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The Chronicles of TwinStorms

The Chronicles Of

Modern Day Transformation

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 Copyright 2000 - 2010, James R. Bryan, All Rights Reserved

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Volume 1
The Chronicles of TwinStorms

Table of Contents:

Volume 1 --- Introduction ----------------------------- I Am a Pagan.

Volume 1 --- Chapter 1 -------------------------------- Beginning the Journey

Volume 1 --- Chapter 2 -------------------------------- Who and What Am I?

Volume 1 --- Chapter 3 -------------------------------- Balance

Volume 1 --- Chapter 4 -------------------------------- The Decision

Volume 2 --- Chapter 5 -------------------------------- Invocation and Dance

Volume 2 --- Chapter 6 -------------------------------- Friday the Thirteenth

Volume 2 --- Chapter 7 -------------------------------- A New Day My Lady

Volume 2 --- Chapter 8 -------------------------------- Girls Night Out

Volume 3 --- Chapter 9 -------------------------------- Walk with Me

Volume 3 --- Chapter 10 ------------------------------ That Feminine Feeling

Volume 3 --- Chapter 11 ------------------------------ Solo Sister

Volume 3 --- Chapter 12 ------------------------------ Champion the Cause

Volume 4 --- Chapter 13 ------------------------------ Raven‟s Wings

Volume 4 --- Chapter 14 ------------------------------ My Darkness

Volume 4 --- Chapter 15 ------------------------------ Energy Play

Volume 4 --- Chapter 16 ------------------------------ Monday Morning Mac

Volume 5 --- Chapter 17 ------------------------------ Sheena Shines

Volume 5 --- Chapter 18 ------------------------------ TwinStorms

Volume 5 --- Chapter 19 ------------------------------ Master of Myself

Volume 5 --- Chapter 20 ------------------------------ The New Moon

Volume 5 --- Chapter 21 ------------------------------ Forever Free

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Volume 1
The Chronicles of TwinStorms


I Am a Pagan.

In this day and age wherever you turn, you will find people
trying to convince you that their “religious” beliefs are “The Way”.
If you disagree with them then you are destined to end up in their
concept of “Hell”, so they feel obligated to convert you and to
save your soul. I know this because I fell into that category for a
couple of years out of my life. My apologies go out to any and all
people that I may offended with my self righteous attitudes and
that holier than thou personas that I donned in order to try and
work out my “salvation”. I am truly sorry.
What I feel is today‟s major problem with organized religion
is twofold; first they tend to want to put God in a box. Some would
have you believe that if things are not done in a certain manner,
then God cannot be involved in it. Second is that it is
predominantly patriarchal, leaving out the Goddess. Goddess
worship has been found to exist in the earliest historical records
and I just wonder how so many today can just ignore the
matriarchal aspects of The Creator and Source of All That Is, The
Godhead, or to whatever you want to call them.
Once I sought the Goddess, She was more than willing to
reveal herself to me, and she provided me with insights into my
being and Her Being, that literally changed my life. Thus my
journey on the Pagan Path includes many traditions and
philosophies that include a wide variety of some of the different
aspects of The Mother Goddess and The Father God. My
Spiritual studies include various traditions of Wicca, Witchcraft,
Asatru, Druidism, Shamanism, Hinduism, Tantra, Buddhism, and
Tao along with keeping up on New Age Awareness with varying
concepts of Meditation and Ascension, to name just a few.
Some of the various aspects of The Mother Goddess and Father
God that I confide in along with various Spirit Guides and
Ascended Masters, include but are not limited to; Brigit, Morregan
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and Athena, Lilith, Hekate and Demeter, Gaia, Aphrodite and Isis,
Merlin, Sananda and Ancient of Days, Mercury Poseidon and
Toth, Odin, Thor and Frigga, Michael, Raphael and Urial, Gabriel
and the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light. There is the Great
Dragon, Eagle and Raven, Wolf, Bear and Coyote, Elementals,
Divas and Fae Folk, Great Cernunnos and Cerrwidwen, Dagda
and Danu, Frey and Freyja. And of course there is the Great
Mother Goddess and Great Father God, Great Creator and
Source of All That Is.
“Who and What Am I?” This age-old question has become
clearly defined for me, due to the fact that the more I look within
myself, the more confident I Am that “I Am That Which I Decide to
Become”. My Intentions and Love for All Life is Strong and
increasing at an astronomical rate because of The Presence,
Assistance, Guidance, Attention and Knowledge that is freely
given by All That Is, to all that request it.
I guess you could say that I have a goal of being a “Jack of
all Traditions and Master of Myself”. You may have heard it said “I
think, therefore I am”, the more thought and study I do; the more it
leads me to the conclusion “I Think, Therefore I Am Pagan”.

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Chapter 1

Beginning the Journey

As far back as I can remember I was never into religion of

any kind. Except for a few brief periods of my adult life when
some kind of change was in order and I was persuaded by an
enthusiast to turn my life around. My experiences with religion left
many unanswered questions, for you see I could not accept the
theory that GOD would use sickness and disease or tragic
accidents to prove a point or teach a lesson. Some would say,
“No man can know the mind of God”, or “we see dimly now but
one day we shall see clearly and understand”. Or how about the
favorite when somebody dies, “The Lord Giveth and the Lord
Taketh away”, my first thought when I hear that is “Indian Giver”
(no offense to Indians).

How, if God was being portrayed as a Loving Father, could

He use sickness, disease, poverty, tragic accidents and such to
teach us lessons of faith and love? And why is it that God can
only work in certain ways or through certain people to perform His
wonders. Nope, I just couldn‟t go with that flow, although I did try.
I claimed a BA.SF.TT.PHD. Degree, that is, I was once Born
Again, Spirit Filled, Tongue Talking and Past Having Doubts. Yep,
I prayed, spoke in tongues, studied the Bible, and worshiped God,
the whole nine yards.

I liked the part in the Bible where Jesus said in, John 10:34
Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your law, I said, „Ye are
gods‟?” Now that stuck to my ribs for some reason. So I continued
studying and asking questions when one day I attended a church
service and a lady evangelist gave an altar call for all kinds of
healing. I went to the altar and solemnly waited for my turn to be
prayed for. She approached me and placed her hand on my head
and I could feel energy begin to flow into body, when all of a
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sudden I heard her proclaim in a loud and demanding voice

“Come out of him you spirit of Anti Christ”, then she moved on. No
explanation, no further commentary, just “Come out of him you
spirit of Anti Christ”. I walked back to my seat thinking “what spirit
of Anti Christ, what does that mean”. I left that church and things
just were not the same. More and more I began to question and
more and more a bad taste for organized religion of all kinds
began to form in my mouth.

Whenever I heard anyone talk about religion, I would begin

to cringe because I knew if I asked questions they would give the
same old patented answers. Even my ex-wife, who was very
religious and still is I think, would ring my religion alarm. And
though I tried not to let it affect our relationship, we are now
divorced, but that is another story in and of itself. I turned within
myself and became somewhat of a hermit. I decided to leave
religion and religious people alone; they had nothing to offer
except confusion, intrusion and delusion. I lived my life content to
exist in a society that tolerated the religious as long as they left us
alone. I started to enjoy the simple things in life, like watching a
river flow and birds fly, drinking a beer and watching a football
game. Yea, I was content, and time seemed to be on my side.

After a few years I met my current wife who has the same
disposition as me especially in regards to organized religion. Her
name is Rune, and she is a most fascinating woman whose sense
of humor and wit is seconded only by her beauty and charm. I met
Rune at a New Years Eve party that I was talked into going to at
the last minute. I was prepared to settle down and watch
festivities on the television with a case of beer and a couple
dozen chicken wings. That was what I considered a good time
and I was perfectly content.

