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of the
Agency Independence
of the
1996 Judiciary
Vol. 1 No. 18
Issues of
of the
There can be a vast
difference between a democratically
elected government and a democratic
After an election, the hard work of
governing under the rule of law begins.
The task of ensuring fair application of
specific laws and compliance with them
falls to a team of legal professionals:
prosecutors, attorneys and judges. Of
these, the many roles a judge can play in
a democratic system are under constant
What powers do judges have to
scrutinize and overturn decisions made
by other branches of the government?
Can judges be independent if their posi-
tions and budgets are solely controlled by
an executive branch entity? In deciding
a case, how can judges be shielded from
political interference? Who determines
whether a legal decision is in keeping
with either a written constitution or pre-
vious judgments?
These questions are not academic.
Judges in a democracy assume responsibil-
ities not only for denying a person liberty
—or even life—but also for determining a

society’s position on fundamental issues. foreign judges in doing their jobs effective-
Recent Supreme Court decisions in the ly. And three reports examine innovations
United States, for instance, have dealt in areas affecting the American judge of
with abortion, discrimination and affir- today: juvenile justice, sentencing reform
mative action, commercial and labor laws and streamlining court procedures.
and intellectual property considerations. Though our focus is of necessity
Like the thousands of judicial decisions on the technical aspects of making justice
made daily by courts large and small in work in the United States, the article on
the United States, these rulings touch Judge Luis Perez of the Worcester (Massa-
the lives of all citizens. chusetts) Juvenile Court reminds us that
This journal examines safeguards behind the impersonality of legal decision-
that establish and maintain a judge’s inde- making is the individual character of the
pendence in and out of the courtroom, and judge and the personal traits he or she
looks at some of the roles played by judges brings to this sensitive work. A judge in
in the American legal system. Stephen A. the United States is, at the same time, a
Breyer, Associate Justice of the Supreme scholarly interpreter of law, a personnel
Court, surveys the legal protections under- manager, director of a trial’s process, often
pinning judicial independence and the an arbiter of leading social issues, always
ways the American system attempts to in the public eye. With this multitude of
assure the integrity of this office. Judge duties, the American judge—at the local,
Cynthia Hall, in an interview with contri- state or federal level—helps to ensure that
buting editor David Pitts, describes some a citizen’s experience of democracy is not
of the challenges faced by American and theoretical, but real.

Issues of Democracy
of the
Information Contents Independence
of the

Judicial Independence in the U.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Stephen G. Breyer, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court,
in a speech originally delivered to senior judges of the Americas,
reflects on how the American system of justice has safeguarded
the judge’s unique role in a democracy.


Protecting Judicial Independence: A Global Effort . . . . . . 12

Maintaining the judge’s authority and freedom is an ongoing
concern in the United States and abroad. Judge Cynthia Hall
of the U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit, in Pasadena,
California, is interviewed by contributing editor David Pitts.


His Honor and the Kids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Judge Luis G. Perez of the Worcester, Massachusetts, Juvenile
Court, faces a special challenge: what to do about troubled
youths in his Northeastern U.S. city. A feature article
by journalist Kristin Helmore.

The Federal Judiciary and Sentencing Policy . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Judge Richard P. Conaboy, Chairman of U.S. Sentencing
Commission, reviews the federal sentencing guidelines
and some of the new options a judge possesses for
alternative forms of confinement.

Case Management in American Courts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
What can be done to relieve the massive backlog of cases
awaiting disposition by American courts? James G. Apple,
Chief of the Interjudicial Office at the U.S. Federal Judicial
Center, surveys the attempts by judges and court
administrators to bring order to the process.

Judicial Training Institutions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Three leading American institutions for in-service
training of judges.


Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Recent books and periodical articles
on the judiciary.

Article Alert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Abstracts of articles on issues
of democracy.

Internet Sites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Sites in cyberspace which explore
law-related topics.

Issues of Democracy
Electronic Vol. 1 No. 18 Publisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . Judith S. Siegel
Journals Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mark Smith
of the
Bureau of Managing Editor. . . . . . . . . Edward A. Kemp
Information Associate Editors. . . . . . . . Wayne Hall
U.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Guy Olson
Information U.S. Information Art Director . . . . . . . . . . . Diane Woolverton
Agency Agency Internet Editor. . . . . . . . . . Deborah M. S. Brown
Contributing Editor . . . . . . David Pitts Reference Specialists . . . . . Carol Norton
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barbara Sanders
December Editorial Assistant . . . . . . . David Rabinowe
Graphics Assistant . . . . . . . Sylvia Scott
Editorial Board. . . . . . . . . . Howard Cincotta
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rosemary Crockett
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Judith S. Siegel

USIA’s electronic journals, published and transmitted worldwide at two-week intervals, examine major issues facing the United States
and the International Community.The journals—Economic Perspectives, Global Issues, Issues of Democracy, U.S. Foreign Policy Agenda, and
U.S. Society & Values—provide analysis, commentary, and background information in their thematic areas. French and Spanish language
versions appear one week after the English.The opinions expressed in the journals do not necessarily reflect the views or policies
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in the U.S.
Stephen G. Breyer
Associate Justice,
In the United States, judicial independence
U.S. Supreme Court has developed into a set of institutions that
assure that judges decide according to law,
rather than according to their own whims
or to the will of others.The five components
of judicial independence are: the constitutional
protections that judges in the United States
have, the independent administration of the
judiciary by the judiciary, judicial disciplinary
authority over the misconduct of judges,
the manner in which conflicts of interest
are addressed, and the assurance of effective
judicial decisions.These components combine
to assure an independent judiciary that is
the basis for a society governed by the rule
of law. Following is an abridgment of Justice
Breyer’s remarks, originally delivered at the
Conference of the Supreme Courts of
the Americas held in Washington, D.C. in
October 1995.

T he primary basis of judicial
independence in the United States is the
protection guaranteed to judges under
other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”
Impeachment is a formal process of adju-
dication by the Congress, that requires
Article III of the Constitution, which agreement by both houses. The House of
creates the federal judiciary. Article III Representatives must present a charge
provides that federal judges will “hold to the Senate. The Senate then tries the
their Offices during good Behavior,” and impeachment, and may only convict the
that they will “receive for their Services, impeached officer, including a judge,
a Compensation, which shall not be acting by a majority of two-thirds.
diminished during continuance in Office.” The impeachment power has been
These provisions assure that Congress used sparsely since the creation of the
or the president cannot directly affect judiciary, and used solely to remove judges
the outcome of judicial proceedings by for various forms of personal misconduct.
threatening removal of judges or reduc- In a landmark impeachment case in
tion of their salaries. 1805, Congress came close to impeaching
The protection against removal is Samuel Chase, a politically outspoken
constrained by the phrase “during good Supreme Court justice, on the basis of
Behavior,” and that mechanism also allegations that his substantive decisions
applies to other office holders in the fed- were politically biased. The impeachment
eral government. Article II of the Con- failed, and established the tradition that
stitution provides that “civil Officers of Congress cannot use its impeachment
the United States”—and judges are con- power to check the substantive exercise of
sidered to be among these—can “be judicial power. More recently, the impetus
removed from Office on Impeachment for, for the few instances in which judges have
and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or been impeached arose out of and followed

criminal prosecutions of judges. Less Congress empowered the judiciary to set
dramatic instances of misconduct are its own rules of criminal and civil proce-
addressed within the judicial disciplinary dure, and since the promulgation of the
system, which is administered by the judi- Federal Rules of Civil Procedure in 1938,
ciary itself. the Supreme Court (and lower courts in
the case of local rules) has controlled the
C o n t ro l O ve r P ro c e d u re a n d majority of procedural rules in federal
A d m i n i s t r a t i ve I n d e p e n d e n c e courts. The rulemaking process, although
The institutions that allow the judiciary to independent of Congress, is not a clois-
control the environment in which judges tered affair sheltered from public responsi-
do their work are a second factor of judi- bility. The rules are developed by advisory
cial independence. This aspect is not committees that specialize in civil, crimi-
always at the center of considerations of nal, bankruptcy, appellate and evidence
judicial independence, but if one thinks rules. These committees, composed of a
about how a working environment affects broad cross-section of the participants in
one’s work, then one understands that the the legal process—judges, the Department
question of who controls the context in of Justice, law professors, and members of
which judges decide cases matters a great the criminal and civil bar who represent
deal to the idea of the independence of the both plaintiffs and defendants—propose
judiciary. rules, subject them to public comment,
There are three primary institutional and submit them to the Standing
pillars on which U.S. judicial administra- Committee on Rules of Practice and
tion is based. The first is the Judicial Procedure, which in turn submits them
Conference of the United States, which to the Judicial Conference, which recom-
was created in 1922 as the Conference of mends them to the Supreme Court for
Senior Circuit Judges. It is composed of approval. Once the Supreme Court prom-
the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the ulgates a rule, it is sent to Congress and
13 chief judges of the circuits, 12 district becomes effective unless Congress affir-
court judges and the chief judge of the matively rejects it within a statutorily pre-
Court of International Trade. The Judicial scribed time. (Rules of Evidence, however,
Conference is the national policymaking which are considered substantive rather
body for the judiciary, and supervises the than procedural, are proposed by the
Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts. judiciary but must be passed as acts of
Most important is the role that the Judicial Congress.) The power over the procedural
Conference plays in the rulemaking environment in which cases are heard and
process. decisions are rendered is probably the
The first and most central power that power that is nearest the core of institu-
the Constitution leaves to Congress, but tional judicial independence.
whose administration Congress transferred In addition to the Judicial Confer-
to a significant extent to the courts, is the ence, there are two additional institutional
power to set the rules of procedure in components of judicial independence that
court cases. In the Rules Enabling Act, were created by Congress in 1939: the
Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts

