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~R If II l, '1G r 1J'j, ('ID, 1.J1~ I, 1.




I Mil1 to, lE!xp.ressm,y ~s:mceres't amid deepest tbane, to' Tomi.o Ta:manol ,for' his, pe16evemn.cetmd dedication In 'the d.esign~ 'tmnslS)Qoroand ,edi'ting (lli'my work and for bis, supreme' 'e!':fi'ort in betpimg .18 see it to ,co:rq,plepo.n; fig, Aria, Kyriazoglo'U fbr' 00 ex;,(leUentp,Do'togra.pbie ,,:; to .Iehiru Naito and :Mr. TmnW1{l, IQf' 'tbeif·tj:me in POiUg :for th:e~ltJJndteds o,f form:s,~e,qmed1' 'to, ,Sherry IGordol1l ~ P!e'&e:.r Bll!ailon ed M1r. Nm~Qt!cltlthekasslstanee in tfaD&la:tiog -11 is, work llom ctJ'apan~lse to En:g!ilb; to aU tbestuc:1emm ,o,f Sbo:l\ei-Kan. Karate who :sQP'porood .me sad assis~ed me in eV',{!ll'Y pblSe of tbre rex,ecution 'olf'this, 'broo:k.,


To Master Cbojun Miyqi, fO!f' his guidaJla! mdgreat eff"Q,l1 in 'the creatl0,n of' GaiN-,S),," KG'nlte.

-I :._


Bom on fIt, 20, Togu i udioo


01' nlr.L'CI lh Gnju~a'Ju ,~

d IllDlnterumce or 'tbe< ill @'l:ecutL d~_to'r.

AmmcwUon cDmfJ lbl 'Goil ... Koi

.... ""_ .... _, "'id t.

Kamte~ 'whu:'b ori + _ ted in Okina

popularil)t. Tbls I 0, ted in me

III bj and th clr 'VQ,[U m or . Tb-

dcalin with n uri or Oldn

11 bnm I.h pm Ilaokt -u


,Combn d CUrriailu






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130 31 32 33 8 36 S·

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. • III !II! II! II IE i • jj ill! i II! !Ii iii

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Tau ki (Upp CUt) • . • • .

~t I .. '!! Ii ... ., • Ii IIj II! ~ !II .. ~ !I .. !II II III • Ii .. •

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uto Uctd ~ Fron t I Soku Tsuki« mler td) .....".

·L J .....,... III, Ii Ii ill ~ Ii ill • II a, a !IIi Ii 1'0 .., III

, t 11 . Ii Ii Il • iii iii ~ ill ill ill .. .. tIIj

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in - u. I

_ inl (!I. 11-5-1

K..Jc\ RA T:E'~. M1SS[O md ~ ~'I

Kara;~ w_ hom when _ ceo the heart or the Q,kinoi ,pe'opk'.

in,oorpomwd - hh the' IPQU of Zefll I embOdied in Chin

&henm Tempi b-a,nng. I. ,oi_" thelretore,~ ill IcompJete1" cUl'feren't &om 8m, otherrnarti, art. 'Wh _'~, ttu_:I' d'lIl@r 'm or ,aU CJ'lh, lmartialarts is k,iUinl and - ou.nd~1 as Man" opponentB ,poible~ Immt:e:~11 primary coneem ls sim:p1y selt-dJefen .. Of' 'COUft!e. defen _ ,--d oUen . n'llo,t elu;t without I aeh 'oUler. Conseq1.Jie!n'tI,'I lninin , lm IUperior defensive t.echnique8 nee ita _ lmm:m, in Stlperior orr .nlIV ~hniqu .

,N'ow~ th~ powinA mw",fl in kant..fl' relulb not from the ' or its Ir.echnique or the' Oriental myltlqu!': rather 11 Uf :intered Items from an ever·incre in' appRc'iiatJon fOI th irit 'of Zen Dud,d,h'-m and the Ok in: won spirit 10:r,~ ace, It ~ th·" au/thor" fenep'L hope U1 t Lbeplirit or Kaa;te~Do presented in this book will be undenloodi ndl p ee will ,come' 'to th ,,"orid Uunu - an :-ppNd_t'Lon gf this' piriL.


Okinaw • 8iIl island l:"OUliltry _ith fe'w natural ,reIOlne to

'pport its large population t 'has hmloricaU:y inl _ -!II peat phy' iocBl and poUUclll hWlih'ip on :its inhabitan;ts., Jn spite 'D,fLhil, th peDlple maintained DJl indomt 'bite will to sunl,¥e. Wh-n uaprovo.ked P flJecu'lion d hostUit,), peeled. them~ tl1 b icalJy pe~_e~lovial~ peop~e dte'w on, tht"U' inherent mmioJ _ _piri,t. They Uum rem tw _ponl . I _ lut D.rlOOed oppon.ents" in only lh,@w bare h,- Jill in ir-deren meLh,Qd-_led "It'INt,e~J~,t8~. The:ir :han.dI nd feeL, normully 'KCUJUed_ ith nOI!NlloJeni c'tivitm, "

becam, in themuehl' " w _ POfll8 Unou,1tt th-, I of th-


· Th.e wdvdqu-= cal1_:d _ ,'M':O (ehopJttill ,m~_f y" '

'It 01 til _early tim _ h - n bDl1 I first :fundio:n


'Thoush mueh QlfdJeir defense unnrmed~,U1 Okinn-.~nn·'"

oc- iOlnalll"u - _ d YI. pons a l'Ild anned o"pomcn 1110 Tb 011&, :mclud dl the nun£lmhu~ - n - II Q,r bt I d ins'

a wood n I_word. and II I hiih, --'N thrown . Pem

the pmhJbition oil 'W1!DipOID by Lord in 1.,8 I. - "lh

famous 1.::1 Ue 101 Keicho' ~n I &9' I, -, cto in U1 d· lopm_ nl or th kDnlt.e \ pan.~ tn the ,ttl '0(' K h:ho, tb people 'of Shuri City II' !nckm - eapo'm utilized instmm-nl of d . y lire. The quudulllu b n a bo bodl or \\~ on ,pfi'll,on/ol _m [mm

pnlnlo di, r or era,p pind. 'I, and tim:" i cnm- Dom, pof., oy·r.

Som,c bav· arpI' - 'tbt d, opm nt of 0 - , W

,ect'inique!I, Ii' _ ted, [rom 'th_ _ '01 th --IlG, particulnrJy -,t

th~ battle of Keb:bo. This,l, :bQ'. - ~, net the ICDIC. Kam;' _

bniqueJl ftu::ilila d lILSe or til nil nat vir ',. "and

pposedl their UtilizatiDD ,t ~[h baWe Gf K iebo. 10 ~ct~

deprivotion olU, ri,Shl'l te be - amu muJD't.ed Ule' d veh)pm nt

Dr 1tn:nte-4o, in Okill!

