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Endocrine disrupting chemicals.

Harmful substances and how to test them

Produtos químicos como desreguladores

endócrinos: substâncias danosas e como
devem ser testadas

Nicolás Olea-Serrano 1
Mariana F. Fernández-Cabrera 1

Rosa Pulgar-Encinas 1
Fátima Olea-Serrano 1

1 Laboratorio de Abstract This paper presents an analysis of the opinions of different groups from: scientists, in-
Investigaciones Médicas,
ternational regulatory bodies, non-governmental organizations and industry; with an interest
Hospital Clínico San Cecilio,
Universidad de Granada. in the problem of identifying chemical substances with endocrine disrupting activity. There is al-
Avda. Doctor Olóriz 16, so discussion of the consequences that exposure to endocrine disruptors may have for human
18012 Granada, España.
health, considering concrete issues related to: the estimation of risk; the tests that must be used
to detect endocrine disruption; the difficulties to establish an association between dose, time of
exposure, individual susceptibility, and effect; and the attempts to create a census of endocrine
disruptors. Finally, it is proposed that not all hormonal mimics should be included under the
single generic denomination of endocrine disruptors.
Key words Toxic Substances; Chemical Compound Exposure; Endocrine Disruptors

Resumo Este artigo apresenta uma análise das opiniões de diferentes grupos, inclusive de cien-
tistas, agências regulatórias internacionais, organizações não-governamentais e indústrias, in-
teressados na questão da identificação de substâncias químicas com atividade desreguladora
endócrina. Os autores discutem também o impacto da exposição aos desreguladores endócrinos
sobre a saúde humana, considerando as seguintes questões: estimativa de risco; testes utilizados
para detectar distúrbios endócrinos; dificuldades na identificação de uma associação entre dose,
tempo de exposição, suscetibilidade individual e efeito e tentativas no sentido de mapear os des-
reguladores endócrinos. Finalmente, os autores argumentam que nem todos os agonistas hormo-
nais devem ser incluídos sob a denominação genérica de desreguladores endócrinos.
Palavras-chave Substâncias Tóxicas; Exposição a Produtos Químicos; Desreguladores Endó-

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490 OLEA-SERRANO, N. et al.

Introduction monal mimics should be included under the

single generic denomination of endocrine dis-
Endocrine disruptors are chemical substances, ruptors.
exogenous to the human or animal organism,
which have hormonal activity and can thus al-
ter the homeostasis of the endocrine system. Tests of endocrine disruption
Many of these compounds interfere with the
development of the endocrine system and af- Several existing tests and bioassays of very dif-
fect the functioning of organs that respond to ferent types have been proposed by distinct in-
hormonal signals. The endocrinal and repro- ternational bodies to identify hormonal mim-
ductive effects of endocrine disruptors may be ics/antagonists, for the purpose of assessing
a consequence of their ability to: (a) mimic the risk of exposure to chemical compounds
natural hormones, (b) antagonize their action, and eventually using the assays as regulatory
(c) alter their pattern of synthesis and metabo- instruments for international application (Co-
lism, or (d) modify the expressions of specific misión de las Comunidades Europeas, 1999).
receptors (Colborn & Clement, 1992). However, despite the major efforts that have
The homeostasis of the endocrine system been made in a very short period of time, the
does not, despite its name, mean that hormon- charge has been laid that the hormonal effects
al levels are maintained constant or static, but attributable to some chemicals compounds
rather that the system adapts physiologic func- suspected of being endocrine disruptors can-
tions within the range necessary for an optimal not be measured with the toxicological tests
performance. This is why it is difficult to define currently in use (Miller & Sharpe, 1998). The
what normal endocrine activity is. For instance, following have been noted:
at the simplest level, the concentrations of cir- a) A chemical compound may have en-
culating hormones vary according to the age docrine disruption-related effects at a lower
and gender of the individual and the precise dose than the currently accepted No Observ-
timing of the measurement. Thus, any realistic able Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL).
attempt to estimate the consequences of expo- b) Many of the toxicity tests are not de-
sure to endocrine disruptors must take into ac- signed to detect effects that occur after expo-
count the hormonal pattern of each individual sure during early development.
and how small variations from normality can c) Very few tests evaluate the combined ef-
affect the functioning of the system as a whole. fect of several chemical compounds.
In fact, a clear distinction has been drawn be- d) Alterations of endocrine function can
tween endocrine disruptors and potential en- have repercussions in any organ and at any
docrine disruptors. The latter denomination is moment in the life of an individual, because of
reserved for chemical compounds whose ef- the special actions of hormones during devel-
fects on live animals are not documented, de- opment and in the maintenance of homeosta-
spite evidence of their hormonal activity in in sis during critical periods.
vitro assays (European Workshop on the Im- The development of tests to detect en-
pact of Endocrine Disruptors on Human Health docrine disruption is a simple problem to solve,
and Wildlife, 1996). but at the same time is not without complexity.
This paper presents an analysis of the opin- It is simple to determine whether a given
ions of different groups such as: scientists, in- chemical compound is a hormonal mimic-ag-
ternational regulatory bodies, non-govern- onist or antagonist. It must not be forgotten
mental organizations and industry, who have that many of the bioassays that served over sev-
proposed analytical systems and screening enty years ago to define estrogenic hormones
tests to identify chemical substances with pos- can also be used to identify chemical com-
sible endocrine disrupting activity. There is al- pounds, natural or not, with estrogenic activity.
so discussion of the consequences that expo- In 1936, Dodds & Lawson published in Na-
sure to endocrine disruptors may have for hu- ture the first demonstration that chemical com-
man health, with a point-by-point considera- pounds without the perhydrophenanthrenic
tion of the issues related to the estimation of ring, a characteristic of the sex hormones, act-
risk: the tests that must be used to detect en- ed as potent estrogens in the ovariectomised rat
docrine disruption; the difficulties to establish (Dodds & Laws, 1936). The increase in uterine
an association between dose, time of exposure, weight and transformation of the vaginal ep-
individual susceptibility, and effect; and the at- ithelium after bisphenol treatment were as
tempts to create a census of endocrine dis- great as those induced by natural estrogen.
ruptors. Finally, it is proposed that not all hor- Shortly afterwards, Dodds was awarded the