and the Circuit Judicial Councils. The first process, the authority to discipline judges
of these addresses the need for centraliza- for transgressions that do not arise from
tion of judicial administration; the second, personal misconduct warranting impeach-
the need for local control by judges over ment was for a very long time unclear.
the environment in which they work. The For many years, the limited use Congress
Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts is made of the impeachment power left a gap
a body of professional administrators sub- in the institutional fabric overseeing judi-
ject to the direction of the Judicial Confer- cial misconduct. During these years, peer
ence, which administers the federal court pressure among judges was the primary
budget, personnel management, procure- source of control, and generally the small
ment and other housekeeping and support size and relative cohesiveness of the feder-
functions. The 13 Circuit Judicial Coun- al judiciary was sufficient. When Congress
cils are composed of the chief judges and created the Circuit Judicial Councils in
an equal number of circuit and district 1939, it was not at all clear that they had
judges. The Councils have two major actual disciplinary power. In 1973, the
duties. First, they provide the administra- judiciary passed the Code of Conduct for
tive oversight body for the circuit by over- U.S. Judges, but a disciplinary system was
seeing the promulgation and efficacy of officially instituted and rationalized only
local rules, reviewing and supporting later, by the Judicial Councils Reform and
requests by the districts for new judge- Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of
ships, and approving district court plans 1980, in which Congress gave the federal
for the administration of juries and trials. judiciary a charter to devise its own self-
Second, the Judicial Councils have the disciplinary framework.
primary responsibility in the judiciary’s Under the act, any person may file
disciplinary system. a complaint that a federal judge “has en-
Another independent but centralized gaged in conduct prejudicial to the effec-
institution of the judiciary is the Federal tive and expeditious administration of the
Judicial Center, created by Congress in business of the courts or…is unable to dis-
1967. The Federal Judicial Center is charge all the duties of office by reason of
headed by the Chief Justice and is com- mental or physical disability.” Since 1990,
posed of six judges selected by the Judi- the chief judge may also act without formal
cial Conference and the director of the filing of a complaint upon obtaining infor-
Administrative Office. The Federal Judi- mation that suggests that action is appro-
cial Center has the responsibility to con- priate. After considering a complaint, the
duct research into judicial administration chief judge may dismiss it by a written
and issues relevant to the administration of order stating reasons, if it does not comply
justice, as well as to propose and prepare with the act’s requirements, if it is directly
educational programs for federal judges. related to the merits or substantive deci-
sion in a case, or if it is frivolous. The
Ju d i c i a l D i s c i p l i n e chief judge may also conclude a pro-
Because judges have life-tenure protection, ceeding if intervening facts—either with
and because the only power of removal respect to the misconduct or with respect
open to Congress is the impeachment to appropriate corrective action—have

resolved the subject matter of the com- judges make, Congress has imposed rules
plaint. that regulate and require financial disclo-
If the chief judge does not dismiss sure of any outside employment, earned
the complaint, he or she must appoint a income, activities, gifts, and honoraria that
special committee to investigate the com- judges may receive. These requirements
plaint and file a written report with the facilitate both awareness and accountabil-
Circuit Judicial Council, and the council ity. The rules of recusal, and the degree to
itself may conduct additional investigation. which judges conscientiously follow them
For example, the Judicial Council may to avoid conflicts of interest and prejudice,
request that a judge retire, impose a freeze are central to assuring the independence
on assignment of cases to the judge, or of judgment, as well as to assuring the per-
issue a private or public reprimand. The ception of the integrity of the judiciary in
act explicitly does not allow the Judicial the eyes of the public.
Council to remove a judge from office,
however. Removal remains possible only Assuring the Efficacy of
upon impeachment. Ju d i c i a l D e c i s i o n s
The most independent of judges, reaching
C o n f l i c t s o f I n t e re s t the most impartial of conclusions, will
The fourth aspect of judicial independence nevertheless be irrelevant to assuring a
is the importance of self-control and avoid- government of laws if government agencies
ance of prejudice. Each individual judge, that courts order to act in a particular
more than any council or committee, is in manner refuse to do so, or if people do
the best position to assure that he or she not pay the damages they are instructed to
does not decide a case in which he or she pay. An orderly society, enforcement mech-
may be influenced by considerations other anisms, and a habit of obedience to courts
than the law. are essential elements of a system in
Congress has imposed on judges a which judicial independence is effective.
statutory duty to disqualify themselves The most vexing questions with
from sitting in a case in which their impar- respect to compliance do not usually arise
tiality may be questioned. Judges have an where the parties in front of a judge are
affirmative duty to investigate and find out private individuals. When a judge issues
whether they or their family members have an order to an individual, the power of
a financial interest in the case before the state is cohesive behind the judgment,
them. A judge must recuse if he or she has and an individual who resists likely will
been involved in a case either by having be facing police officers who enforce the
private knowledge of the facts, by having court order.
acted as a private attorney or in any capa- A more complex problem arises
city for the government in the case, or by when the addressee of an order is the
having worked with a material witness in government, and the government refuses
the case. to comply. Refusal to comply would be
To help in this process of self-reflec- more likely if court orders were general,
tion and recusal, as well as to provide and were directed at institutions rather
some basis for oversight of the decisions than individuals. The tradition in the

United States, however, is that orders are orders are directed to federal officials,
issued to individuals. Thus, for example, if although the threat that federal marshals
a court finds that a person did not receive will knock on the door of any individual
a fair trial and must be released from official specifically identified in a court
prison, a court order on a petition for order remains quite real.
habeas corpus usually will not be issued Beyond all of the institutional assur-
against the state, or against the state’s ances of compliance, however, the most
prison system. Rather, it will be issued important reason to think that a judge’s
against an individual, usually the prison decision will be efficacious is cultural,
warden or the director of a state’s correc- rather than institutional. An orderly soci-
tional system. This places the individual ety, in which people follow the rulings of
who has power to act in the name of the courts as a matter of course, and in which
state in the uncomfortable position of hav- resistance to a valid court order is consid-
ing a court order directed at himself or ered unacceptable, is the core assurance
herself, and creates the potential that, that if cases are heard by impartial judges,
should the official fail to comply, the court who are free from the influences of poli-
will issue a contempt order, imposing a tics, and who decide independently
personal fine or even incarceration pend- according to law, then the people subject
ing compliance. It is much more difficult to court orders will also behave according
for an individual to risk resistance to a to law.
court order than for the state to do so. George Washington claimed that
The most extreme cases of organized “the true administration of justice is the
opposition on the part of state officials to firmest pillar of good government,” while
orders from federal judges occurred in the Alexander Hamilton, in Federalist Paper
late 1950s and early 1960s, when some No. 17, maintained that “the ordinary
states refused to obey orders from federal administration of criminal and civil jus-
judges to desegregate educational institu- tice…contributes, more than any other cir-
tions, buses, and restaurants. For example, cumstance, to impressing upon the minds
when the state of Arkansas refused to of the people affection, esteem, and rever-
desegregate its primary schools, the ence toward the government.” The good
Supreme Court decision in the case, that proper adjudication can do for the
Cooper v. Aaron, reiterated that courts justice and stability of a country is only
must be obeyed and that the desegregation attainable, however, if judges actually
order must be enforced. Following the decide according to law, and are perceived
decision, President Eisenhower sent the by everyone around them to be deciding
National Guard to Little Rock, Arkansas, according to law, rather than according to
to enforce the Court’s ruling. The threat, their own whim or in compliance with the
no matter how remote and rare, that the will of powerful political actors. Judicial
federal executive will use force to support independence provides the organizing
the federal judiciary remains a powerful concept within which we think about and
background when federal judges order develop those institutional assurances
states to act in a particular way. It is not that allow judges to fulfill this important
quite as pronounced, of course, when the social role.
Issues of Democracy, USIA Electronic Journals,Vol. 1, No. 18, Dec. 1996


A Global Effort

An interview with Judge Cynthia Hall, U.S. Court of Appeals,

Ninth Circuit, Pasadena, California, is
Judge Cynthia Hall, chair of the Committee on International
Judicial Relations, established by U.S.
U.S. Court of Appeals,
Supreme Court Chief Justice William H.
Ninth Circuit Rehnquist to encourage international
judicial exchange. In an interview with
contributing editor David Pitts, Hall says
that although there are universal aspects
of judicial independence, maintaining
and strengthening it is a process unique
to each society.

Question.What is the Committee on Interna-

tional Judicial Relations and what is its purpose?

Judge Hall. The Committee on International

Judicial Relations was established to respond
to requests for assistance from judiciaries in
foreign lands. Its principal objective is to help
develop independent judiciaries around the
world. To this end, it facilitates overseas visits
by U.S. federal judges and visits to this coun-
try by foreign judges. It provides training and
also gathers information about judiciaries in
as many countries as possible and makes that

particular country and the status of its
judiciary at the time. The program may be
conducted in the country concerned or in
Washington, D.C.

