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A liberal and inclusive pathway to finding community

Vol. 12, No. 9 • May 2010

Sunday Services at 11 am, in the Sanctuary
The Rev. Danny R. Reed,
Published monthly from
May 2 Falling Off the Ferris Wheel September to June, and once
Are we our brother’s keeper, our sister’s advocate? On the eve of an important meeting during the summer, by the
of the Social Justice Committee, we will consider our obligations to one another and our Unitarian Church
preparedness to serve and to be served. The Rev. Danny Reed in Charleston
Carla Stipe Frichtel,
May 9 Flower Communion Sunday: Messengers of Fellowship and Love Compositor
To honor the life and work of Norbert Capek and to celebrate the ways our individual Tony Brown,
lives build a church community, a Flower Communion will be shared. Please bring a Liaison
flower to add to a our common bouquet and be prepared to take a flower home. The Al- (843) 723-4617
liance will share a portion of the service for their annual announcements and the congre-
gation will celebrate the Alliance with a special reception following the service. June Deadline:
The Rev. Danny Reed May 23
May 16 Abilene or Bust
Great responsibility is the companion of great freedom. Our way of faith, and our way of life, grants most of us consid-
erable freedom. But how autonomous are we really? How often do we betray our own better judgment by following a
path too circuitous or cumbersome to be of much help? Where are we going and who decides? Timely questions to pre-
cede our Corporate Meeting, which immediately follows the worship service. The Rev. Danny Reed
Sunday Services at 9:30 and 11:30 am, in Gage Hall
May 23 The Eternal One
Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Meantime within man is the soul of the whole; the wise silence; the universal beauty, to
which every part and particle is equally related; the eternal ONE.” We will celebrate this important Unitarian forebear,
reexamine his influence on the Free Church, and be reminded of our relationship to “the soul of the whole.”
The Rev. Danny Reed
May 30 Rev. Elaine Aron, Guest Preacher
A talented newcomer in our community, Rev. Elaine Aron, will preach. A graduate of Meadville Lombard Theological
School in Chicago, and recently ordained by the Unitarian Universalist Church of Davis, CA, Elaine will soon begin a
ministry of pastoral care as Chaplain Resident with Roper St. Francis Healthcare.
Sunday Forums at 10 am, Larisey Room, Gage Hall
May 2 Economics
Dr. Hefner is a Professor of Economics and director of the Office of Economic Analysis at the College of Charleston.
His research interests include regional economic development and forecasting. He participates in the Regional Advisory
Committee of the S.C. Board of Economic Advisors. Frank Hefner, Ph.D. Professor of Economics, CofC
May 9 Volunteering in an Ugandan Village
Cathie has traveled with teams of volunteers to the village of Bugembe near the capital of Kampala. Bugembe has been
ravaged by HIV/AIDS and has a large population of AIDS widows and orphans. She will show pictures to illustrate the
lives and challenges of the widows and children and will talk about her experiences. Cathie Currin
May 16 Armonique: A Pythagorean Experiment in Computational Aesthetics
Armonique ( is a cutting-edge computer framework that allows users to navigate large audio col-
lections based solely on the similarity of the audio content itself, as opposed to metadata generated from human beings
(e.g., musicologists and listener preferences). Bill Manaris, Professor CofC
There will be no forums on May 23 and 30 to accommodate the two services in Gage Hall.
The Minister’s Missive Our Corporate Meeting is ap-
proaching and on the afternoon of
May 16 we will assemble for what
Early one recent morning, I preciate the giftedness of our staff, might first appear to be only a rou-
walked in on a conversation just as who are indeed professionals. But tine gathering of a mid-sized church
my wife told our six-year-old when it comes to the church at in a mid-sized American locale. As
daughter it was time for a haircut. large, I think of us more as a com- it is the custom of our churches to
Joking, I offered to cut her hair my- pany of amateurs. In stating this, I assemble in a similar way at least
self. She is easily, and often under- remind readers that the Latin root of once yearly, our Corporate Meeting
standably, annoyed with my at- amateur is to love or lover. Thus, to will, in truth, be rather routine. Yet
tempts at humor, and this was the be an amateur is to serve what one we miss an important and even es-
case this day too. "No Daddy," she loves. Our volunteer lay leaders sential tenet of our history and pol-
replied. "But I would do such a give of themselves because they ity by taking for granted the signifi-
good job," I persisted, "why can't I love this institution and the role the cance of a congregational assembly.
do it?" "Because," she responded church plays in their lives. As a con- Upon our platform of essential
sternly, "you're not a professional!" gregation, we come, we offer our freedom and general transparency,
In a meaningful sense, this is skills and our resources, we cele- our meetings, books, and processes
also true for us at church. I embrace brate life together, because we love are open to view, member participa-
my training and the tempering of what we become when we gather in tion, and, when needed, scrutiny.
fifteen years in ministry, and so ap- the name of our church. While bound by natural human
limitation, we as a congregation,
Adult Religious Education nonetheless, strive to be responsi-
ble, inclusive, and thorough in our
Friday Night Film Series: “Network” (R) forecasting, decision-making, and
7 pm, Friday, May 14 assessment. The destiny of our
church is in our hands, and beyond
In America, everything is entertainment, the show must go on, and we all have
whatever sense of providence or
our parts to play. “The Boob Tube and You” features a trio of films that each ex-
spiritual guidance we may attend, it
amines, in very different ways, the influence of television on our lives. We con-
is in our hands only. Some may find
tinue Friday, May 14, with our second film, “Network” (1976) written by Paddy
such responsibility onerous while
Chayefsky and directed by Sidney Lumet, starring Peter Finch, Faye Dunaway,
others are stimulated by the in-
and William Holden. The film, an intelligent media satire, follows a newscaster's
volvement. Though I am admittedly
