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M 607 |Feb. 28 (29) / Mar. 13 — First Vespers of the Passing of St. Oswald of York, C:B) M 607 February 28th (in Leap Years, February 29th) | March 13th THE PASSING OF OUR FATHER AMONG THE SAINTS, ST. OSWALD OF YORK, ARCHBISHOP OF YORK, BISHOP OF WORCESTER {to be observed as one of the Seven Great Feasts) NB. When this Feast falls on a Sunday in Septuagesima or Lent, it is transferred to the next available day FIRST VESPERS The Psalms For the Antiphons and Psalms for this day, those of Vespers of the previous evening are to be said with the four ferial Psalms and their Antiphons, as given in Volume I of the Psalter, the Psalter Outside Paschaltide ‘The Chapter The Hebdomadary alone chants the following Chapter (Ecclus. 39° 6, 9) The righteous will give his heart to resort early to the Lord that made him, + and will pray before the Most High; * he shall pour out wise sentences, A and give thanks unto the Lord in his prayer. All respond: BY. Thanks be to God. The Responsory alone chants. Saint’ Os - wald. an Se respond. Con-fes - sor of the Lord, hear thy ser-vants as Bea they pray, and be- seech Heav-en to grant the judg ~ ment of — par-don. The Honk ae Ie alone chants YW. O Saint Os-wald, gold-en star, by the Lord’s grace ESS ee re-celve thy ser-vants’ sigh-ings with thine ac-cus-tom-ed clem-en-cy. respond: And be- seech Heav-en to grant the judg - ment of — par-don. The Hebdomadary i . ss alone chants: Y. Glor-y be to the Fath-er, and to the Son, & and 55554 to the Ho-ly Ghost. a ae respond: And be- seech Heav-en to grant the judg - ment of par-don. The Hymn and the Vi 1M 608 (Feb. 28 (29) / Mar. 13 — First Vespers of the Passing of St. Oswald of York, C:B.| M_ 608 £ = = Pa — * The Ist Cantor alone chants the intonation. 1, This. the Con - fes - sor The Ist Cantor's side only completes line |: » Of the Lord whose tri- umph 1.+ The 2nd Cantor's side only chants line 2 2. Saint = ly and pru ~ dent, + Mod- est in be - ha- viour, 2.5 The 1st Cantor's side only chants tine 3. 3. sick "ones of old time > To. his tomb re~sort- ing, 3. The 2nd Cantor's side only chants line 4 4. Whence we ‘in chor - us > Glad - ly do him hon - our, 4.> All chant line 5. 5. His be the Glor -_y, > Pow - er, and sal - va - tion, 5.> —s —— ———S— 1. Now all the faith - ful + Cel - eb - rate with glad- ness 1. 2. Peace - ful and so - ber, +, Chaste was he, and low - ly, 2. 3. Sore - ly by __ ail ~ ments > Man - if - old afflict - ed, 3.» 4, Chant - ing his prais - es + With de - vout af - fee - tion, 4.> 5. Who 0 - ver all things "Reign - eth in the High- est, 5.> x = — Sa ji 1. Erst on this Feast Day , + Was deem’d fit to en ~ ter 1 2. While that life's. vig - our, 2, Cours -ing through his mem - bers, 2.> 3. Oft - times Have wel - com’d + Health and strength re- turn - ing, 3.> 4. That in his bless ~ ings » We may have a por ~ i ion 4.5 5. Earth’s might - y fab - ric i - rect - ing, 5.> > Ru = ling and $ —— = - to 1. |¥. Pray for us, O bless-ed k - en’d z swald. his as B. That we may be made Now and ‘for ev - er, 4 worthy of the promises 5. One - ly and Tri - nal. A - men. of Christ. ‘The Antiphon on the Magnificat and the Magnificat Then is sung the Antiphon on the Magnificat, which is $=—————— always begun by the Abbot (or Senior in Quire) alone: _ Let our spir-it ex-ult. All. continue the t Antiphon as follows. In God Our Sa-viour, Who, hav-ing been ae ————— == se Mind-ful of us in His mer-cy hath grant-ed un-to, us Os-wald as a teach-er of x z = Sel 7 <—— righ-teous-ness, by whose in-ter-ces-sion and strug-gles may He de - vout-ly a res ab-solve our faults and gra-cious-ly be-stow re-wards e-ter-nal. M 609 [Feb. 28 (29) / Mar. 13 — First Vespers of the Passing of St. Oswald of York, C.B.