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Calcium has been linked to soil pH for many years. The acidity or alkalinity of soil is
measured by pH or [Potential Hydrogen Ions].

MAG-I-CAL is dolomitic, pulverized limestone and humates that are compressed into
pellets and then coated with an organic sugar. This process speeds the availability of the
calcium, helping it to raise soil pH quickly. This is important because grass grows best in
soils with a pH of between 6 to 6.8.

However, calcium performs many other functions in addition to pH remediation in soils.

Calcium functions in plants as an osmotic regulator. It is an integral part of the cell wall
structure. Calcium also plays a role in plant nutrition relative to lessening the impact of

In the soil, the importance of calcium is many fold, including the reduction of soil
compaction and helping to provide a better environment for the beneficial soil microbes.

Proper levels of calcium within plants strengthen the whole plant and allows for the
efficient use of sunlight, carbon dioxide, water, nitrogen and mineral nutrients. Calcium
also plays a major role in the construction of hormones and enzymes that help protect the
plant from insect and disease attack.

The soil is a dynamic environment consisting of numerous chemical, biological and

physical reactions. To improve the health of our lawns proper soil management is
imperative. This starts by managing the calcium levels in the soil.

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