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Metamorphoses on

page 24

The Blue and Gold

Malden High School Our 95th Year

Volume 95 Edition 8 June 2010

COngrats to the Class of 2010

Ngoc Doan:

Photo by Catherine Poirier.

Article on page 5.

The class of 2010 closed off the year with “A Night to Remember,” crowning Malik Blue and Rachel Kirchner as Michael Meneses:
Prom King and Queen. Photos by Catherine Poirier, Lynn Tran, Lauren Benoit and Sharon Lee. Salutatorian

In This Issue:

Top Ten
pages 5 - 9

College List
Page 11

Pages 12 - 13

Photo by Lauren Benoit.
Pages 16 - 17
Article on page 5.

Jennifer Tamindzija swings. Article on page 30. NHS Induction

Photo by Catherine Poirier. page 18 Jamie Lam:
Costa Rica
page 21

Faculty Follies
Page 25

Page 27

Page 28

Page 29
Photo by Catherine Poirier.
Jessica Lopez passes the baton to Norma Bourque-Pimentel. Article on page
Article on page 6.
26. Photo by Lauren Benoit.
2 Editorials The Blue and Gold
June 2010

A Commencement Address
Malden High School

The Blue and Gold F rom the outside it stands tall, looming over
stores and businesses in the square. Its gray
countenance can appear unwelcoming and dis-
tantly, this course has succeeded in empowering
students and providing them with a voice as they
share their craft with the Malden community. And
77 Salem St. pleased. However, inside of the concrete construc- it is these attributes and skills that I have learned
Malden, MA 02148 tion, Malden High School is a microcosm of the through the journalism program at MHS that I will
entire world. Teeming with diversity, the high carry out through my pursuit of higher education.
school stands to foster creativity and enrich the As a mentor to several of the younger staff
minds and bodies of young adults. members, I have realized that this unorthodoxly
EDITORS-IN-CHIEF structured classroom enables them to take on
Not only are students at MHS taught through
David Riemer more responsibility and in turn become increas-
their core curriculum, it is the electives and ex-
Ayoub Kourikchi ingly conscientious of their actions and the work
tra curricular activities that develop in them a
sense of individuality, purpose, and creativity. As they produce. I have been a witness to this as I
MANAGING AND DESIGN EDITOR have observed underclassmen that enter the class
evidenced through several of the articles that are
Lynn Tran completely petrified about how to structure a lead
featured in this graduation edition, which include
stories that range from theatric performances, cho- for a sports article and by June they are designing
COPY EDITING DIRECTOR a page on our Adobe InDesign program, a skill
ral and band concerts, to trips to Costa Rica and
An Holmqvist that most people lack. This self-taught sense of
Faculty Follies, these electives and extracurricular
activities are what define many of the students at personal accountability and accomplishment tran-
ONLINE EDITOR scends this classroom, as it does inside of the play
MHS and allow them to cultivate a passion for
Alexandra Mathieu production classroom and the technology educa-
what they aspire to do. This dynamic series of aca-
demia combined with the vitality of the arts mixed tion programs. These courses spark students’ curi-
HEAD LOCAL NEWS WRITER osity and desire for knowledge as they learn how
with cultural enrichment produces a notable blue-
Nidale Zouhir to construct a car engine and explicate verses from
print for growth and maturity that is only found
here at MHS. Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream before
HEAD WORLD NEWS WRITER opening night. In addition to being creative outlets
This mergence of educational ideologies
João Nascimento these courses place a twist on conventional subject
has particularly impacted me throughout my
four years on the school newspaper. Now, as Co- material as students continue to develop as writ-
HEAD ENTERTAINMENT/ OPINION ers, critical thinkers and problem solvers as they
Editor-in-Chief, I have attained skills that I would
Brittany Foley explore areas that they are inherently interested in.
not have obtained through my formal education.
Through my experience in the journalism class, I What MHS has managed to do is provide
HEAD SPORTS WRITER students with different outlets to further educate
have been able to learn how to become a leader
Alfonse Femino themselves in the arts and other forms of public
inside and outside of the classroom; I have built
interpersonal skills and instilled in myself the abil- service, because ultimately there is more to a high
HEAD OF BUSINESS school education than just finding the square root
ity to be globally aware. Additionally, my time on
Haley DeFilippis of an imaginary number or calculating the molar
staff has opened the doors to several summer op-
portunities where I have worked with staff writers mass of a gram of magnesium. It is fair to say that
COPY EDITORS the chords that are sung inside of the chorus room,
from The Boston Globe with several other budding
Dan Holmqvist the scenes in Metamorphoses that are performed in
journalists as we tried to publish a newspaper in
Omar Khoshafa the Jenkins Auditorium, the notes played inside of
one week. The skills that I obtained during my ex-
Xavier Leo the band room, and the lessons that are conducted
perience in journalism class allowed me to transi-
Brittany McFeeley inside of journalism class are what improve the
tion effortlessly into the program as I immediately
established myself as a leader and advised stu- MHS experience in that they provides students
REPORTERS & PHOTOGRAPHERS with a formal education combined with unconven-
dents about the direction their articles should take
Amanda Adams tional electives that allow students to foster a sense
and how they should be developed. Most impor-
Lauren Benoit of identity and acquire indispensable life skills.
Kayla Bramante
Christopher Brown
Freddie DiPhillipo Ayoub Kourikchi
Natalie Fallano Co-Editor-in-Chief
Alexander Gennigiorgis Editorial Policy
Megan Kelly
The Blue and Gold is an open forum for Corrections:
Joshua Kummins student expression. It is produced by students
Johanna Lai Corrections Box – Graduation Edition
for the school and the community. The views
Sharon Lee on page 3 Jen Clapp does not only teach AP
presented in this paper are not necessarily those
Cristina Peters of the advisor or the school administration. The English Literature; her proper title is “English
Catherine Poirier views presented in the editorials are those of the Teacher Leader”
Brendan Provitola editors-in-chief or guests. The goal of The Blue on pages 12 and 13 photo credits should have
Reginah Sanyu and Gold is to inform and entertain students as been given to Joao Nascimento and Lynn Tran
Joel Stevenson well as the community regarding issues that we The Blue and Gold was not italicized
Alicia Young feel are important. on page 14, in “A Casual Night of Theatre,”
We strongly encourage readers to respond junior Geneva DeCobert was cited as a senior and
Paige Yurek
to material printed in the form of signed letters to Kerry Da Paz played the role of the woman in “I
the editors. No libelous, malicious, defamatory,
ADVISOR Do. Do You?”
obscene, or unsigned material will be printed.
Ryan Gallagher on page 17, credit goes to reporter Catherine
The Blue and Gold reserves the right to edit the let-
ters. Names may be withheld upon request. Not Poirier for the visual in the article “How Safe Are
Established in 1915 all letters will be printed. We?”
Although The Blue and Gold appreciates the on page 19, Head of Local News Nidale Zouhir
Check out our online edition: support of advertisers, we may refuse any ad- actually wrote “How To Train Your Dragon…” –
vertisement that violates the above policy or that not Head of Entertainment Brittany Foley promotes products questionable to student use. on page 20, Sophomore Christopher Li’s name
Any correspondence concerning this publi- was misspelled
cation should be directed to Mr. Ryan Gallagher’s on page 23, Sophomore Dakota Pelligrini’s name
room in A103 or to his mailbox in the main office.
was misspelled and sophomore Adam Lucey is
featured in the photo.
The Blue and Gold on page 24, Coach Brandon Maney’s name was
c/o Malden High School misspelled
77 Salem Street Corrections to the editor can be submitted to
Malden, MA 02148
The Blue and Gold
June 2010 Opinion 3
FINANCIAL Letter to the Editors
INDEPENDENCE A Letter to the Editor—Literally
College Costs have gone
through the roof over David Riemer donian. As President of the National Honor Society,
the past decade by a Co-Editor-in-Chief a three-season varsity cross country and track run-
margin of 50%. How are
young people going to
handle this?
I t did not take me very long to figure out how I
was going to use this space. This final editorial,
my very last time being published in Malden High
ner, and co-editor-in-chief of the school newspaper,
it is a wonder he did not collect “Most Involved”
as well. And what is more is that all that friendli-
An Holmqvist School’s fantastic newspaper, The Blue and Gold ness has never gone to waste. I will never forget the
after four whole years on staff, needed to be about day when he managed to collect over $100 within
Copy Editing Director something important—fluff simply would not cut it. six hours for the National Honor Society Housing
Sure, it might have been easy to write about some- Families project simply by asking, well, more accu-

H igh school graduation! The pin- thing nostalgic, something sappy regarding my rately begging, every single living human being he
nacle of many young people’s time at MHS, but that would only mean something laid eyes on who may or may not have had a wallet
thirteen or fourteen years of hard to me, and this occasion calls for more than a mere or a purse.
work in school; the glorious mo- reflection. I want to dedicate this precious space to The significance of this story is twofold: I am
ment captured in many, many photo someone who has meant a lot to me over the course not sure how many other people I know who could
albums of an aspiring teenager with of my high school experience: fellow-co-editor-in- pull off a feat like that, but I am also unsure of who
a blue graduation cap and gown, chief and amazing friend, Ayoub Kourikchi. I know that would even attempt it in the first place.
and the widest, brightest smile. Every step of the way, from freshman to senior Ayoub is “always willing to give up his own time to
Getting through high school year, from the house project all the way to this co- do something for a group or organization, and al-
may have been a breeze or it may editorship, Ayoub has been there, for myself, and ways does so with a smile,” senior Malik Blue com-
have been a struggle. It may have for all of his friends. I daresay that MHS might have mented, adding that Ayoub’s personality is nothing
challenged you to reach beyond seen more catastrophic meltdowns in its students short of “charismatic.” I would personally like to
what you once thought you could had his magically soothing, yet simultaneously add that he is the very definition of “humility.”
do. It may have taught you some- enraging, words of tranquility not quenched what Maybe it is cliché to say, but I often find myself
thing new about the world. These would have been a crescendo of burning fury. All thinking about what Ayoub would do if I were him,
are the days that we will remember sarcasm aside, Ayoub is a rock and an anchor for and the answer is always the same: “Calm down,”
forever. And now it is finally time everyone around him, acting as a model for inde- “relax,” “take it easy,” and keep going no matter
for us to move on. Finally. That is fatigable and conscientious character. “Ayoub has what.
what we have all been thinking for a genuinely kind heart,” fellow senior and The Blue So whether he is going to track practice, work-
the past month or so. Some of us and Gold staff member Xavier Leo expressed, con- ing on the newspaper, or just hanging in the “cüzz”
have also been thinking about col- tinuing to say that Ayoub “always assumes the best with a few friends, Ayoub is probably laughing his
lege. in people, whether they deserve it or not.” Indeed, way through it, and definitely smiling. I can only
College decisions, college his magnanimity has earned him a space in many disagree with one thing said after all this, however:
scholarships, college living, college hearts, and his extensive school involvement makes I would never choose Ayoub as my “desert island
loans... that number of hearts quite a hefty one. companion,” simply because if push came to shove
Two-thirds of all students who There are very few people around the school and cannibalism reared its ugly head, I could not
graduate college have loan debt af- who have not heard of, met, or befriended Ayoub. It bear to be the one to take a light like Ayoub out of
ter commencement. In a 2007-2008 is hardly a wonder that he won “Most Friendly” and the world.
study by the College Board’s Advo- “Best Desert Island Companion” in this year’s Mal-
cacy and Policy Center, 17% of these
students were found to have a total
Best wishes to the Members of The Blue and Gold, class of 2010:
David Riemer & Ayoub Kourikchi (Co-Editors-in-Chief), Lynn Tran (Managing Editor), An Holmqvist
debt of $30,500 or more. And those
graduating colleges this year have (Copy Editing Director), Xavier Leo (Copy Editor), and Brendan Provitola (Reporter)
one tough economy to dig through,
with just 400,000 jobs on the mar-
ket and 3 million graduates. Let us
not forget that ten percent of those
who are already in the job market
are also unemployed and vying for
those same jobs.

There is also the Higher

Education Bubble: a
problem that is on a lot of
people’s minds.
Looking at these figures, are we
not all trying to hold back a gasp?
It is not just the Real Estate Bubble
people are buzzing about. There is
also the Higher Education Bubble, a
problem that is on a lot of people’s We will miss you!
UMass Amherst junior Zac Bis-
sonnette wrote a piece for The Boston
Globe exactly one year ago about his
college decision. Frontline aired a
special just last month on for-profit
colleges. WBUR is currently broad-
casting a new series on college debt.
Plenty of people are talking about it.
What impact is this growing
money bubble going to have on a
country that is still wading through
the leftovers of a recession? Some-

continued on page 4
4 Opinion The Blue and Gold
June 2010
High School: Not a Musical The Higher Education Bubble
continued from page 3
Lynn Tran
Managing Editor body is going to have to rethink how
we can make college affordable. In

some countries, in particular Scan-
he middle school kids I used to tutor always results, and more panicking. I panicked the day before
dinavia, school is free.
asked me questions about high school. These these tests, the day of, and every day after until I got my
College debt is a reality that
questions were typically easy, about favorite teach- results.
this country is going to have to face.
ers and favorite lunches; however, they were always I thought back to the fear. The fear I felt my senior
But has this reality also forced
followed by questions like “What is high school year was different from that of my freshman year; it was
us to look at college in a different
like?” and “Are they really the best four years of your the fear of leaving. High school was comfortable. Every
way? Our generation has to ask
life?” Immediately I wanted to spit out, “Absolutely day I knew Jane Doe and Billy Bob would be at their
what colleges will provide us with if
not,” but I hesitated. I thought about what impres- lockers after period five, and that we could all walk
we take on this financial risk.
sion of high school I would leave on these kids if I together to our period six class. Every day I knew who
let my impulses control me, so I stopped myself, and would be in the first, second, third, or fourth lunches. It
thought hard about it. was safe; I was about to transition into a different life. But has this reality also
I thought back to the intimidation and trepida- I realized that I would not have not have changed
tion I felt during my freshman year. The high school anything. The fear of getting lost and feeling lost, the
forced us to look at colleges
was just so big, and I felt like I was getting lost in struggle and the hard work, the all-nighters, the routine, in a different way?
the multiple buildings more than the other fresh- and the anxiety is exactly “what high school is like.”
men. I sat alone in homeroom because the only girl After looking back on myself freshman year, going into Specifically, we ask ourselves
I knew had moved away. I would walk along the sophomore year, I eventually stepped out of my comfort very different kinds of questions:
walls of the hallway to avoid the traffic of friends zone and made new friends, and we too congregated in What kind of academic faculties do
congregating in the middle of the passages, chatting the middle of the halls. After my sophomore year when they have? What extracurriculars do
and making plans for the weekend. I always put my I realized I was involved in too many clubs, I reflected they offer and what kind of practi-
head down, knowing that during that year, I had on what I truly enjoyed and eventually gained officer cal job experience can we get from a
lost more friends that I had gained. positions in the Interact Club and Environmental Club. school? How does the campus feel?
I thought back to the struggle. Sophomore year Athletics taught me about motivation and perseverance. We live in a developed nation that
came with an increased amount of work and more My junior year, I joined the newspaper and met some generally expects its young people
difficult work. It would be easier to count the num- of the most amazing people I will ever meet, who had to go to college, and we are not the
ber of nights when I did not pull an all-nighter than so many different thoughts and perspectives to offer. In first generation to feel that pres-
counting the nights that I did pull an all-nighter. I this class, I learned to develop my own opinion and stay sure. That is why schools are trying
had to juggle school work, athletics, and clubs. As faithful to it. harder to open new doors for us in
a member of the cross country team, I struggled to Although I did not always enjoy high school, it many directions. After graduating
come to practice every day knowing I would have helped me grow as a person. Although I never peaked from high school with challenging
to push myself in speed work, in core workouts, in in high school, I am comfortable realizing that I never expectations from academic pro-
mileage, and in meets. Every day seemed routine: go wanted to. I want to keep growing, because I do not
to school, go to club meetings, go to track, go home, want to be that person who, at 40, realizes that her glory
The Millennial Generation
finish homework, and start all over again. days were in high school. The future will still involve
I thought back to my anxieties. My junior year, fear, struggles, and anxiety, but MHS has prepared me can turn around a depressed
I took Advanced Placement classes and on top of for it. Maybe these past four years were not the best of economy to make higher
the daunting amount of work that they entailed, I my life, but they were definitely life changing. education more accessible
started to worry about college. At this time, most After I thought about my four years at MHS, I for the generations to come.
juniors were thinking about their plans for the next smiled and told the students that they would have to
year, worrying about the PSAT and signing up for figure out for themselves.
grams such as Advance Placement
the SAT. Junior year meant more tests, more test
or Honors, we look at potential col-
leges with a critical eye for quality
and wider options. We are looking
for the right fit - based on what the
school can offer, and often based on
how much we can afford. The loan
bubble will cause a mess, but it is
not unbearable for us to handle.
Maybe our generation can
change this. Maybe our generation
can change the way our country
treats an education, since basically
everyone is expected to get one.
Is there a way we can make it less
likely for people to be put off by
harsh economic realities? Is there a
way we can be sure that everyone
gets exactly what they want from
colleges and universities?
As we begin to step out into
the world, we should walk up the
podium knowing that we are the fu-
ture. The Millennial Generation can
turn around a depressed economy
to make higher education more ac-
cessible for the generations to come.
Clockwise, from left: freshmen Lauren Ben- Also, in Western nations, education
oit, Natalie Fallano, Catherine Poirier, and is a gift often taken for granted. It
Sharon Lee; Poirier, Lee, sophomore Haley is indeed the lack of an education
DeFilippis, senior Lynn Tran, and Benoit. causes social problems around
the world. With our degrees and
our gold mine of knowledge from
high school and college, we too
can spread literacy and awareness
Band and audience members at Tran’s polio
around the world without putting a
benefit concert on May 1, 2010 at MacDonald
price on it.
The Blue and Gold
June 2010 Local News 5

