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By Dale Turner
Taken from the
Nightmare on Elm Street
teaser trailer, we used
these production
company logos as
inspiration for our own.

After watching a
number of teaser
trailers we decided to
make our own
production company
logo for the start of
our trailer. DSR is an
abbreviation of our
group members
names and the
special effect and
sound effect help to
make it more
We used a close up
to keep the killers
identity secret. The
blood on his hands
and the splatters of
blood on his clothes
implies violence.
The bloody tools in the sink suggest
the killer has killed someone.

The scene cuts to the detective who

has just been given a file. His
distraught look suggests he is reading
a file on the killer.

We used a close up as the blood

washed away.
The cross cutting between this
scene and the one with the
detective. The pace of our trailer
was sped up because of it.

The effect of the red filter

gives the scene a
sinister tone.
By this point in our trailer the
soundtrack has faded out and
the diegetic sound has taken

Its not really noticeable but in this

scene the character is reading a
note left by the killer. The long
pause is supposed to raise the
tension as he opens his door,

We leave the end on a cliff-

hanger and leave it to the
audience to decide what he sees
A recurring symbol in our
trailer is the killers
weapon of choice, the
scalpel. For the I’s and
1’s we had a specific
signifier in mind, we
created custom fonts and
imported them into
Imovie9. The 1’s and I’s
are now scalpel shaped
and colour filled red.
These were just two of the magazine covers we used as
inspiration to create our own cover.

After looking at
this Iron Man 2
edition of
designed our
own typography
for the
masthead which
would fit our
We looked at a number of trailer posters to decide our design. We knew the sort
of idea that we wanted and by looking at some posters which were already out
we got a clearer view of what we wanted. Our poster had to use the conventions
of a poster for the thriller genre. These were all helpful things which we had learnt
and used in our own poster among other things.
A common colour used
for thriller genre posters Using shadow or
is blue. It’s a cold colour props in the picture
and often links to death to hide the face of
or an uncaring nature. the antagonist.

Both actors were very

big in Hollywood at the
time so by using larger
images of these two
actors audiences are
hooked in.
Using colour to
represent things
It has a metallic such as violence
effect which and blood.
contrasts the word.
As you can see, in The Mummy Returns poster, the two
characters are almost back-to-back. However, it’s because
of their positioning that makes the man seem more
powerful. This idea was introduced into our poster idea,
because we wanted a similar effect. 

With the Musallat Poster, each character is

positioned so that they all have significance.
Whereas the characters blended into the
background should be less prominent compared
to the foreground characters. In this poster, this is
not the case, as the different sizes with the
characters makes one just as important as the
other. Even more-so because of their size.
This is the final version of our the posted we designed as a group. We got
inspiration from a number of different posters we found online. We stuck very
closely to the original idea for this poster.
This poster represents
vulnerability and power. The
two characters in the
background overshadow the
curled up character in the
Shadow around the figure on
the left shows the audience
he is the antagonist while the
figure on the left is brighter
showing that he is the
The character in the
foreground is curled up
looking down his picture is
also a lot smaller. He’s in the
middle showing that his fate
The original design, it was drawn weeks before we will be decided by the men
started using Photoshop so that we had a clear behind him.
idea of what we wanted our final poster to look like.
We created these additional posters
to give the main characters their own
posters. A lot of films that we found
had done the same, creating a few
smaller posters which contained less
information than the main poster but
looked more at a single character.

Inspiration to make our posters.

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