the office. Now I can

perform my experiments.”

Curtis needed to determine if it was possible to destroy T. gondii by mouth (orally)

utilizing chemotherapy in infected mice. First Curtis asked the computer to suggest what

chemicals to use to destroy T. gondii in mice, and humans. The computer noted this

treatment is highly effective against T. gondii and normally produces no side effects with

the following chemicals:

 25 mg pyrimethamine

 1 g sulfadiazine

 5 mg folinic acid
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The computer then produced an alternate choice of chemicals to conduct an experiment

for special consideration and possible use with the notation that these were very high


1.5 - 2.0 g sulfadiazine

600 mg clindamycin

750 mg atovaquone

The computer noted that to determine effectiveness of chemotherapy to the mice, blood

samples should be drawn for a critical blood count (CBC) and to check for T. gondii

antibody titer.

Curtis asked the computer to deliver T. gondii and two live mice. Immediately, the

quantum computer responded that the requested items would be delivered within five

minutes by Daemon’s altered human assistant.

Within five minutes, an Military Policeman (MP) walked in with a sealed package of T.

gondii and two cages with a live healthy mouse in each cage with five labeled, sealed

packages of pyrimethamine, sulfadiazine, folinic acid, sulfadiazine, clindamycin, and


Curtis thanked him and the Air Policeman left.

Curtis infected the mice with the C56 strain of T. gondii. Curtis knew it would take up to

four days for the T. gondii infection to be detectible in the mice blood. He would verify

the infection. Then he could treat the mice with chemotherapy to determine the best

effective treatment to eradicate T. gondii.

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Curtis would tell Daemon he was preparing an antidote in case either one of them

became infected with T. gondii. They would need an effective treatment. Daemon had

not told him that he had become infected. Curtis did not know if Daemon was accidently

self-infected. Daemon may be an experiment he was doing to himself to give him

extraordinary characteristics and attributes. Curtis did not ask; he did not have the need

to know.

Curtis asked the computer for an update on the simulations of cloning human DNA with

selected characteristic and attributes vs. DNA alterations using T. gondii to change

human DNA. The computer responded the simulations would be available tomorrow


The resonant frequency approach to destroy T. gondii with a specified resonant

frequency that would destroy T. gondii warranted more research. He must ask the

computer more questions. Curtis did not want to leave any stones unturned. Time was

running out. He needed an answer now.

Curtis checked his wristwatch; it was time to go home. Curtis left the building.
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M8: Action: Daemon. Curtis, JR, & George Meeting - Friday

Curtis called JR using his improved quantum encrypted contact lens on the way home

from work. JR told Curtis he thought he had a couple of names verified that were

Daemon’s supporters as Daemon would probably prefer them to be called.

Curtis would Wait and process the names through Daemon’s quantum computer. It did

not leave any traces. JR informed Curtis it appeared the two were very wealthy, old

money families.

JR and Curtis agreed to meet at Jakes for a good steak. As soon as they sat down, their

medallions indicated that they were being watched. Curtis slowly looked around the

dining room. He noticed a man and women. Their eyes were red. They were Daemon’s

altered humans. Curtis was impressed how his special contacts detected the altered


Perhaps this was how they were being watched. As Curtis’s eyes focused on JR, he

noticed a piece of lint on JR’s shirt. He told JR about the piece of lint. When JR

removed the “lint,” he discovered it was made from a metallic material. JR sat the small

object on the table. Without any noise, the tiny thing flew away and quickly disappeared.

Daemon obviously had all options covered. He probably had his newest toy: satellites

that could filter noise to a single voice he was monitoring. The satellites send a beam to

an area being monitored that is reflected and modified by the speakers voice back to

the satellite. It is similar to bouncing a beam off a window to listen to the occupants

inside. The Russians did this back in the 60’s to our embassy in Moscow.
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There was a commotion in the restaurant. Curtis looked over to the group of people that

were restraining a man. It was the altered human. He was yelling in a rambling racing

voice, “They are watching me, with a blank expressionless face.”

Curtis knows Schizophrenia and epilepsy are two neurological disorders that affect

humans infected with T. gondii. He has found that the Toxoplasma genome contains

versions of two genes for substances involved in dopamine production—namely,

phenylalanine hydroxylase, and tyrosine hydroxylase. In other words, T. gondii knows

how to make dopamine. T. gondii secretes ‘LSD’ like substance (linked to serotonin)

they are the same neurotransmitters, which are affected, in most of psychiatric

conditions. The altered human causing the disturbance was displaying some of the

classic manifestations of schizophrenia.

The police and ambulance was summoned. The altered human was grimacing at the

corners of the mouth with his facial muscles, and making odd movements with his

tongue. His clothing and hair appeared neglected. He looked disheveled. His sudden

irritability, anger, hostility, suspiciousness, and resentment indicated he was indeed

schizophrenic. The attendants were assisted by the police tying him to the gurney. He

was kicking and screaming, “They were after him, and everybody was watching him.

They could read his mind.” The female altered human followed meekly behind the

procession out the door of the restaurant. Curtis heard the sirens pull away, as they left

to go to the local hospital.

JR looked at Curtis, “What the hell has happened? That guy was crazy.” Curtis told JR,

“He needed to talk to Daemon about this incident and the possibility the altered humans

may not be reliable or useful for his project to save the world.”
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Curtis told JR, “He was hoping that Daemon would stop this mad, misguided, hair

brained project. There was no way the altered humans could be relied upon and to

perform under duress. Most people that had schizophrenia tested positive for T. gondii

infection. The cause and effect correlation of T. gondii and schizophrenia was too strong

with the existing T. gondii DNA. It had to be modified. The genes that caused

schizophrenia had to be eliminated from the T. gondii DNA.” This was good news for


JR, catching the eye of the waiter, ordered two pints of beer for Curtis and himself. They

were still being watched by Daemon. They enjoyed their meal and agreed Daemon

would meet them tomorrow morning 8 am at Mojave Space and Air Port.

As Curtis pulled into his driveway, the medallion indicated Daemon had stopped

watching him. It did not matter. Curtis was going to watch TV, relax, read a book, and

get some sleep.

On the way to the meeting with JR, George, and Daemon, Curtis called JR through his

secure contact lens. Curtis reminded JR they did not know the “apparent schizophrenic”

person was an altered human. They did not want Daemon to be suspicious whether

Curtis or JR had the means to identify his altered humans. Less is more.

Curtis walks into JR’s office and Mary Sue greets him with a big smile. He wonders how

much she knows about Daemon. He would never ask her about Daemon, or his

projects. He did not have the need to know.

JR and George walks into the conference room. Mary Sue tells them the coffee is

ready. She is wearing sparkling diamond earrings that someone must have spent a

fortune to empress her. She wears them well. She flicks her hair away from her eyes
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and asks, “You guys need anything for the meeting?” She is always the professional

Curtis thought as he let his eyes slowly travel down her short blond hair to her pouty lips

that are saying, “If you need anything, I will be out front.” Curtis nodded. She was good

for the eyes.

You knew Daemon was coming in before you saw him. His “energy” preceded him. He

had an air of impatience with a pained looked on his face. Curtis knew he would listen

and answer questions. This looked like an important meeting was about to begin.

Daemon, as he marched in, said, “Guys we have a lot of work to do, so let’s get to it. I

called this meeting to coordinate our efforts.”

Just as the meeting was breaking up just before lunch, Daemon said as he leaned back

in his chair, carefully choosing his words, “I want all three of you to research the cause

and effect of T. gondii and schizophrenia behavior in humans. I have a friend that has

developed schizophrenia in his late 30’s, which is the typical age for the symptoms of

schizophrenia to appear. He lots of cats. I want to determine if there is a correlation. I

know all of you have extensive protein synthesis research experience. I want all of you

to immediately start your research and I expect an update tomorrow of your initial

results and planned activities.”

The meeting was over. The first thing Curtis needed was an update from the quantum

computer. Curtis asked the computer for an update on the simulations of cloning human

DNA with selected characteristic and attributes vs. DNA alterations using T. gondii to

change human DNA. The computer responded with detailed instruction for protein

synthesis to T. gondii genes that could be infected into humans to produce the desired

characteristic and attributes.

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Curtis thanked the computer and asked the computer to run simulations to identify

genes in T. gondii that when infected into humans cause schizophrenia. Curtis asked

him for the results requesting simulations of vaccination and best method of introduction

into humans:

1. Oral

2. Intra muscular

3. Cranial

The computer responded the best results were “Intra muscular.” Curtis thanks the

computer. It was not a good time to conduct his own research. Daemon may pop-in at

any time.

Daemon came into Curtis’ office looking tired. He sat down, leaned forward, and placed

his head on the table. He said nothing. Curtis waited for Daemon to speak. After a few

moments, Daemon said, “My friend has schizophrenia symptoms. I need to find and

eliminate the cause and effect of T. gondii and schizophrenia.” Raising his voice, he

asked the quantum computer to run simulations of the relationship of T. gondii infection

of humans to humans displaying symptoms of schizophrenia.”

The computer responded Curtis had already requested the simulations and they would

be ready within six hours. Daemon did not like the pause for his requested results. He

yelled at the computer, “Why cannot you do as instructed, rather than giving excuses?”

The computer printed, rather than respond audibly, results would be ASAP. Daemon left

abruptly with no comment. He was frustrated. Curtis knew not to tell him, “Have a good

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Curtis did not want to “fix” this problem. He wanted to present this as a difficult problem

that would stop Daemon.

