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‘Texas Ethics Commission __P.0. Box 12070 ‘Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612) 463-5800__ 1-800-525-8508, | PERSONAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT ForM PFS | COVER SHEET | i FToTaL NOMBEROFPAGESFILED, 1 Filed in accordance with chapter §72 of the Government Code. eA | For filings required in 2010, covering calendar year ending December 31, 2008 | —— Use FORM PFS~-INSTRUCTION GUIDE when completing this form. 0971 7 NAME rey ‘OFFICE USE ONLY Senator Judith Jiwwrenes SY crown, Las Strix RECEIVED Zaffcini MAY 03.291 F ADDRESS | s50R65S (Po BOR aPT SUE A GIN STATE BCD ; P.O. Box 627 ‘Texas Ethics C; Laredo, Texas 78042-0627 3 TELEPHONE |" cove TONE NONGERENTENDON ee (956) 724-8379 + REASON IER RTLINCGE «| [5] CAs Ate ome pnotare onc®) StATEMEN State Senator - District 21 evecten orricer _S inoteare once) ences OC ete Peseta Nee eeeeeee reer (C1 FORMER OR RETIRED JUDGE SITTING BY ASSIGNMENT Ostate party cha na Ootner (woccareposmow, Famiy members whose financial actly you are reporting (ler must report information about the fnanclatactity of the fler’s spouse or ‘sependentenigren ite fer had actual corral over hat activity) Carlos M. Zaffirini, Sr. SPOUSE _ DEPENDENT CHILD 4, ——————— eee a oo In Parts 1 through 18, you wil disclose your financial activity during the preceding calender year. In Parts 1 through 14, you are required to disclose not only your own financial activiy, but also that of your spouse or @ dependent child if you had actual contro ‘over that person's fnancial activity KE COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY. Ycogo, ‘Texas Ethics Commission 0. Box 12070 Austin, Texas_787 11-2070 (612) 463-5800 _ 1-800-325-8505, SOURCES OF OCCUPATIONAL INCOME PaRT 1A Dy norappucaste ‘When reporting information about a dependent chik's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. * INFORMATION RELATES TO FILER Dsrouse Qloerenoent crit 2 Tap noes o EueLGvER POSTION TEND EMPLOYMENT [ilece ster tome arse | State of Texas - Texas Senate [lewrtovepevanonicr | P.O. Box 12068 Austin, TX 78711 NATURE OF OCCURRTION SELF-EMPLOYED ‘Communication Consultant INFORMATION RELATES TO Cberennent cH Ore EMPLOYMENT [Hecreakirriers ome assess) Cewrcoven ay anoTHer | SELF-EMPLOYED sae oF occuparion Attomey at Law INFORMATION RELATES TO Cruse Cseouse Cloerenoenr crit EMPLOYMENT (Chase Fors Hone foes Llewevoven ay avorHer Csetr-curcoveo saute oF o2shen COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Texas Ethics Commission P.0.80x12070__Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612) 463-5800 __ 1-800-326-8508 RETAINERS PART 1B NOT APPLICABLE This section concems fees received as a retainer by you, your spouse, ar a dependent child (or by @ business in which you, your spouse, or a dependent child have a "substantial interest’) for a claim on future services in case of need, rather than fb services on a matter specified at the time of contracting for or receiving the fesReport information here only ifthe valueof | the work actualy performed during the calendar year didnot equal or exceed the value of he ater. For more information, | ‘see FORM PFS-INSTRUCTION GUIDE. | ‘When reporting information about a dependent child's activity , indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the childis listed on the Cover Sheet, 1 FEE RECEIVED FROM a Tan oF BSNS FEE RECEIVED BY FILER ORFILER'S auSINESS ‘spouse (OR SPOUSES BUSINESS | DEPENDENT CHILD _ (OR CHILD'S BUSINESS 3 fe OUN Less THan $5,000 L_] s6,000-8,0¢0 [_] s10,000-s24,988 [_] $25,000-08 More FEE RECEIVED FROM FEE RECEIVED BY FILER ORFILER'S BUSINESS _ SPOUSE OR SPOUSES BUSINESS DEPENDENT CHILD. OR CHILD'S BUSINESS FEE AMOUNT Less Tuan $6,000 [] $6.000-s0,900 [ ] $10,000-s24,090 [] $25,000.08 MORE. | | | | | COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Texas Ethics Commission P.0..Box 12070 Austin, Texas_78711-2070 (612) 483-5800 _ 1-800-825-8508 STOCK PART 2 Di norapeucaste List each business entity in which you, your spouse, or a dependent child held or acquired stock during the calendar year {and indicate the category of the number of shares held or acquired if some or all of the stock was sold, also indicate the category of the amount of the net gain or loss realized from the sale. For more information, see FORM PFS-- INSTRUCTION GUIDE When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by | providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet T BUSINESS ENTITY = wae LDispouse CJDePENDENT CHILO 2 STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY 3 NUMBER OF SHARES Des Tran 100 yooToae CJeootowe []1000 704000 Csccoro ese C1] sooe0R MORE TF SOLD Tisercan [Guess ian soc C) ss000-sesee C)stao00-s2x00 [1] s26.000-on WORE [neross BUSINESS ENTITY Nae a Citigroup ‘STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | [due Lisrouse LJoerenoenr cnn NUMBER OF SHARES Thies tian 100 Cirooto«se CD) 0070 600 7,000 70 4.908 | Cs.cootoeees C1 so,0000R MORE iF SOLD Tisercan | G)ess than ss000 Cl s5.000-s5.009 C1 sv0000-$24.09 [1] 325,000-0R MORE Cverioss BUSINESS ENTITY, ANE | Diamonds Tr Unit Ser STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | [rier Cisrouse _ CIDEPENDENT CHD NUMBER OF SHARES tess THAN 100 19070482 = C) s00 To. 990 1.000 10 4,990 Csc00 T0900 LI tooo oR MORE | IF SOLD Linercan | Giessruanssooo [15000-89000 C)s10.000-s24000 E1s25000-0R wore | Cnervoss BUSINESS ENTITY ae [Shares Tr Dow Jones US Healthcare ‘STOCK HELD OR AGQUIRED BY [isrouse __LIJ0ePENDENT crit NUMBER OF SHARES Ciicoros9 Cisovtoess C]1000 T0400 Ds00010 9990 110,000 0k woRE: IF SOLD Lnercan | C)cess rian ss.000 Css.000-so.s00 Csi0.000-$24,999 [1] s25.000-0F MORE Dnerioss ISINESS ENTITY | Nae | Standard & Poors Depositary Ree ‘STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | [Filer Cisouse LJ oePENoeNT CHILD sooro4s C)so0tosse 11000 104900 NUMBER OF SHARES Tess THA 100 [Dscoot00009 _D) sas000RMoRE IF SOLD Livercan | Tess maw sso00 Cl ssaco-s0.9%0 Clsioo0n-szxooo C1] sasoco-on wore Lnervoss | es ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY ‘Texas Ethios Commission P.O. Box 12070 Austin, Texas. 