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6:37 pm, 2/23/2010 4th, 12 Star, Rabbit

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It has been a
strange, seemingly somewhat disjointed day. Odd things have come to me at
odd times. Not altogether, like my normal journaling does. Interesting.

I am reading the Anastasiabook from the Ringing Cedars series, and it is simply amazing.
There is no explaining these books. Some do not believe them, writing them off as fiction,
but I have no trouble accepting what they say.

The speak of a young woman who lives

alone with nature in the wild forests of Siberia. She is so
at one with nature that she seldom wears any clothes, lives in no house, and seems to
have no man-made implements of any kind, save some odd items of clothing she wears to
blend in when she moves among people.

Thus, you can see why people would be disbelieving. After a journey into the no-mind,
though, nothing looks the same. Old thoughts and beliefs, with the limitations they
represent, just fall away, and you wonder where they went. Yep, I believe.

It is a deeply touching story, especially for me, as I am one with at least aspects and
elements of nature, too. No longer the body or the mind, I know myself quite easily as the
crystal, the oceans, the trees, the land, the planets, the suns... As whatever, for all is One,
after all, and this is no fairy tale. Ho ho, the fairies, themselves, are more real than so
many of our beliefs.

But is sometimes

wrenching to read this story. The heroine endures much at the
hands of the hero, the author, for she is beyond any level of enlightenment or advancement
that he can comprehend, and he is cruel to her, disdainful and disbelieving. He is a good
author, making you feel this way.

Well, you would not feel precisely this way, of course; you
would feel whatever way you feel, and
that is right. You know what I mean, though. He writes well. I would like to be able to write
like that. His memory for detail is so good.

I feel that my DNA

must be in process of doing some more reconnecting, as there is a
difference between what can naturally just happen, and what seems to perhaps require an
enhanced biology to occur. No, of course I cannot prove it; but then I feel no need to. I’m
just sharing how things seem to me. Time will tell the tale fairly enough.

Do we have time? Not much. I guess maybe there’s good logic in the swiftness with which
things all around are morphing and changing. Everyone seems to have interesting tales to
tell, their own stories of their own experiences. It is quite lovely, quite lively.

I suppose for thosewithout vision to see the changes taking place, their fear factor may be
rising. We all know quite well, deep within, just what is going on, and even what is coming.
How well we are connected with our innards, though, is quite another matter. Most aren’t,
but that’s changing, thank heaven. So many more are awakening, every day it seems.
Yes, it is lovely.

Are you awakening? Do you feel or see anything at all different, happening around you or
within you? I bet you do, if you’ll just slow down, center, and attune. It takes a bit of peace,
here and there, to hear the still small voice, but it’s always speaking.

I hope that the energies

you contact, while on my site, will be a blessing and a benefit. It is
designed with you in mind, you know. I surely don’t do this just for me.

Well, ina way I do, for my need to serve, to be useful, is very strong. So in that way, yes, I
do it for me, as well. So many of us are waking up and losing all sense of selfishness,
these days. We don’t know where it’s gone, but we do know THAT it’s gone, and we are

The same energy is flowing through all of us, you know. No one is any better than another;
no, not one. Remember, the sun shines on the just and the unjust, alike. We have been
so misled and lied to, so filled with nonsense that it’s little wonder our awakening can be a
bit of a rocky road. We have much to let go of, much to unlearn, and just abandon.

First, we must come to realize the worthlessness of all we’ve been taught, however, and
that’s the main challenge. These things, beliefs and so on, we tend to cling to. They seem
so hard to let go. It is frightening, to think of the ways we’ve been misled, and by perfectly
innocent people who have, themselves, also been misled in their time...and so on and so
on, down through the millennia.

We are waking up, though.It is coming. It is happening. And believe it or not, when it comes
to you, it will be much easier, so much easier than you may now think. It really is no
struggle at all to let these things go, once you begin to see, to have your inner vision
open up. They actually just seem to fall away, through no effort of your own.

Okay, enough for now. I don’t ever want to give you enough, at one time, to prove
me certifiable, and
have you lock me up and throw away the key. Maybe that’s why I give these things in little
bits. ;-) Or maybe not. I won’t tell. :-D You’ll just have to guess. :-)



journal, awaken, enlighten, God, Source, Great Spirit, Anastasia, Vladimir Megre, Ringing Cedars, Siberia, no-
mind, nature, author, DNA, time, fear, vision, beliefs, challenge, misled, dark forces, struggle, 2012, Great Shift

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