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Q 245~une ViS-Paschal Comm. at the Mom. Solemn. of Sts.

Marcellinus and Peter, MM~Q 245 June 2nd I 15th

STS. MARCELLINUS AND PETER OF OLD ROME, MM. (when it is, to be commemorated during Paschaltide)


The [allowing commemoration is begun by the 1st Cantor alone:


I_ ,.

I· • ; •

Daugh-ters of Jer-u-sal-em.


III tI I ". ". ij

Come forth, and be-hold


• I lit! I .. I.. I ~ ,.

.... III • II • +. . I . !'Ii... I' 1i'iiI. • ~

the mar-tyr with the di-a-dem, where-with the Lord hath crown-ed him in the day


•• .,.. I ... · • P\ II"'.

, . ..

of so-lem-nit-y and re-joic-ing, al-le - lu-ya, al-Ie-Iu-ya.

y. Be glad, 0 ye righteous, and .rejoice ye in the Lord. ~. And be joyful, all ye that are true of heart, alleluya.



y. Let us pray. Almighty Everlasting God, Thou That observest us to be

unsuitable for Thy Majesty, as it is appropriate for us to pray, grant that Thy holy martyrs, Marcellinus and Peter, to whom Thou art Able fittingly to give ear, may make supplication on our behalf for our sins. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, through all the ages of ages •• oW. Amen.

. ~

~ When this day [ails before the Feast o[ the Ascension, commemorations o[ the

Holy Cross, the Holy Theotokos and All Saints in Paschaltide are to be added as given

in the Appendix, pp . Q 675 -;-. Q 677. "

The [ollowing commemoration



is begun by the 1st Cantor alone:

Light per-pet-u-al.

,.. ' ..



All continue the Antiphon as follows:

Shall shine up-on Thy Saints,


~ I. Ii iI*j rs. • I ptjI .lIij

... I .'.~"'. • ! •

o Lord, and an age-less e-ter-nit - y, al-Ie-Iu-ya, al-Ie-Iu-ya.

y. The souls of the righteous are in the Hand of God.

i¥. And there shall no torment touch them, alleluya.

y. Let us pray. 0 ,. God, Who permlttest us to keep the Feast of Thy holy martyrs Marcellinus and Peter, grant unto us to rejoice in their company in eternal bliss. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ; Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the Unity of the Holy Ghost,' God, through an the ages of ages. IV. Amen.

W hen this day [ails be [ore the Feast 0 [ the Ascension, commemorations 0 [ the Holy Cross, the Holy Theotokos and All Saints in Paschaltide are to be added as given in the Appendix, pp. Q 678.,. Q 680.

~ ,i"'~'"' , " , __ ....

Q 2461June 2 /lS-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 246 June 2nd /lSth


(to be observed as a Feast ofLl I Lessons when this Feast falls after Trinity Sunday)


Vespers of this Feast is merely commemorated at Second Vespers of the previous

day, as given therein on p. Q 244. .'

... NIGHT VIGILS' (Matins)

The Invitatory and the Venite-Psalm 94 '

the Cantors chant the Lnvitatory and the

After Psalm 3 has been completed, Venite (Psalm 94) as follows: ..

.. . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~3

... Only the 1st and 2nd Cantors 'I I. I I :I III I I I I I I I., II ,llij


chant the entire Invaaory together: The King of the Mar-tyrs, the Lord, * come ye, let us wor-ship. .

Then All repeat 6 . I • • .' I III'; I' I I I., II .11 ij jI

the entire Invitaiory: The King of the Mar-tyrs, the Lord, * come ye, let us wor-ship. I

Th I h d 0 I I I , I I I I I 11

en !Z!!f.Y. t e 1st and 2n Cantor s , • I~. '

begin the Venite together:

O. I , • I. I

Ps. Come, let us re-joice in the Lord; let us shout with


. '.







. ~

lu-bll-a-tlon un-to God Our Sa-viour. Let us come be-fore His Coun-ten-ance with

thanks-giv-ing, and with PsalmsIet us shout in ju-bil-a-tion un-to Him.

Then All.rep"3.t b ...•.• ,', '.1 III' I I' ,;;.," IIllij

the entire Invitator y: The King of the Mar-tyrs, the Lord, * come ye, let us wor-ship. ~

Then only the 1st and 2nd Cantors b • I I' • I I '. I. ij

continue the Venite together:

O. I, • I I • I


For the Lord is a Great God, and a Great King

• I I I I I' ,I 1'11.

o-ver all (gods; for the Lord will not cast off His peo-ple.) For in His Hand are

b I

• I , I III '




II ~

the ends of the Earth, and the heights of the moun-tains are His.

Then All repeat only the2nd half O. • {: I., II • II~

of the Invitatory , as follows: Come ye, let us wor-ship.

o ,

Then only the 1st and 2nd Cantors '~~~~'~~'~'~~'~~'~~~'~~'~~'~I§'~~~,~~,~~

continue the Venite together: For the sea is His, and He made it; and the dry

~O='~==~'==~'====~'~==I~~'~~'~I~~ Here ~O~~~I~~~I~I~~I~~I~~I~~I~~~R~I

land His Hands have fash-ion-ed. all bow. 0 come, let us wor-ship and fall down

b". I"" I I ILl b .!

• I • jI Here ; I I • ~

be-fore Him, and let us weep be-fore the Lord Who made us; all rise. For He is Our

b I

III I, ., ,I I, ' I I • , :I III I; II ij

God. And we are the peo-ple of His pas-ture, and the sheep of His Hand.

Then All repeat

Q 2471June 2 11S-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 247 b




• :::I




The King of the Mar-tyrs, the Lord, '" come ye, let us wor-ship.

o •

Then only the 1st and 2nd Cantors

the entire Invitatory:

continue the Venite together:







To-day, if ye will hear His Voice, har-den not your

• I

• • • • • I I • •

• • •



hearts. _ As in the prov-o-ca-tion, in the day of temp-ta-tion in the wil-der-ness. For

6 •






• •

your f'ath-ess temp-ted Me; theyprov-ed Me and saw My e I

Then All repeat only the Znd half


I II ~


:::I :::I.,


of the Invitatory , as follows: Corne ye, let us wor-ship.;j

Then only the 1st and 2nd Cantors ~b~'~~~~~~~'~~~'~~~~'~~'~~I!1~~~'glll t was I griev-ed with that

continue the Venite together:

6 I

For-ty years long




• &



gen-er-a-tion, and I said: "They do al-ways err in their hearts. And they have not

o I

I • •





II ~



known My ways, so I sware in Mine ang-er:'The'y shall not en-ter in-to My rest.'"


The King of the Mar-tyrs, the Lord, '" come, ye, let us wor-ship.

6 • Then only the 1st and 2nd Cantors

Then All,repeat

the entire I nvitator y:

conclude the Venite together:





Glor-y be

to the Fath-er, and to the + Son,



• I

• •

• •

II - I


~ I

and to the Ho- ly Ghost. As it was in the be-gin-ning, both now and ev-er, and


I I. • I I

~ I

un-to the a-ges of a - ges. A +men.

Then All repeat only the '2nd half of the Invitator y , as follows:

Then only the 1st and 2nd Cantors chant the lst half of the lnvitaiory:

Then All repeat only the 2nd half of the Invitatory , as follows:


I II ~


Com'e ye, let us wor-ship.

I I •


• :I

The King of the Mar-tyrs, the Lord, oj<

:::I ~.. II

Corne ye, let us wor-ship.


Q 2481 June 2 I 15-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 248

I • ~ • • I. ,... • ~

• •


The l st Cantor alone chants the intonation: 1. The strug - gles of the Saints,

The 1st Cantor's side only completes line 1: --) Bless - ed The 2nd Cantor's side only chants line 2:

2. They whom this world of ill,

--) While it

The 1st Cantor's side only chants line 3:

3. For Thee all pangs they bare,

--) Fu - 'ry The 2nd Cantor's side only chants line 4:

4. Like sheep their blood they pour'd;

--) And with - out groan or The 1st Cantor's<side only chants line 5:

... 5. What tongue may here de, - Clare

--) Fan - cy

All chant line 6: 6.""""To Thee,





Lord Most High,

--) One



ev - er - more, 1.--)

yet held, lib - horr'd 2.--)

and mor - tal hate, 3.--)

tear 4.--)

or thought des - cry, 5.--)

Three Per - sons


6.--) j 1

I /'


1. Their love that nev - er faints,

2. Its

3. The

with - 'ring flowers that still

--) The toils they brave - Iy bore- 1.--)

cru - el scourge to tear

--) They spurn'd with one ac - cord- 2.--)

4. They bent be - fore the sword

--) The hook to

5. The

6. To


joys Thou

- ~

par - don

lac - . er - ate; 3.--)

dost pre - pare

--) For that Their King Most Dear; 4.--)

--) For

us we cry,

--) And


to I'ii

Thy Saints on High!

pre - serve hom ill;



1. For


~ ..

these the Church to- day

--) Pours forth her joy - ous lay- 1.--)

2. They knew them short - liv'd all,

-> They fol - low'd at Thy call, 2.->

3. But

vain their foes' in - tent;

--) For, ev - '~y

tor - ment spent, 3.--)

4. Their souls ser - ene - Iy blest,

5. Em - pur - pled

6. Here


--) In

pa - tience they pos - sest, 4.--)


the flood

-> Of their vic - tor - lous blood, 5.->

give Thy ser - vants peace,

-> Here - af - ter grant re - lease, 6.->

NIl II ~


1. These

2. King

3. Their

4. And

5. They

6. And


bay. Hall. bent; rest. God. cease.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

A - men.

vic - tors Je - sus, val - iant

look'd in won the plea -sures

win the no - blest

to Thy Heav'n - Iy spir - its stood unhope to - wards their lau - rei from Their that shall nev - er

Q 2491 June 2 I 15-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 249 The First Nocturn

The Psalms

Then the 1st Cantor alone

I III I =1 b.~

begins chanting the lst Antiphon: The Saints by means of the Faith.

On all Doubles, or if it be the " ~ " 'IS I - I s

III I j ... I I III

iustom of the place, All respond_' Sub-du-ed king-doms; they wrought righ-teous-ness;

; I' Ill; b I = ,.. I I I II. -

they ob-tain-ed that which was prom-is-ed.

N.B. At the First Nocturn of the Night Vigils on Monday only, the Night Vigils continue as "here given, but on Tuesday they continue with the Psalms as given on

... pp . Q 255 - Q 258, and on' Wednesday with the Psalms as given on

pp. Q 259 - Q 262, and on Thursday with the Psalms as given on pp. Q 263 - Q 268, and on Friday with the Psalms as given on pp . Q 269 - Q 273.

,t .j.VA" .j.~ A

Tone 1 I [I I I'] .. I (I 0 I '] .. I I ,I I I I I I.. I I I I I I 0 ".. "ij

Psalm 32: ,_

The 1st Cantor alone chants, the first half of the first verse of the l st Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Re- joice in the Lord, 0 ye ~ righ-teous; *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse: ~ praise is meet ~ for the up-right.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side et: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two ,sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Give praise to the Lord with .1 the harp; * chant unto Him with the

ten- ~ string-ed psal-ter-y,

Sing unto, Hi ~ a ~ new song; * chant well unto Him with ~ ju-bil-a-Jion. .

For the Word of the Lord ~ is True, ;« and all His works .1 are in faith-ful-ness. ~ The Lord loveth mer-cy and ~ judg-ment; * the Earth is full of the ~ mer-cy Of

the Lord. -,

By the Word of _ the Lord 'Yere the heav-ens es-tab- J, llsh-ed, ;« and all the might of them by the Spir- ~ it of His Mouth,

Who gathereth together as into, a wineskin the wa-ters of .1 the sea, * Who layeth up the ab-yss- .1 es in store-hous-es.

Let all the Earth fear J, the Lord, * and let all the inhabitants of the world be sha- ~ ken be-fore Him.

For He spake, and they came in-to ~ be-ing; * He commanded, and they J, were cre-a-ted.

The Lord scattereth the plans of the hea-thens, t Hesetteth aside the devices Of the .1 peo-ples; * and He bringeth to nought the .1 plans of prln-ces.

But the counsel of the Lord abideth un-to et-er- J, nit-y; ;« the thoughts of His Heart unto generation and .1 gen-er-a-tldn.,

Bless-ed is the nation whose God is .1 the Lord; * the people whom He hath chosen for J, His in-her-it-ance.

The Lord look'd down from .1 Heav-en; * He be-held .1 all the sons of men. From His habitation \yhIch,He, pre+ I par-ed ;« He looked upon all the in-hab- J, it-ants Of the Earth,

He That Alone fa-shioned the heart ~ of them * Who under+ I stand-eth all

their works. '

A king is not saved by J, great might, * nor shall a giant be saved by the

magni-tude .1 of his own strength. _

Futile is the horse for sal- .1 va-tidn * nor by the magnitude of his might .1 shall he b(~ saved.

Behold, the Eves of the Lord are up-on them that .1 fear Him, * upon them that hope ~ in His mer-c9.



Q 2501 June 2 / 15-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 250

,t .j,v~:I<

Tone 1 I [. • .) ••• [. D • I] •••• .' I



'. .

D , .... II ~

To de-liv-er their souls J from death, :I< and to nourish J them in fam-fne.

Our soul shall wait for J the Lord;:I< for He is Our Helper and JOur De-ten-der.

For our heart shall be glad J in Him,:I< and in His Ho- J Iy' Name have we

h6ped. .

Let Thy mercy, O Lord, be up- J on US, :« according as .1 we have hoped in Thee. Glory be to the Fath-er, and to .1 the It Son, * and .1 to the Ho-ly' Ghdst.

_ As, it ,!as in the beginning, both now and .1 ev-er, :« and unto the ages of

.1 a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 33: •

"" Then the" 1st Cantor alone chants' the first half of the first verse of the 2nd Psalm,

using the same Tone, includir;g 'the intonation notes [within. the first set of brackets therein):

I will bless the Lord at .1 all times; :« I

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse: /

His praise shall continually .1 be in my mouth.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side' ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), the two sjd~s alternating the verses thereafter:

In the Lord shall my soul .1 be pra i sed; :« let the meek .1 hear and be glad. o magni-fy the Lord I with me; :« and let us exalt His .1 Name to-geth-er.

I sought the Lord, and He J, heard me, * and delivered me from all my J, trlb-u-la-tldns.

Corne unto Him and be en-light+I en-edt :« and your faces shall not J, be a-sha-med.

This poor man cried, and the Lord J, heard. him, :« and saved him out of all his J, trfb-u-la-tldns.

The angel of J,he Lord will encamp round a-bout them that J, fear Him,';: and

.1 will de-liver them~4 ., ~

o taste and see that the Lord ] is Good; .;: bles-sed is the man that J, ho-peth in

,. .



o fear the LOrd, all ye J, His Saints; :« for there is no want to J, them that fear Hfm. Rich men have turned poor and gone ..], hung-ry, .;: but they that seek the Lord shall not be deprived of J, an-y good thing.

Come ye children, heark-en tin- J, to me; :« I will teach you the J, fear of the



What man is there that de-~- J, reth Ii fe, * _ who lov- J, eth to see good days? Keep thy tongue from J, e-vil, :« and thy J, lips from speak-ing guile.

Turn away from e-vil, and I do good; :I< seek peace, J, and pur-sue it.

The Eyes of the Lord are up-on the J, rtgh-teotis-." and His Ears are opened

unto their J, sup-pllc-a-tldn, ' _

The Face of the Lord is against them that do J. e-vil, :« utterly to destroy the remembrance J, of them from the Earth.

The righteous cried, and the Lord I heard them; :« and He delivered them out of

all their J, trlb-u-la-tions. .

The Lord is ~igJt unto them that are of a con- J, trite heart; .;: and He will save

the hum- J, ble of spir-it. ,

Many are the tribulations of the .1 right-eous, .;: and the Lord shall deliver them

J, out of them all.

The Lord keep-eth all J, their bones; :« not one of themI shall be bro-ken.

The death of sin-ners is J, e-vil, .;: and they that hate the righ- J, teous shall do wr6ng. The Lord will redeem the souls of His J, ser-vants, * and none of them will do

.1 wrong that hope in Hlm.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to J, the It Son, .;: and I to the Ho-ly Ghdst,

As it was in the beginning, both now and .1 ev-er, * and unto the ages of

, ...

J, i-ges. A-men.

Q 251!June 2 / 15-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Mareellinus and Peter, MM.!Q 251

, + J. ~ ~ *

Tone 1 I [. • .] ••• f. 0 • I) •••• •• I

Psalm 34.'

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the l st verse of the 3rd Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Judge them, 0 Lord, that do me in- 1 jus-ti'ce; *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side Q]_ the Quire completes the verse,'

war against them that 1 war ag-ainst me.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side Q]_ the- Quire chants the eittire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two ~ides alternating the verses thereafter:

Take hold of weap-on 1 and shield, * and a-rise 1 un-to my 'help.

Draw ol!t a sword, and shut the way against them that per-sec- 1 tite me; * say

to my soul: '~IAM 1 Thy Sal-va-tion." .

.,. Let them that seek 1 my soul * be shamed 1 and eon-found-ed.

Let them be turned back, and be ut-ter-Iy put 1 to shame; * they that devise

e- 1 viis ag-ainst me. ~

Let them become as dust be-fore the f'ace of 1 the wind, * an angel of the Lord I

iil- 1 so af-flic-ting them. , ~ , jI

Let their way 'become darkness and a 1 sli-ding, * an angel of the Lord al- J. so I

pur-su-ing them. , , -

For without cause have they secretly prepared for me des-truc-tion in 1 thei~

snare; * without reason have they cast 1 re-proach on my soul. ~

Let a snare eome upon him, which he know-eth not; t and let the trap, which

he hath hid-den, J. catch hi m; * and into that J. same snare let him rsn,

lJut my soul shall re- joice in 1 the Lord; * it shall delight in J. His sal-va-tion. All my bones 1 shall say: * "Lord, 0 Lord, who J. is like un-to Thee?"

Delivering the beggar from the hand of them that are strong-er J. than

he, * yea, poor man and pauper from them 1 !hat des-pail him.

Unjust witnesses rose up ag- J. ainst me; * things I knew J. not they as-ked me. They repaid me with e-vil things J. for good,_ * and bar- J. ren-ness for my soul. But as for m~';"when they troubl- 1 eq me * I J. put on sack-cloth.

And I humbled my soul with J. fas-ting, * and my prayer shall re-turn J. to mvv

b' A "

os-om. ,

, As though it had been a neighbour, as though it had been our brother, so sought

I J. to please; * as one mourning and sad of countenance, so J. hum-bled I my-self.

Yet against me they rejoiced and giith-er'd to- J. geth-er; * scourges were gathered together upon me, J. and I knew it not.

They were rent asunder, yet not pricked at heart; t they tempted me, they rnock'd me with mock- J. er-y; * they gnashed up- J. on me with their teeth.

~ 0 Lord, when wilt Thou look up-all Me? t Deliver; my soul from their e-vil J. do-ing; * even this only-begotten one of mine J. from 'the li-dns.

_ I wiU confess Thee in the great con-gre- J. ga-tion; * among a mighty people

J. will I praise Thee. ,~

Let not them rejoice against me, that unjustly are mine en- 1 em-ies * they that hate me without a cause, J. and wink with their eyes.

For peaceabJy in-deed they spake tin- 1 to me; * but in their wrath were they

de- J. vi-sing de-ceits. ,

And they opened wide their mouth a- J. gainst me; * they said: "Well done, well

done; our 1 eyes have seen it." ,

Thou hast seen it, 0 Lord; keep not J. si-lence; * 0 Lord, J. de-part not from me. Arise, 0 Lord, and be Attentive un-to my J. judg-ment, * My God, and My

Lord, J. un-to my cause. ,-

Judge me., 0 Lord, according to Thy righteous-ness, 0 Lord J. My God; * let them not re- J. joice a-gainst me.

Let them not say in their hearts: "Well done, well done, J. our soul;" * let them not say: "We have J. swal-lowed him up."

Let them be shamed and con-found-ed to- J. geth-er * who J. re- joice at my woes. Let them be, clothed with shame and con- J. fu-sion * who speak boastful J. words a-gainst me.


•• •

o "., II ij

Q 2521 June 2 / 15-Trinityiide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 252

,t J.,v~* J..~

Tone 1 I (. • .] ••• [. 0 • I) •••• •• I • • • ••• • •• '.' 0 , I.e II ~

Let them rejoice and be glad who desire the righ-teous-ness Of J,. my cause * and let them that desire the peace of Thy servant say continually: "The Lord

be J,. Mag-nif-i-ed." ; _

And my tongue shall treat of Thy righ- J,. teous-ness lie and of l'fhv praise J,. all

the day lang. " -

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to J,. the + Son, :I< and J,. to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As)t was in the beginning, both- now and J,. ev-er, lie and unto the ages of J,. a-ges.' A-men.

Psalm 36. vv. 1 - 27:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the l st portion of ... the 4th Psalm, using the same Tone, - including the intonation notes (within the fir sf set

of brackets therein): ,/

Fret not thyself because of e-vil- J,. do-ers *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side Q[_ the Quire completes the verse: "f

nor envy them that J,. work in-i-quit-y. I'

And then. only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse I

(omitting the intonation notes) I the two sides -9-lternating the verses thereafter: I,

For like grass quickly shall they -be with- J,. er-ed, * and like green herbs quickly J, shall they fall a-way.

Hope in the Lord, and J, do good :I< and dwell on the Earth, and like a shepherd

shalt thou be fed J,. with )ts rich-es.

De-light thy-self in 1 the Lord, :I< and He will give thee the 1 as-kings Of thy heart. Disclose un-to the LOrd J, thy way; :I< and trust in Him, and He J, shall bring it to pass. And He shall bring forth thy righteousness as the Light t and 'thy judgment as

the 1 noon-day; * submit thyself unto the Lord and J, sup-plic-ate Him.

Fret not thyself because of him that pros-per-eth in J, his way, :I< nor because of

a man that do- 1 eth in-i-quit-Y· A

Cease from wrath and for-sake 1 ang_-er; * fret not thyself so as J, to do e-vil:

For evil-doers shall ut-ter-ly J, per-ish :I< but they that wait on the Lord, they ~

shall in- J,. her-it the Earth. J

And yet a little while, and the sin-ner shall J,. not be; :I< and thou shalt seek for his place, and J,. shalt not find it.

But the meek shall in-her-it J,. the Earth lie and shall delight themselves in an

ab- J,. un-dance of peace. ;

The sinner will diligenJlykeep. watch o-ver the righ- J. teous man " and will

gnash with his J,. teeth up-on him. ~

But the Lord shall laugh J, at him * because He f'ore-seeth 1 that his day will came. The sin-ners have drawn J. a sword; :I< J,. they have bent their bow,

To cast down poor man and J,. pau-per, * to slay J. the up-right in heart.

Let their sword enter tin-to their J, own hearts, lie and .let thelr] bows be bro-ken. Better is the little which the just J. man hath:l< than the great rich- J. es of sin-ners.

, For the arms of the sinners shall be J,. bro-ken, :I< but the Lord up-hOld- J. eth the right-eous.

The Lord knoweth the ways of the J,. blame-less :I< and their inheritance shall

J,. be for ev-er. ~

They shall not be put to shame in an e-vil time, t and in days of fam-ine they

shall 1 be fill'd; :I< but the sin- J, ners shall per-ish, _

And the enemies of the Lord, in the moment when they are glori-fied and ex- J,. ai-ted, * vanish away, and like smoke have van- J,. ish-ed a-way.

The sinner borroweth and will not J. re-pay, lie but the just man showeth mer- J,. cy and giv-eth.

For they that Abless him shall in-her-it J,. the Earth,:I< but they that curse him

shall ut- J,. ter-Iy per-ish. _

By the Lord are the steps of a man right-ly di- J,. reo-ted, lie and His way shall he great- J,. Iy de-si-re.

When he; falleth he shall not be ut-ter-ly J, cast down, lie for the Lord up- J,. hold-eth his hand.

Q 2531 June 2 I 15-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 253

,+- .J..VA*

Tone 1 I [. • • J ... (. 0 • I) •••• .' I • • • ••• • •• '.' 0 , '., II ~

I have been young, and now indeed I am old, t and I have not seen the righteous man for- 1 sa-ken, * nor 1 his seed beg-ging bread.

All the day long the righteous showeth mer-cy, and 1 len-deth; * and his seed shall be 1 un-to bless-ing.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to 1 the + Son, * and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As ~ it was in the .. beginning, both. now and J,. ev-er, :« and unto the ages of 1 a-ges. A-men.


Psalm 36, vv. 28 - 42: ,

Then the 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of 2nd portion of the 4th Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first

set of brackets tiierein): '

.... De-cline from e-vil and J,. do good, *

Then, only the 2nd Cantor'§'side ei: the Quire completes the verse:

and dwell unto a- J,. ges of a-ges. I

And then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. -the Quire chants the entire next vase ';;

(omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter: I

For the Lord loveth judgment, and He will not for-sake His 1 ho-ly ones; :« they

shall be J,. kept for e-ver.' /'

But the wicked shall be ban- Itsh-ed, * and the seed of the ungodly shall be utter- 1 Iy des-troy-ed.

The righteous shall in-her-it J,. the Earth, * and shall dwell therein unto a- J,. ges of a-ges. The mouth of the righteous shall med-i-tate 1 Wis-dom, :« and his tongue shall

J,. speak of judg-ment. ~ A

The law of His God is in this heart, * and his steps 1 shall not ~e trtpp'd, The sinner watch-eth the righ- J,. teous one, * and seek- 1 eth to slay him.

But the Lord will not a-ban-don him to 1 his hands, :« nor in any way condemn

him 1 when He judg-eth him. ,

Wait on the Lt.9rd and keep His way, t and He shall exalt thee to In-her-It J,. ,the

Earth; :« when sinners are utterly destroy-ed, 1 thou shalt see H. ,""

I have seen the un~odly man high-ly ex- J,. ai-ted, * and lifting himself up like ..

the ce- 1 dars of Leb-an-on. I

But I passed by, and 10,M~ 1 was not; * and I sought him, and his place was

J,. not to be found. ,

Keep innocence, and be-hold up- 1 right-ness; :« for there is a remnant for the J,. peace-a-ble man.

But the transgressors shall' be utterly des-troy-ed to- 1 g,eth-er, * and the remnants of the ungodly shall be utter- 1 Iy des-troy-ed.

But the _salvation of .the righ-teous is from J the Lord, * and He is Their Defender in a time J,. of af'-f'llc-tidn.

And the Lord shall help them and shall de-liv-er them t and He will rescue them from sinners and will 1 save them, * be- 1 cause they hoped in Him.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to 1 the If- Son, * and t to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and 1 ev-er, * and unto the ages of 1 a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 37:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the 1st verse of the 5th Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

o Lord, re-buke me not in Thine 1 ang-er, *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side Qf_ the Quire completes the verse:

nor cha- 1 sten me in Thy wrath.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

For Thine arrows are fas-ten-ed 1 in me, * and Thou hast laid Thy Hand heavi- 1 Iy up-on me.

There is no healing in my flesh, in the face of 1 Thy wrath, * and there is no peace in my bones in the 1 face of my sins.

Q 2541June 2 I 15-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 254

,T "'~~* "'.& ...

Tone 1 (continued) I .11 ['.01 1].11. 1·1' I. 10" .. II~

For mine iniquities are risen high-er than J, my head, * as a heavy burden have they pressed heavi- J,. ly up-on m~.

My bruises are become noi-some and J, cor-rupt * il} the face J, of my fol-lY.

I have been wretched and utterly bow'd down un-til J, the end *-all the day long I 1 went with down-cast nice.

For my loins are ,.f'ill-ed with J, mock-I ngs, * and there is no heal- J,. ing in my

flesh. - . _ '

I am afflicted and hum-bled ex-ceed- 1 lng-ly; * I have roared from the

groan- 1 ing of my heart. , _ ,

o Lord, before Thee is all my de-l si-re * and my groaning J, is not hid from

TheiL /, ,

.... My h~art "is troubled, my strength hath fail- 1 ed me, * and the light of mine

eyes, even this 1 is not with me} -. _

My friends and my J, neigh-bours * drew nigh over a- 1 gainst me and stood.

And IJlY nearest of kin stood a- J, far 6ff, * and they that sought after my I

1 soul used vi-o-lence. ' , " .;/

And they that-sought evils for me spake 1 vain things, * and craftinesses all the I

day long 1 did they med-it-ate. _

But as for me, like a deaf man I heard J, them not, * and was as a speechless

man that 0- 1 pen-eth not his mouth. ,. _ ~

And I became as a man that hear-d eth not, * and that hath in J,. his mouth no re-proofs.