78711-2070 (612) 463-5800_ 1-800-325-8508 BONDS, NOTES & OTHER COMMERCIAL PAPER PART 3 0 nor appucaste LUst all bonds, notes, and other commercial paper held or acquired by you, your spouse, or a dependent child during the} calendar year. If sold, indicate the category of the amount of the net gain or loss realized from the sale. For more information, see FORM PFS~INSTRUCTION GUIDE, | When reporting information about a dependent child's activity. indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. 7 DESCRIPTION Certificates of Deposit at BBVA Compass Bank OF INSTRUMENT ? HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Mrner COsrouse (Cberenvent cHito 3 IF SOLD ser can Cessrravssow Csooe-seee Chiooo-saesce Csason0-on wore OnerLoss DESCRIPTION Certificate of Deposit at Texas Community Bank OF INSTRUMENT HELD OR ACQUIRED BY OF INSTRUMENT Drter Clorrencenr onto IF SOLD | ner can Cleese sso Clsseo-soore Chrocm-szasee CJsasoo-onnone | | ner ios | —— | DESCRIPTION Certfiat of Deposit a First National Bank HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Orter (Cberenoenr cHio IF SOLD Oner can ites tHan $5,000 [1s5,000-$9,0e [1s10,000-s24,009 [1] $25,000-or WORE Dnertoss COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY Texas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612) 463-5800 _1-800-25-8605, MUTUAL FUNDS PART 4 1 wor aprucasce List each mutual fund and the number of shares in that mutual fund that you, your spouse, or a dependent child held or ‘acquired during the calendar year and indicate the category of the number of shares of mutual funds held or acquired some or all ofthe shares of a mutual fund were sold, also indicate the category of the amount of the net gain or loss realized from the sale. For more information, see FORM PFS~INSTRUCTION GUIDE. ll When reporting information about a dependent child's activity _, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. 4) MUTUAL FUND el Ing Balanced Fund Class A. 2 SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND HELD ORACQUIRED BY FILER Lispouse — D]JoePenoenr cua |s NUMBER OF SHARES Chess teant00 Ey 001040 Csv0t009 © [1.000 704.000 OF MUTUAL FUND Clso0 09.889 (Z10.0000R MoRE [a ee Clrercan |) C)ess man ssc00 [2] s6000-se,00 [1] $10.000-s24.009 [1] $25,000-0R MORE Oner toss MUTUAL FUND we | Ing Balanced Fund Class B | ‘SHARES OF MUTUAL. FUND FILER Osrouse Qloerenpent cHILo HELD ORACQUIRED BY | NUMBER OF SHARES Dltesstuan too © CJ 10010489 © [soo To 909 OF MUTUAL FUND 1000 70 4.900 1s.00 709.902 © 10.000 0R MoRE iF SOLD ner can a Ties rian s6.000 [2 ss.000-s0808 E}s10.000-$24000 [1] $26,000-08 NORE NeTLoss ‘MUTUAL FUND. HELD ORACQUIRED BY Cseouse — Cloerenoewremo | NUMBER OF SHARES: TLEss THAN 100 D100 To 499 500 TO 999 D1.000 To 4,999 OF MUTUAL FUND | LDiso00 T0920 © CD 1000008 wore IF'SOLD ETGAN Laser enn | cess ian 85.000) ss000-s.c0 Csr0c00-s249e0 [1] s25.000-o8 HORE ner toss: ‘COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY sxas Ethics Commission P.0..Box 12070 INCOME FROM INTEREST, DIVIDENDS, ROYALTIES & RENTS TH niorareuceste Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612) 463-5800_ 1-800-325-8505 PART 5 List each source of income you, your spouse, or a dependent child received in excess of $500 that was derived from interest, dividends, royalties, and rents during the calendar year and indicate the category of the amount of the incoméor more information, soe FORM PFS-INSTRUCTION GUIDE. When reporting information about a dependent child's activity _, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet, 7 Tare ND NODRESE SOURCE OF INCOME BBVA Compass Bank 1700 San Bernardo Laredo, Texas 78040 (interest) ; = ~ = RECEIVED BY FILER D spouse (1 ber ENDENT CHILD 3 Ce Lissv0-s4ec0 — (Z] $5.000-85.000 [7] s10.000-824,990 1] $25,000.08 MORE SOURCE OF INCOME _ One Pershing Plaza Iersey City, NI 07399 (terest) I - . | RECEIVED BY Deuce Li spouse Cozrenoer crit AMOUNT $500~-$4,000 11) s5.000-80,009 [1] s10.000-24.09, [7] $25,000-0R MORE ‘SOURCE OF INCOME Pershing, LLC ‘One Pershing Plaza Jersey City, NI 07399 (Dividends) RECEIVED BY FILER UO srouse Ci oerenoent cit AMOUNT $500-$4,090 D1 ss,000-39,999 1] s10,000-s24,909 [] $26,000-0R MORE COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY ‘Texas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 Austin, Texas. 78711-2070 (612) 463-5800 _ 1-800-325-8508 INCOME FROM INTEREST, DIVIDENDS, ROYALTIES & RENTS part 5 0 norareucaste List each source of income you, your spouse, or a dependent child received in excess of $500 that was derived from interest, dividends, royalties, and rents during the calendar year and indicate the category of the amount of the incomBor more information, see FORM PFS-INSTRUCTION GUIDE. When reporting information about a dependent child's activity _, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is isted on the Cover Sheet. 7 ‘SOURCE OF INCOME ene ree 11008 Timbergrove Corpus Christi, TX 78410 Royalties) ? RECEIVED BY Crue spouse (Di bePenoent cHito 3 ‘AMOUNT ss00-s4999 [1] ss.000-80560 [] s10.000-s24500 [1] s25.000-08 MORE | Ra lcd Shell Trading (US) Company P.O. Box 4604 Houston, Texas 77210-4604 (Royalties) | RECEIVED BY | Orwer SPOUSE Hoerenoenr cet AMOUNT s5.000-89,900 [5] s10.000-s24,900 [J $2s,000-OR MORE SOURCE OF INCOME Valero Marketing & Supply Co. P. 0. Box 696000 San Antonio, TX 78269-6000 Royalties) RECEIVED BY Orter [Z) srouse (Cioerenent cto a 1D s500-s4.909 1D s5:000-s9.999 [[] s10,000-824,909 [7] $25,000~-OR MORE COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Texas Ethics Commission P.0.Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612) 483-5800 _ 1-800-325-8508 INCOME FROM INTEREST, DIVIDENDS, ROYALTIES & RENTS part 5 CO norapeucaste List each source of income you, your spouse, or a dependent child received. in excess of $500 that was derived from interest, dividends, royalties, and rents during the calendar year and indicate the category of the ammount of the incomBor ‘more information, 9¢ FORM PFS--INSTRUCTION GUIDE, \When reporting information about a dependent chie's activity. indicate the child about whom you ate reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet 7 aces Forest Oil Corporation 707 17h St, Ste 3600 Denver, CO 80202 (Royalties) ? RECEIVED BY Orter 3 | AMOUNT '$500--$4,900 Zs5,000-s0.20 [1] s10.000-824,009 [1] s25,000-08 MORE Seneca te BP America Production Co. 501 Westlake Park Blvd Houston, TX 77079 ent) RECEIVED BY | Orne (DEPENDENT CHILD I : oe D1 s:00.