Q. Naturally, the judicial system in every country

is unique because the history, political develop-
ment, and culture of every country are unique.
But are there some attributes that are essential
to an independent judiciary in every country?

Judge Cynthia Hall A. We don’t try to get any other country to use
our system for those very reasons. We go in to
help them establish an independent judiciary
under their system. But we can tell them what
information available to interested parties, has worked in the United States. Many foreign
including U.S. judges. The committee was judiciaries are under the domination of the
established five years ago. Its membership ministries of justice, which often control the
includes federal judges from all over the appointments process and salary structure.
United States. We have found that judicial independence can
be better safeguarded if the courts are a sepa-
Q. How effective is it? rate branch of government and have control of
their own budget and staff. We have achieved
A. It’s still new, but I believe it is very effec- that in the U.S., but it took many years to fully
tive. For example, the committee sponsored realize it. Also important are key constitutional
the first conference of the supreme courts of safeguards, such as tenure for judges with
the Americas. Five U.S. Supreme Court jus- removal only through impeachment, assurance
tices participated. The committee has been that salaries are adequate and will not be re-
sharing information and improving relations duced while on the bench, and protection for
with the judiciaries in the emerging democra- judges against political interference. Naturally,
cies of Central and Eastern Europe, and in there are limits to the independence of the
the Russian Federation. The committee also judiciary. In the United States, for example,
has been active in Asia and Africa. In South the budget for the judiciary depends on
Africa, for example, it is going to help train Congress, which also determines our juris-
black judges so that the legal system there diction. No part of the government is totally
becomes more representative of all the people. independent of the other branches. But in this
country no politician can tell a judge how to
Q. Are there typical assistance needs? decide his case. That is very important.
A. In many developing countries, the lawyers Q. How significant is judicial review of
need help; the bar associations need help; and
constitutional questions to the concept of
the law schools need help. But we have con-
judicial independence?
centrated on assisting in the development of
independent judiciaries. We ask, “How can we A. I don’t think it’s essential, but certainly it’s
help you? Tell us what you want us to do for important. It provides a means to protect the
you.” We plan a program around the needs as individual from an over-reaching government.
seen in the particular country concerned, not But it is a powerful tool and must be used
as we see them. Each program is tailored to a wisely. In our system, judges do not decide

constitutional questions unless necessary to American courts. How compromising is this to
the decision of the case. If there are any other the maintenance of the rule of law and to the
grounds for deciding the case, you decide on smooth, efficient functioning of an independent
that ground before you go to a constitutional judiciary?
ground. Furthermore, you can raise a constitu-
tional issue in the judiciary only within the A. All courts share this problem: the increase
context of a live, active case. The judiciary in in cases and a more crowded docket. First, it
the United States does not issue any advisory is important to have continuous trials, which
opinion. This helps us keep a balance in how we do in the United States. Once you start,
we use this extraordinary power. It is used sel- you must continue until the trial is concluded.
dom and, I believe, wisely. In many countries, they have discontinuous
trials; one aspect of the case can be tried at
Q. Should judges be elected or appointed, and one point and it may be months before the
should they serve for life? Can judges be really next aspect is tried. In addition, in the U.S.,
independent unless their tenure is for life? the judge controls the speed of the docket
and often pushes to move cases forward. That
A. It is hard to have an independent judiciary helps as well. But still we have a problem
if judges have to stand for election. We have with judicial backlog. In recent years, we
diversity in this country in the manner that have worked very hard on what we call case
judges are selected. Some states require that management. Reforms designed to speed the
judges run for election. That is not the case in process have included required settlement
the federal system. Federal judges are nomi- conferences, mandatory mediation and arbi-
nated by the president and confirmed by the tration, and plea bargaining in criminal cases.
U.S. Senate. This is an open and public pro- These measures have cut down on the number
cess in which the pros and cons of confirming of time-consuming trials. Modern technology,
particular individuals are fully aired. But once particularly computers, also has been of help
they are confirmed, it is not possible to remove in streamlining the process. This whole issue
them unless they are impeached, which results of case management is very important and we
usually from the judge having been guilty of have sought to make foreign judiciaries aware
committing a felony. of some of our successes in this regard. But we
still face the problem, which is exacerbated to
Q. How important are qualifications for judges? some degree by Congress expanding our juris-
diction without increasing our resources to
A. Interestingly, in the United States, we don’t handle the increased load. That is a problem
have any written requirements for the qualifi- in many other countries, also.
cations of federal judges, although most states
do for the state courts. But I think the federal Q. For a country’s judiciary to be independent
appointments process, requiring a public con- and fair, it must be seen. How open to the public
firmation proceeding, encourages the president and to the media should courts be? How open
to seek highly-qualified lawyers.
are they in the United States?

Q. There are great pressures on American courts A. In this country, you are entitled to a public
because of the increase in litigation and the back- trial. This means the public is allowed to come
log of cases. Presumably, these pressures are into the courtroom and witness a trial, and
even greater in countries where the judiciaries courts are only closed in the rarest of cases. In
cannot be funded as generously as they are in recent years, however, we have wrestled with
the question to what extent the courts should

be open to the wider public through television, Southern states’ education-segregation laws to
by allowing cameras in the courtroom. Does be unconstitutional.
television promote openness or does it skew Most judgments, it should be said, are
the process by affecting the way lawyers and much easier to carry out because they are
judges act and witnesses testify? In the federal against individuals. We have marshals to
system, we now have a policy that no cameras enforce our judgments against individuals.
are allowed in criminal trials. Federal judges Plus, we have the power of contempt. People
have an option, however, in civil cases. On can be jailed in contempt for failing to abide
the state level, some states have adopted open by a court decision. Any individual, however,
courtrooms, which includes allowing televi- can seek a writ of habeas corpus and demand
sion, although after the highly publicized mur- to go before a judge so that it can be deter-
der trial of athlete O.J. Simpson, a number of mined whether or not he should be held in
the judges in California, where the trial was jail. We have become fairly effective in this
held, have decided to opt out of television cov- country in enforcing decisions, but it is still
erage. Having open courtrooms in some form difficult in many countries. It takes a long
is what’s important. Now the question also is, time for courts to obtain a smooth enforcement
“Is everyone in the United States entitled to of judgments.
sit in the courtroom via television?” We’re still
studying what the effects are. Q. How would you sum up the experience of
the judiciary in the United States?
Q. How important is judicial enforcement to
judicial independence? A. The judiciary in this country is in the very
fortunate position of being both powerful and
A. Enforcement of judgments is very important highly respected. Politicians interfere with the
and a very different problem worldwide. We process at their peril. It is very important that
have become quite effective in the United no one, no matter how powerful, be able to tell
States, but it has taken us 200 years to become a judge how to decide a case. Unfortunately, in
so. Consider a famous case during the 1830s. some countries around the world, “telephone
It involved a judgment that the U.S. Supreme justice,” in which politicians or other powerful
Court made in favor of the Cherokee Nation, figures try to interfere with judicial decision-
which had been granted some land in perpetu- making, is all too common. It will take a lot of
ity in the state of Georgia, on which gold was work, and a lot of courage, to maintain inde-
later discovered. President Andrew Jackson pendent judiciaries, particularly in societies
declined to enforce the Supreme Court’s rul- where the experience of democracy is rela-
ing, saying: “Chief Justice John Marshall has tively recent. But I think that in the emerging
made his decision, now let him enforce it!” democracies particularly, people see the bene-
But in 1957, President Dwight D. Eisen- fit and the need for an independent judiciary
hower took a different attitude toward the not only for their own citizens, but also to
1954 Supreme Court decision in Brown v. encourage foreign investment.
Board of Education, which ruled that segregat-
ed schools were unconstitutional. Eisenhower
sent troops to Little Rock, Arkansas, to enforce Issues of Democracy, USIA Electronic Journals, Vol. 1, No. 18, Dec. 1996

the Supreme Court decision.

So the willingness of the chief executive
to enforce court decisions is very important,
particularly in a case of that magnitude where
the Supreme Court had, in effect, declared the


His Honor
and the
Kristin Helmore

Judge Luis G. Perez of the Worcester,

Massachusetts, Juvenile Court, often
J udge Luis G. Perez likes to
tell a story to illustrate the wrong
way to handle juvenile offenders.
must act as parent and friend as well
Not long after he became First Justice of
as judge as he decides the fate of the Juvenile Court of Worcester County,
Massachusetts, in 1987, a probation
troubled youths in the courtroom.
officer took him aside to urge particularly
Journalist Kristin Helmore looks at tough treatment of a young probationer
who had been arrested for disturbing
Judge Perez’s emphasis on correction
the peace. The boy had been absent from
rather than punishment in dealing school for about a month, in violation of
with juvenile offenders. the terms of his probation. The officer
said that the boy was an especially hard
case and needed to be frightened into
compliance with the law.
Judge Perez took the advice and
harangued the young man unmercifully,
threatening him with escalating punish-
ments that could culminate in his incar-
ceration until he reached age 21, if he did
not mend his evil ways. The boy stood in
the dock, his shoulders shaking with sobs.
Finally Judge Perez bellowed, “Where do
you go when you don’t go to school?”