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M9: Action: Daemon Demands answers Monday

Saturday. Curtis loved to get out and ride his ATV. He placed a call to JR, asking, Want

to ride ATV’s?.” JR asked, “Could George could join them.” Curtis said, “Sure, perhaps

Sherriff Sloan would want to ride too.” Curtis invited Sherriff Sloan. He too wanted to

relax. They agreed to meet at Jawbone Mountain at 10 am.

Five minutes prior to 8am, Curtis heard what sounded like a Country Western Concert

with the public address system stuck on 120 decibels. It was like an amplified rock

concert in front of speakers, or a pneumatic hammer at one meter, [at around 120 dB,

the sensation of hearing is replaced by that of pain] – George has arrived with his

George Straight, “Out Of Sight Out Of Mind” song dispersing any living animal from the


Shutting off the “music,” George announced, “You boys ready to ride?” as he unloaded

his ATV from his pickup with huge tires. JR, Sherriff Sloan, Curtis unloaded their ATVs.

Jawbone Canyon is located in the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range on the Western edge

of Mojave Desert. The Los Angeles Aqueduct goes through the area from Bishop to LA.

The aqueduct turned the Mono Lake near Bishop into a desert. Jawbone Canyon is an

outstanding place to explore old abandoned mines, ghost towns and talk to real

“mountain men.” There is something for everyone in a rustic setting.

Everyone decided to ride together and to go north. They had enough gas to ride all day.

Rocks flying, they took off. Sherriff Sloan was leading with George right on his tail.

George was pressing him for the lead. Curtis and JR were content to ride in the back.

Sherriff Sloan rode a fast furious pace up hills, down canyons and stopped at an old
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goldmine. An old, dilapidated leaning house was at the entrance. They began to explore

the house. It was made from old tree logs with huge iron spikes. Someone had been

sleeping in a corner. There were old blankets and cans of Vienna sausage laying

around. They left the old house to explore the mine cave.

At the entrance, they could hear music coming from inside. Sherriff Sloan looked at

Curtis. They looked at JR. George looked puzzled. George asked, “What is going on?”

Curtis told George about the falling huge silver disk disappearing into a cave and they

were unable to locate. George shrugged his shoulders and said, “So? Out here in the

desert, you see lots of weird stuff. The government has secret stuff all over the place.

They even have caves, old mines and parts of the Boron Mine was used for government

something, or other. It is not a big deal. He would go and see who is playing the Music.

It sounds like County Music.” George was smiling. He was happy.

With George in the lead, they worked their way into the old apparently abandoned

goldmine. After about 15 minutes, they paused and listened. The music was not getting

louder. George said, “He must be going down the same rate as we are. Do you guys

want to continue?” Sherriff Sloan said, “Let’s go about another 15 minutes and if the

music is still moving away from us, or if it starts getting dark, let’s stop and go back. We

are ATV riders, not cave explorers.”

They stopped another fifteen minutes exploring their way deeper into the old goldmine.

Curtis noticed a side smooth tunnel. It looked like a hot poker had penetrated the rocks

and left a smooth, glassy tunnel. The floor looked like it had a well-worn small path, or

road about ten feet wide. There was a glow at the end. They exchanged glances. No

word was said.

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George broke the silence, “I ain’t afraid of no ghosts.” Sherriff Sloan said, “He was not

either, but this was far enough into the cave. That tunnel is not part of the old goldmine.

Let’s go back and ride our ATVs.”

At the entry they were met by two men in black. They wore Wackenhut Special

Securities Division insignias. They were armed. They were not smiling. Sherriff Sloan

asked, “Can we help you?” The apparent leader who had a silver badge on his hat

asked, “What are you people doing here?” Sherriff Sloan identified himself and tried to

explain he was enjoying exploring an old abandoned gold mine, when he was

interrupted with the demand to see identification from everyone.

Curtis looked for the ATVs. They were gone. The men in black perhaps moved them.

The men in black motioned for them to all line up against the cave entrance wall.

Wackenhut Special Securities Division men in black checked their ID’s and made a

radio call. Apparently, they checked OK. They told them they could go, but they should

know they had intruded into a restricted area. Sherriff Sloan apologized. George knew

enough to keep his mouth shut.

Curtis looked again for their ATVs. They were at the same place that they had left them

as if they had never been moved. Curtis knew they were missing two minutes ago. He

would check for any prints. There were no prints. Nothing had been moved. Curtis

understood they had stumbled onto something classified and were lucky to be released.

It was best not to ask any questions and get out of Dodge as quick as possible.

Wordlessly, they left the area.

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After 30 minutes, they stopped. JR said, “Jesus, what was that?” George said, “I ain’t

going back there.” Curtis interrupted with, “I know this sounds weird, but our ATVs had

disappeared when I first checked on them when we got back to the mouth of the gold

mine entrance. They were not there. Yet, after our IDs were cleared, I checked and they

were at the same location with no tracks of being moved. It is weird.”

Nothing was said. Silence. As if on cue, they started their ATVs and left in a straight line

in the opposite direction of the goldmine. They did not stop until lunchtime. It was at

least 50 miles away from the goldmine. After comparing notes and having time to collect

their thoughts it was time to relax and to enjoy the bright, cool desert air with the wind in

your face. They enjoyed the rest of the day.

They loaded their ATVs and headed home. Each had something to do. Curtis headed

home to relax and to read. Curtis did not enjoy cooking. He would stop by the same

McDonalds where he had been kidnapped to get something to eat. It would be a quiet

Saturday evening. He would not assist anybody. Being kidnapped once was enough.

Daemon never apologized anyway. He would eat alone and read the local paper. His

medallion alerted him that Daemon was checking in on him. No problem. Curtis enjoyed

his meal and drove home. He enjoyed reading his books that evening.

JR called and asked if Curtis wanted to play pool Sunday morning. They agreed to have

breakfast at Kelcy’s Restaurant. It was simple good food. JR asked Curtis what he was

doing about the schizophrenic connection with T. gondii. Curtis told JR that his

computer was running simulations for various gene manipulations of T. gondii. Curtis

updated JR concerning the schizophrenic behaviors from T. gondii may stop Daemon.
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Curtis said, “JR, what we have here is a race to see if we can stop Daemon before he

discovers the process to delete the schizophrenic behaviors from T. gondii. Daemon is

pressing hard for a solution.”

Leaving Kelcy’s Restaurant, they saw Daemon with Mary Sue. Perhaps he was working

seven days per week. Curtis should have asked her for a date this weekend.

It was JR’s turn to win playing pool. Curtis was thinking about Mary Sue. JR said, Curtis,

you seem preoccupied, I am going home. The rest of the evening was quiet.

First thing Monday morning at work Curtis needed to get the result of his experiment

where he had infected mice with T. gondii four days ago. It was time to verify the

infection. He ran the test and they were infected.

It was now time to determine if it was possible to destroy T. gondii by mouth (orally)

utilizing chemotherapy in infected mice. He would use the chemicals the computer

suggested to use to destroy T. gondii in mice, and humans. The computer noted this

treatment is highly effective against T. gondii and normally produces no side effects with

the following chemicals:

 25 mg pyrimethamine

 1 g sulfadiazine

 5 mg folinic acid

The computer then produced an alternate choice of chemicals to conduct an experiment

for special consideration and possible use with the notation that these were very high


1.5 - 2.0 g sulfadiazine

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600 mg clindamycin

750 mg atovaquone

The computer noted that to determine effectiveness of chemotherapy to the mice, blood

samples should be drawn for a critical blood count (CBC) and to check for T. gondii

antibody titer. This would verify if chemotherapy worked.

In the meantime, he instructed the computer to work on Daemon’s number one project.

He would be in anytime and he wanted to show progress was being made.

Curtis instructed the quantum computer to process a multiplex, or many modifications to

a genome simultaneously inserting into a large batch of T. gondii where the parasite’s

own machinery for self-assembling DNA would take over to produce billions of different

T. gondii genomes. It would now be a simple task to select the variants that produced

the desired serum. At that point, to compare the genome, chunk by chunk to the

computer simulated desired genome to see where and how the two differed.

Finally, to put all the separate, reworked genetic chunks back into serum DNA. Each

would find its own way, via the cells natural ability to assemble DNA, to the proper

location. The result was to identify which T. gondii genes when infected into humans

produced schizophrenic behaviors. The computer was to eliminate these genes.

Daemon came into Curtis’ office. Curtis gave him an update only on his project. Curtis

did not want Daemon to know about his research to eradicate T. gondii. If this research

were discovered, he would explain they needed the ability to eradicate T. gondii in case
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of accidents. It was good insurance. In the meantime, Daemon did not have the need to


Daemon sat down. He was staring straight ahead. Daemon stood up and told the

quantum computer he wanted an answer now. What about genes in T. gondii produce

schizophrenic behaviors in humans? He wanted them identified and eliminated now.

Daemon instructed the computer if it could not derive a solution, let him know what

avenues or process that would produce a solution. He wanted this ASAP. This was top

priority. Do not work on anything else.

M10 Lockdown: surprise #2 - Tuesday

In the darkness, Curtis stood still. Mary Sue stumbled away from the door and hit a

warm body. Arms caught her, held her. She knew it was Curtis by his manly, sweaty
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Light glowed on the wall as Curtis pulled out his cell phone and used the light of the

screen to push back the darkness. The phone was not much good for anything else.