TIlE DE,\rELOP 11"_ _, QI,r '_,OD'ERN KAJlA 1"I .. DO

Ln the 'beginning., kBrD_ I _ _ iPlpl, called ~: (0_ d,)~ "Then. b1

the tate 110D~'. I I mcorpD_ -led, in IOkinDwon juniolf high

hool pil" 'cal. tnLiam .' PlOlfUlIj it - liy- n tll e I'mml:_

(llblPty hand) to "; 'm'_,c· - it from 'arlee (Chin - band)~, rami of ,. i nbochu:ed from China. 'U, _ y ~ . __ 'te m _ ubu_ han

Il1d R_ed tl-

n t (] onglnal, 1t.)r,_I _ 'of kamle~ d w, _oped in 1111 ~'DDS 0"

uri~ T'OM ' • and Nilb·-. - coDed ,Shrirl~,r:' _, _ d NahtJ-t '., ._101" ......

thr Iy. "Y k _ ~ - te m - _ contributed to 'til - tyl but. th '

1-- 0 considered 'dl 'tb G,f mod m kand:e 8M M ' An'kio

Itosu or Shuri~r" and _t _ ~"o Hi . iO:M o,t N.~ . 111

0N' or-teo called, 'tb_ -- tclJ'l ,.m the __ :-I" 19'OO'I~ ~ - 'I" Ito, _troduced Ql1d, ' __ u.Pt I '_te' as _ rquw co ' m th@ pby . ad edue DO pro - 0' Nail norm nd junio:r hi ,,~ IC.hOOIs. _ '. ltiiDooa did tb.mme in UlepolJiO! hoo I gd, uth r juaior hi Lhoa in NDlm~ ID. ttl' mann I' they karate lJoo,mJ 'tho ' __ ._tin IIlD tbod 1011 rthe II .~ to ~ .odLm ._ tur'


~, ,. ,lRDl'tini m. The Sl1un .. ~-tyl I of ~1 . r ~tosuvembJaH¥ 'became ,SlJlorin~B,..a ~ whIle -~, -_ _ 'Hi, _ .. ioft_mDt uDnl SIIurI .. 1 ' his! pomt or £I, partum. - tmwaUy demlopcd NahG"lr. ~I the pIed '

r of todD,' GoJ,b~R')'u.

TH 'ORi'Cr' ,of GOdlJ-RY- .

Altho I' . hi:_' ,study IDI' Shwi·le __ , _ ,dUJil'l, his chddhoodll I

,,., _' '. if Hi ionn-, al:sa, ve1ed tOI Chin wIJ:=

too . iDstnlCtion in Chin bu:dn' •. - I. ~ h IlnaU,' 'bt_m_ '10

O.kina._ b_ comdJiiAiD th· SUOD elemen, _ or 111.'11' ',jUt

--~ b I It d 1t!4m,ed in IChimL Th t, ." , m' ~ art

form I' inronnllD, ca1!led NaIJtJ"'lte'• [IIore utt~ tto th· n '.

CII~teI ,- -mb1ledm Kyoto for D BBtiDmd,

~ Hi _ - 'lonma ' . I ICboj,lm

'I - uden~, '1.0, re _ t him. ",,.,._,.._

"~". lto' IlY r ~ Wi - unahl lUI tend so he, in tum I.

agpoin dan 01 h pupils,. Mr. _j_to~ hi _plneem nt.

I artdBts ,[rom beals with im' - nom,' OoDded tb_

coDiven'tiao.l'k. :Shur to'~1 tb,ougb~ llMi no 1\ ely reply' ,benk " UI 1Um' of his style., 'dmj tlng his ,Btyt had no lonna1i m " _'

. auld dam_. th.e reputation of NrJha-i_, aad ]0 him to' fI12ID

oaatelU' , ".- 'L1U1 in tbe' ey_ Dr - ~8Ug ---, III ,'- ;" - .~ Htwmg DO

mo £t o.U I tJ.,.~:n, ~ M)o,,, -,' I - to groped for ,tmpm'mptu nDDlQ

d d.ubbed b· ;yl ~ "o"lIo-",u (balf..bud tylJi.

\Vb _. llr,. Shbllato .retumed 'W M I' -.nyqi~ h . 'told b.lm of

th.e btU, ehesen DOlRe •. ft ' te;r~ Bmdln . It quitel ' 'nohle~I'

qUJoted bOlD t.b - Obin _ Eigh:, Poeml o,f th'~ FlIt.: uEverythin, in

tb.e Wli¥ ._ ,lsi b. - U1in;, h- " and 10ft ' •••• U-. II I NI.h.a~·

rorman,. 'took t.he name 01 Go/IJ ... R~",

GoJu ppm to. ciet,' and ~l_ ~'te IBIlk I. OD1, hardin . _, or only

,.,. ... ,~1'1i"I OIl in bUj~y 'ta, d.eaI E!O' etim,,. iUl·tIl e nu!- ~

Uo _ or ure. CD1llI'tesr - Gl'IlBMJ ,eXMn pi I 01' 'til • I

en otb hDdtnm5ad:io:n,. In, .. te, toOI~ hmdn. Ilnd

", __ ._. cQm,bioe in 11 ful tedmique. 'WiD 0 fl ,paring to

b1oe~ I die bod~ 'II _oft lIlDd i.nIua.Unl. 'Wh _t' .. eking or p'Uncl'liml I

it' am _ :bam md lemftlinl,. Th - ,. ,or both hard ,w It cl -; I, _ GOJu~lIyu "n.1l'.,I,A

B . KYO miG' HJOHN,·. (1,'- ~O-I'911(U


o ,l1li

ldo flO b _.11 h ,tudl • 'til e 'om.rtial

· roo tb ' 11 cullumJ

As a __ . ,of h" P II -con. kalak! m:ee:iy,oo formal re£G _ _itlon

a ,~ lP .' m.rmtiBJ art., MBSter~UJl -_, kimsell ' _ Dwudecl 'Ul-

till '" i'tl'rai'''.l)o , f:.utcr'~ lh first lI]I in the kara, ' wodd sg

d i,lJ\It:lICd.

A)'t-bo1ugh M r l\tiy _Ii" eomm, d a,r I.h, 'an D5 prD,'o'und"

h~_ (P'C8'test 4dlicwment ". th ol"pll- 'lion ot karate' dlln m tborh. H. I introduced ptreparatioD ,ezerc: ,~ mpp.lemen'Wy [-ere. Roo. b',u i"tU'a (uniOed -')1< kill,on hlta ( ·c to'rms) BRd I'P~HI-in e.K'I!re_ ~ aU. ItruJy I pocb~maldm Idevclop:m.cots in

·te _ .chinl. I'll ,_ IdWOIl. h" e 'in junio,r bigh WId poU-

scboo heJl_ d, ,Jedefine karolell, ,public· - .. A,I; tht tim . ~ pubUe

OpirrlcJ.lll b,cld t..b t lwa'tr ' auld :nud<e n pason pOOl orrond air qWl.l"JDl.lB :> ' ,I' t . f Mj,Y "~s work I' howcv - ;~, disproved th - 'nwths find pre' _ ted. lJlIOllC' ll£tWat:.e p1ctlH'e of kRmle , B 'mBI'tiW, art ,am;d pb, cal exuc

Altlu::Jugb D. m WI in 'tb Goja .. S,.",.ty Ie tNQh'Q~'re' )1,. M

ChOjtuJl ':1JY wanrted to .wd,' k, te mere ICDmplete~,. 1:1-

wisitedtbe m' p,ected, m. o:r Sbun-, " Mader AUo no,. '1

and _ ked, [Dr in 'ruction. Mter ,ttosu . puDd,ed b" yinl~, uYou

, ',itop, dimpl Qr -, ,.'~ ion_ng, and yo'll h _ va 1m tered

NahJz..w' niqu _ .' Y'IOU (hIll ~ need 10 tudy."tb m. If ,eu

. h my ~hniq'liJes,~ ,au .,m e witat ~ mean. U

fader Miy,. penistcdll 110 eve.r,t and ol'ten 'vWLaDJ ,ft; : ltow

to 'wid, S'h'u-ri·le. p.; r IWI~ did nol teach M_ U, ~

ph, ~c techniq,ll ; mth r ~ Ih, - 'taUlh t tb. lb. (1)' o,f. tematqu .