-$4,008 [i s5.000-s9.998 [1] s10,000-$24,008 [7] $25,000-0R MORE, SOURCE OF INCOME Julio Garcia, J. 100. Village #27 Laredo, Texas 78041 (Rent) RECEIVED BY Toerenvenr crit Orner NT: '$500--$4,999 D s5.000-9,999 [1] $10,000-824,090 [1] $28,000-0R MORE COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY ‘Texas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 ‘Austin, Texas 78711-2070 __(612) 463-5800_1-800-925-8508 INCOME FROM INTEREST, DIVIDENDS, ROYALTIES & RENTS part 5 0 nor appucante, List each source of income you, your spouse, or a dependent child received in excess of $500 that was derived from interest, dividends, royalties, and rents during the calendar year and indicate the category of the amount of the incomor ‘more information, see FORM PFS~INSTRUCTION GUIDE, When reporting information about a dependent child's activity indicate the child about whom you are reporting by | Providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. 1 Tae mS ASORESS ‘SOURCE OF INCOME — P.O. Box 49 Bruni, Texas 78344 (Rent) ; . RECEIVED BY Orner ‘SPOUSE (Ci berenoenr crit 3 Oe $500--$4,099 (1 s5:000-s9,989 7] s10,000-$24,990 [] $25,000-0R MORE SOURCE OF INCOME First National Bank P.O. Box 810 Edinburg, Texas 78540-0810 (lnterest) RECEIVED BY Oruer Ci ocPeNpenT CHILD AMOUNT s600-s4.909 [1] s5000-88.999 [7] s10.000-s24,00 [] s25,000-08 MORE Seca ‘Texas Community Bank NA 6721 MePherson Road Laredo, Texas 78041 intrest) RECEIVED BY Oruer SPOUSE (Cl oePennenr CHILD tale '$500--$4,999 2 s5.000-$9,989 [) $10,000-824,999 [) $25,000-0R MORE COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY ‘Texas Ethios Commission P.0.B0x12070__Austin, Texas_78711-2070 (612) 499-5800 __ 1-800-525-8606 INCOME FROM INTEREST, DIVIDENDS, ROYALTIES & RENTS part § C1 nor areuicapte List each source of income you, your spouse, or a dependent child received in excoss of $500 that was derived from interest, dividends, royalties, and rents durin the calendar year and indicate the category of the amount ofthe incomor more information, see FORM PFS-~INSTRUCTION GUIDE, When reporting information about a dependent chile's activity _, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet 7 aE REE SOURCE OF INCOME era 1322 Walter Ellison Lockhart, TX 78644 eat) L - _ RECEIVED BY Orner SPOUSE Di oepenpent cHiLo 3 lk = | ae Di s500--4,999 1D s5.000-s9.009 10,000-$24,002 [] $25,000-0R MORE | ‘SOURCE OF INCOME | RECEIVED BY Oren D spouse Coerencenr crito AMOUNT Cissoo-ss9ee ) ss.o00-ss.900 [] sta.000-s24,000 [1] $25,000-0n MORE ‘SOURCE OF INCOME RECEIVED BY | Omer Di srouse Dl oerenvenr crito tic | Diss00-s4,000 (D1 s8.000-s9,992 1] s10,000-s24,900 [] $25,000-0F MORE | COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY Texas Ethies Commission 2.0. Box 12070 Austin, Texas_ 78711-2070 (612) 463-5800 _ 1-800-526-8508, PERSONAL NOTES AND LEASE AGREEMENTS. PART 6 O norappucasie | Identify each guarantor of a loan and each person or financial institution to whom you, your spouse, or ‘a dependent child had a total financial liability of more than $1,000 in the form of a personal note or notes of lease ‘agreement at any time during the calendar year and indicate the category of the amount of the liabilfor more informa | ‘ton, see FORM PFS-INSTRUCTION GUIDE. When reporting information about a dependent child's activity , indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. 7 PERSON ORINSTITUTION | gwac. HOLDING NOTE OR LEASE AGREEMENT ? LIABILITY OF WER Usrouse Cloerenoenr crt : _ _ GUARANTOR | arn | ‘AMOUNT [s1.000-s4c00 — ]ss.000-s5.909 []sio.00-s24900 [Z]s25,000-0R WORE | PERSON OR INSTITUTION i HOLDING NOTE OR ee LEASE AGREEMENT LIABILITY OF [oerenoenr exits eR GUARANTOR ‘AMOUNT [s1.000-s4209 []ss,000-s0,900 []si0.c00-s24,009 [7]s25.000-oR MORE PERSON OR INSTITUTION HOLDING NOTE OR ee LEASE AGREEMENT LIABILITY OF eR Co=renvenr chito GUARANTOR |$25.000-08 MORE AMOUNT [s1.000-s4.99 — EJsso00-se.eee ]st0,000-s24.900 COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Texas Ethics Commission P.0.80x12070___Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612) 463-6800_ 1-800-326-8608 PERSONAL NOTES AND LEASE AGREEMENTS parr 6 | nor aPeucABLE Identify each guarantor of a loan and each person or financial institution to whom you, your spouse, or @ dependent child had a total financial liability of more than $7,000 in the form of a personal note or notes or lease | ‘agreement at any time during the calendar year and indicate the category of the amount of the labilifor more informa- | | tion, see FORM PFS~INSTRUCTION GUIDE. When reporting information about a dependent child's activity , indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet 7 PERSON ORINSTITUTION | pig Navona Ban HOLDING NOTE OR Fist Navona Bank LEASE AGREEMENT ? LIABILITY OF (ocrenoenr c¥uo Orter 3 GUARANTOR 4 AMOUNT is1.000-s4009 — [1]}85:000-s0,900 PERSON OR INSTITUTION HOLDING NOTE OR LEASE AGREEMENT LABILITY OF Ores Lseouse Coerenvenr cr GUARANTOR AMOUNT [s1.000-s4a08 ]ss.000-$6,00 L]s10.000-s24,000 []s28, 000-0 MORE PERSON OR INSTITUTION HOLDING NOTE OR LEASE AGREEMENT | LIABILITY OF Orner Li seouse Dloerenoent oxo | GUARANTOR | | | AMOUNT [s1.000-s4.008 E]ss000-se.000 L]st0.000-s24.909 []s2s.o00-on Mone COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Texas Ethics Commission P.0. Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612) 483-5800 _ 1-800-826-8608, INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY PART 7A. | wor appucaate Describe all beneficial interests in real property held or acquired by you, your spouse, or a dependent child during the calendar year Ifthe interest was sold, also indicate the category of the amount of the net gain or loss realized from thdesa. For an explanation of "beneficial interest” and other specific directions for completing this section, see FORM PFS INSTRUCTION GUIDE When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. SPOUSE Doerenoenr oxo * HELD OR ACQUIRED BY 2 STREET ADDRESS Clvorantane 308 Century Drive North Laredo, Webb County, Texas 78046 Residence on 2 lots located in Laredo, Webb County, Texas * NAMES OF PERSONS RETAINING AN INTEREST Nor APPLICABLE (SEVERED MINERAL INTEREST) 5 IF SOLD Loner can Chtess rian ssow L]sscco-secee L]sio000-s2se0e [1] sesoon-on wore Lirerioss HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Orner SPOUSE OD oerenvent cniuo STREET ADDRESS TREE ROE RCUDRO SMT BDA 1407 and 1419 Washington Chverannane Laredo, Webb County, Texas 78040 Co check iF FiLer's