descent into madness and his subsequent rise in the ratings. Revisiting the film in
no lover of multiple meetings, I
2001, Roger Ebert remarked, “The movie caused a sensation in 1976. It was nomi-
suggest that our historic emphasis
nated for 10 Oscars, won four, and stirred up much debate about the decaying val-
on congregational involvement is
ues of television. Seen a quarter-century later, it is like prophecy. When Chayefsky
both onerous and stimulating—a
created Howard Beale, could he have imagined Jerry Springer, Howard Stern and
chore and an honor.
the World Wrestling Federation?” Join with Rev. Danny Reed and other church
If you have joined the church
film buffs to explore our relationship to popular media and the power wielded by
more than 90 days prior to the
celebrity. Gage Hall will open at 6:30 pm and the movie will begin promptly at 7
meeting date and you fulfill the re-
pm. Refreshments will be available and a modest contribution will cover the eve-
quirement, as stated in our Consti-
ning's expenses. Series concludes with “The Truman Show” on June 11. Please
tution, to participate as a full, vot-
sign up in Gage Hall after church on Sundays, or contact the office, if you plan to
ing member at the Corporate Meet-
ing. I encourage you to assume this
responsibility as a privilege, and to
Alliance Sunday & Flower Communion attend the meeting aware that your
Please note that our Flower Communion will take place on Sunday, presence and participation is what
May 9. Please bring a flower to add to a our common bouquet and be congregational polity is all about.
prepared to take a flower home. Think of it as an expression of our
This year, we will recognize the Alliance by giving the reception af- shared love.
ter the service in their honor. Those who are not members of the Alliance I look forward to seeing you at
are asked to bring goodies to share. If you would like to help, please con- the Corporate Meeting on May 16.
tact Chase Caswell ( or Maureen Kelly (559- In faith,
1379 / Let’s show the Alliance how thank-
ful we are for all of the wonderful things the group does for our Church!
Submitted by Carla Frichtel, Executive Director
In a short time I will have finished my term as
Gage Hall
Vestry chair. While it will be nice to gain a few extra
uncommitted hours a week, I want you to know what Handicap Access
a true pleasure it has been to represent the church. I
have enjoyed working in your behalf, and I have The Churchyard Committee and the Buildings and
learned so much from all of you and from my fellow Grounds Committee are working on a plan to improve
Vestry members. I have appreciated your patience handicap access to Gage Hall. Funds to pay for these
and encouragement as we have worked through some changes will come from a generous donation from the es-
challenging, but ultimately, very gratifying times. tate of Ruby Hutchison. A vote will be taken on this pro-
As we move into May, our congregation is poised posal at the Congregational Meeting on May 16.
to begin the long-awaited interior renovation of our On the front of Gage Hall, a new ramp will provide ac-
beautiful sanctuary, our church is growing in numbers cess to the porch on the left of the main entrance. The ex-
and best of all, it feels happy. We have a remarkably isting window will be removed and a new door, with re-
capable minister in Danny Reed and his consulting mote push button for opening, will be installed. Plans have
ministry has been well received. Beyond Danny, we been submitted to the Charleston Board of Architectural
have an incredibly dedicated staff. Every Sunday I am Review (BAR), and approval is expected by late April. At
reminded of the extraordinary jobs that Lin Raymond the back entrance, modifications will be made to the side-
and Janet Watts do. And behind the scenes there is walk to direct traffic away from the kitchen door and to the
always Carla Frichtel, our executive director, who right, toward the entrance leading to the hallway and bath-
keeps all of us on task and manages the business of rooms. The door will be fitted with a remote push-button
the church wonderfully and Frank Palmer, our hard- opener.
working sexton. Our staff is a remarkable group. If you would like to have a more detailed description of
In addition to these skilled professionals, our these proposed changes, John Meffert and Charlie Miller
church is blessed with an amazing array of volunteers. will conduct on-site group tours after church services on
I am constantly in awe of those members who volun- May 2.
teer in so many ways to help or those who find a way Submitted by Charlie Miller
to quietly underwrite expenses. The theme of this
year’s successful annual drive was certainly apt:
“We’ll get by with a little help from our friends.” In
the case of our church, it’s with a whole lot of help
An Opportunity to Share
from many friends! The Committee on Shared Ministry is designed to track
Please mark your calendar for the annual meeting the heartbeat of the ministry within a congregation: how
May 16 right after services. We’re voting on new the members take care of themselves and of each other,
Vestry members, the Transition Team for the minis- how the lay ministerial leadership serves a congregation,
try, our annual budget, final work on the interior res- and how the called minister serves a congregation.
toration and improved handicapped access to Gage In an effort to reach our membership and gain a better
Hall. Remember too that the following week services understanding of the congregation, we plan to contact a
will move to Gage Hall and will be held at 9:30 and few members each month to ask for your opinions. The
11:30. RE will meet during the 9:30 service. If you questions will be straightforward, something like:
have ever thought it would be fun to help out as a -How are you feeling about the Church?
greeter or an usher now would be a great time to do -Do you have any concerns?
so as we need help staffing both services. -Is there anything you want the leadership to know?
It takes a village to raise a child — and a Vestry So if you get a call from a member of the COSM,
chair — thank you for allowing me the privilege of please take a few minutes to give us your input.
serving and for keeping me on track! The members of the COSM are Jerry Prazak, Will
Moredock, Stan Goldberg, Prudence Finn, Hilary Nelson,
Karen Abrams Elizabeth Krietemeyer, Alex Hild, Danny Reed, Minister,
and Sally Newell, Vestry.
Vestry Chair
Submitted by Hilary Nelson