“To the cemetery,” the boy whim- behind the judge is an American flag,
pered. and next to it, taped to the wall, are large
To the judge’s horror, he found that drawings children have made for him
no one had bothered to discover that the containing exhortations against violence,
boy’s father had died about a month drug use, gangs, and similar ills of modern
before, and that the devastated youngster society. These walls are so thin that the
had been spending every day at the judge occasionally asks a court officer to
gravesite, grieving. request quiet in the crowded, noisy waiting
Judge Perez learned two important room outside.
lessons from this incident. First, make sure
that every member of his staff of 85 does A Ty p i c a l D ay
their homework and learns as much as Each time Judge Perez walks through
possible about the lives of the young peo- the waiting room, he stops briefly to greet
ple whom they serve. Second, treat each one or two of the teenagers whom he has
juvenile in the court system with kindness, come to know personally after they have
“like a human being.” run afoul of the law. Some he greets in his
native Spanish, some in fluent English
An Easy Rappor t with a distinctly Massachusetts accent.
The courtroom of Judge Luis G. Perez in There are several doors leading from this
this second largest city in New England waiting-room,
(the population of metropolitan Worcester but all of them have had the cheap metal
is about 170,000) is a modest, unpreten- nameplates on them removed, making it
tious place, and Judge Perez is a modest hard to find one’s way. “Kids do it,” says
man. The black-robed judge sits alone on Perez with an easy-going chuckle. “It
the bench, at the top of a low, three-tiered must be kids. Who else would take all
pyramid of unpainted wood. Below him at the signs?”
floor level are attorneys, prosecutors and On a typical day, Judge Perez hears
probation officers, and two clerks peering as many as 40 cases. On a recent morning,
into a computer screen. the list includes a 15-year-old girl who has
Nowadays, he speaks in a soft voice, been arrested for assault and battery with
in a relaxed manner. He asks young defen- a dangerous weapon; a couple of boys who
dants a lot of personal questions, and is have been driving without a license; a
not above mediating between a juvenile 16-year-old-boy accused of raping a 16-
and his or her parents on matters pertain- year-old girl; a 15-year-old girl arrested
ing to behavior at home. An easy rapport for possession of 10 vials of crack cocaine;
is evident between the judge and his staff and a 15-year-old girl charged with attack-
as well. All rise to their feet whenever ing her mother with a knife. One defendant
they address him and they call him “Your is Vietnamese and one is white. Most,
Honor,” but the atmosphere is collegial however, are Hispanic. In Worcester,
rather than hierarchical. Between cases, Latinos constitute the largest minority,
friendly banter is the norm. with about 20,000 people, 80 percent of
The walls of the courtroom are paint- whom are Puerto Rican. Asians and
ed a pale, institutional pink. In the corner

African-Americans number about 5,000 His father was already retired, and his
each. mother, who had left school in the third
The rape case is dismissed because grade to help support her family, was a
the alleged victim refused to appear in laborer. When he was in high school he
court. The youths who drove without a saw a friend stabbed to death. “I know
license are ordered to obtain one and what these kids go through,” he says. “I
report to the judge by a certain date. All could easily have gone the same way.”
the other defendants are put on probation.
In Judge Perez’s court, this can involve a A Major Impact
number of conditions, including house One would hardly know it to look at him
arrest, “stay-away” orders designed to sep- today. Tall, well-dressed, with wavy, slight-
arate enemies, regular school attendance, ly thinning dark hair, a thick dark mus-
a 6:00 p.m. curfew, scheduled meetings tache and wire-rimmed glasses, he could
with probation officers, attendance at one be a businessman or a lawyer. He returns
or more of ten special educational pro- to Puerto Rico whenever he can, and
grams offered to probationers by the court, hopes to retire there.
and alternative sentencing—the perfor- “I’ve always been involved with my
mance of a specified number of hours of community,” says Perez over half a sand-
community service. Detention is avoided wich and soup at Lucky’s Cafe, a friendly
whenever possible. For Judge Perez, who little diner across the street from the court-
grew up in conditions similar to many of house. Lucky’s, where the judge is a regu-
these youngsters, incarceration of juveniles lar, is in a converted factory building, as is
only compounds the problem. the juvenile court—a huge, square brick
building where trolley-car switches were
H e l p i n g K i d s i n Tro u b l e once made. “I’ve always been a person
“When you start locking kids up, there’s a who has tried to make justice available for
much greater risk that you’ll be locking up everybody,” he continues, “to open the
those same kids again and again,” says doors of discrimination to people—trying
Perez. “By getting tougher on kids and to make this world a better place for all of
treating them as adults, you’re not going to us to live in.”
correct the problem. You’re going to make As a student and young attorney he
it worse. We’ll just have a younger popula- was a leader in various campaigns to
tion going to jail and an older population improve the lot of minorities, ensuring that
staying in jail. When you start putting the schools implemented bilingual educa-
people in jail, they become worse people, tion laws. He also oversaw efforts to recon-
not better people.” figure Worcester’s voting districts in a way
Helping kids in trouble to become that better represented the diversity of the
“better people” is Judge Perez’s goal. After population. He had great visions of all he
all, he identifies strongly with them. He would accomplish, but he never bargained
came to Worcester from Puerto Rico in on juvenile court.
1960 at age ten, speaking no English. As “It was a good friend of mine, a
a result, he was put back in school two priest, who convinced me,” he says. “I had
grades because of his language difficulties. been offered the position of Juvenile Court

Justice and I had turned it down. So he task of monitoring probationers’ behavior
called me and we had breakfast and he is getting much easier.
said, “Where else do you think you’re “Just recently we placed a full-time
going to play such a big role in the future probation officer at a school,” says Perez.
of this city? You want to have a major “He has the responsibility to work with
impact? Have a major impact with our parents in a preventive way, instead of
children. They’re the future.’ Well,” says waiting until their kids come into the court
Perez with a grin, “after ten years on the system. They (probation officers) also
bench I can tell you that he was absolutely educate the students about what type of
right.” behavior we expect from them. They’re
available to the staff at the school in crisis
Wo r k i n g W i t h t h e situations. And they have more hands-on
Community supervision of the kids who are on proba-
This is a man who loves his work. He may tion and who go to that school.”
be dealing with a thick web of apparently Then, for the really tough cases,
intractable social problems and a seeming- there’s the bracelet: an electronic monitor-
ly endless stream of human tragedy, but he ing device worn on the wrist that enables
retains his relaxed sense of humor because probation officers to keep track of a juve-
he has seen the effectiveness of his nile’s whereabouts at all times. Ten of
approach: work with the community, from these bracelets were purchased by the
within the community. Apply strict rules Massachusetts Department of Youth
for young people at an early age, demand Services at Perez’s request. So far, some
responsibility and accountability from 200 youngsters under house arrest have
them, and give them the information that used the bracelet, saving the state about
will help them make the right decisions for $100,000 over the cost of detention.
their lives. Put them in settings that will
give them a sense of self-worth and accom- Art, Not Graffiti
plishment rather than frustration and Collaboration such as this with a key
aggression. social institution is another hallmark of
When he speaks of working within Judge Perez’s community-based approach.
the community, Judge Perez means that his Traditionally, he says, the courts, the state
probation officers do not just sit at their agencies, the police, the schools, and the
desks eight hours a day receiving sched- city government all operated in isolation
uled visits from clients, as they did under from one another, experiencing consider-
his predecessor. It has been a hard strug- able tension when their various fiefdoms
gle, but he has finally convinced them of collided. “If we all work together,” he
the value of being on the street: visiting adds, “if we sit down at the table and dis-
youngsters in their homes, their schools, cuss our common problems, we can all
their places of work and recreation, their work much more effectively.” Perez him-
foster homes. The frequent presence of self has worked closely with the police on
these officers is having a stabilizing effect the issue of gangs, for example, conducting
in the neighborhoods of Worcester, and the research into the identity and activities of

gangs, and devising strategies to minimize Take truancy. Judge Perez will not
gang violence and prevent new gangs from tolerate it. In Worcester, a police officer
forming. has the right to arrest any youngster who
He also has worked with the police is on the street when school is in session.
and with local businesses on the problem The child is assigned three days of com-
of graffiti, following a very simple rule: munity service, such as cleaning the bath-
whoever produces graffiti will clean it up. rooms at his or her school. “One aspect of
Many hours of community service have it that I like is that there’s a consequence
been spent cleaning the walls of Worcester for the child’s behavior,” says Perez. “For
as a result. The town is now largely free of the next three days that child will do com-
graffiti, and a number of the youngsters munity service and get credit for it. All the
involved have been awarded scholarships parties come together in our truancy center
by the Worcester Art Museum, “Because upstairs—the parents, the school person-
they had the talent,” says Judge Perez. “It nel, a probation officer—to talk about why
just had to be channeled in a better way. (the child) wasn’t in school.”
Now they’re going to art classes, but first
they did their hours of community service Tu r n i n g Yo u n g
cleaning the walls!” L i ve s A ro u n d
Perez is so concerned, in fact, with solving
A P h i l o s o p hy o f young people’s problems at an early age,
I n t e r ve n t i o n that he cited the Worcester Department of
Correction rather than punishment. Education for contempt of court for failing
Prevention rather than reaction. This is to comply with his order to investigate why
why, for example, Perez did not punish a certain teenage girl had been absent for
the young Vietnamese boy for driving at a total of almost three years of school. It
2:00 a.m. through the streets of Worcester turned out that she had been referred to a
without a license. “If I had found him special education program in the second
delinquent, he wouldn’t have had a chance grade, but had never been placed in the
to get his license until he was 21,” the program. “This was someone’s responsi-
judge explains. “Then what would he do? bility, and they had failed to meet it,” he
Here’s a young man, he’s 16, he can’t go says indignantly. But it was his confronta-
to work. We have public transportation, tion with the Education Department that
but on most routes it’s once an hour. So changed the pattern of isolation and lack
what does he do? He gets frustrated. He of cooperation in which each institution
can’t get a job. What does he turn to? had worked in the past.
When the fast money is on the table, “As a result of that, we came to an
how does he say no?” agreement with the public schools that
This is the philosophy of early inter- they would make sure that if a child needs
vention. At an early age, keep them in line special education programs, or needs
over the small things, give them opportuni- evaluation, they would immediately take
ties to do the right thing, and they won’t care of it,” he adds. “Since then my door
get in trouble over the big things later on. started being opened to the school depart-
ment. I said, ‘Let’s see how we can work