Curtis knew he could not call or receive calls on it—the facility was electronically sealed,

like a vault. No calls could penetrate in or go out. There was no communication. Curtis

and Mary Sue gathered around the cell phone like moths to a flame.

Mary Sue whispered, “What happened?” Curtis answered swiftly and forcefully, “Until I

know better, Mary Sue, I’m assuming the worst. Without power, the doors will not open

or close. The doors are magnetically operated. We cannot get out until the power is


A light bloomed. It was Daemon. “It’s not a power outage,” Daemon said coldly into the

darkness. “It is the Tiger team. They are a specialized group tasked with testing the

effectiveness of my organization's ability to protect its assets, by attempting to

circumvent, defeat, or otherwise thwart the Facility’s internal and external security.”

All faces turned to Daemon. He had the light. “The doors have an emergency button

concealed in the top right of each door. In case you are wondering how I got here…”

Curtis said, “Thanks for telling me.”

“This facility has no windows and only one entrance. Just to be cautious, everyone

should stay here while I check what is going on.”

Mary Sue felt the tension in Curtis’ body, which had gone rock hard. He still hadn’t let

her go. Daemon eyed her with a dour expression as he was leaving.

Curtis told Mary Sue in the pitch-black dark, that was eerily silent, “The purpose of a

penetration team is to penetrate security of ‘friendly’ installations, and thus test their
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security measures. Sometimes, after a successful penetration, he would show up later

for a "security review," and "find" the evidence that he had planted. This was a normal

security test. It was very important to Daemon to pass this test. Careers were destroyed

if they failed the penetration test.”

Daemon knew no one could penetrate his facility. However, he must be careful not to

have his unauthorized security measures discovered. He has designed his facility to be

swept electronically 60 times per second for the full range of the broadcast spectrum. In

addition, he has jammers that broadcast the full spectrum. Even though the facility is the

most secure facility in the world, you can never be complacent.

Daemon goes to his office and secures his door. He switches on his emergency power

and turns on the lights to his office only. He has no windows. No one can see the light.

Daemon checks his command center monitors. He sees no one at the entrance to the

facility. He does a full Facility check. Power was shut off at the electrical main that is

located just inside the entrance. He checks the entry log last 24 hours. It is normal. He

checks all entrance and exits for the last week. All was normal. He checks for the

month. An approved electrician had replaced a bad circuit breaker 18 days ago…

Daemon has motion detector cameras throughout the Facility. He reviews all cameras

at the entrance. He zooms in. It is George. He is the electrician. Does George have any

“cause and effect,” or any connection to the penetration Team? Why would George

work as an electrician? Who was he?

Daemon used his private; secrete unauthorized communication system to call George.

George is at work at Mojave Air and Space Port. Daemon gets to the point, asking
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George, Had he ever visited an underground office at Edwards Air Force Base (EAFB)

Experimental Aircraft Testing facility, also known as, The Facility?” George answered

with a non-committal, “I do consultant work for various agencies. Some places are

classified. Why do you ask? George laughing, asked, “Do you want to fly in a flying

saucer? I have heard rumors they have them around here.”

Daemon did not want George to know anything about the Facility. George did not know

the connection between Daemon and the Facility. Daemon comes out with a plausible

story about he needed an electrician to do some work at George’s office. He had heard

George was a good electrician. George is not biting the hook. He too has had extensive

training in proper security measures and the need to know basis. George told Daemon

he would ask around about an electrician being available. He said he has done

electrical work, but electrical work is not his passion. He likes working as a research

Vet. Daemon did not appreciate the humor.

He was getting nowhere with George. He would check out the entrance electrical panel.

Upon inspection, Daemon determined the main electrical panel switch had been tripped

to “Off.” Daemon muttered to himself, as he threw the main switch back to “On.” “Those

damn Penetration Teams.” He went back to his office and did another thorough check of

The Facility. No one had penetrated the Facility. When the main electrical switch had

been thrown to off, the doors would not open. No unauthorized personnel had entered.

Daemon mused about Curtis and Mary Sue. He must get back to them. Daemon

explained to Curtis “The Penetration Test” did undercover a weakness of The Facility.

He needed to provide back-up power inside the Facility. He wanted Curtis to begin the
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process immediately. The Penetration Team did not know about Curtis or Mary Sue.

Daemon’s Top Secret Facility had passed the Penetration Team’s test.

With the interruptions and drama, it had seemed as if Curtis had been at work for a

week; it was only lunchtime. The Penetration Team had upset the normal routines.

Curtis needed to check the quantum computer simulations that should be ready to

review. Curtis needed an update to Daemon’s question, “What about genes in T. gondii

that produce schizophrenic behaviors in humans? He wanted them identified and

eliminated now.” Curtis instructed the computer if it could not derive a solution, let him

know what avenues or process that would produce a solution. He wanted this ASAP.”

The computer printed a summary: it has been known that neurotransmitters are

involved in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. An excess of dopamine has been widely

suspected. Dopamine was 14 percent higher in humans with chronic T. gondii infection.

Toxoplasma gondii has the ability to make dopamine.

Toxoplasma appears to be involved in some, but far from all, cases of schizophrenia.

Second, Toxoplasma alone does not appear sufficient to cause the disease. Most likely,

a number of factors are required—genes, various environmental triggers—and the

combination may not be the same in every person.

In cases where T. gondii does play a role, the researchers propose, the initial infection

probably occurs early in life—in the womb or during early childhood. Then, later in life, a

second “hit” may reactivate the parasite; this resurgence then may help bring about

schizophrenia, perhaps especially in people with a genetic predisposition to the disease.

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Research that involved 23 studies in all showed that patients with schizophrenia were

almost three times as likely as those without to test positive for T. gondii antibodies. The

study appeared in the 2007 Schizophrenia Bulletin.

Curtis had read where forty-five percent of schizophrenics tested positive in one study

for both T. gondii and LSD. Also there were growing support to the hypothesis that T.

gondii may cause schizophrenia and may do so by producing or triggering the

production of an hallucinogenic chemical LSD. Production of such a compound may

have been favored by natural selection because an infected, hallucinating rodent would

be more easily captured by a cat. Schizophrenia in humans may be a side effect of T.

gondii's attempt to set cats up with a steady supply of happy (tripping) mice, the better to

ensure its own reproductive success.

The drug Artemisinin appears most promising to eradicate, or at least reduce the

symptoms of schizophrenia. It is an extract of the weed Artemesia annua, or sweet

wormwood, which grows wild in China. The drug might be a treatment for


Curtis made a comment as much to himself as to the quantum computer, “Perhaps like

ulcers. People thought stress alone caused peptic ulcers—until Australian physician

Barry Marshall proposed that the condition arose from a bacterium, a claim he proved

by swallowing a cup of the bacteria and then curing himself of the ensuing ulcer with an

h. pylori antibiotic.”

Curtis clipped the summary to his clipboard. Daemon would be pleased. He was on a

roll. Curtis instructed the quantum computer he needed an update on his research on
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the simulations of cloning human DNA with selected characteristic and attributes vs.

DNA alterations using T. gondii to change human DNA.

Immediately, the quantum computer printed the summary: Human cloning was time-

consuming process. It took time for the baby born with selected characteristics and

attributes to become an adult.

The adult human could be altered with T. gondii and obtain results within months.

Curtis added this summary to the last one. He must follow-up on his own research how

to eliminate T. gondii infections.

Curtis reviewed the results of a prior simulation of a possible oral chemotherapy that

would eradicate T. gondii infection. The computer noted this treatment is highly effective

against T. gondii and normally produces no side effects with the following chemicals:

 25 mg pyrimethamine

 1 g sulfadiazine

 5 mg folinic acid

It was time to test on his mice. He injected one and left other mouse as a control for his


Curtis was curious what happened to Daemon. He had not seen him after the

excitement this morning from the Penetration Team exercise. It was time to go home.
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It was time to play some pool with George and JR. Curtis called JR while drive home.

JR agreed to bring George for happy hour and play pool.

Curtis had just started to relax in his favorite recliner when he heard George singing

another George Strait song, “Big Ball’s In Cowtown,”

“…Big ball's in cowtown - we'll all go down.

Big ball's in cowtown - we'll dance around…”

George came in announcing, “It was time to play the game of eight ball, rack ‘em up.”

Curtis volunteered JR to play with George. He would get the beer. It was a good time of

beer, steaks, and fun. It was good to relax. George was OK.

When JR and George were going out the front door to go home, George, startled,

looked up asked, “What was that?” What appeared as a large black disk was hovering

noiselessly with no lights above Curtis’ house. Curtis looked at JR. Their medallion had

not alerted them they were being watched. It was unsettling.

JR and George got into their cars and left. About five minutes later, Curtis heard a

knock at his door. It was JR. His pale face was drained of color. He looked frightened.

He said he saw a police van stop George. He was handcuffed, put into the van and they

took off with no lights flashing as if nothing had happened.

JR wanted to know if he should contact the police, but he wanted to consult with him

first. Curtis agreed to contact the police. They call the Kern County Sherriff’s Office. A

pre-recorded message said, “If this is an emergency, call 911. Otherwise, please leave
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a message. The office is staffed from 9am to 5pm every day.” It was time to call their

friend, Sherriff Sloan.