Notes from the Risers
Music in May: Violinist Rafe the musical arts in our community. organ for our sanctuary. When you
Goldman will perform music of French Romantic Allen Organ purchase a Unitarian Church in
Robert Schumann for the Sunday Heritage III: Our new organ has Charleston Piggly Wiggly gift card,
service on Mother’s Day. Jenna and been purchased from Allen Organ 10% of your purchase is donated to
Mark Farnham will perform on Studios and is waiting in Atlanta as the church musical instrument fund.
Sunday, May 30. If you would like our sanctuary undergoes restoration
to share your musical gifts with the and renovations. The console is a
congregation for a Sunday service, three-manual French terrace style
please contact Lin Raymond at the with 64 stops. During the summer
office to make arrangements. platforms and wiring for the new
The Chancel Choir will sing the organ will be built and installed.
first four Sundays in May. Our an- The wiring will run underneath the
thems for May include: a lovely set- floor of the sanctuary and the speak-
ting of “Come, Thou Fount of ers will be housed on platforms built
Every Blessing,” a lively arrange- behind the screens on either side of
ment of a Mozart choral movement, the chancel area. The speakers and
“A Joyful Mozart Canon,” the lyri- the wiring will be out of sight, re-
cal “In This Ancient House” for our ducing the amount of visual techno-
last Sunday in the sanctuary before logical intrusions on the beautiful
the renovations begin, and “Follow nineteenth-century interior of our
the River” an arrangement incorpo- sanctuary.
rating “The Water Is Wide” and Piggly Wiggly Gift Cards:
“I’ve Got Peace Like a River.” Thank you for your help in growing
Celebration of a Day: Susan our musical instrument fund with The cards will continue to be sold
Conant’s delightful participatory the purchase of the Piggly Wiggly during coffee hour until our new
service will be offered as part of the gift cards. Your purchases have organ is installed.
Piccolo Spoleto Festival of helped the Music Committee obtain Submitted by Lin Raymond,
Churches and Synagogues on Satur- the goal of buying a new piano and Music Director
day June 5 at 5 pm in Gage Hall.
The service features the Chancel
Choir, Susan Conant on flute and
other instruments, Mary Taylor on
violin, and soprano Sophia Chris-
Art on Our Walls
tina Zimmermann. If you are inter- The walls in Gage Hall glow with the first UU Art Exhibit, featuring the
ested in singing for this service, work of our own members and friends. Congratulations to our artists: Amy
please contact Lin Raymond at the Castaño (daughter of George Castaño), Judith Chamberlin, Cisco Lindsey,
church office by May 9. This ser- Laura Moses, Tate Nation, Charles Parnell, Annette Pate (sister of Marcia
vice is free and open to the public Castaño), and Lee Westbrock.
with a free will offering in support More than 100 viewers attended the Opening on March 26, and the num-
of the maintenance of our historic bers increase weekly as our UU congregation and others enter Gage Hall for
building and grounds gratefully re- various activities.
ceived. This show comes down on April 23, and the next one opens on Friday,
Candlelight Concerts: The Mu- May 21. In the interim, Janet Watts, Director of RE, will exhibit the work of
sic Committee raised $1,094 over a UU children and youth.
series of three concerts in the sanc- The Fine Arts Committee is now accepting applications for the show
tuary this past year to help support opening on May 21. Applications (available from;
the music program at James Simons click on Fine Arts Committee) with photos of the work are due on May 15.
Elementary School. In addition to Mail applications to Joanna Innes, 16 Campbell Drive, Charleston SC 29407
the financial donation, our church or send them electronically to For additional in-
donated a violin, a guitar, shakers, formation, contact Joanna via e-mail or phone: 843-766-1311.
and four recorders. Thank you for Note: For purchases, please contact the artists. Phone numbers are listed
your help, support, and contribu- on the price sheet found in Gage Hall.
tions in our outreach to help support Submitted by Joanna Innes