together.’ We got into truancies, we got into
special education, we got into the issue of
violence in the schools.” This is what
Perez means by community in action.
But then there was the issue of
weapons in the schools, a seemingly
irreconcilable difference in this newfound
partnership. The schools of Worcester had
a strict rule that any child caught with a
weapon in school would be suspended for
one year, no exceptions. Perez ruled that
it was unconstitutional to deprive these
children of education. The school depart-
ment took the case to the Massachusetts
Superior Court—and Perez’s decision was
overturned. Then he tried another tack. He
agreed with the superintendent of schools
to start a special school for problem chil-
dren such as these right in the courthouse
building—just upstairs from where Perez
sits on the bench every day. “We wanted
our probation officers to be available for
consultation and to work with these kids,
before they’re on probation,” he says.
“Most of the troublemakers in the public
school population are upstairs, more than
200 of them. It’s an alternative school.
Small classrooms. It seems to be working.
I go upstairs, speak to the kids. I say, “I
was like you, but I turned my life around.
This is my life today.’”

Issues of Democracy, USIA Electronic Journals, Vol. 1, No. 18, Dec. 1996

The Federal
Judiciary and
Richard P. Conaboy
U.S. Sentencing S entencing is one of a judge’s
most difficult jobs. The power to
take away a person’s money, liberty,
Commission or even life, is an awesome responsibil-
ity. Sentences must be fair and impartial
and based only on relevant considerations.
In the quest for equal justice for all, No favoritism can be shown to persons
the judicial system has imposed upon based on their race, religion, creed, or
political party. Thus, judicial indepen-
itself new guidelines for judges in dence—freedom from public passions
determining sentences.The Chairman or partisan pressure—is very important
in the sentencing process.
of the U.S. Sentencing Commission
At the same time, judges cannot
describes how federal sentencing be given unfettered discretion to impose
whatever sentences they please. Over the
guidelines encourage fairness and
entrance to the U.S. Supreme Court is
what alternative sentencing options emblazoned the ideal of the American
a judge may now consider. legal system: “Equal Justice Under Law.”
Since the sentencing judge often will be
from a different ethnic group, or of a dif-
ferent gender or religion than the defen-
dant who is being sentenced, in a pluralis-
tic society like the United States, citizens
must have confidence that anyone who

breaks the law will be treated like any while in prison). Most importantly, judges
other person who commits the same crime. have guidance to help them determine
what sentence is appropriate, which
L aw W i t h o u t O r d e r assures their peers and the public that
In the past, scholars and politicians different judges using the same rules will
became concerned that judges’ decisions arrive at the same conclusion.
might be skewed by their natural ability to
understand persons like themselves better Ju d g e s H e l p t o S h a p e
than persons who were different, which S e n t e n c i n g Po l i c y
could lead to some defendants being treat- By law, at least three of the seven voting
ed differently than others. members of the Sentencing Commission
In Criminal Sentences: Law Without must be federal judges. In addition, the
Order, published in 1972, former federal Commission is obliged by statute to con-
judge Marvin Frankel described the sen- sult with the governing body of the federal
tencing system as “law without order.” At judiciary—the Judicial Conference of
the time, the criminal statutes gave judges the United States—concerning possible
broad ranges of sentences from which to improvements in the guidelines. Thus,
choose. Judges were given no guidance while the guidelines may restrict a judge’s
about what sentences were most typically power when sentencing a particular case,
handed down by other judges, or what judicial input to the Commission provides
sentences would be most effective. As a judges with a new avenue for influencing
result, judges with different philosophies the sentencing rules that are applicable
imposed different sentences on similar to all cases.
offenders. This aspect of the Sentencing Re-
In addition, a judge’s sentence did form Act was controversial at first. Some
not determine the time that an offender people thought that the guidelines should
actually spent in prison. Criminals could be developed entirely by judges. Others
be released early by a parole commission. thought that sentencing rules should be
Most offenders served only one-third or established by Congress. The compromise
one-half of the sentence imposed by the represented by creation of the Sentencing
judge. Many people believed that this Commission, and its placement within the
eroded respect for both the court and judicial branch of government, was intend-
the law. ed to insulate sentencing policy to some
The Sentencing Reform Act of 1984 extent from the political passions of the
changed all this by abolishing parole and day. The Commission would serve as an
creating the U.S. Sentencing Commission, independent, expert agency that could
which established a system of guidelines establish sentencing policy on the basis
for judges to use when imposing sentence. of research and reason.
Today, we have “truth in sentencing” At the same time, sentencing policy
and offenders serve the sentence that is had to be politically accountable.
imposed by the judge (minus a maximum Commissioners are appointed by the presi-
of 15 percent if they show good behavior dent and confirmed by the Senate. And the

Commission is bound by directives from but everyone knows that the same rules
Congress that may require it to increase apply in every courthouse in the United
punishments or change the sentencing States. The rules help guarantee that
rules in various ways. The result is a similar defendants are treated in a like
“quasi-legislative” agency within the manner.
judicial branch, which was initially chal-
lenged in 1989 as a violation of the U.S. T h e R o l e o f t h e Ju d g e
Constitution’s principle of “separation of Judges have an important job in the sen-
powers.” The U.S. Supreme Court rejected tencing guidelines system. They must
this challenge in Mistretta v. United States, determine the facts of the case and the
and upheld the constitutionality of the defendant’s past criminal record. In U.S.
Commission and its rulemaking judges. federal courts, judges make their decision
at a sentencing hearing, at which prosecu-
Emphasis Placed on tors and defendants can present evidence
Relevant Factors and address the court. Court staff prepare
The sentencing guidelines describe exactly a “pre-sentencing report” that includes
what facts are important for determining a description of the crime and its impact
a sentence. The defendant’s race, sex, on victims. The report also describes
national origin, religion, and socio-eco- the criminal history of the defendant and
nomic status are prohibited from consider- information about the defendant’s back-
ation. Instead, the sentence is based large- ground, family, education, employment,
ly on the seriousness of the crime and on and other factors.
the defendant’s past criminal record. In forming the guidelines, Congress
For example, one of the most com- and the Commission recognized that no set
mon types of crimes in U.S. federal courts of rules—no matter how detailed—could
is drug trafficking. The sentence in these anticipate every possible situation. Thus,
cases is based largely on the amount of in the words of the Sentencing Reform Act,
drugs produced, smuggled, or sold by the “[if] the court finds that there exists an
defendant. The sentence is increased if aggravating or mitigating circumstance
the defendant possessed a gun during the of a kind, or to a degree, not adequately
offense, or if he or she was convicted of taken into consideration by the Senten-
selling drugs near a school, or to a child or cing Commission in formulating the guide-
pregnant woman. Leaders of criminal orga- lines,” a judge can “depart” from the rules
nizations get longer sentences. Offenders and impose an appropriate sentence under
who admit their crime and accept respon- the circumstances.
sibility get shorter sentences than those Judges must state on the record,
who deny committing the crime. Finally, however, what facts in a particular case
the sentence is increased if the defendant justify a departure from the guidelines.
has committed other crimes. These facts might then be reviewed by an
Under rules like these, everyone can appellate court if either the prosecutor or
see how a sentence is determined. Not the defendant chooses to appeal the case,
everyone agrees with every rule the which they have a right to do if a departure
Sentencing Commission has established, goes against them. The Sentencing Reform