Sherriff responded to the information that Curtis gave him with, “Let me make a phone

call.” As Sherriff Sloan waited on the phone to be connected to his friend at the Kern

county Sherriff’s Office in Bakersfield, he said, I do not want my conversation to be

broadcast over the airwaves. Many strange people listen to our radios.

Sherriff Sloan asked Lt. Galleon if he would check the Golden Hills area logs for any

activity for a George Thompson being stopped and picked up at 9:35pm tonight. Lt.

Galleon responded after a pause, “Why do you ask?” Curtis reminded him, “This was off

the record. George has just left his house with his friend driving behind him and there

were no laws being broken when he was stopped, handcuffed, and taken away in a

plain black van with no police lights flashing.”

Lt. Galleon said, “Just a minute.” The phone went quiet. Five minutes later, Curtis hung-

up and called back and asked for Lt. Galleon. He was informed, “Lt. Galleon is not here.

JR told Curtis, “Somebody has lots of political pull to have this happen. You think

Daemon had anything to do with this?” Curtis told JR he had an old girlfriend that is the

county police dispatcher. He would call her. He wanted to know what was happening.

Diane answered the Kern County Sherriff’s Dispatch phone. She was busy and did not recognize

Curtis. Curtis tried to refresh her memory, but a coherent conversation was not possible due to

the constant interruptions. She thought he was flirting with her and was irritated that she did not

have time to sort through this non-emergency call. Curtis terminated the call.
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It was time for a huddle. JR and Curtis consider the alternatives: Call Daemon, call

some else at the Sherriff’s office, or JR could check Daemon’s computer network for a

clue to George’s incident. They would check Daemon’s network.

They drove to JR’s house. On the way, they were followed. An interesting point, Curtis

noticed not only were they being followed, but also someone was in the front of them,

anticipating their moves before they did.

Curtis had learned this tactic in the service. The best tail tactic was to follow someone

by being in front of them anticipating their moves. It was humorous to see the person

being followed looking back over their shoulder when they were being followed from the

front of them. Now Curtis and JR were the hare. Someone else was the hound. The

black van was a block in front of them and another small car was a block behind them.

As Curtis passed an alley, he quickly turned right, and then snapped a quick left turn

into a driveway turning off his lights. The small car behind him went passed him. As

soon as the car turned, Curtis backed out and went back the direction he just came

from. For now, he had eluded the followers.

Curtis recognized the same McDonalds where he was kidnapped from coming up on his

right. Stopping at McDonalds, JR and Curtis quickly went inside.

Stunned, Curtis and JR looked at each other. At the same time, each asked the other, “What in

the hell is going on?” If this were Daemon, he would be using Spybots and other ways to watch

them. Besides, their medallions did not alert them Daemon was watching. It must be another

agency checking them. If so, most agencies did not kidnap their subjects. Daemon
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resorted to the kidnap tactic because he knew Curtis and he was not a governmental


What would anyone want with George? He was a happy-go-lucky free spirit. He was a

“What-you-see-is-what-you-get-model.” Curtis and JR did not know what to do. They got

a paper, ordered food and waited, and waited for two hours. They tried George’s cell

phone. No answer. Curtis and JR knew it was possible to back trace phone calls. It was

a calculated gamble. They did not leave a message.

Curtis asked JR if he wanted to stay in his “safe room” tonight. JR did not have to have

his arm-twisted. Entering Curtis’ house, they went straight into Curtis’ safe room. It was

time to call it a night. Curtis would call Sherriff Sloan in the morning.

M11: Reaction: Curtis: main story line: response to surprise #2 – Wednesday

Curtis awakened JR. Curtis hesitantly opened his safe-house door and looked both

directions as he entered his living room. He checked every room. He and JR were
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alone. A quick glance out the windows, no suspicious vehicles were observed. A casual

glance outside did not reveal anything suspicious. It was time to check on George.

Curtis placed a call to Sherriff’s Sloan’s private cell phone. He answered with a cheery

voice, “Sherriff Sloan Speaking.” Curtis said, “Cut the crap, what is going on? Nobody

knows anything about George. We have been given the run-around and have been

followed.” Sherriff Sloan said, “Sound like you guys being having fun.” Curtis asked

Sherriff Sloan to make some calls about George, “Off the record,” to determine

George’s status. They had to go to work.

Thursday morning at work, Curtis looked around his office. Something was odd. Curtis

walked from his office, the ½ mile back to the entrance of the tunnel to the Marie Guard

shack. He whipped out his cell phone and attempted to place a call to JR and George’s

office. Mary Sue did not answer the phone. “Rather odd,” thought Curtis. He called

direct through his special contact lens. JR answered. Curtis Asked JR, “Is everything

OK? Is George there? Where is Mary Sue? Have you seen Daemon?”

JR responded with, “George is not here, Mary Sue is at her desk, and Daemon has not

been here. Are there any more questions?” Curtis told JR about Mary Sue not

answering the office phone. JR said, “Wait a minute, I will check on her.” JR, shouting

says, “Where the hell are you Mary Sue?” JR tells Curtis, “She is not here. She normally

gets here about five minutes to 8 am. I got here as soon as I left your house. I arrived

about 15 minutes until eight and did not know she was not here. I had better call

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Curtis could hear JR calling Daemon. Daemon did not answer his phone. Curtis told JR,

“I believe there is more to the Penetration Team exercise. Some agency is thoroughly

checking Daemon and everyone around him. Be prepared for the unexpected. I am

going back to work.”

Curtis turned to go back into the tunnel and it was locked. What is this? He got into his

car and drove to Mojave Air and Space Port. On the way, he placed another call to JR

through his special contact lens. Curtis was relieved when JR answered. Curtis

informed JR, “He was coming over to JR’s office. He was concerned about Mary Sue.”

As soon as Curtis closed his door of his car and turned toward JR’s office, a man in a

dark suit approached him. He asked, “Know anything about office rents in the area, or

any of the tenants that were leasing office space.” Curtis shook his head no and

continued past JR’s office. He did not want to be associated with any office while the

strange man was hanging around.

Curtis had no idea about Daemon’s activities. Did he use his name to lease office

space? Did he use his friend’s names when he leased office space? Less said the

better. Curtis had no idea who the good people, or who the bad people were. Less is


He called JR again via his special contact lens. JR answered. Curtis updated him about

the man in the dark suit. JR said, “No one has been in, and the phone has not rung. It

has been quiet.”

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Curtis did not want to go home. He did not want to expose himself to possible “men in

black” suits asking questions, or taking him away. Curtis began driving aimlessly. Even

though Curtis knew, Sherriff Sloan would call him if he had an update about George, he

felt compelled to drive to his office.

The young fiery redheaded counter clerk asked if she could assist him. Curtis requested

to see Sherriff Sloan. She said, “Close your eyes what do you see?” Curtis closing his

eyes answered, “Nothing.” She replied with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, “That is

correct, you cannot see him. He is on a service call.”

Curtis was curious. He was going to drive by JR’s office again. He stopped and walked

into JR’s office. All was normal, except George and Mary Sue were not there. JR

seemed on edge. He asked Curtis for an update. JR told Curtis he was beginning to get

worried about George and Mary Sue. Curtis said, “Most security sweeps are completed

within 48 – 72 hours. Given Daemon is missing too leads to the possibility Daemon is

also being detained for questioning.

Curtis looked at JR with a startled look, “Hear that George Strait song, it must be

George.” George walked in smiling singing in his deep voice:

“Stranger things have happened to me

And it's getting all over town

That stranger things have happened to me

That stranger is holding her now”

Both Curtis and JR asked at the same time, “What happened to you?”
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George said, “Sorry about being late. I must have really hit the Jackpot last night. I do

not remember her name, or what had happened. I checked to see if I had a blue ribbon

around my waist to verify that I had received first place.”

Curtis was not sure about George. He looked at JR. JR knew George for years. JR

asked George, “What was the last thing he remembered?” George replied he

remembered he worked here yesterday and then waking up this morning with his boots

on. An odd thing though, seemed like I saw Mary Sue.” George laughed said, “Maybe I

dated Mary Sue.”

JR pouring coffee for everyone leaned back in his chair studying George. Curt was

watching and listening. George had his attention. Both Curtis’ and JR’s medallion

simultaneously notified them Daemon was watching. This could be good. He was back

into circulation. It also meant they were not going to ask any questions at this time. Less

meant more. Daemon did not have the need to know anything from them unless he

asked them.

George said, “Damn this is good coffee. Where is Mary Sue?” As if on cue, Mary Sue

walked in smiling. She said, “I tried to call about sleeping in late, but my phone at home

was dead and my cell phone has disappeared. I was tired. I slept hard. I do not

remember anything last night. I did not dream either.” George looked at Mary Sue

smiling, “Perhaps you are the reason I too slept in late. I tied a big one last night and I

do not remember anything. Did we have a good time?”

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Mary Sue blushed, puzzled she asked, “You over slept too? Do you remember

anything?” Curtis suggested he should go to his office and thanks for the updates.

George asked, “What updates?” Curtis informed George as he was walking toward the

front door, “He and JR had reviewed JR’s and his work that morning.”

On the way to his office, Curtis called JR on his quantum secured special contact lens.

He asked JR if he could talk. JR mumbled, “no” as he coughed. Curtis understood. He

told JR, “Perhaps George and Mary Sue had both been injected with the truth serum,

sodium petathol – you know, Thiopental - because, it makes one unconscious and leads

to a long period before consciousness is regained. You remember nothing if a large

amount is given.” JR did not respond. Curtis understood. They had communicated the

status quo. It was time to listen and observe.