|M_609_ The Magnificat (Luke 1: 46 - 55). After the Antiphon on the Magnificat, he = === Ist Cantor alone begins chanting the Magnificat: _ %% My soul *. Only the Ist Cantor's side of the Quire responds with © a the 2nd half of the Ist verse of the Magnificat: doth mag-ni-fy the Lord. et . Ws a Jone | Le etreesseg a Te = eee Only the 2nd Cantor's side of the Quire chants the 2nd verse of the Magnificat, using this Tone, including the intonation notes And my spir- | it hath re-joi-céd * in | God My Sa-vioair. ‘And then, only the Ist Cantor's side of the Quire chants the entire next verse (including the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter For He hath look-ed upon the low-li-ness 1 Of His hand-maid-én; * | for be-hold, from hénce-forth all generations shall | call me: “Bléss~éd.” . For the Might-y One hath 1 done great things Gn-to mé; * and | Hi-ly is His Name. And His mer-cy is 1 Gn them that fear Him* 1 un-to gener-i | gén-er-é-tidn. He hath show- | éd strength with His Arm; * | He hath scat-ter-ed the proiid in the imagin- | a-tion 6f their heart. He hath put down J thé might-y frém their seat, * 1 and ex-i low deg-reé. He hath fill-ed ] thé hun-gry with good things, * | and the rich He hath sent | émp-ty 4-way. He hath hol-pen 1 His ser-vant {s-ra-él * | in re-mém-brance | of His mér-cf, As He J spake to our fath-érs, * | to A~bra-hiim, and his | sed for év-ér. tion and -ted | thém of Then, All repeat. Let our spir-it ex-ult in God Our Sa-viour, Who, hav-ing been & ————<_—— Te Sj ‘Mind-ful of us in His mer-cy hath grant-ed un-to us Os-wald as a teach-er of E — * : x — = = pst —! righ-teous-ness, by whose in-ter-ces-sion and strug-gles may He de - vout-ly BS SRA — 2 sii) ab-solve our faults and gra-cious-ly be-stow re-wards e-ter-nal. 1. aise vee Tone | Sapeeeeea n ea e e 5; Then, only the Ist Cantor's side of the Quire continues with the doxology, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes: Glor-y be to the | Fath-er, and 6 the S6n, * and | t6 the Hé-ly Ghést. And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side of the Quire concludes the doxology, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes was in the beginning, | both now and év-ér, * | and un-to the i-ges of La-ges. A-mén. M 610 | Feb. 28 (29) / Mar. 13 — Night Vigils of the Passing of St. Oswald of York, C:B. | M 610 Then, All again repeat Let our spir-it ex-ult in God Our Sa-viour, Who, hav-ing been os - ———— x aot —— | ‘Mind-ful of us in His mer-cy hath grant-ed un-to us Os-wald as a teach-er of t t+ » ee righ-teous-ness, by whose in-ter-ces-sion and strug-gles may He de - vout-ly t = ¢ 4 —=— a ab-solve our faults and gra-cious-ly be-stow re-wards e-ter-nal. The Collect We entreat the grace of Thy blessing, O Lord, by the intercession of blesséd Oswald, ‘Thy confessor and Bishop, that, we may perceive the assistance of his supplication, at whose oncoming we celebrate his glory. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, through all the ages of ages. By. Amen. NIGHT VIGILS (Matins) ‘The Invitatory and The Venite—Psalm 94 After Psalm 3 has been sung, the Cantors chant the Invitatory and Psalm 94 as follows a Only the Ist and 2nd Cantors SSS oe i chant the entire Invitatory together: Let God’s Heav-en-ly Court re-sound wi E = i or at 7 proc-la-ma-tions for length of days, * in which He de-cree - eth that Os-wald i a be ac-cord-ed a great in re-wards. a Then All repeat the entire Invitatory Let God’s Heav-en-ly Court re-sound with = ci SSS ions for length of days,* in which He de-cree - eth that Os-wald be ac-cord-ed a life great in re-wards. ‘Then only the Ist and 2nd Cantors = == begin the Venite together: Ps. Come, let us re-joice in the Lord; let us shout with SS =I. ——— a ju-bil-a-tion un-to God Our Sa-viour. Let us come be-fore His Coun-ten-ance with ————— =e - ing, and with Psalms let us shout in ju-bil-a-tion un-to Him. M 611 | Feb. 28 (29) / Mar. 13 — Night Vigils of the Passing of St. Oswald of York, C.B.