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<br><p style="text-align: left;"><img src="http://api.ning.

alt=""></p><br>I reached out to a friend<br>And she became a cornered animal. <br>We cried
together<br>The gesture of touching the wrists or throat<br>Is intended to be sensual, intimate<br>A
touch to bring the pulse beat down<br>to where one is at rest.<br>But she and I know the fear <br>of
what or who binds the wrists<br>or strangles life voice from someone<br><br>Though it has been years
enough for me to know now<br>This association or spell can be broken...<br><br><br>wire can keep
out<br>when it has barbs like thorns<br>protecting a home from those with<br>ill intentions<br>but
sometimes a fawn never meant for this<br>running from prey into only the field it sees until...<br><p
style="text-align: left;"><img src="
alt=""></p><br>and wire can cut off circulation<br>or detonate explosives with a trip
wire.<br><br>remember still it does not have to be this way<br>it can connect beautiful gems
together<br>or conduct energy to bring warmth, light and music<br>so many loving caring things.
<br><br>Can I slip the bracelet on now.<br>Look at the marigolds and leaves<br>I made this flower for
you.<br>Accept my gift. <br><p style="text-align: left;"><img
CDjmxfSLUz0sci1gR0yItg6Y8v4*wwsPYt1aF8J/healing.gif" alt=""></p><br><br>And with this truth
living<br>Why anyone would want to choose the painful way<br>and impose it on others. <br>I do not
know.&nbsp; <br><br><br>

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