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Kluver Bucy Syndrome


1. Largest part of the brain

– Learning and Senses
 2 hemispheres- Right and Left
 Connected by the Corpus Callosum
 Right side controls- left side
 Left side controls – right side of body
 Four sections - LOBES
1. Frontal Lobe 2. Parietal Lobe
3. Occipital Lobe 4.Temporal Lobe
Refer back to this labeled version as
Klüver-Bucy syndrome is a
behavioral disorder that occurs
when both the right and left
medial temporal lobes of the
brain malfunction. The amygdala
has been a particularly implicated
brain region in the pathogenesis
of this syndrome.
 Klüver-Bucy syndrome—

A Disorder produced by bilateral

temporal lobectomy,
characterized by placidity, socially
inappropriate sexual activity,
compulsive orality, a decreased
ability to recognize people, and
memory deficits.
The list of symptoms differs somewhat by source. Generally
included are the following:
Docility. Characterized by exhibiting diminished
fear responses or reacting with unusually low
aggression. This has also been termed "placidity
" or "tameness".
Dietary changes. Characterized by eating
inappropriate objects and/or overeating (e.g.
Hyperorality. This is described as "an oral
tendency, or compulsion to examine objects by
Hypersexuality. Characterized by a
heightened sex drive or a tendency to seek
sexual stimulation from unusual or
inappropriate objects.
Visual agnosia. Characterized by an inability
to recognize familiar objects or people.
Hypermetamorphosis, characterized by "an
irresistible impulse to notice and react to
everything within sight".
Lack of emotional response, diminished
emotional affect.
Memory loss.
It is rare for humans to manifest all of the
identified symptoms of the syndrome;
three or more are required for
diagnosis.Among humans, the most common
symptoms include placidity, hyperorality and
dietary changes. They may also present with an
inability to recognize objects or inability to
recognize faces or other memory disorders.
Klüver-Bucy syndrome
• In an attempt to reduce aggression in monkeys,
Klüver &Bucy (1939) inflicted large bilateral lesions of
the inferior temporal lobe of wild monkeys housed in
a laboratory
• These lesions affected high level visual association
cortical areas, amygdala, hippocampus
Klüver-Bucy syndrome
• Symptoms of Klüver-Bucy syndrome
– psychic blindness – did not appreciate the significance
ofwhat they were looking at
– hypermetamorphosis – compulsively approach all
items they encounter
– oral tendencies – they put everything they found in
– change in emotional behavior – became
tame,emotionally bland, showed little fear of humans or
naturally fear-invoking stimuli (i.e. snakes)
– changes in sexual behavior – indiscriminantly
Klüver-Bucy follow-ups
• We now know that many of these changes are dependent
upon (bilateral) amygdala lesions
• In subsequent work, lesions of the amygdala in particular
made monkeys fearless of e.g. humans or snakes, and
affectively flat, tame
• Also disrupted social interaction
• (changes in sexual behavior most probably due to damage
to the pyriform cortex, not related to amygdala)
What is Klüver-Bucy Syndrome?
Klüver-Bucy syndrome is a rare behavioral impairment
that is associated with damage to both of the anterior
temporal lobes of the brain. It causes individuals to put
objects in their mouths and engage in inappropriate
sexual behavior. Other symptoms may include visual
agnosia (inability to visually recognize objects), loss of
normal fear and anger responses, memory loss,
distractibility, seizures, and dementia. The disorder
may be associated with herpes encephalitis and
trauma, which can result in brain damage.
“As regards his visual functions, the patient
seemed unable to recognize a wide
variety of common objects. He examined each
object placed before him as
though seeing it for the first time, explored it
repetitively and seemed unaware
of its significance……. he seemed unable to
distinguish between relevant and
irrelevant objects and actions.
“Behavioral patterns were distinctly abnormal.
He exhibited a flat affect, and,
although originally restless, ultimately
became remarkably placid. He appeared
indifferent to people or situations……On
occasion he became facetious,
smiling inappropriately and mimicking the
gestures and actions of others.
“ All objects that he could find were placed in
his mouth and sucked or
chewed……he ingested virtually everything
within reach, including the plastic
wrapper from bread, cleaning pastes, ink, dog
food and feces.
“The patient’s sexual behavior was a particular
source of concern while in hospital.
Although vigorously heterosexual prior to his
illness, he was observed in
hospital to make advances toward other male
patients by stroking their legs
and inviting fellatio by gesture; at times, he
attempted to kiss them.”
Marlowe, Mancall, & Thomas, 1975, pp. 55-56

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