IlasteJ" IIoN~! mJDuence 'ma,)r be ReD im Ma.stcJ l\tiyagi' I ,Hoolll, u Kata -- here Lhe com:binatian or hW"d, ed so,ft (IB m OeJ:iIIlIi - 0'. 1 and N'o~2,) refiect SIII.n·te~' lUovem,ell .,


'''fhe.n .my f _ ee 10m- -U.m mneeted _, MM1, : 'II repeLiuoln of certain lb.. t he 'would)" I I""-The laDle lto:ry h _,gj durin ' the t enties , (hen. I(apin) during the thb-ti will Ii m

.4i1'1I' . l - -. h 'l~"""'- b ·.. in, LInd-'e " ....... I~nl lIIIi,iii'ii'd ~m, 1 • - n =B: -It-

WJld!len. eae _ A!Jlll- ~ !j.I1 _U _ - _ !iiI!oY~v.lW: _ I!IOII~ I - _ 0 .U _,

thnl iI 'U1ret. Also" am, laDd 'lheory is .. ~ without .ct;vall

application. It From OCH:I,V _tJo:nI, such u 'UI .~, obtained BJ1

undemtandin, DC '-,(ute, NI.,' ~, knrnte tboorL I and I applly Ut 'm now in pm.ctiee,. 'HadlmBt_ n:dl m~ t.edmique wttb01it dJ~,ry. II ~'Duld ha,e ended u:p m Iy B nmpje' ~DrdtTl me-dlEm.calIy te chinS what I] _.eeI -_ i1b01lJt, lhQ C . _ tiv de11'ehJlp1Dent o:r ideas,

10'11 unifi, d kata

NEC .~. IT\' ,of UNl PI I KAT A and i ,M' N~NG

Dm.iin H, sylitem of kataitUitable lor &1.Udenb or Bill acbools a

DTlOtiJU.bJen mVQblin. wild 11m of dy 1£1. S1.W t, 'to

mailnttlin D L of uni\;'el'iaJ tandardl to pde ImY one~1 mbllit)! t ~t

bPcom n 'to, i!dnbiUh unin k..tD that tak o:lllt,les mto cCDunl .

. Luekin MY' syslematie pm birt ~ kamte ma&ten

ve some m taught dIfI cWl 10' bi.-,:inn ill-

,-' p d to hBDdI lu£.b imtruction. A llblfied. [\ _ to

give begi.dlL 11 solld foundation onbich lbey my 1 lcr bW1d mOft campi x lonn_l. Region rs Mould :Ieam unwed 1m fiDt. Mer til iI. 'they m y p unue eith eJ 'Lhe mwtia1 - peel, or It te (in \ hie h the)' maJ It udy ie Ity I in dep,th) or d:J e ipO rts cd or both.

Dr llld~n also attemp'L fi tinl an.d lparrin " luivinl

............ _JJ'ed 001)' the sequenc or tao 'ftlHf do nut· umd the mal meanin of technique' but mktakenly feel th mse1v, 1i!q,wte1y prepared (or I1ghttnl. Thua~ they beeorn sJopply. e3J'lng more for' £'ree..OgbUn than eDOd ko.mte. Unincd - ta·· nw " thenofom~ to mAintnin the theory o.nd technique of knmm.

The unified k ta and kumite ( paning)lp nted

b in bR' been w ll-eee i:ved by _tudrn tor the Inn twenty Yi - • Although th - kala ihouJd be _ ctioncd by 011 major

, to ieadl!l1l" the karate communJ'ty not yet ready 101 su\:h

rna • The pl'imm'J :aab at Utis time, ho everl do not Include

te' ppmwllmm kante ten. Imtead~ popuJ.nriution

a:f . d iona1 k W, lmproy~mcnt of physical h th and promo~ COD of worido;wid.e fl1endsbip an d u.ndentandinl th I!' luger

I or ,text.



The .,'te,m gl Hoakiya Rata is prefU'Bble ~ those eU!mmUy l!:njo),U18 popuJarity feu the foUowinS reason:

1. Mall methods of kanle hutrutLion t.oda}' empba&ize either classic kala or h'ee-lJghHftJ competition. both dlSipcd rorthe o.dVBnced 5l-udcn.t. /U, man, wom'Cl] and chJl:dJen Itllldy Immte~ these methods inadequately provide for diUenm _ in priOI:' I~!.pe:rienee and phylica1 capabWty. Using Urilljed Kala. bo~ _~ t which empnDBiz '8 .1ltem of baie Wiltheni -_ t n'l!ryone-

regardl of ph:r~a1 con.dlt1on---.!aR p etlee and ~jO'y Urate.

2. AI this cu.__rriculum or Unmed Kala iJ, liytemalic. one an

easily md pro _- ivcly move trom basic 'to adWIU~ed I ., U.m.

Unwoo Ka/tal one am ,!IilIo work alon~ perfecting tet.hniqwcs.

3. AI 8 tumpulsory part of primlfl' karate 1nitnletion1 Unified Kalla beenm the is of aD karate l.echniqu, ,includinl claWc kntn Md &P8lrin1 cott'lpr~tition. Und r t.I'iIi!li cu:m('uh.lm~ f&b'e_f rankine pmmotiolU beeome Ii mom reaUstic: po. ibiJity. With aU ~rrQrmm taugh l _ n d j\lldgM by the aJnll! m 0 r iii tan d.ard5 ~ the inherent dli.&etepancies and prejudices arisini!l, (rom compwian olr diffef@ntltylet are ~1imin Led.

'1. Un Hied Kala p8.'VlfS tile mild towud rullm' entry in the Olympic pm... TumUlI UJis milO 8 viable concern, howe.-er, d~pcnds un 0 unitDntl ~ wm of lnlb'udJon and sWlldal'd criteria for judging perfonnam!a.

5. AI mwje~ phYi&ical 't.rWnlnB and the 'martial IUU He lnw· n:!llted~ LhiJ cWTicublm laciJitatei Uing cenam kata 10 music, an enjo,yable c.K,crcise for both perfQrm amd audienee .ike. A, rll}'tllm karafe. dnised by Mr. Sclhin and this 8uih'or has proved oonoliciBl to phylical dlNelopment; IRd artistic' Dccomp1ilhmfmL


HookiYG Kohl. mJlBt.ed to many ~Ies beea~ it adopts t.e-thniques from cuic ~ta~ is 'let up progr Iwely. Student. neeea,arily Mtin witb basic tet-hniqu and move to Rdwnced _b from Thil I)'-dem or grachud advancement has proved IWCccssJ'uJ in providinlll the aeriOlD Itud,cn1t with • thorough, lmowJ2dp 'of tbe tcebniqucs or Urate.