For in Thee have I hoped, J, 0 Lord, * Thou wilt hearken unto 1 me, 0 Lord My God.

For I said: "Let never mine enemies re- joice 0- t ver me; * yea, when my feet were shaken, those men spake boastful 1 words a-gainst me.

For I am read-y for t scour-ges, * and my-sorrow is continual- J, Iy be-fore me. , For I will de-clare mine in-i- 1 quit-y, * and I will take heed con- 1 cern-ing

my sin.~..... ,,'

But mine' enemies live lind are made strong-er 1 than I, * and they that. hated.;

me un-just- J, ly are mul-tip-lied. _ 'S

They that render me evil for good slan- 1 der'd me, * because I 1 pur-sued


For-sake me not, 1 0 Lord, * My God, 1 de-part not from me. Be Attentive un-to 1 my help; * 0 Lord of 1 my sal-va-tion.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to J, the + S6n, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and 1 ev-er, * and. unto the ages of

, ...

J, a-ges. A-men.

Then 1 h ~ ;II lIS I I-

• III • ~'. III .J ..... III

All repeat: The Saints by means of the Faith sub-du-ed king-doms; they wrought righ-teous--ness;

F .' 1 ;'

=. "'1\. ~ "' ••• 11

they ob-tain-ed that which 'was prom-is-ed.

The Versicle-

y. Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, ye righteous. ~. And glory, all ye that are upright of heart.

There now follows the Lord's Prayer, the Absolution, and the Blessings as given for a [erial day of III Lessons in the Winter Season, as indicated for the First Nocturn of the Night Vigils (Matins) of Monday in Volume I of the Psalter, the Psalter Outside Paschaltide, p p . 105 - 107, but with the 3 Lessons and Responsories as indicated for this date in the Lectionary.

After the Lessons and Responsories, the Second Nocturn. of the Night Vigils begins on p . Q 274.

Q 255iJune 2 I 15-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.iQ 255 Psalms for the First Nocturn on Tuesdav

,T .j.v~'"

Tone 1 I [I • I) I.. [I 0 • I] II I I

Psalm 45.'

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the l st Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation. notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Our God is Re-fuge J and Strength, '" '

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse:

A Helper in afflictions which mighti- J, Iy be-fall Us.

And then, oni y the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the tWI? sides alternating the verses thereafter:'

"" Therefore shall we not fear when the Earth be J sha-ken, '" nor when the

mountains be removed into the /j; heart of the seas.

~ Their waters roar'd and were t troubl-ed :I< the mountains were 1 troubl-ed by

His might. -.;1

The rushings of the river make glad the Cit-y J, Of God; * the Most High hath I hallowed His t Tab-er-nac-le.

God is in the Amidst of her, she shall not be J, sha-ken; '" God shall help her righe

early J, in the morn-ing. _ .-

The nations were troubled, king-doms tot- 1 ter'd; :I< the Most High gave forth His Voice, the J, Earth was sha-ken.

The Lord of hosts is J, with us; * Our Helper is the J, God of Ja-cob.

Corne and behold the works Of God, t what marvels He hath wrought on J, the Earth, * Making wars to cease un-to J, the ends Of the Earth.

He will crush the bow and will shat-ter the J, weap-on, * and shields will He

ut- J, ter-Iy burn with fire. I •

"Be still, and, know that I J AM God; * I will be exalted among the nations, I

will be ex- J, al-ted nr the Earth." .

The Lord of hosts is 1 with us; * Our Helper is the t God of Ja-cob. ~

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to J, the + Son, '" and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and J, ev-er, * and unto the ages of J, a-ges. A-men.



'. .

Psalm 46:

Then the 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 2nd Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Clap your hands, all ye J, na-tions: *

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the ver §.e.- f A

shout unto God with a voice J. of re- joic-ing.

And then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

For the Lord Most High is Ter- J. ri-ble, * ~ Great King J, o-ver all the Earth.

He hath subdued peo-ples tin- J, der us :I< and nations J, un-der our feet. ,

He hath chosen us for His in-her- J. i-tance, * the beauty of J, Ja-cob, which He


God is Gone up in ju-bil- J, a-tion, :I< the Lord with the voice J, of the trum-pet. ° chant unto _Our God, J, chant ye; * chant unto J, Our King, chant yeo A

For God is King of all J. the Earth; '" ° chant ye with J, un-der-stand-ing.

God is King o-ver the J. na-tions; :I< God sitteth up- J, on His Ho-ly Throne.

, The princes of the peoples are gathered together with the God of

A- J. bra-ham; '" for God's mighty ones of the Earth are great- J, Iy ex-al-ted.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to J, the + Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and J, ev-er, * and unto the ages of 1. a-ges. A-men.

Q 256iJune 2 / 15-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.iQ 256

, t -l- v ~ *-

Tone 1 I [. I .] ••• f· 0 • I] •••• .' I • • • ••• • •• '.' 0 , I.e II ~

Psalm 47:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the lst verse of the 3rd Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within th~ first set of brackets therein):

Great is the Lord, and great-ly to be J._ Prai-sed '"

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse:

in the City of Our God, in His 1 Ho-ly

Moun-tain. ,

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side et. the- Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

In the well-rooted joy of all the Earth, the moun-tains of 1 Sy-on, *- on the

sides of the north, the City 1 Of the Great King.

God is Known in her 1 t6w-er~ * when He com- 1 eth to help her.

For 10, the kings of the Earth were as- J._ sem-bled; * they J._ came to-geth-er. When they saw her thus they mar-vell'd: t they were troubled, they were

J._ sha-ken, * trern- 1 bling took hold of them. ~

There were pangs as of a 'Yom-an in Ltrav-ail; * with a vehement wind shalt :1 Thou shatter the 1 ships of Thar-:-sis.,1 Eyen as we have heard, so too we have seen in the City of the Lord Of hosts, t I, in the Cit-y of lOur God; * God hath laid her foundations un- J._ to e-ter-nit-y ..

We have thought, 0 God, of Thy 1 mer-cy :I: in the midst J._ of Thy peo-ple. I

According to Thy Name, 0 G9d, so is Thy praise also unto the ~ends of 1 the

Earth; * Thy Right Hand is 1 full of righ-teous-ness. A

Let Mount Sionbe ~Iad, and let the daughters of .Iu-dse-a 1 re-joice, * because

of Thy 1 jiidg-ments, 0 Lord. _

Encircle Syon and en-com- J._ pass her; * tell her story J._ in her tow-ers.

~ Set your hearts up-on 1 her strength, *- and consider her bulwarks, that ye may

tell it to another 1 gen-er-a-tion.

For He is Our God for ever, yea, for ev-er and J._ ev-er; * He shall shepherd us un- 1 to the a -ges.

Glory be-to t:1ie Fath-er, and t6 1 the + Son, * and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and J._ ev-er, * and unto the ages of~ J._ a-ges. A-men.


Psalm 48:

Then the 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 4th Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Hear this, all ye J._ na-tions; *

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the ver se:

give ear, all ye that in- 1 hab-it the world,

And then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Both ye that are born of Eartjl, and ye sons 1 of men, *- rich and poor 1 men to-geth-er. My mouth shall speak J._ Wis-dom, * and the meditation of my heart shall be of 1 un-der-stand-ing.

I will incline mine ear un-to a Par- 1 a-ble, * I will unfold my problem J._ on the '1 t A

psa - er-y.

Wherefore should I fear in an e- 1 vii day? *- The iniquity at my heel shall J,. com-pass me a-built.

There be some that trust J._ intheir strength, * and boast themselves in the multi-tude 1 of their rich-es.

A brother cannot redeem; shall a man J,. re-deem? *- He shall not give to God a J._ ran-som for him-self,

Nor the price of the redemption Of his J._ own soul, * though he hath laboured

for ever, and 1 shall live to the end. _ A

For he shall not see corruption, when he shall see wise men 1 dy-Ing, * The mindless man and the witless shall _per- 1 ish to-geth-er,

And they shall leave their rich-es to J._ 6th-ers. *- And their graves shall be their houses un- J._ to e-ter-nit-y,

Q 2571June 2 / 15-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 257

_t *V~* J,~

Tone 1 I [I • .] ••• (. D' I] •••• .' I • • • ••• • •• '.' 0 , I.e " ~

Their dwelling places unto generation and gen-er- ~ a-tldn, * though they have called their lands aJ- ~ ter their own mimes.

_ And man, being in honour, did not un-der-stand; t he is compared to the

mind-less ~ cat-tie, * and is be- ~ come like un-to them.

This wayof theirs is a stum-bling-block ~ for them, * yet afterwards they will

~ please with their mouth. _ .

Like sheep they are laid in ~ Ha-des, * death shall ~ be their shel'!-herd.

And the upright shall have dominion over them in the t morn-Ing, * and their help shall wax old in Hades; they have been cast out t from their glor-Y.

, Yet God shall redeem my soul out of the hand of t Had-es, * when ~ He

re-ceiv-eth me. -: A

Be nqt afraid when a man be-com- -1 eth rich, * nor when the glory of his ... house ~ is in-creas-ed.

For when hAe dieth he/shall carry noth-ing -1 a-way, * nor shall his glory

-1 de-scend af'-ter him. _., A

For his soul shall be 12lessed in his .~ Iife-ti me; * he will acknowledge Thee while,

Thou do- t est good un-to hi m. ';;

He shall enter into the generation of his -1 fath-ers; * he shall not see light I, un- t to e-ter-nit-y.

_ And man, being in honour, djd not un-der-stand; t he is compared to tbie

mind-less -1 cat-tie, * and is be- t come like un-to them. a

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to ~ the It Son, * and t to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As,it was in the beginning, both now and -1 ev-er, * and unto the ages of -1 a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 49: .

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 5th Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notestwithin the first set of brackets therein):

The God of gods, the Lord, hath -1 spo-ken; *

Then, only the M Cantor's side Q[_ the Quire completes the verse:

and He hath -1 call-ed the Earth, L

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side Q[_ the Quire chants the entire next verse;: (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

From the rising of the Sun and unto the set-ting -1 there-Of; * out of Syon is the

magnificence -1 Of His come-lt-ndss. ,

God shall corne vis- -1 l-bly; * yejl., Our God, and shall 1 not keep si-lence.

Fire shall blaze be- ~ fore Hi m, * and round about Him shall there be a 1 might-y tern-pest.

He shall summon Heav-en ta-bove * and the Earth, that He may t judge His peo-ple. Gather together unto Hi m His ho- 1 ly ones, * who have established His

Covenant upon t sac-ri-fi-ces., ,

And the heavens shall de-clare His righ- ~ teous-ness-e- * 1 for God is judge. pear, 0 my people, and I will speak un-to thee, t;o Isra-el; and I will testi-fy a- -1 gainst thee: * "I -1 am God, Thy God."

Not for sacrifices will Ire- 1 prove thee; * nay, thy whole-burnt offerings are

continual- 1 ly be-fore Me.

I will not welcome bullocks out of t thy house, * nor he-goats -1 out of thy flocks. For Mine are all the beasts of t the field, * cattle on the moun- 1 tains, and ox-en. I know all the fowls Of -1 the air, * and \!ith Me is the 1 beaut-y Of the field.

If I hunger, not to thee will I t tell it; * for Mine is the world, and the

-1 f'Iil-ness there-of. , _

Shall I eat of the flesh 1 of ,bOils; * or Jhe blood of goats, t shall I drink it? Sacrifice unto God a sac-ri-fice ~ of praise, * and pay unto the ~ Most High thy vows. And call upon Me in the day of thine af- 1 f'Ilc-tlon * and I will deliver thee,

and thou shalt ~ glor-if-y Me.

But unto the sinner God hath said: t "Why declarest thou My ~ sta-tutes * and takest up My Cfiv- ~ en-ant in thy mouth?

Q 2581June 2 I 15-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Mareellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 258

,t ,l,v~* ,l,4 A

Tone 1 I (. • .) ••• (. 0 • I] •••• •• I • • • ••• • •• '.' 0 , I.e ,,~

"Thou hast ha-ted in- 1 strtic-tlon, * and hast cast put My l words be-hind thee, "If thou sawest a thief, thou didst run 1 with him; * and with the adulterer

thou hast l set thy por-tion. ~ A

"Thy mouth hath a-bound-ed with t e-vil, * and thy tongue hath 1 wo-ven de-ceits. "Thou didst sit down and speak against thy broth-er, t and against tliine own mother's son didst thou lay a sttim- l bllng-blbck; :I< these things thou didst, and t I kept si-lence.

"Thou didst think an jniquity, that I should be Like tin- 1 to thee; * I will reprove thee, and bring thy 1 sins be-fore thy face.'

"Wherefore, understand these things, ye that for- t get God, :I< lest He snatch

you away and there be none l to de-liv-er you. '

"A sacrifice of praise shall glo.r-F'J, fy Me, * and there is the way wherein I

shall show unto him l My sal-va-tldn." .

, Glory be to the Fath-er, and to 1 the It Son, * and l to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and 1 ev-er, * and unto the ages of t a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 51: /1

Then the 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 6th Psalm, I using the same Tone, including the intonaiion notes (within the first set of brackets thereinl.i Why dost thou boast in e-vil, 0 might- J, y man, :I<

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse:

and in iniquity l all the day long?

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Thy tongue hath jle-vi+sed un-righ- l teous-ness, ;;. like a sharpened razor

t hast thou wrought de-ceit. .

Thou hast loved evil more than l good-ness, * unrighteousness more than 1 to

speak righ-teous-ness. . ~ ,

Thou hast loved all the words of en-giil-fing t ru-in, ;;. and l a de-ceit-ful tongue. Wherefore, Gj)d will destroy thee at the end; t He will pluck thee opt _.flnd remove thee from thy dwell- ling place, :I< and thy root out of the land l of the liv-Ing. 1.,.

The righteous shall see and fear, t and shall laugh at him J, and say: * "Lo, this ..

is the man that made not l God His Help;-er ," ,

But trusted in the abundance of his 1 rich-es, ;;. and strengthened him-self t in his van-i-tY. But as for me, I am like a fruitful olive tree in the House of l the Lord; * I have hoped in the mercy of God for ever, and unto the a- l ges of a-ges.

_ I will __give praise unto Thee for ever, for what Thou hast done, t and I will wait on J, Thy Name, * for it is l good be-fore Thy Saints.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to l the It Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and l ev-er, * and unto the ages of J, a-ges. A-men.

Then ,~~ I :tI 'IS ~ II

, III ' ~'. III .1... .. III

All repeat: The Saints by means of the Faith sub-du-ed king-doms; they wrought righ-teous-ness;

F . . 1

;. !Ii" • ~ !Ii • • • II

they ob-tain-ed that which was prom-is-ed.

The Versicle

v. Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, ye righteous. 4'. And glory, all ye that are upright of heart.

There now follows the Lord's Prayer, the Absolution, and the Blessings as given for a [erial day of II I Lessons in the Winter Season, as indicated for the First Nocturn of the Night Vigils (Matins) of Tuesday in Volume I of the Psalter, the Psalter Outside Paschaltide, pp. 182- 184, but with the 3 Lessons and Responsories as indicated for this date in the Lectionary.

After the Lessons and Responsories, the Second Nocturn of the Night Vigils begins on p. Q 274.

Q 2591June 2 I 15-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 259

Psalms for the First Nocturn on Wednesday

,t "!"VA* -1$

Tone 1 ~I E( .~. ;. ~] ~ •• ~. ~(~.~D ~'ll) ~. ·~·~·§'~·~I~·~·~· ~ .. ~.~.§.~. ~. ~. ~'~D~' '.~' ~" ~

Psalm 59:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the l st Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein),' o God, Thou hast cast us off and hast des-troy- 1 ed us; '"

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse: _

~ Thou hast been wroth and hast had pit-l Y up-on Us.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter,'

Thou _ madest the Earth to quake, and trotibl- 1 ed it; >1£ heal the breaches

thereof, for it 1 hath been sha-ken. '~

_ Thou -hast shown Thy peo-ple 1 hard things; '" Thou hast made us to drink the

.... wine 1 of con-trl-tlon.

Thou hast given a sign -unto them that 1 fear Thee, '" that they may flee from

be-fore 1 the face of the bow. ,

That Thy beloved ones may be de-llv-s l er-ed; * save Thou with Thy Right /

Hand and 1 heark-en un-to me. -;1

, God hath spoken in His sanctu-ar-y: t "I will rejoice and I will div-ide /

Sik- 1 i-rna, * and the vale of tabernacles 1 'will I mea-sure out. /'

"Mine is Galaad, ~d Mine is Man--i as-ses; '" and Ephraim is the 1 strength of My Hmd. "Juda is 1 My king; * Moab is the caul- l dron of My hope.

"Upon Idumrea will I stretch out 1 My shoe;:;' the foreign tribes have been

sub- 1 jec-ted un-to Me.", _

Who will bring me into a for-tif-ied l cit-y, :;. or who will lead me into l Id-u-nue-a? Wilt Thou not, 0 God, Who hast spurn- 1 ed fis; * and wilt Thou not, 0 God;

go forth 1 with our for-ces? , .

Give us help from af- l f'lic-tlon, :;. for vain is the sal- 1 va-tion of man.

In God we shall work might- 1 y deeds, :;. and He will bring to nought them 1 that af-flict us.

Glory be ·to t!l"e Fath-er, and to l the III Son, :;. and l to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and 1 ev-er, :;. and unto the ages of~ 1 a-ges. A-men.


Psalm 60:

Then the 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 2nd Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Heark-en, 0 God, unto my siip-pli- 1 ca-tion; *

Then, only the 2nd Canter's side o], the Quire completes the ver se: at-tend 1 un-to my prayer.

And then, only the 1 st Cantor's side ei: the Qutre chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

From the ends of the Earth_unto Thee have I 1 crl-ed, * when my heart was

despondent; on a rock hast Thou llif-ted me on High. -

Thou hast guided me, for Thou art be-come 1 My Hope, * a Tower of strength against the face 1 of the en-em-Y.

I will dwell tn Thy Tabernacle un-to the 1 a-ges; * I shall be sheltered in the 1 shel-ter of Thy Wings.

For Thou, 0 God, hast heard 1 my prayers; * Thou hast given an inheritance to

1 them that fear Thy Name. ~

Days shalt Thou add to the days Of 1 the king; * his years unto days for generation and l gen-er-a-tion.

He shall abide before the Face of God in the age 1 to come; * as for His mercy and Truth, 1 who shall seek them out?

So will I chant unto Thy Name un-to .the 1 a-ges * that I may pay my 1 vows

from day to day. -

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to 1 the III Son, * and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and l ev-er, :;. and unto the ages of l a-ges. A-men.

Q 2601 June 2 I lS-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 260

,t J.,v~*

Tone 1 I [. • .] ••• [. 0 • I] •••• •• I


•• •

o ".. II ij

Psalm 61:

The 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the lst verse of the 3rd Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes {within the first set of brackets therein}:

Shall not my soul be sub- jec-ted 1 to God? *

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse: ~

For from Him is 1 my sal-va-tion.

And then, only the., 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse {omitting the intonation notes}, the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

For He is My God, My Saviour and My 1 Help-er; * and I shall be 1 sha-ken no more. How long do ye assail a man? t Ye kill, all 1 of you, * as ye might assail a leaning wall and a tot- 1 ter-ing ram-part,

But they made plans to -: cast aside _ mine hon-our t they ran in .... 1 false-hood; * with their mouth, they bless, but 1 with their heart they curse.

But be subject un-to God,.p> 1 my soul; * for from Him is my pa- 1 tient en-dur-ance. For He is My God, My Saviour, and My 1 Hclp-er; * and I shall 1 not be

moved from hence. . "

, In God is my salvation .and my 1 glor-y; * He is the God of my help, and 1 my ';1

hope is in God. . I,

Hope)n Him, all ye congregation. of the peo-ples; t pour out your hearts

be- 1 fore Him, * for God 1 ls.OurHelp-er. I

For the sons of men are "vain, t the sons of men, are 'a lie in ~the 1 bal-ance; * out of vanity they gather themselves together that they might 1 do in-jus-tice.

Set not your hopes on injustice, and lust not af-ter 1 plun-der; * if riches flow

in, set 1 not your hearts there-on. ,

Once hath, God spoken; these two things have I heard t that dominion belongeth to AGod, and mer-cy is Thine, J.. 0 LOrd; * for Thou wilt render to every man ac-1 cor-ding to his works.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to 1 the + Son, * and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and 1 ev-er, * and unto the ages of

J.. a-ges. A-men. .

...... ..

Psalm 65: 1.",

Then the 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse ,of the 4th Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes {within the first set of'brackets therein}:

Shout with ju-bilation unto .the Lord all the Earth; + chant ye un-to 1 His Name; * Then, only the 1 st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the ver se: ~

give glor- 1 y in praise of Hi m.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Say unto God: "How awe-some are 1 Thy works! * In the multitude of Thy power shall Thine enemies be prov- 1 ed false un-to Thee.

Let all the Earth, worship Thee, and chant tin- 1 to Thee; * let them chant unto

Thy 1 Name, 0 Most High. ,-

Come and see the works of 1 the Lord; * how awesome He is in His counsels, more 1 than the sons of men.

He turneth the sea into dry Iand; t in the river shall they pass through 1 on foot; * there shall I we re-joice in Him,

In Him That is Ruler in His sovereignty for ev-er;,t His eyes look up-on the

1 na-tions; * let not them that embitter Him be ex- 1 al-ted in them-selves.

o bless our God, ye 1 na-tions; * apd make the voice of 1 His praise to be heard, Who hath es-tab-lish'd my soul 1 in li fe * and permitteth not my feet 1 to be sha-ken. For, Thou hastpro-ved us, 1 0 God, * and by fire hast Thou tried us, even as

silver is tri- 1 ed by fi-re. _

Thou hast brought us into the snare, t Thou hast laid af'-f'lic-tlons up-on lour

back; * Thou madest men t.9 1 mount up-on our heads. _

We went through fi-re and 1 wa-ter, * and Thou didst bring us out in- 1 to

re-fresh-ment. ~

I will go into Thy House with a whole-burnt Of- J.. fer-ing; * to Thee will I pay my vows 1 which my lips pro-noiinc'd,

Q 2611June 2 11S-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Mareellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 261

, t

Tone 1 I (. • .• ] ••• [. 0 • 1)._ •••• •• I • • • ••• • •• ••• 0 , 1.1 II ij

And whieh my mouth had J spo-ken * in ~ mine af-flle-tion. _

Whole-burnt offerings full_ of marrow will I offer unto Thee, with in-cense J,. and rams; * oxen and goats will I J,. of-fer un-to TheiL

Come and hear, - and I will declare unto you, all ye that J,. fear God, * what

things He J,. hath done for my soul. ~ ~ ~

Unto Him with my mouth have I J..,cri-ed, * and I ex-al- J,. ted Him with my tongue. If in my heart I re-gard-ed un-righ- J, teous-ness, * let the J, Lord not hear me. Wherefore God hath heark-en-ed un- J,. to. me; * He hath been' Attentive to the

voice of my J,. sup-plic-a-tion. ,

Bless-ed is God Who hath not turn-ed a-way J,. my prayer.." nor His mer- J,. cy

/ f A

a-way rom me. .

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to/J, the ... Son, * and ~ to the Ho-ly Ghost.

~ As,it" ,!as in the beginning,' both now and J, ev-er, * and unto the ages of

J, a-ges. A-men.


Psalm 67.- vv. 1 - 19.. I

The 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the lst portion of thei; 5th Psalm, using the same Tone, including the_intonation notes {within the first set of brackets therein): 1/ Let God arise and let His enem-ies be scat- ~ ter-ed, *

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side Qj_ the Quire completes the verse:

arid let them that hate Him flee J,. from be-fore His Face.

And then, only the 1 sf Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes) I the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

As smoke vanisheth, so let them J,. van-ish; * as wax melteth before the fire, so let sinners perish at the J, Pres-ence Of God.

And Let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice in the Pres-ence ~ Of God, * let

them de- J,. light in glad-ness. ,

Sing unto God, chant unto His Name, t pr.epare ye the way for Him that rideth upon the set-ting bf J, the Sun; * J_ .Lord is His Name.

Yea, re-joice be- J,. fore Him; * lej them be troubled at His Presence, Who is a

Father of orphans aJi'd a Judge J,. to the wid-ows. . ~ ,

God is in His Ho- J,. Iy Place * God settleth the soli- J,. tar-y in a house. ~

Mightily leading forth them that were 1 shack-led, * and likewlse them that embitter Him, 1 them that dwell in tombs.

o God, when Thou wentest forth be-fore Thy J peo-ple, '" when Thou didst trav- 1 erse the wil-der-ness,

TheEarjh was shaken, and the Heavens dropped dew, at the Presence of the

God of J, Si-nai, * at the Presence of the J, God of Is-ra-el. _

A rain freely given shalt Thou ordain, 0 AGod, for Thine

in-her- J, l-tance; '" yea, it became weak, but Thou.] shalt re-store it.

Thy living crea-tures shall dwell J,. there-in; ~ Thou hast prepared it in Thy

goodness for the J,. poor man, 0 God. _ ~ A

The Lord shall give speech with great J,. pow-er * to them that J,. bring good ti-dings. He That is the King of the hosts of His be-lev- J,. ed one * shall divide the spoils

for the J, beaut-y of the house. '

~ Even if ye sleep among the lots, ye shall have the wings of a dove cov-er'd with

J, sil-ver * and her pin- J,. ions of spark-ling gold. -

When He that is in the heavens ordaineth kings ov-er her, t the): shall be made snow-white in J,. Sel-mon; * the Mountain of God ls.a 1 But-ter Moun-tain,

A Curdled Mountain, a But-ter J, Moun-tain; * why suppose ye that there be other J, ciir+dled moun-tains?

This is the Moun-tain where-in God is Pleas'd J, to dwell; * yea, for the Lord will dwell J, there-in to the end.

The chariot host of God is ten thousandfold, yea, thousands of them that a-bound in J, num-ber; * the Lord is among them at Sinai, J, in His Ho;-Iy Place.

_ Thou hast ascended on high, Thou leddest cap-ti v-it-y J, cap-t i ve; * Thou didst

re-ceive 1 gifts a-mong men;

(Yea, for they were dls-o-be- 1 di-ent) * that Thou 1 might-est dwell there. Glory be to the Fath-er, and to J, the ... Son, * and J,. to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As ~ it was in the beginning, both now and J,. ev-er, * and unto the ages of J, a-ges. A-men.

Q 2621 June 2 I lS-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 262

.t ,J,,~~* ,J,,~

Tone 1 I [. ..] ... (.0.' ') .... •• I • • • ... • •• ••• 0 , I., II ~

Psalm 67: vv. 20 - 35

Then the 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 2nd portion of the 5th Psalm, using this same Tone, including the iraonaiion notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Bless-ed is the Lord God; bless-ed is the Lord day t by day; *

T hen I only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse: •

the God of our salvation shall prosper ~ us a-long the way.

And then, only th~ 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes). the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Our God is the God of sal- ~ va-tion, :£< and the pathways leading forth from

death are those ~ of the Lord's Lord. .

But God_shall crush the heads of'Hls en- ~ ern-jes; * the hairy crown of them

that continue ~ in their tres-pass-es. / _'

The Isord'saldr "I will re-turn from ~ Ba-san: * I will return in t the deeps of the sea, That thy f.9ot may be dlpp'd J in blood; * yea, the tongue of thy dogs in that

~ of thine en-em-ies. /'

Thy processionals have been seen, ~ 0 God; * the processionals of my God, of,

My King Who is in His J Sanc-tu-ar-Y·' ,:1

Princes went, before, and after them the ~ chan-ters * in the midst of I,

timbrel- J play-ing mai-dens.. ,

In congre-ga-tions bless J ye God; * the Lord from the well- J springs of Is-ra-el/~ Yonder_is Benjamin the young-er in ~ ra}!-tfire; * the princes of Jq- ~ da their ru-Iers, The prin-ces of Zab- J u-lon, * the prin- ~ ces of Neph-thal-Im.

_ Give Thou command, 0 God, un-to J Thy hosts; * strengthen, 0 God, this

which ~ Thou hast wrought in !is. _

Because of Thy Temple in Jer-u- J sa-lem, * kings shall J bring gifts un-to TheiL Rebuke the wild beasts of the reed, t that congregation of, bulls among the heifers Of the ~ peo-ples; * lest they exclude them that have been prov- ~ ed like sil-ver.