At the party I maintained my standard watch guarding the

perimeter of the barrel of beer and watching others play pool.
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After an hour or so I looked at the pool table and there she was
with her hips hiked up leaning over the pool table, attempting to
make a difficult shot. As I observed her concentration and tried to
follow her strokes, a friend named Ted approached and told me
that Rune was his sister and to forget about her because she was
not the marrying kind and she couldn‟t cook. As if marriage and a
meal was what I was looking for at that time. Why he said that, I
still don‟t know. That night I had a couple conversations with her
and found out a little bit about her. But midnight fast approached
and the party ended too quickly.

I awoke the next day with a moderate hangover, “not bad”, I

thought, for as much as I drank. I thought about the non-marrying
and non-cooking Rune and thought how nice it would be to get to
know her. Butterfly‟s formed in my stomach as I thought about the
possibilities of asking her out; I have not felt that way for a long
time. The problem was that I did not know where she lived, so I
called up Dee, who convinced me to attend their party, to see if
she knew how I could get in touch with Rune. Dee informed me
that she was living at her sister Chari‟s house and gave me a
phone number. “That was easy,” I thought, and then I spent the
half-hour building up the energy to call her.

The moment of truth, now or never, I dialed the number, the

phone rang and Chari answered. I tried to speak clearly,
identifying myself but Chari knew who I was and why I was
calling. She got off the phone with Dee about twenty minutes
before, so she quickly called for Rune and I was able to ask her if
she was willing to go out to dinner with me without stumbling too
badly. Rune agreed and we went to dinner the next night and had
a good time talking and getting to know each other a little better. I
drove her home afterward and walked her to the door asking if
she would like to go out again sometime. She agreed to allow me
to call her again and I took her hand brought it to my lips and
kissed it. After she was inside I walked to car feeling like a fool,
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repeating to myself “I kissed her hand, I can‟t believe I kissed her


Not too long after that we moved in together and were

married a year later. Also contrary to Ted‟s opinion, Rune is an
excellent cook and a wonderful partner in Life.

A few years later, while surfing the Internet, I came across

some very interesting web sites that caught my attention so I
printed out a few pages to show to Rune and get her opinion. The
pages described a lifestyle known as Wicca. Much to my surprise,
Rune was very familiar with Wicca and various other forms of
Witchcraft and Mysticism. “Cool, I could be married to a Witch”, I
thought, and come to find out; I am married to a Witch. Further
study into this area was definitely required and that is exactly
what I did. I could not get enough information, the more that I
would read, the more I wanted to know. It was very exciting, like
something that I waited my whole life for. I learned about The
Mother Goddess and Father God and several of their many
characteristics. The Goddesses and Gods that I learned about
and continually learn about, opened my life to a whole New
World, new possibilities and most of all, questions answered.

It is like a feeling of coming home after a long journey, so

familiar and comfortable. Real down to earth home cooking here
folks, kick your shoes off, make yourself at home and relax.
Enjoy life and savor every minute, for there is Magick everywhere
you look. How was this overlooked by me for so many years, all I
can say is “Thank You Goddess for the Internet, for your
Inspiration and Wondrous Creation that sings of your Beauty and

My studies increased dramatically, due to the fact that the

Internet provided me with a wealth of research material and
access to historical documents. Charts and graphs, photos and
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drawings, reference works from all over the world. Whatever was
the topic of the day, a thorough search of the Web would usually
bring forth more information than I could read in a day. After about
a week of intense studying and meditating, calling on The
Goddess and The God to open my eyes and teach me, I wanted
to know them, and then something Mystical took place.
It was a May 1st on a Friday morning when I was awakened by my
wife Rune to get up and get ready to go to work. “What a
wonderful dream” I thought to myself. At first the meaning of the
dream was unclear, but the more I thought on it, the significance
of the dream became clearer.

Here is the Dream. I was wheeled into a room on a chair by

a beautiful woman all dressed in white clothing. I could not make
out the woman‟s face, but her hair was bright and flowing with a
glow around it. The room seemed to be like a hospital birthing
room with beds. I could not see who all was there or what was
happening, but after looking around at the woman who was
accompanying me, she leaned over and allowed me to nurse on
her breast. After this had occurred, I looked up at her and then I
was awakened.

My thoughts about this dream varied and I should have

written it down immediately after it first occurred, I might have
been able to be more precise. After studying the Sabbats and
Beltane in particular, the dream began to make more sense to
me. On Beltane we celebrate fertility and the union of the young
Horned God and the Goddess. At this time, life renews itself and
newly planted seeds grow. This is a time to fertilize your dreams
with action. It is legend that children conceived at Beltane were
gifted by the Gods. These children are known as „Merry – Be –

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It is therefore my belief that the dream symbolized my

conception and birth as a child of the Goddess and God. I Am a
Spiritual Merry – Be – Got.
And thus begins my education into the Ways of The Old Ones,
and my fellowship with the Mother Goddess and The Father God.

Blessed Be! The Ancient and Mighty Ones Instruct Me In Your


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Chapter 2

Who and What Am I?

My name is Jareth James and in my newfound relationship

with my Mother Goddess and Father God, it has come to my
attention that I have been here before. “Before what” was the
question that came to mind? Before this incarnation is the obvious
answer. Most people, especially „religious‟ people have a hard
time dealing with reincarnation. But I say, “Why not?” It is not that
difficult to believe that in some other point in time or times past
that I existed. My existence in this physical body is not the totality
of who I am. I happen to reside in this body at this time and it suits
me fine, for the time being.

I do not want to get caught up in trying to find out who, or

what I was or even will be for that matter. Right now is what is
most important. I need to find out who and what I Am, NOW! It
may be fun to find out who you were at one time, but how many
times was I here, and what if I was someone that I might not have

Sometimes however, I feel like a very old soul who is tired of

playing 3D games, I know I am more than I see and feel. But this
veil exists, that keep us from seeing all that we were even all that
exists in this time. In trying to understand my past lives and
especially my current existence, a friend from the Internet emailed
me this to aid in my understanding.

The email read;

Not everything is logical.
Not everything can be explained.
Not everything has a reason.
Some things just are!

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Well that sounded kind of Zen like, and I almost hit the
delete key when something inside me said “STOP, think about it”,
“Don‟t be too judgmental”, “Look at it from a different perspective”.
“Okay, this must have some relevant meaning” I thought, so let‟s
break it down. Not everything is logical but something‟s are. Not
everything can be explained but most things can. Not everything
has a reason but most things are reasonable. Some things just
are not. And so now I have;

Something‟s are logical.

Most things can be explained.
Most things have a reason.
Some things are not.

Okay, so after evaluating the words, logical, explain, reason

and the word are, based on the definitions from the American
Heritage Dictionary; I can conclude that not everything is related
to or in accordance with logic, reasonable or capable of reasoning
in a clear and concise manner.

It is also apparent that not everything can be made plain or

comprehensible, defined, expounded upon or justified, and not
everything has a basis or motive for action, a decision or
conviction, an explanation or justification. Not everything has the
capacity for logical, rational and analytical thought; intelligence.

Now this one is interesting; some things exist in actuality,

have life or reality. Some things think therefore they are. Some
things occupy a specific position, remain in a certain state or
situation undisturbed, untouched or unmolested.

That email had more meaning in it than I initially gave it

credit for. I made the mistake of misjudging it because I was not
able to immediately understand the message.

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So the messages that I gain from this are of utmost

importance in my relationship with all that exists.