Home AoDRESs "NUMBER OF LOTS OR ACRES AND NAME OF COUNTY WAIERE LOGATED DESCRIPTION | Office buildings on approximately 3 lots in Laredo, Webb County, Texas Drcees NAMES OF PERSONS RETAINING AN INTEREST INor APPUCABLE (SEVERED Ml I | sou | Chveroan Ceess nw seo00 Css.0on-s5.000 Csi0.00-s240%0 1 sasono-on wore Der ioss | COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY (612) 463-5800 _ 1-800-325-8508 PART 7A ‘Texas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 ‘Austin, Texas 78711-2070 | INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY [Dl norappucasue Describe all beneficial interests in real property held or acquired by you, your spouse, or a dependent child during the calendar year. Ifthe interest was sold, also indicate the category of the amount of the net gain or loss realized from thdesa| For an explanation of "beneficial interest” and other specific directions for completing this section, see FORM PFS— INSTRUCTION GUIDE When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet, 7 HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Oren SPOUSE Doerenoenr cHiio 2 STREET ADDRESS | Cl cwecxi ries vowe aooness | DescRIPTION a 4 NAMES OF PERSONS RETAINING AN INTEREST SEVERED MINERAL es) * IF soLD Diver caw Ditess tan ss,000 [1] s5.c00-s0,900 []s10,000-824,000 [] s25000-0R MORE | Drertoss HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Drter SPOUSE Doerenvent creo ss [REET OORESS NEMIDNGOW COURT MOAT Cl cick iF riven Home aooress DESCRIPTION TNUUGER OF LTS OR ACRES AND NE OF COUNTY WHERE LDEATED Ors Undivided 19.4444% mineral interest in 3044.60 acres in Webb County, Texas NAMES OF PERSONS RETAINING AN INTEREST JNor aPeUcABLE (SEVERED MINERAL INTEREST) | (soto | Dveraan Lites tian s5.000 [1 s5.000-s2,029 C)s10,000-824,902 [1 s25,000-0R MORE | COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Texas Ethics Commission P.0.B0x12070__Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612) 463-5800 _ 1-800-325-8506 INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY Part 7A 1 nor appuicaste Describe all beneficial interests in real property held or acquired by you, your spouse, or a dependent child during the calendar yeat. Ifthe interest was sold, also indicate the category of the amount of the net gain or loss realized from thdesa For an explanation of "beneficial interest” and other specific directions for completing this section, see FORM PFS— INSTRUCTION GUIDE ‘When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet, 7 HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Orter SPOUSE Ooerenoent cua 2 STREET ADDRESS Minor avanaste Li cutck rFiter's Howe aopress > DESCRIPTION ‘RONGER OF LOTS ON ARES AND NAME OF COUNTY WHERE LOOATED hrs 10,6408% of 7,520.7100 mineral acres in Webb County, Texas * NAMES OF PERSONS RETAINING AN INTEREST Nor APPLICABLE (SEVERED MINERAL INTEREST) * iFsow Kner oan Ltess man ss000 Ess000-86,00 E}s10.000-824 000 [1] sson0-on wore [Ener voss | ] HELD OR ACQUIRED BY jee sPouse Doerenvenr crn REET DRESS STREET BERGE, NCALDA COUNT, ND TATE LB check i FiLeR's Home ADDRESS DESCRIPTION TNORERGF TS OX ARES NO TARE OFODINTY WHERE LOCATED Qors 19444496 of 1/5 undivided mineral interest in 8,411.8 acres in Webb County, Texas NAMES OF PERSONS RETAINING AN INTEREST Juor aPpucasve (SEVERED MINERAL INTEREST) iF SOLD Creroxn Tess min sso0 Ci ssoco-so.09 Csiee0-so4se0 1] ses 00-on mone Dirervoss | COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY ‘Texas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78771-2070 (612) 463-5800 1-800-325-8606 INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY PART 7A [Dl notarPucasLe: Describe all beneficial interests in real property held or acquired by you, your spouse, or a dependent child during the calendar year. Ifthe interest was sold, also indicate the category of the amount of the net gain or loss realized from thdesa For an explanation of "beneficial interest’ and other specific directions for completing this section, see FORM PFS INSTRUCTION GUIDE, ‘When reporting information about a dependent child's activity _, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is Iisted on the Cover Sheet. * HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Oruer 2 STREET ADDRESS ‘STREET ADORESS, INCLUDING CITY. COUNTY, AND | )rorauase Li oneokir ruems won aooress ‘SPOUSE Oloerenoenr cro |° DESCRIPTION | Ces 16th undivided interest in 1328 acres in Zapata County, Texas RES * NAMES OF PERSONS RETAINING AN INTEREST Juor appucABL (SEVERED MINERAL INTEREST) 5 iF soto ver oan tess ran 55000 [s5.000-85.900 [810.000.824.009 [] ses.o00-or wore Cnerioss HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Oner ‘SPOUSE Doerenvent cho —— TT AGREES NEON GY, COUT DETTE i check i riLer's Home ADDRESS DESCRIPTION Qhors ‘An undivided 15.88% interest in 119.88 acres in Zapata County, Texas NAMES OF PERSONS RETAINING AN INTEREST Nor xPpUCABLE (SEVERED HINERAL INTEREST) iF SOLD Ceram Thess rian 5000 C1 ssce-se00 Csio.co0-sz40ee 1] ses ot-on wore rer oss COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY ‘Texas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612) 493-5800 _ 1-800-325-8508, | INTERESTS IN BUSINESS ENTITIES Part 7B norappucaate Describe all beneficial interests in business entities held or acquired by you, your spouse, of a dependent child during the calendar year. Ifthe interest was sold, also indicate the category of the amount of the net gain or loss realized from thdesa For an explanation of "beneficial interest” and other specific directions for completing this section, see FORM PFS— INSTRUCTION GUIDE, When reporting information about a dependent child's activity _, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. 