, Scatter the nations that de-si-re wars; t ambassadors shall come out of

~ E-gypt; :£< Ethiopia shall hasten to stretch out J her hand un-to God.

Ye kingdoms of the Earth, sing tin- ~ to God; * chant ye ~ un-to the Lor_!l, ' Unto Him th~r rideth the Heav-en of ~ Heav-en * ~ towards the day-spring.,,. Lo, He will utter with His voice a voice of pow-er; t give ye glor-y tin- ~ to ..

God; :£< His magnificence is over Is-ra-el and His pow- ~ er is in the clouds.

Wondrous is God in His Saints; +. the God of Is-ra-el, He will give power and strength un-to His J peo-ple; :£< ~ bless-ed is God.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to ~ the .. Son,:£< and ~ to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and t ev-er, * and unto the ages of J a-ges. A-men.

Then • ~ ~ ;II Ij§ I II

• l1'li • ~.'. l1'li .1 ... '. I l1'li

All repeat: The Saints by means of the FailhsulH:lu-ed king-doms-they wrought righ-teous-ness;

F ," 111

; . ' ' , . . ",

!Ii ~ • ='" .'. I ' C

they ob-tain-ed that which wasprom-ls-ed.

The Versicle

v. Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, ye righteous. ~. And glory, all ye that are upright of heart.

T here now follows the Lord's Prayer, the Absolution, and the Blessings as given for a [erial day of III Lessons in the Winter Season, as indicated for the First Nocturn of the Night Vigils (Matins) of Wednesday in Volume I of the Psalter, The P salter Outside Paschaltide. pp. 249- 251. but with the 3 Lessons and Responsories as indicated for this date in the Lectionary.

After the Lessons and Responsories, the Second Nocturn of the Night Vigils begins on p . Q 274.

Q 263iJune 2 11S-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.iQ 263 Psalms for the First Nocturn on Thursday

... t ,J, 'V ,.. * "t, .z.

Tone 1 ~I g[ .~. ~·i] ~.~ .. ~( ~. D~.~I]g.~.;. ~.~.~131~·~· ~.~.~ •• ~. ~·~·~·5.~·~D~'~,.~, 3§11~

Psalm 73.-

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the lst Psalm, using this Tone I including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein): o God, why hast Thou Off un-to J, the end? *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse:

Why hat~ Thine anger ra-ged against the

sheep J,. of Thy pas-ture?

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants 'the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes) ,the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

, Remember Thy con-gre- -J, ga."tiori * which Thou hast purchased. from J, the

be-gin-ning." __

.;" Thou hast redeemed the rod of Thine in-her- J, lt-ance; * this Mount Syon

.1 where-in Thou hast dwelt. /'

Lift up Thy Hands a-gainst their pride at J, the end; * against the things' which

the enemy hath wickedly done J, in Thy Ho-Iy Place. _j

And they that hate Thee have J, boas::ted * in the J, midst of Thy Feast. I They set up their en .. -signs, J, yea, signs, * (though they knew it not) as it were I

for the de- J, par-ting on High.' I,

As in a forest of trees, with axes they cut down the doors there-of to- J, geth-er: * with two-ed-ged axe .and mason's hammer have they J, bro-ken it

down. .

With fire have they burned down Thy Sanc-tu- J, ar-y; * they have profaned even unto the ground the habit- .1 .a-tion of Thy Name.

They said in their heart, even the whole kindred of them to- J, geth-er: * "Come

let us abolish all the Feasts J, of God from the Earth. .

"Our signs have we not seen; there is no more any .1 proph-et; * and He will J, know us no more."

How long, 0 God, shall the enemy fit-ter re- J, preach-es? * Shall the adversary

prov-oke J, Thy Nam'i! to the end? , . .

Wherefore turnest away Thy Hand, and Thy ..], Right Hand, * out of the midst ~

of Thy Bos- J, om for ev-er? _

But God is Our King be-fore the l. a-ges; * He hath wrought salvation in .1 the

midst of the Earth. ~

Thou djdst establish the sea by l. Thy might; * Thou didst break the heads of

the dragons .1 in the wa-ter. ..

Thou didst crush the head of the l. drag-on; * Thou gavest him as food to the

Ethi-o- .1 pi-an peo-ples. . . . . _

~ Thou hast cloven f'oun-tains and .1 tor-rents; * Thou hast dried up the riv- .1 ers of E-tham.

Thine is the day and ThIne is ] the night; * Thou hast perfected l the light aqd the Silo. Thou hast made all the bor-ders of .1 the Earth; *,.summer and spring .1 hast Thou fa-shion-ed.

Be Mindful of this Thy creation; the enem-y hath re-proach'd .1 the Lord, * and a mindless people .1 hath pro-v ok'd Thy Name.

o deliver not unto beasts the soul which doth con- J, fess Thee; * of the souls of Thy paupers be not For-get- .1 ful un-to the end. .

Look Thou up-on Thy Cov-.1 en-ant, * for the dark places of the Earth are filled with the houses J, Of in-i-quit-y.

Let not the humbled and shamed man be turn-ed J, a-way; * the beggar and the poor .1 man shall praise Thy Name.

~rise, 0 God, judge Thine own cause t remember the re-proach made a- .1 gainst Thee * by themindless man .1 all the day lOng.

Forget not jhe voice of Thy sup- .1 pll-ants; * the pride of them that hate Thee ascendeth con- .1 tin-u-al-Iy,

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to .1 the + Son, * and .1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and J,. ev-er, * and unto the ages of .1 a-ges. A-men.

Q 2641June 2 11S-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 264

_t J.,~~* J.,~

Tone 1 1( .•• ] .11 [. D, I] II •• ,'1 • • • .11 • •• '.' D " •• Ilij Psalm 74_-

Then the 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 2nd Psalm, using this same Tone, including tbe intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

We will con-fess Thee, .1 0 God; *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse:

we will confess Thee, and we will t call up-bn Thy Name.

And then, only the..,2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

I willtell of all Thy t won-ders; * when I am given the appointed time, I will

t judge up-right-ly. ~

The Earth is melted and all that dwell t there-in; * it is I that made steadfast

the t pil-lars there-Of. / '

_ I said to "the trans-gress-ors. "Do not t trans-gress;" * and to the sinners:

,t "Lift not up the horn." . ~ ,

Lift not up your horn t oti high, * and speak not unrighteous- t ness a-gainst God. For judgment cometh not from the byways, nor from the west, nor from the "

des-ert t moun-tains; * t (') for God is Judge. ' .'t

This man He .humbleth, and. another He e~- .1 al ... teth * for in the Hand of the ", Lord there is a brimming cup t of un-ming ... led wine.

And He hath inclined it. from side to side, t but the dregs thereof were not fiil-Iy emp- t tied out; * all the sinners -ef the t Earth shall drink of them.~

But as for me, I will re- jojce for t ey-er * I will chant unto the .1 God of Ja-cob. And all the horns of the sin-ners will t I break, * but the horn of the righteous man shall .1 be ex-al-ted.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to t the It Son, * and .1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and t ev-er, * and unto the ages of

t a-ges. A-men. .

Psalm 76_-

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the l st verse of the 3rd Psalm, using the same Tone, the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

With my voice unto the Lord have I t cri-ed; *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completesthe verse: ':

with my voice unto GmJ., and He was At- t ten-tlve

un-to rnd,

And then, oni y the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter.

_ In the day ~of mine affliction I soughtout God; t with my hands upraised by

night be- .1 fore Him, * and .1 I was not de-ceiv'd.

My soul refused to be com-for-ted; t I _remembered God and I was .1 glad-den'd; * I spake in idleness and my spirit be- .1 came faint-heart-ed.

Mine eyes were wakeful be-fore the .1 watch-es; * I was troiibl- .1 ed and spake not. I thought up-on the days .1 of old; * and the years-of the ages past I called to

mind, and I t med-I-ta-ted. , (_

By night I pon-der-ed in .1 my heart, * and my spirit search-ed .1 dil-i-gent-IY. Will the Lord then cast me off un-to the .1 a-ges, * and will He be fa-vour- .1 a-ble no more?

Or will He cut off His mer-cy un-to .1 the end? * Hath He brought to an end His word from generation to .1 gen-er-a...:tion?

Or will the Lord for-~et to be Mer- .1 ci-ful, * or in His wrath will He shut up

His com-pas- t sions for ev-er? , ~

And I said: "Now have T made a .... be- l gin-ning; * this change hath been wrought by the Right Hand .1 of the Most High."

I remembered the works of t the Lord, * for I will remember Thy wonders from .1 the be-gin-ning.

And I will medi-tate on all ] Thy works, * and I shall pon- t der up-on Thy ways. o God, in the Sanctuary is Thy way; t what god is as great as .1 Our God? * Thou art God Who l' work-est won-ders.

Q 2651June 2 I 15-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 265

,t "!'VA* .j,~

Tone 1 I (. • .) ••• (. 0 • I) •••• •• I • • • ••• • •• ••• 0 , 1.1 II ij

Thou hast made ThY' power known a-mong the .. J- peo-ples; * with Thine Arm

hast Thou redeemed Thy people, the sons of Ja- J, cob and Jo-seph. A

The waters saw Thee, 0 God, the waters saw Thee and were J, a-fraid; * the

abys- J, ses were troubl-ed. ~

Great was the resounding sound of the J, wa-ters; * the J, clouds gave forth a_voice. Ye~, for Thine ar-rows pass'd J, a-broad; * the voice of Thy thunder is J, in

their -ei-n ng. ., _ .

And Thy lightnings have ligh-ten-ed J, the world; '" the Earth was shaken J, and

it trem-bled. ,

In the sea are Thy byways, and Thy paths in man-y J, wa-ters; * and Thy

foot- J, steps shall not be known. ,

Thou leddest Thy peo-ple J, as sheep, :;. by the hand of Mo- J, ses and, Aar-on. Glory' be fo the Fath-er, and to J, the + Son, :;. and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As f it was in the beginning, both now and J, ev-er, '" and unto the ages of

I-A It /'

" a-ges. -men.

. I

Psalm 77: VV. 1 - 38 ';/

The 1st Cantor. alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 1st portion of the I,' 4th Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Give heed, 0 My peo-ple, to J, M..y law; '" I

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse: ~

incline your ear unto the J, words of My Mouth!

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side qJ_ the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

I will open My M9iith in Par- J, a-bles; * I will utter dark sayings which have

been from J, the be-gin-ning, .

Even those things that we have heard and J, have known, * and which our

fath- J, ers have told us. ,.

They were nJt' hid from their J, chil-dren '" in another) gen-er-a-tion. t.,. They declared the praises of the Lord and His might- J, y, acts, '" and His"

J, won-ders which He wrought. ,

And He raised up a testi-mo-ny in J, Ja-cob, * and appointed a J, law in Is-ra-el, Even those things He had com-man-ded our J, f~th-ers, * to make the same known unto their children, that another gener- J, a-tion migl)t know, A

Even the sons about to be born, that they in turn might J, a-rise; '" and declare

them J, un-to their sons, , '

That they might §et their hope in God, t and not for-get the works J, of God; * but seek after J, His com-mand-ments,

That they might not be as their J, fath-ers, * a generation per-verse J, and

pro-vo-king, A .

A generation that set not their heart J, a-right, * and which kept not their spirit J, stead-fast with God.

The sons of Ephra-im, that bend and shoot with bows, J, turn'd back'" in the

J, day of bat-tie. ,

They kept not the Cov-en-ant J, of God, * and in His law they J, were not fain to walk.

They for-got His ben- J, e-f'Its, * and His wonders that J, He had show'd to

Even the wonders He had done in the sight of their fathers, in the land of J, t-gypt, '" and in the J, plain of Tan-is.

He (_Jivideq the sea, and brought J, them through; * He made the waters to stand as J, in a wine-skin.

He guided them with a cloud ~ by day, * and all the night with a J, light of fi-re. He divided the rock in the wil- J, der-ness, * and gave them to drink as J, in a great deep.

Q 2661 June 2 I 15-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 266

.t .j,v~* .j,4 ...

Tone 1 I ( ••• ] II. (. 0 • I) .11. .' I • • • .11 · .. '.' 0 ".. Ilij

: A He led forth wa-ter out t Of the rock, * and brought down wa-ters t like

r1v-ers. , "

And they added yet more sin a- t gainst Him; * they embittered the Most High

in the t wa-ter-less plac~. ,

And they made trial of ,God in t their hearts * by ask- t ing f'ood for their souls.

_ Ang they spike a- t gainst God; * and they said: "Cannot God prepare a table

tin the wil-der-ness? .., .

"Because He smote a rock, and wa-ters stream- t ed forth, * and the

t tor-rents o-ver-flow'd, '

"Cannot He give bread 1 ai-so, * or prepare a table 1 for His.peo-ple?", Wherefore, the Lord heard and ~~s stir-red up, t and a fire was kin-died in

t Ja-cob; * and wrath rqse up .,[, a-gainst Is-ra-el, _

Because tliey be-liev-ed not 1 in God, * nor hoped in .,[, His sal-va-tion.

... And He commanded the clouds from 1 a-bove, * and open-ed the .,[, doors of

Heav-en, /

And rained man-na on them 1 to eat, * and Bread of Heaven did .,[, He give I

" t thA ,

un- 0 ~:::; ate the Bread of 1 An-gels, * provis;on He .,[, sent them to the f'Illl, ;,1

"He removed the south wind from t .Heav-en, * and brought in by His 1 might

the south-west wind. /'

And He rained on them flesh as' it .,[, were dust, * and feathered birds like the

t sands of the sea, _ ,

Which fell in the midst of t their camp, ~ 1 round a-bout their tents. _

And they ate and were filled exceed-ing-Iy. + and their desire did He give tin- t to them; * nor were they deprivedof t their de-si-re.

, But while their food was yet in l their mouth * the wrath of God rose t up

a-gainst them. . _,

And He slew their 1 stou,t ones, * and shackled the choice t men of Is-ra-el.

In all these things they slnn'd .,[, the more, * and believed not .,[, in His won-ders. And their dax~ were con-su-med in van- 1 it-y- * *- and their years with haste. When He'sle'w them, then they sought at-l ter Him, * and they turned. back.i,

and enquired 1 earl-y af-ter God. ..

_ And they remembered that God is Their 1 Help-er, * and that God the Most High is 1 Their Re-deem-er.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to 1 the + Son, * and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and t ev-er, * and unto the ages of 1 a-ges, A-men.

Psalm 77: vv. 39 - 77

Then the 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 2nd portion of the 4th Psalm, using the same Tone, including t~ intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

And they lov-ed Him with 1 their mouth, *

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes, the verse: , A

'and with their 1 tongue they lied to Him,

And then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), the ,two sides alternating the verses thereafter: _

For their heart was not right 1 with Hi m, * nor were they faithful .,[, in His

Cov-en-ant. ., ~

But He is Compas-sion-ate, t and will be Gracious un-to J.. their sins, * and t He will not des-troy.

And many a time will He turn His ang-er .,[, a-way, * and will not J.. kin-die all His wrath.

And He remembered that they are .,[, but flesh, * breath which passeth away and

com- 1 eth not back a-gain. _ ,

How often did they embitter Him in the wil- 1 der-ness, * and move Him to wrath in the .,[, wa-ter-Iessland!

They turned back and made trial t of GOd, * and provo-ked the Holy lOne of Is-ra-il They re-mem-ber-ed-notJ His Hand, * nor the day wherein He redeemed them from the hand of 1 the op-press-or,

Q 2671June 2 I 15-Trinitytide Night Vigils .of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 267

, t

Tone 1 I [I • I J I.. [. D' I] •••• .' I • • • ••• • •• '.' 0 ~ I.e II ~

" How He had wrought in it-gypt 1 His signs, * and His marvels in the 1 plajn of Tan-is.

Yea, He had turned into blood their 1 riv-ers, '" and their rainfalls, that 1 they

might not drink. ..

He had sent against them the dog-fly, and it de-vour- 1 ed "them, * and the

fr.og, and 1 it des-troy-ed them, , ~ . .

And He had given t.o the can-ker-worm 1 their frui ts, '" and their labours 1 to

the lo-cust. .'

" And He des-troy-ed with hail 1 their vine, * and their miH- 1 ber-ry trees with


, And He had given over to the lJail their 1 cat-tle, * and their substance 1 to the

fi-re. ..

... And ,He ~sent forth against them the wrath of His ang-er, t anger and wrath

and af- 1 f'lic-tlon, * a mission.performed by 1 e-vil an-gels.

He had made a path for His wrath, t and He spared not from death J, their

sotils '" and their cattle 1 He shut up in death. " "

And He had smitten every f'irstborn in the land of 1 E-gypt, * the firstlings or jI

all their labour, in the taber- 1 nac-Ies or Ham. I

Ang He took away His peo-ple 1 as' sheep, '" and He led them forth as a flock

1 in the wil-der-ness. I

And He guided them in hope arid they fear- 1 ed not, * and the sea covered 1 iip

their en-em-ies. . . ..

And He brought them unto the Mountain of His Sanc-tu- 1 ar-y, * This Mountain which His Right Hand had gained as 1 a pos-ses-sion.

He cast out the heathen from be-fore 1 their face, '" and apportioned them an

in-her- 1 i-tance by ldt., _,.

And He set-tied in 1 their tents'" the 1 tribes of Is-ra-el.

But they tempted and embittered God the 1 Most High, * and His

testi-mo- 1 nies they did not keep.

And they. turped back and brake Cov- 1 en-ant; ;I: even as their fathers did, they

became like iin- 1 to a crook-ed bow. ~ . ~

And they provoked Him to wrath a-mong 1 their hills, * and,with their graven images they moved 1 Him to jeal-ous-j',

God heard and re-gard-ed them 1 no mor;e, '" and set Isra-el I ut-ter-ly at nought. And He rejected His Dwell-ing at 1 Sll-om, * His Dwelling where He had

1 dwelt a-mong men._ .

And He ga~e over to cap-tiv-it-y 1 their strength, '" and their beauty Into the

1 hands of en-em-ies. '

And with a sword He en-clo-sed His 1 peo-ple, ;I: and His inheritance did 1 He

, d ...

re-gar n.o m.ore. . _

Fire con-su-med their 1 young men, * and their vir- 1 gins la-men-ted not. Their Priests fell by 1 the §word, * and none shall weep 1 f'or their wid-ows.

And th~ Lord awoke as One That 1 sleep-eth, '" Like a Mighty 1 Man Grown

Cloy'd with wine. _

And He smote His enem-ies up-on 1 their backs; ;I: reproach ever-Ias- 1 ting He

gave to them. _ , "

And He rejected the dFelling .of 1 Jo-seph, * and He chose not the 1 tribe of Eph-ra-im. And He chose the tribe of 1 Ju-da; ;I: Mount 1 Sy-.on which He loved.

And H~ built His Sanctuary like that of a u- 1 nl-corn; * on the Earth He establish-ed 1 it f'or ev-er.

And He chose out David His ser-vant, t and took him" up from the flocks 1 of sheep; * f'rom following the ewes great with J., young He took him,

To shepherd Ja-cob His 1 ser-vant, * and Isra-el 1 His in-her-i-tance.

And he did shepherd them in the In-no-cence- or 1 his heart, '" and by the skillfulness of his 1 hands he gui-ded them.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to 1 the + Son, * and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and 1 ev-er, '" and unto the ages of 1 a-ges. A-men.

Q 2681 June 2 I lS-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 268

,t ,J,v~* ,J,~ A

Tone 1 I [. • II] II. II [II 0 II I] • II.. II II I II II • II II II II II II II II • 0 , _.. II ~

Psalm 78:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the l st verse of the 5th Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein): o God, the heathen are come into Thine inher-i-tance t they have defiled Thy

Ho-ly t Tern-pie; * ..' .

Then, only the 1st Cantor's si(Je ei. th~ Quire completes the verse:

w they have, made Jerusalem as 'it were the hut

of an tor-chard-keep-er. ,

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter: _

They have made the dead bodies of Thy servants to be food for the birds of t Heav-en; *"'the 'f'lesh of Thy Saints for J the beasts of the Earth .

._, They have poured out their blood like water round a-bout

Jer-u- t sa-lem, * and there was t none to bur-y tlJem.

We are become a reproach among our t neigh-bours, * a scorn and derision to I

them that are t round a-bout u.s. .;/

_ How 10ng"O Lord, wilt Thou be wroth un-to t the end? * Shall Thy jealousy be Ii

kin- t died like fi-re? .

Pour out Thy wrath upon the na-tions that know t Thee not, * and upon the

kingdoms that have not call- t ed up-on Thy Name. .

For they have de-vour-ed t· Ja-cob, :I< and his place have J they made des-o-late. ,0 remember not our iniquities of old; t let Thy compassions quickly go be-fore us, J 0 Lord, * for we are become ex- J ceed-Ing-Iy poor.

Help us, 0 God Our Sa-viour; t for the §ake of the Glory of Thy Name, 0 Lord, de-liv- J er us, * and be Gracious unto our sins t for Thy Name:s sake,

Lest hap-ly the na- -1. tions say: * -1. "Where is Their God?"

Yea, make known among the na-tions be-fore t our eyes, * the vengeance for Thy servant's t blood which hath been shed.

Let there come before Thee the groaning of them that be. in

-l. fet-t~rs; * accorditii to the greatness of Thine Arm, show Thy care for J the sons of '~ the slain.

And render to our neighbours sevenfold jnto their' bos-om their t re-proach; * wherewith they have re-proach- J ed Thee, .O Lord.

For we are Thy people and the sheep of Thy t pas-ture; * we will confess Thee,

o t God, for ev-er; ....

Unto generation and gen-er- t a-tiOn :I< we t will de-clare Thy praise. Glory be to the Fath-er, and to t the + Son, * and -1. to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and t ev-er, * and unto the ages of t a-ges. A-men.

Then II ~ ~ tI lIS II II

II III • ~. ". III .1 ... II. III

All repeat: The Saints by means of the Faith sub-du-ed king-dom_~ they wrought righ-teous-ness;

Fill 111

• !Iii" • ; pit; • • •

they ob-tain-ed that which was prom-is-ed.

The Versicle .

v. Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, ye righteous. ~. And glory, all ye that are upright of heart.

There now follows the Lord's Prayer, the Absolution, and the Blessings as given for a [erial day of III Lessons in the Winter Season, as indicated for the First Nocturn of the Night Vigils (Matins) of Thursday in Volume I of the Psalter, the Psalter Outside Paschaltide, pp. 305- 307, but with the 3 Lessons and Responsories as indicated for this date in the Lectionary.

After the Lessons and Responsories, the Second Nocturn of the Night Vigils begins on p . Q 274.

Q 2691June 2 11S-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 269 Psalms for the First Nocturn on Fridav

,t * v A '"

Tone 1 I [. • .] ••• (. 0 • I] •••• •• I

Psalm 85:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 1st Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes {within the first set of brackets therein}:

~ .


'. .

Bow down Thine Ear, 0 Lord, and heark-en tin- t to me, '" Then, only the 1st Cantor's side Q.[_ the Quire completes the verse: f'or poor and t need-yam I.

And then, Q.!1b.. the 2nd Cantor's/side Q.[_ the Quire chants the entire next verse

.. - .

'" (omitting the intonation notes), the. two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Preserve my soul, for lam t Ho-Iy; '" save Thy servant, 0 My God, that

t ho-peth in Thee. "

......' . ',I

Have mercy o~ me, 0 Lord, for unto Thee will I cry all the day long; t make I,

glad the soul of Thy t ser-vant, '" for unto Thee have I t lift-ed up my soul. j,

For Thou, 0 Lord, art Good and t Gen-tle, '" and plenteous in mercy unto all them that t call up-on Thee.

Give ear, 0 Lord, un-to t my prayer, '" and attend unto the voice of my 1 sup-plic-a-tion.

In the day of mine affliction have I cri-ed tin- 1 to Thee, '" f'or 1 Thou hast heard me.

There is none like unto Thee a-mong the gods, 1 0 Lord, '" nor are there any works 1 like un-to 'Ihy works.

. "

All the nations whom Thou hast made shall come and shall worship be-fore ~

Thee, t 6 Lord, '" and shall 1 glor-i-fy Thy Name.

For Thou are Great and work-est t won-ders; '" 1 Thou A -lone art God.

Guide me, 0 Lord, in Thy way, t and I will walk in t Thy Truth; '" let my heart rejoice that 1 i may fear Thy Name.

I will confess Thee, 0 Lord My God, with all 1 my heart, :1<' and I will glorify Thy 1 Name for ev-er.

For great is Thy mer-cy up- t on me, '" and Thou hast delivered my soul from the neth- 1 er-most Ha-des.

o God, transgressors have risen. up a-gainst me, 't and the assembly of the mighty hath sought at-ter t my soul; '" and they have not set t Thee be-fore them.

But Thou, 0 Lord My God, art Compassion-ate and

Mer- 1 ci-f'iil, :£< Long-Suffering, and Plenteous in 1 mer-cy, and true,

Look upon me and have mercy up-on me; t give Thy strength un-to Thy 1 ser-vant, :I< and save the son t of Thy hand-maid-en.

Work in me a sign un-to good, t and let them that hate me be-hold and be put t to shame; '" for Thou, 0 Lord, hast holpen me and t com-for-ted me.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to t the lie Son, :I< and t to the Ho-Iy Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and 1 ev-er, :£< and unto the ages of 1 a-ges. A-men.

Q 270lJune 2 11S-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 270

,t ,(,~A*

Tone 1 I [ ••• ] .11 [. 0 • I] .11. .. I • • • II. · .. ... 0 "., II~ Psalm 86:

Then the 1st Cantor alone chants the first halt. of the first verse of the Znd Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

His foundations are in the Ho-ly t Moun-tains; *

Then, only the 1st Gantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse:

. . the Lord, loveth the gates of 'Syon more than

all the 'dwell- t ings of Ja-cob. ,

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Glorious things are spo-ken t of thee, * 0 t Cit-y Of God. .

I wili mike mention of Raab 'and Bab- 1 y-Ion * to 1 them that know mf,

And 10, the foreigners and Tyre and the people of the E-thi-o- t pl-ans; *

t these were born there. /

A man will say: "Mother Sy-on," t and: "That man was born t

her," * and: "The Most High Him- J, self hathIound-ed her." ,

The Lord shall tell it in the writ of the peoples and the J, prin-ces, *

t that were born in her.

How joy-ous are J, all they * that have their hab-i- J, ta-tlon in Thee. Glory be to the Fath-er, and to -1 the It Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and t ev-er, ;I< and unto the ages of J, a-ges. A-men.


in, ';1 even these',

Psalm 88: vv. 1 - 1T'

The 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 1st portion of the 3rd Psalm, using the same Tone" including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Of Thy mer-cies, J, 0 Lord, ;I< ,

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse:

• ~"" will I t sing for ev-:-er.

And then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse'>

(omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter: ,

Unto generation and gen-er- 1 a-tion * will I de-clare 1 Thy Truth with my

mouth. "

For Thou hast said: "Mercy shall be built up for J, ev-er. ;I< In the Heavens shall Thy Truth J, be es-tab-lish-ed.

"I have made a covenant with My cho-sen ones t 1 have sworn unto Da-vid My

t ser-vante " 'I ~iII establish thy seed iin- 1 til e-ter-nit-y, "

" 'And build up J, thy throne * unto generation ,and J, gen-er-a-tidn.' "

The Heavens shall confess Thy won-ders, L 0 Lord; * and Thy Truth in the congre- J, ga-tion Of Saints.

For who in the clouds shall be com-par-ed un-to Ithe Lord, * and who shall be

likened to the Lord a- J,. mong the sons of God? ",

God Who is Glorified in the coiin-cil of 1 the Saints " is Great and Terrible towards all that are J, round a-bout Him.

o Lord, God of hosts, who is like tin- J,. to Thee? * Mighty art Thou, 0 Lord, and Thy Truth is J. roiind a-bout Thee.

Thou art Soverei~n over the strength of J, the sea, * and the tumult of her J,. waves Thou ma-kest calm.

Thou hast brought the proud man low as the corpseof J. one slain, ;I< and with the arm of Thy power hast Thou seat- J, ter'd Thine en-em-ies.

Thine are the Heavens, and Thine is the Earth; t the world and the fulness thereof hast Thou J. found-ed; ;I< the north and the sea hast J, Thou ere-a-ted. _

Tabor and Hermon shaUre- joice in J, Thy Name; * Thine is the J, Arm That

hath might. _

A Let Thy Hand be Strengthened, let Thy Right Hand be Lif-ted up 1 on

High; * righteousness and judgment are the es-tab- J, llsh-ment of Thy Throne.