Ngoc Doan: All Michael Meneses:

About the Family School, Family, Friends
Dan Holmqvist
Copy Editor

C urfews. This is the part of el-

ementary school and middle
school in Everett that salutatorian
that has ties with both MIT and Har-
vard. Kirby expressed that “Even
the people at the Broad love him…
Michael Meneses most vividly re- He’s given a good name to us.” Be-
members. “My parents didn’t let cause of his consistent and wholly
me go out very often during the impressive academic resumé, he
week. They gave me more freedom was accepted early to Brown Uni-
on the weekends but the weekdays versity in Providence, Rhode Island
were always meant to be devoted to this past winter.
school.” Meneses plans to study bio-
His strict upbringing, especial- chemistry at Brown in addition to
ly in early years, however, was what another major, such as international
he believed created the formula relations. After college, he wants to
for his success in the future. Even head a laboratory. He credits Kirby
throughout his high school career, with helping him to decide to pur-
despite the fact that his parents al- sue a science degree: “She was the
lowed him slightly more freedom one who introduced me to the Broad
Due to her exemplary work ethic and her determination in her studies, Ngoc than before, he still refrained from Institute internship and without
Doan has risen to the top of her class. Photo by Lynn Tran. going out often, instead choosing that, I wouldn’t have any sense of
to focus on excelling in school. “My what I want to do as a career.” But
Alexandra Mathieu
parents always taught me from that is not to say that he is not keep-
Online Editor an early age that school and fam- ing an open mind about his future.

ily come first. This philosophy has In fact, he explained, “That’s one of
goc Doan: two syllables that wants to turn art into her career, but
stayed with me, even today.” the reasons why I chose to apply to
make a very powerful impres- she does ascertain that she will con-
Staff members at Malden Brown. The open curriculum they
sion. Her name at Malden High tinue to pursue it at Yale University,
High School that have encountered offer [there] gives people flexibility
School has become synonymous the school she will be attending next
Meneses during his four years at and the freedom to explore different
with success, intelligence, and tal- year on a full scholarship. “I applied
the school have been impressed academic subjects in detail.”
ent. Math teacher Christine Nagle, to Yale through QuestBridge…I was
with his dedication to school and Besides valuing his education,
who has taught Doan more than a little skeptical at first about getting
his work ethic. Track coach and Meneses places great importance
once over the past four years, is in into such a prestigious school as
history teacher Jamie Green stated, on family and friends. Two friends
full agreement. “Intelligent, orga- Yale because of my low SAT scores,”
“Michael always worked very hard in particular, senior and The Blue
nized, highly motivated, caring, and Doan said. “But it goes to show
and other hurdlers always looked and Gold staff-member Xavier Leo
respectful are the first words that that standardized test scores aren’t
up to him in terms of his work eth- and senior Denis Toskic, have been
come to mind when I attempt to de- everything. I also believe that my
ic.” Biology teacher Kristin Kirby, friends with Meneses since they met
scribe Ngoc Doan,” she stated. interview was a boosting factor in
who Meneses tributed during the at the Devens Elementary School
But there is more to Doan than my application even though it was
National Honor Society Induction in Everett. “I always looked up to
her academic excellence; she admits my first college interview.” Need-
Ceremony, had similar things to say Xavier, and felt he was the better,
that she is very family-oriented. less to say, when she discovered she
of him. “He always pushes himself smarter student... It was nice to al-
“We value our time together and was accepted, Doan and her family
beyond what’s expected.” ways have those two people in my
we try to eat dinner with each other were ecstatic. “I still remember the
This year, Michael took on a life,” Meneses stated.
every day. Even when my mom has night when I received the decision.
rigorous academic schedule which Above all, Meneses was most
to stay at work really late, my dad My father said, ‘Even in my dreams,
included courses such as Advanced thankful of his family for raising
and I always wait for her to get I couldn’t dream of this.’”
Placement Calculus BC, Chemistry, him and shaping him into the per-
home so that we can eat together.” Doan’s story is one of family
and Environmental Science, along son he is today. “I know I don’t say
Doan explains that her parents’ de- support, hard work, and determina-
with English 12 Honors and band. very often, but my parents and my
cision come to America has shaped tion. Taking a few notes from her
In addition, he helped to create the sister should know that they are the
her own values and beliefs. “[My parents, Doan put all of her effort in
Biology Club at MHS in his junior closest people to me. They helped
parents] made a decision to come art as well as school in order to suc-
year along with senior Xavier Leo to shape me more than anyone else
to the US and start life over again ceed. However, Doan has to mention
and also enrolled at a competitive and I wouldn’t be the same person
from scratch just so my sister and I that her acceptance into such a pres-
internship at the Broad Institute of without them.”
[could] have a better future. That’s tigious institution as Yale University
Science, a genomic research center
why I work hard in school: I know was not due to her grades alone. She
that it makes them happy. But I also indicates that a person needs more
work hard for myself.” than an impeccable set of grades
Most of the talents that Doan is to be accepted to the school of her
praised for derive from the support dreams. “I believe that [it] requires a
and nurture of her family. Doan, little bit of luck too. But if you are a
who excelled in her Advanced hard worker and are focus on what
Placement Portfolio class, credits you want to do and achieve, you
her interest in art to her older sister, will definitely make it.”
who is also named Ngoc. “When we Nagle reiterates what many
were little, we drew a lot. My sister of those who know Doan already
has always been a better artist and understand: “Ngoc Doan is an out-
I look up to her for it. I was always standing young lady with integrity,
trying to catch up to her,” she ex- determination, and a caring nature.”
pressed. Despite the fact that Doan With her seemingly impenetrable
learned from her sister, she declares tranquility, Doan graces the top 10
that they “have different styles; I’m with her aptitude, caring, and love
more graphic and simple and she’s for her friends and family.
more traditional and detailed…Like On a parting note, Doan has
school, art just comes naturally to this to say: “Work hard. Be hungry--
me. But it’s not just that, it’s also the for knowledge, for a goal, for every- Michael Meneses, who plays the trumpet, has been vice-president of the
want to create something beautiful.” thing in life. But also have fun.” Malden High School band for two years. Photo by Lynn Tran.
Doan does not know if she
6 Local News The Blue and Gold
June 2010

Jamie: The Aspiring Chemist

Omar Khoshafa
Copy Editor

J amie Lam was thrilled by the fact

the she was the Orator of the Class
of 2010 at Malden High School. On
my parents provided me with the
support that I needed, my sister
with [answers to the] questions I
In school, Lam seems to have to
have a quiet demeanor and a calm-
ing effect on those around her, never
Arts Club. A single characteristic
that defines Lam’s career at MHS is
her urge to help others. For reasons
the other hand, she is burdened by had, and my brothers with rides that causing any disruptions in or out she cannot explain, Lam has always
the fact that she now has to write a I needed.” Lam also pats herself on of class. Lam remained very active helped her “classmates, friends, and
speech, which by late May she glee- the back for always pushing herself at the high school and local levels family” with almost everything they
fully giggled, “I haven’t even started to her maximum, which she attri- throughout all four years at MHS. have asked for, often even looking
yet!” From observation, Lam’s joyful butes as what landed her in the spot During freshmen and sophomore for people who needed help. This
and laughing personality seems to she is in today. Her work ethic has year, Lam ran indoor track, and in particular quality defines Lam’s
help alleviate stress from the people always been very “focused,” mainly junior year, Lam was inducted into relationship with the community
around her, giving her a bright and because she “never procrastinates” the National Honor Society. By se- around her, and she aims to make
colorful attitude that illuminates or holds off work like the majority nior year, Lam had become secretary it a dominant force throughout her
from within her. Lam plans to delve of the student population. of the Breast Cancer Awareness Club entire life.
into the chemistry field at Boston As for her teachers, Lam seems and the student advisor of the Fine
College next year. to be most impacted by Dr. Diane
Jamie Lam is not the first mem- Perito, who teaches Advanced Place-
ber of her family to be in the top 10 ment Chemistry. Perito’s “methods
of a graduating class. In fact, all of of teaching, her passion for chemis-
her siblings are MHS alumni that try, and her “ability to relate in-class
graduated in the top five of their problems to the real world” all have
class. Her brother, Jerry Lam, was inspired Lam to pursue chemistry
a graduate from the Class of 2003 beyond high school. Interestingly,
and was fourth in his class. Her sis- Perito was Lam’s science teacher
ter Jenny Lam, who graduated last in the seventh grade at the Beebe
year, was also fourth in her class. School, which may suggest that the
Nevertheless, Jamie was recognized seeds of aptitude in science may
among her family for finishing third have been planted well before her
in her class, an outstanding achieve- high school career. Other than Peri-
ment that her father will reward to, Lam gives great thanks to math
with “a new laptop!” Jamie was teacher Christine Nagle, Italian
ecstatic at the news and tributes all teacher Teresa Murano, and every
of her success to her family, which single teacher who has been there
“really helped me along the way; for her during her MHS endeavor. Class Orator Jamie Lam presents her Senior Internship project to Principal
Dana Brown. Photo by Omar Khoshafa.

Lena Stands Tall

Lynn Tran
Managing Editor

L ena Nguyen is described by

most as “quiet.” Many are quick
to add, however, that although she is
Nguyen works about twenty
hours a week, which is an im-
pressive addition to her other
quiet, she is also amiable, generous, extracurricular activities. Unlike
and easy to get along with. Nguyen the average student, Nguyen
has had to make sacrifices in order uses her paycheck to help her
to work and balance school in order parents pay the bills as well to
to get to where she is today, the top pay her own college tuition.
10 of the senior class. Nguyen has never fallen
One other quality that nobody short on schoolwork and has
fails to mention was how hardwork- been able to maintain a high
ing Nguyen is. Spanish teacher GPA, even obtaining a 100 av-
Diane Wade had the opportunity erage in Advanced Placement Senior Lena Nguyen performing a lab experiment in her AP Chemistry
to teach Nguyen for two years and Chemistry. Junior year, she took class. Photo by Sharon Lee.
notes that she is “highly motivated” AP Calculus BC, and AP World
and has an “excellent work ethic.” History. This year, she is taking AP
Chemistry teacher Martin Berryman Stats, AP Spanish, and AP Chemis- is actually the tallest female in her Skittles and Brownie.
agrees and also noted that Nguyen try, all of which exhibit her strength family, surpassing her sister and Wong associates Lena Nguyen
has “a lot of different thoughts and in math, history, science, and foreign mother. with a fox due to her intelligence.
ideas to offer.” Many other seniors language. In her free time, Nguyen likes Chemistry teacher Berryman com-
that were interviewed had also ad- When Nguyen is not acing all to “run, relax, read, and watch pared her to a panda, because they
mired Nguyen’s work ethic, includ- her tests, she is involved in clubs television.” Her favorite TV shows are quiet and generous. However, al-
ing senior Herman Tse, who stated, and community service, such as tu- are 90210, House M.D., and Hell’s most unanimously, people compare
“[Lena] has the best work ethic toring middle school kids, recycling Kitchen. Nguyen enjoys 90210 for Nguyen to a mouse. Mice are small
[of anyone] I know…it’s creepy,” for the Environmental Club, raising the same reason as many other and quiet; like a mouse, Nguyen
considering Nguyen never procras- money for the Red Cross Club, and teenage girls: the cliché drama. She “gets what she needs and where
tinates and finishes her work days volunteering at food shelters like the thinks House’s character is funny she needs to go,” stated English
before every deadline. Senior Henry Bread of Life. Berryman stated that but also enjoys the medical informa- teacher David Londino. Nguyen has
Wong comments that working with Nguyen is “always willing to help tion. Similarly Nguyen loves “Chef definitely taken advantage of every
her as a lab partner is “enjoyable” others who may have difficulty,” Ramsey because he’s so brutally opportunity presented to her, which
due to her expertise in the chemistry considering Nguyen has tutored honest” but also because “cooking is has taken her to Boston University,
field. many students in chemistry, a sub- involved.” Any of Nguyen’s friends where she will, without a doubt,
Nguyen further exemplifies ject she excels in and will be study- can attest to her delicious baked bring her work ethic and succeed as
her strong work ethic as a cashier ing in the fall of 2010. goods. Even Wade raved about a chemistry major.
at Stop and Shop, where she has Standing at just five feet and her cookies and sushi. Nguyen’s
worked for the past three years. three-quarters of an inch, Nguyen two cats are appropriately named
The Blue and Gold
June 2010 local News 7

Confident Chloe Keith’s Passion Pays Off

Joao Nascimento
Head of World News

M any Malden High School

students were surprised (and
disappointed) by the fact that Keith
out the answer to a calculus prob-
lem in seconds, and explain in detail
why what goes up has to eventu-
Newman will not be giving a speech ally come down, his favorite class in
at this year’s graduation. Although high school was by far AP English
he was voted “Most Likely to be Language, taken his junior year
Valedictorian” in the Maldonian two and taught by his favorite teacher
years in a row, Newman finished off and Play Production advisor Sean
his high school career as sixth in his Walsh, the one who miraculously
class. Remarkably, being valedic- taught him that “writing an essay
torian was the last thing Newman at 3 AM could be fun.” Newman
wanted to achieve. “I feel like I tried admitted that the course was “the
to do what I wanted to do, what first time [he] took information from
Paige Yurek Chloe Cheung having fun at a nearby playground. made me happy, and not cramming inside the classroom and applied it
Photo by Keith Newman. for all of the Advanced Placement to the real world.”
Reporter classes. It’s nice to see that this gets There are plenty of reasons,

S trong-minded, independent,
bright, and motivated are just
a few adjectives used by peers and
whenever she spots a weakness in
herself, she tries to crush it and im-
prove herself. Her observant nature
you places as well; you don’t have to
be a workaholic.”
Newman’s relaxed approach
many of them having to do with
artistic talent, exceptional grades,
and passionate leadership, that
teachers to describe Chloe Cheung. may play a role in her future, as she to high school’s competitive nature Newman will be attending Cornell
A dedicated public speaker, actress, explained that she would not hate to did not impede him from creating University this fall. After he retired
and student, Cheung was born on be a critic. a long list of distinctions: president his battered running shoes and
May 25, 1992 in the snowy, pine Few know Cheung as an out­ of the Forensics Team, Senior Drum baggy shirts for Chucks and form-
tree covered town of Karyee, Maine. standing public speaker and actress, Major, and a dominant force in ev- fitting cardigans, and his ungainly 6
Cheung is a hard-working, confi­ but during her senior year, she took ery play Green Room and Play Pro- feet and two inches frame converted
dent, and passionate individual. part in Greenroom Dramatic Society. duction have performed in the past him into somewhat of a heartthrob,
Classmate senior Keith New­man At A Casual Night of Theater in April few years, Newman has kept busy Newman feels ready to leave for his
stated, “There is more to Chloe of 2010, she played the part of Elina with a packed schedule through- new home in Ithaca, New York, but
than meets the eye. She doesn’t take in a black comedy play called Full out high school; these activities ironically, he does not have a solid
anyone’s crap, whether that means House written by Keith Newman. provided an important relief to the idea of what he wants to pursue
questioning a teacher’s viewpoint Her role was an emergency medical massive amount of homework his in college. “Math, humanities, the
or challenging her classmates. She’s techni­cian who was more concerned AP Literature, Physics, Calculus, arts… [Cornell] is so big that I know
just a very strong intellectual figure with her marital problems than tak- and Statistics classes assigned. “Ex- that whatever I decide to do, there
who clearly knows where she stands ing care of the dying men around tracurriculars do take a lot off my will be a solid department to back
on all of her beliefs... Chloe already her. mind,” he explained. me up.”
knows who she is and [knows] what English teacher and Green­ It is not surprising that New- It is only natural for a dedicated
she thinks is right. She’s outgoing, room advisor Sean Walsh praised man gravitated towards the arts leader like Newman to feel uneasy
assertive, [and] creative when she Cheung. “Chloe is a hard-working at MHS. He explains that he took about leaving so many clubs behind
needs to be.” student who likes to challenge her- art classes during most of middle after graduating, but when asked
Cheung has a lot to look up self and others. I always appreciated school and has always wanted to if he was worried about the legacy
to: she is following the steps of her and looked forward to class discus- be an artist, but it was not until he he was forced to give up, Newman
in­spirational older brother Stephen sion, where Chloe shined by exact- started acting in high school that stated that he has “complete faith in
Cheung, who graduated third in ing her points and supporting her he felt truly satisfied. Newman the people [he is] leaving in charge.”
his class last year and is currently beliefs. I also worked with Chloe as sees theater as a powerful form of Astounded by the competi-
attending Dartmouth University. a mem­ber of Greenroom Dramatic expression, a way “to take what’s in- tion associated with the high school
Like her brother, Chloe Cheung is Society. Chloe worked hard as an side of you and let it out.” Although ranking system, Newman urges
attending an Ivy League university actress and showed great creativity he established himself as a leader in underclassmen to “chillax.” “Don’t
this fall: Brown University. Cheung and vitality on stage.” the acting scope of high school, he sacrifice what you love to do and
says that she also looks up to her On the Forensics team, Chloe wishes he took it one step further makes you happy, and don’t try to
father, Pei Tak Cheung, expressing, acted as vice-president and took and “got more involved in theater just get the numbers, because life
“He puts so much effort into life in part in three events: Group, Chil­ outside of high school.” Walsh is not just about that. I hope I’m an
humble ways.” dren’s, and Declamation. The team’s reciprocated by praising Newman example of someone who can suc-
Pei Tak Cheung was born in advi­sor Matthew Evans stated for being “very motivated critical ceed while trying to not just get the
China where he led a difficult life that “Chloe really helped organize thinker who always sought to chal- number.”
growing up with six brothers and and motivate the team.” Newman lenge himself and others.”
sisters. Swimming across a river agreed, stating, “Chloe has helped Even though Newman can spit
into Hong Kong to escape commu- organize everything from theatrical
nism and poverty, Pei Tak Cheung performances to political discus-
was finally rescued by the Refugee sions to impromptu speeches; she
Resettlement program, and then encourages new members to experi-
married Zhao Hua Cao, the future ment with different events as well.”
mother of the Cheung siblings. Pei So why did she join Forensics?
Tak Cheung worked in manual labor “People tell me I am really good at
such as in kitchens and housekeep- arguing. The experience is worth­
ing, and was always looking out for while. When I first came to Malden
his children’s edu­cation. Chloe ex- High School, I found myself being
pressed that she is grateful to have a shy, quiet little Asian girl hanging
such a close fam­ily: a devoted dad, out with strictly my Asian group
a hard-working mother, and a very of friends. But I didn’t want to be
nice brother. that girl,” she explained, adding
Like her father, Cheung has that because of her involvement on
strong willpower and a sense of self- the Forensics Team, she learned to
motivation. She also likes ana­lyzing speak up in public “without freak-
art, recipes, music, photography, ing out,” and she is more confident
and even architecture. She likes to about talking with all different
see how things are made and what kinds of people. “But if you want to
Keith Newman goofing off in his home away from home, the Jenkins
they are made of, making her an change, you must change yourself.
Auditorium. Photo by Joao Nascimento.
excellent observer. Cheung says Take chances.”
8 LOCAL news
The Blue and Gold
June 2010