Cad. Saúde Pública, Rio de Janeiro, 18(2):489-494, mar-abr, 2002


Nobel Prize for his discovery of the highly po- have been approved by the different groups of
tent synthetic estrogen diethylstilbestrol (DES). experts: the uterotrophic test in immature rats;
The purpose of Dodds’ research was to identify the Herberger prostate assay; and Protocol 407,
new compounds that could be used as a thera- extended to assess transgenerational effects.
peutic tool in clinical practice, and DES was However, the EDTA took over four years to
prescribed to women for over 30 years for the decide whether Dodds’ 1930’s uterine test or
prevention of miscarriage. Unfortunately, its Hershberger’s rat prostate androgenicity test
dramatic impact on the developing fetus was were appropriate for citizens of the new mille-
not observed until well into the 1970s, when nium to assign estrogenicity or androgenicity
the daughters of these women were shown to to a handful of chemical compounds; far too
have an increased risk of vaginal cancer. The long, given the need to produce solutions for
administration of DES to pregnant women was immediate action. Furthermore, excessive ef-
eventually prohibited, due to the proven risk of fort has been devoted to producing data al-
disease in their children. This illustrates how ready published by scientists over the last 70
hormonal activity tests can fail to show en- years, for the sole reason that they were not
docrine disruption; in other words, they do not generated for the purposes of regulatory policy
predict damage that has further-reaching con- or international trade.
sequences than the hormonal effect observed The Committee of Experts (EDSTAC) of the
over the short term. American Environmental Agency (EPA) at-
The complexity of the task of screening tempted with mixed fortunes to establish their
chemical substances for endocrine disruption own battery of tests for the pre-screening of
derives from our need to predict effects, beyond chemical substances, based on in vitro assays.
the simply-observed hormonal action, which Only the androgenicity and estrogenicity tests
are implicated in the pathogeny of endocrine- proved to be of utility. However, the position
related diseases (Ashford & Miller, 1998). taken by the American Government markedly
At any rate, it is clear that we can select contrasts with the repeated claims by industry
some well-established and adequately stan- representatives in the OECD that only in vivo
dardized bioassays for the demonstration of bioassays are useful to detect endocrine dis-
hormonal action. They can be used to classify ruption, an attitude that has defeated any at-
chemical compounds according to their ability tempt to standardize any in vitro tests.
to mimic or antagonize natural hormones. From Attention has been called more than once
this starting-point, the definition of endocrine to the passivity of the European Commission
disruption would require the development of on this issue, especially given the emphatic
tests with longer observation periods than that moves by the Joint Research Center ( JRC) to
considered by transgenerational effects. To develop alternatives to animal experimenta-
summarize, a long enough time has surely tion (SCTEE, 1999). Despite the great interest
elapsed since Dodds’ 1936 experiments for us shown by some groups in the defense of in vit-
to be able to identify a modest series of in vivo ro tests (cell cultures and biochemical analy-
and in vitro bioassays that are useful to classify ses), the various proposals have always been
chemical compounds under suspicion after countered by the industry representatives, who
their analysis with an adequate battery of tests seem to regard bioassays that use intact ani-
for each hormonal function. The scientific lit- mals as being more to their interests.
erature of the last 70 years can also yield essen- To summarize, some members of the OECD
tial information on chemical compounds at- have been pressured by their parliaments to
tributed with hormonal activity in any system. start endocrine disruptor screening programs
The European Parliament and Council (1997) on a unilateral basis. The American scientists
instructed the European Commission to devel- and experts that are following this process con-
op screening tests for endocrine disruptors. sider it to be more complex than expected, be-
The Commission delegated this responsibility cause:
(European Parliament, 1998) to the Interna- a) there have been great difficulties in de-
tional Committee of Experts in Endocrine Dis- ciding which test to implement;
ruption (EDTA) of the Organization for Eco- b) bioassays have only been developed for
nomic Cooperation and Development (OECD). a few hormonal activities (estrogenicity, andro-
The EDTA members discussed with groups of genicity) within the totality of hormonal func-
experts from the United States, Japan and oth- tions;
er nations the types of tests and bioassays that c) there is a very long list of more than
should be implemented and how the screening 83,000 chemical substances to be tested.
program should be set up. To date, three assays