1. Never take anything at face value.

2. Never judge a book by its cover or an email by its lack of
3. Not everything is related to or in accordance with logic.
4. Not everything is reasonable or capable of reasoning in a
clear and concise manner.
5. Not everything can be made plain or comprehensible.
6. Not everything can be defined, expounded upon or justified.
7. Not everything has a basis or motive for action, a decision or
conviction an explanation or justification.
8. Not everything has the capacity for logical, rational and
analytical thought; intelligence.
9. Some things exist in actuality, have life or reality.
10. Some things think therefore they are.
11. Some things occupy a specific position, remain in a
certain state or situation undisturbed, untouched or

So then how does this all relate to my initial question of who

and What Am I? Everything is not as it seems and in order to see
beyond the reflection in the mirror, I must approach everything
with an open mind. My own self-examination, just like I examined
the email is necessary to begin to answer this question. I realized
that I exist now, obviously. I existed in the past and I will exist in
the future. Most importantly, I have come to the understanding
that I now have existence that is separate from this physical third
dimensional body that I currently reside in.

Early on in my meditation practices, I was taken to a field

with wild flowers growing as far as the eye could see. In the
middle of this field was a large Oak tree that had a small creek
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flowing beside it. As I approached the tree, I could see an elderly

woman sitting under the tree; a look of contentment and bliss was
clearly noticeable upon her face, even though her eyes were
closed. The most beautiful sounds were heard coming from the
tree, almost flute like in nature but with a resounding rhythm that I
could feel through my whole body. I approached the woman
quietly, not wanting to disturb her and sat down in front of her. A
few minutes past, and the sounds from the tree became more
and more intoxicating along with the sound of the water gracefully
flowing and babbling over the rocks that filled the stream. I gazed
upon the woman and all of a sudden she spoke with a soft and
familiar tone, “Greetings TwinStorms, I have been expecting you.”
I wondered for a moment how she knew my Magical name, when
all of a sudden her eyelids opened to reveal the most beautiful
blue eyes imaginable, and I immediately knew. She gazed into
my eyes and penetrated my soul with such a peace and love,
rooted in wisdom and power, all I could do was cry.

We sat there for what seemed hours, comfortably

communicating thoughts, questions and ideas, with hardly a word
spoken. We laughed and cried tears of joy and happiness, when
after a period of blissful silence where not any sounds could be
heard. She reaches for a satchel resting next to her and pulls
from it a silver bowl about 18 inches in diameter. She gets up and
walks over to the stream and fills the bowl with water. Returning
to the tree she sits the bowl of water in front of me and proceeds
to her original position.

As the water settles in the bowl our eyes connect and I knew
our visit was soon to come to an end. With her left hand resting
on her chest, over her heart, she takes her right hand and with
her index finger extended she stirs the water with three circular
motions in a clockwise direction. “Now You”, are the only words
she speaks, so I place my left hand over my heart and dip my
right index finger into the cool water and slowly stir three times in
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a clockwise direction. “Now, gaze into the pool”, she urges, as

she tilt her head to focus on the bowl. The water soon becomes
still and I see that the face of my mentor is reflected in the water,
along with branches from the oak tree that is stretching over our

It was not very long before the familiar images disappeared

and a new one began to form. The image of a young, what
looked like a Japanese Geisha girl, with her hair flowing freely,
long and black soon filled the bowl. The Geisha‟s image begins to
decrease in size as the image appears to be zooming out and I
see that she is standing in some kind of garden and holding a
basket. It is almost as if she is looking right at me when she turns
around, the picture zooms out and my Geisha looks up. A
blinding flash of light and a mushroom cloud appears filling the
bowl. Tears start flowing from my eyes as knowledge of what just
happened fill my thoughts.

The water clears and once again I see my mentor‟s image

and the oak tree in the water. My thoughts of “how, who and
why”, are silenced the moment my eyes lift and focus upon the
sweetest face I have ever seen.

“The Geisha”, she spoke and paused briefly, “was you”.

Before I could exclaim my confusion, she continued. “Is it so hard
to imagine that you were, in a past life, a female?” My thoughts
were an open book to her and I knew not to reply. I listened as
she expounded on the meaning of the vision and how my
previous incarnation was interrupted by an act of human folly.
“Soon you will be given instructions that will allow you to
comprehend and be comfortable with who and what you are.”
These words she spoke came with an energy that filled my being
with excitement and tranquility. No more words were physically
spoken as we both sat there quietly listening to the sounds that
surrounded us. We hugged each other and as I walked away I
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realized I did not know her name and I wanted to thank her. I
turned and looked back but she was gone and so was the Oak
tree and stream. Well, Blessed Be, I wiggled my fingers and toes
opened my eyes and I was back in my physical body.

My excitement from this vision could not be contained as I

walked into the room where my wife sat reading and yelled out,
“Hey honey”. “Yes dear”, Rune replied, without lifting her gaze
from her current literary adventure. I cheerfully proclaimed,
“Guess what?” “I was a Japanese Geisha girl in my previous life.”
“That‟s great honey; I think I was a male in one of mine
somewhere down the line.” She spoke with no surprise in her
voice at all and kept reading as if it was no big deal. I just found
out that I was a Japanese Geisha girl who had her life cut short in
Hiroshima, Japan on August 6, 1945. Wow, what a head rush. I
guess I had better keep that to myself. After all, it‟s who and what
I am now, that is of real importance anyway.

So, at this point I come to the conclusion that I Am.

1. I Am a Spiritual Being.
2. I currently live in a physical 3D body.
3. I have a logical intellect that takes into account the illogical and
4. I think therefore I Am.
5. I think therefore I Am Pagan.
6. I exist.
7. I have existed in the past.
8. I will exist in the future.
9. I Am That Which I Decide To Become.
10. I Am a Child of The Goddess.
11. I Am a Child of The God.
12. I Am a Spiritual Merry – Be – Got.
13. I am TwinStorms!
Blessed Be! The Ancient and Mighty Ones Instruct Me In
Your Ways!
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Chapter 3


It is the realization that I was once a female in another life

that has brought many new questions to my mind. I always told
people when the subject of homosexuals or bisexuals came up,
that “I am a lesbian trapped in a male body”. Now I know that this
is at least partly true because I can‟t remember if I was a lesbian
when I was a Geisha or not. “How am I supposed to deal with
this?” Or, “do I even need to deal with it”?

One of the main goals of a Witch, or any one, who works

with energy for that matter, is to Achieve Balance. In my further
studies I have become aware that everything that exists is some
form of energy. Everything is made up of energy, is surrounded
by energy and has energy flowing through it.

What I have been instructed to do, is learn how use the

energy that I Am, the energy that flows through me and surrounds
me to effect positive influences in my life.

To understand the flow of energy, I had to take into

consideration Polarity. There are positive and negative poles, plus
and minus, projective and receptive, male and female. The
balancing of the flow of energy is what is needed. Without
balance we see extremes. With electricity and magnetic fields we
can see that energy flows from a positive pole to a negative pole.

Electrical Storms that produce a lot of lighting, is said to be

Gaia‟s (Mother Earth‟s) way of balancing her magnetic field
between the ground and sky. By the way, my name TwinStorms
came about from my love of a good ThunderStorm and the fact
that I am a Gemini.

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Any objective person can see the need to achieve balance in

their lives. It is however the people who are way out of balance
who need the most help in becoming balanced. The hardened
criminal whose only thought is to find a way to bring harm into
someone‟s life in order to fulfill their needs, or lack of positive
energy. The super religious person who is so holy that it would be
a sin to not witness their good news of salvation to that poor lost
soul, in order to fulfill their need to do a good deed, or lack of
negative energy.