Armir: Works Hard, Plays Hard

Xavier Leo
Copy Editor

W hen Armir Bashllari immi­

grated to the United States ten
years ago, the last thing he imagined
move to Malden and once again he
had to adjust to a new environment.
This did not deter Bashllari, as he
the classroom and onto
the athletic fields, as
said by lacrosse team­
himself doing was being success­ful rose to the occasion and flourished mate Andy Lam, “Armir
and able to establish an extremely amongst his new peers at Malden is definitely a reliable
bright future for himself; “I was just High School. Interested in trying teammate. He manages
more concerned with do­ing things something new, he decided to join to stay cool under pres­
like living in a new home, leaving the indoor track and lacrosse teams sure and is always in the
my entire family behind in Albania, his freshman year. He had never right place at the right
and learning a completely differ- played a team sport before, and had time. He maintains field
ent language,” stated Bashllari. As to learn to interact in new ways with awareness constantly and
tall as that obstacle stood for him, his team­mates. “It was a little tough is not one to throw blame
that is exactly what he did. Within to get used to. I never really realized around when things start
a few years he became proficient in how dependent everyone is on each going wrong.”
English, made new friends, and cre- other to win. Everybody needs to Bashllari, an avid
ated a reputation for himself as an step it up, not just one or two play- gamer, also enjoys play­ Senior Armir Bashllari playing defense for the
academic standout. ers.” ing World of Warcraft and Varsity boys lacrosse team. Photo by Catherine
Bashllari’s adjustment to the However, Bashllari’s real in­ various games on his Poirier.
American lifestyle was not as dif- terests began to show during his Xbox 360. Among his fa-
ficult as he imagined it to be. “My sophomore year Algebra II course: vorites are Gears of War, Bioshock, and Placement classes with ease. Among
brother was always one to catch “I had always wondered when I the Final Fantasy series. “I’ve always his favorite classes is AP Physics,
onto things quickly,” stated his sis- was going to find out what exactly loved playing science fiction and as well as AP Computer Program­
ter Monika Bashllari. “Everything I wanted to do when I was older. fantasy games,” stated Bashllari, “I ming. “Armir is the kind of kid who
al­ways seems easy to him.” Bashl- Then I finally realized that I was in­ think it’s cool to play something out can succeed in any environment he
lari was a bit more modest about terested in some sort of mathematics of the ordinary and allow yourself puts himself into. Not only was he
those statements, expressing, “I my sophomore year. It came to me to explore something new.” successful in my class, but I am sure
think she’s being too nice. Within a really easily and I thought it was Throughout his high school that he will go onto do successful
few years most of my uncles, aunts, fun, so I figured ‘Why not?’” Math career, Bashllari has excelled on things and I expect to hear of him
and cous­ins also came to the United teacher Evan Mauser expressed, “It’s all standards. His constantly laid for years to come,” stated physics
States, so it was as if Albania was not always a huge pleasure to get stu- back attitude and stress-free man- teacher Brian Morrison. Next year,
com­pletely left behind. Everyone dents like him in your class. A lot of ner are noted among his friends, Bashllari will go onto Worcester
also seemed to be enjoying them- kids are a little apprehensive about making him an easy person to talk Polytechnic Institute and hopes to
selves and adjusting easily to their asking questions and it hin­ders their to. He maintains an excellent GPA, major in computer programming.
home… so it was not as rough as performance in that class, but Armir remains a promi­nent member of Needless to say, it is certain that
people might think. always asked questions and helped the varsity lacrosse team, holds an Bashllari will find success in all of
When he was entering his everyone in his class succeed.” His officer’s position on the Interact his future endeavors.
freshman year, his family decided to efforts were also noted beyond just Club, and handles four Advanced

Neelam: optimistic and Sophisticated

Sharon Lee
Reporter Kumari was involved in numerous him to relocate. From her experi-
clubs like Interact Club, Biology ence of constant moving from state

M aintaining a spontaneous and

direct, yet calm personality
may be impossible for the average
Club, and Fine Arts Club. By the
time her junior year rolled around
to state, she says, “it was diffi­cult
to adjust because each time I got to
she had co-founded the Breast Can- make new friends and get famil­iar
Joe, but not for senior Neelam Ku­ cer Awareness Club along with her with a place [and] I would have to
mari. In fact, she can master it while friends Heba Khurram, Consuelo move [somewhere else] and start all
also exemplifying her scholarly yet Toledo, Stepha­nie Apollon, Ashley over again. However, because of all
kind-hearted personality through Ngo, Kellie Leonce, Jamie Lam, and the moving, I’m such a social and
impeccable grades and impacting Kaitlyn Loi who often refer to her friendly person.”
the lives of others. as “[the] smart optimistic Indian.” Kumari explains that she im-
Although most may think grad- They are now well on their way to migrated to the United States be-
uating as the eighth student in her sending over $2,000 to aid research cause her father was of­fered a job
class is all about smarts and main- for Breast Cancer. promotion at a branch of his com-
taining the highest GPA, throughout Kumari was born in India, but pany located in the US. They began
Kumari’s high school career she has later moved to Little Rock, Arkansas their new lives in the United States, Senior Neelam Kumari conducting
not just been very academically tal- at age eight and then to Lansing, where Kumari is currently planning a lab experiment in AP Chemistry
ented but also open to trying new Michigan at age ten before fi­nally to be­come a pediatrician. (above) and putting food into boxes
experiences. By her sophomore year, moving to Malden, Massa­chusetts, Kumari had to choose between for the Pine Inn Food Drive (left).
where she said University of Massachusetts Bos­ton Photos by Sharon Lee.
“was by far and Massachusetts College of Phar-
the best place macy, since both of­fered individual Kumari proudly states that her role
[to live].” Ku- strengths. For example, UMass Bos- model is “[her] dad, for moving here
mari and her ton’s amazing and inexpensive pre- from India to be successful,” and
family moved med program com­pared to MCP’s that she hopes to “someday follow
frequently be­ six year PharmD program where in his footsteps.”
cause her father she would have got­ten a doctorate When Kumari speaks of her
would be asked degree in pharmacy. dreams and goals, she is very ambi­
to become the Today, she is a member of tious and motivated, as she hopes
project manager UMass Boston’s Class of 2014 with “to someday help little kids and help
at a new branch almost a full scholarship; she is go- improve their lives” in the medical
which made it ing to pursue her dream thanks to field.
nec­essary for her father who is also her role model.
The Blue and Gold
June 2010 LOCAL news 9

David: Scholar, Belinda: Caring

Athlete, Director and Competitive
Joshua Kummins

A fter sliding between the ninth,

tenth, and eleventh slots in the
graduating class, Belinda Lee was
home as a member of the National
Honor Society. MHS Computer Pro­
gramming teacher and advisor to
able to hang on to the tenth spot in the NHS Paul Marques praised her
the Malden High School Class of work, saying simply, “Her project
2010. In the beginning, being ranked was a great one.” For her project,
among the elite in the 410-student she and a few other volunteers vis-
class was not a big deal for Lee, who ited the elderly a few times a week
stated, “It was just a number until it and became friendly with a senior
hit me recently. It means a lot more citizen.
now.” On a more personal note,
Lee will further her education Marques added, “Since my mother
in a new home this fall, she will is elderly and I have seen so many
David Riemer, Co-Editor-in-Chief of The Blue and Gold, warms up before a ten- head to Juniata College, a liberal elderly that do not have someone to
nis match. Photo by Sharon Lee. arts college located in Pennsylvania. visit them, this was especially touch-
Her choice of colleges came ing to my heart. Showing such kind-
Nidale Zouhir down to Juniata or Boston Univer­ ness to others stands out on top.”
Head of Local News sity, but she felt that Juniata felt Following college, Lee plans on
lationship with his mother was the “more like a college,” because “it attending graduate school and trav-

C aptain of the tennis team. Co-

Editor-in-Chief of The Blue
and Gold. President of the National
most active force in his development
into the “honest young man” that
was personal in every way,” adding
that she “needed a community to
eling. She thinks that “we should
all know about the world,” and
varsity tennis coach Joshua Titcomb back up on.” This was different from that traveling is important because
History Day Club. Secretary of the describes him as. “It’s cliché to say life in Boston and at BU, because as people “should see how other cul­
National Honor Society. “My life is that it’s my mom [who influenced she exclaimed, “If you make one tures are living.” She added that she
meaningless besides those,” senior me the most], but it makes no sense mistake there, you’re done!” Finally, “won’t settle down until [she sees]
David Riemer admitted, unchar­ to say it’s anyone else,” Riemer ex­ she added that the financial aid at something.” As a future career, she
acteristically humbly. “I’m a pretty pressed, though he laughingly ad­ Juniata also helped her decision. hopes to pursue a job in the field of
lazy person by nature.” In reality, mitted that she is “a bit of a helicop­ Lee finds English her most dif- science, working in a laboratory.
beyond the leadership roles in all of ter mom,” citing his second grade ficult and least favorite subject, be- The future looks bright for Lee
his Malden High School-sponsored homework assignments, on which cause it takes “more effort,” some- and her entire family as her younger
extracurricular activities, Riemer she never let him start two sentences thing she does not enjoy because, brother, Chris Lee, is next in line to
is also an active volunteer who with the same word. “Eventually, she as she humbly admits, she is not a graduate from MHS. When hearing
does community service through took the wheels off...she always had very fast reader or writer. However, that his sister finished as one of the
his church, such as volunteer work high expectations of me, but I feel she had a strong appreciation for top ten students in the class, Chris,
at the Bread of Life and first grade like they’re now my expectations.” the Advanced Placement English a freshman, showed some of the
tutoring. These expectations and their ef­ Language course she took her ju- fam­ily’s competitive spirit by saying
Combined with his 3.80 GPA, fect on Riemer are evident in most of nior year, taught by Sean Walsh. that he has to beat her up, because
these extracurriculars allowed his academic life. He admits to going “[The class] taught me how to write sib­ling rivalry is “natural.”
for Riemer’s admission into such above and beyond with schoolwork, and forced me to understand other He reiterated the family’s feel­
schools as Northeastern University, at least partially because of junior things in the world,” Lee explained. ings towards education, saying that
Clark University, and his ultimate year math teacher Clark Neily’s Despite this, Lee took AP Eng- it is important because of “of our fu­
choice, Boston College. Interest- method of teaching, which forced lish Literature during her senior ture and the economy.” He said that
ingly, Riemer had initially been put Riemer to put more effort into the year, along with three other AP the family wants “as much educa­
off by BC’s religious affilia­tion. “I class to perform well in it. However, classes: Spanish, Chemistry, and tion as possible” and that his sister
had originally taken it off the table he admits to being “re­ally hit or miss Statistics. pushes him to strive higher, because
completely, but it was probably the with work ethic...It’s either I plan on Lee is a competitive student he occasionally tends to “not [be]
best school I got into,” he stated, doing it and I do it later, or I won’t do who takes school very seriously. that serious.”
adding that it was “really nice and it. I like the feel­ing of the pressure.” She cites her family as a source of In closing, Belinda had some
good and stuff,” in an atypical loss Riemer’s effort is also evident in his inspiration because they have often wise words for future high school
for words. At BC, Riemer hopes to athleticism: “He is always practic- emphasized the value of education students, expressing that it is never
study the behind-the-scenes aspects ing, taking private lessons in the and schooling. too late: “Even when you’re failing,
of film – production, writing, and off-season, and try­ing to improve his A one-time member of the that little extra time you put in is the
editing, mainly because of Margaret game not only for himself, but also cheerleading team, lacrosse team, determining factor” to success.
Pettit’s Advanced Placement English for the team,” stated Titcomb. and Interact Club, Lee found her
Language class, which he stated Riemer’s determination has
helped him “realize that [he] liked been ob­vious throughout his aca-
writing a lot and that [he] wanted demic career. “I like seeing that I’m
to make an impact with whatever it trying just as hard as or harder than
is [he wants] to do,” along with his [my class­mates] are. I like competi-
past in the National History Day tion, but at the same time I feel
competition, which helped him real- like there are things I don’t need to
ize that he “really liked the idea of compete in. I like knowing that I’m
making documen­taries.” being appreci­ated,” he explained.
Despite being taken into fos­ Titcomb echoed this sentiment, ex-
ter care after a separation from his pressing that Riemer is “definitely
biological mother when he was only a hard-working student-athlete and
one year old (and the subsequent he never gives up.”
move-in with his biological father Finally, Riemer made a point
and his wife, whom Riemer consid­ to express that he “would like to be
ers “pretty much the only mom [he a banyan tree...[I like] the way that
has] ever had”), Riemer feels that they’re different from other trees.
he has had a “pretty easy life,” ac­ They don’t just drop seeds like other
knowledging “how lucky [he is] to trees...I’d rather be a little bit less Belinda Lee searches through bookcases to find her next great read. Photo
not have had any hardships.” conformist and grow from the up to by Lynn Tran.
In fact, it appears that his re­ the ground.”
10 LOCAL news
The Blue and Gold
June 2010

