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A Brief on Different Imaging Modalities

Radiology is a stream of medical science that deals with medical imaging. X-ray machines or
other such radiation devices are used imaging purpose. Radiology also includes techniques
that do not involve radiation, such as MRI and ultrasound.

Radiology can be classified into two streams that are diagnostic radiology and therapeutic
radiology. Diagnostic radiology is concerned with the use of different imaging modalities to
aid in the diagnosis of disease. Diagnostic radiology can be further classified into multiple
sub-specialty domains. Interventional radiology is one of the sub-specialty areas that use
the imaging modalities of diagnostic radiology to guide minimally invasive surgical
procedures. On the other hand, Therapeutic radiology, also called radiation oncology uses
radiation to treat diseases such as cancer.

Some of the common imaging modalities are:

1. General radiography
2. Computed tomography (CT)
3. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
4. Ultrasound
5. Nuclear imaging techniques

General radiography: In this imaging modality, x-rays are used to create images and for the
evaluation of many bony and soft tissue structures. Fluoroscopy and angiography are some
of the special applications of X-ray imaging that have real-time imaging ability.

CT scanning: This imaging technique uses X-rays in conjunction with computing algorithms
to image tissues in the body. At times, contrast media is used to delineate anatomy and
allow 3D reconstructions of structures, such as arteries and veins.

Sonography: Medical ultrasonography uses high-frequency sound waves to visualize soft

tissue structures in the body in real time and does not involve any radiation.
MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Magnetic resonance imaging is a noninvasive medical
test that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to produce
detailed images of organs, soft tissues, bone and virtually all other internal body structures
for t treatment adiagnosis. Nuclear medicine: This imaging technique involves the use of
radio nuclides or radiopharmaceuticals for evaluation of heart, lungs, thyroid, liver,
gallbladder, and bones for diagnosis and treatment.

Radiologists utilize these imaging technologies for diagnosis and treatment of various

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