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Page Dor i Naney Smith - Re: Fwd: Question from OA Counsel From: — Lewis Bellardo To: Smith, Nancy; Stem, GaryM Date: 5/20/2004 9:43 AM Subject: Re: Fwd: Question from OA Counsel 7 , CC: Baron, Jason; Carlson, Michael; Fawcett, Sharon; Kurtz, Michael; Lowell, Howard; Spangler, Robert; Watkins, Sam; Wester, Paul Thanks, Nancy. Others? >>> Nancy Smith 05/20/04 09:35AM >>> Lew & Gary et al: For the Presidential record creating staff, I (Sharon is out of town, but we talked before she left and she agrees with the following comment) would think that on the hard drives we would, as we did during Clinton, want the White House to let us they consider that unique In the case of Clinton, the Clinton Counsel we were had a concer that there was unique Presidential record information on the hard drives they decided on the current process. Since NARA does not really know the current White Howee practice with saving information to ihese drives, and since my guess is that there is going to be the cone Problem - that no one can say there Gne other option is that the White House can write the Archivig asking for his view on disposing of (hese drives saying that the information is mostly duplicative and are not warrant retention and then We could sample some of the ‘snapshots’ to see if we think they can unique PRA information that warrants retention. Since my staffs experience on actually looking ata few White House hard drives is with the Bush 1 hard drives that were saved, Ican say that some of these Just contain systems information that would not be record, and some, on the other hand, contain word Processing files that are definitely PRA records, "think that this issue probably does warrant a meeting to Bet mor knowledge about current White House File: 1-\Nacuments%Mand%28ettines\nemithit ral 20Rattinae\ Tamm WANS ETM

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