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Blessings of wearing an Imāmah

Abu Hurayrah rađiyAllāhu ánhu reports,

That the Beloved Prophet şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam addressed the people while wearing a
black Imāmah.1

Jabir rađiyAllāhu ánhu reports,

That on the occasion of Fath-e Makkah (The Conquest of Makkah), the Beloved
Prophet şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam entered Makkah Mukarramah while wearing a
black Imāmah.2

Ibn Abbas rađiyAllāhu ánhu reports,

During the illness just prior to the [worldly] demise, the Beloved Prophet şallAllāhu álayhi
wa sallam addressed the Sahāba while wearing a black Imāmah.3

Abu Saeed Khudri rađiyAllāhu ánhu narrates,

It was the practice of the Beloved Prophet şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam that whenever he
wore a new item of clothing, he would (first) take the name of it
(i.e. Imāmah, Kurta or Chaadar (cloak)). Thereafter, he would make the following Dū’ā,

O Allah, I am indeed grateful to You for this clothing which You have granted me. I beg
of You the virtue of it and the benefit for which it was made. I seek protection in You
from its harm and from the evil which it was created for.

Huraith rađiyAllāhu ánhu narrates,

He saw the Beloved Prophet şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam standing on the pulpit while he
had on a black Imāmah. Both the loose ends of the Imāmah were hanging between his
shoulder blades.4

Ummul Mu’minīn Sayyidāh Ayesha rađiyAllāhu ánha narrates,

Once a person riding a Turkish horse (a particular breed of horse) came to the Beloved
Prophet şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam. The rider had on an Imāmah, the tail of which hung
between his shoulders. She questioned concerning him. The Beloved Prophet şallAllāhu
álayhi wa sallam expressed surprise over the fact that she had seen the rider and informed
her that it was Jib’rail alayhis salam.

Ummul Mu’minīn Sayyidāh Ayesha rađiyAllāhu ánha narrates,

The Beloved Prophet şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam tied on the Imāmah of Abdur Rahman Ibn
Auf rađiyAllāhu ánhu and allowed for a tail the length of four fingers. He şallAllāhu álayhi
wa sallam said,

1 Imām Muslim's, Sahīh, Vol 1, Pg 134

2 Imām Tirmidhi's, Shamail Tirmizī, Pg 8, Sunan Ibn Majah, Pg 256
3 Imām Muslim's, Sahīh, Vol 1, Pg 439, Imām Tirmizī’s, Sunan Tirmizī, Vol 1, Pg 304, Sunan Ibn Majah, Pg 256
4 Imām Muslim's, Sahīh, Vol 1, Pg 490, Imām Ibn Abī Shaybah's, Musannaf Ibn Abī Shaybah, Vol 8, Pg 239, Sunan Ibn Majah
When I ascended to the sky (reference to the Me’raj), I saw that most of the angels had
on Imāmah.

Ubaidah rađiyAllāhu ánhu reports that the Beloved Prophet şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam said,

Make a practice of tying Imāmah since it is a hallmark of the angels. Furthermore, tie
them in such a manner that the tail hangs at the back.5

Adopt the Imāmah as it will increase your forbearance. Hold fast to the Imāmah as it is the sign of
the angels. Also let the loose end hang from the back (Imām al-Bayhaqī has reported this from
Ibn Abbas rađiyAllāhu ánhu marfū'an (a narration in which the words of the Beloved
Prophet şallAllāhu álayhi wa sallam are reported)).

The reward of the Salāh performed while wearing the Imāmah is multiplied 25 times, while
the Muhaddith Imam al-Daylamī has reported this in his Musnad from Ibn Urnar rađiyAllāhu ánhu,

The angels attend the Jummah while wearing Imāmahs.6

Hence, those people who are wearing Imāmah receive the benefit that the angels make Dū’ā for
them till sunset.

The Jummah performed while wearing an Imāmah is 70 times superior to a Jummah without
an Imāmah.7

In another Hadīth,

Some of Allah Almighty’s angels are appointed to stand at the door of the masajid and
seek repentance on behalf of those wearing the white Imāmah.8

Narrated from Ibn Umar rađiyAllāhu ánhu and Abu Hurayrah rađiyAllāhu ánhu,

Two rak’ahs of Salāh performed while wearing the Imāmah are superior to seventy rak’ahs
performed without an Imāmah.

Narrated by Jabir rađiyAllāhu ánhu,

Allah Almighty’s mercy descends on the people wearing Imāmah on the day of Jummah
and his angels make Dū’ā for such people.

Al-Daylamī reports from Abu Darda rađiyAllāhu ánhu,

The Imāmah distinguishes the Muslim from the Mushriks.

Narrated from Ali rađiyAllāhu ánhu,

Wearing Imāmah over one's hats distinguishes us from the Mushriks.

5 Imām al-Bayhaqī's, Shaub Ul-Imān, Mishkāt Al-Masabīh, Pg 377

6 Imām al-Daylamī's, Musnad
7 Imām al-Daylamī's, Musnad
8 Imām al-Daylamī's, Musnad
It is perhaps due to these very narrations that the Fuqaha (Islamic Jurists) have accepted the fact
that the remuneration of the Salāh performed while wearing an Imāmah is greater than one
performed without it.

The reason is that the common factor in the purport of all these narrations is an increase in

It is reported from Saeed Ibn Jubair rađiyAllāhu ánhu,

When Jib’rail alayhis salam came to punish Firawn (Pharaoh), he had on a black Imāmah.9

Imām al-Ghazālī rađiyAllāhu ánhu states,

Prayer offered wearing an Imāmah is seventy times more excellent than that offered

9 Imām Ibn Abī Shaybah's, Musannaf Ibn Abī Shaybah, Vol 8, Pg 326, Imām Ibn Abidīn Shāmī's, Radd Ul Muhtār
10 Imām al-Ghazālī's, Ihya Ulūm Ud Dīn

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