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Resolusi Konflik Internasional (RKI) ’07


Kelas Resolusi Konflik Internasional mengantarkan para pesertanya ke studi-studi seputar resolusi
konflik internasional yang berkembang pesat dalam dasawarsa terakhir ini. Fokus RKI adalah (1)
sebab, konteks, dan situasi konflik internasional; (2) peran strategi intervensi dalam resolusi konflik
internasional; (3) negosiasi dan mediasi sebagai instrumen resolusi konflik internasional; (4) peran
rejim dan lembaga keamanan dalam resolusi konflik internasional; serta (5) proses-proses binadamai
dan resolusi konflik internasional.
Kelas RKI bukan kelas kuliah-dan-ujian. Kelas RKI dijalankan dengan aktif dan kolaboratif
berdasarkan prinsip berpikir kritis, belajar bersama, dan refleksi. Setiap kelas terdiri dari dua
komponen: (1) kuliah/ceramah dan (2) kegiatan kelas seperti diskusi, presentasi mahasiswa, serta
kuis mengenai topik fokus.
Buku teks RKI adalah Chester A. Crocker, Fen Osler Hampson, and Pamela Aall, eds., Turbulent
Peace. The Challenges of Managing International Conflict (Washington, D.C.: USIP, 2001).
Nilai mahasiswa dihitung sebagai berikut: partisipasi aktif dan “berisi” (25%); empat riviu (25%);
empat kuis (25%); dan ujian akhir (25%).
Rizal dan Diah dapat dihubungi via e-mail: rizal @, srpanggabean04 @,
dan diahkei @, telfon kantor 520733 (PSKP-UGM) dan 563362 ext. 210 (HI-UGM), serta
hp 08122707324 (srp), dan 0811282074 (dk).
Jadual Kelas
Tema Topik Keg
1. Pendahuluan: Rencana Kelas RKI
Konflik, Perang, dan Resolusi Konflik Internasional.
2. Jack S. Levy, Theories of interstate and intrastate war: A levels-of-analysis approach.
Michael Howard, The causes of war.
Intervensi KonflikIdentitas & MasyarakatNegara &

3. Edward D. Mansfield and Jack Snyder, Democratic transitions and war: From Napoleon to the
millennium’s end.
Mohammed Ayoob, State making, state breaking, and state failure.
Paul Collier, Economic causes of civil conflict and their implications for policy.

4. Ted Robert Gurr, Minorities and nationalists: Managing ethnopolitical conflict in the new
Janice Gross Stein, Image, identity, and the resolution of violent conflict.
Michael E. Brown, Ethnic and internal conflicts: Causes and implications.

5. Chester A. Crocker, Intervention: Toward best practices and a holistic view.

Edward N. Luttwak, The curse of inconclusive intervention.
Stanley Hoffmann, The debate about intervention.
Richart K. Betts, The delusion of impartial intervention.
Fen Osler Hampson, Parent, midwife, or accidental executioner? The role of third parties in
ending violent conflict.


6. Richard N. Haass, Using force: Lessons and choices for U.S. foreign policy.
Chantal de Jonge Oudraat, UN sanction regimes and violent conflict.
Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Soft power and conflict management in the information age.
RejimLembaga & MediasiNegosiasi & MediasiNegosiasi &
7. P. Terrence Hopmann, Bargaining and Problem Solving: Two perspectives on international
Raymond Cohen, Negotiating across cultures.

8. Saadia Touval and I. William Zartman, International mediation in the post-cold war era.
Harold H. Saunders, Prenegotiation and circum-negotiation: Arenas of the multilevel peace
Chester A. Crocker, Fen Osler Hampson, and Pamela Aall, Is more better? The pros and cons of
multiparty mediation.

9. Michael W. Doyle, War making and peace making: The United Nations’ post-cold war record.
Michael Krepon and Lawrence Scheinman, Arms control treaties and confidence-building
measures as management tools.
Pamela Aall, What do NGOs bring to peacemaking?
Mary B. Anderson, Humanitarian NGOs in conflict intervention.
Alain Destexhe, New institutions for new times: The case of the International Crisis Group.

10. Kandahar
Binadamai Bina-damai Bina-damai

11. Roy Licklider, Obstacles to peace settlement.
Stephen John Stedman, International implementation of peace agreements in civil wars:
Findings from a study of sixteen cases.

12. Neil J. Kritz, The rule of law in the postconflict phase: Building a stable peace.
John Paul Lederach, Civil society and reconciliation.

13. Nicole Ball, The challenge of rebuilding war-torn societies.
Pauline H. Baker, Conflict resolution versus democratic governance: Divergent paths to peace?
Timothy D. Sisk, Democratization and peacebuilding: Perils and promises.
R. Scott Appleby, Religion as an agent of conflict transformation and peacebuilding.
14. Penutup dan evaluasi kelas.
Louis Kriesberg, The growth of the conflict resolution field.

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