Among Our Family & Friends
Alex Abrams (son of Karen and Andy) will be at- to ascertain the kind of lymphatic cancer he has and then
tending Furman University in the fall where he will play should be transferred to a hospital in Kitchener for can-
baseball for the school. cer treatment. Mr. Bull will be 75 in May and Rachel
Alexa Ball (daughter of Amy and Marty) is asks that we keep her father in our thoughts
still waiting to decide on her college of and prayers.
choice, but will go to school in either The Caring Committee desires to en-

California or Minnesota. hance a sense of caring among church
Christopher Findlay (Susan's members and friends. If you or some-
son) will be majoring in Marine Biol- one you know has a need, please call
ogy at the College of Charleston. Carla in the Church office (723-
Chris will be traveling to the British 4617). The Caring Coordinator for
Virgin Islands this summer with the May is Cameron Mitchum (343-
Marine Science and Nautical Training 8975).
Academy. If you are interested in joining the
John Bull, father of Rachel Beverley Caring Committee or attending the next
Burton has been in critical care in a hospi- meeting, please contact Cameron
tal in Ontario since April 6. He was admitted Mitchum (343-8975).
when it was discovered that his platelet count was so If you have news that you would like printed in this
low that he could die from internal bleeding if he column, please call me at 795-0222.
banged into anything. Mr. Bull is scheduled for a biopsy With good health and good wishes, Rosemary Repeta