Act has involved appeals courts in the sen- ated in some countries with political
tencing process to a much greater degree opposition and police detention) the
than before the guidelines were imple- federal home-confinement program is a
mented, by empowering appeals courts to judicially managed system of punishment
review sentences, thus ensuring that the and control for offenders deemed safe
guidelines are properly applied. enough to live in their own homes, but
requiring a high degree of supervision.
Sentencing Options
As a result of the guidelines, a sentenc- N e w Te c h n o l o g y M a ke s
ing judge must decide whether to send E n h a n c e d S u r ve i l l a n c e
a defendant to prison or to use one of Po s s i b l e
the sentencing options that are provided. In the U.S. federal judicial system, tech-
Defendants convicted of the least serious nology in the form of electronic monitors
crimes may be sentenced to simple proba- helps make home confinement a tough and
tion, that is, supervision in the community safe sentencing alternative. Electronic
under the direction of a probation officer. monitors are not necessary to begin a
For somewhat more serious crimes, a judge home-confinement program: in some
may choose from three intermediate sanc- cities, probation officers simply call or
tions—community confinement, intermit- drop by offenders’ homes periodically to
tent confinement, and home detention. ensure that they are there. But electronic
For even more serious crimes, judges may monitoring gives judges added confidence
impose a “split sentence,” in which the to use home confinement with more seri-
defendant spends a short time in prison ous offenders whose whereabouts they
and the remainder of the sentence in one wish to follow closely.
of the intermediate sanctions. During home confinement, an
Community confinement means offender wears an electronic bracelet
residence in a treatment center outside the that communicates by radio signal with
prison walls, such as a “half-way house” receivers attached to the phone lines in his
or drug rehabilitation center. Community or her home. If the offender moves more
confinement may be imposed instead of than 55 meters away from the receivers,
prison time, or as a means of easing transi- they automatically will call computers
tion back into the community after time that monitor them. The computers check
spent in prison. Intermittent confinement records to determine if the offender was
means the defendant is free to go to work authorized to leave home at that particular
or live at home for part of the week, but time. If not, the offender’s probation offi-
must spend time in jail on weekends. cer is notified and efforts to locate the
Home confinement is the newest of offender begin. Electronic-monitoring
the intermediate sanctions, and its use has equipment also detects attempts to remove
grown dramatically in U.S. federal courts or tamper with the transmitter-bracelet
in the past decade. As of 1996, over worn by the defendant, or loss of phone
18,000 federal prisoners spent some time service to the offender’s house. Criminol-
in home confinement. Originally called ogist James M. Byrne has noted: “The
“house arrest” (and unfortunately associ- evidence to date indicates that home

confinement may be a viable intermediate
sanction, and electronically monitoring
compliance with home confinement orders
appears to work at least as well as manual
methods of monitoring.” In fact, many
offenders feel that home confinement is
as punitive as prison. Some have even
refused placement in home confinement,
preferring to spend their time in jail with
greater social interaction and recreational
As of 1996, among probationers sen-
tenced to home confinement in the federal
system, 93.5 percent successfully com-
plete their sentence. About six percent
violate program rules by repeatedly leav-
ing home, testing positive for drug use, or
tampering with electronic equipment.

T h e F u t u re o f F e d e r a l
Political pressure is great whenever crime
is a top public concern and when sentenc-
ing is seen as a solution to the crime prob-
lem. Congress continually mandates new
minimum sentences for certain types of
offenses, instead of allowing the guidelines
to determine which sentences are appro-
priate. And such statutes often make it
more difficult for the Commission to estab-
lish rules that ensure fairness and propor-
tionality among the many types of crimes
sentenced in the federal courts. But as the
Commission enters its second decade, it is
working to find new and better ways to
accomplish the twin goals of controlling
crime while treating fairly those persons
who break the law.

Issues of Democracy, USIA Electronic Journals, Vol. 1, No. 18, Dec. 1996

in American
James G. Apple
Case-management techniques have
greatly assisted judges in the United
W hen I first began practicing
law in the early 1960s in a state in the
Midwestern United States, case manage-
States during the past 20 years in ment was unknown in both the federal and
coping with large and complex case state courts. Lawyers generally controlled
the course of civil litigation. They deter-
loads, controlling pre-trial discovery,
mined when and how pre-trial discovery
and reducing costs and delays in the was to be conducted, when a case would
courts. In an abridgment of an article be tried, and, for the most part, how a case
first published in The Litigator (1995, would be tried. The lawyers would decide
whether and when written interrogatories
pp. 373-376), James G. Apple, chief of
would be served on opposing counsel,
the Interjudicial Affairs Office at the when pre-trial depositions would be taken,
U.S. Federal Judicial Center in Wash- and when a case was ready for trial. At the
ington, D.C., discusses the advantages completion of all pre-trial activities one
or both of the lawyers would file a motion
of using case management to allevi-
to assign the case for trial, and only then
ate the pressures on an often over- would the judge become involved by plac-
burdened court system. ing the case on the trial calendar.
Times have changed dramatically in
U.S. courts. In most courts—both federal
and state—especially in urban areas,
almost all judges now use one or more

techniques of case management. The ◗ Increasing case loads in both
term signifies the active intervention by federal and state courts.
the judge in the pre-trial process to help Case filings have increased dramati-
move the case through the system. A judge cally in the past 20 years, and have
adopting a complete case-management increased more rapidly than the ability of
approach to civil trial practice takes con- the federal government and state govern-
trol of the case after the initial pleadings ments to create additional judgeships to
have been filed, determines the course handle the increasing workload. For exam-
of pre-trial proceedings and activities, ple, in the federal courts between 1970
decides when the case will be assigned and 1990, the number of civil case filings
for trial, and sets a firm trial date. increased from 87,231 to 217,879. The
number of judgeships during the same
Reasons for Using period rose only from 401 to 575. The civil
Case Management caseload per federal judge per year in
Authorization for practicing case manage- 1970 was 217. By 1990 it was 379.
◗ Increasing complexity of cases.
ment actually existed in the U.S. Federal
Rules of Civil Procedure when they were More and more cases, both at federal
first adopted for the federal courts in and state level, involve multiple parties
1938. The techniques authorized were, represented by multiple lawyers or law
however, rarely used. Federal and state firms, multiple claims, complex legal
judges first began to embrace case-man- issues, and the presentation of technical
agement principles and practices on a evidence, all of which require coordination
regular basis only in the late 1970s, and and control of the pre-trial process. Typical
such practices became widespread only of these kinds of cases are airline and
in the 1980s and early 1990s. hotel disaster cases and toxic tort cases,
In 1977, the U.S. Federal Judicial such as asbestos litigation.
◗ Increasing use of the pre-trial
Center prepared a report on case and court
management in which the worth of the discovery process.
practice was briefly outlined: Before the 1970s, pre-trial discovery
“Empirical studies reveal that when in most routine cases involved the serving
a trial judge intervenes personally at an of a simple set of written interrogatories
early stage to assume judicial control over and the taking of one or two depositions.
a case and to schedule dates for comple- Currently, even in the most routine civil
tion by the parties of the principal pre-trial cases, pre-trial activity on both sides regu-
steps, the case is disposed of by settlement larly involves several sets of written inter-
or trial more efficiently and with less cost rogatories; extensive (both in number and
and delay than when the parties are left to length) depositions; requests for produc-
their own devices.” tion of documents or objects; numerous
There are several significant reasons pre-trial motions, all of which consume
why more and more judges in the United large amounts of time; and, inevitably,
States are using case management tech- administrative and legal issues that must
niques: be resolved by the judge.

Active intervention by the judge raised and addressed in:
to control and coordinate the pre-trial ◗ the initial scheduling conference
process has therefore become a necessity and resulting scheduling order
if any efficiency in the progress of the case ◗ a preliminary pre-trial conference
through the court and the expeditious res- ◗ a discovery conference
olution of issues is to be achieved. ◗ a settlement conference
Space limitations prevent a full ◗ a final pre-trial conference.
account of all case-management tech- For example, in the modern manage-
niques that are available to a federal judge ment of an airline or hotel disaster case
under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure involving multiple plaintiffs and defen-
and by modern administrative practices. dants and multiple claims, the judge
Federal judges often use individual (as would hold a scheduling conference imme-
opposed to master) calendars for docket diately after the initial pleadings are filed,
control, alternative dispute resolution during which specific times and time lim-
techniques, and the use of law clerks and its would be discussed and set for amend-
computers to assist them in handling the ing pleadings, filing pre-trial motions,
increased case loads. completing discovery, exchanging expert
witness information, holding additional
Federal Rule 16 conferences, and setting a tentative or firm
The basic case-management practices in trial date. After the scheduling conference,
the federal courts for civil cases derive the judge would issue a scheduling order
from rule 16 of the Federal Rules of Civil containing all of the times and time limits
Procedure. Rule 16 provides for the and other limitations on pre-trial processes
issuance of a “scheduling order” relating established at the scheduling conference.
to pre-trial activities following a schedul- The judge might subsequently hold
ing conference, and a series of pre-trial a preliminary pre-trial conference to deter-
conferences between the lawyers and the mine progress on such matters as discov-
judge. Some of the procedures are manda- ery and settlement, and to narrow the
tory, e.g., the initial scheduling order, and legal and factual issues to be tried. The
some are discretionary, e.g., the final pre- judge might decide that the complexity
trial conference. and extent of discovery make a discovery
Pre-trial orders and conferences are conference necessary, to set out the para-
designed to resolve issues relating to juris- meters of discovery for each party, includ-
diction; additional pleadings; the signifi- ing limitations on the number and extent
cant legal and factual issues of a case; of depositions, rules for the exchange of
attorneys’ fees; settlement of the dispute; information regarding the substance of
time for and limitations on all discovery, expert witness testimony, and rules and
including interrogatories, depositions, and limitations for the production of docu-
requests for production of documents; ments, as well as to establish a document
hearings on motions; evidentiary matters, depository. At some point in the pre-trial
including issues of admissibility at trial; process, the judge would want to ascertain
damages; and assignment of the case to the possibilities of settlement and order a
the trial calendar. These matters can be settlement conference, conducted by the