1 HELD OR ACQUIRED BY FILER Dseouse Di perennenr ckito * DESCRIPTION Comat ers ree Assen Zaftirini Communications P.O. Box 627 Laredo, Texas 78042-0627 * IF soLD Dnerean Ctess tHaw ss.000 (1) $6,000-89.999 ] s10,000-s24,009 [) $25,000-08 MORE Oneross HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Orver SPOUSE CD oerenoent cua DESCRIPTION Li coreckt Pers ome asses) Zaffitini & Castillo, Attomeys 1407 Washington St Laredo, Texas 78040 IF SOLD Gece Ties nian ss.000 1 s000-s999 1 siacoo-sz4.se0 [2 s2s.00-on wore Cnertoss HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Orner spouse Doerenoenr oxo DESCRIPTION [creat ers Home asso) | Zaftex Corporation 1407 Washington St Laredo, Texas 78040 IF SOLD Oner can Onertoss Thess rian ss,000 [1 s5,000-s9,009 LF) s10,000-s24,998 [] $25,000-0R MORE COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY Texas Ethics Commission P.0..Box 12070 ‘Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612) 463-5800 __ 1-800-325-8508, INTERESTS IN BUSINESS ENTITIES PART 7B 1 norappucas.e Describe all beneficial interests in business entities held or acquired by you, your spouse, or a dependent child during th calendar year. If the interest was sold, also indicate the category of the amount of the net gain or loss realized from thdcsa| For an explanation of "beneficial interest" and other specific directions for completing this section, see FORM PFS-- INSTRUCTION GUIDE. When reporting information about a dependent child's activity , indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet, 7 HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Orwer SPOUSE (Dl cePeNDENT CHILD 2 Ta ES a DESCRIPTION Di ccheck it Filers Home Address) Webbo, Lc P.0. Box 627 Laredo, Texas 78042-0627 | : __ IF SOLD Cnercan Dies thaw s5.000 1 s5,000-s0.900 [1] s10.000-s24.999 1) $26,000-0R MORE Dnertoss HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Orner Dsrouse Di oerenoenr crit | DESCRIPTION Detter coe cen | = | IF SOLD CDneroan Tess rian 5.000 C1 ss000-s9099 1 s10000-s24.00 1] s2s0o0-0r MORE Cnervoss HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Omer Di seouse Toerenoenr cx DESCRIPTION Li toneck it Fier's Home Address) IF SOLD Dnerean Ctzes ruawse000 [1 s5000-86. 999 [1 s10000-824000 C] s25000-08 NORE Cnertoss COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY ‘Texas Ethics Commission P.0.80x 12070 ___ Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612) 463-5000 _ 1-800-326-8508 GIFTS PART 8 Ci noraprucaae Identify any person or organization that has given a giftorth more than $250 to you, your spouse, or a dependent chi, and describe the gif. Do not include: 1) expenditures required to be reported by a person required to be registered as a lobbyist under chapter 305 of the Government Code; 2) politcal contributions reported as required by law; or 3) gifts given by a person related to the recipient within the second degree by consanguinity or iy. For more information see FORM PFS- INSTRUCTION GUIDE, ‘When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. : aE RET DONOR ‘Senator Chris Harris P.O. Box 12068 Capito Staton Austin, Texas 78711 ? RECIPIENT Dsrouse Qloerenoenr cuuo 2 cs " ea Remington sculpture, tiled "Wooly Chape DONOR : RECIPIENT Orter Disrouse Qloerenoent cro DESCRIPTION OF GIFT DONOR RECIPIENT Orter Cisrouse Qloerenvenr cHio DESCRIPTION OF GIFT COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Texas Ethics Commission Ro. Box 12070 ‘Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612) 463-5800 _ 1-800-825-8508 | TRUST INCOME NOT APPLICABLE | Identity each source of income received by you, your spouse, or a dependent child as beneficiary of a trust and indicate t category of the amount of income received Also identify each asset of the trust from which the beneficiary receivediore | than $500 in income, if the identity of the asset is knownFor more information, see FORM PFS~-INSTRUCTION GUIDE, When reporting information about a dependent child's activity , indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet, PART 9 a mac FTRT | source | | : |? BENEFICIARY Gruer Dsrouse (oerencenr cH —_ — = . INCOME Cites Han s5,o00 Cs5.000-se,909 1] s10,000-s24,99@ []s25,000-0R MORE. ASSETS FROM WHICH (OVER $500 WAS RECEIVED Tl unenonns SOURCE BENEFICIARY Orner Osrouse Cloerenoent cH. INCOME Lies man sson []s5000-so.900 []s10000-s24s00 []s2son0-or wore ASSETS FROM WHICH ‘OVER $500 WAS RECEIVED OVER $500 WAS RECEIVED Dl unknown Dluvanowny SOURCE | BENEFICIARY Orner Osrouse Ci ver Enver cua | | INCOME | Chess tHaw s5,000 [1] 5.000-s0,209 [] s10.000-s24.090 ([]s25,000-0R MORE ASSETS FROM WHICH | COPY Al ND ATTAGH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY ‘Texas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 ‘Austin, Texas_78711-2070 (612) 463-5800 _ 1-800-525-8508 BLIND TRUSTS ParT 10A Identify each blind trust that complies with section §72,023(c) of the Government CodéSee FORM PFS--INSTRUCTION. GUIDE. When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. ‘NAME OF TRUST Fi - Te AN ADORE TRUSTEE BENEFICIARY Cruer Cseovse ——Cloerenoenronto 3 FAIR MAR BA Naa [ess thaw ss.000 [hs.000-s0.000 []s10.000-s24.000 1] s26,000-0R MORE: ® DATE CREATED NAME OF TRUST ‘TRUSTEE BENEFICIARY Cruer Osrouse Doerenoent orto | eee [hess tHawss.000 [2hs.000-s0.900 []st0.c00-sz4,000 [7] s25.000-oR MoRE a | NAME OF TRUST as TE AGERE BENEFICIARY | Cruse Csrouse Coerenoenr cit Be [tess tuaw ss.000 [hs.000-se,s92 []st0,000-824,000 [1] s28.000-08 MORE DATE CREATED { COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Texas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612) 483-5800 _ 1-800-525-8606 ce e207 sus ee TRUSTEE STATEMENT part 10B | NOTAPPLICABLE An individual wn is required oWenty @ bind tust on Par 0A. ofthe Personal Financial Statement must suomi | Statement sted bythe rusts ofeach bind trust sted on Part OAT portons of selon $72.028 ofthe Government Code tat relate to bind russ are sted below 1 NAME OF TRUST 2 TRUSTEE NAME 3 FILER ON WHOSE Tae BEHALF STATEMENT | ISBEING FILED | 4 TRUSTEE STATEMENT | afr, under penalty of perjury that | have not revealed any information to the beneficiary of this ‘rust except information that may be disclosed under section 572.023 (b)(8) of the Government Code and that to the best of my knowledge, the trust complies with section §72.023 of the Government Code. | Trustee Signature '§ 872.023. Contents of Financial Statement in General (b) The account of financial activity consists of: (8) identification of the source and the category of the amount of all income received as beneficiary of a trusther than a blind trust that complies with Subsection (cJand identification of each trust asset, if known to the beneficiary from which income was received by the beneficiary in excess of $500; (14) identification of each blind trust that complies with Subsection (c), including (A) the category of the fair market value of the trust; (6) the date the trust was created; (©) the name and address of the trustee; and (0) statement signed by the trustee, under penalty