Two Services Starting May 23

As you know, the Sanctuary will We need all who are able to use tion will be finished in time for the
be closed from May 17 to mid- the very close public parking we Sunday service on September 19,
September (possibly September 26) have available!!! When we have two and we will make that our welcome
while the interior renovation takes services, parking hours in the ga- back to church and Water Cere-
place. Your Program Council and rages on Archdale and Queen mony service. Plans call for the
the Vestry have agreed to hold two Streets have been extended to 1:30. September 12 service in Gage Hall
services in Gage Hall each Sunday Summer Services will start on to be a Sunday Buffet Breakfast
from May 23 to June 13 as follows: June 20, and we will go back to one from 9 am to 11:30 am, with ongo-
- First Service & Religious service in Gage Hall at 11 am. Dur- ing registration for the new year’s
Education classes will be at 9:30 ing this time there will not be Reli- Religious Education classes.
am. gious Education classes, but child- Remember -- please use the pub-
- Coffee hour for the first service care will be available. lic parking lots if you can! If you
will be in the courtyard and Open In September, if the Sanctuary have any questions or ideas, please
Space in the back of the Church- construction is not complete, we check our Web Page, or call the
yard. (We will need to leave church will again use the two-service for- Carla Frichtel at the office or Rich-
parking lots by 11 am.) mat for September 12, 19, and 26. ard Hayes at 225-1882.
- Second Service will be at Right now we think that the renova- Submitted by Richard Hayes
11:30 am.
- Coffee hour will be held in
Gage Hall – members will help take Let’s Do Lunch
down the chairs as for the summer Let’s Do Lunch is a wonderful time of fellowship. We will meet
services. Wednesday, May 19 at 1:00 p.m. at Triangle
- Rev. Danny will give the same Grill, 828 Savannah Highway. All are welcome,
sermon as he did at 9:30 am. men and women. Call Dottie, 744-8668, for res-
Music will be included at both ervations.
services; the choir will be excused Submitted by Dottie Klintworth
before the second service’s sermon.