judge, a magistrate judge, or special mas- Case management also applies to
ter, and attended by not only the lawyers the conduct of the trial itself. While judges
in the case, but also their clients or repre- cannot take over the case and assume the
sentatives of the clients who would have role of the lawyers, they can assist in the
settlement authority. conduct of just and speedy trials by per-
Finally, the judge, faced with the sonally conducting voir dire: assisting the
prospect of a long and complicated trial, jury in understanding a case by permitting
would hold a final pre-trial conference, jurors to take notes and ask questions;
to narrow and make final the issues to be reducing the number of bench conferences
tried, establish the order of proof, delin- and other trial interruptions; encouraging
eate the manner of presentation of evi- the use of visual aids, such as projectors
dence and the conduct of examination and with transparencies or slides for better jury
cross-examination of witnesses, and enter understanding of the evidence; instructing
orders on other matters relating to the con- the jury before the beginning of the intro-
duct of the trial. By all of these mecha- duction of evidence and possibly also at
nisms the judge would maintain control the conclusion of the presentation of all
of the case, be kept advised of its progress, the evidence; and preparing and present-
provide for its orderly conduct, and keep ing instructions to the jury in clear and
the time and expenses of the case as low understandable language.
as possible.
M a g i s t r a t e Ju d g e s
“ R o c ke t D o c ke t ” The use of magistrate judges for a variety
One of the more extreme case-manage- of pre-trial activities and the appointment
ment techniques in the federal courts of special masters for certain types of liti-
exists in the U.S. District Court for the gation also need to be mentioned.
Eastern District of Virginia. The judges Magistrate judges in the U.S. federal
in that court maintain what is popularly judicial system were created by Congress
known as the “rocket docket,” to provide in Chapter 43 of Title 28 of the U.S. Code.
for the expeditious handling of all civil Magistrate judges exist at the district court
cases. The judges routinely order, early in level, and assist the district judge in his
the case, a short scheduling conference at or her work. The use of magistrate judges
which specific dates are set for completion varies considerably from court to court.
of discovery, and the case is at that time For example, a busy district judge can
assigned a firm trial date. Once the case dispense with many routine and complex
is assigned for trial, the date is “written in pre-trial matters relating to the conduct
stone,” meaning that it cannot be changed of a specific case by referring them to a
under any circumstances. The use of these magistrate judge. Among the activities in
procedures has resulted in many settle- which magistrate judges are authorized to
ments and a docket situation where a case engage are:
which is not settled usually goes to trial ◗ conducting hearings on case-
within six to eight months from the time of dispositive motions, e.g., motions
the filing of the complaint. for judgment on the pleadings or
motions for summary judgment

◗ conducting hearings on non-case the use of a magistrate judge for purposes
dispositive motions, such as motions of case management: the reference of parts
for the production of certain kinds of of the case to another authorized profes-
evidence sional for the conduct of non-dispositive
◗ supervising pre-trial discovery activities and procedures, to free the time
◗ conducting various kinds of pre-trial of the district judge for essential and dis-
conferences positive activities and actions in a parti-
◗ overseeing or conducting alternative cular case and the management of other
dispute resolution procedures cases.
◗ serving as a special master.
A Small Amount of Time
Special Masters Judge William W. Schwarzer, immediate
The use of special masters in the United past director of the Federal Judicial
States derived from their use in the United Center, emphasizes the need for the use
Kingdom in chancery cases to assist the of case-management techniques in his
chancery court on issues of evidence and instructional pamphlet, The Elements of
accounting matters before, during and Case Management, published in 1991.
after trials. “Faced with crowded dockets, federal
The appointment of special masters judges may worry that they cannot keep
in the U.S. federal system is authorized by up except by working oppressive hours. In
rule 53 of the Federal Rules of Civil Pro- fact, the heavy burdens of the job make it
cedure. Under that rule, the word “master” imperative that they pace themselves and
includes “a referee, an auditor, an examin- keep reasonable hours to prevent burnout.
er, and an assessor.” Appointments of mas- This places all the more emphasis on han-
ters are the exception rather than the rule dling cases with the maximum efficiency
and are authorized in actions to be tried consistent with justice. A small amount of
before a jury “only when the issues are a judge’s time devoted to case manage-
complicated.” For non-jury trials the ment early in a case can save vast mounts
appointment of a master may be made of time later on. Judges who think they are
“only upon a showing that some excep- too busy to manage cases are really too
tional condition requires it.” busy not to. Indeed, the busiest judges
In the context of modern court with the heaviest dockets are often the
dockets, many civil cases meet the rule’s ones most in need of sound case manage-
requirement of “complication” for jury ment practices.”
trials and “exceptional conditions” for
non-jury trials. Special masters are Issues of Democracy, USIA Electronic Journals, Vol. 1, No. 18, Dec. 1996

allowed under the rule to conduct hear-

ings, order the production of evidence,
hear testimony, and prepare reports for
the court and proposed findings of fact
and conclusions of law.
The use of a special master by the
district judge has the same advantages as


Following are three profiles of judicial active judges and law professors, who conduct
training institutions in the United States. a specific seminar.
The National Judicial College welcomes
The National Judicial College
participants and observers from around the
University of Nevada, Reno/358
world. Some English-speaking jurists have
Reno, NV 89557 elected to participate in regular course activi-
USA ties, while others have come principally to
The National Judicial College (NJC) was observe the NJC classroom techniques and
established in 1963 by the American Bar methods. There are one- and two-week inten-
Association as a private, non-profit education- sive courses for non-English speaking judges,
al institution, offering a variety of courses to which include specific issues of comparative
more than 2,000 judges and other court offi- law, as well as the universal aspects of being
cials each year, at both the campus in Reno a good judge. Jurists from Russia, South and
and other sites across the United States. Central America, and Southern Africa have
Participants include state trial judges; special attended NJC courses.
court judges and magistrates; federal and For information on NJC international
appellate judges; and administrative law, mili- programs, contact:
tary, and Native American tribal court judges. Ms. Peggy Vidal, Academic Coordinator,
The NJC curriculum concentrates on the fax 703-784-1253
art and skill of judging, and on new trends in e-mail:
the law. Some of the current topics for discus-
sion include judicial ethics, relationships with The NJC homepage is:
communities and the media, good caseflow and contains basic information about NJC and
management, alternate-dispute resolution its curriculum.
techniques, and management skills. Courses
are taught by individual experts, primarily

Federal Judicial Center National Center for State Courts
Thurgood Marshall Federal 300 Newport Avenue
Judiciary Building P.O. Box 8798
One Columbus Circle, NE Williamsburg,VA 23187-8798
Washington, DC 20002 USA
The National Center for State Courts (NCSC)
Four years after the founding of the National was established in 1971 as a central resource
Judicial College, the U.S. Congress in 1967 to improve the ability of U.S. state courts to
enacted legislation to create the Federal Judi- dispense justice in a fair and efficient manner.
cial Center (FJC), an independent education This is accomplished primarily through direct
and research agency within the judicial branch expert assistance, national conferences, edu-
of the U.S. government. The FJC receives cation and training courses, and information
government funding to conduct education and exchange. The NCSC library in Williamsburg,
training programs for federal judges and fed- Virginia, is the largest international lending
eral court employees; to conduct research on library on court administration in the world.
issues of court administration; and to explore Among the training courses offered
new technology for the federal court system. through the NCSC’s Institute for Court Man-
The FJC conducts over 50 seminars and agement are: caseflow, jury and management;
conferences for some 2,000 federal judges, records management; planning and budgeting;
and 2,000 officers of the court. In order to court security; and computer automation.
reach as many of the nation’s 27,000 federal Participants include judges, court administra-
court employees as possible, the FJC aug- tors, and other judicial employees. Foreign
ments its seminar series with special educa- judges and court officials can participate in
tional programs designed to “train the train- the core NCSC education programs. The NCSC
ers.” These officers carry their FJC training also has developed a 3-week extended study
back to their district court and develop local tour for international jurists, which first estab-
programs for their colleagues. lishes the framework for analyzing judicial
The FJC also administers a Visiting administration, and then provides participants
Foreign Judicial Fellows Program, in which an with first-hand experience of the U.S. court
international judge or legal scholar may be system.
in residence at the Center for up to six months For information, contact:
to study some aspect of the American legal Ms. Karen Heroy, Director
system. Applicants from countries with which International Visitors Training Program,
the U.S. maintains diplomatic relations are fax 757-220-0449
eligible. e-mail: “”
For information, contact:
Mr. James Apple, Chief, The NCSC homepage is:
Interjudicial Affairs Office, and contains more information about the
fax 202/273-4019 NCSC and on special topics like court tech-
nology, as well as links to other websites.
The FJC homepage is:
and contains more basic information about
the FJC and its publications, and links to
Issues of Democracy, USIA Electronic Journals, Vol. 1, No. 18, Dec. 1996
other websites.



Amar, Akhil Reed, et al. October 1995, pp. 485–503.

“Improving the Judicial System: Unlocking
the Jury Box,” Current, no. 384, July-August Hengstler, Gary A.
1996, pp. 11–17. “Bosnia: Out of the Rubble, With Training
from U.S. Lawyers, Justices on a New Consti-
Caplan, Lincoln. tutional Court Will Try to Establish the Rule
The Tenth Justice:The Solicitor General and of Law in War-Torn Bosnia,” ABA Journal,
the Rule of Law. New York, NY: Knopf, vol. 82, March 1996, pp. 52–58.
Horwitz, Morton J.
Dalton, Harlon L. The Transformation of American Law,
“Judicial Federalism and Individual Rights: 1870–1960: the Crisis of Legal Orthodoxy.
Planning the Future of Federal Courts,” New York, NY: Oxford University Press,
Trial, vol. 31, October 1995, pp. 56–58. 1992.

