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Daniel Half Human

Quiz 1 Part 1
Pages 1-69

1. Who is the protagonist (the main character) in the novel?

Daniel Kraushaar
2. Who is the protagonists’ best friend?
3. The main character’s mother is:
A. Herr Marzhan
B. Maria
C. Sophie
D. Miriam
4. What does the word “Schupo” mean?
5. How do Armin’s parents react to his arrest?
They lock him in the cellar, then beat him
6. The main character’s father is:
A. Sebastian
B. Rheinhard
C. Dr. Nolmitz
D. Max Brauer
7. What does the protagonist in this novel want to do, but his parents won’t allow it?
Join the Hitler Jugend, the Hitler Youth
8. What does the protagonist learn about his mother?
That she’s Jewish
9. How does this knowledge affect the protagonist?
Now he knows he is half-Jewish, and thus he can’t join the HJ or be friends with
10. What does the protagonist fantasize about happening to him at the end of Part 1 (he
believes this will solve all his problems)?
That Hitler will grant him honorary Aryan status.

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