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492 OLEA-SERRANO, N. et al.

Dose, time and susceptibility gation by toxicologists. Finally, there are those
who simply wish to know what is happening
The European administration, through the and which substances are covered by the term
Directorate-General Environment (DGENV ) endocrine disruptor.
(Comisión de las Comunidades Europeas, Many scientists and experts agree that a
1999), expect the experts eventually to produce census of the chemical substances under sus-
a series of tests that can be applied to the list of picion would be of great value to the investiga-
chemical compounds with hormonal activity tion of this issue. It would serve to orient re-
and identify the true endocrine disruptors (Co- search programs, facilitate the accumulation of
misión de las Comunidades Europeas, 1999). information, and allow the panels of experts to
However, things appear to be not so simple. It publish their conclusions sooner. The data al-
has been questioned more than once whether ready available allows this process to be start-
these tests, designed to detect hormonal mim- ed, despite the fact that the current informa-
ics, are appropriate to identify the long-term tion on endocrine disruptors is often anecdotal
effects of hormonal dysregulation or to assess and based on data published for very different
the risk of continued exposure to these sub- purposes over the last 50 years. There are at
stances. least 13 lists of endocrine disruptors drawn up
Many national experts share the view that a by different administrations and organizations.
lot of time is spent on screening and character- German, Swedish, British, American, Norwe-
ization procedures while many critical ques- gian and Japanese lists compete with others
tions remain unanswered. Some of the most produced by various non-governmental orga-
important of these have been raised by scien- nizations.
tists in studies published over the last few years The European Parliament asked the Euro-
and they must be addressed as a matter of pri- pean Commission (European Parliament, 1998)
ority: to produce a census of endocrine disrupting
a) Are there different levels of sensitivity to chemical compounds. This responsibility was
hormonal effects among the different subjects delegated by the DGENV to the international
of observation? consultants BKH and TNO, who in May 1999 fi-
b) Can dose–response curves adopt para- nally presented a list of around 560 com-
doxical forms (U and inverted-U) or be non- pounds that had been demonstrated in scien-
monotonic? tific publications to interfere with a hormonal
c) What is the baseline effect that can be at- system. The list was approved by the Commit-
tributed to the endogenous hormones of in vi- tee of Experts of the DGENV, and was then
vo models? modified after the receipt of information pro-
d) Can the phenomena of additivity, syner- vided by industry on two specific areas: pro-
gy and antagonism be considered in any of the duction volume and environmental persis-
proposed models? tence. This caused the original list to be short-
e) Is there an account taken of the differ- ened, from 553 to 29 chemical substances plus
ences between sub-populations or interspecies some of their congeners, so that the census now
variability? contains 70 substances.
This priority list is at the very least incom-
plete, inaccurate and confusing. It basically in-
Census of endocrine disruptors cludes organochlorine compounds – pesti-
cides, PCBs and dioxins – which are adequately
Professional interest in the emerging field of characterized, widely-studied for persistence
endocrine disruptors may have multiple moti- and toxicity, and in most cases already con-
vations. Sometimes, a group has contributed trolled by strict regulations. Derivatives of trib-
scientific information on one of the chemical utylstannyl, some phthalates, and bisphenol-
substances under suspicion and wishes to A, make up the rest of the census.
learn more about the assessment of the risk. The aim of this list was to provide the sci-
Some professionals may hold a position of re- entific community with a set of families of
sponsibility in the area of environmental health chemical compounds to which special atten-
and must formulate general recommendations tion should be devoted. The resulting research
of a preventive nature. For other individuals, would yield the information required to defini-
the sole interest may be to participate in one of tively include or exclude them from a census of
the research programs funded by international compounds whose use should be regulated.
agencies. Commercial interests can also focus The list that has been proposed is unlikely to
people’s attention on substances under investi- meet these objectives and the scientific re-