[mr.tca.d or jut nlJlJDerica1 dBlillJUlliolll1) the kata have been liven

di fforent DED (lUch as Gekia1, GcldJu OJ' KaJruho., to RVO,i_d


:Hookiyu KB' on ~, ~t 'IiII' Ka_ comb. tioru Ihould _

nVll~g,nl Ka_ -, N'D. 31

" No.2. Fflr _ .

D. 2.·to dd

On • Ka I:hu IKlIti IKiIo Ku ~~IJIi Bunk.' lKumr- ,
~, No. } NOI. I No. ~,
CHODloIi!lI'u Kllbi No. I
2 No.2 No.2 No.2
(HDoktyu K.l1.I NrJI. 2)
J, INo, 3 0.3 No.3
(G 'kiWi Ng, U
NO,41 No. ' I\.JD. -
, -
tIS k~u I No" ,2)
~ No.S. No.5 NIIiI.S
(Cekl1<l1 No.3)
, No.6 No. fi No. 6,
tG MIt'! - Nlo. I I
7 NO.7 hi . , No.7
(Gok ill'll Nc. 21
8 No.8 No.8 NOI.8
[K.lktlh, No. 11
9' No. g' No.9 No.9
(tt4!ktd'll N • 2~1
I -Il The au ],y ttl . m

Kumi - - - 'trU]v difficult 'or bcginn I KJm Kumite,


PI note 'Ulu beeallJ Hooklyul Kala No,.l Md Hooktyu Ka

. '2 lJIie milsriy 8cmied~ the US' b not b inelud

In t.1l Wxl. J ad,. Cekisal No. ~ mnd I' BUl!l1mi ([rom pad

three) have been proseD'ted. 1be co pondin _d ,ttl, .. Kiso, Kumhe No.3., ho VCJ",t wiD be di&ctwed. at I Iter db! and th .

ud.ent. is ked '0 m r Kho Kumiw No.2 «included h . and

hm (ifJI two) rU'Bt.


PromotiolH in the mnking sy m is b on Ull liIident'l

curricular proficiency. HI!' _ ill advance mruk o.ccordin, , to h15 pro i,-'e m tell' or II one 'lhmu nifilc. The co . nmn,iI rankl nd gmd' I am as rollo

Gild. ani - 9lh. K.yu t twill b Cb'au. T'.o - 8th Kyu !lI1t udUKIll GndlThqtl - J'ih KYlI! tn' .sub;e<.ls Qqd F'auf - 6 K.!I'U I~' b eb-

IG,.clI F"'i¥1 ~ S lh Kyu wblKtj

Gqdl 5111 - ,4tb Kyu l-lIIUbJ-Ch G'fau Sa ....... 311' d Ky"" t 'iLl b,j (: b Gnrdll Ellghl t - 2ft d It,,, t _ .. rublb ICob ad. N I n. ~ I fII Ky loll lftt ~'UibiK h

IQFldl T.n - ~Iq'll CI - 'M DI!idI: ~U IUD] tJ.

Th,c ltud nt who h r m red 'm Lcchniqu Wld II. - to tOf pad

an will be prumo'a:ed 'to nlntb Kyu;, ORe Wb.D h ~ .,._,."'In t;.o will be prom.o '. d to '1g11tb Kyu and - 100. W'h Oil ~ l-udnt ~m,'ett grad~ nin ~ he bm;:;om xst Kyo and is _U;ble for I, b1 11 I~n at h n tld promotion.


Th III bjec1.& and their o,d _: 0 r iru1ru~tion 0, ~. { I) tiJ'IIII]il'ti'ft1

extn! ~ UIi) pplemJlltwy ex re ; (3:) mnin ~.-...'~ .. .,..

R!axm I: ex c:J'C


111e wmnning.!lfP e.l:en:-me prep' 'tba &tud D't for (he ..... ----....

mil: Mkie b,Y enabling him to, strekh hbl mUiCl and, &Often jDints. It aDQ r;thnl:dates ,m&bo.liilm and circulation.

111 .u~p,plem.entary exen: ~ " de.dv,C(j apaR from main cX'eJ, ~~ ta~ ~ be don alon@ or ,m ""unill' ft-, o-man talild m] and

inwolvelhe use o,r euPOM IUcli1 ma}:;wtmJ. chllhi", Mlhi. etc.

The main ere be consU ~ cd eith.- 1:1- 'c uta or hooklyll

kofa~'" prlmory coneem he:rebl is booldyu k.ata~wbieh ma,' broken dOlwn into bai.lhu lara md kumltu' ~lltal DIS tcDon:

KaUhu 1m I proarn.npd , of co mbatlve mov@m'0QtI performed

by' one person, c::onsil'~ or '_ _I: punch ~I blucb • .shll.LfhLU::ohil lebo &trikes) and kicks. Toi.a1in nine in an,. klhhu kat. are performed in four direeti,l!)lU: rigbr.~ leRI forward and buk,wud.

KlIlm.ito~ wWeb i.nVD~eI two m,en, may be brok n dowm mto three eategcui : (1" prearrange:l or yalrusollu kumite. ~2) lpon~ tanm Id or Ji)' 11 • ,un I"" ; and 1(3) co mpetition pr rA wi .lHftlt~,. Pr~ kumite. in turn, mil)'" be c, tried D5 lfitb, "iso #rum"e Of bunka~ "umUe.

The 1ecbniqUe3 or kiso kumite imply combine and in ee rpora, t in tandeml lhe 'beginnml m.ovements Dr kal!hu kata. ThelS are 8 total Drl' nine kilo kumite also,

8\lDlkai k um.itQ ~ preamt0lcd se ,of techruqu whicl1 follow tbe .D ~ enable .tudem r. to pmetice ti 1IIinI~ roeu on teclmiqucs m a more realuth: .iw tiun lmd ~eam the purpose or each mO\lll!mcnL. 1b.e:re are nino b1l.llkai k u mite e'lIlE!reUcs.

Kabbu Ira -1' kilo kumite oncl bun.k:W kumilBlJ!8 ,PntCtiCed to . th' UII.d1 in this cuniculu.m. ~ set in .


fteiasinl lere " performed ·after the main csen:ae" are tboae qx.."'CialiDKJ catsthenics wblch loosen up pinta liVId mUBclCl~ allowinG th~ body to cool oU pdua1ly a.od 'ndeaM!' lelllion ..




p your dUo puU In .. 'Dnot

,"O'UI' chin {II ul

p )·OlU t' b l u n

Pull ),OlH' ht u'P n . our

~Odr bU'1: ,pmlnJd Focu on . obj , ,~'



y UD" lOW' 'mini or

.... -..."'.. . Vi 'for _ rtm



lhh dl .m, .. hoW!! rnbuullll Un - I" dU'1 C hOIHI of l-uiUiI. K.U ••

lOf 1 n ~ heM d Ir-.c Uttnl5, n tr'.