Every soul has a dark side and a light side, a positive side
and a negative side, a female side and a male side. “How do I
balance these in my life and how far out of balance if at all, am I?”
I thought about discussing these things with Rune but I decided I
would just print out my research and give them to her to read,
since she can read faster than I could explain it to her. She is a
phenomenal reader with a near photographic memory. Rune also
has the unique ability to say just the right thing that sends my
mind off to do a happy dance, in between her discussion of what
went on during the day and the description of her latest book

Rune and I perform our rituals separately as we both

consider ourselves to be solitaire in our practice of The Craft. We
have performed some Sex Magick together, where we focused
the energy raised on a specific goal. The results were remarkable,
come to think about it we need to do some more of that. Of
course any time I have sex with Rune, it is a deeply Magickal

So in order to get answers to my questions on balance I

decided to do a meditative ritual. Fortunately for me there was a
New Moon in 2 days, so I made my plans to perform the ritual on
midnight of the New Moon. I also spent the next 2 days

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researching the Internet on this most serious of topics, and was

able to find an overabundance of material to keep me occupied.

The night of the New Moon arrived and at about 10:00 PM I

decided to take a cleansing bath and prepare myself for the
night‟s exploits. First I took a shower to remove the physical dirt
from the day then filled the tub with hot water and mixed some
cleansing herbs and oils in the water. As I sat in the water I could
feel my muscles loosen up and my pores open. I sank down and
submersed my head in the water. As I did this, I could sense
waves of energy bombarding my body and I instantly sat up to
figure out what was happening.

To my amazement, the water appeared to be bubbling as if

in a rapid boil. I was not sure what was happening and all of a
sudden a familiar voice from inside spoke and said, “Just quiet
your mind, sit back and close your eyes”. So that is what I did and
as soon as I closed my eyes I was surrounded by a group of
people forming a circle around me, males and females,
completely naked with nothing but candles in their hands. The tub
that I was sitting in changed into a geode and the bubbling water
soon began to gel. I remained calm and decided to go with the
flow and just relaxed, when a feeling of perfect love and perfect
trust engulfed me.

A young lady with a familiar looking silver bowl walked

toward me from in between the people forming the circle. She
dipped the bowl in the geode and filled the bowl with the gel. “Do I
know you?” I asked hesitantly, and with such a soft and sweet
voice she replied, “Well, of course you do”. And then she poured
the gel over my head and as it flowed down my face and hair she
took my hand helping me to rise and step out of the geode. From
my previous experience with a vision, I decided I better ask her
name. “May I ask your name?” She smiled at me and said, “of
course, my name is Cecile (sa-seal), and may I say, it is good to
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see you again TwinStorms”. She looked in my eyes and I instantly

recognized her as the old lady by the Oak Tree. “I didn‟t get a
chance to say thank you the last time we met.” I whispered to her,
“no need” she whispered back as she placed her fingers on my
lips while slowly her eyelids blinked and the sound of “shhhhhhhh”
flowed through her lips.

Cecile then led me through the circle to a better-lit area

where I then realized that I was in some type of cavern with
torches hanging on the wall and a floor made of a smooth
crystalline material. Where we were standing was in the middle of
a circle etched within the crystal floor. Cecile instructed me to
stand with my legs spread and raise my arms at shoulder level.
As I followed her instruction and the gel continued to drip from my
body, a parade of candle holders headed toward me and as each
one passed me they sprinkled herbs and spices all over my body.
Some passed by with large sticks of incense and allowed the
smoke to slowly form all around me.

After the last person passed by I saw a hole in the wall in

front of me begin to open and out of it walked a tall man with long
white hair and a beard and mustache to match. He also wore
nothing except a bunch of crystals of various shapes and sizes
hanging from his neck. As he approached, his eyes met Cecile's
and they both smiled at each other and you could see that they
were having a conversation without saying a word. The look on
their faces was that of two old friends who have not seen each
other for a very long time.

Cecile spoke first and said, “Greetings Merlin, I would like to

present to you TwinStorms”. She pointed toward me and my eyes
became focused on his. His eyes pierced my soul the same way
that Cecile‟s did when I first met her by the Oak Tree. His eyes
were a deep blue, like two pools that invited you to dive right in,
exuding a confidence and wisdom that was ancient in origin, yet
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peaceful in motive. I knew instantly that we were in for some

interesting adventures.

“SHALL WE BEGIN?” Were the first words that boomed out

his mouth and each word echoed with the deepest bass pitch that
you could possibly imagine. All of a sudden both He and Cecile
burst into laughter. “Oh Merlin, I haven‟t heard you do that voice
in ages, I forgot how funny it was.” Cecile uttered these words
while trying to maintain her composure. “I‟m Sorry TwinStorms”,
Merlin chuckled as I checked to see if there were any extra wet
spots between my feet. “I just love doing that the first time I meet
a new apprentice, come please follow me.” Merlin continued, as
he gestured toward the hole in the wall. I glanced over at Cecile
and she nodded her head and waved her hand in approval as she
tried to hold back her giggling. I nodded back at her and waved as
I followed Merlin into the hole in the wall.

The hole closed behind me and the room that appeared dark
at first was instantly illuminated without the aid of any torches.
Everything in the room seemed to be made out of crystals and
polished stones of all kinds. Merlin motioned for me to have a
seat on what looked like a barstool made out of stone. It was quite
comfortable actually and we sat and talked for a while, getting to
know each other. Merlin then began to explain to me that I had
the opportunity to have my chakras cleaned, aligned and charged.
And then I could take a trip down his staircase and meet someone
very special to me, but it was totally my choice and I could return
any time I felt uncomfortable. “After that voice you made earlier
Merlin, it would take quite a bit to make me uncomfortable.” I also
told him, “I find this cave to be rather comfortable and filled with a
delightfully pleasant energy; I really do like it here." “Well thank
you very much, so nice of you to say, some people do not even
notice how the energy flows here, much less enjoy it as you
appear to be doing.”

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We talked a little more and he gave me some further

instruction and bits of advice that I hoped I would be able to
remember when I returned. As I was thinking that, Merlin spoke
up and said, “When you are in need of this information it will all
return to you." "Just keep on soaking up as much information as
you can, and believe me, when the time comes that you need it, it
will be there”.

The time came to get my chakras cleaned and Merlin

instructed me to stand on a giant geode that was positioned
beneath an opening in the top of the room. I could not see
anything through the opening above and the surface of the geode
was flat, smooth and was multi-colored. Merlin then commanded
me, “stand in the middle with your legs spread slightly and arms
raised at your sides, reaching up and out, with your hands just
about at ear level”. I followed his instruction and watched him
intently as he then waved his hand in front of me and in a circular
clockwise motion. Just then a shaft of light surrounded me; I could
not tell if it originated from the geode or from the opening in the
ceiling. The light was white at first and began to vibrate; my entire
body felt like it was being massaged by the light. “This is nice”, I
thought and just then the light started to change colors and as it
did, so changed the vibration. They were different, but equally
invigorating and satisfying. The series of colors went from white to
red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and violet then back to
white. Each color lasted only a couple of minutes but when it was
done I felt like a new person.

Merlin assisted me down off the geode and commented; “I

think I shall indulge myself on the geode while you take your
journey down the staircase”. He pointed to a new hole in the wall
and without saying a word I entered the wall and once again the
hole closed behind me. This time the only light was from a
flickering torch that hung halfway down the steps or what I
thought was halfway. When I reached the torch, I must have
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walked down at least 50 steps and when I looked down, all I could
see was another 50 or more steps, that‟s it, complete darkness
beyond that. The further down I went the more steps kept
appearing and they started to curve so that when I got beyond the
first curve, I could not see but maybe 15 steps or so above me
and 15 or so steps below me. Finally, I saw the last step and as I
stepped down from it my feet sank in water above my ankles. I
stopped and looked around but could not see anything in front of
me. I decided go forward and as I splashed through the water I
began to see a wall in front of me. As I got closer to the wall, the
water got shallower as if I was going up a small incline. I reached
the wall and the ground was dry, but still nothing.