The Eden Keepers
“Who loves a garden, still his Eden keeps, lunch. Please do nothing to the roses May 10, at 5:30 pm,
Perennial pleasures plants, and and ask before you cut back or dig upstairs Gage Hall.
up any plants. Our motto is when in All interested Eden
wholesome harvests reaps.” doubt, don’t. If its needed, it can al- Keepers are welcome to attend.
~ Amos Bronson Alcott ways be done the following month. Hope we’ll see lots of you on
The next meeting of the Church- May 1.
Eighteen Eden Keepers came yard Committee will be on Monday, Submitted by Fran Ennis
out on a perfect spring day in April
to tend our garden. They were Pam-
ela Bauman, Priscilla Shumway,
Jack Hurley, Hans Riekerk, Stan
“Green” Office View
Boyer, JoAnn Stokes-Smith, Suzi Did you know that the budget for office expenses, postage and the news-
DeMerell, Emilie Carey, John Mef- letter has been reduced by 38%, or $2,000, over the last five years? Much of
fert, Nancy Waters, Tommy Hugh- that is due to our new eco-friendly procedures: reusable Order of Service
ston, Ed Stephens, Fred Judkins, covers save paper and printing costs; the electronic version of The Gateway
Janice May, Karen Del Porto, Fran reduces our paper, printing, and postage use; and email correspondence is
Ennis, Mike Gagliano, and Tom much more efficient than paper mail.
Hartry. The Vestry recently passed a policy developed by the Green Sanctuary
Also in the churchyard that day Committee to ensure that our congregation and those using our facilities are
were two men from Lowcountry mindful of their environmental impact. The article Will Moredock submitted
Monuments, who moved a pedestal last month went into detail about the policy. You can find a link to all of our
from an inconspicuous site to the policies and newsletter archives on the website:
oval in the Garden of Remem- While our staff can make changes like using recycled paper, purchasing
brance. A plant or flower arrange- environmentally-friendly cleaning supplies, and being conscientious of our
ment can now be placed upon it. energy usage, the real potential for our church’s positive impact lies in your
These men also prepared to place hands. What can you do to help?
three more granite monuments, two • Ask to receive only the electronic version of the newsletter. Simply
of which will hold the names on our register on the website and contact the office to be put on the email-only
friends along the way; the third de- mailing list.
tails who we are as Unitarian- • Place the reusable Order of Service covers in the collection bins in the
Universalists. These monuments Sanctuary after the service and encourage others to do so.
were placed the following week. • Keep the doors to Gage Hall closed when the air conditioning or heat-
Priscilla and Jack extended the ing is in use.
trellis for the Mutabalis rose, which • Choose reusable coffee mugs during coffee hour.
grows up the side of Gage Hall, and • Place appropriate waste in the solar digester.
which has already outgrown its • Recycle glass, aluminum, plastic, and paper in the blue bins.
original trellis. Our Green Sanctuary Committee has done an excellent job making sure
After a delicious lunch, we gath- that our environmental efforts are as effective as possible. Thanks to all of
ered around the Garden Of Remem- our Members and Friends for supporting our status as a Green Sanctuary!
brance to say good bye to Jewel, Submitted by Carla Frichtel, Executive Director
Fran’s German shepherd, who was
an integral part of the Eden Keepers
for eleven years. Several people
spoke, and Fran scattered some of Books & Coffee
Jewel’s ashes. Next month’s Books and Coffee discussion will be held on May 9 at 7:00
The next work party will be May PM. We’ll continue with the last half of the book Fools Gold by Gillian
1, from 9 to noon, followed by a Tett, and Paul Nelson will lead the discussion. We will meet again at Sue
covered dish lunch. As always, we and Paul Nelson’s house, 302 Isaw Drive in Mt. Pleasant, 884-9589.
welcome new Eden Keepers. Please The book group won’t be meeting during the summer, but will get to-
bring garden tools if you have them gether again in the fall on September 13, location to be announced. The
(especially clippers, loppers and a summer fiction choice was Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout. It’s rather
trowel), plus work gloves, bug like a novel constructed of short stories, and it has received considerable
spray, something to drink while critical acclaim.
working, and a dish to share for Submitted by Jo Anne Simson
Social Justice Happenings
Community Outreach Giving SJ Notes
We are pleased to announce that through your generous The next Social Justice Commit-
donations, we have collected $4,735 as of April 19 for Our tee meeting will be on Monday,
Lady of Mercy’s Literacy Program on Johns Island. The col- May 3, 6:15 pm at Gage Hall. Pizza
lection, including donations received through April 25, will will be served at 6:15 pm. We are
be awarded by Karen Abrams, Vestry Chair, on May 2. requesting a donation of $5 for
Helping underserved populations reach their potential is part pizza and beverages. Come cele-
of the social justice tenets of Unitarian Universalists. Thank you! brate our accomplishments this year
Because Our Lady of Mercy and South Carolina Strong mini-grants were and hear our action plans for 2010-
tied as recipients after subcommittee review, the group did a site visit to each 2011. All current members of the
program. We liked them both so much, we decided to select both of them. committee are urged to attend.
South Carolina Strong, nominated by Mary Ann Terry, is a two-year resi- Members and friends interested in
dency program to help ex-offenders gain skills to help them get jobs and im- becoming involved in any aspect of
prove their personal skills. This national program has a very high success Social Justice are invited to come to
rate. Our Fall project will start in September 2010. learn of the many projects that are
We will be taking nominations from the congregation during the month underway and to meet the leader-
of May for our Spring 2011 project. You can find the forms on the website: ship.
scroll to Social Justice and the form pops up on the right side of the page. Submitted by Diane Narkunas &
Submitted by Diane Narkunas Cathie Currin, Co-Chairs

