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Daniel Half

Quiz 3 Part III
Pages 147- 222

1. What does grown-up Daniel give the kids as they crowd around his
Chewing gum
2. What happens when Daniel sees his soccer friends on the sidewalk?
They ignore him completely.
3. What, then, does Daniel begin to feel?
Hatred for everyone and everything
4. From that day on, what does Daniel decide?
That he is no longer German.
5. Why does Armin decide to continue his friendship with Daniel?
Because he knows what it is like to be an outsider, and Daniel
was the only one who ever treated him like an equal.
6. What happens one night at HJ training? What does Armin witness?
A little boy is shot in the head by their HJ troop leader.
7. What does the HJ District Leader compare Jews to as he talks to
Lice, or parasites.
8. What does the HJ district leader want Armin to do?
Stop being friends with a half-Jew, Daniel.
9. Who does Armin have a crush on?
Daniel’s cousin, Miriam.
10. What does Sophie, Daniel’s mother, believe is “the sickness?”
What is part of this ‘sickness?’
The spread of the Nazi regime, that everyone is suspicious of
everything and scared, and that people defend the Nazi regime.
11. Where has Uncle Sebastian been sent?
Fuhlbuttlel Concentration Camp
12. What happened to Rheinhard on July 6th, 1917?
He was nearly killed by a land mine and buried alive, managed to
dig himself out, and then dug out his fellow soldier and carried
him to safety.
13. What happens to the Kraushaar family when they go to the
They are asked to leave because they are Jewish.
14. What is Miriam’s advice to Daniel as they talk on the park bench?
a. Quit playing soccer
b. Stop being friends with Armin
c. Sometimes you have to adjust, or else
d. Emigrate to Palestine with her and go to a Zionist camp
15. What do Miriam and Armin agree to do?
Meet at Armin’s Uncle’s apartment, so they can be together without

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