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Home > About EDIC > Freedom of Infomation Act (FOIA) Service Canter Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Service Center Electronic FOIA Request Form ‘Thank You! Your request has been sent to the FDIC. Date: February 24, 2010, 4:27 PM To: efoia@fdic gov Subject: FOIA Request Form ‘SENDER NAME: Bruce McDonald a FIRM A00RESS: III», 20x 1066 fesiene, CO 81131 counter. _ FRANCIA NSTTTUTION NAME: One Bak FRANCIAL NSTTTUTION LOCATION. Katamaro, Ml (MAXIMUM FEE: INFORMATION REQUESTED: Thad a first and second morgage with Indymac. 1st Equity Line of credit loan| is iabinidebiaiad * Soo Core, Crtone Cerda My home is being sold on March 4th through a trustee sale by OneWest so I need this info ASAP. They caim they are the sole owner but they would not provide verification of it to me or the court and sadly the court did not require them to even though I provided the court with your press release of a few weeks ago stating that OneWest only owns 7% of the loans they service. ap www 2 fac goviefoiarequesvindex asp

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