Oh, the Places They Will Go

Congratulations to the Class of 2010!
Jaila Abdul Nabi UMASS BOSTON Jenny Cheraro UNDECIDED AS OF Fredo Exil UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Sandy Joseph UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10
Laila Abdul Nabi BRYN MAWR 6.8.10 Patricia Exilus COLBY-SAWYER COL- Henry Jovel UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10
Robert Abisso UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Matthew Chesson FRAMINGHAM STATE LEGE Ashlie Joyce UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10
Kerly Adelle-Germain UNDECIDED AS OF Chloe Cheung BROWN Tiffany Fagan UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Brendan Joyner UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10
6.8.10 Kristen Child UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Kaila Farris UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Olivia Kahn FRAMINGHAM STATE
Rosalinda Aguilar UMASS AMHERST Danny Chow UMASS AMHERST Esther Faustin UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Matthew Kane BUNKER HILL C.C.
Sean Akers BUNKER HILL C.C. Danny Chu MERRIMACK Samy Fedna UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Kirandeep Kaur COSMOTOLOGY
Bruno Albuquerque TECH SCHOOL/ Simon Chu UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 6.8.10 Morsheen Kayongo UNDECIDED
WORK Jeremy Chung UMASS AMHERST Pamela Ferreira UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 AS OF 6.8.10
Maria Aldana UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Lloyd Clarke UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Francezaire Fevrin UMASS AMHERST Manoushka Kernizan UNDECIDED AS OF
Thayna Alexis UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 William Clarke UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Nicholas Fiumefreddo UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10
Marcos Almeida UNDECIDED AS OF Casey Cody COLBY-SAWYER 6.8.10 Heba Khurram PINE MANOR COL-
6.8.10 Paul Collins BUNKER HILL C.C. Dhafinne Fonseca UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 LEGE
Jeffrey Almonacid UNDECIDED AS OF Robert Collins BUNKER HILL C.C. Jessica Fox WHEELOCK Rachel Kirchner SYRACUSE
6.8.10 David Console UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Yves Francois UNDECIDED AS OF Jason Jr Knox UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10
Ibrahim Alnawateer UNDECIDED AS OF Jessica Contreras BUNKER HILL C.C. 6.8.10 Marthikula Konomi SUFFOLK
6.8.10 Vinicius Correa SUFFOLK Amanda Freehoff BRIDGEWATER STATE Ayoub Kourikchi NORTHEASTERN
Herbens Antenor UNDECIDED AS OF Stephen Coughlin BUNKER HILL C.C. Nathaniel Freni UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Deana Kovacev URI
6.8.10 Jonathan Coulanges Ii UNDECIDED AS OF Lia Galluzzo UNDECIDED AS OF Neelam Kumari UMASS BOSTON
Samuel Antoine BUNKER HILL C.C. 6.8.10 6.8.10 Alan Kwan UMASS AMHERST
Stephanie Apollon UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Justin Crosby UMASS LOWELL Brandon Gardner TECHNICAL SCHOOL Kevin Lai SUFFOLK
Anthony Arencibia BUNKER HILL C.C. Kristin Cruikshank UNDECIDED AS OF Katrusha Genois UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Jamie Lam BU UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10
Catherine Asare LONG ISLAND 6.8.10 Tainara Giacomini NEWBURY COLLEGE Thomas Langdale BUNKER HILL C.C.
UNIV. Anthony Cuscuna UNDECIDED AS OF Sebastian Gil ITT TECH Melissa Lanza UMASS BOSTON
Widlyne Auguste UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 6.8.10 Aaron Gladden MERRIMACK Ernst Larochel UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10
Sabrina Azar JAMES COOK UNIV Kerry Da Paz BUNKER HILL C.C. Grover Godfrey UNDECIDED AS OF Nevana Larosa UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10
Sanaa Badaouii UNDECIDED AS OF Ariane Da Silva UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 6.8.10 Ashley Lazarre COLBY SAWYER
6.8.10 Kizzy Da Silva UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Maria Carolina Gois Valadao UNDECIDED AS Taylor Leavitt UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10
Hung Banh EMMANUEL COLLEGE Vincent D’addario BUNKER HILL C.C. OF 6.8.10 Belinda Lee UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10
Rebekah Barrasso UNDECIDED AS OF Marly Das UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Diana Gonzalez WENTWORTH Jennifer Lee SYRACUSE
6.8.10 Justin Dasilva UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Marissa Gould ENDICOTT Zi Lei BUNKER HILL C.C.
Armir Bashllari UNDECIDED AS OF Edilaine Dasilveria UNDECIDED AS OF Tanner Heffernan UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Xavier Leo WORCESTER POLYTECHNIC
6.8.10 6.8.10 Falonne Henry UMASS BOSTON INSTITUTE
Richard Basile UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 William Davis BUNKER HILL C.C. Adam Herrera UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Kellie Leonce NORTHEASTERN
Marcos Jose Batista UNDECIDED AS OF Joao De Oliveira UNDECIDED AS OF Jennifer Hickerson UNDECIDED AS OF Steven Lewellyn UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10
6.8.10 6.8.10 6.8.10 Joey Liao SIMMONS
Vanessa Bauliere UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Melissa De Souza BUNKER HILL C.C. Derrick Hines ITT TECH Jonathan Lima UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10
Wafae Belatreche UMASS BOSTON Jacqueline Deavilla UNDECIDED AS OF Barbara Hollis UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Chuan Lin UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10
Karen Benavidez UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Mary Dempsey SUFFOLK An Holmqvist UMASS AMHERST Yan Ling UMASS AMHERST
6.8.10 Cory D’entremont NORWICH Jonathon Hoskyns UNDECIDED AS OF Kaitlyn Loi NEW YORK UNIVESITY
Amanda Benoit LOYOLA UNIV - CHICA- Anne Deoliveira UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Euphonise Loiseau PROVIDENCE COL-
Scott Benson UMASS AMHERST Jillian Dervishian COLBY-SAWYER Nicholas Hoyt UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Evelyn Lopez MICHIGAN STATE
Ramon Berberena UNDECIDED AS OF David Desiderio UNDECIDED AS OF Duong Hua UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Kerven Louis COLBY SAWYER
6.8.10 6.8.10 Canan Huang BUNKER HILL C.C. Long Lu SUFFOLK
Fedorah Berlus UNDECIDED AS OF Sabrina Desriviere UNDECIDED AS OF Lily Huang DEAN COLLEGE Jessica Lucas UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10
6.8.10 6.8.10 Ming Xing Huang BUNKER HILL C.C. Andy Lucien COLBY-SAWYER
Joseph Bertorelli UMASS AMHERST Pedro Dias UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Zhongbin Huang UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Christopher Luongo UNDECIDED AS OF
Kesha Bertrand UNDECIDED AS OF Edward Digiovanni BUNKER HILL C.C. Samantha Hudson UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 6.8.10
6.8.10 Michael Digregorio UNDECIDED AS OF Patrick Hughes UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Nicolette Maceachern BUNKER HILL C.C.
Johnny Birindiba UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Ariel Hurts WESTFIELD STATE Camila Machado UNDECIDED AS OF
6.8.10 Nicole Diplacido UNDECIDED AS OF Timothy Huynh UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 6.8.10
Brittini Black AIR FORCE 6.8.10 Najwan Ismail BUNKER HILL C.C. Jennifer Machado TEMPLE UNIVERSITY
Bojan Blazevic UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Joseph Dixey WORK Natson Jacquecin UNDECIDED AS OF Ahmad Machmouchi UNDECIDED AS OF
Malik Blue NORTHEASTERN Nemanja Djurdjevic UMASS DARTMOUTH 6.8.10 6.8.10
Laura Botero SMITH Nicholas Djurdjevic UNDECIDED AS OF Alain Jacquelin UNDECIDED AS OF Robert Macmillan LINCOLN TECHNOL-
Jeffrey Boynton UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 6.8.10 OGY
6.8.10 Martin Doan UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Shayne Janatsch UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Mathew Maggio WENTWORTH
Shanaye Brown NEWBURY Ngoc Doan YALE Redina Jano UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 James Maginnis NE INSTITUTE OF TECH
Jason Bruton UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Eddie Jr Dorisca UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Mohamed Jaouhari BUNKER HILL C.C. Djhon Malebranche BECKER
Kayla Cafarella BECKER COLLEGE Christelle Dorvilier UNDECIDED AS Fredelin Jean BUNKER HILL C.C. Erica Marangos UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10
Joanne Caidor UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 OF 6.8.10 Ronald Jean BUNKER HILL C.C. Thamar Marcellus LINCOLN TECH
Daniel Callahan UNDECIDED AS OF Brian Dovan UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Stephany Jean REGIS Thandara Marinho UNDECIDED AS OF
6.8.10 Hillary Du NORTHEASTERN Judith Jean-Baptiste UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10
Cortniey Carter UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Zoe Duggan UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 6.8.10 Joseph Marino UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10
Sergio Castillo UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Henry Duong NORTHEASTERN Socrates Jean-Baptiste UNDECIDED AS OF Iesha Marshall UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10
Kylee Castrini BUNKER HILL C.C. Jossellin Duran UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 6.8.10 Tracy Martocchio DEAN
Jillann Ceplinskas UNDECIDED AS OF Wilbethon Durosier UNDECIDED AS OF Samantha Johnson UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Christine Masih REGIS
6.8.10 6.8.10 Shaleaka Johnson UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Robert Mattie UTI TECHNICAL SCHOOL
Sarah Cesar CENTRE COLLEGE Kristina Dyer UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Donte Jones UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Craig Maxwell-Gavell N.E. ART INSTI-
Chung Chan UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Abdelkader El Adlouni BUNKER HILL C.C. Christine Joseph UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 TUTE
Kimberly Chan WORCESTER POLY Adil El Karmach UMASS BOSTON Don Joseph UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Drew Mcfarland ST. LEO’S
Tressie Charles UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Tyler Elderd UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Jeanne Joseph UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Paul Mcwhinnie BUNKER HILL C.C.
Jonathan Chen REGIS COLLEGE Thamara Eler UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Jennifer Joseph UMASS BOSTON Shu Qing Mei BUNKER HILL C.C.
Nancy Chen N.E. INSTITUTE OF ART Salma Elorch UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Jorssa Joseph UMASS BOSTON Simone Memmolo MASS COLL OF PHAR-
Shuyi Chen UMASS AMHERST Steven Eschuk UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Landy Joseph UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 MACY
The Blue and Gold
June 2010 local news 11

Nelson Mendoza UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 6.8.10 6.8.10 Jesse Vera UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10
Michael Meneses BROWN UNIVERSITY Anna Pendergast NORTHERN ESSES William Shackelton UNDECIDED AS OF Ramon Viches UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10
Tamara Moise UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 C.C. 6.8.10 Jossellin Viera Duran UNDECIDED AS OF
Tatiana Monasterios UNDECIDED AS OF Anthony Pesce UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Chhewang Sherpa UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 6.8.10
6.8.10 Alvaro Peters UNION COLLEGE Christopher Sullivan UNDECIDED AS OF Charlie Vo UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10
Lauren Montgomery FRAMINGHAM STATE Anthony Phamduy UMASS LOWELL 6.8.10 Jennifer Vo UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10
William Montgomery UNDECIDED AS OF Dung Phan PINE MANOR Eugenie Syliant UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Jimmy Vo NORTHEASTERN
6.8.10 Dorline Pierre UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Wing Fai Szeto NEWBURY COLLEGE Nick Volmar UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10
Tara Morabito BUNKER HILL C.C. Nikita Ricci BUNKER HILL C.C. Nicolette Tallent-Maldonado UMASS BOS- Gaelle Wagnac FRANKLIN PIERCE
Michael Morales UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 David Riemer BOSTON COLLEGE TON Richard Walsh NE INSTITUTE OF ART
Nicholas Morales UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Timothy Riordan KAPLAN CAREER INSTI- Elaine Tam HAMILTON Deidre Walters NEW ENGLAND COL-
Erica Moreira UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Mattew Rizzo BUNKER HILL C.C. Jennifer Tamindzija UNDECIDED AS OF Samuel Warton UMASS AMHERST
Meredith Murray LESLEY Leticia Rodrigues Do Prado BUNKER HILL 6.8.10 Briana Watson UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10
Bridget Mutebi UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 C.C. Hubert Tan BU Jacqueline Whitney BUNKER HILL C.C.
Jessica Ng UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Yessenia Roman UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Jose Tec UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Keegan Willcox UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10
Ashley Ngo EMERSON Ruddy Rosario UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Jonathan Tejada UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Henry Wong UMASS AMHERST
Christopher Nguyen MASS COLL OF PHAR- Taquan Ross-Bellard NORTH SHORE C.C. Nashally Tejeda NEWBURY Jenny Wong UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10
MACY Lucas Roy UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Chengrong Teng UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Jenny Woo UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10
Lena Nguyen BU Lindsey Saint Louis LINCOLN INSTITUTE Tishauna Thomas UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 James Workman SALEM STATE
Linda Nguyen UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Cesar Salazar Barrera ITT TECH Jonathan Tiongson MASS COLL OF PHAR- Joseph Wu NORWICH UNIVERSITY
Luke Nguyen UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Catalina Sanchez EVEREST INSTITUTE MACY Alexid Xeung UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10
Minh Nguyen UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Chantele Sanford UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Consuelo Toledo YORK UNIVERSITY Caiyu Yang UMASS AMHERST
Quynh-Thoa Nguyen UMASS BOSTON Nandy Pierre UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Rebeca Torres UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Xiao Bin Ye UMASS BOSTON
Mackendy Noel UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 OF 6.8.10 Lynn Tran UMASS AMHERST Ka Lai Yuen UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10
Samantha Noonan BUNKER HILL C.C. Gia Poindexter UNDECIDED AS OF Trang Tran MASS COLL OF PHARMACY Juan Zapata German UNDECIDED AS OF
Tashi Norzom BUNKER HILL C.C. 6.8.10 Andy Truong UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 6.8.10
6.8.10 Victoria Preston NEWBURY Herman Tse UMASS AMHERST Cai Zheng UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10
Cale Oliveira UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 James Previlon UNDECIDED AS OF Tenzin Tsephel COLBY-SAWYER Qing (Kathren) Zheng UMASS AMHERST
Jing Ou SALEM STATE 6.8.10 Jacqueline Tynes PENN STATE Jun Zhu UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10
Omar Oualich UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Brendan Provitola UNDECIDED AS OF Phay Ung UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Yanli Zhu UMASS BOSTON
Jesus Palencia BUNKER HILL C.C. 6.8.10 Lucenia Urias UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Wenjing Zou UMASS AMHERST
Daniel Pallai UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Amir Qureshi UMASS AMHERST Cristina Valente FRAMINGHAM STATE
Erik Paquette BUNKER HILL C.C. Carl Sanon UNDECIDED AS OF 6.8.10 Rin Van UMASS AMHERST
Jake Pellegrini UNDECIDED AS OF Shakarus Semexant UNDECIDED AS OF Christina Vasquez BAY STATE COLLEGE

The Congratulations CONGRATULATIONS

Holland Boyle Brunelli
House House JENKINS House
Faculty and Staff Class of SENIORS! Faculty and Staff
Congratulate 2010!! Congratulate

Class of Best of Luck in
your future!
‘10 ‘10
~Mr. Mastrangelo, MRS. LEBLANC
Mrs. Leblanc, and
Ms. Craven
12 Local News The Blue and Gold
June 2010

Nagle: 34 Years of Malden Math

Nidale Zouhir lance as an editor for Houghtin been overwhelmingly positive. less complicated than one might
Mifflin Education Place editing Junior Alison Nguyen, who wrote assume; around ten years ago,
Head of Local News math textbooks before she started a Nagle’s recommendation letter for the state offered a new retirement
family, she says that teaching is, at the NMSI award (to which Nagle package that required teachers to

M alden High School math teach- this point, her true passion, decided responded by buying Nguyen a retire earlier than normal if they
er Christine Nagle works to upon after her BA in mathematics souvenir Obama t-shirt), described “increased contributions.” Nagle
the point of near exhaustion nearly from Salem State College and sub- Nagle as “considerate.” In fact, in qualified for her maximum pension,
every week. She volunteers her time sequent MST from University of her letter, Nguyen detailed Nagle’s so, “even though [she] would like to
to tutor and help explain some of New Hampshire – both of which she extra work in terms of helping her stay,” it would be “financially irre-
the more difficult calculus concepts stated “prepared her well for [her] students succeed. “She volunteers sponsible,” she explained. However,
to her students. She remembers the long mathematics teaching career.” her time after school to help stu- she does not plan to stop teaching
names and respective colleges of old However, the decision to teach dents on a regular basis. Likewise, any time soon. “I’m going to work a
students. She won a well-deserved was not as straightforward for Nagle in order to keep her AP Calculus full time job,” she stated, though she
award from the National Math and as it was for many other teachers. class on track for the May exams, now must retire from public educa-
Science Initiative for teaching math. “I wasn’t one of those people who she sacrifices her vacation time and tion.
And now, she is retiring after over said ‘I want to be a teacher’ in fifth free time to teach whatever topics
34 years of teaching at Malden High grade,” she expressed. “I finished and materials not covered during Christine Nagle teaching over
School. my sophomore year [at SSC] and the school hours without any com- the years. Photos courtesy of The
Though Nagle worked free- realized I needed to focus on how pensation,” the letter stated. Maldonian and Dan Holmqvist.
I wanted to apply my This letter,
math skills. I had two along with a nomi-
choices: teaching or nation from Prin-
computer program- cipal Dana Brown
ming.” After some and an essay by
student teaching at Nagle, helped her
Revere High School, to win the award,
Nagle made the choice which led to a trip
to teach – and she has to Washington,
never looked back. D.C. in May 2010.
“Working in an office There, she met
was boring, especially R e p r e s e n t a t i ve s
after lunch. Teach- Ed Markey and
ing is a career that John Tierney, Sena-
has very interesting tor Scott Brown,
twists and turns on a and Senator John
daily basis….Student Kerry’s aide. “They
responses are unpre- were busy,” Nagle
dictable and your stated, adding
best-laid plans can go that the “hustle
off in another direction and bustle in
depending on what Washington was
class comes in the door intriguing…it was
and what the students amazing.”
are thinking.” Why, then,
Recently, stu- is Nagle retiring?
dents’ responses have The answers are
The Blue and Gold
June 2010 Local News 13