Cad. Saúde Pública, Rio de Janeiro, 18(2):489-494, mar-abr, 2002


search it stimulates will prove fruitless if the them, and their availability is strictly regulated
production and use of the compound under by physicians, pharmacists and other health
study is already prohibited. Industry represen- care professionals. However, the case of artifi-
tatives frequently declare their commitment to cial estrogenic xenobiotics is distinct in two
this particular aspect of chemical toxicology, important ways. First, the toxologic informa-
and have it in their power to lend considerable tion on them is virtually non-existent. Second,
assistance. They could simply release informa- we do not have enough data on their produc-
tion on the uses and applications of com- tion or use to allow effective action to be taken
pounds that are not on the priority list, but to reduce or eliminate exposure to them.
could present a risk of inadvertent exposure for To summarize, while there is an acceptable
the population and are possible candidates to level of information on natural and pharmaco-
be included in the census. logical estrogenic xenobiotics, our knowledge
of artificial xenoestrogens is largely anecdotal.
There appear to be no reasons to include such
Why all types of hormone mimics different chemical compounds under the sin-
should not be included in the census gle generic denomination of endocrine disrup-
tor. It has been suggested that some of the par-
It is remarkable to see how some censuses of ties involved in the risk evaluation process may
endocrine disruptors, and more specifically of support the single-list option as a way of in-
estrogenic xenobiotics, list pesticides and chem- creasing the complexity of an already complex
ical products used in agriculture together with issue and thus delaying any restrictive deci-
phyto- and mycoestrogens, natural products sions and measures.
contained in some vegetable organisms, and
drugs used in the hormonal treatment of very
different diseases, both in human and veterinary Conclusions
medicine. Some lists even include natural hor-
mones and degradation products that are natu- Can we use available screening tests and assays
rally found in the urine of healthy individuals. to demonstrate an association between expo-
Why include such different chemical com- sure to endocrine disruptors and disease? If we
pounds in a single list of xenoestrogens? Differ- seek irrefutable evidence of a cause-effect rela-
ences in chemical structure are to be expected, tionship between exposure to individual chem-
given the diversity of chemical compounds ical compounds with endocrine disrupting ac-
with similar activities. More critical is the vari- tivity and disease, then the answer to this ques-
ability in our current knowledge of these sub- tion must be no. This level of evidence cannot
stances and of their uses and exposure sources. be attained, at least not with the instruments
There is good, sometimes excellent informa- currently available to toxicologists and epi-
tion on the compounds used in pharmacology. demiologists, because of the universality of ex-
There is also an acceptable degree of informa- posure, the complexity of the pathogenic mech-
tion on natural hormones, whether of animal, anisms of diseases, and the time delay between
plant or fungal origin. Animal species have exposure to a substance and the onset of dis-
been in contact with many of these substances ease. As the European Parliament (1998) itself
during long evolutionary periods and have de- proposed, the precaution principle must be
veloped adaptive mechanisms and forms for adopted in the evaluation of scientific data, in
the elimination and neutralization of their ad- the decision-taking, and in the preventive ac-
verse effects. In the pharmacological setting, tivity launched to preserve the health of popu-
society has set in place rigorous systems to lations that are most at risk and in greatest
control the administration of hormones used need of protection, such as pregnant women
in pharmaceutical products and exposure to and children.


This work was supported by a 96/99 Research Project

from the Health Department of the Andalusian Re-
gional Government.

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Submitted on 30 March 2001
Final version resubmitted on 25 April 2001
Approved on 15 May 2001

Cad. Saúde Pública, Rio de Janeiro, 18(2):489-494, mar-abr, 2002

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