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Structuralism Roy Boyne Intmopuction 1m 1869 Mendeleev and Mees independent the deals of he table of clement Basing hi nly on thy of clon config tung spon abn Dalton not of omic weighs Mendle thre cul oly be 92 nacly tong che semen Sanya flames were not known a he sme, bi there were Sac ithe ti for Th at tle as sind a hea ‘oul eneraterpreestion of iid amber of obctve ps the enpircal won The empirical word i he lace where the Twos expec by the sar wl be ntamated ad et tion can scm nse sou hve been dred peste a Sucre. ne eae of the pec al, amples fl th cements ical t ot cmpucaly tno in 186, have sce been und ssa tn ofthe simultaneous provsonaiy an fecundity ofthis eal stacral modeling the pede tle has singe Ben tended fc ‘soup of clement ith atomic numbers po 178s the lato which = Uaoaiom,arnbr 111 ~renain tobe abcd "The nal ofthe pera erate the oe sacra pr ‘nas tobe within both sntropology and inguscs sat te human onl come lotto ducting Src yan he human Mas alo absorbed int poychonnyo some forms of Maras thor the Soy fear ancomparti eect bet nh ces aa ta the wneryng ssp ofthe peso ake model wre devcloped frallyeceded wih he smergeceo he cicous of post scart ‘Tue AnrunorovocicaL Liveace “he history of suc within soil theory begins wih the work af aiert Sec snd Ea Dutt Ine has ato pinay ably Spencer, whose thinking about social structure passage from 1876: tn sxe, atin lrg odin increase in ass i habia incense of wre, Ang ith har eration which (lel, bath extn gh dors he cond Ree prog from all groups eo Ie om simple (foe tbe tbtlinenes of pars imcrese The soc ‘Ther minte, ably pr hetrogncy alone wh [fom and to eah gat see mnt que reat compen he “The core ideas ese ae integration ad differemaion The frmet Internal operation of the sparse parts of whole. e does not the “whole ir a mammal ora society, for Spencer the principle of imegration would stil be crucial Differentiation refers he division of Ith the whole: each compen part ofthe whole has a difeent and Jobeodo.a function ofl Spencer thovghe cht increas in ize brought about Increased differentiation within te whole If we compare, as Spencer diy the arly blacksmiths, who not only made basic rols but also smelted thc owe fon, withthe completes of iron manufacture atthe end ofthe nineteenth entry, wher sting efining, peddling rolling and tol-making of various Kinds cach formed the baste of reparateorpanzaions, we can se just how fbvious the relation between size and the dferentation of structure must Ihave eee to Herbert Spencer “The assumptions underlying Spencer’ grasp ofthe development of sructures may be broatly seen as funcional in nature All the pars of an organs Ithetber a babooa ora boring plat, would normally be seen ax performing 3 Fostve function, and making & sigecant contribution to the whole, The Eltsest Spencer carne to theorizing the reasons for development, s opposed t0 {escbing the process of development, was in his 1852 pape, "A Theory of Population Dedaced from the General Law of Animal Ferlicy” Speaking of polation pressure it had thst sy: Be alae aca areca Sea geen ae See one oe ee een cos ‘We wild such speculate causal analy of wractraldeelopment peated Inve wrk of Eoe Durkheim spon whom Spencer wis «major infueee tee Durkheim cxpli what was oly impli in Spensrs acl the Asentonberwee anna nd cus ana of sree. The ieee ® leary acted in The Ree of Sool! Medbod (1838) demonsrate the tty fa face dos noc how tis in'The tes which serve presume the specie proper characte ‘onorcete Our nel for things ca cata hm obo artic ‘omeguey that ped cannot produce them otf ting. hc at ‘whch preva oer he fre of the ind and owes nen trig ns sierce it camo ates es el lo ‘de it ris forces mast ex ape of products ry et fre. Oniy under hse contin can cs be rented whe om et {9 expan # soil phcomenony the licens come. whch produces I "he anc i fli mnt he netted separ. (Dubey, 1898 oe pul (Dusketm, 1995 (hs sect, However, when be deine soa acs at eter othe Se ee ‘ng, and general. These, for Durkheim, were the independent variables, crag oe tooth As Durkheim pa “This conception ofthe socal mi a = ee in Andrews, 1993: 119). 1 facts” of structure are the key to che explanation of the individual manifs 2 eee i in the ae scligion. ae eee one a a a ‘moments of his postulated structure ae locked together, Remove | ec moment fm the srucare, andthe otcome, for Durkin ia tan ther than elon. By 1912, and he pobicstio of The Pe fie Relma Life, she detiion of religion ners of ob Peer Placa iy dfinnon in term the sacred and the explanation cence of cil cohen eae moch song 8 the Fras Frat aoa dacarge a pow dn 1 the rte ee Rppored by am instietonalnastace, to pay Homa co soy err Sua fos He dion felon aow mock move compelling ‘Arcigion wt ytem of i nd pats lave to red ins ha ln et apart and jthden- bods oa practices which neo one aa ie stn called Chsh, all te who adhere £0 them. (Dur hsm, 1912 (1915-471 cligion snow seat be character by bifurcation ofthe whol cones Ration mr aie profane. The shel and praczs om bath sides of tis in dt ar eerpncd by + mora communi The Church a5 he Sr te of he eagos proce he rural tery of pins Ter ySEhl and contre doughnut se her sn ae oe estat wa leche anderioning ee stroctral ites o oo ere Sacral he eat the sen of veri f