Goodbye George

Johanna Lai

G eorge Lyons, after 39 years

of working as an adjustment
counselor at Malden High School, is
However, he did not graduate, stat-
ing that Maritime simply, “wasn’t
[him].” He then went to Boston Col-
bies include fishing, duck hunting,
and deer hunting. “I always liked
being in the outdoors because it was
mentor when he first came to LJHS
and continues to serve as his men-
tor today, even as he is at MHS. “I
at last retiring this year. After all his lege, majoring in accounting before just sort of meditation sitting in the learned as much from Lyons as he
time spent at MHS, Lyons is proud changing his major to elementary mountains,” he explained. learned much from me; he was al-
of being a part of the 152-year-old education, and then finally switch- During his years at MHS, ways respectful and caring with his
school. ing to sociology, which he pursued Lyons maintained strong friend- students and at the same time, he
“I can relate to a lot of high until he graduated in 1971. ships with many of his coworkers tells it like it is and he is very honest
school students due to the fact that Lyons had an exciting life in ad- including health teacher, Arlene with them,” Rush stated.
I didn’t take school seriously in high dition to his time spent in Malden. Ceppetelli, math teacher, George On his retirement, Lyons cites
school, ended up in summer school, He formerly lived in Europe, and for Doyle, daycare center teacher, Diana a line from Hamlet that his mother
and repeated sophomore year 15 summers he was the bodyguard Makhoulf, and fellow adjustment shared with him during childhood:
because I was an angry person... of John F. Kennedy’s wife, Jackie counselor, Van Huynh. “This above all: to thine own self be
somebody reached out to me, put Kennedy. Then, before coming Huynh, who worked with Ly- true, and it must follow, as the night
me on track and helped me turned to MHS, Lyons taught at Lincoln ons for 11 years, will definitely miss the day, thou canst not then be false
my life around,” Lyons explained. Junior High School as a correction him. “Lyons is a top notch person, to any man. Farewell, my blessing
Lyons attended two different high teacher in 1971. both professionally and person- season this in thee!”
schools growing up. First, he at- His decision in becoming an ally. He has enriched and touched
tended Marshfield High School and adjustment counselor, he explains, so many lives. His energy and smile
after, Sacred Heart High School in “had to do with [his] own life as a will sorely be missed in the hallways
Kingston, Massachusetts, where he teenager, back when [he] was at high of MHS. He is a wonderful mentor
graduated in 1967. school, we didn’t have adjustment and friend, as well as a hero,” she George Lyons enjoying some of his
After high school, Lyons at- counselors. Every student I meet en- explained. favorite hobbies. Photos courtesy of
tended Maritime Academy to be- riches me in some way, making me a Before he retires, Lyons has one Lyons.
come a ship captain like his father. better person.” last piece of advice for the students
Describ- of MHS: “During
ing retire- our lives as hu-
ment as “bit- man beings, we’re
tersweet,” going to face time
Lyons stated, when our life sit-
“I’m going to uation is falling; it
miss the job, could be a family
I always love death, a mental
the work that illness or other
I do. It is not negative influenc-
a chore when es when we get
you miss touched by nega-
something tive situations.
you love to It’s important in
do, I think our lives to reach
after 39 years out and get help.”
it was time to Lyons also stated,
start some- “These negative
thing new. But influences will
it has fulfilled last temporarily,
my life and I if you don’t get
made many help, they can de-
great friends.” stroy your life.”
During Lyons cred-
retirement, its his success to
Lyons plans Barbara Rush, a
to enjoy life as retired counselor
fully as pos- of LJHS. Rush
sible. His hob- had served as his
14 Local News The Blue and Gold
June 2010

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The Blue and Gold
June 2010
local news 15

Senior Internships
Reginah Sanyu

B ecause it is typically held on the

seniors’ last day at Malden High
School, the display of internship
Seniors Mathew Maggio and
Richard Basile standing next
to their display.
projects held every year is a mark of
the end of their high school careers.
May 26, 2010 was no different,
packed with the same emotions as
usual – be they the seniors’ pride for
the outcome of their internships or
underclassmen’s sadness because
of the seniors’ departure from high
school. Most of the seniors chose
their internships based on their in-
terests. Although the idea of being
excused from school and being on
an intern­ship sounds exciting to any
high school student, the privilege
is only given to the students who
have been working hard all year and at Level Up BBoy Studios,
passing all the classes they need to where he taught break-
graduate by third quarter. The stu- dancing to kids and adults.
dents also need satisfactory records “It was a growing experi-
of attendance and social behavior. ence, although in the be-
“We try very hard to help those ginning I was a little shy,”
who ap­ply for an internship,” stated he stated, adding that he
Mi­chele Magner, director of intern­ eventually “got used to it.”
ships. “If their proposal is rejected, Many seniors chose
we give them an opportu­nity to internships based on what
revise,” Magner added. they wanted to do in the
Senior Samuel Warton had an future. For instance, se-
intern­ship at Malden Access Televi- nior Marthikula Kanomi
sion (MATV), where he edited and rede­signed the menu of
di­rected TV shows while helping Bagel Bin Deli during her
with equipment. Warton chose internship. “I like manag-
this internship because he plans to ing, so I chose this to see
become involved with television in what I wanted to do in the
the future. The internship exceeded future,” said Kanomi. From left to right: Seniors Lia Galluzo, Mary Dempsey, Ashley Joyce
his expectations, especially in terms Meanwhile, Cory D’Entremont, take a pose next to their display.
of workload: “I expected not to do Alvaro Peters and Thayna Alexis
too much work, then I ended up interned at the Middlesex County
being involved in so many events. I Sheriff’s office. “I want to get into
really enjoyed it,” he stated. Warton the field of criminal justice and law
thought that having an intern­ship enforce­ment,” D’Entremont ex-
at MATV was the best decision he plained.
could make. “I feel like after learning Tim Riordan interned with
all these things, I can run and write the construction workers of MHS
my own TV show,” he explained. due to an interest in the school’s
At the end of his presen­tation, he renovations. According to Riordan,
played a short and humorous film construction is not for everybody.
that he wrote and directed himself ”Some people won’t find it very in-
featuring senior Martin Doan. “He teresting, but it’s fun if you are into
told me about it. I had to audition it. I had fun,” he explained.
and I got the part. It was fun and I’m Senior Vinicius Correa in-
glad to be part of it,” said Doan. terned at the Malden YMCA, where
A majority of the internships he hoped to improve on his team-
were related to entertainment, but building skills. “I’m going to miss
each one of them was unique. For everyone from Malden YMCA be­
instance, senior Socrates Jean-Bap- cause once you get in there, it feels
tiste in­terned for American Skeme like family,” he explained, express-
Records and Studios, where he ing disappointment at the ending of
produced and mixed songs. “I chose the internship.
this internship because I love mu- Some of the seniors chose their
sic,” he explained. Jean later played internships purely out of curiosity. Senior Kristine Dyer is ready to swing. All photos taken by Omar Khoshafa.
a song featuring MHS graduates “It was interesting. I watch this stuff
Samie Jean and Ilens Joseph. For on TV so I thought I could get a first
senior Ricky Walsh’s internship, he hand experience,” Alexis stated. in action, and seen how they work so much that he decided to work at
put together a video of some of the Similarly, seniors Drew McFar- [under] pressure,” he said. NSAG next summer as well.
best football games by the Golden land and Rachel Kirchner interned Senior Matt Rizzo interned at When their presentation was
Tornados that at­tracted a crowd of at the Malden Fire Station out of the North Shore Assembly of God, over, everyone was impressed
students, many of whom were not curiosity. “We wanted to know more where he tutored children in an af­ with the hard work the seniors put
even fans of football. “The students’ about the job. People don’t see the ternoon program. Rizzo was very in. “I was pleased with this year’s
reactions make me feel good and details of the job,” Kirchner said. familiar with the environment since presenta­tions,” stated Magner.
actually motivate me to do more But McFarland was ready for an ad- he worked with NSAG over the
work,” he said. Meanwhile, senior venture: “I wish we could have gone summer. “I loved the kids, I wanted
Jackie DeAville got an in­ternship on a call, [gotten] to witness them to do it again,” he stated. He liked it
16 Local News The Blue and Gold
June 2010

Photo spread by Lynn Tran

Photos by Lynn Tran, Catherine Poirier, Lauren Benoit, and Sharon Lee
The Blue and Gold
June 2010 Local News 17
18 local NEWs The Blue and Gold
June 2010

NHS Projects “Move, touch, and inspire”

Catherine Poirier ceremony. “If the project appears ing to radio songs or
to be sound in that it has a begin- downloading music
ning, middle, and end, then we vote from iTunes. Not only
on it. If it passes by majority vote, do I know that these

F or the last four years, Malden

High School’s National Honor
Society has been participating in
then it passes,” stated Marques. In
some cases, not all of the projects
are voted on after being presented
people were there to
support a great cause,
but the talent they had
community service projects. These because the projects need to be more was incredible!”
projects, which are created by the structured. In that case, the group Another one of the many proj-
students, are supposed to represent goes back to the drawing board to ects was Sports Gift, which was or-
what “moves, touches, and inspires revise their ideas. The group then ganized by junior Sam Sagesse and
them,” explained advisor Paul comes to the next meeting with their sophomore and reporter for The Blue
Marques. revised plans for their idea, where it and Gold Cristina Peters, who collab-
Members work in small groups will be put to a majority vote. If the orated with a charity in California ents due
to create their projects, then pres- project passes, then the group will called Sports Gift. “They collect new to being in
ent them at the NHS induction continue with its project. and gently used sports equipment daycare.
New members of NHS were and redistribute it to impoverished Senior Keith New-
inducted on May 12, 2010. After this communities all around the world,” man’s project was based on the idea
ceremony, members and their fami- explained Sagesse. The two set up of trying to get middle school kids
lies went to the cafeteria, where each donation boxes all around MHS, to get interested in improve acting.
group had set up a poster of its proj- Linden Middle School, and Salem- Acting is one of Newman’s passions,
ect. Each of the projects was differ- wood Middle School, and in total and he hoped to share it with the
ent depending on what motivated collected over 100 pieces of equip- young people in Malden.
the group to inspire or help others. ment and raised all the money to Each and every project had a
Overall, there were about 35 proj- ship it to California. special meaning to the group mem-
ects, varying from a musical theater Juniors Hong Chung and Deb- bers, and each hoped to get more
club to a food drive. One of the proj- bie Ly organized their project, Time people to pursue what “moved,
ects was created by seniors Michael with Tots, through their activity at touched, and inspired” them.
Meneses and members of The Blue the local Malden YMCA. “For five Groups tried to incorporate things
and Gold Lynn Tran, Xavier Leo, and weeks, we went to volunteer a cou- they love into their projects in order
Ayoub Kourikchi. They organized a ple of hours each visit. We wanted to to spark other people in the com-
benefit concert for polio on May 1, open up the children’s minds about munity’s interests in those things as
2010, at MacDonald Stadium. An what they could do in the future. well.
admission fee of 10 dollars gave the Some kids wanted to be doctors,
audience the opportunity to see four others wanted to be a flower,” Ly
Berklee musician Nick Goldston local bands perform at the stadium. stated. Chung and Ly hope to make
performing at the Benefit Concert for Attendee freshman Lisa DeLacey an impact in the future of the com-
Polio, hosted by seniors Lynn Tran, expressed, “I definitely enjoyed the munity by being their role models Above: Time with Tots poster, by
Ayoub Kourikchi, Xavier Leo, and fresh talent from everyday people. because the children did not get to juniors Hong Chung and Debbie Ly
Michael Meneses. It is something different from listen- spend too much time with their par- Photos by Catherine Poirier.

NHS Induction Ceremony

Sharon Lee beauty of being human.” Nidale
As Vice-President of NHS Z o u h i r,
Reporter senior Ngoc Doan read the NHS a n d
Pledge, the inductees stood and handed

A s the seats to the newly reno-

vated auditorium began to fill
with the family, friends, and teach-
recited the pledge in unison. Af-
terwards, Secretary of NHS senior
David Riemer and Treasurer of
over the
D o a n
ers swarming in, the 83rd Annual NHS junior Alexandra Mathieu then lit
National Honor Society Induction (both staff-members of The Blue and the candle of the next Vice-President teacher, who happily accepted his
Ceremony began on the night of Gold) introduced each new member of NHS, junior Alison Nguyen, while award. Surprisingly, two people
May 12, 2010. and included a short yet unique giving her the plaque engraved tied for Mentor of the Year: The first
When deciding who the new- description that included something with the words, “John W. Hutchins award went to Administrative As-
est members inducted into NHS extraordinary about them, whether Chapter,” Malden High School’s sistant for the Athletic Office Barba-
will be, a board of teachers looks it was a goal like running the Boston NHS region. Finally, it was time for ra Scibelli because of the inspiration
for four qualifications: leadership, Marathon, a talent like reciting the President Ayoub Kourikchi to light and guidance she has provided for
scholarship, service, and character. alphabet backwards, a hobby like the candle of the next president of students throughout the year. The
Each year four NHS seniors are cho- taking long walks on the beach, or NHS, Mathieu, and like the others, second award went to Arlene Cep-
sen for excelling in these four areas. even something they have always he also had something to give her: petelli and the “mother of Malden
Senior Keith Newman, who was hoped to do like become a super- a gavel, symbolizing her presidency High,” as Riemer described her.
chosen for the quality of leadership, hero. Once every new member was of NHS. After being the advisor of NHS
spoke on behalf of what he learned, inducted into NHS, graduating se- To many, the senior tributes for what Marques describes as “five
stating, “Leadership means giving niors were given sashes and a copy presented by every senior member fun years,” he has definitely shown
up a chance at the Forensics State of Dr. Seuss’s Oh, The Places You’ll were unforgettable and truly touch- his trust in the members to carry on
tournament so a hardworking new Go! ing. Each senior chose somebody the torch of National Honor Society.
member can have a shot. Leadership The officers of NHS for 2009- they felt was necessary to thank for In conclusion to the NHS Induction
means giving kids an opportunity 2010 completed their final task of everything they had done to help Ceremony, Marques expressed how
you never had. Leadership means the year by presenting the officers of them because for some they changed he “[enjoys] seeing the students
not always knowing what’s best NHS for the 2010-2011 school year their lives and for others they sim- rise above and beyond what they
and knowing that that’s okay.” Fol- as the Candle Lighting Service con- ply supported them. Tributes were thought was possible for themselves
lowing was senior Jamie Lam, who tinued, starting with Mathieu as she made to family, friends and even to and the ones that they help; it keeps
presented her speech for scholar- lit the candle of the next Treasurer teachers. me going strong.”
ship, then senior Lynn Tran, who of NHS, junior Jonathan Sit, and Every year the members of
was recognized for the quality of passed on to him the record book. NHS pick a Teacher of the Year and From left to right: Ayoub Kourikchi,
her service. Finally, senior Amanda Next was Riemer, who lit the candle a Mentor of the Year. The award Ngoc Doan, David Riemer, and Alex-
Benoit, who was chosen for impec- of the next Secretary of NHS, junior for Teacher of the Year was given andra Mathieu. Photo by Sharon Lee.
cable character, described it as “the and The Blue and Gold staff member to Martin Berryman, a chemistry
The Blue and Gold
June 2010 Local News 19

Homelessness: A Freshmen Service

Local problem Project
Lynn Tran Joao Nascimento
Managing Editor Head of World News

E very year around 1,500 students pile into the high

school, anxious to see their friends, dreading their up-
coming classes, and always expecting the same speeches
from principal Dana Brown and the other house principals
that are given year after year during school assemblies.
One can expect talks about upcoming events, previous Ivy
League accepted students, and Posse scholars. The Brunelli
House can expect Thomas Mahoney to talk about how his
house is the best of all four houses. Similar speeches are
given each year and the administration never forgets to add
that we have the most amazing staff and the most amazing
students ever. It was not until I left high school that I real-
ized that it was true.
Every year we have over-achieving students involved
in multiple clubs, and outside community service projects.
There are benefit concerts and benefit dinners. There are
walks for diabetes, breast cancer, polio, Alzheimer’s, Chile,
Haiti, and the list goes on. There are more clubs than ever
before: my beloved, the Environmental Club and Interact
Club; the Gay-Straight Alliance, the Red Cross Club, Key
Club, Breast Cancer Awareness Club, and newly founded
clubs such as the Deafness Awareness Club. It is clear that
Clockwise from top left: Freshmen Lorna Ibanda;
Malden High school students are willing to help anybody.
Jamel Vilmont and Wendy and Michelle DiPhillipo;
MHS students, including myself, have been enthusiastic
Eliel Lau, Jessica Gardner, and Cameron Freehoff;
about saving the world, however, some of us have become
Maisa Raphielli and Cassandra Jimenez. Photos by
ignorant to local problems.
Sharon Lee and Joao Nascimento.
In 2009, The Boston Globe correspondent, Brenda J.