Merey and Truth shall go be-fore J. Thy Faee; * bless-ed is the people that knoweth t jii-bil-a-tion.

Q 271iJune 2 11S-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.iQ 271

, t

Tone 1 I [. • .] ••• [. D • I] •••• •• I • • • ••• • •• ••• D , '.. II ~

o Lord, in the Light of Thy Face shall they walk, t and in Thy Name shall they re- joice all the -1. day long; * and in Thy righteousness shall they -1. be ex-al-ted.

For Jhe Boi.§t of their strength -1. art Thou, :iCand in Thy good pleasure shall our

t horn be lif-ted high. _

AFor from the Lord is our J de-fence; * yea, from the Holy One of 1 Is-ra-e1, Our King.,

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to l the It Son, * and 1 to the Ho-ly. Ghost.

As,it was in the beginning, both now and -1. ev-er, * and unto the ages of t a-ges. A-men.


Psalm 88.- vv. 18 - 50:

Then the 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the Zndportion of the ..., 3rd Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

At that time Thou spakest in,a vision to Thy sons, and Thou didst say: t "I have bestowed help on one that is -1. mlght-y: *


Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the QuiFe completes the verse: ';1

. I have raised up one chosen out 1 of My pea-pie. I,'

And then, only the 1st Cantor's side .ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter: ; /

A "I have found Da-vid My 1 ser-vant; * with My holy oil have 141 an-oin-ted


For My Hand shall be unto him an 1 AI-Iy, * and Mine 1 Arm shall strength-en

him. .

"No advantage shall his ene-my have ov- l er him, * nor shall the son of iniquity avail to 1 hurt him an-y more. _

"And I wiU hew down his enem-ies be-fore 1 his face, * and them that hate him

l shall I put to flight. -, ~

"Anp My Truth and My mercy shill be 1 with him, * and in My Name shall his

1 horn be lif-ted high. , _ ,

"And I will serhis hand in 1 the sea, * and his right hand L in the riv-ers. t

"He shall call upon Me and shall say: 'My Fath-er -1. art Thou, * My God, and ~

the Helper of 1 my sal-va-tion.' , ,

"And as for Me, I will make him my 1 first-born, * higher than 1 the kings Of the Earth.

_ "For ever shall I keep for hIm My 1 mer-cy, :I< and My covenant shall be 1 faith-ful un-to him.

"And I will establish his seed untu.a-ges of -1. a-ges, * and his, throne shall be as

the 1 days of Heav-en.

"If his sons for-sake l My law, * and if they walk not l in My judg-ments, "If My stat-utes they 1 pro-fane, * and keep not -1. My com-mand-ments,

"I will visits their in-i-quit-ies with 1 a rod:l< and their injusti- 1 ces with scourg-es.

, "But My mercy will I not dis-perse a-way 1 from' them, * nor will I 1 wrong them in My Truth.

_ "Nor will I pro-fane My Cov- 1 en-ant, * nor the things that proceed from My

I Ilps will make void. , h

"Once have I sworn by My holiness that to Da-vid I will 1 not lie, :I< his seed for

1 ev-er shall a-bide. <,

"And his throne shall be as the Sun before l\1e t and as the Moon that is es-tab-lish'd for 1 ev-er, * and isa f'althful I wit-ness in the sky."

_ But Thou hast cast off and brought l to nought; * Thou hast been wroth with

1 Thine an-oint-ed. <,« <

Thou hast destroyed the Covenant Of Thy 1 ser-vant; * Thou hast profaned his Sanctu-ar- 1 y un-to the Earth.

Thou hast broken down all his l hedg-es; * Thou hast made his strongholds to 1 be his ter-ror.

All have despoiled him that pass a-long l the way; * he is become a reproach un- 1 to his neigh-bours.

Q 2721 June 2 / lS-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Mareellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 272

,_t .i-VA* .i-~

Tone 1 I (. • .) ... [. DI ') .... •• I • • • • .. • •• ..' 0 , 1.1 II ~

Thou hast exalted Jhe right hand of them that af- ~ f'llct him; * Thou hast

gladdened ~ all his en-em-ies., _

Thou hast turned away the help of J_ his sword, * and hast not helped him J_ in the bat-tIit Thou hast made an end of his piir-if-i- J, ca-tion; * his throne unto the Earth

J, hast Thou east down. -

Thou hast shortened the days of J, his time; * Thou hast poured down J_ shame up-on him. How !on~, 0 Lord, dost Thou turn a-way 'un-to J_ the end; * shall Thy wrath

J, burn like fi -re? '

Remember what my sub- ~ stanee is; * nay, hast Thou created all the J, sons of

man in vain? /

Who !s the man that shall live and not J_ see death? * Can he deliver- his soul out

, of the J_ hand of Ha-des? . - ,

Wl)ere are Thine ancient mer-cies, ~ 0 Lord, * which Thou swarest unto J, Da-vid in Thy Truth?

Remember, 0 Lord, the re-proach of Thy J_ ser-vants, * whieh I have endured ,~

in my bosom from J_ man-y na-!iOns. -;1

Wherewith Thine enem-ies pave re-proach'd, J_ 0 Lord; * wherewith they have /

reproached the recompense of J, Thine an-oin-ted. A

Bless-ed is the Lord for ~ ev-er._* So be ~ it. So be it. I,

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to J_ the + Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and J_ ev-er, * and unto the ages of J, a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 92:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 4th Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

The Lord is King, He is Cloth-ed with mal- J, es-ty; *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side Qj_ the Quire completes the verse:

~.... the Lord is Cloth-ed with strength and J,' He

hath girt Him-s~lf. ~

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side Qj_ the Quire chants the .entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

For He es-tab-lish-ed J_ the world * which shall t not be sha-ken.

Thy Throne is pre-par-ed J, Of old; :I< Thou art from J, ev-er-las-ting. ,

The rivers have lifted up, J, 0 Lord; * the rivers have lifted J, up their voi-ces. The rivers will lift up J, their waves :I< at the voices of J, man-y w~t-ers. Wonderful are the surg-ings Of J, the sea; :I< wonderful J, on high is the Lord.

Thy testimonies are made ver- J, y sure; * holiness becometh Thy House, 0

Lord, J, un-to length of days. .

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to J, the + Son, :I< and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and t ev-er, * and unto the ages of J, a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 93:

The 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 5th Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

The Lord is the God of veng- t ean-ces; *

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse:

the God of vengeances hath J, spo-ken o-pen-ly.

And then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes). the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Be Thou Exalted,_O Thou That judg-est J, the Earth; :I< ren-, J, der the proud their due. How long shall sin-ners, J, 0 Lord, * how t jong shall sin-ners boast?

How long shall they utter and speak un-righ- J, teous-ness? :I< How long shall they speak, all they that t work in-i-quit-y?

Thy people, 0 Lord, have they J, brought lOw; * and to Thine inheri- J, tance have they done hurt.

Q 2731June 2 11S-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 273

.. t ,t.- V A. * .J_ .z. A

Tone 1 (continued) I ... [. ° .1'" · .. · I • • • ... • •• '.' 0, ... II~ Widow and or-ph an have ~ they slain, * and the proselyte ~ have they mur-der-ed.

,An~ they said: "The Lord shall not J see It, * nor will the God of Ja- ~ cob

per-ceive it. .~

Understand then, ye mindless ones a-mong the ~ peo-ple; * and ye ~ fools, at

length be wise. ..,

He That planted the ear, shall He ~ not hear? * Or He That formed the eye,

~ doth He not per-eel ve? -

He That chasteneth the heathen, shall He not ~ re-buke, * lie That teach- ~ eth

man know-ledge? . ~

The Lord know-eth the thoughts Iof men * ~ that they are vain. .

Bless-ed is the man whom Thou shalt chast-en, ~ 0 Lord; * and out of Thy law

" shalt ~ Thou in-struct hi m; .

, That Thou mayest give-him rest.from e- ~ vii days, * until a pit be dug ~ for

the sin-ner. _ .

For the Lord will not cast off His ~ peo-ple, * nor will He for-sake ~ His 1

in-her-i-tance; . t

Until, righteousness re-turn un-to ~ judg-ment, * and all that are upright of I

~ heart be nigh there-to.· /'

Who will rise up for me .against-the e-vil- ~ do-ers, * or who will stand up with me against the workers J, of in-i-quit-y?

Unless the Lord had brought J, me help, * my soul had well nigh so- J, journ'd in Ha-des.

Whenever I said: "My foot ~ hath slfpp'd," * Thy mercy, 0 Lord, ~ brought

help un-to me. ,

According to the multitude. of my sor-rows in J, my heart; * Thy consolations

brought glad - ~ ness un-to my soul. _ ,

Let not the throne of iniquity have f'el-Iow-shtp ~ with Thee, * which maketh

mischief in the ~ name of the law~... ,

They shall M.fiit down the soiil of the righ- ~ teous vman, * and the innocent

~ blood shall they con-demn. ~

Yea, the Lord is be-come My J, Ref-uge; * and My God the-I Help-er Of my

hope. ..

~nd the Lord shall give back to them their own iniquit-y, t and according to their wick- ~ ad-ness * the Lord God shall make them ~ to be seen no more.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to ~ the + Son, * and ~ to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and ~ ev-er, * and unto the ages of ~ a-ges. A-men.

Then • ~ ~ tI 'is I II

• III • =" III .1..... III

All repeat: The Saints by means of the Faithsub-du-ed king-dotns; they wrought righ-teous-ness;

F .. .... 111'

I. "Ill' =""" •••

they ob-tain-ed that which was' prom-is-ed.

The Versicle _

y. Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, ye righteous. ~. And glory, all ye that are upright of heart.

There now follows the Lord's Prayer, the Absolution, and the Blessings as given for a [erial day of III Lessons in the Winter Season, as indicated for the First Nocturn of the Night Vigils (Matins) of Friday in Volume I of the Psalter. the Psalter Outside Paschaltide, pp. 357- 359, but with the 3 Lessons and Responsories as indicated for this date in the Lectionary.

After the Lessons and' Responsories, the Second Nocturn of the Night Vigils

begins on the next page. \

Q 2741June 2 / lS-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 274 THE SECOND NOCTURN

The Psalms

Six Psalms are then chanted for the Second Nocturn , as follows:

T hen the 1st Cantor alone I. /I P\ iiA ,... 'ij

begins chanting the 2nd Antiphon:


On all Doubles. or f:f it be the

custom of the place, All respond:

I • tt • II ~

He that ha-teth his life.

. ' ~.. = .

iii •

In this world, shall keep it un-to life

e-ter-nal . .-

N.B. At the Second· Nocturn of the Night Vigils on Monday only,

the Night Vigils continues as here given, but on Tuesday it continues with the Psalms as given on pp . Q 279 - Q 282, and on Wednesday with the Psalms as given on I pp . Q 283 - Q 288, and on Thursday with the 'Psalms as given on pp . Q 289 - Q 292, jI

and on Friday with the Psalms as given on pp . Q 293 - Q 297. I

, t t. ; *' J,.e. :..-. A

Tone 8 I (. • .] ••• [. ~ • '] ••• - • • B ~ I • • • ••• • •• "~'" II ~

Psalm 38:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 6th Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

I said: "I will take heed to i my ways; *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side Q.[_ the Quire completes the verse: . lest I ~ sin with my tongue."

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side Q.[_ the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereqf ter:

I set a guardciffor my mouth *' when the sinner stood J up a-gainst me.

I was dumb and was humbled, and held my peace, e-ven T from good, *' and ~

my sor- J. row was stirr'd a-ne~. _ j ,

~y heart grE}w hot with- T in me, *' and in my meditation a fi- 1. re was kin-died. I spake i with my tongue: * "0 Lord, m~ke 1. me to know mine end,

"And the number of my days, i what it is, * that I J. may know what I lack. "Behold, Thou hast made my days as the spans T Of a hand, *' and my being is

as noth- 1. ing be-fore Thee." , A •

Nay, all things are T van-it-y, * ev'- ~ ry man liv-ing.

Surely jnan walketh a-bout like a i phan-tom; *' nay, in vain doth he

dis- ~ qui-et him-self. A

He lay-eth up T trea-sure, *and knoweth not for whom ~ he shall gath-er it. And now, what is my patient endurance? Is it i-not the Lord? *' Yea, my

J. hope is from Thee. _ ,

From all mine iniqui-ties de- i liv-er me; * Thou hast made me a re-proach J. to the fool-ish.

I was dumb and opened not my mouth, for Thou hast i made me; * take away

from ~ me Thy scour-ges. __ . ,

For from the strength of Thy Hand I have i faint-ed; *' with reprovings for

iniquity t hast Thou cha-sten'd man. ,

And hast made his, life to melt a-way like a i spi-der's web; * nay, in vain doth every man dis- 1. qui-et him-self.

Hearken unto my prayer, 0 Lord, and unto my sup-pli- i ca-tion; * give ear 1 un-to my tears.

Be not Silent, for I am a sojourner with Thee, and a T strang-er, * as were 1. all

my fath-ers.

Spare me, that I may be ref'resh'd be-fore I i go hence, * 1. and be no more. Glory be to the Fath-er ,and i to the + Son, *' and 1. to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and i ev-er, * and unto the ages of t a-ges. A-men.

Q 2751June 2 I 15-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 275

Tone 8 I [. ' 'l'" [,: ,T'l'" , t i " ; i ' , , '" , , , ' : ' ~: III

Psalm 39:

Then the 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 7th Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

With pa-tience I waited pa-tient-ly i for the Lord, * ~

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse:

." .. and He was At-J, ten-tive un-to me.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

And He hearkened unto my _sup-pli- T ca-tion; * and He brought me up out of

the pit of misery, and from the J, mi-re. of'cJay. ~

And He set my feet up- T on a rock, * and He or- J, der'd my steps a.:...ri~ht.

"'" And He hath put into my mouth a i new song, * a hjmn J, un-to Our God.

Many shall see, i and shall fear, :I< and J, shall hope in the Lord.

Bles-sed is the man Whose hope is jn the Name of T the Lord, * and who hath .

not looked upon vanities J, and false fren-zies. , .!

Many, 0 Lord My God, are Thy yvon-ders which i Thou hast wrofight,* and in ;1

Thy thoughts there is' none thatshall be Iik- J, en-ed Qn-toThee. I

I de- i clared and spake: * "They are multi-plied.I, be-yond num-ber."

Sacrifice and offering hast TJtiJu not de- T si-red * but a bogy hast Thot per- J, fee-ted for me.

Whole-burnt offerings and oblations for sin hast Thou not

de- T mand-ed * Then I said: J, "Be-hold, I am come." ~

(In the heading of_ the book it is written concerning me) to T do Thy Will, * 0 My God, and Thy law is in J, the midst Of my bowels.

I have proclaimed the good tidings of Thy righteousness in A the great con-gre- T ga-tion; * 10, my lips I shall notrestrain; J, Lord, Thou know-est it.

Thy righteousness have I not hid i in my heart; * Thy Truth and Thy salvation have J, I de-clar-ed.

I have . not,:"" concealed Thy mer-cy, i nor Thy Truth * from 'the

J, great as-sem-blage. ~

But Thou, 0 Lord, remove not Thy com-pas-sions i far from me; * let Thy

mercy and Thy Truth continu- j,al-Iy help me. . ' _

For evils without number haveencom-pass'd me; f .mlne iniqui-ties took i hold

of me, * and I became un- J,a-ble to see~ ,

They are multiplied more than the hairs of i my head, * and my J, heart hath fail-ed me. Be Pleas-ed, 0 Lord, to de- T liv-er me; * 0 Lord, be Attentive J, un-to help-ing me. Let them b~ shamed' and con-foun-ded to- i geth-er * which seek after my

soul, J, to de-stroy it.

Let them be turned back and con- i foun-ded * that desire J, e-vils for me.

Let them quickly receive shame for T their re-ward * who say to me: J, "WeD done, weD done." Let them rejoice and be glad in Thee, all they that seekaf'-ter T Thee, 0 Lord;A* and

let them that love Thy salvation continuallfv say: "The 'l Lord be Mag-ni-fied."

But as for me, a poor man am I and a pau-per; * the J, Lord will care for ~me. My Helper and My De-fen-der i art Thou; * 0 My God, J, make no tar-ry-ing. Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the + Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and i ev-er, * and unto the ages of J, a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 40: .. . '.

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 8th Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first setof brackets therein):

Bless-ed is the man that hath understanding for the poor man and the i pau-per; :I<

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse: , A

in an evil day the Lord J, will de-liv-er him.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side Q.[_ the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating {he verses thereafter:

May the Lord keep him, and make him to live, t and make him bless-ed up- i on the Earth, * and never surrender him into the hands J, of his en-em-ies.

Q 276!June 2 / lS-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.!Q 276

'- t t * J.,~ ~ A

Tone 8 I [. 0 0) .. 0 t'"' ')'" 0 i, ~ I 0 0 0 '" 0 0 0 • 0 0 • • II ~

May the Lord help him on his T bed of pain; * the whole of his confinement in his sickness hast Thou turn'd ~ to the bet-tdr.

I said: "0 Lord, have mer-cy i on me;_* heal my sOI}I, for I have sin- 1 ned a-gainst Theil. Mine enemies have ffipoken evil things a- i gainst me. * When shall he die, and when shall ~ his name per-ish?

And though he dime in to see me, his. heart spake T van-it-y" * he gathered

iniquity ~ un-to him-self. _ '

He T went forth, * and spake in ~,a like man-nero _

All mine enemies whis-per'd a- i gainst me; * against me they de-vls'd 1 e-vil for me. An unjust word they set a- t galnst me: * "Can it be that he that sleepeth ~ shall

rise up a-gain? .. .

"'" Yea, even the man of my. peace jn i whom I hoped, :I< who ate of my bread,

hath magnified the lifting of ~ heels a-gainst me.

,But Thou, 0 Lord', beMer-ci-Iul i un-to me; * and raise me up, and 1.1 will

re-quite them. _ r , !,

By this I know that Thou hast de-lighted i in me; * because mine enemy shall ;1

not ~ re- joice o-ver me. I

And because of mine innocence Thou hast i hel-ped me, * and hast established

me be-fore 1 Thee for ev-er. _ /'

Bles-sed is the LOrd God of i is-ra~1 :I< from everlasting to everIasting; so be 1 it; so be it. Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the ill Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it ,!as in the beginning, both now and T ev-er, * and unto the ages of 1 a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 41:

Then the 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 9th Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

As the hart panteth after the foun-tains of T wa-ter, *

Then, only the 1~ Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse: '

. '" so panteth my soul Laf'-ter Thee, 0 God. ~

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

My soul thirsted for God, .the Might-y, the i Liv-ing; :I< when shall I come, and appear be- 1 fore the Face of God?

_ My tears have been my bread by day and i by night, * whilst it is said to me

dail- J, y: "Where is Thy God?" ,

These things have I remembered, and I poured out my soul with- T in me; * for I shall go to the Place of the Wondrous Tabernacle, even 1 to the House of God,

With a voice of rejoicing and thanks- i gi-ving; * yea, of the sound of them

1 that keep fes-tiv-al., ,

Why art thou cast down, i _0 my soul; :I< and why dost ~ thou dis-qui-et me? Hope in God, for I will give thanks T un-to Him; ,* He is the Salvation of my coun- 1 terr-ance, and My God.

Within me my soul hath been i troubl-ed :I< therefore will) remember Thee

from the land of Jordan and Hermoniem, fr_om the 1 lit-tie moun-tain.

Deep call-eth T un-to deep * at the voice 1 of Thy cat-ar-acts. All Thy bil-lows i and Thy waves :I< have 1 pass-ed o-ver me.

By day the Lord will com-mand Hi§ i mer-cy, * and by night His lode shall be with me, My prayer unto the God of T my life; * I will say unto God: "Thou 1 art My Help--er." "Why hast Thou for;':" l' got-ten me, * and wherefore go I with downcast face

whilst mine enem- 1 y af'-f'llc-teth me? _

"Whilst my bones were T bro,-ken * mine enem- J, les re-proach-ed me,

"Whilst they said to me i dail-y. :I< 1 'Where is Thy God?' " ,

Why art thou cast down, T 0 my soul; * and why dost 1- thou dis-qui-et me? Hope in God, for I will give thanks i un-to Hi m; :I< He is the Salvation of my

coun- 1 ten-ance, and My God.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and l' to the ill Son, * and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

_ As, it ,!as in the beginning, both now and T ev-er, * and unto the ages of

1 a-ges. A-men. ,

Q 2771June 2 / lS-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 277

, t- irA *

Tone 8 I [. • .] ••• [. 8' I] •••• • D • I • • • ••• I •• ••••• 111

Psalm 43:

The 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 10th Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

o God, with our ears T have we heard; * ~

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire sompletes the verse:

'" for our fath- ~ ers have told us,

And then, only the 1st Cantor's siae ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alterndtifLg the versesthereafter:

The work which Thou hadst wrought in i their days- * ~ i 11 the days of old. Th~ Hand utterly destroyed the heathen, and in their stead Thou didst i plant them; * Thou didst bring evils upon those peorles, ~ and didst cast them out.

For not by their own sword did they in-her-i T the land, * nor did their J, 0\Ul arm save them, But "Thv Right Hand, and Thine Arm, and the Light of Thy ~ i Coun-ten-ance; * because Thou -~ wast well Pleas'd in them.

Thou Thyself art My .King, i and My God; * Thou That commandest the

sal-va- J, tion of Ja-cob. A

Through Thee shall the horn of our strength push down our J en-em-ies, * and '/

through Thy Name shall we brlng to nought them that rise J, up a-gainst us. ';i

For not in my. bow T will I hope 'I' and my sword ~ shall nof save me. I,

For Thou hast saved us from them that T af-flict us, * and them that hate us

J, hast Thou put to shame., _ I,

In God we will boast all the T day long, * and in Thy Name will we give praise J, in the age to come.

Bul now Thou hast cast us off and put us i to shame, * and wilt not go forth,

J, 0 God with our hosts. A

Thuu hast made us to turn back before our T en-em-ies, * and thev that hate us

took J, spoils for them-selves. ~

Thou hast given us up as sheep to be i eat-en, * and among the nations 1 hast

Thou scat-ter'd us. . A •

Thou hast sold Thy peo-ple with~ lout a price * and there was no gain in the J, sell-ing of Us. Thou hast made us a re-proach to our t neigh-bours, * a scorn and derfslon to

them that are J, round a-bout us.- A

Thou hast made us a byword a-mong the i na-tions, * a shaking of head

a- 1 mong the peo-ples. ' t

Au-the dav long my dis-grace is be- T fore me, * and the shame of IUV J, face hath cOver'd me, e Because ~of the voice of him that reproacheth and re- T vi':leth * because of the face of the enem-y J, and pur-su-er.

All this hath come upon us, and we have not for- i got-ten Thee, * nor have we

dealt unrlghteous-ly J, in Thy Cov-en-ant. _

Though our heart hath not T turn-ed back, * yet Thou hast turned a-side J, our

paths from Thv ways. ' ,

For Thou hast humbled us in a place of af- i f'Iic-tifm, * and the shadow of J, death hath cov-er'd us.

If we have forgotten' the Name of T Our God, * and if we have stretched out

our hands J, to a strange god; A •

Shall not God search out i these things? * For He knoweth the 1 se-crets Of the heart. For Thy sake we are slain all the T dav long; * we are counted as sheep ~ for the sla~-ter. Rise up, why sleep-est T Thou, 0 Lord? * Arise, and cast us J not off at the end. Wherefore turnest Thou Thy T Face a-way? * Dost Thou forget our poverty

and lour af-flic-tion?

For .our soul hath been hum-bled down i to the dUst; * our belly~ hath 1 cleav-ed to the Earth. A-rise 0 Lord, T help us; * and redeem us J, for Thy Name's sake.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the It Son, * and ~ to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and i ev-er, * and unto the ages of 1 a-ges. A-men.

, - ...

Psalm 44:

Then the 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the l ltb Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

My heart hath poured f'orth a T good word; *

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side Q]_ the Quire completes the verse: ~

, ..' J speak of t my works to the king.

And then, only the 1st Cantor's side Q]_ the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides .alternqting the ver ses thereafter:

My tongue i is the pen !i' of a ~ swift-ly wri-ting scribe.

Q 2781June 2 11S-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 278

Tone 8 I [, ' ,]", [,: ,T,]", , t i.; i ' , , '" , , , ' !, ~ : II'

Comely art Tholl in beauty more than the sons Of men; t grace hath been poured forth T on Thy lips, * wherefore pod hath bl~ss'q t Thee for ev-er.

Gird Thy sword up- r on Thy Thigh- * 1 (') 0 Might-y One,

In Thy comeliness ind Thy i beaut-y, * and bend Thy bow, and proceed

pros- 1 p'rous-ly, and be KiJ;lg, ., -.

Because of Truth and meek-ness and i righ-teous-ness, * and Thy Right Hand

shall t guide Thee won-drous-IY.: . ,

Thine arrows are sharp, 0 Mighty One A (under Thee shall T peo-ples

fall); * sharp in the heart of the en- t em-Ies Of the king. '

Thy Throne) 0 God, is for ev-er and l' ev-er; * a sceptre Of uprightness is the

sceptre t Of Thy King-dom. /' ,

Thou "hast loved righteousness and ha-ted in- i i-quit-y, * wherefore God, Thy .... God, hath anointed Thee with the. oil' of gladness more 1 than Thy fel-lOws.

Myrrh and stac-te and cassia exhale from Thy garments; from the i-vo-ry i pal-a-ces, * whereby they have made Thee glad, they the daughters of kings 1 in Thine hon-our. , At Thy Right Hand stood the queen, arrayed in a vesture of in- i wo-ven :~

gold, * adorned in t var-ied col-ours., ';i

Hearken, 0 daughter, and see, and in- l' cline thine ear, * and forget thine own I

people 1 and thy fath-er's house., ,.

And the King shall gteaOJ: de-si-te thy T beau-ty; * for He Himself is Thy

Lord, and 1 thou shalt wor-slIip Him.- , A ~

And Him shall the daughters of Tyre wor-ship i with gifts; * the rich among

the people shall en- 1 treat thy coun-ten-ance. _ ,

All the glory of the daughter of the King is i with-in; * with gold-fringed

garments is she arrayed, adorned in 1 var-ied col-ours. ~

The virgins that follow after her shall be brought un- i to the King, * those

near her shall ,j, be brought un-to Thee. , .

They shall be brougbt with gladness and re- T joi-cing; * they shall be brought into the 1 Tern-pie Of the King..

In the stead of thy fathers, sons are i born to thee; * thou shalt make them

princes 1 o-ver all the Earth.

I shall cOlll-~&m-or- T ate thy name * in ev~r)' generation and 1 gen-er-a-t~on. Therefore shall peo_ples give praise unto thee for I ev-erJ * arid unto the a-l ges of, a-ges ... ~ Glory be to the Fath-er, and T to the It Son, * ana 1 to the Ho-Iy Ghost. ,

As it was in the beginning, both now and i ev-er, * and unto the ages of 1 a-ges. A-men.

T hen I I • /I ,.. ~ ,... • ~.. = c I. ='.,... ij

All repeat: He that ha-teth his life in this world, shall keep it un-to life

I~" • 111


The Chapter and the Verside

The Hebdomadarv alone chants the following Chapter (Wis. 10: 19):

The righteous spoiled the ungodly that oppressed them;t and offered praises unto

Thy Name, 0 Lord, * and magnified with one accord Thy Hand I • '.; II ij That fought for them, 0 Lord Our God. All respond: W. Thanks be to God.

Yt. Let the righteous rejoice in the Presence of God. ~. Let them delight in gladness.

There now follows the Litany, the Lord's Prayer, and the Collect given below, as indicated for the Second Nocturn of the Night Vigils (Matins) of Monday in Volume J of the Psalter, the Psalter Outside Paschaltide, pp . 119 - 120.

The Collect

May the prayer of the blessed martyrs assist us, 0 Lord, that we may perceive the pious ones whom we venerate joined unto us for our intercession. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, through all the ages of ages. W. Amen.

The Proper for the Morning Solemnity (Lauds) of this days Feast begins on p, Q 298.

Q 2791June 2 I 15-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 279 Psalms for the Second Nocturn on Tuesday

t, t

Tone 8 I [, ' ,] '" [, :'1'''' i


- A


.' I , , II d

Psalm 52:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 7th Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

The fool hath saia i in his heart: * , /

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verfe:

t "There is no God."