rand ra ca ctenans pre af the vay been the aa and he india room ip to poi the suppor hate vouh 0b ecko i fam co eee cour teed things cannon came them tbe of 2 a te comcquesty hat eed eat price ha oof nothin ae ata way cxence ope then’ (1835 (1982: 120) TA crural shoul note oveloked, Whi he ean under the oan Spear oan: thinking, Durtein was repose both Fee es Sein approaches sal acu the funcional and he fo loping te uncstanding that reition betwee rte bet thee tr ha the cco, feos ns work o aa appre hat e etng stance most be wear ll aes ns hat cil acu eure asa ae conan nhs at bjs in which he dire from chan th nvidia fad been Key reference pot, boh a a Spence ft etn developing gtemic suc ad asa ure of come aaa a tat ae he ad down oe ofthe key fete of st owe Re broke ot ofthe eof abe and srt, een ‘he nerd ath ul ety fed en ac con coceaby place anche within che Pam 1 i Craclrelaor beeen the et of sce objects and Jesctcer, on the one hand, and profane culture on the othe. Let us now rt to sacra antrepoly bY wa, he ean of he Bri adi, ‘Matha een desrbed as che Functional School of Socal Anthropology wa ites he nox of ovo men Broniaw Malinowskiand A.R,Radslitfe-Brown, polo {proached trou hs developed fama with the ordinary dy tekavtor an the interment exraodiay chavo ofthe indole ‘toting sem, were mapped form i nate bt very define) sr tnd wil be scen how in Malinowsk thinking, cach vel connects to the ‘0 fom, when seen a a whole, the vr statute of he society: subject ike sex canor be ete except ini insole ei rough {es estan moter specs of ear Love seal app, ot “eed eth loves al he melo ove ae bp tomar ‘uh in the Trbriands Coup agin, ca phase, preparatory phase of ‘uve and mage futon side of fare The amy el rams it the clans symm which cont the soil rations ofthe tbe wth each ‘ter omnes the como pervade ape std they, eer toot ign apd even int tc artic production Mtnowa, 1952 34) won be ay ial dee Malo esaar Se oe ee bales ated eee ap ny ee ote ee eee ep peep Sona ao ae ee ‘tits cereochva et incon i nteepge rho tal DS ence ene ee ie Bch cin cur Reif oven rere en eae PD yiteise bed edo Pl eee eile te a iooth ‘ole ela Sete gete Ba Nees eet sect peer ee ee te nicer acne ee Shana ones orn 199380 19 (Ove » pei content cll do ot resin he sae. Ba the src Atageree ofthe conser aie doce remain smiue The poser by which ‘he acta cominiy ote ogni mained calle fe. As the word fio tb ml tH fan ran cnce ecnng For RadelifeBrown, thn, soil fe isthe fetoning of is structures, The ‘word “structure” i placed in the plural because, while with animal organisms the stactre can largely be een, in the cae Of society i cannot, and the assumption that there 5 just one genera ste is ot sustainable. Thi ny ‘sractures ae there? (2) How do social structures Kinds of soil stracace come inc being? The fist ‘problem ofelasfiation. The second question points EEpmuslze the sociological analogon co bie (ct. “The Ui ‘Sonccived as the functioning of st stucrre". The third the drction of social change. How does happen? ‘Even thou these questions are more abstract and general by Malinowski, we are sill very much within the cice of ‘hjets and what is more, operating at relatively low level of The answers to Radcilfesrown’s three qugsions are not wo be the willbe found out teough ldwoek and observation, Could anything be ‘What is required are “wide comparative Rods of societies of many Iyper and alo intensive suis of as many single sociees as possible” (198 tea) "No dincive structralist method has merged a this pont, and hi can be con ton clearly in what RadeifferBrown once wrote to Levi Strauss 1 ae the term seal strate” in ee 30 ifcen from yous make ret, stele so be onlay be poate. Whie for you vocal ‘Str sting ow ety br wth dl that are ba op ged ee att eat: When cup purr ea selon back ‘Sop ir having urticar seay Sd hr hl of he sae erst hane ssid soc e ta Team ay here form of race SSSR eF th oper amin ur of dillen spece y be SHEP Sogases Ceain genera ctl fro pinta of ei TRESS e exprncd Oy eane of lat eqnton. tae tha he “hstios't wine you mean fy sml”Tvamine «hcl gow of Autaan ‘Sein and ied an sangeet ok pone na ean number of foie [FOE he sual uct ofthat psc group at that moment of tie, Sse dlp har ascertain important ays sia to hat othe fay caning + yee shee of focal pou nome ein, a8 SEL a2 Sceminoem a secre Tam ct sue whether by “ode” yo ean SCE form te omy dcp fe The socal om el my be ‘Techete y cerraon, nang snl obser bat canon be xe Sremedon. (ued Kaper 1973: 7 ‘As we wil, while Lei Suraus firmly sppeoved of Radclfe Brown's gorous Spproach wo suctures the later eoald noe grasp he impor of the former's SPE The reason for this was that Radcffe Brown's structures wer empirical Sowe now bive to ask what nonempinal structure might mean, ‘tecture onthe Mendeley sodel, sonemspincal and generative, Ie cone suey a dyna desrption of what mght be the case, rather than a et of laws Ter pricing what wl be the cts. The description of sucture aries ov ofthe ‘dere to understand something specifi tater ofthe general ld of whichit ‘Taree mah bo thonght that what this acks sa principle of determination, ape thot weld wansfrm abjectie possibly ito actuality is missing {ile this lack of individual deteemination i indeed, a some level, missing, iii

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