Buote wrote an article titled “Number of Homeless Families his year, some students of the class of 2014 were involved in a comprehensive
Rises Sharply” that there has been a 88 percent increase of community service project directed by the ninth grade English teachers. This op-
homeless families in Massachusetts, and in the “cities that portunity was inspired by the Max Warburg Foundation, a non-profit institution that
hug Boston’s northern boundaries - Everett, Malden, Med- works with public schools to promote service driven curriculums.
ford, Melrose, and Revere - the rise in family homelessness The freshmen English teachers assigned a project to their students entitled “My
has been even more dramatic, ballooning from 56 families America,” which prompted the students to reflect on the diverse cultural aspects of
in January 2005 to 156 today, an uptick of 140 percent.” With American society, and ultimately, “what it means to be an American.” Most impor-
help of the freshman academy teachers, the MHS freshmen tantly, this project gave the students an opportunity to voice their opinions on the
class organized a school wide service project to aid Mal- most prevalent and current social problems plaguing the local community.
den’s homelessness problem. Their service project does not Though gang violence, drugs, and robbery were popular among the students’ is-
solely tackle the issue of homelessness, however, but finds sues cited in the projects, homelessness was by far the most relevant issue in students’
a way to provide support and consolidation for those who minds during the school year, after a number of fires left several MHS students home-
are homeless. less. After discussions, the teachers decided to design a project that would aid the
In just two years there has been a dramatic rise in freshmen students to give back to the community and develop civic responsibility.
homelessness due to the slow job market and crashing Businesses like Staples, Old Navy, Dockside, Target, Borders, and Payless do-
house market. Krystle Kelly, the development manager of nated funds and supplies that were used in the construction of “care packages” that
Housing Families Inc., adds that the poor economy has were then given to the Department of Youth Services (DYS) in Malden. Each student
“significantly changed the face of homelessness across Mas- that created a “care package” accompanied it with a letter of encouragement to the
sachusetts as well as the country.” For example, Housing recipients that were displaced from their homes.
Families Inc. started as a house, sheltering only 4 families The students involved in the service project also organized a book drive, that
per night, however, according to Kelley, today they “serve along with the Borders’ donations, has garnered over one thousand books that are
over 300 people per night in different forms of housing going to be donated to the Early Childhood Learning Center and the MHS preschool.
including shelters, short term housing and permanent, af- The project was culminated on June 7, 2010, when the freshmen delivered ap-
fordable housing” and “operate 94 affordable housing units proximately 200 care packages to the DYS offices.
for local families across the Greater Boston Area.” Kelly
believes that views on homelessness have changed because
homelessness has become “more of a reality for the com-
mon middle-class family,” where “any family is about two
missed paychecks from housing instability.” Although the
situation has not improved, Kelly believes that people are
becoming more aware of the problem.
According to National Law Center on Homelessness
and Poverty, “children under the age of 18 accounted for
39 percent of the homeless population” and “42 percent of
these children were under the age of five.” In Massachusetts
the average age of a homeless person is 8 years old.
Kelly explains that Housing Families Inc. holds “over
300 children in our agency, but we directly work with 85
children per week in our Children’s Program.” Children
in the program are given the opportunity to receive tutor-
ing, and take part in therapeutic arts and play groups in
orders to express themselves and overcome the trauma
they have experienced. They also currently have three high
school teenagers who were able to receive and give tutor-
From left to right: freshmen Matheus Souza,
ing through the programs and according to Kelly “two high
Brandie Powers, Victoria Chen, Ashlyn Leo-
school seniors become the first in their families to attend
Radzikowski, and Cameron Freehoff; Jacque-
college” and are still doing well.
line Galvez. Photos by Joao Nascimento.
20 Local News The Blue and Gold
June 2010

Malden Hosts The Special Olympics

Reginah Sanyu

T he Special Olympics has been

held in Malden once a year for
the past eight years. Local students
of organization, who stated, “It was
great, the kids had a very good time,
and it went really smoothly.”
with disabilities come together to The games began at 9 A.M., but
compete in various competitions volunteers from MHS arrived at 7
including walking, running, wheel- A.M. to prepare for the day’s events
chair racing, and fun activities and to welcome the athletes. They
such as face painting. Malden High lined up at the entrance of the field
School hosted the event, with Ath- in rows, boosting spirits and energy
letic Director Dan Keefe as the head and giving the participants high
The event was of-
ficially opened by the Na-
tional Anthem, followed
by a heartwarming speech
from sophomore Kamisha
Elizabeth Heriveaux with
the help of her friend and
speech coach, MHS senior From left to right: Charlie Collins, Jayzine Luti, Chris Willoth, and Kevin Sosa
Aaron Gladden. The sweet holding a banner and showing their pride for the Special Olympics. Photos
and sincere speech touched submitted by Barbara Scibelli.
everybody’s heart. Junior
Samantha Saggese thought MHS’s girls varsity basketball team. to help out and be a helping hand
that Heriveaux’s speech “They say that I bring them confi- for other people to have fun. It was
was a great way to start off dence,” Herriveaux stated. a rewarding experience,” expressed
the festivities. “Kamisha After every event, the athletes junior Nadege Seppou.
is a wonderful and inspi- received medals for their participa- The volunteers did not merely
rational speaker,” Saggese tion. Some of the volunteers shared just show up to help; they all had to
added. the athletes’ joy by taking them to write a short letter about why they
Heriveaux has a dis- get their medals—this was senior wanted to volunteer and had hand
ability called cerebral palsy, Marcos Almeida’s favorite part of it in to MHS principal Dana Brown,
which causes physical dis- the day. “Taking the athletes to get first, to prove their motivation and
ability in various areas of their medals brought a smile to my dedication. In the end, several vol-
body movement. Heriveaux face,” he shared. unteers said that the Special Olym-
said that this disease does At 12 P.M., after the partici- pics were most definitely worth
not stop her from follow- pants were done competing, they writing that letter. “Watching all the
ing her hopes and dreams. departed, leaving volunteers to kids participating in different events
Senior Aaron Gladden helps hold the micro-
Heriveaux is very spirited, clean up and talk about how much and seeing the huge smiles on their
phone for sophomore Kamisha Elizabeth Heri-
and it shows in her par- they had enjoyed the day. “I had faces was truly heartwarming,”
veaux while she makes a speech at the 2010
ticipation as the manager of fun, it was an opportunity for me stated sophomore Kiara Amos.
Special Olympics.

Laps for Leslie Lauren Benoit


E very year since 2004, students,

athletes, friends, and families
all gather at Malden’s MacDonald
Razzino was nearing gradua-
tion and prom when she endured a
seven hour surgery, resulting in her
passed away, the people
who knew her were
devastated and wanted
Stadium in remembrance of one be- having to wear a neck brace con- her to always be with
loved friend, student, and dedicated stantly. “Of course she took it off for them. The decision was
track athlete; Leslie Razzino. prom, that’s just the type of girl she then made to retire the
Razzino graduated from Mal- was,” says Karen Razzino, teacher at number 16, as it was her
den High School in 2003, eager to MHS and mother of Leslie. track number. Supporters walking and running to raise money at
start attending UMASS Dartmouth In the upcoming months, The money raised Laps for Leslie.
in the fall. However, when she went Razzino went through chemo radia- from “Laps for Leslie” Mrs. Razzino was pleased with
to Dartmouth for a physical exam, tion and took experimental drugs goes towards college tuition for four the turnout, claiming that “everyone
doctors found a strange lump in the to try and cure her form of cancer. chosen senior girls who are either on was upbeat and enthusiastic… there
back of her neck, which turned out She was in and out of the hospital the track team or who write poetry. was one man who ran around the
to be cancer. an astonishing 89 times, staying When in the hospital on one night, track 47 times!” The amount of mon-
over each of those nights Razzino confessed her secret love ey raised is still being calculated,
within one year since her for writing poetry. but so far, about $2,918.00 has been
diagnosis. Razzino passed This year’s “Laps for Leslie” raised. “Donations are still coming
away March 18, 2004. took place on May 19, 2010. Mrs. in and we won’t have a final count
“Laps for Leslie” was Razzino was surprised that so many until about a week or two later.”
established by the MHS people knew about the event, es- says Mrs. Razzino. What surprised
girls track team. Razzino pecially freshmen, and that seniors her most is that nearing the end of
loved running with a from Leslie’s class still come back to the fundraiser, Fox 25 News made
passion, “she said it freed walk in remembrance of her. Those an appearance and filmed the par-
her, and it was a great in attendance at this year’s walk in- ticipants walk the last lap. In clos-
way to keep in shape,” re- clude the track team, baseball team, ing, Mrs. Razzino expresses that the
membered Mrs. Razzino. softball team, lacrosse teams, crew fundraiser “fits into the atmosphere
Razzino participated in teams, tennis teams, and also cur- with MHS... the effects last long…
The Malden High Tennis Team at MacDonald soccer, dance, softball, rent MHS teachers, past MHS staff, and everyone joins in to help, even
Stadium, supporting Laps for Leslie. and track. After she had and friends of the Razzino family.
Photos by Sharon Lee. if they didn’t know her personally.”
The Blue and Gold
June 2010
Travel 21

Costa Rica 2010

From left to right: The whole group white
water rafting; Shauna Campbell jumping off
a ledge into a river, picture of group traveling
to a beach in Cahuita. Bottom: whole group
at the turtle preserve; Kristen Kirby milking a
cow at an organic farm. Photos submitted by
trip members.
Xavier Leo
Copy Editor

T raveling to Costa Rica was

most definitely the high­light
of my year. From the amazing
food to the rich culture and the
beautiful landscape, every­thing
was just about perfect. We were
able to visit volcanoes, wit­ness
a fully grown Leatherback sea
turtle come up the beach and lay
her eggs, and see countless ex­
otic animals in the wild. We were
doing something every minute
of every day, whether it was zip-
lining through the canopies of
Cristina Peters the rainforest or white water raft­
ing down a local river. Our tour
guide, Eloy Castro, was the one
who held the entire trip together

A fter traveling for three hours

on one very bumpy dirt road,
which only brought us to another
home, our host
family taught
us card games
for the group. Although he is
well into his 40s, Eloy was still a
kid at heart and made every day
excessively bumpy dirt road, we and we played a fun one, both through his jokes
finally arrived at a river where we for about two and through his vast knowledge
boarded a boat that would take us to hours. They on the history of Costa Rica.
La Estación de Las Tortugas, or the explained to us However, as great as all
Turtle Station, located on the central that it meant the activities were, what hit the
Caribbean coast. Little did we know a lot for them group the hardest was the level
that the three days that we spent to have us stay of poverty that was present ev-
here during our vacation would be there because they wanted us to erywhere we looked. After living
our most spec­tacular and incred- have a better understanding about in the United States so long, it
ible days in Costa Rica. During the being grateful for what we have. is hard to really imagine what
daytime we made chocolate from It was very sad to leave our home, poverty looks like on such a huge
cocoa beans, played games, had but we promised them that we’d level. As we traveled through San
class with a biologist named Stami come back to visit, which is defi- Juan, the capital city, our tour
who told us all about Leatherback nitely a promise that we plan on guide mentioned that the area we
sea turtles, and one day, we painted keeping. were traveling through belonged
our skin with fruit that left behind A few days later, we ar­rived mostly to the upper middle class.
a blue stain. During the night, we at the jungle where the BriBri in- He also went on to say that the
had turtle patrol along the beach to digenous tribe live. We hiked up average yearly income for some-
protect the Leatherback turtles’ eggs and down the steepest hills, one living in San Juan was only
from poachers, who tend to steal hopped over stones to go across about 600 dollars. The majority of
them and harm the turtles during rivers, and traveled through thick the people we were seeing in the
the night. We wore all dark clothes, bushes to get to their homes. They city were living on so little, but
and walked up and down the beach were all very welcoming, and for one would not notice it by their
in two shifts: from 8 P.M. to 11 P.M. lunch we ate heart of palm, chick­ physical appearance. Every sin-
and from 11 P.M. to 2 A.M. with a en, rice, beans, and vegetables. The gle person we came across, be it
guard and a researcher. We saw most amazing part was that we ate a tour guide, an ordinary citizen
several huge nesting turtles, which out of these huge bowls that they on the streets, or an employee at
came ashore and laid their eggs. made from palm tree leaves. The a restaurant or supermarket, wel-
Later we counted the eggs, safely children and families there were comed us with a warm smile and
buried them, weighed, and then beautiful. Their beliefs and tradi­ activity that we did was white-water an embracing personality. No one
measured the turtles’ flippers. tions were astonishing, and it was rafting. Passing through the strong was ever hesitant to share with us
After a four hour car ride from interesting to meet people that have and bumpy water rapids was such what lit­tle they had; we were con-
our hotel, we arrived to a very ru­ had such strong background within a fun activity. Our last, very memo­ stantly bombarded with offers for
ral area and were presented with a their families for generations. rable day was when we hiked up to food or gifts. It was all just an ex­
dance by the local children. Soon Aside from the memories of the the volcano in La Fortuna, through tremely eye-opening experience,
af­ter, we went on our way to the trip that were breathtaking and eye- the forest and over huge molten meant to expose us to what life is
hous­es. Junior Ivy Bui and I stayed opening, a few activities that we did rocks. It was almost surreal to see like for most of the world outside
in the same home; our house was that were also fantastic and thrilling huge mounts of hardened lava of the United States. It instilled in
small, with two very small rooms, were zip-lining, white-water rafting, ev­erywhere and the view from us memories and lessons that we
one bathroom, a small kitchen, and and volcano-visiting. We were at­ where we went to visit the volcano will keep with us for a long time
liv­ing room. We slept in an attach- tached to a cord zipping well over was in­credible. Instances like these to come.
ment to the house, which had a bunk a hundred feet from the jungle, and made Costa Rica a country that will
bed and a small cut-out hole for a had an amazing view of the towns forever remain such an astounding
win­dow. To welcome us into their and overall wildlife. Another great country in my eyes.
22 Local News The Blue and Gold
June 2010

Mock Car Crash

Kayla Bramante

O n May 24, 2010, seniors Jil­ The dead were then driven Clockwise from left: Fire fighter prying the hood of a car open to res-
lian Dervishian and Rachael away in a hearse for the fu- cue senior Marissa Gould. A damaged car from the Mock Car Crash.
Kirschner faced a tragic death in a neral, which began with junior Seniors Elaine Tam, Cristina Valente, Jillann Ceplinskas, Keith New-
car accident right after graduation. man, and Sam Warton gathered around the body of senior Rachel
Jenna Del­aney singing “Amaz-
Kirchner. All Photos by Lauren Benoit.
Luckily, the content of this article is not Real!

Another senior, Samuel Warton,

ing Grace.” Next, the friends of
was under the influence of alcohol,
the victims reminisced about the
and made a decision that affected
the entire MHS population: to drive. great times they shared together.
He ended up taking the wrong turn, Luckily, this time the crash
hitting another car in the process. was a warning to many MHS stu-
Right before the police came dents about the dangers of drink-
to the scene of the crime, senior ing and driving. This mock car
David Console managed to get crash is displayed for the seniors
out of the car and start a fight with every year before prom with the
Warton. Warton, being drunk, intent of showing them how to
had no major reaction to Con- prevent the funeral of another
sole; instead he looked as though beloved classmate. Prin­cipal
he was in shock as he tried to Dana Brown spoke to the audi-
gather his thoughts about what ence, stating, “We want you to
he has just done to his friends live a productive life,” ex­plaining O’Brien’s Florist and
Dervishian and Kirschner. that drinking and driv­ing are not
Soon after the accident, po­ the way to fulfill this expectation; Greenhouses
licemen, firefighters, and ambu- in fact, that combination must be 266 Lynn Street
lances arrived to figure out what prevented. Malden, MA 02148
had happened and who was to Usually, MHS gym teacher
blame. Soon after the police’s Julie Briggs is the advisor for the (781) 322-1041
arrival, Warton was put in hand Students Against Destructive Jim O’Brien
cuffs and taken away from the Decisions, who put on the mock
scene. Friends were devastated crash. This year’s crash, however,
by the losses, especially senior was directed by English teacher
Christina Valente, who was in Margaret Pettit. Pettit believes
hysterics. that the mock crash went “pretty
Glass and blood were ev­ smoothly,” adding that she hopes
erywhere and the cars were that it will be “effective” for MHS
completely totaled. People were students. She explained that this
put on stretchers and then into is a “real life issue” and that “it
ambulances. The car that Warton is not worth” getting into an ac-
was driving was tipped upside cident for one drunken night.
down; the other car had to be
ripped apart just to get senior
Marissa Gould out of the vehicle.
The Blue and Gold
June 2010 Entertainment 23

Concert Band Wows The Crowd

Natalie Fallano

T he seats of the Jenkins Audito-

rium filled up on May 27, 2010,
as Maldonians eagerly waited for
from this piece, many of the songs
the band performed at the MICCA
arrangement of the song
while juniors Jenna Del-
(Massachusetts Instrumental and aney and Rita Cote sang
the annual spring Malden High Choral Conductor’s Associating) vocals. The Concert Band
School Band Concert to begin. This competition. then returned to the stage
year the concert was titled “A Musi- Senior and vice president of to perform “National Em-
cal Spring Fling” which featured the the band, Michael Meneses then blem March” and ended
MHS Concert Band and the MHS spoke about the second piece of the with an impressive perfor-
Percussion Ensemble. night, “Among the Clouds”, which mance of a very difficult
The lights of the auditorium is a rapidly mood changing piece piece named “Chorale and
dimmed and noise from the crowd of music; it’s about lucid dreamers Shaker Dance”.
ceased as Principal Dana Brown who are flying in the sky, with the The night ended with
introduced the band director and clouds. “Amazing Grace”, which Tavares giving thanks
conductor Matthew H. Tavares. the band also played at the winter to everyone who made
Brown continued, speaking about concert was introduced by Amanda the concert possible and
this being the first band concert in LaFauci, junior and secretary. She with recognition of all the
the new auditorium with the new described it as a widely known seniors of the band who
sound equipment to enhance the “Christian hymn written by John are graduating. Freshman
impressive music of the band. Newton in the eighteenth century.” and flutist Devon Moran
Junior and president of the After a ten minute intermis- recapped on the night by
MHS Concert Band, Karl Denis sion, the MHS Indoor Winter Per- stating, “It went phenom-
introduced the first piece of the cussion Ensemble performed their enally well. The pieces we Junior Rita Cote sings while junior Patrick
night entitled, “Essence of Desire.” version of Jordin Spark’s popular hit played at MICCA, went Malone, freshman Joseph Adelman, and
This piece was a medley of Lady song “Battlefield” which was one of and sounded better at the senior Sergio Castillo play percussion in the
Gaga songs which included some the most memorable moments of concert than at the com- Indoor Winter Percussion Ensemble’s per-
of her most popular songs like “Bad the night. The percussion lined up petition. The band did an formance of “Battlefield” by Jordin Sparks
Romance” and “Paparazzi.” Aside on the edge of the stage playing an amazing job.” Photo by Brittany Foley.