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's/ side et. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

,. - I ....

, They are corrupt and are, abominable in in- i l-qult-Ies; * there is t none that

do-eth good. "

God looked down from Heaven up-on the i sons of man, * to see if there be,

any that under-stand t or seek af+ter God. ' :1

They are all .gone astray; they are altogether ren-der-ed i use-less; * there is" none that do- t eth good, no not one.

Shall not all they that work iniquity come to un-der- i stand-Ing, * they thtt eat up my people t as they eat bread?

They have not call-ed up- T on the Lord; * there have they feared with fear t where no fear Is.

For God hath scattered the bones of man- T plea-sera; * they have been put to shame, because God hath t set them at nought.

Who shall give out of Sion the salvation of Is-ra-el? * When God hath turned back the captivity of His T peo-ple, * Jacob shall rejoice and Is- t ra-el shall be glad.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the + Son, * and t to the Ho-lv Ghost.

~.,., ~

As, it was in the beginning, both now and T ev-er,' * and unto the ages of ~

t a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 53:

Then the 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 8th Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

o God, in Thy Name i save me, *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse:

and in Thy strength t do Thou judge me.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side gJ_ the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the' verses thereafter:

o God, hearken un-to T my prayer; * give ear unto the t words of my mouth. For strangers are risen up against me, t and mighty men have sought af-ter i my soul, * and have not set ,j;·God be-fore them-selves.

For be-hold, God i help-eth me, * and the Lord is the Pro- t tee-tor Of my soul. He will bring evils up-on mine r en-em-ies. * Utterly de-stroy t them by Thy Truth.

Willingly shall I sac-rif-ice i un-to Thee; * I will confess Thy Name, 0 t Lord, f or it is good.

For out of every affliction hast Thou de- i liv-er'd me, * and mine eye hath looked down up- t on mine en-em-Ies.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and t to the + Son, * and t to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and i ev-er, * and unto the ages of t a-ges. A-men.

Q 280lJune 2 11S-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 280

~t 1', ~* J.~

Tone 8 I (. • .) ••• [. B • ') •••• • 8 • I • • • ••• • • •

Psalm 54:

The 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 9th Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Give ear, 0 God, unto my prayer, t and disdain not my sup-plic- i a-tlon; * Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side Qj_ the Quire completes the verse: •

attend unto me, J. and hear me.

And then, only the.., l st. Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

I was grieved in my med-i-i t~-tion, * and I was troubled at the voice of the enemy and at the oppression J. of the sin-ner:

Because, they have turnediniquit-y up- I on me, * and with wrath were they

ang- J. ry a-gainst mil. , /'

My heart IS troubl-ed with- i in me, * and the terror of death is fall- J. en up-on me. Fear and trembling are_ come up- Ion, me, * and dark- J. ness hath cov-er'd me. And I said: "Who will give me wings I like a dove? * And I)ViII J. fly, and be at rest." Lo, I have fled a- I far Off, * and have dwelt J. in the wil-der-ness.

I waited for God that I sa-veth me *' from f'aint-hearted-ness J. and from tern-pest. ,J. Plunge them into the depths, 0 Lord, and div- l' ide their tongues; '" for I have I,

seen iniquity and gain-saying J. in the City. ,

Day and night they go round a-bout her up- I on her walls; '" iniquity and toil

and unrighteousness are J. in themidst 'of her.

And u-sur-y T and de-ceit '" have not de- ,[, par-ted from her stredts. For if mine enemy had re- I vi-led me * I might ,[, have en-dur-ed it.

_And if he that hateth me had spoken boastful words a- l' gainst me, '" I might

have hid ,[, my-self from him. _, , A

But thou it was, 0 man of like soul I with me, * my guide and ,[, my fam-iI-iar friend, Thou who together with me didst Asweet-en I my re-pasts; *. in the House of

God I walked with thee in Ione-ness Of mind.. _

Let death come up-on I such ones,! and let them go down a-live ,[, in-to Ha-des. For wickedness is in their I dwell-Ings * and J. in the midst of them.

As for me, usto God have I I cri-ed; * and the Lord heark-I en-ed un-to me:

Evening, morning, and noonday will I tell of it and will de- I clare it * and'e

J. He will hear my voice. ,

He will redeem my soul in p'eace from them that draw nigh I un-to me; *' for

they a-mong man- J. y were with me. '

God will hear, and He will I hum-ble them; * He That is be- ,[, fore the a-ges. For to them there is no requital, because they have not I fear-ed God; * He

hath stretched forth His Hand in 1 ret-rib-u-tiOn. '

They have defiled His Cov-en-ant; t the)' were scattered by the wrath of His T Coun-ten-ance, * and their hearts J. have con-ve-ned.

Their words were smooth-er I than 0 i 1- * and J.. yet they are darts.

Cast they care upon the-Lord, and He will I nour-ish thee; * He will never

permit the righteous ,[, to be sha-ken, _

But Thou, 0 God, shalt bring I those men down * into the pit J. of de-struc-tion. Bloody and deceitful men shall notlive out I half their days; * but as for me, 0 Lord, ,[, I will hope in Thei\,

Glory be to the Fath-er; and I to the + Son, * and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it ,!as in the beginning, both now and I ev-er, :I< and unto the ages of 1 a-ges. A-men.


_ A

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• II ~

Psalm 55:

Then the 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 10th Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Have mer-cy on me, 0 God, for man hath trod-den T me down; '"

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse: ,

aU the day long, making war, he J. hath af-flie-ted me.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes) ,the' two sides alternating the verses thereafter.'

Mine enemies have trodden me down all the I day long, * for many are they that war a-gainst ,[, me from on high.

Q 281iJune 2 11S-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.iQ 281

t t A'" ,].$ ~A

Tone 8 I [. • .] ••• [.:. I] •••• j 8 • I • • • •• • • •• ••••• II ~

By day I T shall not fear; '" but as for me, J, I will hope in Thee.

In God will I commend my words, in God I have T set my hope; * I will not fear what J, flesh shall do to me.

All th~ day long they de-tes-ted T my words; * all their thoughts were a-gainst

t me for e-vil.·· -

They will dwell near and will i hide them-selves; '" they will watch t where I set

my heel, ., '. ,

Even as they have waited for my soul, - on no account wilt Thou i save

them; '" in wrath wilt Thou bring down the J, peo-ples, 6 God. ' ,

My life have I de-clar-ed T un-to, Thee; '" Thou hast set my .1 tears be-fore

Thee. /'

Even as in Thy T prom-Ise, '" mine enem-ies J, shall be turn-ed back.

In what day soever I sh~II' call up-i on Thee; '" behold, I t know that Thou art God.

In God will I praise His Word, t in the Lord will I i praise His speech; '" in I

God have I put my hope; I will not fear what man .1 shall do un-to m~. ;1

In me, 0 God; T there be vows > which I will ren- t der in praise of Thee, I

For Thou past delivered my soul from death, t mine eyes from tears, and my feet ,fr<!m T sli-ding '" that I may be .well-pleaslng before the Lord in t!te Light .1 of the liv-Ing,

Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the .. Son, '" and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and T ev-er, '" and unto the ages of t a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 57:

The 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the l lth.Psalm , using the same Tone, including the intonation ,notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

If ye in-deed ~peak of i righ-teous-ness; *

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse: judge ri ght- J, Iy, ye sons of 'Pen.

And then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating theverses thereafter:

, For in your heartye w,o)"~ in-i-quit-y i in the, Earth; '" your hands .1 weave

un-righ-teous-ness. . ,

Even from the womb, sinners are es- T tran-ged; * even from the belly they are

gone astray, t they have spo-ken lies. . . '

Their rage is like that of a i ser-pent; '" like that of an asp that is deaf and

t stop-peth her ears. _'

Which shall not hearken to the voice of the T char-mers, '" nor is spellbound by

the spells 1 of a wiz-ard. _ ,

God will shatter their teeth T in their mouth; * the: great teeth of the lions the

t Lord hath bro-ken. , _

They shall vanish like pass-ing i wa-ters; '" He will bend His bow till J, they be wea-ken-ed.

Like wax that is melted shall they be ta-ken i a-way; '" fire hath fallen upon

them and t they saw not the Sun. ,

Before your thorns can know their T bri-er, * while they are yet alive, in His wrath shall He 1 swal-low themu~.

The righteous man shall be gl~d, when he seeth the av- i enge-ment: '" he shall wash his hands in the blood 1 of the sin-ner.

And man shall say: "If indeed there is fruit for the - T righteous man, * there is indeed a God that judgeth 1 them up-on the Earth.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the .. Son, '" and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and T ev-er, '" and unto the ages of t a-ges. A-men.

Q 282iJune 2 11S-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.iQ 282

, t~ r iii A * .j, s ~ ..

Tone 8 I (. • .] ••• (. 0 • Ij ••• • 8 • I • • • ••• • •• ••••• II ~

Psalm 58: ..

Then the 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 12th Psalm using this same Tone-;7ncluding the intonation notes [within. the first set of brackets therein}: • Res-cue me from mine en-em- i ies, 0 God,·'"

Then, only the l st Cantor's side ei. the Quirfi completes the verse:

- - -- ,andJrom t em that _rise up a-gainst I me re-deem m.e.

And then, only the Znd Cantor s side of the QULJie chants the entire next verse [omitting the intonatio7t;/:otes), the two sLiles a7'fernating t e verses thereafter:

Deliver me from them that work in- T Fq.uit-y, * and from men of bloOd J, do Thou save me. For 10, they have hunted af-ter i my soUl' * the mighty have J, set up-on me.

. ~either i,s It "mine iniquity, 0 Lord, nor t my sin; * without, iniqufty I ran, and

di- J, reo-ted my steps; ,

Arise to meet me~ T and be-hold * and Thou, 0 Lord God of hosts, the J, God of ,Is-ra--el, Be Att",entiv:e to VIsit all the i. heath-en; * be n~t Mercifu} to al,!y that J, work in-i-quit-Y .

.., They shall return at evemng, and shall hung-er T like dogs, * and shall go round

a- J, bout the Cit-yo '., ,

A Behold, thev shall utter sounds with their mouth, t and a sword is T in their

lips. * "For who,"oIJ, sav they "hath heard?" .

And Thou, 0 Lord, shaft laii2h them T to srom;-* Thou sha1t bring to noUght J, all the hea-then. :' o My Strength, I will Keep watch for Thee, t for Thou, o God, art My;1

i Hel-~er * as for My God, Hismercy shall J, go be-fore me. A I

My God shall make it manifest unto me a-mong mine i en-em-ies; * slay them

not, lest at any time J, they for-get Th}law. 7

Scatter them bv Thv i pow-er; 'and bring them down, 0 Lord J, My De-fen-der. The, sin of their moutb is the speech of l' their lips; * yea, let them be taken J, cap-tive in their pride.

And from their curse and falsehood shall their final des-truc-tion be T made known, * in the wrath of their utter destruction I. and J, they shall be no more;

And they shall know that God is Sov'reign or i J a -cob ~ and of the J, ends of the Earth. They shall return at evening, and shall hun-ger i like dogs, * and shall go round

a- J, bout the Cit-yo _

They shall be scattered a-broad that T they, may eat; * if they be not satis-fied,

J, they shall mur-mur. _ _

But as for me, I will sing_of Th_yi p()w-er;* and in the morning I will re-joice J,in Thy mer-cy. For Thou .art become My Helper and My T Rer-uge * in the dl!}' of my 1 trib-u-la-tidri, Thou art My Helpet:, unto Thee will I chant t for Thou, 0 God, art Mv~

l' Hel-per; * 0 My God Tho'ii J, art My Mer-cY. 01

Glory be to the Fath-er, and i fo the + Son, * and J, to the Ho-11' Ghost.

As it was in the beginning.Both now and i ev-er, * and unlto the ages of l,a-ges. A-men.

Then, I , 11 ,.. ~ ,..,.. ~.. = • = ,,,,,~

All repeat: He that ha-teth his life in this world, shall keep it un-to life

I ~ ~ • II ~


The Chapter and the Versicle

The Hebdomadary alone chants the following Chapter {Wis. 10: 19}:

The righteous spoiled the ungodly that oppressed them, t and offered praises unto

Thy Name, 0 Lord, * and magnified with one accord Thy Hand I • ',; II ~ That fought for them, 0 Lord Our God. All respond: ~. Thanks be to God. y. Let the righteous rejoice in the Presence 'of God.

~. Let them delight in ~Iadness.' .

There now follows the Litgn.y, the Lord's Prayer, and the Collect given below. as indicated for the Second Nocturn of the Night Vigils {Matins} of Tuesday in Volume I of the Psalter, the Psalter Outside Paschaltide, pp. 119 - 120.

The Collect

May the prayer of the blessed martyrs assist us, 0 Lord, that we may perceive the pious ones whom we venerate joined unto us for our intercession. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, through all the ages of ages. ~. Amen.

The Proper for the Morning Solemnity (Lauds) of this day's Feast begins on p . Q 298.

Q 2831 June 2 / lS-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 283 Psalms for the Second Nocturn on Wednesday

,t l' ,

Tone 8 I [. • .] • II [<'. Til.. ·

Psalm 68: vv. 1 - 19:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of tbe lst portion of the 6th Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes {within the first set of brackets therein}:

Save me, i 6 God, *

•• I ••••••

J, t ~ A

.' . . . "I

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse:

/ for the waters are come in ~ un-to my soul.

And then , only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire. chants the entire next verse ... (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

I am stuck fast in thenii-re lor the deep, * and there is ~ no sure stand-jug.

I am come into the deeps of ithe sea, *, and a tempest hath ~ o-ver-whel-med !

A I~

me. I

I am grown '!eary with cryin~, my throat is be- i come hoarse; * from my,

hoping in My God, mine .1 eyes have f'all-ed mil. ~

They that hate me without a cause are T mul-ti-plied * more than the ] hajrs of my head.

Mine enemies are grown strong, they that persecute me un- i just-Iy, * then did I restore that which .1 I took not a-way.

o God, Thou know-est my i fool-ish-ness, * and my transgressions .1 are not hid from TheiL

Let not them that wait on Thee be a-sha-med for i my sake, * 0 .1 Lord, T~ou


Lord of hosts.' It


Nor let them that seek after Thee be con-foiinded fori my sake, * Q J, God of Is-ra--el.

Because for Thy sake I have i borne re-proach, * shame hath cov- J, er-ed my face.

I am become a stranger un-to my T breth-ren, * and an alien unto the sons J, of

my moth-er.

For the zeal of Thy House hath eat-en i me up, * and the reproaches of them

that reproach Thee are J, f'all-en on me. -s

Yea, with fasting I cov-er-ed i my soill, * and it was-turned ln-to ] a re-proach-for me. And I made sack-cloth my i cloth-ing, * and I became a J, prov-erb to them. And they prated against me, they that sit i in the gates, * and they made a song

, A l

about me, 1 they that drink wine.

But as for me, with 'my prayer I cry un-to i Thee, 0 Lord, * it is time for ~ Thy good plea-sure.

o God, in the multitude of Thy mercy heark-en i un-to me * in the Truth of J, Thy sal-va-tion.

Save me from the mire, that i be not T stuck there-in; * let me be delivered from them that hate me and from the deeps .1 of the wa-ters.

Let not the tempest of water overwhelm me, t nor let the deep swal-low i me up; * nor let the pit shut I ts ~ mouth up-on me.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the It Son, * and .1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and T ev-er, * and unto the ages of ~ a-ges. A-men.

Q 2841 June 2 / lS-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 284

_t 1', ~* ,j,~

Tone 8 I [ .' .] ••• [. 8 • I) •••• • B • I • • • ••• • • •

" - ....

.' • • • II ~

Psalm 68: vv. 20 - 41:

Then the 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 2nd portion of the 6th Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Heark-en un-to me, 0 Lord, for Thy mer-cy T is good; *Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse:

~ according to the multitude of Thy

compassions, ~ look up-on me.

And then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Turn not Thy Countenance a-way 'from Thy i ser-vant, * for I am afflicted;

... quickly ~ hea'rk-en un-to me. . J

Attend unto my soul an!:! de- T liv-er it * because of mine en- l' em-las, res-cue me.

For Thou knowest my re- ~ preach, my shame, * and my hu- ~ mil-i-a-tion. :~ Before Thee are all that af- l' flict me; * my soul hath awaited re- ~ preach and ;1

: ... I


And I waited for one that would grieve with me, but there was T no one; * and

for them that would comfort me, ~ butI found none. '

And they gave me gall for l' my food * and for my thirst they gave me ~ vin-eg-ar to drink.

Let their table be-fore them be l' for a snare, * for a recompense and ~ for a stum-bling-block,

Let their eyes be dark-en-ed that they may l' not see, * and their back do Thou continu- ~ al-ly bow down.

Pour out up-on them T Thy wrath, * and let the fury of Thy wrath take ~ hold " th"

up-on ern. "

Let their ,haMtation be made T des-o-late * and in their tents let J, there be n6ne

to dwell. ~

For they persecuted him whom Thou hast l' smit-ten, * and to the pain of my wounds ~ have they ad-ded.

Add iniquity to their in- T i-quit-y, * and let them not enter in- ~ to Thy

, A •

righ-teous-ness. , ~

Let them be blotted out of the book of the i liv-ing * and with the righteous let

them ~ not be writ-ten. .

Poor and in sor-row i am- I; * may Thy salvation, 0 God, be ~ quick to help


I ~will praise the Name of MY God T with an Ode; * I will mag- J, ni-fy Him with praise.

And this shall i please God, *rnore than a young calf ~ that hath horns and hooves.

Let beggars be-hold it and T be glad; * seek after God, ~ and your soul shall live.

For the Lord hath heark-en'd un- i to the poor, * and hath not despised them that are f'et- ~ ter-ed for His sake.

Let the Heavens and the Earth i praise Him, * the sea and all the J, creep-ing

things there-in. ,

For God will save i Sy-on, * and the cities of Ju-de-a ~ shall be bulld-ed, And they shall l' dwell there-in- * J, and in-her-it I!.

And the seed of Thy servants shall pos- T sess it * and they that love Thy J, Name shall dwell there-In.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and l' to the It Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and i ev-er, * and unto the ages of

J, a-ges. A-men. .

Q 285iJune 2 I 15-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.iQ 285

, T t, Ali< ,j.~ ~ A

Tone 8 I (. • .) ••• ['!'l' I] •••• • - • I • • • ••• • •• ••••• II ~

Psalm 69:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 7th Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes {within the first set of brackets therein}:

o God, be Attentive un-to i help-ing me; *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's sid~ Qj_the Quire completes the verse:

o Lord, make 1 haste to help me.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side d the Quire chants the e~tire next verse {omitting the intonation notes}, the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Let them be shamed and con- i found-ed * that seek 1 af-ter my soul.

Let them be turned back and i .brotight to shame * that desire e- 1 vils a-gainst

.. ..



Let them be turned back straight-way T in shame, * that say unto 1 me: "Well

done! Well done!" /'

Let them be glad and rejoice in Thee all that seek if-ter i Thee, 0 God; * and I

let them that love Thy salvation say continually:' "The 1 Lord be Mag-nl-f'[ed,' ji

But as for me; I am poor and T need-y; * 0 God, come 1 un-to mine aid. I

My Helper and My De-liv-er-er - i art Thou, * 0 Lord, make 1 no long

tar-ry-ing. ... ~ I

Glory be to the Fath-er, arid T to the It Son, * and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and T ev-er, * and unto the ages of 1 a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 70:

Then the 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 8th Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes {within the first set of brackets therein}:

In Thee, 0 Lord have I hoped; let me not be put to shame in the T age, to

come; '" ':""

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side el. the Quire completes the verse:

in Thy righteousness deliver ~. me and res-cue



And then, only the 1 sf Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

In-cline Thine Ear T un-to me.." 1 (') and save m~. ,

Be Thou unto me a God That is My Defender and a i Place of strength, '" that Thou 1 may-est save me.

For Thou art My Found- i a-tton * 1 (') and RH~uge.

o My God, deliver me out of the hand of the i sin-ner, * out of the hand of the

transgressor and 1 the un-righ-teous J'!lan. . ;

For Thou art My Pa-tience, i 0 Lord; * 0 Lord, Thou art 1 My Hope from my youth.

On Thee have I been, made fast T from the womb; * from my mother's womb

Thou art 1 My Pro-tee-tor. ,

In Thee continually is my singing of praise; t I am become as a won-der to T man-y, * and Thou art 1 ~y Strong Hele_-er.

Let my mouth be T fill'dwith praise, * that I may hymn Thy Glory and Thy Majes-ty 1 all the day long.'

Cast me not away in the time of mine T old age; * when my strength fail- 1 eth, for-sake me not.

For mine enemies have spo-ken a- T galnst me, * and they that watch my soul took coun- 1 sel to-geth-er,

Saying: "God hath forsa-ken him; t pur-sue him and i take him, * for there is none 1 to de-liv-er him."

Q 286iJune 2 11S-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.iQ 286

t 1', A* L~

Tone 8 I (. • .) ... (.:. ') .... • 8 • I • • • ... • • •


_ A

.. . . . "I

My God, be not far I off from me; :;. My God, be Attentive 1 un-to help-ing me. Let them be put to shame. and brought to nought that f'alse-ly ac- I ctise my soul; '* let them be covered with shame and confusion, they that seek l e-vils for me.

But as for me, I will ev-er I hope in Thee, :;. and I wlll I add to all Thy praise. My mouth shall de-clare Thy T righ-teous-ness; * all the day long 1 Thy sal-va-tion.

For I know not the reckoning thereof; I will commence in themight I of the Lord; :;.- 0 Lord, I will make mention of the righteous-ness 1 which is Thine A-lone.

o My God, Thou hast taught me I from my youth; '* 'and till now will I

de- l clare Thy won-drous works. ' .

.... Yea, even" unto old age a~d the dlg-mt-I y of years;;: My 1 God, for-sake me


/, .... . ,

Until I de-clare Thy I Might-y Arm " to every gener-a- l tion that is to come,

Yea, Thy sovereignty and Thy rjghteousness, 0 God, and declare even to the :~ heights the great things which Thou hast I done for me; * 0 God, Whol is like un-to ji

Th A? • I ee.

How great are the many and evil afflictions which Thou hast showed un-to me; t yet, having returned, Thou ma-dest 1'me to live; * and out of thedepths of the Earth Thou l brought-est me up.

Thou hast multiplied Thy magnificence o-ver me; t and having returned, Thou hast com-for- i ted me; '* and out of the depths of the Earth again Thou 1 brought-est

~~. .

Therefore also will I confess Thee among the peoples, 0 Lord, with instru-ments of T psalm-o-dy; '* with the harp I will chant of Thy Truth unto Thee, 0 God, 0 Holy lOne of is-ra-el.

My lips §halt'Tejoice when i chant r un-to Theej > yea, even my soul 1 which

Thou hast re-deem'd, Co:

Moreover my tongue will. meditate on Thy' righteousness all the I day long, ;;: when they be put to shame and confounded which seek 1 e-vils for me.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the It Son, * and l to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and T ev-er, * and unto the ages of l a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 71:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 9th Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

o God, give Thy judg-ment i to the king, ;;: .

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side Q[ the Quire completes the verse:

. and Thy righteousness to l the son Of the king,

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

That he may judge Thy peo-ple with T righ-teous-ness, '* and Thy l poor with judg-ment.

Let the mountains receive peace for the T peo-ple, * and let the hills 1 re-ceive righ-teous-ness.

He shall judge the beggars among the people, and shall save the sons I Of the poor, * and shall humble the 1 false ac-cu-ser.

And He shall continue as long T as the Sun " and before the Moon from generation to 1 gen-er-a-tion.

Q 2871 June 2 I lS-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 287

... --t" ':.!~ l' I A * 4- ~ :-.-.. A

Tone 8 I (. • .] ••• [. ~ • ")..... • B • I • • • ••• • •• I I I • • II ~

He shall corne down like raln up- T on a fleece, * and like rain-drops that t fall

up-on the Earth. c

In His days shall righteousness dawn forth an a-bun-dance i Of peace, * until

the Moon be 1 ta-ken a-way. _

And He shall have do-min-ion from i sea to sea * and from- the rivers even

unto the ends of the in- 1 hab-lt-ed Earth. .

Before Him shall tfie Ethi-o-pi-ans i fall down * and His enem- lies slJ,alllick the dust, The kings of Tharsis and the is-lands 1- shall bring gifts; * kings of the

Arabians and of Saba 1 shall bring pres-ents. ~ '"

And all the kings of the Earth shall i wor-ship Hi m; * all the na- 1 tlons shall serve Hi m, For He hath delivered the beggar from the op- T pres-sor l * and the poor man

for whom there ~ was no help-er. .

.... He shall spare the poor man' and the i pau-per, * and the souls of the J,. poor

shall He save. /' ~.

From usury and from injustices shall He re- i deem their souls, * and precious

shall be His t Name be-fore them., .'

~nd He shall live, and there shall be given unto Him of the gold of)l Ar-a-bi-a, t and they shall make prayer con-cer-ning Him i al-ways; all the day long I

J,. shall they bless Hi m. , I

He shall be a support in the Ear_th on the summits of the moun-tains; t exalted more than Leba-non shall T be His fruit, * and they of the City shall flourish like J,. the grass Of the Earth.

His Name shall be Bless-ed lin-to the T a-ges; * before the Sun doth His 1. Name

, A


And il1. Him shall be bless __ ed all the tribes i of the Earth; * all the nations shall

1. call Him Bless-ed. ,

Bless-ed is the Lord, the God of T Is-ra-el, * Who A-lone J,. do-eth won-ders. And Bless-ed is the Name, of His Glory for ever and unto the llges of a-ges, t and all the Earth shaH be fill'd with His t Glor-Y. * So be 1 it. So be it.

Glory be to tbe Fath-er, and i to the It Son, * and J,. to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and i ev-er, * and unto the ages of ~ J,. a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 72:

Then the 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 10th Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

How Good is God to l' Is-ra-el, *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse:'

to them that 1. are up-right of heart!

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter: '"

But as for me, my feet were all but T sha-ken; * my.] steps well nigh had .sllpp'd, For I was jealous of the trans- tgress-ors, ~ when I beheld the 1 peace of sin-ners. For they make no sign of refusal ig the time of T their death, * and they have

steadfastness in the time J,. Q,f their scour-ging.

They are not in such toils as i oth-er men, * nor with other men shill J,. they be scoUr--goo. Wherefore, their pride hath ut-ter-ly T mas-ter'd them; * they have wrapped themselves in their injustice 1 and un-god-li-ness.

Their injustice shall go forth as out of i fat-ness; * they have passed through

J,. to their heart's in-tent. ,

They have thought and spo-ken in l' wick-ed-ness; * they have spoken unrighteous- J,. ness in ar-ro-gance.

They have set their mouth a-gainst T Heav-en, * and their tongue 1 ro-veth in the Earth.

Therefore shall my T .turn hith-er, * and full days t shall be found

in them. ' . .

i\nd they said: "How doth i God know?" * And, "Is there knowledge J,. In the Most High?"

Q 2881June 2 11S-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 288

, t 1', ~'" J, ~ ~ A

Tone 8 (continued) I • .. ('''' ') .... • 8 • I • • • ... • •• I I • • • II ~

Behold, these are the sinners; they pros-per in i this age, "', and have .,[, ob-tain'd rich-es. And 1 said: "Surely in vain have 1 kept jus-tice i in my heart, '" and washed

my hands a- .,[, mong the in-no-cent". _

And 1 became a man scourg-ed all the T day long, * and reproof was mine in .,[, ev-'ry morn-ing. _

And 1 said: "I shall i speak thusr." 'Lo, 1 should have broken covenant with the

gener- .,[, a-tlon of Thy sons.' " '_, , A

And 1 sought to i un-der-stand, '" but this was .,[, toil-some in my sight,

Until 1 come into the Sanct-u-ar-y i Of God, '" and .,[, un-der-stand their end. Surely, for their crafty dealings Thou hast appointed e-vils i for them; * Thou

hast cast them down in their .,[, ex-al-ta-tion. <

How "are" they come unto desolation; in a moment they have T ceas'd to .... be; '" they have perished because of J.. thelrJn-l-qult-y.

~s a dream of one who' a-wa-keth, T 0 Lord, '" in Thy City Thou shalt bring

their .,[, i m-age to nought. _ . I

For my heart was fired and my reins have been i cha-nged, * and 1 was /:/

brought to .,[, nought and knew it not. , I

1 became as a beast be- T fore Thee; * and 1 am .,[, ev-er with Thee.