Garner, Bryan A. Janosik, Robert J., ed.

A Dictionary of Modern Legal Usage, 2nd Encyclopedia of the American Judicial System:
Edition. New York, NY: Oxford University Studies of the Principal Institutions and Processes
Press, 1995. of Law. New York, NY: Charles Scribner’s
Sons, 1987.
Gibeaut, John.
“Taking Aim,” (whether recent assaults Knight, Jack.
on judges are assaults on judicial indepen- “On the Struggle for Judicial Supremacy,”
dence) ABA Journal, vol. 82, November Law & Society Review, vol. 30, no. 1, 1996,
1996, pp. 50–56. pp. 87–120.

Hall, Melinda G. Marvell,Thomas B., et al.

“Justices as Representatives: Elections and “Determinate Sentencing and Abolishing
Judicial Politics in the American States,” Parole:The Long-Term Impacts on Prisons
American Politics Quarterly, vol. 23, no. 4, and Crime,” Criminology, vol. 34, no. 1,

February 1996, pp. 107–128.

Mauer, Marc.
The Truth about Truth in Sentencing,”
Corrections Today, vol. 58, no. 1, February
1966, pp. 1–8.

Melone, Albert P.
“The Struggle for Judicial Independence and
the Transition Toward Democracy in Bulgaria,”
Communist and Post-Communist Studies,
vol. 29, no. 2, June 1996, pp. 231–244.

Osenbaugh, Elizabeth.
“Perspectives on Judicial Review (Fiftieth
Anniversary of the Administrative Procedures
Act),” Administrative Law Review, vol. 48, no. 3,
Summer 1996, pp. 356–358.

Pollak, Louis H.
“Criticizing Judges: While Principled Criticism
of Judicial Decisions Can be an Invaluable
Corrective, Partisan Attacks on Judges are a
Threat to Judicial Independence,” Judicature,
vol. 79, no. 6, May/June 1996, pp. 298–302.

Roberts, Julian V.
“Public Opinion, Criminal Record, and the
Sentencing Process,” The American Behavioral
Scientist, vol 39, no. 4, February 1996,
pp. 488–499.

Scheffer, David J.
“International Judicial Intervention,” Foreign
Policy, no. 102, Spring 1996, pp. 34–51.

Schwartz, Barbara.
Decision: How the Supreme Court Decides
Cases. New York, NY: Oxford University
Press, 1996.

Stansky, Lisa.
“Breaking up Prison Gridlock,” ABA Journal,
vol. 82, May 1996, pp. 70–75.

“China’s Legal Reforms,” The China Quarterly,
no. 141, March 1995, pp. 1–210.

Article Alert
Recent Articles
on Issues of

Dionne, E.J., Jr. “Back from the Dead: Kahn, Phyllis. “Women and Political Roles:
Neoprogressivism in the ‘90s” New Group Standards” (Spectrum, vol. 69,
(The American Prospect, no. 28, no. 2, Spring 1996, pp. 15-22)
September/October 1996, pp. 24–32) Phyllis Kahn, serving her 12th term in the
This article, while ultimately promoting the political Minnesota House of Representatives, broadly
postulate that “it’s reasonable to go into debt for analyzes the effect of women’s full participation
long-term purposes,” also provides a very readable in government. She counters some of the anthro-
analysis of why the strength of the American con- pological arguments on why women cannot
servative movement, which so dominated political assume leadership roles, citing studies indicating
debate in 1995, has abated. It gives contemporary the tangible effect of increasing numbers of
examples of the underlying debate over funda- women in legislatures. She concludes with a first-
mental issues of U.S. government—separation of hand look at the changes in attitude and practice
powers, the roles of federal and local government, that have accompanied the growing number of
and public confidence. women serving in elected and appointed office
as professional staff and political lobbyists, noting
Hendrie, Edward M. “Creating Exigent that women’s access to full participation has been
Circumstances” (FBI Law Enforcement in effect for only two or three generations of
Bulletin, vol. 65, no. 9, September 1996, American life.
pp. 25–32)
Hendrie, a legal instructor at the training academy Lowe, Alexandra Dylan. “The Price of
for agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Speaking Out” (ABA Journal, vol. 82,
U.S. Department of Justice, examines the very September 1996, pp. 48–53)
limited conditions under which American law Lowe, a lawyer and legal affairs writer, talks about
enforcement officials can enter into premises or the rise of law suits that involve private citizens
conduct searches without having obtained a war- pitted against companies in a debate over public
rant—illustrating the legal nuances with real life policy. Citing the book, Slapps: Getting Sued for
examples. In most circumstances, a warrant must Speaking Out by law professor George W. Pring
be obtained, to protect against “unreasonable” and sociologist Penelope Canan, Lowe presents
search and seizure guaranteed to U.S. citizens by several cases, including that of Nancy Hsu Fleming,
the Constitution. who, in speaking out about her concerns, got sued

by the landfill company whom Fleming suspected Stirling, Patricia. “The Use of Trade
of polluting the drinking-water supply in her Sanctions as an Enforcement Mechanism
hometown. for Basic Human Rights: A Proposal for
Addition to the World Trade Organization”
Newberry, John. “Out-of-Office (American University Journal of International
Experiences” (ABA Journal, vol. 82, Law and Policy, vol. 11, no. 1, 1996, pp. 1–46)
September 1996, pp. 54–57) The author, whose research was supported by
Four practical examples are discussed on how a Ford Foundation grant, argues the need for a
the Internet can enhance productivity of private multilateral approach in the form of trade sanc-
law firms, from the one-man at-home office to tions for the enforcement of human rights. In
larger international concerns. examining the traditional impediments to enforce-
ment, the author focuses on the need to define
Rosen, Jeffrey. “Annals of Law;The Agonizer” “core” human rights and analyzes the weakness
(The New Yorker, November 11, 1996, pp. of both the U.N.-model multilateral approach and
82–90.) the unilateral U.S. actions to remedy violations.This
is a good companion piece to the U.S. Information
This comprehensive article analyzes Supreme
Agency-produced Introduction to Human Rights.
Court Justice Anthony Kennedy’s opinions regard-
ing judicial interpretation of legal and moral issues,
and his role in the decision-making process of the
Court. As the Court’s decisive voice, his personal
Issues of Democracy, USIA Electronic Journals, Vol. 1, No. 18, Dec. 1996
and professional views on a variety of issues are
analyzed. His opinions on abortion, (Planned
Parenthood v. Casey) gay rights, (Romer v. Evans)
and First Amendment issues are explained and
critiqued. Kennedy’s past and future ambitions are
also discussed.

Stewart, David O. “One More Legacy

of Rodney King “ (ABA Journal, vol. 82,
September 1996, pp. 44–46)
This article examines a recent decision by the
U.S. Supreme Court which will permit greater
sentencing discretion for federal trial judges,
without undermining the intent of the 1984
Sentencing Reform Act.The act sets sentencing
guidelines to reduce disparities in sentences
imposed on defendants in similar cases, but has
been criticized for stripping judges of the ability
to tailor sentences to the circumstances of the
individual defendants.

Internet Sites
On Democracy
and Human
Rights Themes

Please note that USIA assumes no Declaration of Independence
responsibility for the content and
availability of those non-USIA resources Français
listed below which reside solely with
the providers:

F U N D A M E N T A L The Federalist Papers

U.S. D O C U M E N T S gopher://
U.S. Constitution

Français U.S. G O V E R N M E N T
Executive Branch
Legislative Branch
Bill of Rights U.S. Senate
Français U.S. House of Representatives

Judicial Branch Chicago-Kent College of Law
An in-depth site on the U.S. judiciary, from (Illinois Institute of Technology)
the court system to legal terms. Comprehensive list of legal institutions, special areas of law, legal resources and other law-
related websites.
The Cabinet

University of Chicago Law Library

A must-see site for the legal professional.
R E L AT E D S I T E S Contains the “Law Lists,” a three-part series
O N T H E I N D E P E N D E N T providing background information and the use
J U D I C I A R Y of law-related electronic mailing lists and
Usenet newsgroups in general.
Federal Judicial Center
The federal courts’ agency for research and
education, this FJC website links to other legal ‘Lectric Law Library
institutions, including the Supreme Court and
Take a tour in cyberspace of what’s out there,
the U.S. Courts of Appeal.
legally speaking. Sites you can link to here include: the News Room, the Legal Professional’s Lounge,
the Periodical Reading Room, the Laypeople’s
Supreme Court Law Lounge and the Bookstore.
A comprehensive link to the Supreme Court,
including the creation of the Court, its authority,
decisions and the individual justices. Lawcrawler A search engine for federal and state
supctdir.htm laws, and a resource for other links, with
an emphasis on international sites.
U.S. Federal Courts Homepage
A clearinghouse for information from and about
the judicial branch of the U.S. government. Lawnet Links to a variety of law-related areas,
as well as to international sites.
Legal Information Institute—
Cornell Law School
Publications of the Legal Information Institute with
Issues of Democracy, USIA Electronic Journals, Vol. 1, No. 18, Dec. 1996
links to other relevant law-related websites.

of the
Agency Independence
of the
1996 Judiciary
Vol. 1 No. 18

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