Crisis Ministries Gage Hall

We will be cooking and serving dinner in the Men’s Shelter on Wednes-
day, May 5. We will be serving breakfast in the Women’s and Children’s Coffeehouse
Shelter on Thursday, May 6. Not only is volunteering at Crisis Ministries a
meaningful service to the community, it can be eye-opening for those of us Saturday, May 15, 7:30 pm
who have so much. Plus, there is always a lively conversation with fellow Featuring Unwind Duo
UUs! and also Jean Pendleton & Friends
If you would like to volunteer for the May schedule or to have your email
added to the notification list, please let Catherine Townsend know at You won’t want to miss the Un- wind Duo of Helen Greenfield on
Submitted by Catherine Townsend cello and Steve Green on guitar at
the last Gage Hall Coffeehouse of
the 2009-10 season on Saturday,
UU Pride May 15 at 7:30 pm. What can you
expect when you combine a classi-
As previously announced, a UU contingent cally trained cellist and a seventies
will be marching together in Charleston’s historic rock guitarist? A unique playlist of
first annual Gay Pride March, scheduled for Saturday, May 15, starting in acoustic instrumental arrangements
Park Circle, North Charleston at 11 am. By doing so we can make the whole ranging from Bach to Bacharach to
Charleston community aware of our Welcoming Congregation for lesbian, the Beatles. The Unwind Duo is in
gay, bisexual, transgender, "queer" and questioning folks. high demand for Charleston events.
The response has been terrific, with 20 of you having committed so far to They love the diversity of playing
marching. How many more can we gather to publicly demonstrate our com- classical wedding ceremonies, jazz
mitment to equality and acceptance? standards for corporate events, and
If you are interested in helping out, marching, or if you would like addi- classic rock for private parties!
tional information, please contact Deborah Mihal at sub73amazon@yahoo. Helen and Steve live on John’s Is-
com or 225-4184.
Submitted by Deborah Mihal Continued on next page...

Gage Hall Frogmore Stew
Fun(d)-Raising Event
Coffeehouse For the Sanctuary Interior Restoration Project
Saturday, May 15, 7:30 pm
MAY 30TH * 6 TO 9 PM
Featuring Unwind Duo
and also Jean Pendleton & Friends
Hobcaw Yacht Club and Pool
Continued from previous page... (lifeguards on duty)
land. Helen gives private cello lessons in their enjoy FOOD, FRIENDS, & FUN…
home and Steve has a quick commute to Island wear a smile, bring a swimsuit
Sounds Recording Studio, where he has re- and beverages
corded, mixed and mastered album projects for
twenty years. $20 per person — KIDS FREE
Opening on May 15 will be a favorite
singer from the Unitarian Church, Jean Pen- Cold Beer for Sale
dleton. Jean’s mom says Jean sang before she
talked; since then, she has been singing pretty Tickets - call Henry at 693-8219
much nonstop. Jean sang in choral groups for Submitted by Henry Thomas
many years and through that experience had
the good fortune to perform with the likes of
Dave Brubeck and Aaron Copland and to sing
at venues like the Lincoln Center in NYC and
the Kennedy Center in DC. If you’ve enjoyed
Dinners For Fun Does NOT
her singing at the UCC, don’t miss her set on
the 15th. She is looking forward to being ac-
Solicit Your Participation!
companied by some Unitarian friends and
singing a selection of pieces from her wide- Yes, folks, a definite first -- only because by the time the May
ranging repertoire. Gateway comes out, it'll be too late to sign up for our final cele-
Profits from all Gage Hall Coffeehouses bration of the church year, scheduled for Saturday, May 1. Too
support enrichment activities at peninsular bad, so sad.
Charleston elementary schools. $10 Adults But that does not stop me for a minute telling all of you about
and $5 Students. Coffee, teas, sodas, and our latest gathering, DFF #4 that took place Saturday, March 27. I
home-baked desserts will be available for pur- have a lot of warm, generous, hospitable people to thank, as FIVE
chase. Call 367-9663 or 224-4472 for more different parties were held, attended by nearly 40 guests, includ-
information. ing four newbies (counting the hosts, almost 50 people partici-
Submitted by Mark Farnham pated!). Marcia and George Castaño, Judy Ford, Trudy and Glenn
Muegel, Lou Ruch, and Steve Wilson opened their homes and
hearts in so many ways, welcoming everyone with that special
gift for making strangers fast friends. I must give a special shout-
out to Steve, who graciously accommodated so many people, in-
cluding last-minute additions, even I lost count.
All I know is, everybody got where they were going, and lived
to crow about it. You make me proud.
Love, Carol Furtwangler

Extra! Extra!
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Please register on the Church’s website
( to access The Gateway.