| M 611 Then All repeat the entire Invitatory SSS Let God’s Heav-en-ly Court re-sound with —————— proc-la-ma-tions for length of days, * = 5 i = 7 which He de-cree - eth that Os-wald a So be ac-cord-ed a life great Then only the Ist and 2nd Cantors continue the Venite together: in re-wards. ee For the Lord is a Great God, and a Great King E SS ee = — — i o-ver all (gods; for the Lord will not cast off His peo-ple.) For in His Hand are 1 = Ac i = the ends of the Earth, and the heights of the moun-tains are His. of the Invitatory, as follows In which He de-cree~ eth that Os-wald a —h be ac-cord-ed a life great Then only the Ist and 2nd Cantors continue the Venite together: in re-wards. ————— i For the sea is His, and He made it; and the dry ——— SS ———<—<—— Sj land His Hands have fash-ion-ed. all bow. O come, let us wor-ship and fall down =. — SG Here oe be-fore Him, and let us weep be-fore the Lord Who made us; all rise. For He is Our = = Se God. And we are the peo-ple of His pas-ture, and the sheep of His Hand. Then All repeat the entire Invitatory. Let God’s Heay-en-ly Court re-sound with —— SS i a a4 proc-la~ma-tions for length of days,* in which He de-cree - eth that Os-wald SaaS ee in re-wards. be ac-cord-ed a life great Then onl: the Ist and 2nd Cantors ar continue the Venite together. To - day, if ye will hear His Voice, har-den not t —— Ee - + ta z — ati your hearts. As in the prov-o-ca-tion, in the day of temp-ta-tion in the wil-der-ness. Sh SS oe For your fath-ers temp-ted Me; — they prov-ed Me and saw My works. M 612 | Feb. 28 (29) / Mar. 13 — Night Vigils of the Passing of St. Oswald of York, C:B.|M 612 Then All repeat only the 2nd half of the Invitatory, as follows SSS eS In which He de-cree-eth that Os-wald Sa be ac-cord-ed a life great Then only the Ist and 2nd Cantors continue the Venite together: in re-wards. Se ee or For-ty years long was I griev-ed with that & gen-er- ——— jon, and I said: “They do al-ways err in their hearts. And they have not & ae — a5, i =o 1 known My ways, so I sware in Mine ang-er: “They shall not en-ter in-to My rest.’” Then All repeat the entire Invitatory ——+ _————————— Let God’s Heav-en-ly Court re-sound with cn —_ 5, —, - a = =H at proc-la-ma-tions for length of days,* in which He de-cree - eth that Os-wald ————s 4 Then only the Ist and 2nd Cantors be ac-cord-ed a life great conclude the Venite together: in re-wards. ———— ee Glor-y be to the Fath-er, and to the % Son, — ie SS z SS SSS and to the Ho- ly Ghost. As it was in the be-gin-ning, both now and ev-er, and — it a1 un-to the a-ges of ages. A-men. ' of the Invitatory, as follows In which He de-cree- eth that Os-wald Sa So be ac-cord-ed a life great in re-wards. Gr eae — 5 Let God’s Heav-en-ly Court re-sound with Then only the Ist and 2nd Cantors chant the Ist half of the Invitatory. proc-la-ma-tions for length of days, * Then Al repeat only the 2nd alfa of the Invitatory, as follows: In which He de-cree~ eth that Os-wald a Sa be ac-cord-ed a life great <= in re-wards. The Hymn M 613 | Feb. 28 (29) / Mar. 13 — Night Vigils of the Passing of St. Oswald of York, C.B. | M 613 i — = a —— The 1st Cantor alone chants the intonation. 1. Thi the Con - fes - sor The Ist Cantor's side only completes line 1: » Of the Lord whose tri- umph 1.> The 2nd Cantor's side only chants line 2 2. Saint ~ ‘and pru - dent, ; “> Mod - est in be - ha- viour, 2.» The Ist Cantor's side only chants line 3. 3. Si ones of old-time : > To his tomb re-vsort- ing, 3.> The 2nd Cantor's side only chants line 4 4. Whence we in chor - us »Glad - ly do him hon - our, 4.> All chant line 5 5. His be the Gor -_y, > Pow - er, and sal - va - tion, 5. & —— s = : —a 1. Now all the_~— faith - ful +> Cel - eb - rate with glad- ness 1.+ 2. Peace - ful and so ~ ber, ~Chaste was he, and low - ly, 2.> 3. Sore - ly by ail ~ ments > Man - if - old af - flict 4. Chant - ing his prais - es » With de - vout af - fee - tion, 4. ed, 3.5 Who 0 - ver all things “Reign - eth in the High- est, 5.» —- z ————— 1. Erst on this.—Feast' Day > Was deem'’d fit to en - ter Lo 2. While that life’s vig - our, "Cours -ing through his mem - bers, 2.-» 3. Oft - times have wel - com’d > Health and strength re- turn - ing, 3.> 4. That in his_ bless ~ ings > We may have a por - tion 4.> 5. Earth’s might - y fab - ric + Ru - ling and di ~rect - ing, 5. SSS = a 1. In - to his glor-y. 1. 2. Quick -en’d his “be - ing, 2. 3. At his. pet - i ~ tion, 3. 4. Now and for ev - er. 4. 3. One - ly and Tri ~ nal. A= men. The First Nocturn ‘The Psalms Six Psalms are then chanted for the First Nocturn, as follows: Then the Ist Cantor alone SSeS begins chanting the Ist Antiphon: In the law of the Lord. All respond. Was Os-wald fix-ed in the med-i-ta-tion of t toa —— poet i 4 his heart day and night, where-by he might con-sid-er to as-cend the Hier-arch-i-cal Throne. M 614 | Feb. 28 (29) / Mar. 13 — Night Vigils of the Passing of St. Oswald of York, C.B.