, Thou hast held me by my rlght hand, t and by Thy counsel Thou hast

i gui-ded me; '" and with glory hast Thou ta- J, ken me to Thy-self. . _

For what have 1 in T Heav-en; '" and besides Thee, what have 1 de-si- 1 red

up-on Earth? ,

My heart and my f'lesh-haveT fail-ed; '" 0 God of my heart, and God is My

Por- .,[, tion for ev-er. A

For behold, they that remo,ve themselves from Thee shall i per-Lsh; '" Thou hast

destroyed all that go a .,[, whor-ing from TheiL ,

But it is good for me to cleave i 9n-to God; '" to put .,[, my hope in the Lord, That 1 may de-clare all Thy irrai-ses, '" in the gates of the daiigh- .,[, ter of Sy-on.

Glory be to th~ Fath-er, and to the lie Son, '" and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost. ,

As, it was in" the beginning, both now and T ev-er, . '" and unto the ages of 1.,.

J, a-ges. A-men. ...

I_"'" III· .',' • l&-

T hen, .!tl h;S iii. • ~..' •• h •

All repeat: He that ha-teth his life in this world, shall keep it un-to life

I --;- r. • II ~


. The Chapter and'the Versicle

The Hebdomadary alone chants the following Chapter (Wis. 10: 19):

The righteous spoiled the ungodly that oppressed them,.;t and offered praises unto

Thy Name, 0 Lord, '" and magnified with one accord ThY' Hand I • I.; II ~

That fought for them, 0 Lord Our God. All respond: W. Thanks be to God.

YI_. Let the righteous rejoice in the Presence of God. ~. Let them delight in gladness.

There now follows the Litany, the Lord's Prayer, and the Collect given below, as indicated for the Second Nocturn of the Night Vigils (Matins) of Wednesday in Volume I of the Psalter, the Psalter Outside Paschaltide, pp. 119 - 120.

The Collect

May the prayer of the blessed martyrs, assist us, 0 Lord, that we may perceive the pious ones whom we venerate joined unto us for our intercession. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, through all the ages of ages. ~. Amen.

The Proper for the Morning Solemnity (Lauds) of this day's Feast begins on p . Q 298.

Q 2891June 2 IIS-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. l\1arcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 289 Psalms for the Second Nocturn on Thursday

Tone 8 ~Il(~'~'~·l]~·~·~·~(~·~:~;.t~']E§.~ .. ~.~.~f~i~8~~~*fl~·~·~·~·'~'~'~'~'~~~:~'~~~I~:~I~I~

Psalm 79:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the l st portion of the 6th Psalm, using this Tone, 'including the intonation notes [withinrthe first set of

brackets therein): .

o Shep-herd of IS'-ra- l' el, at-tend, *

. Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse: ,

- Thou That lead est ~ Jo-seph like a sheep.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Thou That slttest on the i Cher-u-b] m * manifest Thyself before Ephra-im and

... 8enjamin_ ~ and Man-a§-sik .

Stir up i Thy might, * apd ~ come to save us. _

Q God, make us i to re-turn, * and cause Thy Face to shine, ~ and we shall be saved.

o Lord i God of hosts, * how long wilt Thou be Wroth against the prayer J, of I

Thy ser-vants? _ ,F • _:;

Wilt Thou feed us with the i bread of tears, * and wilt Thou give us for drink I, ~ tears in mea-sure?

Thou hast made us a gain-saying a-mong our i neigh-bours, * and our

en em- ~ ies have scoff'd at us. ,. ~

o Lord of hosts, make us i to re-turn, * and cause Thy Face to shine, J, and we

shall be saved. I

A vine Ahast Thou brought out of i E-gypt; * Thou hast cast out the heath- ~ en

and plan-ted i t. ~

Thou hast prepared the way be- T fore it; * and Thou hast planted the roots

there-Of, ~ and it fill'd the E~rth. A

The shadows thereof cov-er'd the T motin-talns, * and the boughs thereof the ~ ce-dars of God.

It stretched fQ&th its shoots un- T to the sea, * and its branches un- ~ to the riv-ers. Why hast' Thou proken down the i hedge there-of?* And all that pass along the ~

~ way do pluck the fruit? _

The boar of the forest hath laid it T to waste, * and the wild beast J, hath de-vour-ed it.

Q God of bosts, re- l' turn;; * and look down from Heaven and behold, and ~ vis-it this vine.

And perfect that which Thy Right Hand hath i plan-ted, * and look upon the

Son of Man Whom Thou ma- ~ dest strong for Thy-self. ' ~

It is burned with fire and is i dug up; * at the rebuke of Thy Face ~ they shall per-ish. Let Thy Hand be upon the man of Thy l' Right Hand, * and upon the son of

man whom Thou rna- J, dest strong for Thy-self. I

And we will not depart from Thee; Thou shalt quick- T en us, * and we will

J, call up-on Thy Name. . ;

o Lord God of hosts, make us i to re-turn, * and cause Thy Face to shine, J, and we shall be saved.

Glory be to the Fath-er ,a.nPci to the + Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As,it was in the beginning, both now and i ev-er, * and unto the ages of J, a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 80: , .... ,.. '

Then the 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 8th Psalm, using

the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Re- joice in God Our i Help-er; *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side Qj_ the Quire completes the verse:

shout with joy to the J, God of Ja-cob.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes). the two sides alternating the verses thereafter;

Take up a Psalm, and bring the i tim-brel; * the pleasant psal- J, ter-y with the harp.

Q 2901 June 2 I lS-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Ma:rcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 290

, t f _, ~* J, ~ ~ A

If·) II. f· I) ..... • 8 • I • • • ••• • •• •••

Tone 8 ~.. ~ ~ g. ~: . . II ~

Sound the trumpet at the IDe,! moon * in the notable t Day of our Feast.

For this is an ordi-nance for I Is-ra-el, * and a judgment of the t God of Ja-cob.

, He ordained it for a testimony in .Joseph when he went out from the land of

I E-gypt, * a tongue which he t knew not did he hear.

He removed his back from I bur-dens; * his hands had slaved t at the bas-keto Thou didst call upon Me in affliction, and I de-liv-er'd thee t I heard thee in the secret place of the I tern-pest, * I made trial of thee at the wat- t er gain-say-ing.

Hear, 0 My people, and I will speak un-to thee, t 0 Israel, and I will testify unto thee: if thou hearest Me, there shall be in thee I no new god, *, nor shalt thou

wor- t ship an al-ien god, ,

For I am the Lord Thy God Who led thee out of the land of I E-gypt * open

thy mouth wide, and t I will fill it. A •

But My people heard not I My Voice, * and Is-ra-el gave t no heed un-to Me. And! let-them go according to the ways of I their hearts; * they shall walk t in 'I,. their own ways.

If My peo-ple had I heard Me, * if Is-ra-el haq walk- t ed in My ways,

Quickly would I have humbled their I en-em-ies, * and upon their oppressors.

woiild t I have laid My Hand., "

The enemies of the Lord have lied I un-to Hf m, * but in that t age their time jI

shall come. I

And He fed them with the fat I Of the wheat, * and with honey out of the rocfK

He t sat-is-fi-ed them.. ~

Glory be to the Fath-er, .and T to the + Son, * and t to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As,it was in the beginning, both now and i ev-er, * and unto the ages of t a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 81:

The 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 7th Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

God stood in the congre-ga-tion I Of the gods, *

Then, only the 2""d Cantor's side Q[ the Quire completes the verse: .

• S and in the midst He shall stand tout a-mong gOds.,~

And then, only the 1st Cantor's side Q[ the Quire chants the entire next verse"

(omitting the intonation notes), the tW9 sides alternating the verses thereafter: ,

How long will ye judge un- I righ-teous-ly, * and accept the per- t son of sin-ners? Judge for the orphan and the I poor man; * do justice to the humble t and th'l pau-per. , Rescue the poor man and the I need-y; * from the hand of the sin- t ner de-liv-er him.

They have not known, nor understood; they walk in i dark-ness; * let all the

foundations of the t Earth be sha-ken. ~

I said: T "Ye are god__s, * and all of you the sons I of the Most High. "But Iilie T men ye die, * and like one of the rul- t ers do ye fall.

Arise, 0 God, I judge. the Earth;* for Thou shalt have an inheritance a-mong

t all the na-tions. ';'

Glory be to the Fath-er, and i t6 the .. Son, * and t to the Ho-Iy Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and I ev-er, * and unto the ages of t a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 82.-

Then the 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 8th Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

o God, who shall be Il-ken-ed I un-to Thee? *

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side Q[ the Quire completes the_verse: ,

Be Thou not Silent, neith- t er be Still, 0 God.

And then, only the 1st Cantor's side Q[ the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the_ two sides alternating tt!e verses thereafter:

F:_or behold, Thineene-mies have I made a noise, * and they that hate Thee have J.. lif-ted up their heads.

Q 2911June 2 11S-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 291

, t 1', A*

Tone 8 I [. • .] ••• (. 0 • I] •••• • 8 • I • • • ••• • •• .'

taken wick-ed i coun-sel,


- A

• •

• II ~

.Against Thy people have they con-spir- t ed a-gainst Thy Saints.

They said: "Come let us utterly destroy them that they may be no more a i na-tion; * and let the name of Is-ra-el be re-rnem- t ber-ed no more.

For they have conspired with oneness of mind to-geth-er t against Thee have they made a T cov-en-ant, '" even the tents of the Idumeans and 1 the.Is-ma-el-ites, .

Moab and the Hagarenes, Gebal and Am-mon and i Arn-a-lek, * and

foreigners with them_ that 1 dwell at TY-re.· '

Yea, for even As-sur is T come with them; * they are become a help 1 for the sons of LOt. Do unto them as Thou didst unto MadHim and i Sf-sa-ra, :I< as unto Jabin at

the 1 brook of Kls-sdn. '/. ,

They wen~ utterly des-troy-ed in i En-der; * they be-carne 1 as dung for the Earth.

.... Make "'their princes like Or-reb l' ~nd Zeb, * and Zeb- 1 ee and Sal-man-a.

Yea, all their prin-ces i /who said: * "Let us take to ourselves for an inheritance

the Sanc-tu- t ar-y Of God." , A

o My God, make them i like a wheel, :I< a~ stubble be-fore J, the face Of the wind, " As fire which shaH burn the i for--est; '" as a flame which shaH con- J, sume the moun-tains, '1/ So shalt Thou pursue them with Thy T tern-pest, :I< and in Thy wrath t shalt 1/

Thou troub-le them.

Fill their faces with dis- T hen-our, '" and they shall J, seek Thy Name, 0 Lord. Let them be shamed and troubled unto a-ges of i a-ges, * and let them be

confounded J, and des-troy-ed. .. ,

And let me know that Thy Name T is Lord; * Thou Alone art Most High

J, ov-er all the Earth. .

Glory be to the Fath-ervand] to the + Son, '" and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

_ As, it ,!as in the beginning, both now and i ev-er, '" and unto the ages of

J, a-ges. A-men.

* and have

Psalm 83:

The 2nd Cantor ,j!f<lone chants the first half of the first verse of the 9th Psalm, using' the

same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein): ~

How be-lov-ed are Thy Dwell-ings, 0 T Lord of hosts; :I<

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse:

my sou] longeth and fainteth for J, the Courts of the Lord.

And then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the yerses thereafter:

My heart and i my flesh * haverejoi-ced J, in the Liv-ing God.

For the sparrow hath found her- T self a house.." and the turtle-dove a nest for

herself where J, she _may lay her young, _

Even Thine Al-tars, 0 T Lord of hosts, :I< My J, King and My God. ,

Bless-ed are they that dweU in i Thy House; '" unto ages 'Of ages J, shall they praise Thee. Bless-ed is the man ~whose help is from Thee; t he hath made ascents in his

heart, in the vale of T weep-ing, '" in the place ~hich he t hath ap-point-ed.

Yea, for the lawgiver will give bless-ings t they shall go from i strength to strength; :I< the God of gods shall be J, Seen in Sy-on.

o Lord of hosts, heark-en un- T to my prayer; * give ear, 0 J, God of Ja-cob,!

, 0 God, Our De-fen-der, i be-hold, >I< and look upon the face of J, Thine an-oin-ted one.

For better is one day in T Thy Courts :I< than .J, thou-sands else-where.

I have chosen rather to be an outcast in the House of T My God >I< than to dwell

in the .J, tents of sin-ners. '

For the Lord loveth mer-cy i and Truth; '" God will give J, grace and glor-Y.

, The Lord will not withhold good things from them that walk in

T in-no-cence; '" 0 Lord God of hosts, bless-ed is the man that 1 ho-peth in Thee.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and l' to the + Son, '" and t to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and i ev-er, :I< and unto the ages of

, A

1 a-ges. A-men.

Q 2921 June 2 / lS-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 292

Tone 8 e (0 0 0] '" [0:. -t,]", • 'i , ~ i 0 0 0 '" 0 0 0 ' : 0


~ A

. . . ,,~

Psalm 84:

Then the 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 10th Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Thou hast been Graciolls,O Lordvun-to i Thy land; *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side Q.[_the Quire completes the verse: -

. , Thou hast turned back the captivit- t Y of Ja--cOb.

And then, only the s Znd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Thpu hast forgiven the iniqui-ties of Thy i peo-ple; :« Thou hast cov- t er-ed

all their sins. ,

Thou hast made all Thy l' wrath to cease; * Thou hast turned back from the

wrath t of Thine ang-er. /' .

Turn "us back, 0 God of our sal- i va-tion, * and turn away Thine t ang-er fr6m iis.

.... Wilt Thou be Wroth with' us un-to the i a-ges? * Or wilt Thou draw out Thy

wrath from generation to t gen-er-a-tJon?

o God, Thou wilt turn and i quick-en us, * and Thy people t shall be glad in Thed. " Shew us, 0 Lord, Thy T mer-cy, * and Thy salvation do ~ Thou give un-to us. ';1 I will hear what the Lord God will T speak in me; * for He will speak peace 1 to I

His peo.:-pUl, , ~ " ", ~

And to T His Saints * and. to them that turn t their heart un-to Him.

Surely nigh unto them that feat Him is His sal- i va-tion, * that glory may

1 dwell in our land. ,< '"" _

Mercy and Truth are met to- T geth-er; * righteousness and peace have ~ kissed each oth-dr.

Truth is sprung up out i 6f the Earth, :I< and righteousness hath Iook'd 1 down

from Heav-en. ., "

Yea, for the Lord will give T good-ness; :« and our t land shall yield her fruit. Righteousness shall go be- i f6re Him, :I< and shall set His ~ foot-steps in the way. Glory be to the Fath-er, and T to. the + Son, * and t to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in. he beginning, both now and T ev-er, :« and unto the ages, of

~ a-ges. A-men: ~ t

Then, I~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~.~~~~.~.~~;~~~~'~~~;~~'~'~~~~'~~ij~

All repeat: He that ha-teth his life in this world, shall keep it un-to life

I ~" • 111


The Chapter and the Versicle

The Hebdomadary alone chants the following Chapter (Wis, 10: 19):

The righteous spoiled the ungodly that oppressed them, t and offered praises unto

Thy Name, 0 Lord, * and ~agnified with one accord TbJT Hand I • '. = II ij

That fought for them, 0 Lord Our God. All respond: ~. Thanks be to God. v. Let the righteous rejoice in the Presence of God.

~. Let them delight in gladness.

There now follows the Litany, the Lord's Prayer, and the Collect given below, as indicated for the Second Nocturn of the Night Vigils (Matins) of Thursday in Volume I of the Psalter, the Psalter Outside Paschaltide, pp . 119 - 120,

The Collect

May the prayer of the blessed martyrs assist us, 0 Lord, that we may perceive the pious ones whom we venerate joined unto us for our intercession. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, through all the ages of ages. ~. Amen.

The Proper for the Morning Solemnity (Lauds) of this day's Feast begins on p, Q 298,

Q 2931June 2 11S-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 293 Psalms for the Second Nocturn on Friday

Tone 8

• ••••••••

•• • • • II ~

A * •


-- A

Psalm 95:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 6th Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein): o sing un-to the Lord a i new song; *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse:

sing un-to 1 the Lord all the Earth.-

And then, only the 2nd Santor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse {omitting the intonation notesl=the two-sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Sing unto the Lord, T bless His Name; '* proclaim from day today the good jt tidings of 1 His sal-v~-tiOn.

Declare among the na-tions His T Glor-y, * and among all pe9- 1 pies His won-ders.

For Great is the Lord, and greatly to be T Prai-sed; * He is to be Fear- 1 ed a-bove all gods.

For all the gods of the na-tions are ide-mons; * but the Lord 1 made the Heav-ens.

Praise and ~eauty a~e be- T fore Him;:« holiness and majesty are in His

1 Sanc-tu-ar-y. ~

Bring to the Lord, ye kindreds of the na-tions, t bring to the Lord glor-y and

T hon-our; * bring to the Lord the glory due 1 un-to His Name.

Bring sacrifices, and go in- l' to His Courts; * worship the Lord 1 in His Ho-ly Court.

Let the Earth be shaken at His T Pres-ence; * say among the na-tions 1 that the Lord is King.

For He hath established the world which shall nO;t be i sha-ken; * He shall judge the peo-ple 1 in up-right-ness.

Let the Heavens be glad and let the Earth re-joice t let the sea be shaken, and the fill-ness T there-Of; * the plains shall be joyful, and all J_ the things there-in.

Then shall all the trees of the forest rejoice at the Pres-ence T Of the Lord; :« for

He cometh, for He com- 1 eth to judge the Earth.

He shall judge the world with T righ-teous-ness * and the 1 peo-ples with His Truth. Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the lie Son, :« and J_ to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and l' ev-cr, :« and unto the ages of 1 a-ges. A-men.

Q 2941 June 2 / lS-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 294

. . . - ... . ..

J, ~ :-.-.. A

.' • • • II ~

Psalm 96:

Then the 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 7th Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes. (within the first set of brackets therein):

The Lord is King, let the T Earth re-joice; *'

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse:


let the man- y tis-lands be glad.

And then, only the 1st Can'tor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter: I

. ~

Clouds and darkness are round a- l' bout Him; * righteousness and judgment I,

are the es-tab- t lish-ment Of His Throne.

Fire shall go be- T fo~e Him, * and shall burn up His en- t em-ies ;ound a-bout. His lightnings have shone forth through- T out the world; * the Earth saw it L and was sha-ken.

The mountains melted like wax at the Pres-ence T Of the Lord, '* at the Presence of the t Lord of all the Earth.

The Heaeenscde-clar-ed His T righ-teous-ness, * and all the peo-ples t saw His



Let all be put to shame that wor-ship i gra-ven thIngs, * that boast them-selves

t of their i-dols.

Worship Him, all ye His T ang-els; * Sy-on t heard and was glad.

And the daughters of .Ju-die-a re- T joi-ced * because of Thy t judg-ments, 6 Lord. For Thou art Lord Most High o-ver i all the Earth;:I< Thou art Exalted far

t a-bove all the gods.

Ye that love the Lord, see to it that ye hate e-vil t the Lord preserveth the souls of T His Saints; :I< from the hand of the sinner shall t He de-liv-er them.

A light hath dawned forth for the T righ-teous man, * and gladness for t the up-right of heart.

Be glad in the Lord, 0 ye i righ-teous: * and give thanks for the remembrance t Of His ho-li-ness.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the + Son, * and J, to the Ho-Iy Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and i ev-er, :I< and unto the ages of t a-ges. A-men.

Q 295iJune 2 / 15-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.iQ 295

, t 1', A*

Tone 8 I [, ' ,] '" (' 8 , '] "" '8 ,

Psalm 97:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 8th Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):


,_._ A

, , , '" , , ,

" I , , II ~

o sing un-to the Lord a i new song, *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse:

for the Lord ~ hath wrought won-drous




And then , only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse

-..( omitting the intonation notes), thetwo sides alternating the verses thereafter:

/ ~ ,A

His Right Hand and His i Ho-ly Arm * have wrought sal- ~ va-tlon for Him.

The Lord hath made known His sal- T va-tion; * in the sight of the nations hath ,;~

He re- ~ veal'd His righ-teous-ness. 'I

He hath remembered His mer-cy to r Ja-cob, * and His Truth to the J, Hoiise of



All the ends of the i Earth have seen * the sal- ~ va-tion Of Our God.

Shout with jubilation un-to the Lord, i all the Earth; * sing and re- J, joice and chant Psalms.

Chant ye unto the Lord with a harp, with the harp and with' the voice T Of a Psalm, * with trumpets of metal, and with a voice of a ~ triim-pet of horn.

Shout with jubilation before the Lord, Our King; t let the sea be shaken and

the fiil-ness r there-'61, * the world and all J, they that dwell there-in. '


The rivers shall clap their hands to-geth-er; t the mountains shall rejoice at the

Pres-ence T Of the Lord; * for He cometh; yea, He is J, come to judge the Earth.

He will judge the world with i righ-teous-ness, * and the peo-ples ~ with up-right-ness.

Glory be to the Fath-er, andT to the + Son, * and J, to the Hc-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both i now and ev-er, * and unto the ages J, of

a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 98:

Then the 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 9th Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

The Lord is King, let the T peo-ples rage; *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse:

He sitteth on the Cherubim, let the ~ Earth be sha-ken, And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

The Lord is Great in r Sy-on, * and He is High a- ~ hove all peo-ples.

Let them confess Thy Great Name, t for It is Ter-rib-le and T Ho-Iy; * and the king's hon-our ~ lov-eth judg-ment.

Thou hast pre-par-ed up- T right-ness; * judgment and righteousness in J, Ja-cob hath Thou wrought.

Q 2961June 2 11S-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 296

,T f. * J,~ :"'-A

Tone 8 I [I I I] .. I [I:: I I] .. I I I 8 ~ I I I I ... • •• ••••• II ~

Exalt ye the Lord Our God, t and worship the Foot-stool T Of His Feet; * for t He is Ho-IY.

Moses and Aa-ron a- i m6ng His Priests, * and Samuel amongthem that t call up-on His Name.

They called upon the Lord, and He heark-en-ed T un-to them; * in a Pillar of Cloud t He spake un-to them.


For they kept His tes-tim- T o:-nies * and His ordinances t which He gave them .


o Lord Our God, Thou didst hearken un-to them; t 0 God, Thou wast Fain to

be En-treat-ed i for them, * and yet tookest vengeance on all 1 their de-vi-ces. I

• . _ 0

Exalt ye the Lord Our God, t and worship at His Ho-ly i Moun-tain; * for I

Holy 1 is the Lord Our God.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and T to the .. Son, * and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and T ev-er, * and unto the ages of t a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 99:

The 1st Cantor d:itme chants the first half of the first verse of the 10th Psalm, usingthe ~ same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Shout with ju-bilation fin-to God, i all the Earth; *,

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse: serve the t Lord with glad-ness.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes) I the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Come be-fore His T Pres-ence * 1 with re- joi-cing .. ,


Know ye that the Lord Him-self i is Our God. * It is He That hath made us,

t and not we our-selves.

We are His people and the sheep of His pas-ture; t enter into His gates with thanks- i giv-ing, * into His Courts with hymns; t give thanks un-to Him.

Praise His Name, for the Lord is Good; t His mercy en-dur-eth for i ev-er, * and His truth unto generation and t gen-er-a-tion.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and l' to the It Son, * and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and T ev-er, * and unto the ages of t a-ges. A-men.

Q 2971June 2 11S-Trinitytide Night Vigils of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 297

Tone 8 I [, ' 'l '" [':' til'" , 'i , ; i ' , , '" , , , ' :' ~ : II j

Psalm 100:

Then the 2nd Cantor alone chants the first halfo] the first verse of the 11th Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Of mer-cy and i judg-ment *

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse:

,.. -will I sing .t un-to Thee, 0 Lord.

And then J only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter: _

I will chant and have understanding in a i blame-less path;' * when wilt .t Thou come un-to me?

I have walked in the I_!l-no-cence T of my heart, * in the ~ midst of my house.

_ I have no unlawful thing be- i fore mine eyes; * the workers of transgres-sions

.t I have ha-ted. ./

A crooked heart hath not cleav'd T un-to me; * as for the wicked man who·

turn-ed from ~ me, I knew him not. 'I

Him that privily talk-ed a-galnst his i neigh-bour * did I .t drive a-way from '"


With him whose eye was proud and his heart in- i sa-ti-ate, * .t i did not eat. /r Mine eyes were upon the faithful of the land, that they might i sit with me * the man that walked in the blameless path, he min- .t is-ter'd un-to me.

The proud doer dwelt not In the midst T of my house; * the speaker of unjust things prosper'd ~ not be-fore mine ey~s.

In the morning I slew all the sin-ners T of the land, * utterly to destroy out of the City of the Lord all them that ~ work in-i-quit-Y.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the It So~, * and ~ to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As)t was in the beginning, both now and i ev-er, * and unto the ages of .t a-ges. A-men.

Then, I .• ~ ..... 11 1\ Il'

~ ..

I. •

All repeat: He that ha-teth his life in this world, shall keep it un-to life

I ~" • 111


, The Chapter and the Versicle

The Hebdomadary alone chants the following Chapter (Wis. 10: 19).-

The righteous spoiled the ungodly that oppressed them, t and offered praises unto

Thy Name, 0 Lord, * and magnified with one accord Thy Hand I • '. = II ij That fought for them, 0 Lord Our God. All respond: W. Thanks be to God. y. Let the righteous rejoice in the Presence of God.

~. Let them delight in gladness.

There now follows the Litany, the Lord's Prayer, and the Collect given below, as indicated for the Second Nociurn of the Night Vigils (Matins) of Friday in Volume I of the Psalter, the Psalter Outside Paschaltide, pp . 119 - 120.

The Collect

May the prayer of the blessed martyrs assist us, 0 Lord, that we may perceive the pious ones whom we venerate joined unto us for our intercession. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, through all the ages of ages. ~. Amen.

The Proper for the Morning Solemnity (Lauds) of this day's Feast begins on the next page.

Q 2981June 2/15-Trinitytide Morning Solemnity of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 298 MORNING SOLEMNITY (Lauds)

The Psalms

The 1st Cantor alone begins chanting this Antiphon:


• ' I

Who-so-ev-er shall con-fess Me.

... .

. ~ ... !

All respond:

~I ~,..~.~. 3811 ij

My Fath-er,

N.B. On Monday onlYrthe Morning Solemnity continues 'with the Psalms as here given, but on Tuesday it continues/with the Psalms as given on pp . Q 302 - Q 305} and on Wedq.esday with the Psalms as given on pp . Q 306 - Q 309, and on T hur sday ... with the Psalms as given on pp .. Q 310 - Q 314, and on Friday with the Psalms as given on pp . Q 315 - Q 318. /

_ t

Tone 1 I (. • .) ••• [. 0 • '] •••• .' I" • • ••• • •• '. = 0 • II ij

Be-fore men, him will I too con-fess be-fore




Psalm 50:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the l st Psalm verse, using this Tone, including the intonation: notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Have mer-cy on me, to God, *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse: according to 1 Thy great mer-cy.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes) ,the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

And according to the multitude of Thy .com- 1 pas-sions * blot out 1 my trans-gres-sidn, Wash me thoroughly,from mine in-i- t qult-y, * and cleanse t me from my sin. For I know mine in-i- t qult-y, * and my sin is ev- J, -er be-fore me.

Against Thee only have I sinned, and done this e-vil be- 1 fore Thee, *' that

Thou mightest be Ju~ ified in Thy words, and Rre- J, vail when Thou art Judged. L

For behold, I was con-ceived in in-i- J, quit-Ies, * and in sins did my t moth-er bear me. ~ For be-hold, Thou hast Iov- J, ed Truth; * the hidden and secret things of Thy Wisdom hast Thou made man- J.. i-fest un-to me.

Thou shalt sprinkle me with_ hyssop, and i shall be 1 made clean; * Thou shalt wash me, and I shall be made 1 whi-ter than snow.

Thou shalt make me to hear joy and 1 glad-ness; * the bones that be

hum- J.. bled, they shall re- joice. ~ , , A

Turn Thy Face a-way from 1 my sins; * and blot out all 1 mine in-i-quit-Ies. Create in me a clean heart, 1 0 God; * and renew a right spir- J, it_with-in me. Cast me not a-way fromThy .lPres-ence, * and take not Thy Holy J.. Spir-it from me.

