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STATE OF TEXAS. AFFIDAVITFOR ARREST WARRANT COUNTY OF DALLAS. [BEFORE ME, te uadesgne authori on this dy personally eppetred the undersigned afian who eer being uly sworn by sie, om ont sated: My name is Det, D Wilkins #5945 and Tam a peace oficer ofthe Ciy of Dal, Dallas County, Tess. [the afin, have good reason and do belive that on o abou he 160 day of tbe 2 46, one (name of suse) Odaris Giffin did then an there inthe City of Dales, DallasConty, Tesco the offense of Murder a violation of Secion 19.02 ofthe Fezas Penal Code, «Fist Dsres Felons Affian’s belie i tased upon the folowing fats and information which Afian received from: ‘AfSants persona investigation ofthis alleged ofese. Gy __. a felon peace office of the City of Dallas, Dalat County, Texas, who pertonally parsed inthe lnvedigntion ofthis alleged offense, providing this informaioe to Affi, aad whose igormaion Aiton belies ‘to be reible n October 16,2016 ot about £32 pm, Complainant Densreus Willan BAMBI vas shot and killed by Suspect Osetus Griffin wile involved in an alttion st 2302 Second Avense Dalen, Dalles Cousty Teor, Dallas Police responded toa 91 ell in which the Complainant was shot Complaineet wes transported fo Baye Hospital where he was poncunced deceased on On October 16, 2016 the Complainant went to the offense Iectioa, the TMA. convenience store whichis « _atheing place for people om the neighborhood to scilize. At some point a physical alrcatfon begun tennces ‘several subjects stemming fom Suspect Grifinstterpting to collet « $10.0 dan owed to by another subjec. The TAA. shows at 831 pom. Suspect Grifin wearing a ght colors ‘muscle sir light colored gym skorts and blue boxer unde Wear rushing eastbound in oat of the str cleady samrying a di: ame seni sutowatie pistol in is righthand. Suspect Geka walle nto the sg lot ax tote sery ‘and then quickly returns walling west bound beck in at of the sore withthe pistol inside the ight out pocket of his gym shor At 832 pam Suspect Grifincan be $2 pA valking cst bound in front of the tore wit is ‘ight hand gripping a dark ame semi-automatic pisol which ie visible in his right front shots pocktt toward soup of subjects standing net tothe stor. A second physieal lercation begins and Suspect Griffin can be sees fe agrenively pushing the Complainant ad eter B/M subjects toward «puke eatin oat of the TIMLA. store. The vides shows Suspect Grif rae his right arm to ¢ vile holding pistol in his dat tnd. Tae Conpleinant can be seen atenping terete Eom te eer Boone Grif hen truss his vig hand frvard with thepistol aired toward the Complainant and Eres the espa nce which is: The Complizan sustained single gun shot wound (he SIREN 10 the ground. Suspect Gri ed the scene on fot to the ree afte offense lotion. S (2 Ootoer 17, 2016 Dat, Wikis ubited a "Peron fleet "bullet to he DPD depart website wing for informatio to identify the suport caryjing the weapon int of te effete losaos On le oe aoe DexWilkin ws ntifed attest plored in tbe wa DPD beadgurers wang tase cos eective, Det Wilkins ideaified Suspect Crifin D7. sR Suspect Griffin was given bis Mian warning and he waved his igh by areingto be interned sper afin simited ht be sere fees let to fight and cole $1000 ove c MMM DeWine sed Suse ets evr he knew hat was hin peda the ble, and he eped Bem aow mysll™ Sapet able oe sted about he fem he as seen carrying ithe Video and lend te sercw by sng Lae el coaorable anwecng at quonWitot aoe? Suspect Griffin eft the bling alter the interview ded STATEOF TEXAS AFFIDAVIT FOR ARREST WARRANT COUNTY OF DALLAS (LM bK—_ F GLE yszassont, att ene ta met worn end Ite stove aces ntl wie be, mast SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME ote Poa Brenrohat tt s arse a a Ds oy TE MAGISTRATES or SIDES DETERMINATION OF PROBABLE CHOSE onihistse_dayot__OCT 262016 ay _ "hereby acwadge hat ave ermine oe ent td And ave determine! that ebabe cae ers forte ane of ‘rest warn forthe nid acre the ‘gine Tee ao for Dalss Cova. Toa outa: Odarius Grif pee 2018 WAILRANT OF ARREST AND DETENTION DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS Dats Tess oI Fay TDi tse “Arrest Cidencane ‘Warrant Number Gi var i ramon 1a he name ofthe State of Teas to any Shr ar lier Peace Offcu of he as oF Fama Greeting ‘You arehere by commanded to take he body of: Odarius Grif ‘hereinafter called the sessed, and him safely keep coat e may be desl with acordingt la, 20d to old he accused to answer to the State of Teas for an offense agains the ls ofthe sid Stat, namely. (9 Murder 19.2, Fest Degree Felony ‘of wich eloay offense be is caused by writen eomplit, made underoath that hasbeen peste to ead tat is by this "referees incorporated herein fe al parses, © Wines my signe this_day of _OCT 282016 29 ig ggg a ree Dalles County, Texas ADMINISTRATIVE DATA ALL BLANKS MUST BE COMPLETED OR INDICATE "UNKNOWN" (9) Saicof Teme | Oar Gait Oaeeiaas ‘Gotwee: [5 [djsex | anos oh oo [OOM TMs Josie Tonk [Wa Bee [oer (0 Resideaee Adve a aban iin [a Bane Nise (| Conplazass | Wane Denar ypuetOteae [Hoare Ast Waren red t= [ BPDIDSC Go Dive Lec 7_| iba [ase [78 FES aD 54.00 2.00 $2.00 6.00 s 5 RETURN GS (CAME TO HAND THE day of ,AD.20 exceed the dayot AD. , byameing ad Wining above samen eccased and = eee BY, Sat of Limon Datei

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