Until, from out of darkness, I heard these words; “Whose

there”? “Hello”, I yelled, “no need to yell, I am not deaf”
proclaimed the voice. I walked toward the voice and saw huddled
along the side of the wall a little boy that looked to be about 9 or
10 years old. I bent down beside the boy to get a closer look and
as he looked up at me I fell backwards and landed on my ass. I
knew this boy. It was me. The boy looked at me and said; “oh, it‟s
you, what do you want?” I looked back at the boy and asked;
“What are you doing down here?” The boy looked up at me with
his eyes flooded with tears and cried out, “you did it, you left me
here, and you forgot all about me, you never liked me, why do you
care, I was just an embarrassment to you”.

I sat there for a while pondering what the boy had said and
as tears started rolling down my face I uttered ashamedly “guilty
as charged”. I lifted the boy‟s head in my hands and looked in his
eyes, through the pool of tears and asked, “Please, please forgive
me?” “I am so sorry, I did not know what I was doing, I was selfish
and was looking for approval from others, I never realized that I
was abandoning you, please forgive me?” We stared at each
other crying for what seemed like 5 minutes when he put his arms
around my neck and whispered, “I forgive you”. We sat there for a
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good 15 or 20 minutes crying and hugging each other. During that

time I must have relived my entire childhood, I remembered the
pain that I had when people were mean and cruel to me, the
heartaches and embarrassments, the disappointments and

We sat and cried, till all of sudden we both were silent,

holding on to each other we looked into each other‟s eyes and
said at the same time. “Can we get out of here?” We both broke
into laughter and what were once tears of sadness, quickly
became tears of joy. I carried the boy across the water and up the
steps without the aid of the torch. It was not as dark down there
as it appeared before and the climb up the steps didn‟t take as
long as the journey down.

As we approached the top, the wall automatically opened

and as we stepped through the whole in the wall, the boy
vanished from in my arms. “Where is he, where did he go?” I
shouted to Merlin as he stepped off the geode. “And just who are
you referring to”? Merlin asked, as he gazed at me with one
eyebrow lifted and running his hand through his beard. “Me”, I
said, “I was a kid, 9 or 10 years old, where did I go?” Merlin looks
in my eyes and says; “Now calm down, he is okay and he is
where he always was; only now it‟s a brighter and happier place
for him.” He puts his hand on my chest and pats it saying. “Here,
right here, that‟s where it all is, right inside you.” “Now, close your
eyes and picture him in your heart, can you see him?” “Yes, yes I
can, thank you”, I replied as I wrapped my arms around Merlin‟s
neck and gave him a big hug. Merlin patted me on the back and
gave me a big hug and said, “I will see you soon, it is time to

My skin turned cold and was almost to the point of shivering,

my eyes opened and there I was in my tub sitting in cold water. I
dunked my head in the water and as I lifted it back out; I had this
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sudden urge to start splashing and squirting water through my

fists, so I did. When I got out of the tub I wrapped a towel around
me and walked down the stairs. There sat Rune on the couch
reading another book. She lifts her head and looks at me saying,
“What‟s going on with you, Hon?” I walked over to her in a
stalking fashion and with my best Clint Eastwood drawl I said, “do
you feel lucky, Hon, well, do ya?” As I let the towel fall to the floor
she responds with, “Yea Hon, my lottery tickets are in on the
kitchen table, would you be a dear and check them for me to see
if we won?” I pick up my towel and slowly meander away. My first
thought was, “Merlin is probably laughing his ass off right now due
to that crash and burn.”

Feeling humbled and hungry yet full of energy and

expectation, I looked up at the clock and saw that it was 11:45
PM. I thought it should have been later than that, but was glad
that I still had time to prepare for Midnight. So I proceeded to my
room that I have set up as Sacred Space. I gathered the tools I
was going to use and set up my altar. Looking around with a
sense of satisfaction I glanced at the clock and saw that Midnight
had arrived. Immediately after lighting my incense and candles, I
began to feel pressure building as my ears felt like they needed
popped. I proceeded to create my circle and call the quarters in
my usual manner. Before I could finish, a foggy mist began to rise
from the floor. I finished calling the quarters and knelt before the
altar, with mist about waist high I invited the Mother Goddess and
Father God to join me. The mist began to thicken so I took my
Crystal Ball from the Altar and sat cross-legged on the floor in the
middle of the circle, holding the ball at waist level with both hands.
As I sat there I could see and feel the mist rise above my head
and fill the entire circle.

Soon I could hear in the distance the very soothing sound of

drums and flutes. I started concentrating on where the music was
coming from and as I turned my head in every direction, I realized
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that it was all around me. I sat there filled with anticipation and
reverence for what seemed to be close to an hour and if nothing
else happened, I would have been more than satisfied with the
events of the night. Before the thought to rise to my feet had a
chance to finish I heard a voice call to me from directly in front of
me asking. “Greetings TwinStorms, may I sit with you?” “Please,
yes, please do” were the words that stumbled through my lips as I
wondered if I should rise to greet this guest. “Don‟t get up”, spoke
the voice, “but before I sit, you must choose, for I am She who is
known by many names and I ask you how would you have me
appear to you?” My reply was automatic and without hesitation I
said, “Blessed Be, The Goddess Freyja is whom I would like to
see”. Gradually the mist around me begins to spin and a spherical
area of about 5 feet on all sides of me becomes clear of the mist.

In front of me, through the mist and into the clearing,

stepped the most gorgeous being I ever remember seeing. I
exhaled and the words, “Goddess Freyja” glided out of my mouth.
I caught myself eyeing her sky clad body as she proceeded to sit
in front of me, and I immediately apologized, “forgive me
Goddess”. “ Nothing to forgive TwinStorms,” She replied as She
swept Her long golden blonde hair behind Her, revealing the most
enticing breasts that it has been my pleasure to ever gaze upon. I
looked up into her bright blue eyes and fell instantly in love with
this Divine Being known as The Goddess Freyja.

We sat and communicated non-verbally for a while, it felt like

we were becoming reacquainted after being apart for a long time.
Her aroma was delightfully non-descriptive, meaning that I have
no words to describe how enchanting her fragrance is. It is like a
mixture of flower essences that when combined produced the
scent named Freyja. The stimulation of Her Presence permeated
my entire being and I don‟t think I could stand if I wanted to.

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I decided to speak up and said, “thank you for being here

with me tonight Goddess Freyja”. “Please just call me Freyja”, she
replied and made inquiry into my current state of balance by
stating, “I can see that your current masculine attributes are of
sufficient proportion that should make it easy to bring it into a
harmonious balance”. I gave her a baffled look at which time she
made a gesture with her eyes, looking down toward my crotch. I
glanced down and watched the largest erection I ever recall
having begun to pulsate. I quickly looked up at Freyja with wide
eyes, mouth open and a face that turned several shades of red
within seconds. Freyja smiled at me and with a look of tenderness
she non-verbally transmitted to me that it was okay and that I had
nothing to be ashamed about. Verbally she began to explain, “I
brought that to your attention so we can begin to discuss true
balance in your life, specifically balance between your masculine
and feminine sides and the effects of duality.”

The tone of my skin began to slowly return to its normal

shade and I proceeded to ask, “If I am born as a male, does that
mean I need to concentrate on the masculine aspects of my being
in order to achieve balance”? She shook her head and continued
with, “not necessarily, the quest for balance is different with each
person and only by a thorough self examination can one
determine how to achieve balance”. “Keep in mind that being
properly balanced will allow the smoother flow of energy, which is
why balance has been and is a goal of Witches, Wizards,
Shamans and energy workers of all kinds and all traditions.” “If a
person gets caught up on one side of the scale or other, then it is
hard for the genuine secrets of Magick to be revealed to this
person." "Because the energies they would create would tend to
pool to the one side and not be allowed to flow simply and
naturally.” “Remember this, Magick is the art of directing energy
or working with energy to manifest a desired outcome and when a
person is out of balance, their ability to effectively direct energy is
greatly reduced.” I nodded appreciatively as she continued, “The
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out of balance person can still produce results but is not as

effective as the person who maintains balance.” “Energy does not
discriminate; it just wants to and needs to flow, male, female,
light, dark, good, evil.” “It makes no difference to energy, which
takes a person‟s Intentions and Will, and it flows, combines with
other energy and if left unimpeded will create results.” That‟s it,
pure and simple, not complicated at all is it?”