_ Restore unto me the joy of .ThY sal- 1 va-tlon, * and with Thy Governing

Spir- 1 it es-tab-lish me. '. . :

I shall teach trans-gress-ors J, Thy ways, * and the ungodly shall J.. turn back un-to Thee. Deliver me_from blood-guiltiness, 0 God, Thou God of my sal- 1 va-tion; * my

tongue shall re- joice 1 in Thy righ-teou~-ness. A

o Lord, Thou shalt o-pen J.. my lips, * and my mouth 1 shall de-clare Thy praise. For if Thou hadst desired sacrifice, I had giv- J, en it; * with whole-burnt

offerings J.. Thou shalt not be Pleased. , A

A sacrifice unto God)s a bro-ken J, spir-i t; * a heart that is broken and humbled J, God will not de-spise.

Do good, 0 Lord, in Thy good pleasure un-to J, Sy-on; :;.: and let the walls of Jerusa- J.. lem be bulld-ed,

Then shalt 'I'hou be Pleased with a sacrifice of righteousness, with pblation and whole-burnt Of- J.. fer-ings * then shall t!tH offer bullocks up- t on Thine AI-tar.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to J.. the + Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and J, ev-er, *' and unto the ages of J.. a-ges. A-men.

Q 2991June 2/1S-Trinitytide Morning Solemnity of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 299

. ,t J.v~*

Tone 1 I [ ••• ] II' [. 0 • I) .11. " I

Psalm 5:

... ' .....

'. ;

o • II ij

Then the 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 2nd Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Un-to my words give ear, ~ 0 Lord; * .

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side QJ. the Quire completes the verse: 1 he-ar mv crv .

. ' ~

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side QJ. the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Attend unto the voice of my sup-pli- t ca-don, * 0 My t King and My God.

For unto ;fhee will I pray, JO Lord; * in the morning t Thou shalt hear my


.... voice.

In the morning shall r stand be-fore Thee, and thou shalt look up- t on me; * for not a God that wiliest In-I- t quit-y art Thou.

He that worketh evil shall not dwell r near Thee; * nor shall transgressors i' a- 1 bide be-fore Thine Eyes.

Thou hast hated all them that work in-i- 1 qult-y: * Thou shalt destroy all

t them that speak a lie. "

A man that is bloody ami deceitful shall the Lord t ab-hor; * but as for me, in the multi-tude t of Thy mer-cy,

Shall I go in-to t Thy House? * I shall worship toward Thy Holy Tem- J, pie in fear of Thee.

o Lord, guide me in the way of Thy righteousness because of mine

en- J, em-ies; * make straight mj t way be-fore The~. , A

For in their mouth there is ~ no Truth; * 1 their heart is vain.

Their throat .ls an open sep-ul-chre; t with their tongues have they spo-ken

de-celt- J, ful-ly;' * (judge them, 6 God. . l~

Let them fall down on account of their own dev-l-sings; t -accordlng to the multitude of their ungod-li-ness, cast 1 them out; * for they have em-bit- ~ ter-ed Thee, 0 L~rd.

And let all them be glad that hope t in Thee; * they shall ever rejoice, and Thou shalt ~ dwell am-ong them.

And all shall glory in Thee that love t Thy Name, * for Thou shalt t bless the


o Lord, as with a shield of Thy good 1 pleas-fire, * 1 hast Thou crown-ed us. Glory be to the Fath-er, and to 1 the III Son, * and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and 1 ev-er, * and unto the ages of

1 a-ges. A-men. C

Psalm 35:

Then the 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 3rd Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

The trans-gress-or, that he may sin, sa-lth to 1 him-self * Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side QJ. the Quire completes the verse:

that there is no fear of 1 God be-fore his eyes.

And then, only the 1st Cantor's side QJ. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter.

For he hath wrought crafti-ness be- 1 fore Hi m * lest he should find his iniquit- 1 y and hate it.

The words of his mouth are in-i-quit-y and 1 de-ceit; * he hath not willed to under-stand 1 how to do good.

Q 300lJune 2/1S-Trinitytide Morning Solemnity of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM~Q 300

,t "!'VA*

Tone 1 I [ ••• ) II. [. D • I] II.. .. I



• •

I D • II ij

Iniquity hath he devised upon his bed; t he hath set himself in every way that

is ~ not good, * and evil ~ hath he not ab-hdrr'd.

o Lord, Thy mercy is in J Heav-en, * and Thy Truth reach- J eth un-to the clouds. Thy righteousness is as .the moiin-tains J Of Goo; * Thy judgments J are a great ab-Yss. Men and beasts ;'ilt Thou save, :~ 0 Lord~ * How Thou hast-multiplied Thy

J mer-cy, 6 God!

Let the sons J of men * hope in the ~ shel-ter Of Thy Wings. '

They shall be drunken with the -f'at-ness of ~ Thy House, * and of the torrent of .... Thy delight shal( J Thou make them to drink.

For in Thee is the foun-tain J Of life; * in Thy J Light shall we see Light.

o continue Thy mercy unto them that J know Thee, * and Thy righteousness

un-to J the up-right of he~rt.~ ," ,'I

Let not the foot of pride come a- J gainst me; :\< nor let the hand of a J sin-ner "

move me, , I,

Yonder be fallen all they that work in-I- J qult-y: * they are cast -out, and shall not be ~ a-ble to stand.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to J the + Son, * and J to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and t ev-er, * and unto the ages of t a-ges. A-men.

Canticle of Isaias (Isaias 12: 1 - 6):

The 1st Can;tor ,:(lione chants the first half of the first verse of the 1st Canticle, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets-s therein):

o Lord, I will praise thee; though Thou wast Ang-ry J with me; Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse:

Turn-ed away is Thine anger, and Thou t com-f'ort-edst me.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Behold, God is My Sal- t va-tlon; :\< I will trust, t and not be a-fraid:

For the Lord is My Strength and 1. My Song;~' He also is Be-come 1. My Sal-va-tion.

Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salva-tion. t And in that day shall 1. ye say, * "Praise the Lord, 1. cal, up-oil' His Name,

"Declare his doings a-mong the t peo-ple, * make mention that His Name 1. is

Ex-al-ted." .

Sing unto the Lord; for He hath done ex-cel- 1. lent things; * this is t known in all the Earth.

Cry out and shout, thou hab-it-a-tion of 1. Sy-on; :\< for Great is the Holy One of Isra-el t in the midst of thee.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to t the + Son, * and t to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and t ev-er, :\< and unto the ages of 1. a-ges. A-men.

Q 301~une 2/1S-Trinitytide Morning Solemnity of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 301

,t J-VA.* J,~ A

Tone 1 I [. • I J I I I (, 0 I I) I I I I I I 1 I I • I. I • I. I I ; 0 I Ii.

Psalms 148, 149, and 150:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 3rd Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Praise the Lord from the J, Heav-ens; *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse: praise Him J, in the High-est.

And then, only therZnd Cantor's si·de ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Praise Him, all ye His J, Ang-els; * praise J, Him, all ye His hosts'A Praise Him, 0 Sun J, and Moon; * praise Him, J, all ye stars and light.

Praise Him, ye Heav-ens: Of J, /heav-ens; * and thou water that art above the heavens, let them praise the J, Name of the Lord.

.... For He spake, and they came Ito be; * He commanded, and they J, were cre-a-ted.

He established them f~.'ever,yea, for ev-er and J, ev-er; * He hath set an

ordinance,_and it J, shall not pass a-way.

Praise the Lord from J, the Earth, * ye dragons,_and all J, ye ab-Yss-es. I

Fire, hail, snow, ice, blast of J, !emp-est, '* J, which per-form His word,

The moun-tains and ali J, the hills, * fruitful tI:ees, J, and all ce-dars,

The beasts and all the J, cat-tie, * creeping J, things and wing-ed birds,

Kings of the Earth and all J, peo-ples, * princes and all the J, judg-es Of the Earth~ Young men and vir-gins, t elders with, the younger, let them praise the Name

of J, the Lord; * for Exalted is the J, Name of Him A-lOne.

His yraise is above the Earth and J, Heav-en, * and He shall exalt the horn J, of

His peo-ple. ~

This is the hvmn for all J, His Saints, * for the sons of Isra-el and for the

people that J, draw nigh tin-to Him. _. A

Sing un-to the Lord a J, I_!CW song; * His praise is in J, the Church Of the Saints, Let .Isra-el be glad in Him That J, made him; * let the sons of Syon re- J, joice

in Their King. _ .,.. ..

Let them.pr3:)!il~ His Name in J, the dance; * with the timbrel and the psaltery let

J, them chant un-to Him. .. c"

For the Lord taketh pleasure in His J, peo-ple, * and He shall exalt the meek ~

J, with sal-va-tidn, '

The Saints shall boast in J, glor-y, ~ and they shall re- J, joice up-on their beds. The high praise of God shall be in J, their throat, * and two-edged swords

J, shall be in their hands;

To do vengeance a-mong the J, heath-en, * punishments a- J, mong thepeo-ples; To bind their kings with J, fet-ters, * and their ,nobles with mana- J, des of i-ron; TOAdo among them the judgment that is J, writ-ten: * "This glory shall J, be to

all His Saints.", ~

Praise ye God in J, His Saints: * praise Him in the firm-a-ment J, of His pow-er. Praise Him for His migh-:J, ty acts; * praise Him according to the multitude

J, of His great-ness. .' . . ':

Praise Him with the sound of J, trum-pet; * praise Him with the J, p§al-ter-y and harp. Praise Him with tim-breI tJnd dance; * praise J, Him with strings and flute. Praise Him with tuneful cym-bals, t praise Him with cymbals of

jU-bil- J, a-tlon; * let ev-J, 'ry breath praise the Ldrd,

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to J, the + Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and J.. ev-er, * and unto the ages of J.. a-ges. A-men.

T hen I • I ; I III III ... I I 1"1 ... I r, =

I • r, 'i • - _

All repeat: Who-so-ev-er shall con-fess Me be-fore men, him will I too con-fess be-fore

F '" I I 111

My Fath-er.

The Morning Solemnity continues with the Chapter, as given on p. Q 319.

Q 3021June 2/15-Trinitytide Morning Solemnity of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 302 The Psalms for the Morning Solemnity (Lauds) on Tuesday

Tone 1

I [. 0 0) ... [0: 0+')'" 0' : : i


• •

= 0 • "ij

Psalm 50:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the)st Psalm verse, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Have mer-cy on me, t 6 God, * :

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse: according to J Thy great rner-cj,

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

" "

... And according to the multitude . of Thy com- t pas-sions * blot out t my

trans-gres-sion. /

Wash me thoroughly from mine in-i- t quit-y, * and cleanse t me from my sin.


For I know mine ln-l- t qult-y, * and my sin is ev- t -er be-fore me.;;

Against Thee' only have I sinned, and done this e-vil be- t fore Thee, * that I

Thou mightest be Justified in T~y words, ~nd pre- ~ vail when Thou art Judged. I,

For behold, I was con-ceived ln-In-l- 1 quit-Ies, * and in sins did <my 1 moth-er bear me.

For be-hold, Thou hast lov- 1 ed Truth; * the hidden and secret things of Thy Wisdom hast Thou made man- 1 i-fest un-to me.

Thou shalt sprinkle me with hyssop, and i shall be t made clean; * Thou shalt wash me, and I shall be made 1 whi-ter than snow.

Thou shalt make me to hear joy and '1 glad-ness; * the bones that be hum- 1 bled, they shall re- joice.

Turn Thy Fa~ a-way from 1 my sins; * and blot out all 1 mine in-i-quit-ies:

- I 'lil

Create in me a clean heart, 1 0 God; * and renew a right spir- 1 it with-in me.

Cast me not a-way from Thy 1 Pres-ence, * and take not Thy Holy 1 Spir-it from me.

Restore unto me the joy of Thy sal- 1 va-tlon, * and with Thy Governing Spir- J it es-tab-lish me.

I shall teach trans-gress-ors 1 Thy ways, * and the ungodly shall 1 turn back un-to Thee.

Deliver me from blood-guiltiness, 0 God, Thou' God of my sal- 1 va-tlon; * my tongue shall re- joice 1 in Thy righ~teous-ness.

o Lord, Thou shalt o-pen t my lips, * and my' mouth t shall de-clare Thy praise.

For if Thou hadst desired sacrifice, i had giv- 1 en it; * with whole-burnt offerings 1 Thou shalt not be Pleased.

A sacrifice unto God is a bro-ken 1 spir-It: * a heart that is broken and humbled t God will not de-spise.

Do good, 0 Lord, in Thy good pleasure un-to 1 Sy-on; * and let the walls of Jerusa- I lem be build-ed.

Then shalt Thou be Pleased with a sacrifice of righteousness, with oblation and whole-burnt Of- 1 fer-ings *; then shall they offer bullocks up- 1 on Thine AI-tar.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and: to J the + Son, * and J to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and 1 ev-er, * and unto the ages of J a-ges. A-men.

Q 3031June 2/1S-Trinitytide Morning Solemnity of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM~Q 303



• •

; 0

Psalm 42:

Then the 1st Cantor alone chants the first haZfof the first verse of the 2nd Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first. set of brackets therein):

Judge me, 0 God, and give judgment in my cause, against a nation that is not

i ho-Iy; * '. - _

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side Q[ the Quire completes the verse: ,

from a man unjust and cra.f- J ty de-Iiv-er mEL And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side Q[ the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter

... For Thou, 0 God, art My Strength; t Wherefore hast Thou i cast me

off? * And wherefore go I with downcast face whilst mine en em- J y af-f1ic-teth me?

o send out Thy Light and Thy Truth; t they have guided me along the way, . and have brought me unto Thy Ho-ly l' Moun-tain, * and unto Thy 1 Tab-er-nac-Ies. " And I shall go in unto the AI-tar i of God; * unto God Who giveth J glad-ness ;i

to my youth.' .. ' ,

I will give praise unto Thee, 0 God; My God, T with the harp. * Why art thou

cast down, 0 my soul, and wlJy dost J ,thou dis-qui-et We? ~

Hope in God, for I 'fill give thanks T un-to Him; * He is the Salvation of my conn- J ten-ance, and My God. .

Glory be to the Fath-er, and l' to the It Son, * and J to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it ,!as in the beginning, both now and T ev-er, * and unto the ages of 1 a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 56: ,

Then the 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 3rd Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Have mef-cyion me, 0 God, have mer-cy T on me; * '

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side Q[ the Quire completes the vl}r se:

for my soul J trust-ed in Thee.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side Q[ the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), the t~o sides alternating the verses thereafter:

And in the shadow of Thy Wings ~iIl i I hope * until iniquit+] y shall pass a-way. I will cry unto God the T Most High; * unto God My J Ben-e-fac-tor.

He hath sent out of Heaven. and T sa-ved me; * He hath given over to reproach

them that were J tramp-ling me down. ,

God _hath sent, forth His mercy and His Truth, t and hath delivered my soul from the midst of T li-ons' cubs; * I lay me down to sleep J as one troubl-ed.

As for the sons of men, their teeth are weap-ons, .and i ar-rows; * and their

1 tongue a sharp sword. , ,

Be Thou Exalted above, the heav-ens, l' 0 GOd, * and Thy Glory J a-bove au the Earth. They have prepar-ed a snare for i my feet, * 1 and bowed d§wn '!ly soul.

They have dug a pit be- T fore my, face, * ~nd have fallen 1 in-to it them-selves. Ready is my heart, 0 God; read-y T is my heart; * I will sing and chant 1 in my g1or-Y. Awake, 0 my glory; awake, 0 psal-ter-y i and harp; * I my-self 1 will a-wake

at dawn. .

I will confess Thee among the peo-ples, i 6 Lord; * I will chant unto Thee

a- 1 mdng the na-tions. . _

For magnified even unto theHeavens is Thy i mer-cy, * and Thy Truth e- 1 ven un-to the clouds.

Be Thou Exalted above the Heav-ens, i 6 God, * and Thy Glor-y J a-hove all the Earth.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the It Son, * and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and i ev-er, * and unto the ages of 1 a-ges. A-men.

Q 3041June 2/1S-Trinitytide Morning Solemnity of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 304

, .. t.. J, v A *

Tone 1 I [I I I] II I [10' I) II I. • I I


•• I III I I I

I I ;

o • lIij

Canticle of Hezekias (Isaias 38: 10- 20):

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the lst Canticle, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

... .

I said in the cut-ting off T of my days, *.

Theon, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse:

/' "I shall go to 1 the gates of the grave.

And theft, only the 2nd Cantor~s side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse

~ .

(omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

"I am depri-ved of the res-id-ue J of my years." '" I said, "I shall not see the I

Lord, even the Lord,_ in the land 1 of the liv-in~. ~i

"I shall be-hold l' man no more :I< with the in-hab- 1 it-ants Of the world."

Mine age is departed, and is re-mov-ed i from me '" 1 as a shep-herd's tent.

I have cut off, like a weaver, my life; t He will cut me off with pi-ning T sick-ness; :I< from day even to night wilt Thou 1 make an end of me.

I reck-on'd till i mern-Ing, '" that, as a Lion, so will 1 He break all my bones. From day even to night wilt Thou make .an end Of me. t Like a crane or a swallow, so did I T chat-ter; * j 1 did mourn as a dove.

Mine i eY<2S f,all * with 1 look-ing up-ward.

o Lord, I am oppress-ed, un-der- i take for me. * What shall I say? He hath both spoken unto me, and Him- tself hath done it?

I shall go soft-Iy i all my years '" in the bi t- 1 ter-ness Of my soul.

o Lord, by these things men Jive, and in all these things is the life of my spir-It; t so wilt Thou recover me, and make i me to live. :I< Behold; for peace I 1 had great bit-ter-ness.

But Thou hast in love to my soul deliver-ed it from the pit of cor- T rtip-tion; * for Thou has cast all my 1 sins be-hind Thy Back.

For the grave cannot praise Thee, t death cannot cel-eb- i rate Thee; '" they that go down into the pit can-not 1 hope for Thy ~ruth.

The living, the living, he shall praise Thee, as I T do this day; * the father to the chil-dren 1 shall make known Thy Truth.

The Lord was read-y to T save me; * therefore we will sing my songs to the string'd instruments all the days of our life in 1 the House Of the Lord.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and l' to the III Son, '" and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and i ev-er, '" and unto the ages of 1 a-ges. A-men.

Q 305iJune 2/15-Trinitytide Morning Solemnity of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.iQ 305

... t ,J,. ...... A * ..1 ~ ....

Tone 1 I [. • .] • II (I 0 • '] •••• .' I • • • • II • •• '. = 0 • II ij

Psalms 148, 149, and 150:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 3rd Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes {within the first set of brackets therein}:

Praise the Lord from the 1 Heav-ens; *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side IJ.i the Quire completes the ver se: praise Him 1 in the High-est ..

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side IJ.i the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), tbe two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Praise Him, all ye His J Ang-els; * praise J Him, all ye His hosts.~ Pra!se Hi.m, 0 Sun ~ and Moon~ * pra!se Hi,m, J all ye stars and light.

Praise Him, ye Heav-ens of Jheav-ens; ... and thou water that art above the , heavens, let fhem praise the J Name of the Lord.

For He spake, and they carne 1 to be; * He commanded, and they 1 were ere-a-ted. He established them for ever, yea, for ev-er and J ev-er; * He hath set an

ordinance,_and it J shall not pass a-way.

Praise the Lord from J the Earth, :;. ye dragons; and all J ye ab-yss-es. Fire, hail, snow, ice, blast of J temp-est, * J which per-form His word, The moun-tains and all J the hills, *.fruitful trees, 1 and ~11 ce-dars,

The beasts and all the 1 cat-tie, :;. creeping 1 things and wing-ed birds, I, Kings of the Earth and, all 1 peo-ples, * princes and all the 1 jiidg-es~6f the Earth, Young men and vir-gins, t elders withthe younger, let them praise the Name

of J the Lord; * for Exalted Is the J Name of Him A-lone.

His _praise is above the Earth and 1 Heav-en, * and He shall exalt the horn 1 of

His peo-ple. ~

This is the hymn for 41t J His Saints, '" for the sons of Isra-el and for the

people that J draw nigh un-to Him. _ ~

Sing un-to the Lord a 1gew song; * His praise is in 1 the Church Of the Saints, ,Let Jsra-el be glad in Him That 1 made him; * let the sons of Syon re- J joice

in Their King. ,..... _ J ,

Let them' prais~ His Name in 1 the dance; * with the timbrel and the psaltery let

J them chant un-to Him. ..

For the Lord taketh pleasure in His 1 peo-ple, * and He shall exalt the meek 1 with sal-va-tion.

The Saints shall boast in 1 glor-y, ~ and they shall re- 1 joiee up-on their beds. The high praise of God shall be in J their throat, * and two-edged swords

1 shall be in their hands;

To do vengeance a-mong the J heath-en, * punishments a- J mong the peo-ples; To bind their kings with 1 fet-ters, * and their ,nobles with mana- J des of i-ron; To ~ do among them the judgment that is 1 writ-ten: * "This glory shall J be to

all His Saints."

Praise ye God in J His ~aints; * praise Him in the firm-a-ment J of His pow-er. Praise Him for His mlgh+; ty acts;:;: praise Him; according to the multitude

J Of His great-ness.; ,

Praise Him with the sound of 1 trum-pet; * praise Him with the 1 p~il-ter-y and harp. Praise Him with tim-brel 1 and dance; * praise 1 Him with strings and flute. Praise Him with tuneful cym-bals, t praise Him with cymbals of

jii-bil- 1 a-tlon: * let ev- 1 'ry breath praise the Lord.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to 1 the It Son, * and J to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As,it ,!as in the beginning, both now and 1 ev-er, * and unto the ages of 1 a-ges. A-men.

Then, ~~~~~.~.~~.~~.~~=~~~.~~~~~~~~~~.~~.~~~~Ii~=~~.~~,~.~~

= •• n 11 ..

All repeat: Who-so-ev-er shall con-fess Me be-fore men, him will I too

F ~. • II ~

My Fath-er.

con-fess be-fore

The Morning Solemnity continues with the Chapter, as given on p . Q 319.

Q 3061June 2/15-Trinitytide Morning Solemnity of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 306 The Psalms for the Morning Solemnity (Lauds) on Wednesday

Tone 1


•• I III I I I

I I ;

o I II ij

Psalm 50:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 1st Psalm verse , using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Have mer-cy on me, 1 o God, * '

T him, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse: according to 1 Thy great mer-cj,

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's: side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse 'I,. (omitting the \nto"nation notes), the tW(} sides alternating the verses thereafter:

And according to the /multitude of Thy com- 1 pas-sions * blot out 1 my


Wash me thoroughly,from mine in-i- 1 quit-j , * and cleanse 1 me from my sin.'/ For I know mine in-i- 1 quit-j , * and my sin is ev- 1 -er be-fore me. I Against Thee only have I sinned, .and done this e-vil be- 1 fore Thee, * that

Thou mightest be Justified in Thy words, and pre- 1 vail when Thou art Judged. /'

For behold, I was con-ceived ln.ln-i- 1 quit-Ies, * and in sins did my 1 moth-er bear me.

For be-hold, Thou hast lov- 1 ed Truth; * the hidden and secret things of Thy Wisdom hast Thou made man- 1 i-fest un-to me.

Thou shalt sprinkle me with hyssop, and i shall be 1 made clean; * Thou shalt wash me, and I shall be made 1 whi-ter than snow.

Thou shalt make me to hear joy and 1 glad-ness; * the bones that be

hum- 1 bled, they sl§a11 re- joice.

Turn Thy Face a-way from 1 my sins; * and blot out all 1 mine In-j-qult-jes, '..Create in me a clean heart, J, 0 God; * and renew a right spir- 'J, it with-in me. Cast me not a-way from Thy 1 Pres-ence, * and take not Thy Holy J, Spir-it

from me.

Restore unto me the joy of Thy sal- J, va-tlon, * and with Thy Governing Spir- 1 it es-tab-lish me.

I shall teach trans-gress-ors J, Thy ways, * and the ungodly shall 1 turn back un-to Thee.

Deliver me from blood-guiltiness, 0 God, Thou God of my sal- J, va-tlon; * my

tongue shall re- joice J, in Thy righ-teous-ness. c

o Lord, Thou shalt o-pen J, my lips, * and my mouth J shall de-clare Thy



For if Thou hadst desired sacrifice, i had giv- 1 en it; * with whole-burnt offerings J, Thou shalt not be Pleased.

A sacrifice unto God is a bro-ken 1 spir-It: * a heart that is broken and humbled J, God will not de-spise.

Do good, 0 Lord, in Thy good pleasure un-to 1 Sy-on; * and let the walls of Jerusa- 1 lern be build-ed.

Then shalt Thou be Pleased with a sacrifice of righteousness, with oblation and whole-burnt of- 1 fer-Ings * the~' shall they offer bullocks up- J, on Thine AI-tar.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to J, the It Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and J.. ev-er, * and unto the ages of J, a-ges. A-men.

Q 307~une 2/1S-Trinitytide Morning Solemnity of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.[Q 307

,t ,l.VA*

Tone 1 I [. • .] ••• [. D. I] •••• •• I • • • ••• • •• ..; 0 • II ij

Psalm 63:

Then the 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 2nd Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first: set of brackets therein):

Heark-en, 0 God, unto my prayer, when I make suppli-ca-tion un- J to Thee; *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse: ' .

rescue my soul from fear ~ of the en-em-Y.

And then, only the "Znd Cantor's si"de Q[_ the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Shelter me from the concourse of them that do wick=I: ed-ness '" from the

multitude of them that ~ work un-righ-teous-ness. .

, They Aha ve sharpened their tongues' like a sword, t they have bent their bow, a

bit- ~ ter thing, $' that they may shoot in secret ~ at the blame-less man. 0

.... Suddenly shall they shoot at him and shall J not fear; '" they have strengthened

them-selves J in a wick-ed wor;d_.

They have spo-ken of hi- ~ ding snares: '" they said: ~ "Who shall see them?"

They have search-ed af-ter in-i- ~ quit-y; * in searching they are grown 01

wear- J y of search-ing. _ . /

A man shall draw nigh, and the heart 1 is deep; '" and God shall ~ be Ex-al-ted. As an arrow, of in-fants. are 1 their blows, * and their tongues are made

strength- J less a-gainst them. .- "

All that saw them were 1 troubl-ed, :« and ev- ~ 'ry man was a-fraid.

And they de-dar-ed the works t of God, * and His 1 deeds they un-:.der-stood. The righteous man shall be glad in the Lord, and shall hope J in Hi m; '" and all

the upright in heart 1 shall be prais-ed.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to t the + Son, * and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and 1 ev-er, '" and unto the ages of 1 a-ges. A -men.

Psalm 64:

Then the 2nd Ca'ntor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 3rd Psalm, using

this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein): 'Il;

To Thee is due praise, 0 God, in 1 Sy-on; :«

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse:

and unto Thee shall a vow be rendered t in J er-u-sal-em.

And then, only the 1 st Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Hearken un-to 1 my prayer, * for unto 1 Thee shall all flesh come.

The words of lawless men have o-ver-pow- 1 er'd us, :I: but to our ungodliness shalt 1 Thou be Mer-ci-ful.

Bless-ed is he whom Thou hast chosen and hast ta-ken to 1 Thy-self; '" he

1 shall dwell in Thy Courts. . ;

We shall be filled with the good things Of t Thy House; '" Holy is Thy Temple, Won-der- 1 fiil in righ-teous-ness.

Hearken unto us, o God . Our Sa-1 vlour; :« Thou hope of all the ends of the Earth and of them that 1 be far off at sea,

Who settest fast the mountains by Thy strength, Who art Girded round a-bout with 1 pow-er, '" Who troublest the hollow of the sea; as for the roar of its waves, who 1 shall with-stand them?

The heathen ~hall be troubled, and the dwellers of the farthest regions shall be a-fraid at 1 ThL signs. " Thou shalt make the outgoings of the morning and the 1 eve-ning to de-light.

Thou hast visited the ,Earth and a-bun-dant-ly wat- 1 er'd her;:« Thou hast

multiplied the means 1 of en-rich-ing her. ,

A The river of God is filled with wat-ers; t Thou hast pre-par-ed 1 their

food, '" for thus is the prepar- 1 a-tlon there-of. A

Do Thou make her furrows drunk with water, mul-tip-ly 1 her frui ts; :« in her showers will she be glad 1 when she sprofit-eth forth.

Q 3081June 2/1S-Trinitytide Morning Solemnity of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 308


• •

; 0

Thou shalt bless the crown of the year with Thy t good-ness, * and Thy plains shall be rill- 1 ed with fat-ness.

Enrich-ed shall be the mountains of the wiI- t dar-ness, * and the hills shall be girded t with re-joic-ing..

