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Crocus heuffelianu

(Brandusa de
This plant is little
and purple.She is
protect by law.
The plant is high 5 to 20 cm,
inflorescence composed of heads,
surrounded by numerous bracts
long, white - silvery, woolly - hairy.
If you plant in Romania reaches
only up to a maximum height of 20
cm in other countries it may
increase to 50 - 80 cm.Inflorescence
is covered with hairy leaves, some
larger, others smaller and takes the
form of a stars.This plant consists of
up to ten inflorescences with
numerous and tiny flowers,
surrounded by white bactee 5-15,
arranged radially, as give the
appearance of a full set of flowers.
The plant is covered with velvety
hairs, silver, giving it a special
elegance.The period flowering is
from July to August.

Romania can be considered as a

whole as a vast botanical garden
populated with wild orchids. Soo
internationally renowned botanist,
named Pasha of Orchids, is born
Székelyudvarhely and hundreds of
foreign researchers refer to orchids
that we can find in Romania.
Interest only to the blood Hale
(Nigritella rubra, nigra) and
Cypripedium calceolus
(Cypripeidum calceolus) are
protected by law. Their protection
was clamor in the years 1938 and
majalis L.)

The stem is 15-25 cm high,

framed by two large leaves,
elliptical, with arched
nervatură. At the end of an
inflorescence stem is simple.
The flowers are white, with
short stalk, intense and
pleasant smelling. Berry fruits
are spherical, of a deep red.
Ranunculus repens is an
herbaceous, annual or
biennial, very common in
wetlands in mountain
meadows in marshy places
and along the banks of water.
The plant has an erect stem
of 20 to 25 cm. Strain based
on runners lying. The hairy
roots. Leaves, especially those
of the plant are trifid with
long stalks. The flowers are
yellow (SEPA scattered, large,
woolly), the peduncles
furrowed and spring bloom -
Snowdrop (Galanthus L.) is a
genus of the family
Amaryllidaceae bulb, among the
first plants that bloom in early
spring. The most representative
member of the genus Galanthus
is the common snowdrop
(Galanthus nivalis). Snowdrops
not be confused with two
similar plants, Lusca (vernum
Leucojum) and snowdrop rich
(Leucojum aestivium) are larger
and have all the six petals of the
same size, although some
species of Galanthus have inner
segments of the same size as the

Daffodil has a particular scent, very

strong, which is why it is not a
flower loved by everyone. The
smell is and why daffodil and was
named - it comes from narke "word
from Greek, meaning narcotic
narcosis. Main feature of the flower
is trumpet-shaped, although it is
known that there is more than a
thousand varieties, differing in

Tulip is a genus comprising

about 100 species of flowering
plants in the Liliaceae family.
Originate from southern
Europe, northern Africa and
Asia from Anatolia and Iran
(where the flower is depicted
on the national flag) to China
and Japan. Areas most
diversified in terms of species
tulips are the Pamir
Mountains, Hindu Kush
Mountains and the steppes of

Rose is a genus of
ornamental perennial plant
of the family Rosaceae,
native of continental and
subtropical regions of the
northern hemisphere,
including over 200 species of
shrubs erection, often spiny.
Typical plant has thorny
stems and fruit of the wild
rosehip "Rosa canina" in the
form of bushes growing in
arid regions with calcareous

Paeonia officinalis species

is native to Europe and has
a height of 70-80 cm. Bush
is a rich comprises large
leaves and flower stalks
with a single flower. The
roots are large and fleshy.
Blossoms in April, May. Of
the species most cultivated
variety is Rubra Plenary
with floral short rods,
flexible and flowers are
dark red and flowering is
Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) is an
annual plant of the Asteraceae
family, native to America.
Composites is one of the most
cultivated oil-rich seeds. The leaves
are large, whole, petiolate, heart.
Stem ends with a single strain is
calatidiu or branched sometimes has
more inflorescences. Calatidiile are
great, the receptacle plane, with
yellow. Seeds are rich in oil,
containing no fruit peel, about 55%
edible oil and industrial use, for
example, to manufacture soap.
Remaining cake as residue from oil
extraction form a concentrated feed
rich in crude protein and digestible
Herb, perennial, with well
developed vertical rhizome,
about 2-5 cm long, surrounded
by numerous fibrous roots.
The roots are yellowish-brown
on the outside and white
inside. When they are fresh, no
smell, after drying, get strong
and very unpleasant smell. The
stem is straight, fistulous,
empty inside, ribbed (has
sentimente length), 50-100 cm
high. Imparipenate leaves have
leaflets linear or liner-
lanceolate, usually entire or
toothed party. Pink or white
flowers arranged in
corimbiforme raceme,
terminal, have a pleasant smell
of vanilla. Fruit is a achenes.
Blooms in June-September.

Amaryllis bulbs is a
plant with big,
round, with several
envelopes that start
leaves are long,
sharp, thick, green.
Life of way
Vine (Vitis vinifera L.) is a species of Vitis,
native to the Mediterranean, central and
southwest Asia, from Morocco and Spain
north to southern Germany and east to the
north Iran.It is a creeper, which reaches a
height of 35 m nuts. Leaves are alternate,
lobed palmate and length and width of 5-20
cm. Fruit is a berry, known as a grape, the
wild species has a diameter of 6 mm and
ripens dark purple to black with a yellow
flower, and the plant is usually grown much
larger, up to 3 cm in length and may be
green, red or purple. The species is found in
moist woods and along the banks of flowing
waters. Wild grape is often classified as V.
vinifera subsp. sylvestris (in some
classifications considered Vitis sylvestris),
with V. vinifera subsp. vinifera restricted to
cultivated forms. Domesticated grape-vine
has hermaphrodite flowers, but subsp.
sylvestris is dioecious (male and female
flowers on separate plants) and for fruit to
develop pollination is required.

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