Dominating the Stage

Natalie Fallano

A mazing Music and song flood-

ed the ears of the audience in
the Jenkins auditorium on May
due to the poor acoustics of the gym.
First up was Mixed Chorus;
solos this year where done by the
14, 2010 when the Malden High freshmen in the class. They kicked
School (MHS) Musical Department off the night with a performance of
presented “A Spring Concert”. Per- “Choose to Bless the World”, which
formers of the MHS Choral Art So- included a solo by Elizabeth Fitzger-
ciety featured Mixed Chorus, Show ald. The widely known song “For
Choir, the Madrigal Singers, and Good”, from the Broadway musical
Concert Choir. Wicked included solos from Blondel
Principal Dana Brown started Binyame and Christy Ringdahl and
off the night by first acknowledg- a duet sung by Iris Feng and Kelsey
ing that this was the first concert Conti. Conti, a freshman, expressed,
The Mixed Chorus performs at the Spring Concert with pianist, Cindy
done in the brand new, state of the “All our hard work led up to this
Horseman McKeen. Photo by Lynn Tran.
art Jenkins Auditorium. Due to the moment. If it wasn’t for every single
renovations, the 2009 winter con- person in chorus working together,
cert had to be held in the Finn Gym, we would’ve never made it to this of Morley’s “My Bonnie Lass (She nior Thanh Nguyen, senior Tressie
this past November. This caused an part.” They ended with “Finale B Smileth)” was performed along with Charles and the small ensemble of
inconvenience for both the MHS (No Day But Today) from the famous Bach’s cover of “My Bonnie Lass She junior Ivy Bui, sophmore Carli Bel-
Choral Arts and the Concert Band Broadway Musical Rent, which Smelleth”, a parody of the original. mer, and senior Tyler Elderd. Senior
began with a memorable solo by The Madrigal Singers also gave and “Lead Me Home” soloist, Nick
William Lombard. Conductor Todd the audience a treat by performing Fiumefreddo stated, “I enjoyed the
Cole was correct when he said “This a piece they used in their MICCA concert and I’m going to miss the
group [Mixed Chorus] is going to (Massachusetts Instrumental and choir very much.
give you a little bit of everything”, at Choral Conductor’s Associating) As seniors of the Choral Arts
the beginning of the show. repertoire called “O Occhi, Manza Society gave a tear and hug filled
Show Choir, unlike the other Mia”, which won the group a silver final performance at the concert,
groups which are classes, is an medal. For their last song they per- they were presented roses on stage
extra curricular group. The small formed “When Allen-A-Dale Went before singing “I’m Yours” by Jason
group of eight members meets after A-Hunting”, which Cole joined in to Mraz. When the audience finished
school every Friday, to practice for help as a tenor. applauding the night’s performance
concerts they participate in. They The Concert Choir, which fol- and expected the end of the show,
performed “How Can I Stop Singing lowed the Madrigal Singers, also they were surprised by an addition-
My Song?” followed by “Java Jive,” sang one of their MICCA pieces al performance of Journey’s “Don’t
in which the choir got into character called “Cantique de Jean Racine”. Stop Believin’”, performed in the
by putting on “jazzy” fedoras. This was followed by the Filipino style of FOX’s hit show Glee.
A talented group of MHS stu- song titled “Paruparong Bukid (Field Cole expressed overall of what
dents makes up the Madrigal Sing- Butterfly)” which compares a bride he thought of the night by stating, “I
Senior Nick Fiumefreddo per- ers that performed a set of “Renais- walking down her wedding aisle to was really pleased of how the groups
forms his solo of the song “Lead sance” themed songs. Senior Bernard butterflies, flying in a meadow. “Ave performed with all the varieties and
Me Home” for Concert Choir. Alford stated, “I liked our music, we Maria” was sung with several solos styles of music. The hard work put
Photo by Sharon Lee. were able very interactive.” A cover given by junior Ashley Cecre, se- into rehearsals was evident.”
24 entertainment The Blue and Gold
June 2010

From left to right: Sopho-

mores Clarissa Henebury and
Gabriel Piau, seniors Danny
Callahan and Keith Newman,
sophomore Mary Stathos,
and senior Martin Doan.

Orp Bottom: Cast of Metamor-

M HO phoses. Photos by Brit-

tany Foley, Sharon Lee, and

TA SE Megan Kelly.

Christopher Brown
M alden High School’s newly
renovated Jenkins Audito-
rium was near full on the nights of
end to reverse the wish.
The next story was that of Al-
cyone (junior Jenna Delaney) and
looking to see if his wife was un-
harmed, and she was lost forever.
The first act ended when Piau, who
see Eros (Callahan), the god of love.
She stole a peek at him only to be
punished, but was allowed to love
May 21 and 22, 2010. The reason was Ceyx (senior Keith Newman), a played Narcissus, fell in love with Eros again.
to view the play production class’s husband and wife. Alycone loved his reflection and cracked jokes The final myth was that of Bau-
spring play, their last this year. The her husband very much and did not about his arms being a “gun show,” cis (senior Thanh Nguyen) and Phi-
class took on Mary Zimmerman’s want him to journey into the sea, but only to be carried offstage. lemon (Newman) who treated two
Metamorphoses, a play consisting of he felt he must. However, the sea The second act featured myths homeless men like kings. The men
various Greek myths. Some were proved too strong and he died. Still, such as that of Vertumnus (senior ended up being Zeus, god of the sky
traditional or tragic, while others the scene had a happy ending as Martin Doan), who dressed in dis- (Doan) and Hermes, the messenger
were comedic interpretations of the the two turned into birds and flew guises to woo Pomona (senior Kerry god (Keough), in disguise. They
original classics. together. Da Paz). He told the story of how granted the two humans a wish for
The first myth was one of the Warton then returned as Erysi- Myrrha (Henebury) was cursed by their kindness. The couple chose to
play’s most famous, the story of chton, a man who cut down trees. Aphrodite (sophomore Sarah Fraas) die at the same moment so neither
King Midas. Senior Sam Warton, Eventually one tree took revenge to love her father (Warton) who one would be lonely. However, the
who played Midas, was visited by a and sent Hunger (sophomore Clar- ended up almost killing her after he two gods turned the couple into a
drunken man by the name of Silenus, issa Henebury)—a demonic creature found out about her incestuous ad- majestic, intertwining tree so that
played by junior Patrick Keough. He that starved people she was near— vances. Vertumnus used the myth as they could be together forever.
began babbling about a land where after him, resulting in Erysichton a cautionary tale to teach Pomona an In the very end, Midas (re-
no one dies. Midas began thinking eating himself. important lesson: fall in love quickly. prised by Warton) found the pool
of how to make a profit. Sophomore Newman and Cote then played Then, sophomore Eddie Fisher and turned his daughter back into a
Gabriel Piau entered as Bacchus, Orpheus and Eurydice. Eurydice entered as Phaeton, a rebellious human. Play Production advisor and
the god of wine, and offered Midas died on her wedding day and her teenager who only sought to know English teacher Sean Walsh believes
a wish for finding the drunkard. husband Orpheus followed her to his father, whom he knew was Apol- he accomplished his goals with the
Midas wished for his touch to turn the Underworld. His music per- lo, god of the sun (Newman). Apollo play and hopes that the class next
everything to gold. He was warned, suaded Hades (senior Danny Cal- reluctantly allowed his son to drive year will “expand the number of
but ignored Bacchus, only to ac- lahan) to let her go back with him; his chariot only to watch him crash students involved, the number of
cidentally turn his daughter (junior however, if he looked back, she it and set the Earth on fire. Sopho- audience members and incorporate
Rita Cote) to gold. He was then told would be gone forever. Along the more Mary Stathos played Psyche, music for years to come.”
to find a magic pool at the world’s journey, Orpheus could not resist who loved but was not allowed to
The Blue and Gold
June 2010
entertainment 25
Faculty Follies

the breakdancing group AirBound, hard that they were grasp­

who performed at this year’s Junior ing their seats from keeping
Varieties. Next was a group of teach­ from falling off. Not once did
ers, including Greg Hurley and Brown crack a smile, mak­ing
Ann Pember, who were dressed as the whole performance that
stereotypical nerds and danced to much funnier.
the Cupid Shuffle. The final group The next act was Jen-
of teachers was dressed as the “cool elle Baldassari and her
kids.” This performance was one of demonstra­tion of her karate.
the favorites of the crowd; “It was The follow­ing act was a spin
really funny but it looked a bit un- off of the Fox hit series Glee.
organized,” expressed sophomore This per­formance was a col-
Sarah Fraas. The winner of the com- laboration between Walsh,
petition was determined by chemistry teacher Meaghan
a round of ap­plause; without Galdos, Hurley, math teacher
a doubt, the “cool kids” were Hava Daniels, Pember, and
victorious. math teacher Berenice Diaz.
The next act, introduced by Their skit mocked a typical day in
Joel Stevenson Mauser and Walsh, featured stu­ the lives of the cast members of Glee. member their name first. In the end,
Reporter dents Jamie Omeara and Chris Gior­ In the end, the lighthearted tone was after giving up and admitting that
dano, who had a drum duel. The identical to that of the actual televi- he was Fred Feldman, Mastrangelo

I t was an exciting night as the

Faculty Follies were underway
on May 7, 2010. There was nothing
crowd was speechless as the drum­
mers performed their acts. The duel
proved to be a heated battle, and it
sion series, and the teachers were
able to create a fun environment
as they burst into song led by Diaz
won the game, and just walked off
stage shaking his head.
The next skit involved science
but laughter as the teach­ers put on seemed that the teachers gained a which had the whole cast bouncing teachers Grillion and Shannon Vo­
a hilarious show full of skits that slight edge over the students, win­ around the stage and even got Walsh taw concocting a mysterious green
showed their ability to not only en- ning by round of applause once doing cartwheels. This concluded sample from the contaminated wa­
tertain in the classroom, but onstage again. the first half of the show. ter main break. Mauser ended up
as well. “It seems that it is going to The next act was one of the When intermission was over drinking the mixture, which in fact
be better this year, we rehearsed less, favorites of the audience. Principal the show started off with Mauser as turned him into Diaz.
but we’re ready to go,” expressed Dana Brown took the stage by him­ W.B. Mason, the man on the paper The next act was a music café
math teacher Evan Mauser before self, sat down, and started ruffling box, who sung a song about two- which started off with Walsh play­
the show. through his papers. The students in column notes, with the entire cast ing “Paparazzi,” by Lady Gaga in
The first act took place as an the crowd became antsy and shifted serving as background dancers. The a country tone. Afterward, Walsh
American Idol contest with science in their seats, anxious to hear what next act was a game show starring played an upbeat version which
teacher Christine Grillion playing Brown had to say. After a brief math teacher Nicholas Lippman as broke out into a wild dancing circle
Ellen Degeneres, math consultant pause, Brown finally spoke; “This is the host, Brunelli House Principal with all the teachers showing off
Jessica Gray playing Paula Abdul, serious, I have some advice for you Thomas Mahoney and Marques act­ their moves. Marques pulled off a
and English teacher Sean Walsh guys.” The mood in the auditorium ing as each other, and Boyle House backspin with an injured foot which
playing Simon Cowell. First to per­ lowered visibly as the students pre­ Principal Christopher Mastrangelo sent the audi­ence going crazy.
form was computer programming pared for a serious speech. Before as former B-house Principal Fred After the show was over, with
teacher Paul Marques, singing “Glo­ they knew it, Brown was talking Feldman. The actors were speechless the students cheering, and wishing
ria” by Laura Branigan, along with about how you should not eat chick­ in response to any of the questions for more. It was a great night; soph­
back up dancers Alex Xeung, Tai en nuggets if the nurse’s office is that the hosts were asking. Eventu- omore Justin Pham stated, “I didn‘t
Phan, and Justin Pham, members of closed. The whole crowd laughed so ally it was a contest of who could re- want to go home.”

From left to right: Faculty members Ann Pember, Paul Marques, Jenelle Baldassari, and Sean Walsh. Photos by Joel Stevenson.
26 Sports The Blue and Gold
June 2010

boys break 53 year-old record Malik blue

Brittany McFeeley
Copy Editor

T he Malden High School’s boys

track team worked hard during
the outdoor track season and their
for states in two catego-
ries, the high jump and
the triple jump. Senior
determination paid off. Senior and Ariel Hurts qualified for
hurdler Michael Meneses stated states in two categories
that, “the team was great to begin as well, qualifying in the
with this season. It only got better high jump as well as the Photo by Lauren Benoit.
as the season progressed. But the 100 yard dash. Senior Sports: Football, Indoor Track, and Out-
real transformation in the team hap- Witchie Exilhomme also door Track
pened between last year and this met the requirements
year.” In fact, MHS’s 4x100 relay to compete in the states Favorite Memories: “During Indoor this
record of 45.6 seconds was broken meet by throwing 153 past winter just after the guy’s team had tied
this season with a new record of feet in the javelin. At the for the win at the GBL meet, it was surreal.
45.0 seconds flat. Because of the meet, Exilhomme won The victory lap with my teammates was
team’s progress, many of MHS’ own first place in his event something I’ll never forget. Honestly these
athletes qualified for the MIAA Di- and will be moving on last two seasons of my senior year were
vision 1 State Qualifying Meet on to New England Cham- perfect.”
Wednesday, May 27, 2010. pionships.
Not only has the 4x100 team With the GBL meet Comparable Athlete: “I don’t know
broke one of the school’s best re- over, the boys ended many professional athletes and so I can’t say
cords, but they also had another their season with a I really can compare myself to any. I have
opportunity to improve because of record of 3-0-1, mak- always preferred to actually go out and play
their qualification at the States’ meet. ing them the co-league a sport than to watch one on T.V.”
However, they are not the only ones GBL champions. They
moving on; many more athletes share the title with their What will miss most: “I will definitely
qualified for this amazing opportu- biggest rival, Somer- miss the athletes that have been on any of
nity. Junior Andrew Terenzi ran the ville High School, with my teams. My teammates always keep me
boys one mile in 4 minutes and 37 whom they have their on my toes, There’s always something to
Front: sophomore Dennis Chin; back: sophomore
seconds. Junior Kelvin Tsang ran only tie in the season. laugh about while we’re working hard and
Christopher Tran. Photo by Lauren Benoit.
the 400 meter hurdles in 57 seconds. that’s something I’ve really come to cher-
Senior Herbens Antenor qualified ish.”

