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Question 3

Microsoft Word Skills

• Instructions are given in each of the rows below
• Save the file as your student number BEFORE you start working on it.
• Once you have completed the tasks, save your file and UPLOAD it into the Edulink
Assignment called EXAM 2010

1. Change the page layout to Landscape, and the margins to be 2cm’s (2)
all around.

2. Change text colour and size of the following text, and centre it: (2)

Teacher Code of Conduct

3. Number the sentences below, and correct the obvious spelling errors. (3)

Compiters are useful to teachers

Computers can asssist teachers in their daily tasks
The computer can never replyc a teacher
Computers and teachers should supplement each other

4. Create a 3 X 3 table in this row. Merge 2 cells in this table. Split (3)
another cell in the table.

5. Insert a clipart image here. Apply a ‘heart’ shape to the inserted (3)
image. Place a solid border around the clipart image.

6. Insert WordArt here which says ‘My WordArt’ (2)

7. Change the bullet type below. Indent the second word once and the (3)
third word twice
• One
• Two
• Three
• Four
1. Insert a shape here. Change the fill colour, the border colour, border (4)
thickness. Add text on the shape.

2. Change the text flow around this image to be “tight”. Change the (1)
text flow around this image to be “tight”. Change the text flow around
this image to be “tight”. Change the text flow around this image to be
“tight”. Change the text flow around this image to be “tight”. Change
the text flow around this image to be “tight”. Change the text flow
around this image to be “tight”. Change the text flow around this

image to be “tight”. Change the text flow around this

image to be “tight”. Change the text flow around this image to be
“tight”. Change the text flow around this image to be “tight”. Change
the text flow around this image to be “tight”. Change the text flow
around this image to be “tight”. Change the text flow around this
image to be “tight”. Change the text flow around this image to be
“tight”. Change the text flow around this image to be “tight”. Change
the text flow around this image to be “tight”. Change the text flow
around this image to be “tight”.
3. Insert a header in this document with your student number (1)

4. Justify the text below. (1)

Text that are justified looks like this when it is justified. Text that are
justified looks like this when it is justified. Text that are justified looks
like this when it is justified. Text that are justified looks like this when
it is justified. Text that are justified looks like this when it is justified.
Text that are justified looks like this when it is justified. Text that are
justified looks like this when it is justified. Text that are justified looks
like this when it is justified. Text that are justified looks like this when
it is justified. Text that are justified looks like this when it is justified.
5. Put a left and right solid border around this cell (no border top and (3)
bottom). Shade the cell in any colour.
6. Make the text in 11 above to be double-spaced. (1)
7. This file has been saved using your student number only (1)


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