Ii fI lit the It nt I c'n _ w'h Lehi unld UII iUiI!",,1 PUIn" 'Sl.nd r c~n, In 1M,. dl fH1ion 0' Une A (forw'lI'd In In. phDr ....... ,"""-" Thi~ p~nh:m I tllrmm81 ,11 0

~a III Uu . t', b.i<:1i( ~'I ;

11'1 t. C. 10 h i'!i In. C; i II"! ell 'WI ,

f}' de'tn. IOn

M---- II F --- ..

stu _ nt·'S, U'!. dI~ U,.




~ ...






I-- 25 ----I

lh In. 1\ I 1'lII(. foot rid lh 2.0 S.













fl!lCII~ ,Ih,,. j "1M all' lIU fmw.wd' 'ae' \'thi Ight

~ 11.SS






\"--~ \


" '---~




Do fIIO' b nld your loIW"I,\L In ~lukln,. do 1"101 U )'Olo,u IknlllG:ldes. 01 fm f .i,;lqnU, .lon. bu1 m kil (oot.(' W'llh 11'11. il!ntn. ill' ,I 01 YOUf hut ~wo fl ,J .. r v, • \hDWfI. PlrI~I" ~on~.C1, ho'il¥O'\l 11', ~ould co fram you~ hrd I,.. kn _,~~~n -we I!h,agf m. s..v.ntv _*'(..01 , In, 01 tn. p _ ! (Omfl hom "fl. "1 •• '.i .... t .~ I .... Un'r knlll.lcki. 'HUfty P"'1!: n. 111O'Y.1 homth lA<ond kn ~ .. ~; Ifill IJiI hal' .ll"Id klJmdl nut loUow. In~ !ilurH 'l;'l{!U ill lIIl punch",. bloc:kJ,Jnd .n clem;had tl'il p!:nlhon\ WIU, Ih S.E~KEN TII~l.



- -TV U, AsIUm_ 01 p65IUolI'I o! ATTEN. T'ON b,;, p1ac i fUiJ yo OU r '1'1 ~n 0'1 mu-

_0 d c.h~ "t fit ' illlild _)llndlng your JIfm, .10f11) lh. ddM 0' ymLlr IMId,.

III 11m 0 Fl. Plhllll to Ull l:nll •

(2) BOW by ncUI'l 'Otw d Il ~Ih

- 'illt 15 't,O! 2D d So. P' )lOY'

Iy ~ lo(o~.d dll'.lahl .hl, . ~ 3) §h , tI_ n up .n-d reblffl ~Ol Ihl pmltlon PiT ATTE TION. ~ , lEnt ~ the READY' P01.~UOIl'l b)I' [bl' ntint bOIl'! hlndJ., p.hns toward )'ou. o. r your Jo1n. PI c ~ou I fl hod 0 f your ,."u 50 In_I Ih I11ldd~1 kifllu Ie of your I I hmd faU~ dlrl try 0\1' i

~h Ill1 dj,a iknuc;h 01 y r ughl.

Th cd 51~n· bet n V r hilldl. ,Ind rour body 1houlld t.5 101 2.D F. '!ii~ To OP;E.N. 1)1'0101 [DUn l'(IO(k.

ICIi n 'tOll r 1'., I 110 at nd clock-

¥III' 0111 'I (liU1J '1m nlo h hod chi

'SIan • As. , au do to. .x t !"lid IbiD Uil

ms 10 lin l Y!:Wif t t!«t H3b, p'nn I~OW II'd y~. ,uo L!t Ie 2.0 f IW.ry hom '1Ol11r LIIJl:PCPf Itu " Ind III II)' ID thl ouW • ,61 P;ilJillot '5.'It Uy Oi'll ORe foot 'f'ld '~llP (arw d

""jill nil 0 01 h If 10 ,!Urn, til

II(AIMAE iI:;iIl QN.GUARD p:Oimon.

111 VOUIf IITrnl lip (cardin V. on .

I dl'A .J hUy, OM W'~thllr,awn.






11'1 II IITI chUidl!ln 'buk.. l1li t nd !tour Ifl. 1 "'U M ~,o !l.p 1m \0 lId lh floor,

bow SIr l Pull y~\lr I ft flltl. IPillim up and lurn _ oulW1Hlil. b k hJw.l'd

your t.f~f",p 'to k Plll'llil )'GUIr .Ib-ow down Ind 'to till b t.k. Do not 11'11 - ~Gur sIlouldflf1- and Ie pi your W'I"hb ttfliltU. To Ill!lIiCU 11'1. punch with ,0 I\' I tl h ... nd, '5lmul'lan oOud~ nd wdh .o1n equlJ amount D~ ~ • put! rOtH rl I b nd _ k tow !I'd )'CM.I!r fl I fmpt~ while thl'o"",E"t "..ClUf 11'1 ClU~ !filii a fi' I I'Y n wllh youII' V'!' ( IP1 .us U~ 111 t f Q'~ '04.H bodVl. AI bOth" _ fld'li moq.

'Iw ~ In ~lit of • OVC!II' CIC:n:kw _ A~II'1I, do !"Iml rrnw vrun lIIoutd 1fS,. At

1M .IUI ot UI punf.h. 'tcur I II iiII'm ~ Olldfl, - fumlY.)II f"ld • liOU,. .aU fis-t,


Ptllm h~'"" d th UOGI, Y'lDUld b an plIIllG' WilIt1 !fOUl!' sot.r pi l!Un .• Vour I. t fl~t P 111'1 taw.rd tn dllng nd Ot.l w rd, shoolB be puU - b _ 'k

to.w Jell .,-DlJf r! • lImp-H. p your right IilbGw dOwn rind to Ul tN_k.

TD DUl"Kh ..... 'h your,1 ·llhilil'ld, simply 11' I lh. ~ • f_lIiI"Img • m

i"Il'IInb. lilt 'four rl -lind 1ft h fh .• Hili '. hi yflLII '5hinu~t.1I'I OIJnll~ a -II'OWi

Your, I ~ ~htt 0101 ~ nd ,Pull 'i"I;IUr I U n~~ k. hun "OUJ III _lI'I COU!'1l lR'fKk~

~ '1e I 'RS teAd of dm: k~ _

I' fI'II, pr eue purndllf!lg slowly. Cone fll'~f~ltl ""xecut "I UUI m m-

'::0 re(.lIy. Add po..., lUll scpo«! Iduilly. Do no~. 1,1.rlk. Db. 101111' ,I yOU

Uu, prQ Ul'I'd ., PD __ I lind d.







in In ttl k 1111 II' I G.,.... d PG51Uon. rig ,I

Tu b J:K: to 1111 _8


t 9




JII'! y~t h,and.'li - n thl


To • LJ t b10( low. fl. t I) Io:~m 1 nlflld

(2-]) , m~ln; your fI 'h Ad. 'Ih .• )il01.I11' l r Ii'I d .. o UUI

U,I polll"l. lu,1 Jo. )"qU'! u~I.Oj .. 1 fled ""Un til (nLII' 01 ylh.u hu PI •

d yoo. Now. ~ ~ bring your .. ' .. I nil down em you, ttl I nd

k l d !!roYf r ht umpll (,as n (hu.d uk. a ~Qd "u .). t Ih .... ~

Urn • bd I 't 4.n 1 tlhit Clnwn .,.our "I ~. turning )I"Ou~ r.u IO'1Yr."