Curtis was in his office about five minutes when his medallion notified him that Daemon

had stopped watching him. Curtis thought Daemon will be in his office any minute and

this was not the time to get updates about his own research.

Daemon came into Curtis’s office looking like he had just had his income taxes audited

and he was scheduled for another audit by the auditor’s boss. He looked haggard and

tired. This was not the time to update Daemon. He would listen.

Daemon acknowledged Curtis with a nod of his head. He went immediately to the

quantum computer and received updates to his and Curtis’ research. He left with a

grunt, “I will talk to you later.”

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It was time to check his two mice. One was dead. The other treated mouse appeared

healthy and active. Prima facie results indicated a possible oral chemotherapy that

would eradicate T. gondii infection. The computer noted this treatment was highly

effective. Curtis had an effective treatment to eradicate T. gondii and it produced no

side effects. He disposed of all evidence. He would prefer Daemon not be aware of his

successful experiment.

The afternoon passed quickly. Curtis did not see Daemon until five minutes to five when

Daemon came into office to tell Curtis he would see him tomorrow at 8 am.

Curtis called JR for a quick updates. He was tired and was going to bed early. Curtis

wanted to be alone to review what happened the last 24 hours. As soon as Curtis

walked into his house, he noticed things had been moved. No one was there.

Curtis called JR using his secured quantum special contact lens. JR had just walked in.

he looked around and noticed he had had a visitor. Things had been moved. This did

not alarm either one of them. It reminded them to be diligent. They had experienced

both sides of being watched and having watched others.

It was time to eat, read a book and go to sleep. Life could be worse life was good. He

would stop Daemon. He had discovered an antidote to T. gondii.

Thursday morning coffee at Curtis’ office was good. He noticed four altered humans

walking past his office toward Daemon’s office. He liked the idea that his special contact

lens displayed their eyes as being blazing red. Why would Daemon have them here

after the strange events?

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With one good sip of coffee left, Daemon and his “gang” came in. Daemon introduced

them as his associates and told them that Curtis was going to give them a shot that

would destroy a side effect they may have. Daemon did not waste any time.

Daemon had with him vials of the drug Artemisinin. Daemon had done his homework.

This drug would eradicate the symptoms schizophrenia from the altered humans.

Artemisinin would be a good candidate for the regular population who had symptoms of


All were inoculated. They left with no comment. There was no talking. They acted as if

they were doing exactly as instructed. Curtis had no idea where they stayed, what they

did, or what, or if they were receiving training. They were a mystery. Curtis did not have

the need to know.

Daemon seemed pleased. He informed Curtis he had received a “clean security

checkup.” Curtis knew the security checks were 24/7 but there were times unannounced

procedures and activities would be conducted to insure the security of given

organizations and individuals. It was accepted.

Everyone knew they either lived or died by the constant security checking and verifying

of personnel, activities, and security procedures. It had saved Curtis’ life on prior

occasions when he worked with an unknown spy. Somebody in the US government

knew the person was a spy. He was monitored in plain sight. Curtis did not know he

was a spy. The spy died of “food poisoning.” Curtis discovered the truth about the spy

working at another Top Secret agency a year later. The spy never existed.
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Daemon was pleased his altered human project was making progress. It was a good

day. Daemon left Curtis’ office.

Curtis completed Thursday on a good note. He has made some progress in his effort to

stop Daemon. Curtis went home. He had enough excitement.

JR called Curtis on cell phone the way home from work. JR wanted to bring George

over for happy hour. They agreed to meet at Curtis’ home. Curtis prepared the steaks

and marinated for BBQ. It time to relax, play eight ball pool, and enjoy the evening.

George asked Curtis about Daemon. George wanted to know exactly what did Daemon

do? If he was in the Air Force, why did he have a private business at Mojave Air and

Space Port? How did he make any money from his side business? How could he afford

paying their salaries?

Curtis looked George in his eyes and said, “You must ask Daemon, I do not know. I do

not work with him on his Experimental Flying Weapons System project.” George was

not going let Curtis off the hook. George replied, If you do not work with Daemon on his

Experimental Flying Weapons Systems project, how come he has you getting updates

from JR and me about T. gondii? Curtis, smiled, replied, “I am performing similar

research as you and JR.” George relentless as a bulldog, asked, “Who do you work

for?” Curtis had thought the same question. Was Daemon a front man for a hidden

organization, or individuals?
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Curtis shooting the eight ball into the called corner pocket, thereby beating George,

replied, “You know that is a good question. Daemon gives me my check, but I am not

sure who my employer is.”

George replies as he sits down and motions JR to the rack the balls for gamer eight ball

game with Curtis, “Perhaps it is the American Veterinary Medical Association, that has

an industry-wide concern for Toxoplasmosis and it possible effects on humans. T.

gondii as you know may do us in. I read where T. gondii stays in humans brains and

produces LSD in the human brain and perhaps is a causative agent for schizophrenia.”

Curtis redirected the conversation, “Let’s play pool.” It was a pleasant evening.

Exchanging “goodnights” at the door, Curtis asked JR and George if they wanted to

meet tomorrow morning an interesting man, Pete Buck, who has a hangar at Mountain

Valley Airport. It is a glider airport in nearby Tehachapi, California.

They agreed to meet at the adjacent Raven's Nest restaurant at 8am. As Curtis pulled

into a parking space at the restaurant, he noticed six USAF gliders parked. Curtis

recalled the Mountain Valley Airport is where the astronauts train and learn how to glide.

Pete Buck had many unusual planes, and electronic gadgets. He was an avid inventor.

He had shown Curtis his tiny remote controlled Mylar constructed airplane and various

kit planes. One is a motor glider; another is an electric powered full sized plane.

They agreed to meet next door at the glider port and then explore Pete’s hangar. He

was a very interesting man. He is a self-educated engineer and works at the Lockheed

Martin Skunk Works.

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Curtis and Pete had prior conversations where each had to simply stop and change the

subject. Each knew the other had an extensive background in classified activities. Their

interests were wide ranged and similar. Curtis thought JR and George might share his

interest in Pete’s activities.

As soon as they entered the large opened hangar door, they met Pete. As George was

talking to Pete, Curtis noticed a small 'Hush drive' hand-launched spybot for US special

ops in the corner. Perhaps Daemon had consulted with Pete for his widespread use of

surveillance activities.

Curtis asked Pete if he knew, or had heard of General Daemon. Pete replied he had

heard of him, but had not met him. Curtis decided not to press the topic further. Curtis

and JR looked at each other; their medallions had notified them they were being

watched by Daemon.

A small object looking like a fly was buzzing around. Curtis asked Pete if was his, or a

real fly? Pete said, “It must be a real fly. It is not mine.” Curtis said, “One way to find out

and threw a large cloth over it.” As they gathered around the small object/fly, a small

wisp of smoke curled up from it. It had to be Daemon. He would design a spybot to self-

destruct when captured or disabled. Everyone looked incredulously at each other and

examined the small, hard round ball that looked similar to buckshot.

Pete looked at Curtis and said, “Now that is a good piece of design work. Wonder who

is behind it.” Curtis smiled as he replied, “It was probably a fly that got too hot.” George

was curious.
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George studied the buckshot shaped black ball. Looking at Pete he said, “You can

design something like this?” Pete nodded his head toward Curtis said, “He had

produced various surveillance platforms, both flying and fixed, but not that one.”

George, with a puzzled look, said, “So where did this thing come from and what would it

be looking for?”

Curtis was sure Daemon was smiling watching George’s reaction. Curtis walked over to

George and said, “There are lots of experimental frequencies being transmitted from

here. The USAF has powerful high frequency transmitters that communicate with their

gliders that fly all over California and Nevada. The gliders many times have flown over

40,000 feet and stayed up over eight hours. Perhaps the fly went through an isolated,

high energy zone.”

George laughing replied, “Well if my dental filings start receiving radio conversations, I

am leaving.”

Curtis medallion indicated that Daemon had stopped watching them. Perhaps Daemon

had a life too and did other things rather than work all of the time. The rest of the

morning was spent in stimulating, fun conversation. It was time to tell Pete goodbye.

Curtis told JR and George to have a good weekend. He was going home. George said,

“You are really driving by Mary Sue’ house…” Curtis ignored his comment.

M12: Research Human Behaviors - Monday

Daemon talking to the quantum computer in Curtis’ office as Curtis walked in. Daemon

was saying to the computer, “Given your data base of existing second generation
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altered human unique brain patterns associated with every thought processes and

attributes through neural decoding (mind reading) compared to my desired thought

processes and attributes. I want simulations by this afternoon.” Daemon looking at

Curtis said, “Decoding brain activity is all numbers, the trick is to get the right numbers.”

The computer interrupted Daemon with, “Encoding is the term for the process by which

a stimulus is transformed into a firing rate by a neuron. Decoding is the process of

reconstructing the stimulus from the spikes produced by a given neuron. Do we agree

on this definition?”

