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Ɣ Assess work environments to identify
potential or actual health problems

Ɣ Render first-aid treatment , especially

during emergency cases, from simple
wound dressing to wound suturing.

Ɣ Refer emergency cases to the nearest

hospital requiring more extensive
medical aid of surgical care in the
absence of company physician.
Ô Active involvement in the Safety &
Health Committee of the company.
Ɣ Monitor and record all medicines issued to

Ɣ Conduct home visit to employees who were on

prolonged sick leave and those who went on leave
without permission no notifications for verification

Ɣ Assist the company physician during

consultation and treatment.

Ɣ Monitor, record and prepare industrial accident

reports, assist in filing and processing for SSS/ PH
Ɣ Maintain accurate records of sick, vacation
and other leaves.

Ɣ Prepare summary reports on industrial

accident cases, injuries and sickness.

Ɣ Prepare and monitor request for medical

supplies, sterilizing equipment, medicines and
linen, among others, for daily use in the clinic
as well as maintain stock cards for inventory.

ƔPerform liason tasks with SSS, Pag-

ibig,Philhealth and accredited hospitals.
Given such responsibilities,
one can easily recognize the
importance of occupational
health nurses in the physical
well-being of the employees
which aids greater
productivity and efficiency in
the workplace.
^hat are the hazards of
this job?

Ɣ Information on the most

relevant hazards in the

Ɣ Suggestions for
preventive measures for
selected hazards.
Potential Hazards
- Accident / Physical hazards

- Chemical hazards

- Biological hazards

- Psychosocial and
organizational factors
Microorganisms such as bacteria are responsible for
decomposing organic waste. ^hen organic matter such
as dead plants, leaves, grass clippings, manure, sewage,
or even food waste is present in a water supply, the
bacteria will begin the process of breaking down this
waste. ^hen this happens, much of the available
dissolved oxygen is consumed by aerobic bacteria,
robbing other aquatic organisms of the oxygen they
need to live.
Department of —nvironment and Natural Resources

-meet the effluent standards for biological oxygen

demand (BOD) and total suspended solids (TSS) or the
emission standard


- is a measure of the oxygen used by
microorganisms to decompose this waste. If there is a
large quantity of organic waste in the water supply, there
will also be a lot of bacteria present working to decompose
this waste. In this case, the demand for oxygen will be high
(due to all the bacteria) so the BOD level will be high. As
the waste is consumed or dispersed through the water,
BOD levels will begin to decline.
BOD Level ^ater Quality

Very Good
1-2 ˜  
3-5 air: Moderately Clean
Poor: Somewhat Polluted
Very Poor: Very Polluted
100 or greater
How do we prevent air and water pollution?

^astewater treatment

- process of removing contaminants from wastewater and

household sewage, both runoff (effluents) and domestic. It
includes physical, chemical and biological processes to
remove physical, chemical and biological contaminants. Its
objective is to produce a waste stream (or treated effluent)
and a solid waste or sludge suitable for discharge or reuse
back into the environment.

—mission Treatment





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