downward and outw,!'!I!'dl to' block .. CIQlii!'!ltp'let~! 'lh~ ifllil'QVl;!me!l'!t b~' {IS) ,exh!I!'1Ciinlg: your left (Ol!" 1bIIIotk,in~U i:!II"!IifII. At tihe IC!I'Id of tho b-lo~lk"the di:5~an~e bl1!'~~el':'l )"'Dli!lr left wmlst "mdl outer hdt Udg:l1l ~h'OI,dd be 1.5--",2 .. 0 IF wnhl yoult 8I1'm:s, fOIfIill,linl 21 'forty~fiive degree .l!ll'iIgle wittlhlYOUf boOd.Y •. Syn~liir("'i'li,Zlethe: m~,",e~ me:nH !l)f 'yooll' left .luui Irli'ght .alrn'!!!; :il~tlh,a't both Irea-dl the: po:si,tion, 0,1' COtnnllJ)lll:tlj,c,n !5,jIII1iilUUalnec!usl,:Y. CONIT I NUE,[)



Ilow b o<~ to lh .. t l, '_lrI. t.h abov. r Y In; 'tour • I ft hartd 'or-w d, (6) fol' _ 'Ia.ur 'lour ".MI. p tm low rd you. fl..a) - ~rw !lour ~.I fL.t, r n cit "ow.rd your I f1 IImptl whl! ~lmll!l'l.lneol.:l,,"

l "'I. down ow; f ",,0 II. ~91 CQm J ,t b~Mk by

f m ClItw fiJ iIInd _ IIldlnu Y Dur f t dO.,.nw rd ntlll

lh rollcwlng" .etlon, in(lu Ulmcn"'",...w h1 .

ShCnll.l<.m K,lrililfl and use HookIVl!I~' • ~h II po nl cd

• r n, WI it ten.n t E It P by ,.. p motn, - 10 f.c IU 1.1

101.ndtng on In 1Itudcrl'·" Polrl ;,"(:1 promol- . JoYrrrent of k .. ' at' w.ln (I tners, IIny tim or Iny pi c •. It rnv:sl 1M ... ad In



AI lhp rU"lt de or I vel, th~ beginn ludi

No.1, In it. he learn. to u UU! h "ell in B M!ri.

~'hil~ mnintaininl 10M we d prol".!t br

learn5 to develop lb@ IpK-d. po d timin

I{'Xf'-l"UUo'll or h, teehniqu •

'Th~n" hovin rnaste th

bUnkal t Bunkai Kumite No. l,""'o-man Landf'm eXl'"fC' - _"

Hooldyu or me rn lh •. He otial to pro

• h . &tudiel oDdin,

1.) end ph' kilo .I~, __ to U1C


[11th thLfli m. Ibll,,:::_ Ibht'CQ ,In:

c;lI'I .~ Iwot din qu !fa Initio-

(lu cd In "" IIIIIWYI Ka'1I! NQ. 'II ..... SUilt"EI~ 5HUTO IUCNI Uidl Ii:lblDP:1


p:u ... m). '



(~, WIn.. ~n til "N! _ •• pD1Ulan o'r morl01e bukl,. Ih' IHM c,t IOUl'i "our Imru. II'iIl! puU d _ck rnd doW" •

• ~ YGlloIII' rillS !.:II) Ins' 1 til , 1h:1I_

L.. ....;;.._.;....;......;....;.........01_ of ymu c:h- I nd 11'11 wIth your m-

lar pt lUtl.. IEkun , fi!'!U dlwfd laucn !fOl<.lr lbody. Ttl II' m, '.' '"oot .,gh~ IlUind sll'laul'dI I' • U1' -Hilng '0'lIl"11. Ul P1!lm of IjIIr 11M Ii'I . d auld f.. floor, Ttl upw~.I'd/c ... )w.,.. 'W_f"1I1 pmltUJM IIf y",n Us ml¥ 1M fiItdIn_ S lmpl!t' "naembl, Ihlt Ih' I\Ind t,- .1 thl! 'b p_1m f h,.- ~Ih'




t!' II




thlO"U oU'L lhe mow-menta

loDo ,m


QtI or

hun to 11'IiIS< v.oulLd I: ·1I11f1 v. (Qn~ J at lIJa~Ulanl


d II; E.. ...l. till nlll n h::n1T1 il··

n 00' ~~) I II n"E an, ~211 bow AG. II Ilml f t!!l!m 10 ,ut.n Dn,




__ I



J 0."1

111 oInCil B b n flelng • ell D.

1. Idholfl-d (hi .,UIl1!;1. I,~ MO¥i 0 d ,A.

sl gpinl hHW rd wi h YOIIH '.'1 '001 1~l1ItO .II

I: klhond~hl '51 nc • E.lI~c~.{ n Jodln

Illn,1 ~ pun'h. A,~ F~um 111 flgh, klhohdl;h~ ,t fU:., ill pi b kWlrGi m, rQut rl t Ogl ltd bllflClio! 10 lh hi h ~.u (Jodln brD(Ik~.


- SLDp fatw'rd ¥o"Uh YOlH rl t fOOl full I fCoW" eu \ rchtlll'l In em ddl J IJMI'I.I;h. I; In tOi ,'S IlIIOV m 111\. !lot P f eI

w~th 'i' LII' len 'GO'I Inll pu t UP I,n nt ctn.ltt~H'I (1lfIlddl J IaIQC'k.

B ',01.9

B: F,om, trI klhandachl 1!tln[ t P vo, c~Qc;;WIt an rou. II r·oci U p 1I'\!il1 10 ,',lf,1lI 'rQlt,~,flv" 1. wUh yo • I r~ nlIG I thlko+ l:II.d .. pmilllJn, Hit tcw,ard A with :II I.'ft ilIn U 0 IN ) P I.!I !lcb. : F roO'll VCU f k i I'u:md IC,h I JUne". pl'ilol CGun rcloltkw~~' on your leU foo'~, I pin b ~ w~th your f I h)ny .. flllli

C!I fl IiUO,. ~ I koO c:1h i pOl-illolI'I. yll!J.u

,~t!ll-P bacik, block ~o UrI Io-w •• tl (In block].



BU rKAi ',1'0

A~ PJ'iOI cl IoIw,_ .. u. U)' "'"' )l'our I lit ~GOI

Sl otw.lfd w,lth v Out' ri I. mOl ing O!i.l' Df

e !lhlhO hi I)OtJII blCk lnLo yOlU 0l'1 n·

II flQIlt "k hond hi lrIl .. nca, you do se, ••.