Daemon replied, “Now you are starting to think. We have done this before. Our second-

generation altered humans utilize this process. I want an improvement on the accuracy

readouts. Neuron decoding has become mainstream. Toys such as Mattel’s Mindflex™

and the Start Wars Force Trainer™ include brain wave detection technology and are

now readily available at local Target or Walmart stores. We must stay ahead of


Turning to Curtis, Daemon said, “What was once speculative fiction -- the ability to read

minds and to control the movement of objects using thought alone, sometimes called

mind-over-matter –- is rapidly becoming neurotechnological fact for everybody, even


Curtis replies with, “You don’t fight with guns, you fight with their minds. Mind reading –

formerly the stuff of science fiction and crystal gazers – is rapidly becoming science fact

to reach your goals.” Daemon looking at Curtis, replies, “You are learning.”

Curtis began to think that perhaps Daemon was using mind monitoring on a mass scale
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to eliminate his “bad” people. Daemon must have a process of communication that

enables him scan humans on a global basis.

Daemon excused himself. He said he had some important things to discuss about his

Experimental Flying Weapons Platform Project. There were break-thru technologies that

were being incorporated. It was an exciting time. Both of his projects were developing


Curtis was busy researching when an altered human came in. Curtis knew he was an

altered human because Curtis’ special contacts identified the man with his eyes glowing

red. Curtis asked him, “Can I help you?” The altered man introduced himself as Steven

and he wanted to thank Curtis for giving him that shot. He has felt much better since


Curtis was not sure why Steven was there, said, “Daemon is not here and I do not know

where he is.” Steven replied, “I did not come to speak to Daemon. I came to speak to

you. Steven explained he had volunteered to be part of General Daemon’s elite test

pilots for the Experimental Flying Weapons Platform Program. Although most of the

Experimental Flying Weapons Platforms were pilotless, the tour had been a huge

learning curve and had been exciting. He was concerned about General Daemon’s

Special Projects.

The hair stood on the back of Curtis’ neck. Steve’s conversation was going into a

dangerous area. He did not know Steven. He did not know if he could trust him. Had

Daemon ordered a security test? In areas of high security, Curtis had learned to do only

what was instructed when instructed. There was no room for assumptions, or ad-lib.
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Steven walked directly in front of Curtis and said, “I know you are involved in General

Daemon’s Special Projects. I know you can trust me. I obviously know I can trust you. I

have taken a great risk to come here. Of course, you do not trust me. I understand it is

not personal.”

Curtis on alert, but curious asked, “What happened to the Special Project Test Pilots

before you? Where did they go?” Steven replied, “I was going to ask you the same

question. It seems they all had untimely natural caused deaths. I am worried about my

buddies and I.”

Curtis asked Steven how he had arrived at this conclusion. Steven replied, he and all of

his fellow pilots had checked. They were alarmed. Was General Daemon trustworthy?

Was the Special Project an official Government Project? Curtis knew he must be

careful. Daemon could at any moment start watching him.

Curtis replied with a non-committal statement of they need to meet again. Curtis wanted

JR to distract Daemon while he was talking to Steven. This would give Curtis and

Steven a chance to explore further and established trust. He told Steven he would place

a rock at the bottom of the last telephone pole going in the Edwards Air Force Base

entrance the day it would be OK for him to walk into Curtis’ office. Steven said on the

way out of Curtis’ office, “Do not wait too long.”

Curtis wanted to learn more about Daemon, such as where he lived, who his friends

were, what he did for hobbies, and where he stored his Experimental Flying Weapons


As soon as Curtis completed his workday, he called JR using his special contact lens.

Curtis gave him an update about Steven and asked if he could devise a device, or
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process whereby he could follow Daemon. JR said he would have something, or some

way to follow Daemon by the end of the week. He agreed it would be great if the Special

Project pilots worked with them. They could save their lives and the Special Project

Pilots, also known as (AKA) altered humans could assist them in their efforts to stop


JR would arrange a meeting ASAP with Daemon and let him know what day it would be

to enable Curtis to meet with Steven without fear of being under surveillance.

Curtis had fallen asleep watching American Idol when his cell phone rang. It was JR

and he had arranged a meeting with Daemon Wednesday morning. Curtis thanked JR

and called it a night.

JR driving to work noticed a huge dark plume of smoke coming from the ground and

extending far up into the sky. He noticed helicopters flying around the smoke. It was

right in the area of the Scaled Composites rocket test facility. This was Burt Rutan's

facility, and the home of SpaceShip One and Virgin Galactic spacecraft development.

JR called Curtis and informed him of what he saw. Curtis had seen on TV, just before

he left for work that two people were killed. It had nothing to do with Daemon’s projects.

Daemon’s projects were more advanced and did not require chemical explosion for

propulsion. Most of Daemon’s Experimental Flying Weapons Platforms were

electromagnetically, or force-field-gravity lens propelled.

Daemon entered Curtis’ office and immediately requested the quantum computer

results of the simulations he requested this morning of the data base of existing second

generation altered human unique brain patterns associated with every thought

processes and attributes through neural decoding (mind reading) compared to his
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desired thought processes and attributes. Daemon looking at Curtis said, “The

computer should have this completed, numbers is basic to computers. Decoding brain

activity is all numbers; the trick is to get this computer to arrive at the right numbers.”

The computer indicated it was producing a printed copy of the findings. The results are

from the recorded brain activity from the second generation altered human brainwave

inputs. The inputs are from nine distinct brain regions of interest previously implicated in

decision-making and segregated local spatially distributed signals in each region from

global differences in signal. Using a multivariate analysis approach, it was determined

the extent to which global and local signals could be used to decode human subsequent

behavioral choice, based on their brain activity on the preceding trial. These findings

implicate a specific network of regions in encoding information relevant to subsequent

behavioral choice.

Daemon impatiently began to pace in the area of the 3D hologram display from the

quantum computer snapped, “What does all of this mean?”

The printer immediately printed a report indicating the concept and the methods of

neural decoding have been originally developed to study the quantitative relationship

between neural activity and sensory stimuli (or behavior) in computational and

information theoretic terms. Neural decoding is achieved by learning the mapping from

brain activity to stimulus or behavioral parameters using statistical learning algorithms.

Neural networks act like a black box providing little insight into how decisions are made.

The knowledge of a neural network is represented at a sub symbolic level and hence is

very difficult for a human user to comprehend.

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Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM) is a purported form of functional neuroimaging that is

capable of extracting EEG data from the human brain at a distance with no contacts or

electrodes required. It is claimed to have been developed by the NSA. It is further

claimed that the NSA has the capablility to decode this data to extract subvocalizations,

visual and auditory data. In effect it allows access to a person's thoughts without their

knowledge or permission. It has been alleged that various organizations have been

using Remote Neural Monitoring on US and other citizens for surveillance and

harassment purposes.


Remote Neural Monitoring has its roots in the MK-ULTRA project of the 1950s which,

although it focussed on drugs for mind control, also included neurological research into

"radiation" (non-ionizing EMF) and bioelectric research and development. The earliest

non-classified references to this type of technology appear in a 1976 patent by R.G.

Malech “Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves”

USPTO granted 4/20/76. The patent describes a technique using the transmission of

100 and 210 MHz signals to the brain yielding a 110 MHz signal which is modulated by

the brain waves and can be detected by a receiver for further processing.

In the early 1980s it is claimed that the NSA began extensive use of Remote Neural

Monitoring. Much of what is known about it stems from evidence presented as part of a

1992 court case brought by former NSA employee John St.Claire Akwei against the
P a g e | 180

NSA. It describes an extensive array of advanced technology and resources dedicated

to remotely monitoring hundreds of thousands of people in the US and abroad.

Capabilities include access to an individual's subvocalizations as well as images from

the visual cortex and sounds from the auditory cortex.

Daemon was red-in-the-face when he exploded, “All I want to know is how to modify the

given neural activity to the desired neural activity. I do not want to know how to fix the

watch; I want to know what time it is.”

The printer started a new report. Current research on neuron-behavior correlations has

used differences in choice probabilities between different sub-populations or in different

tasks (rather than simply the existence of choice probabilities) to infer different roles for

groups of neurons in different contexts. It is not currently possible to correlate a given

set of numbers, or wave patterns that will predict with accuracy a given behavior.

Formula How to Quantify Human Behavior: In Terms of an Activity

h ( x )2
P(r ) 
 2 e
2 2

Where P(r) = Proportion right decision

d= direction in degrees

End of report as requested.

Daemon looked at Curtis with a pained expression. “Curtis are you doing any better with

this quantum 3D computer? It is like trying to extract hen’s teeth. I want a simple

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Curtis smiles at Daemon and responds, “You are too smart for the computer.” Daemon

grunts, “I hate computers.”

Curtis needed to talk to Daemon about his “friends and/or supporters.” Curtis asked

Daemon, “I if he trusted his friends that were contributing to his efforts to eliminate bad

people for his global efforts for a New World Order. He was concerned his “friends” may

be using him for their own secret agenda.”

Daemon said, “Let me worry about that.” Curtis pressed Daemon further with, “As soon

as you provided them with the process and ability that would enable them to achieve

their goals, you are expendable.”

Daemon paused, with a look of concern, said, “I am very careful with what they know.

You and I have ridden this pony many times. My friends are giving only information they

need to know. I know and understand the possible risks involved and that I may be

expendable. I am playing both ends against the middle. I need their money. They need

their stated goals and perhaps their hidden agendas achieved. It is similar to dancing

with a bear. As long as I am leading, no problem. My challenge is not to let the bear

lead. It would be disastrous.”