I looked at Freyja nodding my head in an affirmative manner

and replied, “thank you for that, I love it, it‟s not that complicated
at all, thank you”. “I do have one question though.” Before I could
speak another word she held up a finger and said; “Allow me, you
want to know how you can achieve optimum balance, right?” I
nodded and she went on; “The fact that you were raised without a
father in your life was actually a great advantage for you and the
fact that you also had 5 sisters.” “You were forced to understand
the masculine role without having a model, so you had to look
elsewhere and your various observations allowed you to not have
to focus on any single set of masculine attributes, and therefore
you did not have as many biases to have to overcome.” “Also
living in a household with all females, helped to keep you from
over compensating and ending up completely on the extreme end
of the scale.” I sat in awe and continued listening; “You are not
that out of balance, the problem is”, here it comes, I knew there
had to be a problem. “It is not really a problem, more like a
disadvantage.” “It‟s a disadvantage?” I asked with a perplexed
look on my face. “Yes, you see in your previous past life, you
were robbed of valuable experiences with the female polarity that
would have given you a tremendous advantage in this life.” I knew
that there had to be a good reason I was shown that tragic end to
my previous life. “So what can be done now so that I can regain
that advantage?” I inquired with an enthusiastic look on my face.

She opened her mouth to start to answer but suddenly

paused leaned forward and stared purposefully into my eyes as
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she placed her right hand over my forehead, like she was taking
my temperature. I could feel a sudden flow of energy from her
hand and her eyes pierced so deep into my soul that I thought for
a moment, she was going to go right through me. When she
leaned backward and removed her hand my whole body tingled
as if I was given an Alka-Seltzer infusion. The few seconds before
she spoke seemed like a few minutes as I sat there relishing my
quivering flesh.

“There is only one real option available at this time, but it

would be risky and require a major commitment required on your
part.” These words spoken by Freyja conveyed an emphasis of
solemnity. I wondered what this could be and asked, “Okay, what
would I have to do?” She responded with, “you would need to
take off 2 weeks from work starting on the next Full Moon and you
will need to have another person present, preferably Rune”. She
continued, “I know you are still wondering what this is about so let
me just tell you what it is”. I continued to listen intently; “You will
need to be physically transformed into a woman”. “Transformed
into a physical three dimensional woman?” I asked, with eyes
wide open and surprise in my voice. “Yes, that is correct, you
could make up in two weeks time about half of a lifetime that was
taken from you.” After speaking she took my hands in hers and
assured me the decision was mine, “you have 14 days to make a
decision, so take your time and discuss it with Rune”. “Merlin and
Cecile will be in attendance also and they will make themselves
available before during and after the Transformation for
consultation and comfort.”

My mind began to race, as the thoughts of what being

physically transformed would mean. “Would I be a complete
woman?” Was the thought that repeated itself over and over and
without my asking the question Freyja answered; “Yes
TwinStorms, you would be a complete woman, not a transsexual
or transgendered; you would become 100% woman.” “You are in
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a unique position that not many people could endure and I would
not have recommended it if there was any other way for you, or if
I thought you could not handle it.” “You will have many more
questions in the days leading up to the next Full Moon, but for
now just relax and quiet your mind.” I sat there and could not
speak as the enormity of the opportunity presented began to sink
in. I managed to speak 2 words, “Sweet Freyja”, when she stood
up and asked me to lie down on my back. I lay down and she
knelt down beside my head, bent over and kissed me on my
forehead. She then held out her right index finger and it began to
glow with a violet hue. She moved her finger toward my forehead
and soon as it touched my skin I could feel myself float off to

I awoke peacefully and felt extremely refreshed and alert. I

remembered every detail of the events that took place the night
before, but when I looked at the clock it read 2 minutes after
midnight. The clock had to have stopped because the candles
were burned completely down and the incense had turned to
ashes. So I closed my ritual put on some clothes and headed
upstairs. To my amazement, Rune was still sitting on the couch
reading. I looked at her and asked. “Hey honey, have you been
up all night reading?” She glanced up at me and responded:
“What are you talking about sweetheart?” “Did you check my
lottery tickets?” “Did we win?” I looked at the clock on the
television and it read 10 minutes after midnight. I stared at Rune
until she put her book down and made eye contact with me, and
the only thing I could think to say was, “Sweetheart, can we talk?”

Blessed Be! The Ancient and Mighty Ones Instruct Me In

Your Ways!

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Chapter 4

The Decision

I went to the refrigerator and grabbed a couple of beers to

take back to the couch. I sat beside Rune and we sipped our
beers as I began to review the night‟s events with her and the
challenge that was set before me. When I got to the part about
being transformed into a woman, she was right in the middle of
taking a swig of beer. Needless to say, she gasped and snorted
and beer ended up being sprayed on our coffee table. She looked
at me and choked out what sounded like, "to rusty seen
creaming”. I asked her to repeat what she was trying to say.
When she regained her composure she reiterated, “You must
have been dreaming”. She then started laughing and accused me
of playing mind games with her because she had rejected my
attempt to get lucky. “Go get me another beer”, she asked, “and
maybe after a few more you might just get lucky after all”.

As I went to get our refills, I decided that it would behoove

me to not bring up that topic anymore that evening. I sat back on
the couch and analyzed my options, thinking over all of the
ramifications of what might happen; when before I knew it I had
downed a six-pack by myself. I looked over at Rune and she was
fast asleep with her book on her lap and her beer hanging from
her fingers. I took her beer from her and covered her with an
afghan that had been draped over the couch.

I knew that I would not be able to fall asleep, so I decided to

go to my computer and see what kind of information I may be able
to gather from off the Internet. „So many sites, so little time‟ was
the thought I had as I performed my first search. I started with the
keywords „physical transformation‟ and found a few sites that I
thought may have some enlightening information, but it was not
what I was looking for. At that point I heard a voice echo all
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around me in that deep bass tone that could have only come from
Merlin, saying “Shamanism”. I looked around and replied, “Okay I
get it, thank you Merlin”. Eagerly I typed the word Shamanism in
the search box and after a few seconds I saw hundreds of links
that appeared promising. Before I was able to click on the first
link, I let out a large yawn and I felt extremely tired so I decide to
call it a night and save this search in my favorites folder to
investigate later.

The next day was reasonably uneventful and I was able to

request the required two weeks off from work without any
difficulty. It was hard to put a great deal of concentration into
anything other than the previous evening‟s events. I knew I had
better write down the questions that would drift through my mind,
so I decided to carry a notebook with me all day.

My workday ended and as I traveled home I was blessed by

3 large ravens that circled around me at a height just above the
utility poles that lined the streets. What a beautiful site to observe
as they each took turns calling out and makings sounds that I
have never heard before, but was very pleasant to listen to. They
continued to follow me home and rested on my home‟s roof peek.

Rune was sitting in the back yard enjoying a cool breeze and
reading a book, she rarely will be found without one. I pointed out
the Ravens that were resting on the roof to her, telling her how
they escorted me home and she proceeded to educate me on the
significance of the Raven. “Wow, how cool”, were the first words
out of her mouth. “The Raven is a very Spiritual bird with many
meaningful aspects ranging from a search for truth to joy and
laughter, even shape-shifting.” Rune has a wealth of information
stored in that knowledge-absorbing mind of hers. But after the
words „shape-shifting‟ left her lips, she looked at me with one
eyebrow raised, slowly turned her head and continued reading.