of perjury stating that: | (i) the trustee has not revealed any information to the individual, except information that may be disclose« | under Subdivision (8); and (i to the best of the trustee's knowledge, the trust complies with this section. | (&) For purposes of Subsections (b)(8) and (14), a blind trust is a trust as to which: (1) the trustee: (A) is a disinterested party; (8) is not the individual; (C)is not required to register as a lobbyist undeChapter 305; (D)is not a public officer or public employee; and (E) was not appointed to public office by the individual or by a public officer or public employee the individu supervises; and (2) the trustee has complete discretion to manage the trust, assets without consulting or notifying the individual \cluding the power to dispose of and acquire trust (@) Ifa blind trust under Subsection (c) is revoked while the individual is subject to this subchapféhe individual must fle an ‘amendment to the individual's most recent financial statement, disclosing the date of revocation and the previously unreported value by category of each asset and the income derived from each asset. Texas Ethics Commission P.0. Box 12070 ‘Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612) 488-5800, 4-800-825-8608 ASSETS OF BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS D1 nor apeucaste PART 11A Describe all assets of each corporation, firm, partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, professional corporation, professional association, joint venture, or other business association in which you, your spouse, or a depen} dent child held, acquired, or sold 50 percent or more of the outstanding ownership and indicate the category of the amu of the assets. For more informationsee FORM PFS~INSTRUCTION GUIDE When reporting information about a dependent child's activity _, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. * BUSINESS Cersce riers Home adios ) ASSOCIATION Zaffirini Communications, P. 0. Box 627, Laredo, Texas 78042, 2. BUSINESS TYPE Firm 3 HELD, ACQUIRED, . 3 FILER SPOUSE JOEPENDENT CHILD —— OR SOLD BY o eI 4 ASSETS — carer Cash in Banks Lites tian s5.000 []ss.000-s0.009 isto,000-s24.909 [Z}s2s.000-on WoRE: Centficetes of Deposit Lites tran $5,000 []ss.000-89.980 [sto000-ses.s0e [Z]s25,000-0R MoRE ear Cites than $5,000 []s5,000-s9.999 Cs10.000-s24,000 Hess Tan $5,000 [s10 000-24 980 Dhess Tan $5,000 Cs10.000-24 960 Chess rian $5.00 s10,000-s24,990 Thess rian $5.00 Ls10.000-s24.s00 Less than $5,000 Os10,000-s24,990 1s25,000-0R MORE Lss.000-s8 560 {s25,000-08 wore O)s5.000--$9,009 {s25 000-08 wore Css.000-s8968 (s25.000-0f woRE Ciss.000-s5.560 Os25,000-08 wore Liss.o00-s8.060 (C2 000-0R woe COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY ‘Toxas Ethics Commission P.0..Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612) 463-5800 _ 1-800-325-8608, ASSETS OF BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS PART 11A } Dy Norapeucaste Describe all assets of each corporation, firm, partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, professional corporation, professional association, joint venture, or other business association in which you, your spouse, or a depen} dent child held, acquired, or sold 50 percent or more of the outstanding ownership and indicate the category of the amou of the assets. For more informationsee FORM PFS-INSTRUCTION GUIDE ‘When reporting information about a dependent chile's activity , indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. * BUSINESS corset Pers Hae Ate) ix ASSOCIATION Zaffirni & Castillo, Attorneys, 1407 Washington St, Laredo, TX 78040 2 BUSINESS TYPE Fim 3 HELD, ACQUIRED, ie Z OR SOLD BY Oruer [spouse Chosrenoenr cnt - @ ASSETS BESOIN eaTEooR Cash in Banks Kites tian $5000 [38000-80990 Csi0000-s24.900 (Z}sz5000-oR WORE ‘Accounts Receivable Lites tran s.000 L]sso0n-se.c00 s10,000-s24 980 $25,000-0R MORE tied [tess tran $5,000 Css 000-,080 [st0,000-s24,200 25,000-0R MORE a Lites Tran $8,000 [)ss.000-so.009 10,000-$26,909 []s25.000-0R MORE Library Less tuan $5,000 [Z)s5.000-.000 (Cs10,000-s24,000 — [)s25,000-0n MoRE: Cites tHan $5,000 []s5,000-$9,909 (Cis10,.000~-s24,909 ([}s25,000-0R MoRE (Cites tHan $5,000 ([)s5,000-$9,009 Lsi0.000-s24000 Csz5000-0n more Cites tian $5,000 [)s8,000-s9,009 C)s10.000-824,9e9 []s28,000-oR MORE T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | | | | | | | | | | | | | ! | I I ! i i | | | I | L ‘COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Texas Ethics Commission P.0. Box 12070 ‘Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612) 463-5800, 1-800-325-8608, ASSETS OF BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS Di norsrrucaate PART 11A Describe all assets of each corporation, firm, partnership, mited partnership, limited liabilty partnership, professional corporation, professional association, joint venture, or other business association in which you, your spouse, or a depen} dent child held, acquired, or sold 50 percent or more of the outstanding ownership and indicate the category of the amou ofthe assets. For more informationsee FORM PFS~INSTRUCTION GUIDE When reporting information about a dependent child's activity , indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. 7 BUSINESS Dee ame ASSOCIATION Zatex Comeraion 2 BUSINESS TYPE Corporation A —_ HELD. ACQUIRED, cl D OR SOLD BY Oruer ‘SPOUSE Coerenvenr crite 4 ASSETS ascRTON neon Cash in Banks Ditess Tran $6,000 [[]s5,000-s9,908 510,000-$24,000 [[]$25.000-0R MORE Certificates of Deposit [tess tian $5,000 Cs0.000-s24.989 Real Estate [tess tian $6,000 Csv0.000-sosee [tess THA $5,000 Cst0.000-s24,009 Thess rian $5,000 Cs:0.000-s24, 998 Lltess tian $5000 Dis10.000-s24,998 Chess rian $5,000 st0.000-s24.980 Dhhess tHan $5,000 Ds10,000-$24,999 Css 000-5990 Css 000-s0 900 Css 000-39.999 (Ds25 000-08 wore (ss 000-39,900 (Os25,000-0F woRE ss .000-39,008 (sex 000-07 wore (Css 00-s2.90 Lsesave-onnone | Liss 000-89 988 {se5.000-0F wore "COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY 1-800-925-8608, part 11A “Texas Ethios Commission P.O. Box 12070 ‘Austin, Texas 78771-2070 ASSETS OF BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS norappucasie (612) 463-5800 Describe all assets of each corporation, firm, partnership, limited partnership, limited liabilty partnership, professional corporation, professional association, joint venture, or other business association in which you, your spouse, or a depen- dent child held, acquired, or sold 0 percent or more of the outstanding ownership and indicate the category of the amount of the assets. For more informationsee FORM PFS--INSTRUCTION GUIDE When reporting information about a dependent child's activity providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet indicate the child about whom you are reporting by Deere Fire Home asda) WebbCo, L.C,, 1407 Washington, Laredo, Texas 78040 * BUSINESS ASSOCIATION 2 BUSINESS TYPE Limited Liability Company 3 HELD, ACQUIRED, Fie SPOUSE DEPENDENT CHILD OR SOLD BY Cirter Go ‘ CSSReTON sco ASSETS Cash in Banks [tess rian 35,000 []ss.000-se,009 (Zis0.000. 