,lit iI 11'11 . I ~hlgh t pu~. ~ PI","ot

ountl'''c.'.Dc1!i; I,. an o.yr r. I d ~l P

r~ WI'" )fIDur I. ~ roo~. Inllli!.dng ouE of ~ II

. 1I1kouchl pe~ tlOil !oJ: InlD your CtIl~ru1

I ~hot'ld hi I n.c.. CtKln r ·1 rI t JD-

n pundl wli,h ~ IDdian 11'1 ~ bloc

SUN 0.11

I. S wUh your In

~l'Iro out ~I I r\ chIJd n Imidd' ~ D n h

~ St It! b .. wll~ !!four r.lgtlt 0'01 Ifld PUI up I IE C1'I!.L_ tmtdd 1 b1OCW.

ElUNKAI NO. 1.2:

In'Lo ock ",', d I n ~ ~GW~ ibHi)C k




. I



dockVi' n y

)rOUf •• '11: Int

o of



I 1







_l D




in u,. I n kUiDl1d1 ~n :\Iilm: • yet,1it • U rm au1 0.1 l.h ehud n "nnll1·

, I' ock huo ,. I,rl ..., (~O ) bloc.k.

KATA _ 20

U kUllond.Kh1 (10 _] punch tow tI ~OUf

b ,II 01 youl L .. ' I '0.01.

\l NO. I

Al pin, yotn f ., 'n {h ,~

riC • mfllW ouiar lh r.. t chu

Into .l "U (ID'W) pUl'leh. ~ p, .(nla.n

I Ii! hDl1IIdlc:h' aJ nd pul _own

n '.D )1 brock.


[lOw] pwnth. You .. kll'lo'l'ld 1'111 'liinu. I.U'Id11 wtth r ~t 1 1M) f fII'I n in





kO w d&ch :n.naI. child 11' DC .n'l'o 01 t [doubl pufl-Chl ",. d," p-o-

I "'~f I I tilt l!!lIhlll taw rd tl1. , _~ tOward ~Ctur I '( _fmlPlt,_Umw 'lGl I" r ~r. AI the WII.., time, (WlI,. I ftl'.' ilil IlS pllm flc 'ttl. 'flOOr ,Ind

ow d your nglrl't rmp t. Pull your .'C;;... .._ :----~~~~-_I..!!!iI'

ow down nd ttl 'tho ra.r _liO.

KAT 0.22

SI Mil) ,OUt, trot down Into. solo h hi· J ckd'l~ pml,t DII1!_llh (he h Q,f rotU ri ,I ~_~ a 1 11'li 1 nbuwfli I". CID. Ttl. h .. " of both ,- I - ouhil n Oilfl., nn . p II ~ to _.

U AB_ Wh I' )!IOU Slimp'. JliK.IUID

n _I< I .1 IlFIw t€l uc..,. ll~dl c.MOD) \i!ilU h 'OU F rj I h _ d.. Pun ,aull' I 11IIr~11 Uld .Ibow. 'fir. u.. bK.h IS 'UrI low Is I,U I nd 0 pel 1'\1 ,OlJr ch t WI

T ' 0,,23

,I u u d td IPMith;II''1 b)" pl~D~·

Ing ~~ack on yo .... , lin h)8 As you da w, br n; !foyr rl foot '!Ih,pt~ rOui'lld InC!! behind )lW .lboul 2.0' 5 n l di 1.UC!!1'll Ill,fll'lll~

tkI n I fLII YCM!I ~oll.illn be' tn 11 ttl,

Clir lion 0" ~In. It !;In,. in. N'!:Iw,

UIiII.iU:I.Irt (mu:ldl ) bIK.k.


NO. 22

S mp 'lOUr fI~1 foot dClwn Inlo IoOto

tL h ~J Id~ hi p051 U on I nd 'eom • (hI' '!JrI u 10

"I, ,1,1(:1 chop) will1 YOUf r Cit'! t h d. A; Ell· ute thl Jod.1I'I ~hl , billtfk hl c:ounlt.'r 8'1 5hulfl utI .. ,

BU KAI 0.23

~ Mo _ *nlo 1.ll k IhonduhlI by Plli'OUrti

J kwl_ ,on yo f fi ~ fool nd Jlrpplfll

nrd w.lh your I tt 'y.:DU should now hell' ,hili," djf cO.,.,. As your r. OL mOl • ~,llI'ik' ~.o·

Il'eI B 'll'!l'llh .. Ie ~tiud n tm~ddl J !:lUnch. I,: !itop :.IIIi"s rift (h udan punch Y: 1 (Jill I 1.1t chudilfl (m ddUl1 loe-k A" '100 dn )4, ~11!'1J 01lJ I ot U'I 'w1'G he-hili .c;hl 'ltane Ill., phiotll'~t Chk •

~ dl Uv 0111 rOlif' 1 1001. Sl.p b-.-ck wjth

0l.Il1 II' _ i ~Girl't.' I'" ft Inro .ill ! fl

kuhu chl st n •

au K.A1 - ~ 2'

: Pull both haf'ldi {r.WlfO ,ou In pr p r .ion

'ro. m UIU t~Lllkl t,douDI pUJlchl Ilh you~

m hind irdl d feu A· .. h'i!lrl nd your

r II I'n'~ n fa .. hlJ, Hom;,c;h 011" I~ I .... 1 •

•• rll.llIFl UI I. ft klhontbct'u ,r nc , k..plng

),CH.II,r • h rm Q.tnd u .~ the compl tlDn

of 111· I U Cl1lull! "pll,U''1ch


1,-, .. '

'" I .



KAT - O.2,g

Ex 1:11 te U,. flUIl 0 'Ew kt (dOYbl' 11:111.1 ncb ~, II

~1"'Jln; Y'CiUI' ifill h no ~ul It iii rll' I,· d W'Ide.(,u tllllg fOUII' lin h d" with elbaw IlMnl • . :J II' ndl,. ~1'Yi I.

KAT NO,. 2

WIlli. dm Ul 'hll ~ n'kub,u dKhI ,lLtlillott, ltq!ll'l t M mow.m b 10' U'I _ iny I'onnll~ly. 50 _ -p boOth Inn au'I' 101 rUlilf sid' Ind Ibl'UlliJ Ih' m !.lip tc .II I J n w~lh ,our ch 'I. PI eli ,OUIf open 'r~ -.~ i'lL d ow ,our ~ 'r~ 8 dIKU: .. tid fIi II1I1_ n Q n I( ~Oi n 1"1 neli, fit rn ,. r tt. _ ,auf eJbow1. :i;hD\llld be beni t iI'I 1"1 1y-

r ., H.

f'u:nn th. " k'llls u d.enl 'tin!;l. mum. til muslllbl_ _ -I PlHUlon. PI'i'O~ ceun _,l'c:ICo&k.w .on ~In n of Y0!.!!F IIII '0,01 yau D .. "lS' yOUi!' rr.ght foot f,(""" rd. At. lb. I'll I Qr boUi'l f I

, DI" 'I t 'h... b t' In, ¥ GUll' h ,1'1 Ch dow n

'uttm "I rch t. O!'!lli (1),11 Ii' lh I oth.r. I n'~:G [h. '·fHd\f!· pg:sn on.