Curtis asked Daemon, “How could he and his friends achieve a harmonious relationship

when apparently nobody trusted the other.” Daemon smiled. Curtis realized Daemon

planned to eliminate his “friends” when he did not need them.

Curtis thought he would be expendable if Daemon gets his perfected altered humans

before Curtis can stop or destroy Daemon.

Curtis walking up to Daemon and putting his hand on his shoulder asked Daemon, “If he

had considered producing an antidote for T. gondii? There may be a possibility Daemon
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may need the antidote for unintended consequences of T. gondii infection. Had he

considered taking the shot to ensure he did not develop schizophrenia should he

become infected with T. gondii?” Surprisingly, Daemon told Curtis, “Start researching for

a process that would kill T. gondii. It is better to be prepared.”

Curtis asked Daemon if he wanted to be checked for T. gondii. Daemon replied, “Yes.”

Perhaps Daemon did not know he was infected. Curtis took a blood sample from

Daemon and told him he would give him the results tomorrow. Daemon shaking his

head said, “You make life complicated and left the office.”

Curtis wanted to devote as much time as possible to research the resonant frequency

approach to destroy T. gondii with a specified resonant frequency that would destroy T.

gondii. Curtis had permission to develop an antidote to T. gondii for himself and


Time was of the essence. Curtis wanted to save Steven and his altered friends before it

was too late. He must ask the computer more questions. Curtis knew to stop Daemon

he needed to know more than how to eradicate T. gondii. He must develop a method, or

process that would globally eradicate T. gondii.

The quantum 3D computer had selected Cobalt as possible candidate. It was time to

get an update. Curtis instructed the quantum 3D computer for Cobalt 60 update. A new

print out indicated humans could not safely be irradiated with Cobalt-60. The radiation

damage from a global transmission of Cobalt-60 would kill more people than it would

save. More research.

Curtis was disappointed. Cobalt-60 had appeared initially as a prime candidate to

eradicate T. gondii. Curtis needed more research to destroy T. gondii global basis.
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Standing in front of the 3D display, Curtis instructs the quantum computer to produce a

simulation of the frequency destruction process of T. gondii.

Curtis collected the computer printed summary. The bonds between adjacent protein

molecules in the lipid-protein membranes are generally hydrogen bonds and these are

relatively weak chemical bonds. Treat each protein clump (molecule) in the cell wall as

a simple harmonic oscillator. The center of mass is like a steel ball with two elastic

cords attached to it and that the cords are attached to the ceiling and floor respectfully.

When the ball is under tension and is pulled back and then released, the ball will

oscillate back and forth at some constant frequency. If the tension is now increased in

the cords and the ball is again pulled back and let go, the ball will again oscillate back

and forth at a higher frequency.

In fact, the frequency of oscillation will vary approximately proportional to the square

root of the tension in the cords for small displacements from equilibrium of the ball. If the

ball is exposed to some small rhythmic driving force of the same frequency of oscillation

that is natural for the mass of the ball and the tension in the cords present, then the

amplitude (displacement from equilibrium) of oscillation will increase until the energy

release into the surrounding environment by the motion of the ball and cords per

oscillation cycle equals the energy being supplied per cycle by the rhythmic force. 

This type of oscillation mode puts maximum tension or stress on the weak hydrogen

bonds holding the protein clumps to each other. At some relatively small displacement

amplitude, the hydrogen bonds will fail and the cell wall coat will disintegrate. T. gondii
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will explode like little hand grenades when they were exposed to their mortal oscillation

rate (MOR).

The intensity (energy / area / time ) increases  to the fourth power of the peak to peak

driving voltage. For example, if the peak to peak voltage of a sine wave driving voltage

is doubled, the sine wave pressure wave output intensity is increased by a factor of 16 =

(2)(2)(2)(2)… For legal reasons, author has withheld the desired frequency.

This was a beginning. Curtis needed to explore the feasibility to globally eradicate T.

gondii. He needed to know if it was feasible to transmit this known resonating frequency

with enough power via stationary satellites to eradicate T. gondii.

Curtis would build a prototype transmitter and irradiate with the specified frequency and

power, a mouse that tested positive for T. gondii. After irradiation, if the mouse tested

negative for T. gondii infestation, the resonating frequency and power settings worked.

Curtis decided to take a huge risk and treat Daemon with his known antidote of

chemotherapy. The resonating frequency at this unproven point was too risky to be

applied to a human, even to Daemon. If Daemon were killed, he would never know who

his supporting friends were. He had to eliminate the nest to prevent more puppets from

attempting a New World Order.

M13: Altered Human, Steven knows: Has Meeting With Curtis

Curtis placed a black rock at the last pole to the entrance to Edwards Air Force Base

(EAFB). He was sure the altered human, Steven would see it and know he could talk to

Curtis Thursday. They had much to discuss. This could be a big breakthrough.
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Curtis placed a call to JR using his special contact lens. He needed calculations for the

power requirements for global satellite broadcast coverage for the given resonate

frequency to eradicate T. gondii. In addition, he needed to know how many satellites he

needed and the cost/benefit of using cheaper low level satellites vs. the expensive

22,000 miles up stationary satellites.

JR said he would have to research this and get back to him. Curtis gave him an update

about his discovering the resonate frequency that would kill T. gondii.

Curtis asked for an update about Daemon’s supporters, or friends. JR said,

He was still working on it. There was an elaborate network of dead-ends,

but he was sure he could produce an accurate list of Daemon’s

supporters. He was trying an asset search of following the money that

flowed into Daemon’s control.

There were many twists and turns built into the money trail. Daemon’s

friends had obviously expected an attempt to track the funding sources

and had gone to great lengths and detail to camouflage the transfers with

comingling, legitimate businesses, and various countries’ reserves

disguised as taxes, grants, drug monies and US educational grants to

different states. One lead involves federal funding for Top Secret Black

Box Projects.

It was time to test his apparent T. gondii resonant frequency discovery on a T. gondii

infected mouse.

Curtis told JR he would give him an update about Steven’s visit Thursday.
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The first task Curtis performed was to inform his quantum 3D computer he needed three

mice and live T. gondii samples. Curtis wanted to test three mice to validate his

research. Within five minutes, a Military Policeman (MP) walked in with a sealed

package of T. gondii and a cage with three live healthy mice. Curtis knew it would take

up to four days for the T. gondii infection to be detectible in the mice blood. He would

verify the infection. He injected all three mice with T. gondii.

Daemon came into Curtis office. Curtis asked Daemon if he wanted to be inoculated

against T. gondii infection. His research had determined this treatment as being highly

effective against T. gondii. There were no side effects with the following chemicals:

 25 mg pyrimethamine

 1 g sulfadiazine

 5 mg folinic acid

Daemon replied, yea, let’s both be inoculated. Wow. Daemon was taking no chances.

Curtis gave himself and Daemon the shots. Perhaps this was an incremental


If Daemon had infected himself with T. gondii to derive superhuman attributes and

characteristics, he had not considered the unintended consequences. Perhaps the

episode of the altered human, Steven experiencing full-blown schizophrenia episode

had changed Daemon’s mind about gene splicing and experimenting with T. gondii for

desired human behaviors. On the other hand, perhaps it was a selfish act that he was

not expendable.

Daemon’s phone glowed red and Daemon answered. Curtis heard him say, “The X-37B

payload.” Curtis knew that the X-37B was being developed by DARPA, the Defense
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Advanced Research Projects Agency that had completed a series of approach and

landing drop tests of the experimental X-37B vehicle using the White Knight airplane

from Scaled Composites as a mothership at Mojave Air and Space Port.

It lands like the space shuttle, with the primary landing site at Vandenberg Air Force

Base in California. Edwards Air Force Base is the backup landing site. It had a payload

bay 7 feet by 4 feet. There was something very Top Secret about this reusable

unmanned vehicle that could stay in orbit 270 days. It was obvious Daemon managed

many Top Secret projects with differing needs and objectives.

Daemon walked away talking in a hushed voice.

JR called Curtis using his special contact lens. He was worried about George. George

told JR he was going to ask Daemon why he and JR were doing their research and

what Daemon is going to do with the results. He is not a veterinarian, why would he

want to know about T. gondii. He thinks something is weird and he wants to get to the

bottom of it.

Curtis tell JR perhaps this will keep Daemon busy answering George’s questions while

he has a meeting with Steven, the altered human tomorrow morning. JR feels uneasy

about their project. Curtis reassures JR it will work out.

Just before the end of the day, Steven walked into Curtis office and said he had noticed

the black rock and wanted to confirm his meeting tomorrow at 10 am with Curtis. Curtis

told Steven it was all set. Daemon would not be around. He would be at Mojave Air and

Space Port in a meeting. Steven left without any more conversation. He appeared


Curtis needed time to plan an agenda for the meeting. This could be a big
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breakthrough, or a disaster. He had to be prepared for either outcome. He had learned

to expect the best, but be prepared for the worst.

Curtis called JR on his way home from work and invited him over to discuss the

possibilities both negative and positive outcomes. JR agreed to meet him at 6 pm that

Wednesday evening.

He looked forward to the possibility of exploding cells of a nasty worldwide parasite. It

would not only stop Daemon, but the world would benefit from the elimination of this

ubiquitous parasite

M14: Action: viewpoint character

the words of French President Nicolas Sarkozy in a March 29 speech at notoriously left-

wing Columbia University, where he said, “We should invent a new global monetary

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The Bilderberg group will conduct its annual meeting June 3-6 in Sitges, Spain (a small,

exclusive resort town about 20 miles from Barcelona) behind a wall of armed guards

who will seal off the resort in a futile attempt to keep the event secret.