Girls finish season with best record in years Thanh Nguyen

Brittany McFeeley
Copy Editor

D espite their 2-2

has been one of the

Malden High School

girls track team’s best
seasons in years. The
girls have been ending
their outdoor seasons
with records rang- Photo by Catherine Poirier.
ing from 1-3 or 0-4.
However, this season, Sports: Volleyball, Indoor Track, and Out-
there have been major door Track
improvements, due to
key track athletes. Favorite memories: “My favorite memo-
Junior Cynthia ries from track are bonding with the other
Antenor stated, “I throwers and Coach Abbatessa. (We laugh
think that individu- everyday with the ridiculous things we say
als improved, but the and do.)”
girls track team lacks
athleticism.” Exemplifying this, days later and came out victorious. tough shoes to fill because they are Comparable athletes: “Sadly, I have
three members of the track team The girls outdoor track team is all outstanding athletes, especially no athlete that I want to compare myself
qualified for states. Senior Thanh composed of only a few upperclass- Nguyen, who has proved herself a too! I just feel that if I try really hard, then
Nyugen qualified for the states meet men and many more underclass- quality athlete multiple times dur- nothing else should matter. If some other
in two events, discus and shot put. men. Therefore, next year, the track ing her track career. girl beats me, then I would just work extra
Junior and The Blue and Gold staff team will not have to completely hard to beat her next time. It’s really hard
member Alexandra Mathieu also rebuild and re-structure the team to compare myself to someone because we
qualified for the states meet in the because there are only three seniors: have so few female throwers on the team.”
discus. The third athlete to make the Meredith Murray, Kristin Crui-
statewide tournament was freshman kshank, and Nyugen. As Antenor Miss most about being an MHS ath-
and The Blue and Gold staff member Top: Sophomore Lynette
explained, “If more athletes do not lete: “I will definitely miss the people I be-
Lauren Benoit in the one mile race. Ibanda long jumping.
come out to participate in Malden came friends with. Volleyball and Track are
Benoit made states in the last meet girls track, our team will only im- very different from each other, but I met
of the season, an invitational meet Photo by Lauren Benoit.
prove by a slight margin. I believe amazing people when I became an athlete. I
after the GBL championship. After that the distance team will strive for became more....HAPPY! Since I know that
missing the states qualifying time by more, and be a major factor in the I’m contributing to the team’s success as
just a few seconds during her GBL girls track team‘s [success].” well as having friends that will look out for
race, Benoit gave it another shot Even though there are three me as I do for them. I really don’t want to
at the invitational meet only a few seniors leaving, they will have graduate! Let me stay!”
The Blue and Gold
June 2010 Sports 27

Crew Team Paddles Past the Competition

Freshman Pray-
ush Pokharel and
seniors Trang Tran,
junior Cassandra
Ulwick, An Hol-
mqvist and Saman-
tha Power rowing
a boat in the Mal-
den River. Photos
submitted by crew

Alicia Young


A s the final season for the 2010

Malden High School crew team
comes to an end, the team “em-
phasizes motivation” with players
like senior Samantha Power, stated
freshman Prayush Pokharel. Aside
from a few scrimmages and close
races the team shows the same “up-
beat tone” because “practices are
going great” says junior Cassandra
Ulwick. The novice boys did great,
as they placed second at states in
Lowell, Massachusetts receiving the
only team medal. Due to the rainy
weather and some random cases of
lighting many matches were can-
celled or recalled such as an antici-
pated GBL meet.
Keeping spirits up is the team’s Members of the crew team posing for a photo at their meet against Mystic
new addition: a sleek black boat. Valley.
Like many other boats used in crew Photo by Catherine Poirier.
meets and practices, it was donated plained freshman Devon Moran, Shauna Campbell called the sport Sports: Crew
to the team by Tufts University. The but according to freshman Rebecca an excellent way for someone to
eight-person boat was repainted Broomstein it is “bad luck” to put an “grow as a rower and a person,” and Favorite memories: “When Matt Maggio
and refurbished and all that is left unnamed boat on the water. When as students keep up with their meets randomly got attacked by a goose in the
is a name. The crew team is eager discussing the benefits of joining the and rowing, they become “happier midle of a crew practice. It was absolutely
to get the “boat on the road,” ex- crew team, one of the three coaches with themselves and their team as hilarious and was constantly talked about by
a whole.” With each practice the all us members.”
team’s times improve due to their
focus on improving and stabilizing Comparable athlete: “Being in crew,
their skills. there [are] not many famous athletes, so I
It is not difficult to see how really don’t compare myself to anyone in
excellent the crew team is becom- particular.”
ing, even when they are simply
practicing. Other teams’ comments Miss most about being an MHS ath-
such as “Woah“ and “Is that Malden lete: “The family bond that was created
High?“ show just how fierce and from the beginning with all the teammates
well-rounded the team and all its and the coaches. As well as all the fun and
members are. good times crew went through with some
really good wins and some unexpected

What’s next: Suffolk University.

Mohammed Anwar, Alan Nie, Melvyn Perez, and Lucas Inez rowing
in a four person boat.

Rebecca Broomstein, Wendy Ng, Ana Sazo, Devon Moran, and cox- Melvyn Perez and Manny Martinez sitting on the dock on the Malden
swain Prayush Pokharel rowing in a four person boat. River.
28 Sports The Blue and Gold
June 2010
Jonathan Chen

Best Record in 20 Years

Amanda Adams

B oys tennis may be coming to an

end this season, but the season
has gone very well. Coach Joshua
Titcomb stated, “We take great Photo by Reginah Sanyu.
pride.” This year, boys tennis has
had the best record in 20 years; the Sports: Cross Country, Tennis
team was built up mostly by juniors,
so with the seniors departing, not Favorite memories: “Starting my
many teammates will be lost. senior year. It is the beginning of the
Senior captain David Riemer of end for the seniors. Everyone wants
The Blue & Gold affirmed, “Over the to hurry and graduate, but now that
last four years, we have improved its coming to an end everyone talks
an incredible amount. I’m really about how they will miss each other
proud of how far we’ve come.” next year. It’s a big moment in life and
The team qualified for the Mas- senior year was amazing, but definitely
sachusetts State Tennis Tournament. Junior Jackie Tran prepares to return a serve on the court. Photo by Sha- one of the best moments of the year
Before the State Tournament, junior ron Lee. was just getting started.”
Andrew DeLacey confirmed, ”It
feels great [to be qualified for states], “[This season of boy’s tennis] was developing team there are better Miss most about being an MHS
we had qualified last year, but had a awesome! Everyone on the team years to come building off of this athlete: “Most definitely I will miss
tough seed and faced a good team gets along and supports each other, one,” DeLacey stated. the tennis team the most. I grew up
But this year, we’ve become better, which helps make us the team that Hopes for the future of the with the team since I was in 9th grade
and have a better record than the we’ve become. We’re unique in the boys tennis team include being the and it’s just really sad knowing that
previous year. We hope to do well fact that we’re not losing the bulk GBL champions because they have I won’t be part of it next year. The
in the state tournament and prog- of our team as graduating seniors, not been the champions since 1953. tennis team gave me a lot of good
ress as far as we can.” The boys though the ones that we are losing Another goal is making it far into memories and I learned a lot from it.
have worked extremely hard this are an asset to the team. Our team’s the State Championship, since the It is one of my favorite parts of High
year. “Suffice it to say I am sore, depth has led us to our victories this team lost in the first round this year.. School and I am honored to have been
and relatively dehydrated from all year, having a very well rounded “But, most importantly [the main able to be on a team with such great
that work, but it was worth it, we and competitive team. We qualified expectation is to] have fun as a team friends.”
won overall and I’m really proud to for states and currently have one of with everyone learning as we go,”
have been one of the wins to have the best records the team has had in DeLacey expressed.
got us there,” Riemer admitted. a long time. And with a young and
Jillann Ceplinskas
Great Coaching, Great Season
Omar Khoshafa

Copy Editor

T he Malden High School girls’

tennis team finished an impres-
sive season with a 7-9 record under
Coach Margaret Pettit and was only
one victory away from qualifying Photo by Lauren Benoit.
for the state tournament. This was
Sports: Volleyball and Tennis
an extremely impressive perfor-
mance that was earned even with
Favorite memories: “Winning MVP
the influx of underclassmen coming
titles for both tennis and volleyball.
onto the varsity team. This included
Being awarded all-star for volleyball.
freshman Lisa Delacey in first sin-
Being approached by a representative of
gles, freshman Natalie Fallano (also
SMASH volleyball (a very well known
a reporter for The Blue and Gold) in
third singles, and sophomore and volleyball competitive club) to play for
second doubles player, Wendy Tse. them.”
Pettit has coached the girls
tennis team for nearly four years, Comparable athletes: “I don’t really
starting in her third year as an MHS aspire to be an athlete or compare my-
Junior Alison Nguyen uses her powerful forehand to return the ball. Photo self to any although I do admire athletes
English teacher. Her passion for by Sharon Lee.
tennis is unparalleled, and this is who play volleyball and tennis.”
portrayed through her early arrival
to practice every single day and her ing fun and working hard,” and girl to be coached under Pettit for all Miss most about being an MHS
enthusiasm for the game. “What I that could be credited with why the four years of high school, clarifying athlete: “Being a part of the team is
believe to be the most important as- team has had such a notable sea- a relationship that was built four what I will miss most about being an
pect of the game is that the players son this year. Pettit also mentioned years ago. The fact that Ceplinskas MHS athlete. The bonds I have made
have a great experience playing the one fundamental factor, and that is is now graduating means that the throughout the four years are amazing.
game, regardless of whether they the senior leadership on the team, team will lose a large portion of the Playing sports at MHS will be an ever-
win or lose,” Pettit stated. This as- specifically mentioning her second valuable experience that she has lasting high school memory.”
pect of Pettit is a characteristic that singles player, Jilliann Ceplinskas. gained over the years. Nonetheless,
her players have gradually noticed, “[Jill] is an awesome player and Ceplinskas has been working vigor- Message to her teammates: “One of
and it has, as sophomore Julia Vu mentor to her younger teammates… ously with other members of the my favorite things about the tennis team
exclaimed, “allowed the team to she is always there as an excellent team this season, sharing everything is how it’s such a small team. The best
play well and have fun at the same role model for them,” stated Pettit she knows about the game itself. advice I can give them for next year is to
time.” in an emotional conversation about DEMOLISH Cambridge (just kidding).
On the other hand, Pettit one of her most committed players. But seriously, just keep doing your best
stresses the balance between “hav- Ceplinskas happens to be the first girls, you all have improved sooo much!
The Blue and Gold
June 2010 Sports 29

boys lacrosse lays base


for future seasons

Freddie DiPhillipo

T he Malden High School boys

lacrosse team is beginning to
come around with understanding
young players including freshman
Paul Kiernen, sophomore Daniel
Glynn, and other underclassmen. Photo by Reginah Sanyu.
the sport. Although last season they Combined with more perseverance,
lost all of their games except for dedication, and commitment from Sports: Soccer, Lacrosse, Indoor and
one, they have shown great signs of the rest of the team this year, the outdoor track
improvement. boys lacrosse team’s growth was
This year, the team has un- significant. Favorite memories: “During the
fortunately suffered a similar but After talking about the fresh- drama shows, hanging out in Mr. Fam’s
better record of 2-14, but the final men on the team who have not had study, making it to the states in my
record certainly did not represent much experience with the sport, freshman and sophomore year of soc-
the outcome of the season, as a ma- Maney commented, “It is good be- cer.”
jority of the losses were very close cause I get to pass down my love for
games, ending with Malden trailing the sport.” Maney also thinks that Junior Chance Dipietro cradling the What’s next: “I’m going to UMass
by two or three goals. This clearly having a plethora of athletes new to ball on offense. Photo by Catherine Amherst to major in theater. I plan to
shows the improvements from last the game is good because it is easier Poirier. tryout for the Umass soccer team and
season, in which the team lost by a to teach them without the boys hav- maybe the lacrosse team.”
larger number of goals. ing previous bad habits.
This season, the lacrosse The new team and coaching Miss most about being an MHS
team started out with many first staff have laid a strong foundation athlete: “I’m going to miss the prac-
year players along with a new for Malden lacrosse to build off of, tices the most because that’s when you
head coach, Brendan Maney, and and with Maney, along with Tri- spend the most time together with
his assistant James Malone. After Captains junior Alfonse Femino, your teammates and you are working
speaking with Maney on the teams Andy Lam, and Chance DiPietro,
your hardest.”
progress, he replied that the team the team has high expectations of
has made “leaps and bounds” what will come of the newly formed Senior and The Blue and Gold member
since the first few days. Maney has team. Xavier Leo with the ball in the de-
also noticed individual growth, in fense. Photo by Catherine Poirier.

Girls Lacrosse Builds Unity

Alex Gennigiorgis
Reporter The team has been making ed catches ended up as errors in the
progress with each game, show- beginning of the season but towards

T his year’s girls lacrosse team has

faced many difficulties through-
out their tumultuous season. The
ing improvements in aspects of the
game including break-outs, clears,
and more importantly, the team has
the end of the season the percentage
has decreased. The team bonded
very well over the course of the
team’s record is 2-1-13, which is less been coming together as a family. season; for example, the team held a
than flattering; however, according The team has improved in pasta party and made posters for the
to the players and coaches of the many important areas such as stick senior game.
team, the record in no way reflects skills, catching, throwing, and other The loss of head coach and
the team. key areas. 75 percent of the attempt- Malden High School gym teacher
Julie Briggs, who had surgery on her
foot in the spring, made Photo by Lynn Tran.
it harder for the team to Sports: Field Hockey and Lacrosse
continue on in the season.
The final three matches in What’s next: Benavides will most
the season were coached likely be attending University of New
by junior varsity coach Haven.
Susan Famiglietti, who
came through for the Miss most about being a MHS
team, essentially adopting athlete: Benavides will miss play-
it for the rest of the season. ing with the team very much. Mostly
Briggs appeared at the because of the fun memories she has
banquet on Wednesday with the team. On April Fools day
May 19, 2010, looking like the team played at Linden Middle
she felt better. In the end, School and decided to pull a prank
all of the conflicts that on head coach Julie Briggs. The prank
overcame the team this was to pretend as if Girls Lacrosse
season will improve them team member Commie Ayuk fell and
for the next, even with the broke her leg, but no one wanted to
loss of three seniors, the fall, leaving Benavides to do it… and
team will be striving for she did. She pretended convincingly
GBL Championship gold.
as if her leg was broken. After taking
notice of the incident, Briggs sprinted
Sophomores Malorie MacDonald and Commie Ayuk preventing the Medford over, only to be surprised by the two
Mustangs from shooting on goal. Photo by Lynn Tran. most infamous words of the month:
30 The Blue and Gold
June 2010
Boys Baseball Claws their way to tournament Nathan FreNI

Catcher Marc
Woodman for the
MHS baseball
team during a
game against Ev-
erett High School.
Photo by Lauren

Photo by Reginah Sanyu.

Sports: Basketball, baseball.

Alfonse Femino
Head of Sports High Schools, exposing some of the Medford High Schools. Favorite memories: Stealing
team’s problems. After some adjust- Up to this time in the season, home base during a game for the

T he 2010 boys baseball team has

at several times looked adversity
in the face, refusing to back down
ments to the team, combined with
the talented underclassmen, in-
cluding freshman Rodney Morton,
the team has battled hard all the
way and continues to fight fiercely
in hope of gaining a seat in the Mas-
golden tornados baseball team.

from the many problems thrown at Chuckie Gibson, and Sophomores sachusetts Interscholastic Athletic
Comparable athlete: NBA star
them. Bradley Applin and Ricky Mendez, Association (MIAA) state tourna-
Steve Nash, because their style
Along with the unforgiving gaining experience, the team’s luck ment, where they have played so
schedule the team was given, in- slowly but surely began to change. well in recent years. of play and intesnsity on the
cluding powerhouse teams such as On April 15, 2010, Malden man- One major accomplishment of court parallel eachother.
Everett, Lawrence, and Medford aged its first win over Bedford High the team was achieved in the last
High Schools, the team had a lack School, barely holding onto a close weeks of the season. After several
of upperclassmen, consisting of just 5-4 victory. intense live or die games against Miss most about being a MHS
two seniors. With the tough sched- From that point onward, the Everett and Methuen High School, athlete: All of the practicing
ule ahead, and only a few older, team never looked back, assembling the team finally earned a spot in the with teammates every day
more experienced players on the multiple winning streaks, with very state tournament. The team was set during the season.
team, the season was underway. important wins coming against to play Lowell High School on June.
Right off the bat (no pun in- league rival Somerville High School, 4 at Pinebanks, and after an hour
tended), the team got off to a rocky and the always strong Lawrence and a half of rain delay Lowell was
start, losing three straight games High School, with the occasional able to pull away with a 9-3 victory,
to Danvers, Dracut, and Lawrence losses coming against Everett and closing the book on a tough season.

Softball to The State Tournament Casey Willcox

Left Photo: Emliy Hoff-

man catcher for the MHS
girls softball team during a
game played against Dan-
vers. Below: Senior Jennifer
Tamindzija up at bat dur-
ing a game played against
Photos by Catherine Poirier.

Alexander Gennigiorgis


T he Malden High School softball team has taken the GBL

Championship gold for the second consecutive season.
The team concluded the season with an undefeated record in
Photo by Catherine Poirier.
Sport: Softball
the GBL tournament and a 14-6 record in the regular season.
Although three key players will be lost next year, the Favorite memory: Beating Everett
team will not lose momentum due to the fact that most of
for the Greater Boston League title,
the team is made up of underclassmen. The three open spots
will be filled easily with the very talented underclassmen on winning 16-1 in 5 innings, and quali-
the team. fying the team for the state tourna-
The team defeated Everett 16-1 in five innings to clinch ment.
GBL gold. Pressure was inflicted on the team due to the fact
that the final game was in Everett, but the team was able to What’s next: She will be attending
cope with the pressure and dominate in the game with sev-
enteen hits and scoring 16 points, leaving Everett in the dust
Merrimack College, where she plans
with only one scored point. Another important victory for to try out for the softball team.
the team was on June 4, 2010 against Everett in the MIAA
State Softball Tournament. This victory advanced the team Miss about being MHS athlete:
to the next round in the tournament, which was scheduled Casey will miss all of the friend-
to take place on June 7, 2010 against Central Catholic High
ships that she developed through out
School, and the team lost the very close game with a score of
3-2 in seven innings. This may have ended the team’s win- her years as a Malden High School
ning streak, but that does not change the fact that this season athlete, friendships in which she will
was one of the best in MHS history. never forget.
The Blue and Gold
June 2010 31

Congratulations Class of ‘10

I want to thank the parents of

malden for entrusting their
children with me for the past 39

Best wishes for

years. it has been an honor and a
george lyons

continued success.
Congratulations MHS Class of 2010!
We are so proud of you!
Best of luck,
your Guidance Counselors
Dana F. Brown
Principal &
(Ms. Craven, Mrs. Lessard,
Mrs. Lipinski, Mrs. O’Connor,
and Ms. Shadeed)

Malden High School

Class of 1977
Has parvas gratias ago vobis qui et quae
Linguam Latinam studebatis mecum.
Ad astra per aspers, discipuli!

Elinor Wright
32 Sports The Blue and Gold
June 2010
Photo spread by Lynn Tran
Photos by Lynn Tran, Catherine Poirier, Lauren Benoit, and Sharon Lee

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