.c Compl t 1.11,. fflO ell'll' lJukl. A: __ ~nt 11'11

pOI.lur,. 0 lMlGI Jng pnOlo, 'Oli'! ~mlt

's.. IoU IdhonG 'Ctu '{.Inca, Ilfl Irm 1111(1 IiIdecl],

B- 0.26

!Png,;tr. for tn. .futU1gl~'orn'll:nly. : Pillol

O¢k : I 11~~U!l Q'fIII '!fCHH n _ I, 'OOl an brmg :Ii',glJlI' l tk I ilia _ mu~b·CI ht I~ nea. Ch", yQlJlf hlnC1i. B; Mov. oul 'Of ttr I 't IIn'-liiIbUI IlU:JI"U ~~A!n' by st pg II'lU b_k II tu· I, wifh your leU root tow .... d ,II C_lT'i r' lin,

n Ilh A",. Tn n, ,Ud !fQur r .u rgol ~Q' fa ltd, It !'It., Un ID 11"1 mll.lJUbldKhI pa.. smo",. CJa. )lour hind"

IU I _0.21

Bolh A nd EI,: From III (IOMMU h nth po.~. ilion. 11.1uffJ8' Ull II' ,1'(jy 1IID1iI~um CII· ttl and'ng lenTIl II~y no .



'I I'
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K ,T 30

On CClI1'lP~ firuill c.lIM1n'U III ilUon. II'IIown

In No. 'Z ,iIII!H1 il. rdy pennlan. nihO'Wf! in No. Zl. 1.,'010 y~r Ilm!i Ie yOWi!' lid. IBd I1'fid llli k - ",.U, I .... (28, .nenth:m, ~291 bowlin.Q llind (30) III I an H'qu At at' tItIl d~ng form4ljty.

BUNKAJ '_ s, 2, -,30

-Ih nd .~ ComD'I.ta Ih. 111 I Irorm ~ll"

ill ffCl of '28~ n n~IQn, '29~1 bowlnQ, I'lId {3D' • hJtfn 10 thlllli ilUnliOIil (Un, .

,~ I".

B •



'aJJtin I~ _ C

Pune-bin :





J n 'MI. lCiumn. HI. II - "QMc~1 nd_G' T'SUKI a uP'---

II) To slrtke Ilh III 1·h_ flId h m p_un.c'h. n In I • kun Of an·gu.rct

OQl ~iGn. ~jgt'lit h d forw Ht. ',Z) Ilrlng youI" II It'l'E. knL:l,J(1 - ~G." 11)""




E '" -- KI r· ,PER CUT~









''I0LIii r I I.lIBeI! Ulh~


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II~' Bolhi A iifld B~ II,;; •• .ad! D'Lh r In • f I, ~, klm.M or Dn'9JhlU'd lanA. (2~_~ S P to rd YIIfttJ )lour I ,tt f g~ into Ii If~ kthQnd hi ,~nt uu:! JIIIlJ!1 I left Jodll"l I(hllh] iPUlnch. 8': 51 AI Ib .wd ili!!uth Votlr rI I ' DO I n to .I, leU kUu:u'nI(i Kh I 'I Lin Stop " I h Joel n pun~"

"h I I n JDd n [hl;h) blc . (31 __ .l: 5 II' "10' w rid y,all'll. ~ ,. Urn • .w,th 'QtI, r ghl' 'fg.g~. n~G .. n I I "' •. hol'uS dli 51 n.:.. As yo'_' do iQ. YlOO'~ _,~ IN ht Cl"luOIIII'I tmlddl ) punch. B; At oIdv ru;.'5, rfI on b k ,,·."11"1 !four fl 'I fOQt Into _ u ~ k4ha-I"tCIKh I I- 0 lid C0Unt r ":I, punc:1'fI wUh I rlll'l I [1"1 u diu'! ~ II1I'I hil dl.) bloc k. C- I) _ , CorU41'11U1 )lou~ d nee, It ppJn rDr all'll Int"J .. lIn kihond hi ibn and '.hjk tlOW (II B w'th I n

.:UI Uow, punt.h. B; 't" llit by 'lIp I n iii bile k I tltil yeull' iii ~ fao I llilltO !III lin IdhlOl'lld h 11~'in • PrDt ,,~

,00001i'HIt' hom _'" I 11 ,. pundl

by u Unl ~ I t. 1"1, (h\!!ltI!~

b~(:;Ick. (5) ,A: SI p fOlW' I'd wl1h 'tOtir ,u I fool IIIII~a rj I' klhQn. d.ant:hj tLlnc ... Ai you dID~. OIl!KUL rigtrl~ fill'"d.AlI'I (law1 IPunw. B= AI A ~tl,PS tOrN d. 'it P blc:k wilf; ,our I_'t rO(l,T intg • r~ _ ht k~homl_l"1t p.osl· r h:;!In. Hghl uff A"!; punCh WI U1 ri I

d n [Iowl block, (6) a,% CQmpdGf. IIiU hilfl'lJlnI puncJ"l (,Oko. Il<Iilrllb.!ld UC!h II l'Iti.u '", rl t t ",pll. Do II'I~' I1IIOQ your •. 1 Ibid It III t:hi m In (fll right Ulonl!ll chi POSIHDn.,~, H.",.n, illiile'Cuted rj I. I_n lPund1. manutn 'tOLl' pMiUon [U'1I11 h. right Irm hi: 't.ii'ldftI tOw d I.h. Inll Q' 'ow I It ¥ I. Ian ill'm wUhdrl_ n,' ~. In I rL ~ J.dhondKh I sl ACcII).


uaBCiI fl'ghll





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roDo - :

PtmclU:n :

Bloem ':

Oth - ·

- .




1'lL _- I. 'L. 10'" 'I hn u.n, InbGdul En t<.bcII, Kumlt. IN'D. ,2 ,~MAI: 5HUTO UCMI Of "AI,n t dI lip 'dJI k. linG 'SO K!DfSUMI err unci - 00lt.

_] (FRONT CHOP' n:R --"I)

til AI ~n th k11'l Dr 0111'1 .I'd IPHH_o",. J'I- E fOOl, Il'IId hindi 'OfYll' rd. To 'Ib'tllk __ U1 yO!!U' I n. U!J mInI ym..!I' ~ f~lbow up anll I tit tc I tG¥ ~ ~"' "our It! lOt-del - ,1111 d ylO ur I 'f. ItII d. G . n I'IId pI m, f t Ing fOMU'd ~ to, ,I

PIllI'Iilt .bovil ,our F. t _) To til!! lUI U'I. blow, 5 _ pi your fm wi ~n ~ronit

of you. tw .. ,lng U ~oU!" ICI!:H!kw, 10 hit Itlll. II' t ~Ul th. IOU I' cd Gf



rllilolJ~ 1h,1'IC! (&S !'II;d c,a'~ d ~n th (II' IflIiI). VOUIi' hi...-tl UAiI~~~ y r QPiM"' f 1\' '" n - k. Wb n Pl· m ihulO IJdill II IiItli. IlliIL palm of ,ObIt' ItL ~ shOll1ld! ec:. lIPW wdl.

"ttl ihllc wm'l yOl.lil' 111'1 l h~ -d. II' I ~I .1boY.ut tw st. your hi nd'dotk-

• III 0 I (OU Idtl !"(IO( kw M. - U com forw _jnt to ,!thOIl.


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