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Amanveer Singh Lotay

This was a long shot, that was

slowed down to emphasise that
the guy is in a lot of pain, and
cant stand it anymore.

In a few parts of our opening

sequence, we can see flashing
of the screen, this is to show
that there is a flash back
taking place.
An atmosphere was created for the
audience by a point of view (POV)
shot, the audience knows that there
is a body in the bin but they do now
know if the body is dead or alive.

The final shot of our opening

sequence was a low angle, the
low angle emphasises that the
man is being tortured and the look
from above would make the man
has no power at all.
• The sound of suspense is played throughout the opening sequence, this
kind of tune is very modern and fits into the relation of gangs and crime.

• We also created an orchestral sound piece, this would create tension for our
audience, this was made on Garage Band.

• For the whipping effect we used another belt which was not in the shot to
emphasise the person being hit with it, to gain an extra loud sound.

• On garage band we found various sounds like a man screaming, sounds of

water dripping. We added these sounds to our opening sequence to make
our opening sequence look/sound very realistic.
At the beginning of the opening sequence, we
had shots of bins to set the scene to make the
audience ask “what has bins got to do with
this?”, This is where the body gets dumped,
inside the bin we put a camera in to make a
point of view shot (POV) for the audience to
see what the body is like.

When we first see the chair in our opening

sequence, the audience automatically gets an
idea that a person is going to be tortured
there. This happens later on in the opening

In this screen shot we see the hand

sticking out of the bin, this gives the
audience the idea that this person is
Black and white effects were used to tell the audience that a
flashback is taking place and also flashing of the screen
made the audience realise that a flashback is taking place.
Our typography was in the style
of blood dripping, which gave
the audience an idea that this
thriller is going to be a
bloody/violent one.

For the main title for our

opening sequence we used a
bold font to emphasise the
title of the film. Also we had
bullets lying around knowing
that this film is going to be
In our opening sequence there are a few
iconographies, and example of this is the
tattoo on the hand, this shows that this
person could have been a member of a
gang, this also connotes the theme of
violence and gang culture.

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