4 900 Centficate of Deposit Eotess THan $5,000 [s10.000-s24.000 Thess Thaw 85.000 (s10,000-s24,000 Hltess than $5,000 Chess tian $5,000 Ls10,000-s24,900 Dhtess Tian 85,000 Ds10,000-s24,098 Lites rian $5000 [s10,000-s24,000 Cites THAN $5,000 Ts10,000-s24.989 1 i | i | | | | | i | i i | | |, Cosroonn-soease | | i i i i | | i | | | | i i i ! ()s25,000-08 wore s5.000-s9.900 1$28,000-0R MORE Lss.000-s8 88 [sz5000-08 wore ss.000-85 888 s25,000-08 more (ss.000.-s9,999 s25.000-0r wore ss.000-$9,900 (s25,000-0R more Os5,000-s9,909 (Cs25,000-0R moRE Css000-so,500 Os25,000-on more "COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY 1-200-325-8506 part 11B ‘Texas Ethics Commission LIABILITIES OF BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS O NotaPeucasie P.O. Box 12070 Austin, Texas. 78711-2070 (612) 463-5800 Describe all iablities of each corporation, firm, partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, professioral corporation, professional association, joint venture, or other business association in which you, your spouse, or a depen dent child held, acquired, or sold 50 percent or more of the outstanding ownership and indicate the category of the amou} of the assets. For more informationsee FORM PFS~INSTRUCTION GUIDE When reporting information about a dependent child's activity _, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet, * BUSINESS terse ee ioe ers) ASSOCIATION Zaffirini & Castillo, Attomeys, 1407 Washington, Laredo, Texas 78040 2 BUSINESS TYPE 3 HELD, ACQUIRED, Oruer T | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | I | | | 1 ! 1 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 | I L SP -PENDENT CHILD ORSOID EY ‘SPOUSE CO pepenvent cH 4 ESoRTION econ LIABILITIES Loan Payable Ditess tHaw $5,000 C1 s5.000-s9,909 Ti s10,000-s24,080 Chess THAN $5,000 Os10,000.-s24.908 Otess tan $5,000 Os10,000-s24,900 Dtess Tran $5,000 OD s10,000.-s24.998 tess tian $5,000 O sto000-s24.000 Oess Tran $5,000 O)s10,000-24000 O tess tran $5,000 C1 s10.000--s24.908 D1tess tran 35,000 D1 s10,000-s24,990 1s25,000-0R MoRE | i s5.000-s0.900 Z1's25,000-on MoRE Oss000-so900 | )s25,000-on more | ssoco-see0 | Ts25,000-oR more Os5.000-#9:009 Os25,000-0 more Oiss.c00-so.000 | Ose 000-08 more Os5.000-s0,289 Ti s25,000-of more Css.000-$9,<99 )s25,000-on more ‘COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY ‘Texas Ethies Commission P.0.Box 12070 Austin, Texas_ 78711-2070 (612) 463-5800 1-800-325-8508, BOARDS AND 1 norappucaste EXECUTIVE POSITIONS PART 12 List all boards of directors of which you, your spouse, or a dependent child are a member and all executive positions yo your spouse, or a dependent child hold in corporations, firms, partnerships, limited partnerships, limited lability partner- ships, professional corporations, professional associations, joint ventures, other business associations, or proprietorships| stating the name of the organization and the position heldFor more information, see FORM PFS-INSTRUCTION GUIDE, When reporting information about a dependent child's activity _, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. : ORGANIZATION Zaftirini Communications ? POSITION HELD Owner * POSITION HELD BY FILER Lisrouse [oerenvenr cro ORGANIZATION Zaffirini & Castillo, Attomeys POSITION HELD Owner POSITION HELD BY Orner spouse Dloerenvenr co —__ ORGANIZATION Zaflex Corporation POSITION HELD President and Director POSITION HELD BY Coerenoenr cin Oner spouse ORGANIZATION WebbCo, LC. POSITION HELD Member and Manager of Limi POSITION HELD BY Cree SPOUSE loerenoenr chico ORGANIZATION POSITION HELD | POSITION HELD BY Orter Disrouse Coerenvenr cro COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY ‘Texas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 ‘Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612) 465-5800 _ 1-800-825-8506 EXPENSES ACCEPTED UNDER HONORARIUM EXCEPTION PART 13 Identify any person who provided you with necessary transportation, meals, or lodging, as permitted under section 36.07 of the Penal Code, in connection with a conference or similar event in which you rendered services, such as addressing audience or participating in a seminar, that were more than perfunctory Also provide the amount of the expenditures on transportation, meals, or lodging. You are not required to include items you have already reported as political contribution (on a campaign finance report, or expenditures required to be reported by a lobbyist under the lobby law (chapter 305 of t Government Code). For more information, see FORM PFS~INSTRUCTION GUIDE * PROVIDER * AMOUNT PROVIDER a al AMOUNT PROVIDER ‘AMOUNT | PROVIDER " ‘AMOUNT COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY ‘Texas Ethics Commission NOT APPLICABLE P.O, Box 12070 ‘Austin, Texas 78711-2070 INTEREST IN BUSINESS IN COMMON WITH LOBBYIST (612) 463-5800 _ 1-800-325-8608, PART 14 Identify each corporation, frm, partnership, ited partnership, limited liabiliy partnership, professional corporation, pfes- sional association, joint venture, or other business association, other than a publicly-held corporation, in which you, your spouse, or a dependent child, and a person registered as a lobbyist under chapter 305 of the Government Code that both have an interest. For more information, see FORM PFS-INSTRUCTION GUIDE. eee vase no soon 2 INTEREST HELD BY Orer Di srouse ClbePenDeNT CHILD BUSINESS ENTITY NAME ARO REERESS INTEREST HELD BY Crier Csrouse — []nePenoenr cio BUSINESS ENTITY MARE AN SODRESS INTEREST HELD BY Orner Ci spouse (C1 bePeNDent cHILD BUSINESS ENTITY Namen nooness INTEREST HELO BY Cruse spouse DJoerenoenr cuit BUSINESS ENTITY INTEREST HELD BY Oruer spouse C1] nePenvenr cut COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Texas Ethics Commission P.0..Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612) 463-5800 _ 1-900-325-8506 FEES RECEIVED FOR SERVICES RENDERED part 15 TO ALOBBYIST OR LOBBYIST'S EMPLOYER 1 noraprucas.e Report any fee you received for providing services to or on behalf of a person required to be registered as a lobbyist und chapter 305 of the Government Code, or for providing services to or on behalf of a person you actually know directly compen- sates or reimburses a person required to be registered as a lobbyisfReport the name of each person or entity for which the| services were provided, and indicate the category of the amount of each fee. For more information, see FORM PFS— INSTRUCTION GUIDE. * PERSON OR ENTITY FOR WHOM SERVICES. (Compass Bank WERE PROVIDED z eects Cites rian ss.oc0 []s5,000-se.e0 [C]sto.o00-s24.00 [Z]s25.000-0R wore PERSON OR ENTITY FOR WHOM SERVICES WERE PROVIDED FEE CATEGORY Chess rian sso00 [1] 5000-80 09 []s10000-824.200 []s2,000-0n wore PERSON OR ENTITY FOR WHOM SERVICES WERE PROVIDED FEE CATEGORY (Cites THAN $6,000 [[]s5,000-89,909 [[]s10.000-s24,000 [[]s25,000-0R MORE ~ 1 PERSON OR ENTITY FOR WHOM SERVICES WERE PROVIDED FEE CATEGORY Cites tHaw s5.000 []s5,000-s9,00@ [)s10,000-s24,009 []s25;000-oR MRE PERSON OR ENTITY FOR WHOM SERVICES WERE PROVIDED FEE CATEGORY (ss,000-s9,009 C)s10,000-s24,909 [)s25,000-oR ore | Dlhess tan $5,000 PERSON OR ENTITY FOR WHOM SERVICES WERE PROVIDED FEE CATEGORY Thess ria ss.000 []s5.000-89.999 ]sto.000-s24.009 [25 000-0R MORE COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Texas Ethics Commission .0.80%12070 __Austin, Texas_78711-2070 (512) 483-5800 _ 1-800-326-8508 REPRESENTATION BY LEGISLATOR BEFORE PART 16 STATE AGENCY This section applies only to members of the Texas Legislature. A member of theTexas Legislature who represents a person for compensation before a st ate agency in the executive branch must provide the name of the agency, the name of the person represented, and the category of the amount ofthe fee received for the representation. For more information, see FORM PFS-INSTRUCTION GUIDE, Note: Beginning September 1, 2003, legislators may not, for compensation, represent another person before a state ‘agency in the executive branch. The prohibition does not apply if: (1) the representation is pursuant to an attomey/client relationship in a criminal law matter; (2) the representation involves the filing of documents that involve only ministerialtac (on the part of the agency; or (3) the representation is in regard to a matter for which the legislator was hired before ‘September 1, 2003. 1 ‘STATE AGENCY * PERSON REPRESENTED z | FEE CATEGORY Czss nian 25,000 [E1]ss.000-89.900 []s10.000-s24900 []s25.000-o8 wore STATE AGENCY | PERSON REPRESENTED FEE CATEGORY [less nian ss.c00 [FJ s5000-so.009 [[] s10.000-s24.000 [7] s25.000-on MORE STATE AGENCY PERSON REPRESENTED | FEE CATEGORY [tess man ss.000 [7]}s5,000-s,002 [7]sta.000-s24.900 [7] s25,000-0R wore STATE AGENCY PERSON REPRESENTED | Cee cecon Cites tHanss.000 C]s5.000-80.000 [1 s10.000-s24.009 [1] s26,000-0R MORE COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY | “Texas Ethies Commission P.O. Box 12070 PUBLIC SERVANT NOT APPLICABLE Austin, Texas 78711-2070 BENEFITS DERIVED FROM FUNCTIONS HONORING (612) 463-5800 _ 1-800-525-8608, PART 17 information, see FORM PFS~INSTRUCTION GUIDE, Section 36.10 of the Penal Code provides that the git prohibitions set out in section 36,08 of the Penal Code do not apy to.a benefit derived from a function in honor or appreciation of a public servant required to file a statement under chapted5| ofthe Government Cade or tile 15 of the Election Code if the benefit and the source of any benefit over $50 in value are: reported in the statement and 2) the benefit is used solely to defray expenses that accrue in the performance of duties | activities in connection with the office which are nonreimbursable by the state or a political subdivisioif such a benefits received and is not reported by the public servant under tle 15 of the Election Code, the benefit is reportable heffor more 7 SOURCE OF BENEFIT a BENEFIT ‘SOURCE OF BENEFIT BENEFIT ‘SOURCE OF BENEFIT BENEFIT ‘SOURCE OF BENEFIT BENEFIT COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY ) “Texas Ethics Commission P.0..Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (512) 463-5809 _ 1-800-325-8508 LEGISLATIVE CONTINUANCES PART 18 NOT APPLICABLE: Identify any legislative continuance that you have applied for or obtained under section 30.003 of the Civil Practice ‘and Remedies Code, or under another law or rule that requires or permits a court to grant continuances on the grounds that an attomey for a party is a member or member-elect of the legislature |' NAME OF PARTY REPRESENTED 2 DATE RETAINED 3 STYLE, CAUSE NUMBER, COURT & JURISDICTION DATE OF CONTINUANCE APPLICATION 6 WAS CONTINUANCE GRANTED? Oves | NAME OF PARTY REPRESENTED DATE RETAINED STYLE, CAUSE NUMBER, COURT, & JURISDICTION DATE OF CONTINUANCE APPLICATION WAS CONTINUANCE GRANTED? Oves COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Texas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 ‘Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612) 463-5800 _ 1-800-325-8508 PERSONAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT AFFIDAVIT ‘The law requires the personal financial statement to be verified. The verification page must have the signature of the individual required to file the personal financial statement, as well as the signature and stamp or seal of office of a notary public or other person authorized by law to administer caths and affirmations. Without proper verification, the statement snot considered filed. | swear, or affirm, under penalty of perjury, that this financial statement covers calendar year ending December 31, 2009, and is true and correct ‘and includes all information required to be reported by me under chapter 572 of the Government Code. Swroiferrer Me NFAT. dUAREZ sy cowassicu RES 3 Decanter 15,2012 AFF. NOTARY STAMP / SEAL ABOVE Sworn to and subsorbed before me, by the said VMDITH Zareumm —. this the 30% day of APRIL 20 LQ, to certify which, witness my hand and seat of office, EZ __NorhRy Pable, STATE OF TEKAS Prt nae of oftee aaminieneg oath Te offer adiisteng oath

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