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I went into the house and eagerly sat at my computer and

proceeded to consume massive quantities of information from off
the Internet. About four hours later, Rune stepped into my study
wearing a new red silk negligee that immediately caught my eye.
She was carrying a plate of cheese and crackers in one hand and
a bottle of wine in the other. The words that she spoke were soft
and teasing, “Your presence is requested in the main chamber”. I
followed her without hesitation upstairs and into the library where
she had gone to great length to set up an altar against the north
wall and a large round dark blue plush carpet in the center of
room. As I looked around the room Rune poured us a glass of
wine and said, “I am sorry I laughed at you last night, honey”. I
replied with, “Does that mean you believe me?” “Well, I wouldn‟t
go that far, but let‟s just say I will maintain an open mind, fair
enough?” She asked, “fair enough” I replied.

No more words were spoken as she handed me a glass of

wine, she gently tapped her glass to mine and we looked deeply
into each other‟s eyes as we slowly sipped on the red liquid spirits
that filled our goblets. She took our goblets, set them on the altar
and took my hand leading me out of the library and into the
master bathroom where she had a bath already prepared for me.
She undressed me and advised me to ring the bell she set by the
tub when I finished cleansing myself and before I stepped out of
the tub.

She left the room and I got busy cleansing my flesh while
anticipating my next encounter with Rune. The water was piping
hot and there was a scent of roses that floated up with the steam.
I finished my bath and promptly rang the bell three times while
rising to my feet in the tub. Rune entered carrying a large pot that
she set on the sink, she pulled the plug from the tub and as the
water slowly drained she stood in front of me, and began to ever
so slowly remove her negligee. She finally got the garment up to
where I could start to see her breasts and before her hard pink
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nipples were exposed my penis was erect and pounding. She was
not wearing panties so she immediately stepped into a now empty
tub, bent over and ever so gently kissed the head of my throbbing
penis and said, “Be patient”. She then reached over and grabbed
the ladle that sat in the pot and scooped out some of the
mysterious liquid that filled the pot, telling me “this is a special
mixture of flowers herbs and oils that I got out of one of my recipe
books”. “Oh”, I replied “It sure smells”, I sniffed over the ladle she
held under my nose, “intoxicating”. “Squat down” she requested,
and as I did She began to pour this mixture over my head. In my
crouched position, my eyes firmly fixed on her perfectly
manicured pubic hair; Rune emptied her ladle nine times over my
entire body. She helped me to my feet, handed me the ladle and
said, “Now you do me” as she assumed a squatting position.

As I dripped the liquid over her, she took great satisfaction in

giving my erect penis a tongue-lashing, causing my breathing to
become heavy and my legs began to wobble. As I poured the
ninth ladle over her, I flexed my PC muscle and bopped her in the
nose with the head of my hardened penis. She looked up at me
and said, “Ok smart ass, no need to get hostile”. I grinned
devilishly as I aided her in rising. She pulled me next to her and
proceeded to rub her breasts against my chest. Her hands began
massaging the mixture into my skin and I followed her lead. As I
did, I took the opportunity to slip my penis between her legs and
could feel the welcoming embrace of her vaginal lips caress the
top of my throbbing shaft.

We spread the elixir over every area of our bodies and when
we finished, we spent the next five minutes kissing and caressing
each other as our flesh began to tingle and quiver, due to the
enchanted potion now being absorbed into our being. When we
stepped from the tub, Rune grabbed my erection and said, “Walk
this way” as she gently leads me back to the library.

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Back inside the library, the lights have been turned off,
candles illuminated the room and the sweet smell of incense filled
the air. She took me to the center of the carpet and sat me down
still having a firm hold of the situation. She reached over to the
altar where she had a fresh goblet filled with wine and handed it
to me; I took a drink and held it up for her to take a drink. When
she finished, she returned the goblet to the altar then placing her
hands on my head, her feet next to the outer edge of my thighs
placed my face next to her pubic area. I extended my tongue and
slowly she began to bend her knees and descend toward my
awaiting erection. My tongue slid up her smooth belly as my
hands firmly grasped her buttocks to aid and support her descent.
When my nose was between her breasts, I immediately and
gently tugged on her hardened nipples with my teeth, making sure
to give each breast the attention they deserve.

At this time the head of my penis met the open lips of her
vagina as if in slow motion my shaft began to fill her vaginal
cavity. Both our bodies were vibrating with delight as our now
charmed flesh amplified the sensations. Our bodies rocked back
and forth as we took turns passionately nibbling on each other‟s
earlobes and neck. For fifteen minutes we rocked back and forth
as our hips gyrated energetically. Rune increased the speed and
intensity of her rotations and began lunging more forcefully till I
had no choice but to lay flat on my back causing the head of my
penis to start slamming into her cervix. Which in turn had the
effect of causing us both to begin groaning and Rune fell forward
on top of me, looked me in the eye and said, “Lets cum together”,
I nodded in agreement. She rose up and leaned backward resting
on her hands while continuing her vigorous hip motions. I placed
the thumb of my right hand on her now slightly exposed clitoris
and rubbed it in a figure eight motion causing her to start to quiver
and moan. “YES, YES, YES, NOW CUM NOW!” She proclaimed
frantically, causing me to increase the frequency of my thrusting
actions. My testicles began tingling and I could feel the pressure
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build and begin to rise from the base of my shaft. “YEESS,

YEESS, YEESS, NOOWW CUM NOOWW!” She cried as she
rose forward trapping my thumb between the base of my cock
and her clitoris. “Okay, UHHHHH I‟mmmm CUMMMINNNG”, on
that command, I shot a load that felt like I was expelling marbles
through my cock‟s shaft and spitting them at her cervix. My body
quaked as I spilled more and more fluid into her cavity. We
groaned in unison and she helped me rise from off my back and
when she did I pulled my thumb from between her legs rubbing
her clit on the way out. She ejaculated for the first time on me
where the fluid ran down my hips and testicles. She continued
rotating her hips and sucking every bit of juice from me she could.

Together we both let out big sighs as we held each other,

feeling the vibrations of our bodies and trembling in bliss. Rune
was able to reach over to the altar and grab the goblet of wine
without allowing my now slightly softened penis to slip out of her
saturated orifice. We each took turns sipping the wine and
enjoying the massive amount of sexual energy that was just
cultivated. Finishing the wine we rested our heads on each other‟s
shoulder and took turns flexing our PC muscles and making the
most of this very passionate coupling.

Suddenly, Rune whispers, “Jareth, do you see what I see”?

My eyes were closed at the time so I lifted my head and looked
around and said, “Oh you mean that mist that is rising up around
us…someone is coming.” The mist quickly filled the room and
then an orb of mist free space surrounded us. We looked at each
other with anticipation and we both turned our heads toward the
altar and sitting beside us was the Goddess Freyja. Before we
had a chance to move, Freyja spoke, “please don‟t separate
yourselves that looks so cozy”. “May I join you?” We looked at
each other, shrugged our shoulders, looked back at Freyja and
said together, “of course”. Freyja replied, “thank you, it‟s good to
see you two together again”, as She wrapped her arms around
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the both of us. I instantly regained an erection and both our

bodies began shuddering in divine ecstasy. I felt the immediate
sensation of a threatening orgasm and as the head of my cock
swelled against Rune‟s cervix, she gushed forth in climactic
rapture. Freyja spoke the words “cum together” and the three of
us let our creative juices flow with such force that our screams
should have been heard down the block. We both collapsed
backward and fell asleep.