May 2010
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 9 Churchyard
Work Party (5)
10-1 Church
open for tour (4)

Dinners for Fun

2 10 am Choir (4) 3 4 5 6 7 10-1 Church 8 10-1 Church

10 am Forum (2) open for tour (4) open for tour (4)
11am Service (4) 6 pm Social Jus- 6:30 Men’s 7 Choir (2) 7 pm Finance
tice Comm. (1) Group (1) 7:30 Yoga/ Comm (1)
Meditation (3)

9 Flower Communion 10 11 12 13 14 10-1 15 10-1 Church

10 am Choir (4) 12 Archives (1) 11 Caring Church open for open for tour (4)
10 am Forum (2) Comm. (2) 7 Choir (2) 6:30 Vestry (1) tour (4)
11am Service (4) 5:30 Church- 7:30 Yoga/ N Chas. Gay
Aft Srv Reception to yard Comm. (1) Meditation (3) Pride Parade
Honor the Alliance 7 Movie Night
7 Books & Coffee (2) 7:30 Coffeehouse

16 10 am Choir (4) 17 18 19 20 21 22
10 am Forum (2) Let’s Do Lunch Art on Our
11am Service (4) Men’s Group Walls Opening
Aft Srv Annual Corpo- Lunch (2)
rate Meeting Sanctuary
7 Choir (2)
7:30 Yoga/
4 Secular Humanists (2) Begins
Meditation (3)
23 8:45 am Choir (2) 24 25 26 27 28 29
9:30 (RE Classes) &
11:30 am Services (2) 7 COSM (1) 7 Choir (2)
7:30 Yoga/
Meditation (3)

30 8:45 am Choir (2) 31 Memorial

9:30 (RE Classes) & Day
11:30 am Services (2) Holiday: Office

(1) Upstairs Gage Hall (2) Larisey Room (3) Annex (4) Sanctuary (5) Churchyard
The Unitarian Church
4 Archdale Street
Non-Profit Organization
Charleston, SC 29401
Charleston, SC

Minister, Rev. Danny Reed
Executive Director, Carla Stipe Frichtel
Unitarian Universalism—
Universalism— open faith, open hearts, open minds.
Religious Education Director, Janet Watts
Music Director, Lin Raymond UNITARIAN CHURCH PARKING
Sexton, Frank Palmer
Administrative Assistant & YRUU Coordinator,
Queen St.
Reny Wilcher: Tues. & Thurs. 10-2
Vestry Chair, Karen Abrams (‘10)
Weekend &
1st Vice Chair, Richard Hayes (‘11) Evening Parking
2nd Vice Chair, Jeffrey Fleming (‘10) Only
Secretary, Sally Newell (‘11)
Jacob’s Alley
Vestry Members
Weekend & 1st 6 spaces Annex Gage Hall
Mark Farnham (‘12) Deborah Freel Mihal (‘12) Evening Parking Church
King St.

Maureen Kelly (‘10) Charlie Miller (‘11) Charleston Day

Only Business School
Paul Wilczynski (‘12)
Archdale St.

Gateway Walk
Treasurer, Don Hearth Sunday Parking
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Churchyard
Phone: (843) 723-4617 Fax: (843) 723-0120 Reserved: Elderly
or Handicapped
Web Page: Sanctuary Gates Locked
at 1 p.m.

The Gateway is printed on recycled paper. DO NOT PARK IN AREAS BLOCKED WITH TRAFFIC CONES
FREE Parking is also available at the garages on Queen Street and at Saks Fifth Avenue if
you show the current bulletin and leave by 1 p.m.

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