| M 614_ + bene oe Toe) Hate ee ee] Psalm 1. Then the ist Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the Ist Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein). Bless-ed is the man that hath not walked in the counsel of the ungod-I}, + nor stood in the way of | sin-nérs, * Then, only the Ist Cantor's side of the Quire completes the verse: nor sat in the seat | of the pés-til-ént. ‘And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side of the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter. But his will is rather in the law of | the Lérd,* and in His law will he miéd- | it-ate day and night. And he shall be like the tree which is planted by the streams of the | wat-érs, * which shall bring forth its fruit | in its seé-sén. And its leaf shall | not pros-pér. Not so are the un-géd-ly, | nét s6;* but rather they are like the chaff which the wind doth hurl away from | the face 6f the Earth. For this reason shall the ungodly not stand up in | jadg-mént, * nor sinners in the council | of ‘the righ-teods. For the Lord knoweth the way of the | righ-teois, * and the way of the un-god- { ly shall pér-fsh. Glory be to the Fath-er, and t6 | the * Sén, * and | t0 the Hé-ly Ghést. As it was in the beginning, both now and | év-ér, * and unto the ages of ‘all; * and all things whatsoever he may | dO shall La-ges. A-mén. Then, — SE All repeat: In the law of the Lord was Os-wald fix-ed in the med: E —— —— se — ——— ay his heart day and night, where-by he might con-sid-er to as-cend the ‘Hier-arch--cal Throne. then the ad Cater ine begins chanting the 2nd Antiphon: _Bless-ed Os-wald did serve the Lord. i All respond. In the fear of heart, a fear he be-stow-ed aS for Christ’s sake in love. -ta-tion of _M 6415 | Feb. 28 (28) / Mar. 13 — Night Vigils of the Passing of St. Oswald of York, C.B.| M 615 su teat be toa Tone 2 TI a Psalm 2. Then the 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 2nd Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein) Why have the hed-then 7 ré-géd, * Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side of the Quire completes the verse . and the peoples medi-ta- | ted émp-ty things? And then, only the Ist Cantor's side of the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter: The kings of the Earth were arou-std, + and the rulers were assém-bled to- 7 géth-ér, * against the Lord, and | ag-ainst His Chri Let us break their binds as-* Gn-dér, * and let us cast a-way | their yoke from ds. He That dwelleth in the Heavens shall laugh T thém to scdrn, * and the Lord shall | de-ride thém. . ‘Then shall He speak iin-to them 7 in His wrath, * and in His anger shall | He troib-le thém. . But as for Me, I was Established as King by Him, + upon Syon His Ho-ly + Modin-tain, * Proclaiming the com-mand- | ment of the Lord. - ‘The Lord said 7 Gn-to Mé * “Thou art My Son; this day have I | be-gét-ten Theé.” Ask of Me, and I will give Thee the nations for Thine in- 7 hér-it-ance, * and the uttermost parts of the Earth for Thy | pos-sés-sién, "Thou shalt herd them with a réd of 7 i-rén, * Thou shalt shatter them like a pdt | ter’s vés-sdls. ‘And now, O ye kings, 7 Gn-der-stind; * be instructed, all yé | that jddge the Earth. Serve yé the 1 Lord with fear, * and rejoice in Him | with trém-bling. Lay hold of instruc-tion, + lest at any time the Lord be 7 Ang-ry, * and ye perish from | the righ-teous way. When quickly His writh be 7 kin-dléd, * blessed are all that have pit | their trast in Him. Glory be to the Fath-er, and 7 té the Sén, * and to | the Hé-ly Ghést. ‘As jt was in the beginning, both now and 1 év-ér, * and unto the ages of a- | ges. A-mén. ————————— SSS AU repeat: Bless-ed Os-wald did serve the Lord in the fear of heart, a fear he be-stow-ed ES for Christ’s sake in love. _—— Then the 1st Cantor glone | ee begins chanting the 3rd Antiphon. Thou hast rais-ed up, O Lord. All respond. ‘Thy ser-vant Os-wald in the pon-ti . — Ee [Se en-ed-ic-tion, and didst hear his voice out of Thy Ho-ly Moun-tain of mer - cy.

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