Bilderberg’s meeting will follow that of its brother group, the Trilateral Commission,

which will gather at the Four Seasons Resort in Dublin, Ireland May 6-10. Leaders of

Bilderberg also attend the Trilateralists’ meeting to map their common agenda. About

300 attend Trilateral Commission meetings, which are conducted behind sealed-off,

guarded floors of their hotel. About 100 will attend Bilderberg, which seals off the entire

resort behind platoons of uniformed police and private security.

He was clearly referring to the recently proposed world “treasury department.”

But as public awareness grows, so does patriotic resistance. There is strong resistance

throughout Europe to increasing the powers of the EU at the cost of national

sovereignty. In the United States, there is growing resistance to the proposed North

American Free Trade Agreement, which would eliminate borders between the United

States, Mexico and Canada. NAFTA is to expand, under Bilderberg-Trilateral plans, to

include the entire hemisphere and evolve into the “American Union.”
P a g e | 190

M15: Action: viewpoint character

How The National Security Agency (NSA) Illegally And Unconstitutionally Harasses

Law-Abiding Americans Everyday. How, you ask? Quite simply, actually. It’s done by

EMF or ELF Radio Waves, and a technology known as “Remote Neural Monitoring”.

Haven’t you ever wondered about that ringing in your left ear? Well, here are the

reason(s). And just why should the NSA do this, you ask? To silence any who who dare

to speak out against them or any other agency, or the Government or simply to think for

themselves, and “outside the box”, if you will. Think not? Then, read on……….

Blanket coverage of all electronic communication in the U.S. and the world to ensure

national security. The NSA at Ft. Meade, Maryland has had the most advanced

computers in the world since the early 1960’s. NSA technology is developed and

implemented in secret from private corporations, academia, and the general public.

Signals Intelligence (SIGINT)

The Signals Intelligence mission of the NSA has evolved into a program of decoding

EMF waves in the environment for wirelessly tapping into computers and tracking

persons with the electrical currents in their bodies. Signals Intelligence is based on the

fact that everything in the environment with an electric current in it has a magnetic flux

around it which gives off EMF waves. The NSA/DoD has developed proprietary

advanced digital equipment which can remotely analyze all objects whether man-made

or organic that have electrical activity.

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Domestic Intelligence (DOMINT)

The NSA has records on all U.S. citizens. The NSA gathers information on U.S. citizens

who might be of interest to any of the over 50,000 NSA agents (HUMINT). These

agents are authorized by executive order to spy on anyone. The NSA has a permanent

National Security Anti-Terrorist surveillance network in place. This surveillance network

is completely disguised and hidden from the public.

Tracking individuals in the U.S. is easily and cost-effectively implemented with the

NSA’s electronic surveillance network. This network (DOMINT) covers the entire U.S.,

involves tens of thousands of NSA personnel, and tracks millions of persons

simultaneously. Cost effective implementation of operations is assured by NSA

computer technology designed to minimize operations costs. NSA personnel serve in

Quasi-public positions in their communities and run cover businesses and legitimate

businesses that can inform the intelligence community of persons they would want to

track. N.S.A. personnel in the community usually have cover identities such as social

workers, lawyers and business owners.

Individual citizens occasionally targeted for surveillance by independently operating

NSA personnel.

NSA personnel can control the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals in the U.S.

by using the NSA’s domestic intelligence network and cover businesses. The operations

independently run by them can sometimes go beyond the bounds of law. Long-term

control and sabotage of tens of thousands of unwitting citizens by NSA operatives is

likely to happen. NSA Domint has the ability to covertly assassinate U.S. citizens or run

covert psychological control operations to cause subjects to be diagnosed with ill mental
P a g e | 192


NSA’s domestic electronic surveillance network

As of the early 1960’s the most advanced computers in the world were at the NSA, Ft.

Meade. Research breakthroughs with these computers were kept for the NSA. At the

present time the NSA has nanotechnology computers that are 15 years ahead of

present computer technology. The NSA obtains blanket coverage of information in the

U.S. by using advanced computers that use artificial intelligence to screen all

communications, regardless of medium, for key words that should be brought to the

attention of NSA agents/cryptologists. These computers monitor all communications at

the transmitting and receiving ends. This blanket coverage of the U.S. is a result of the

NSA’s Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) mission. The NSA’s electronic surveillance network

is based on a cellular arrangement of devices that can monitor the entire EMF

spectrum. This equipment was developed, implemented, and kept secret in the same

manner as other electronic warfare programs. With this technology NSA personnel can

non-obtrusively tap into any communication device in existence. This includes

computers, telephones, radio and video-based devices, printers, car electronics, and

even the minute electrical fields in humans (for tracking individuals).

Signals Intelligence Remote Computer Tampering

The NSA keeps track of all PCs and other computers sold in the U.S. This is an integral

part of the Domestic Intelligence network. The NSA’s EMF equipment can tune in RF

emissions from personal computer circuit boards (while filtering out emissions from

monitors and power supplies). The RF emission from PC circuit boards contains digital

information in the PC. Coded RF waves from the NSA’s equipment can resonate PC
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circuits and change data in the PC’s. Thus the NSA can gain wireless modem-style

entry into any computer in the country for surveillance or anti-terrorist electronic warfare.

Radio and Television signals can be substituted at the receiving end with special EMF

equipment. Replacing signals in Radios and Televisions is another outgrowth of the

NSA’s Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) mission.

Detecting EMF Fields in Humans for Surveillance.

A subject’s bioelectric field can be remotely detected, so subjects can be monitored

anywhere they are. With special EMF equipment NSA cryptologists can remotely read

evoked potentials (from EEGs). These can be decoded into a person’s brain-states and

thoughts. The subject is then perfectly monitored from a distance. NSA personnel can

dial up any individual in the country on the Signals lntelligence EMF scanning network

and the NSA’s computers will then pinpoint and track that person 24 hours-a-day. The

NSA can pick out and track anyone in the U.S.

NSA Signals Intelligence Use of EMF Brain Stimulation

NSA Signals Intelligence uses EMF Brain Stimulation for Remote Neural Monitoring

(RNM) and Electronic Brain Link (EBL). EMF Brain Stimulation has been in

development since the MKUltra program of the early 1950’s, which included

neurological research into “radiation” (non-ionizing EMF) and bioelectric research and

development. The resulting secret technology is categorized at the National Security

Archives as “Radiation Intelligence,” defined as “information from unintentionally

emanated electromagnetic waves in the environment, not including radioactivity or

nuclear detonation.” Signals Intelligence implemented and kept this technology secret in

the same manner as other electronic warfare programs of the U.S. government. The
P a g e | 194

NSA monitors available information about this technology and withholds scientific

research from the public. There are also international intelligence agency agreements to

keep this technology secret. The NSA has proprietary electronic equipment that

analyzes electrical activity in humans from a distance. NSA computer-generated brain

mapping can continuously monitor all the electrical activity in die brain continuously. The

NSA records aid decodes individual brain maps (of hundreds of thousands of persons)

for national security purposes. EMF Brain Stimulation is also secretly used by the

military for Brain-to-computer link. (In military fighter aircraft, for example.) For electronic

surveillance purposes electrical activity in the speech center of the brain can be

translated into the subject’s verbal thoughts. RNM can send encoded signals to the

brain’s auditory cortex thus allowing audio communication direct to the brain (bypassing

the ears). NSA operatives can use this to covertly debilitate subjects by simulating

auditory hallucinations characteristic of paranoid schizophrenia. Without any contact

with the subject, Remote Neural Monitoring can map out electrical activity from the

visual cortex of a subject’s brain and show images from the subject’s brain on a video

monitor. NSA operatives see what the surveillance subject’s eyes are seeing. Visual

memory can also be seen. RNM can send images direct to the visual cortex. bypassing

the eyes and optic nerves. NSA operatives can use this to surreptitiously put images in

a surveillance subject’s brain while they are in R.E.M. sleep for brain-programming

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M16: Action: viewpoint character

M17: Action: viewpoint character

M18: Action: viewpoint character

M19: Action: viewpoint character

P a g e | 196

M20: Action: Curtis Baldwin: main story line: surprise #3

E1: Reaction: Curtis Baldwin: main story line: response to surprise #3

E2: Action: viewpoint character

E3: Action: viewpoint character

P a g e | 197

E4: Action: Curtis Baldwin: lead's romantic subplot

E5: Action: Mary Sue London

E6: Action: Curtis Baldwin: main story line

P a g e | 198

E7: Action: Curtis Baldwin: main story line: worst failure

E8: Reaction: Curtis Baldwin: main story line: point of hopelessness

E9: Action: Curtis Baldwin: main story line: achieves story Goal

E10: Reaction: Curtis Baldwin: main story line: response to achieving story goal;

resolve romantic subplot


Eyes Wide Shut: An Enigma™

Fiction Based Upon True Events:

P a g e | 199

Key Words:

Secrets of the Mojave, UFO, caves under Mojave desert, City under Edwards Air Force

Base, Secret Underground Bases, UNDERGROUND TUNNELS & BASES,

Toxoplasmosis, T. gondii, Remote Neural Monitoring, RNM, Signals Intelligence

System, Experimental Flying Platforms, Top Secret

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