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Theoretical Based

Proximal Hypospadia

Modifiable Factors: Non-modifiable Factors:

- Hormonal imbalance - Gender
- damaging effects of hormone - Family history of Hypospadia
therapy with progesterone -Congenital defect
- altered synthesis of testosterone - Genetic defect

Penis begins to form at approximately the 5th fetal

week under the influence of testosterone

On the 14th week, the process is complete, urethral folds start to

fuse over the urethral groove

Tip of glans penis progresses inward to meet the

urethral tube at the fossa navicularis

Prepuce is then formed at the end of the development


Fusion of the urethral folds stops proximal to the tip

of the glans penis and occurs anywhere along the
urethral groove

Incomplete development of the urethra

(tube that carries urine from the bladder
of the penis)

Proximal hypospadia

Glandular penile
Signs and Symptoms: Peno-scrotal perineal
- opening of the urethra below the tip on the bottom side of the
- abnormal appearance of the glans penis (the tip)
- incomplete foreskin in which the foreskin extends only aroung
the top of the penis
- curvature of the penis during an erection (chordee)
- buried penis
-abnormal position of scrotum with respect to penis
- Infertility associated with proximal urethral meatus
- Sexual dysfunction associated with curvature
-Urine stream deformity

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