When we awoke in the morning, we were still joined with my

penis in Rune‟s vagina and Freyja was gone. I helped Rune stand
to her feet and groaned as my penis was suddenly expelled and
the rush of cool morning air forced its retraction. Fortunately I did
not have to go into the office, so we went downstairs and sat at
the kitchen table and enjoyed several cups of coffee.

Rune was the first to speak saying, “I understand now”.

“Understand what?” I asked as I refilled our cups with the
delightful Java brew. “Well, last night Freyja took me to meet
Merlin and Cecile and they explained to me what will happen on
Friday the thirteenth and why.” That was when I realized the next
Full Moon was on Friday the thirteenth. This added excitement to
the thoughts filling my mind. “And you are okay with that?” I asked
curiously, and she replies, “If it is okay with you, it is okay with
me”. “I was informed that very few are given this opportunity and
only a few of those, have ever accepted.” “You can still turn this
down if you want to and you.” She pauses and sips some coffee
while organizing her next thought, shakes her head then says.
“Wow, what an exciting proposition, do you realize the potential
for growth, real spiritual growth that you have?” “You better go to
your study and continue your research dear.” She got up quickly
gave me a kiss and left the room. Before I could make it to the
coffeepot for a refill she stuck her head around the corner and
said “by the way, thanks for last night”. “No, thank you”, I quickly
replied with a huge smile on my face.
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I make it back to my computer with an extra thermos of

coffee and glanced at the screen, it had a web site loaded with
the title;

Beautiful Warrior Goddess
Of Love and Fertility,
Wisdom, Magick
And Wealth’

My first thought after seeing this was “wow, no shit, and talk
about your understatement.” I read through the article and several
more and discovered that the Norse people were very spiritual. I
read where Freyja instructed Odin in the art of Seidr, sometimes
spelled Seidhr and pronounced (seethe) which is a form of
Shamanism. When using this art it is said that it seemed Odin
would change His sex. “Now we are getting somewhere”, I
thought to myself. I studied all kinds of articles but my questions
were not getting answered, but I was getting schooled on a
variety of topics. My mind became like a sponge soaking up
information at a rapid rate of speed, the more I read the more I
wanted. I was becoming a knowledge junkie.

Before long the day turned to evening and the evening into
night. Finally I felt like I could use a bite to eat and something to
drink. I went into the kitchen and Rune was sitting there reading a
book, she looked up at me and said, “It‟s about time you came out
of that room, there is a plate of chicken in the oven for you”. I
thanked her, took a beer from the fridge and the chicken from the
oven, kissed her on the forehead and went back into the study,
sat on my recliner and turned on the television to veg out for a

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After finishing my meal, I sat there watching the latest news

report when I heard coming out of the television set, Merlin‟s
voice saying. “May I join you TwinStorms?” “Please do,” I replied
with a sigh of relief and a feeling of delight from hearing his voice.
I turned to my left and there he was sitting on my couch with his
feet propped up on the coffee table. “Got one of those beers for
me?” He asked with a smile. “Sure be right back, make yourself at
home” I told him and went to the kitchen to fetch our
refreshments. Rune was nowhere in sight so I filled a cooler with
beer and pulled from the refrigerator a tray filled with cheese,
crackers, cold cuts, vegetables and dip. “I hope Rune is not
saving this for something special”, I said to myself, as I carried it
with the full cooler into the study. I placed the tray on the coffee
table in front of Merlin as he sat forward rubbing his hands
together and stated, “Yes sir, now this is what I‟m talking about”. I
gave him his beer and we both sat there munching and slurping
down a few cold ones without saying much except for “mmm
good” or “ooh, try those” and “Ahh good stuff”. I mentioned to
Merlin, “If you would have come sooner I would have shared my
baked chicken with you.” “My loss, maybe next time, this is great”
he replied.

I leaned back in my recliner and told Merlin, “By the way I

really like that sweat suit you‟re wearing”, which is 2 pieces, black
with red stripes up the side of the legs and arms. He was even
wearing black sneakers with Velcro straps. “Why thank you, it‟s
actually made of three layers of silk and quite comfortable”, was
his response. “So you have some questions for me, what‟s on
your mind?” He asked and I replied with “oh, as if you need to
ask, but since you did”. I thought for a second and asked him; “I
will be changed back to a man after the two weeks, right?” He
hesitated purposefully before replying with a smirk on his face,
“funny you should ask that question, it was the first one that Rune
had when we met with Cecile and Freyja”. “Yes, of course you
will, but you will have to wait for the night of the New Moon before
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you can be changed back.” “Remember”, he continued, “this is an

actual physical transformation, not just an astral projection or
holographic mind game”. “Which by the way let me congratulate
you for being given this great honor, you are being given the
opportunity to actually feel what a woman feels and remember the
experience to utilize in this life.” “Now TwinStorms, the next
question that you might ask me would be how you could use this
experience to benefit you and the people around you. Yes?”
“Yes”, I replied listening attentively.

Merlin then got up to get another beer from the cooler and
continued while walking around the room. “First of all you will gain
a different perspective of the world that when balanced with your
current perspective will bring you into a state of balance that few
have had the opportunity to reach in one lifetime.” “Next will be
the different energy flow and fluctuations that woman sometime
experience that men do not get the chance to truly know.” “And
more important than that is the connection with the Mother
Goddess that is not any better but certainly different than it is with
men.” He continued after taking a drink by saying, “now, I am not
sure what all Freyja has in store for you but trust me when I say
that nothing is impossible and when you have completed this
venture, the potential will be without limit”.

“Thank you for sharing with me the answers to these

questions Merlin”, I said with deep appreciation as he sat at my
computer. I showed him some of the sites I visited on the Internet
and before long I soon realized that this was all I needed to know
to make my decision. I got us another cold one and as I handed
Merlin his, I informed him. “You probably know this already, but let
me say it, I am going to do it, I want to do it and I am not feeling
any additional reservations about making this decision.” Merlin
stood up, put his arms around me and said to me, “Yes I knew
you would, congratulations on a wise choice”. Merlin stayed with
me most of the night as we browsed the Internet together and
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drank another 12 pack. He pointed out some important materials

that I should concentrate on, in preparing for this gigantic event
and he expanded on several other topics.

I sat on the recliner and thanked Merlin for his visit and
welcomed him to stay as long as he wanted and invited him to
return anytime. I ended up falling asleep on the recliner and when
I woke up, Merlin was gone and oddly enough, I was feeling pretty
good considering the amount of beer we drank. I got up and went
to the computer, reflecting on all of the information that had
accumulated in my mind from the day before; then Rune walked
into the study with a thermos and cup of fresh hot coffee.
“Sweetheart, how wonderful you are!” I exclaimed with
thanksgiving in my voice for her thoughtfulness. I reached over to
give her a kiss and she turned her head to let me kiss her cheek.
“Oops, Sorry Hon”, I said as I realized I had some kind of a battle
happening in my mouth.

I started to tell Rune about my decision and before I get the

words out of my mouth she stopped me saying. “I know, you are
going to do it, Merlin stopped by on his way out and we had a nice
chat.” She continued, “Why do think I am bringing you this coffee,
Merlin told me how much you guys drank last night.” She
continued speaking as I sat sipping my coffee and admiring her in
her nightgown. “I am glad I made that snack tray when I did, he
really liked that, and what did you think of that outfit he was
wearing, I think you would look good in something like that.” She
talked and I drank coffee and nodded my head, mostly in
agreement with everything she said.

Blessed Be! The Ancient and Mighty Ones Instruct Me In

Your Ways!
Continued in ‘Chronicles of TwinStorms Volume 2’
Visit: for more information.
 Copyright 2000 - 2010, James R. Bryan, All Rights Reserved

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