The rams of the flock have clothed themselves with fleece, t and the valleys shall a-bound t with wheat; * they shall cry aloud, yea, they shall t chant hymns un-to

Thee. /

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to t the It Son, * and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and t ev-er, * and unto the ages of t a-ges. A-men.

"'Canticle of St. Anna, Mother of the Prophet St. Samuel (J Kings 2: 1 - 10):

. ;/ ". . .. .. .

The 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the lst Canticle,

using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets !

therein): F Ii

My heart is es-tab-lish-ed in t the Lord, oj< I

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse: I,

.- my horn is ex- t al-ted in My Gad.

And then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

My mouth is enlarged o-ver mine en- J, em-les; * I am glad in J, Thy sal-va-tlfln. For there is none Holy as the Lord; t for there is none righ-leous as tOur

God, * and there is none Ho- 1 Iy be-side Thee. .

Boast t ye not, * and utter not high words t· un-to ex-cess,

Nor let boastful words of pride come forth from your mouth. t For the Lord is a God of 1 kno~l-e4ge, :I< and a God That pre-par- J, eth His .own ways.

The bow of the mighty is be- J, come weak, * and the strengthless have girded "~ them- t selves with pow-er.

They th!lt were full of bread have sunk into low J, es-tate, :I< and the hungry have t rest-ed in the land.

For the barren hath borne J, sev-en, * and she that abounded in children 1 is en-fee-bled.

The Lord slayeth and' en-gen-der- J, eth fife; * He bringeth down to Hades, and J, brjng-eth up again.

A The Lord maketh poor and en- J, rlch-eth; * He bringeth low and t llf'-teth high a-gain.

He raiseth the pau-per from 1 the Earth, * and from the dunghill doth He lift J, up the poor man

To seat him with the mighty of the 1 peo-ple, * and He maketh him heir of their 1 throne of glor-Y.

(For the pillars of the Earth are t the Lord's, * and He hath set the 1 world up-on them. He will keep the feet of His Saints, t and the wicked shall be silent in the 1 dark-ness.) * For the mighty man shall not be strong 1 in his own strength.

The Lord will weaken his ad-ver- t sar-y; * the Lord hath gone up into the Heavens, 1 and hath thun-der-ed.

He will judge the ends of the Earth, t and He will give strength to tour kings, * and He will lift up the horn of 1 His An-oin-ted One.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to t the It Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and 1 ev-er, * and unto the ages of 1 a-ges. A-men.

Q 3091June 2/1S-Trinitytide Morning Solemnity of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 309

,t .j.~A:I<

Tone 1 I [. • .] ••• [. 0 • '] •••• •• I • • • ••• • •• •• 11 0 • II ij

Psalms 148, 149, and 150:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 3rd Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Praise the Lord from the t Heav-ens; :«

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse:

., praise Him t in the High-est.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's sfde eitb: Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), tJ;e two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Praise Him, all ye His t Ang-els; '" praise t Him, all ye His liosts.~ Praise Him, 0 Sun t and Moon; * praise Him, t all ye stars and light.

Praise Him, ye Heav-ens of I heav-ens; :« and thou water that art above the

heavens, let them praise the ~ Name of the Lord. .

.... For He spake, and they came t to be;:« He commanded, and they t were cre-a-ted.

He established them far ever, yea, for ev-er and t ev-er; :« He hath set an

ordinance,_and it ~ shall not pass a-way. .

Praise the Lord from t the Earth, :« ye dragonsl..and all t ye ab-Yss-es. Fire, hail, snow, ice, blast of t temp-est, * t which per-form His word, The moun-tains and all t the hills, '" fruitful trees, t and Sill ce-dars, The beasts and all the t cat-tie, :« creeping t things and wing-ed birds,

Kings of the Earth and all t peo-ples, * princes and all the t judg-es 00f the Earth, Young men and vir-gins, t elders with, the younger, let them praise the Name

of t the Lord; :« for Exalted is the t Name of Him A-lone.

His yraise is above the Earth and t Heav-en, * arid He shall exalt the horn ~ of

His peo-ple. < .", A

This is the hymn for all~ t His Saints,:« for the sons of Isra-el and for the

people that t draw nigh un-to Him... _ . ~

Sing un-to the Lord a t- new song; :« His praise is in t the Church Of the Saints, ,Let .Isra-el be glad in' Him That t made hi m; :« let the sons of Syon re- t joice

in Their King. _ ,

Let them ,pra~ His Name in t the dance; '" with the timbrel and the psalteryIet

t them chant un-to Hi m. "~

For the Lord taketh pleasure in His t peo-ple, * and He shan exalt the meek t with sal-va-tion.

The Saints shall boast in t glor-y, ~ and they shall re- t joice up-on their beds. The high praise of God shall be in t their throat, * and two-edged swords

t shall be in their hands;

To do vengeanc_e a-mong the t heath-en, :« punishments a- t mong the peo-ples; To bind their kings wlthI-fet-ters, * and their ,nobles with mana- t des of i-ron; To A do among them the judgment that is t writ-ten: * "This glory shall t be to

all His Saints."

Praise ye God in t His $ai~ts; * praise Him in the firm-a-ment t of His pow-cr. Praise Him for His migh-, t ty acts;:I< praise Him, according to the multitude

l of His great-ness. c

Praise Him with the sound of ~ trum-pet; * praise Him with the l psal-ter-y and harp. Praise Him with tim-brei l and dance; :I< praise l Him with strings and flute. Praise Him with tuneful cym-bals, t praise Him with cymbals of

ju-bll- t a-tion; * let ev- t 'ry breath praise the Lord.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to ,,[, the + Son, '" and t to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and t €v-er, * and unto the ages of

t a-ges. A-men.



II. •

• • r.

All repeat: Who-so-ev-er shallcon-fess Me be-fore men, him will I too

F ,... • II ~

My Fath-er.

con-fess be-fore

The Morning Solemnity continues with the Chapter, as given on p . Q 319.

Q 310lJune 2/15-Trinitytide Morning Solemnity of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 310 The Psalms for the Morning Solemnity (Lauds) on Thursdav

Tone 1



• •

= 0 • "ij

Psalm 50:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of therl st Psalm verse, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Have mer-cy on me, 1 6 God, * . ,

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side I2i the Quire completes the verse: according to 1 Thy great mer-cy,

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's .side I2i the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the -inionaiion notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:'


And according to the multitude of Thy com- 1 pas-sions * blot out t my

, .A ./'


Wash me thoroughly from mine in-i- 1 quit-y, * and cleanse 1 me from my sin. I For I know mine in-i"" t quit-y, * and my sin is ev- 1 -er be-fore me. /,1 Against Thee only have I sinned, and done this e-vil be- 1 fore Thee, * that

Thou mightest be Justified in T~y words, ~nd pre- ~ vail when Thou art Judged. I

For behold, I was con-ceived in in-i- 1 quit-Ies, * and in sins did my 1 moth-er bear me.

For be-hold, Thou hast Iov- 1 ed Truth; * the hidden and secret things of Thy Wisdom hast Thou made man- 1 i-fest un-to me.

Thou shalt sprinkle me with hyssop, and i shall be 1 made clean; * Thou shalt wash me, and I shall be made 1 whi-ter than snow.

Thou shalt make me to hear joy and 1 glad-ness; * the bones that be hum- 1 bled, they sh.i-II re- joice.

• t4 ...... , ...

Turn Thy Face a-way from 1 my sins; * and blot out all 1 mine in-i-quit-ies. ~

Create in me a clean heart, 1 0 God; * and renew a right spir- ,1 it with-in me. Cast me not a-way from" Thy I Pres-ence, * and, take not Thy Holy 1 Spir-it

from me.

Restore unto me the joy of Thy sal- 1 va-tlon, * and with Thy Governing

Spir- 1 it es-tab-lish me. ' . " .

I shall teach trans-gress-ors 1 Thy ways, * and the ungodly shall 1 turn back un-to Thee.

Deliver me from blood-guiltiness, 0 God, Thou God of my sal- 1 va-tldn; * my tongue shall re- joice 1 in Thy righ-teous-ness.

o Lord, Thou shalt o-pen 1 my lIps, * and my mouth 1 shall de-clare Thy

praise. _ , ~

For if Thou hadst desired sacrifice, I had giv- 1 en it; * with whole-burnt

offerings 1 Thou shalt not be Pleased. , ~

A sacrifice unto God is. a bro-ken 1 spir-it; * a heart that is broken and humbled 1 God will not de-spise ..

Do good, 0 Lord, in Thy good pleasure un-to t Sy-on; * and let the walls of Jerusa- J lem be build-ed.

Then shalt Thou be Pleased with a sacrifice of righteousness, with oblation and whole-burnt Of- 1 fer-jngs * then shall they offer bullocks up- 1 on Thine AI-tar.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to 1 the I{oI Son, * and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and 1 ev-er, * and unto the ages of 1 a-ges. A-men.

Q 311~une 2/1S-Trinitytide Morning Solemnity of Sts. Mareellinus and Peter, MM.iQ 311

_ t .J, ~ ~ *

Tone 1 I [. • .] II. f. 0 • I] II.. •• I


• •

; 0

Psalm 87:

Then the 1st Cantor aloM chants the first half of the first verse of the 2nd Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

o Lord God of my sal- ~ va-tldn, * -

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side Q.[_ the Quire completes the verse: _

- . by day have I cried, and by 1 night be-fore Thee.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side Q.[_ the' Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Let my prayer come be- ~ fore Thee; * bow down Thine Ear unto my

1 sup-pli-ca-tion, , A

For filled <with e-vils is ~ my S9fi1, * and my life unto 1Ia-l des hath drawn nigh.

, I am counted with them that go down in-to ~ the pi t; * I am become as a man

without help, 1 free a-mong the-dead,

Like the bodies of the slain that sleep in the grave, t whom. Thou

re-mem-ber-est 1 nomore: * and they ~re cut Loff from Thy Hand. "

They laid me in the low- ~ est pit, * in darkness and in the ~ shad-ow of death. JI Against me is' Thine ang-er 1 made strong, * and all Thy billows hast Thou I

1 brought up-on me. _

Thou hast removed my friends a-far 1 from me; * they have _made me ah abomin-a- ~ tion un-to them-selves.

I have been delivered up, and have not ~ come forth; * mine eyes are grown ~ weak from pov-er-ty,

I have cried unto Thee, 0 Lord, the whole ~ day long: * I have stretched out

1 my hands un-to Thee. _

Nay, for the dead wilt Thou work ~ won-ders * or shall physicians raise them up, that they may ~ give thanks un-to Thee?

Nay, shall any in the grave tell of Thy 1 mer-cy, :I< and of Thy Truth in 1 that des-true-lion?

Nay, shall TlSy wonders be known in that 1 dark-ness, :I< and Thy righteousness

in that land that .1. is for-got-ten?, ..

But as for me, unto Thee, 0 Lord, have I 1 cri-ed; * and in the morning shall

my prayer 1 come be-fore Thee.. . .

Wherefore, 0 Lord, dost Thou cast off 1 my soUl? * And turnest Thy 1 Face a-way from me?

A poor man am I, and in troubl-es from ~ my youth; * yea, having been exalted, I was humbled and .1. brought to dis-tress.

Thy furies have pass-ed up- ~ on me, * and Thy terrors have .1. sore-ly troubl-ed me.

They came round about me like water all the J. day long; :I< they compassed me

a- 1 bout to-geth-er. ,

Thou hast removed afar ,from me friend and ) neigh-bour, ;£< and mine

acquaintances, be-cause 1 of my mis-er-Y. <

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to ~ the at Son, * and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and .1. ev-er, * and unto the ages of J. a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 89:

Then the 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 3rd Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes {within the first set of brackets therein}:

Lord, Thou hast been Our .1. Ref-uge *

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side Q.[_ the Quire completes the verse:

in generation and J, gen-er-a-tion.

And then, only the 1st Cantor's side Q.[_ the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Before the mountains came to be and the Earth was form'd and J. the world, * even from everlasting to ever- J. las-ting Thou art.

Turn not man a-way un-to low- 1 li-ness: * yea, Thou hast said: "Turn J. back, ye sons of men."

Q 3121June 2/15-Trinitytid~ Morning Solemnity of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 312

_ t ,(. ~ ~ :I<

Tone 1 I [I I I] I I I [I 0 • I] I I I I I I I


I. ~

o • Ilij

For a thousand years in Thine Eyes, .J, 0 Lord, :I< are but as yes- J, ter-day that is past,

And as a watch in J, the night, '" things of no ac-count .J, shall their years biL

In the morning like grass shall man pass a-way; t in the morning shall he bloom and pass .J, a-way;.:1< in the evening.shall he fall and grow with- J, er-ed and dry.

For we have fainted a-way in J, "Thy wrath, '" and in Thine anger have J, we been troubl-ed.

Thou hast set our iniqui-ties be- .J,fore Thee; :I< our lifespan is in the light J, of

Thy Coun-ten-ance, /'

~ "

, For all our days are fa-ded ".J, a-way, :I< and in Thy wrath are we J, fain-ted

a-way. /'

Our years have, like a spider, spun out J, their tale; '" as for the days of our I

years, in their span they be J, three-score years and ten. it

And if we be in strength, may-hap four- J, score years, :I< and what is more than I

these is J, toil and trav-ail." I

For mildness is come up- J, on us', :I< and we J, shall be chas-ten-ed. ~

Who knoweth the might of J, Thy wrath,:I< and out of fear of Thee, who can re- J, count Thine ang-er?

So make Thy Right Hand Known J, to me, :I< and to them that in their heart are in-struc- J, ted in Wis-dom.

Re-turn, 0 Lord; J, how IOng?:I< And be Thou Entreated con-cern- J, ing Thy ser-vants.

We were. fiUm in the morning with Thy mer-cy, J, 6 Lord; :I< and we rejoiced and were J, glad in all our days.

Let us be glad for the days wherein Thou didst hum- J, ble us; :I< for the years where-in J, we saw e-vils.

And look upon Thy servants, and up-on J, Thy works;:I< and J, do Thou guide their sons.

And let the Brightness of the Lord Our God be upon us, + and the works of our hands do Thou guide a-right up- J, on us; * yea, the work of our hands J, do Thou guide a-right.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to J, the II Son, :I< and t_ to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and J, ev-er, :I< and unto the ages of J, a-ges. A-men.

Canticle of Moses (Exod . 15: 1 - 10):

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 1st Canticle, using the same Tone. including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Let us sing to the Lord, for gloriously is He GlOr-if- J, i-ed; :I< Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse:

horse and rider hath He J, hurl'd in-to the sea.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

A Helper and Protector was He un- J, to me :I< 1. for sal-va-tidn.

Q 3131June 2/1S-Trinitytide Morning Solemnity of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM~Q 313

,t .j.~A*

Tone 1 I (. • .] ••• [. 0 • I] •••• .' I


'. ;

o • II ij


This is My God, and 1 will glor-If> 1- y Him; * the God of my father, and 1

t will ex-alt Him.

The Lord Quench-ing wars, t Lord is t His Name. * The chariots of Pharaoh and his hosts He 1- hiirl'd in-to the sea;

The chosen mounted Captains He plunged into the Red Sea. t With the open sea He co v- 1- er'd them; * they sank in-to t the deep like a stone.

Thy Right Hand, 0 Lordy Is Glorified in strength; t Thy Right Hand, 0 Lord, hath shat-ter-ed en- 1- ern-Ies, * and in the multitude of Thy Glory hast Thou ground down the t all-ver-sar-ies.


Thou sentest forth Thy /wrath; it con-siim'd them like 1- stub-ble. * And at the

breath of Thy wrath, the water part- 1- ed a-sun-der; .

, - I

The waters were har-den'd like t a wall, * hardened also were .the waves in it

1- the midst of the sea.

The enemy said: "I will pursue, i will 0- t ver-take, * 1 will divide the spoil, I will 1- sat-is-fy my soul,-

1 will de-stroy with 1- mysword; * my right hand shall 1- have do-min-iOn." Thou sentest forth Thy Breath; the .sea cov- 1- er'd them; * they sank like lead in the tiir- t bu-lent wat-er.


Who is like unto Thee among the gods, 0 Lord? t Who is' like unto Thee?

Glor-if-Ied in 1- ho-lies, * wonderful in glor-ies, Ido-ing mar-vels.

Thou hast stretched forth Thy Right Hand; the Earth swal-low'd t them

..... .

up. * Thou hast guided by Thy righteousness this thy peo-ple 1- whom Thou hast ~



Thou hast calfd them by t Thy strength * into Thy Ho-Iy 1- Hab-it-a-tion.

The nations heard and wax- 1- ed wroth; * pangs took hold of them that dwell 1- in Phil-is-ti-a.

Then did the rulers of Edom ha-sten, t and the princes, of the Moabites, trem-bling took hold 1- of them, *all the .dwellers in Ca-naan 1- melt-ed a-way.

Let fear and trembling fall up- 1- on them; * by the great- 1- ness of Thine Arm, Let them be made like un-to stone, t until Thy people pass o-ver, t 6 Lord, * until they pass over, even this Thy people which Thou didst 1- take for Thine Own.

Bring them in and plant them in the Mountain of Thine in-her- 1- lt-ance, * in Thy Prepar-ed Habitation Which Thou hast fa- t shion-ed, 6 Lord,

Even the Sanctuary Which Thy Hands have pre- 1- par-ed. * The Lord is King of the ages, yea for ev- 1- er and ev-er-more.

For the horse of Pharaoh with chariots and riders went in-to t the sea, * and

the Lord brought upon them the J, wa-ter Of the sea;

But the sons of Isra-el walk-edthrough 1- dry land * In 1- the midst Of the sea. Glory be to the Fath-er ,and to 1- the + Son, * and t to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both' now and 1- ev~er, * and unto the ages of 1- a-ges. A.-men.

Q 3141June 2/15-Trinitytide Morning Solemnity of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 314

I ~ ~ .:> tl~ .j_ v .... '"

Tone 1. • • ••• t· 0 • •••• .' I • • • ••• • •• "; 0 • II

- - - - . ij

Psalms 148,149, and 150:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 3rd Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Praise the Lord from the t Heav-ens; '" -.

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side fJ.i_the Quire completes the verse:

... praise Him ~ in the High-est. ,

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), tJ;e two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Praise Him, all ye His t Ang-els; '" praise ~ Him, all ye His hdsts., Praise Him, 0 Sun ~ and Moon;,* praise Him, ~ all ye stars and light.

Praise Him, ye Heav-ens of ~ heav-ens; '* and thou water that art above the .... heavens, let them praise the ~ Name of the Lord.

For He spake, and they c;:ame ~ to be; * He commanded, and they ~ were cre-a-ted. He established them for ever, yea, for ev-er and t ev-er; '* He hath .set an

ordinance,_and it ~ shall not pass a-way. ,

Praise the Lord from 1 the Earth, * ye dragonsv and all 1 ye ab-yss-es. Fire, hail, snow, ice, blast of ~ !errlp-est, '" 1 which per-form His word, The moun-tains and alll the hills, "'fruitful trees, ~ and ;til ce-dars,

The beasts and all the t cahtle, :~creeping ~ things and wing-ed birds,

Kings of the Earth and all.Ipeo-ples, '* princes and all the 1 judg-es of the Earth, Young men and vir-gins,t elders with, the younger, let them praise the Name

of 1 the Lord; * for Exalted Is the t Name of Him A-lOne.

His _,Praise is above the Earth and 1 Heav-en, '* and He shall exalt the horn 1 of

His peo-ple. ~

This is the hymn for alt ~ His Saints, * for the sons of Isra-el and for the

people that 1 draw nigh un-to Him. _ ~

Sing un-to the Lord a 1gew song; * His prliise is in ~ the Church Of the Saints, .Let Jsra-el be glad in Him That 1 made him; * let the sons of Syon re- l joice

in Their King.. :...- _ I > 'f

Let them praise His Name in ~ the dance; '* with the timbrel and the psaltery let ~

~ them chant un-to Him. ,

For the Lord taketh pleasure in His 1 peo-ple, '!' and He shall exalt the meek

~ with sal-va-tion. .. _

The Saints shall boast inI glor-y, ,*;alld they joice up-on their beds. The high praise of God shliHbe)n 1 their throat, '* and two-edged swords

~ shall be in their hands;

To do vengeance a-mong the ~ heath-en, * punishments a- 1 rriong the peo-ples; To bind their kings with 1 fet-ters, '* and their ,nobles with mana- 1 des of i-ron; To A do among them the judgment that is ~ writ-ten: '" "This glory shall J, be to

all His Saints."

Praise ye God in J, His ~aints; '" praise Him in the firm-a-ment J, of His pow-ere Praise Him for His migh- J, ty acts; '" praise Him-according to the multitude

J, Of His great-ness.

Praise Him with the sound of ~ trum-pet; '" praise Him with the J, psal-ter-y and harp. Praise Him with tim-brei J, and dance; * praise 1 Him with strings and flute. Praise Him with tuneful cym-bals, t praise Him with cymbals of

jfi-bil- J, a-lion; '" let ev- ~ 'ry brt;ath praise the Lord.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to J, the + Son, * and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning"both Jlq~ and 1 ev-er, * and unto the ages of

~ a-ges. A-men. ' ..

Then, •• Ill' I I = • III III ". • 1\ "I • III =

All repeat: Who-so-ev-er shall con-fess Me be-fore men, him will I too con-fess be-fore

F p\. • II ~

My Fath-er.




The Morning Solemnity continues with the Chapter, as given on p. Q 319.

Q 315iJune 2/15-Trinitytide Morning Solemnity of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.iQ 315 The Psalms for the Morning Solemnitv (Lauds) on Friday

Tone 1


• •

; 0

Psalm 50:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the lst Psalm verse, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Have mer-cy on me, to God, '"

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: th.e Quire completes the verse: according .to t Thy great mer-cy.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse Iomiuing the intonation notes}, the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

And according to the multitude of Thy com- ~ pas-sions '" blot out t my

t "'.A /

rans-gres-slon. .. _, . A

Wash'l'me thoroughlyfrom.mine in-i- t qult-y, * and cleanse t me from my sin.

For I know mine in-i- L quit-y, :I< and my sin is ev- t -er be-fore me.

Against Thee only have' I sinned, and done thls e-vil be-..[, fore Thee, '" that

Thou mightest be Justified in Thy.wordsvand pre- t vail when Thou art Judged. I

For behold, I was con-ceived in in-i- ~ quit-Ies, :I< and in sins t moth-er ,;

'" A r

bear me. . I

For be-hold, Thou hast Iov- t ed Truth; '" the hidden and secret things of Thy

Wisdom hast Thou made man- ~ i-fest tin-to me. I

Thou shalt sprinkle me with_ hyssop, and i shall be t made clean; '" Thou shalt wash me, and I shall be made t whi-ter than snow.

Thou shalt make m~ to hear joy and ~ glad-ness; :I< the bones that be

hiim- t bled, they shall re- joice. ~ , A

Turn Thy Face a-way from t my sins; '" and blot out all 1 mine ln-I-quit-Ies. Create in me a clean heart, ~ 0 God; :I< and renew a right spir- J. it with-in Jtle. Cast me not a-way from Thy t Pres-ence, '" and take not Thy Holy t Spir-it

from me.

_ Restore unto me the joy of Thy sal- ~ va-tion, '" and with Thy Governing

Spir- 1 it ,

I shall teach" trans-gress-ors * J'hy ways, * and the ungodly shall 1 turn back~ un-to Thee.

Deliver me_from blood-guiltiness, 0 God, Thou God of my sal- t va-tion; '" my tongue shall re- joice ..[, in Thy righ-teous-ness.

A 0 Lord, Thou shalt o-pen ~ my lips, '" and my mouth t shall de-clare Thy

praise. _ , ~

For if Thou hadst desired sacrifice, I had giv-..[, en it; * with whole-burnt

offerings ~ Thou shalt not be Pleased. , A •

A sacrifice unto God A is a bro-ken ..[, spir-i t; '" a heart that is broken and humbled ..[, God will not de-spise.

Do good, 0 Lord, in Thy good pleasure un-to ..[, Sy-on; :I< and let the walls of Jerusa- 1 lern be build-Sd.

Then shalt Thou be Pleased with a sacrifice of righteousness, with pblation and whole-burnt of- t fer-ings * then shall they offer bullocks up- ..[, on Thine AI-tar.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to 1 the It Son, * and ..[, to the Ho-Iy Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and ..[, ev-er, :I< and unto the ages of ..[, a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 75:

Then the 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 2nd Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

In Ju-dee-a is ..[, God Known; '"

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse:

His Name is 1 Great in Is-ra-el.

And then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

And His Place hath been made t in peace, * and His Dwell- t ing in Sy-on.

Q 3161June 2/1S-Trinitytide Morning Solemnity of Sts. MarceUinus and Peter, MM.IQ 316

,t .j. v .... * J~

Tone 1 I [I • I] III [, I 0 • I] •••• .' I • • • ••• • •• "; 0 • II ij

There did He break the pow-er of ~ the bow, * the weapon, and the sword, L and the bat-tle,

Thou shinest wondrously from the ever-tast-Ing ~ moun-tains; * all the foolish of ~ heart were troubl-ed.

They have slept ~ their sleep, * and all the men of wealth have found

noth- ~ ing in their hands. .. 0

At Thy rebuke, 0 GOd of ~ Ja-oob, * they that had mounted upon horses 1 feD a-slum-ber. Thou art to be Feared, and who shall with- ~ stand Thee? * From

-thence- ~ forth is Thy wrath.

Thou didst cause judgment to be heard from ~ Heav-m;* the Earth J, fear'd and was stiD. When .. Gocl rose to J, jtidg-rnent * to save all the ~ meek of the Earth. 0

For the inward thought -of man· shall give praise tin- ~ to Thee * and the remainder of his inward thought shall J, keep a Feast to Thee.

Make your vows and pay them to the Lord ~ Our God, * all that are round

a- ~ bout Him shall bring gifts: _ 0 , ;/

To Him ThatIs to be Fear-ed and taketh away the spir-its of J, prin-ces; * to I Him That is to be Fear-ed a-mong J, the kings of the Earth.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to ~ the It Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and ~ ev-er, * and unto: the ages of ~ a-ges. A-men.


Psalm 91:

Then the 1st Cantor alone chants thefirst half of the first verse of the 3rd Psalm, using the same Tone, including the i'!_tonatior!; no~~s../within the firstset of bracketstherein):

It is good to give praise un-to ~ the Lord, *0

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side zi: the Quire completes the verse:, ~

and to chant unto J, Thy Name, 0 Most High, And then, {mli7he 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter . '~

To proclaim in the morn-ing Thy J, mer-cy * ~ and Thy Truth by night,

On a psalter-y of ~ ten strings * with an ~ ode up-on the harp.

For Thou hast gladdened me, 0 Lord, by J, Thy deeds; * and in the works of

Thy J, Hands will I re- joice.

How great are Thy works, J, 0 LOId; * ex-ceed- J, ing deep are Thy thoughts ...

A mindless man shall not J, know it, * nor shall a stupid man i un-der-stand it. When the sin-ners spring up ~ like grass, * and all that work iniquity look

~ IOf-tiI-y down,

It is that they m,ay be utterly destroyed unto a-ges of J, a-ges, * but Thou art

Most High for J, ev-er, 0 Lord.· , _ ~

For 10, Thine enemies, 0 Lord, +. for 10, Thine enem-ies shall J, per-ish; * and scattered shall be all they that J, work in-i-quit-y.

And lifted high as that, of ~ uni-corn shall be J, my horn,:I< and mine old age

shall be strength- ~ en'd with rich oil. ,

And mine eye hath Iqoked up-on jnlne en_o ~ em-ies, * and mine ear shall hear concerning the wicked that rise ~ up a-gains! me.

The righteous man sha]l flourish like a ~ palm tree, * and like a cedar in Lebanon shall ~ he be mUI-tip-Ii ed.

They that are planted in the House of ~ the Lord, * in the Courts of Our God

~ they shall blos-som forth.

They shall still in-crease in a ripe J, old age, * and happy sh!\l1 they J, be to p-:o-c1~im:

"That upright is the Lord J, Our God, * and there is no un-righ- ~ teous-ness in Him." Glory be to the Fath-er, and to ~ the It Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and J, ev-er, :I< and unto the ages of J, a-ges. A-men.

Q 3171June 2/1S-Trinitytide Morning Solemnity of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 317

, t ,l. V A *

Tone 1 I (. • .] • II (. 0 • I) II.. .' I


'. ~

o • lIij

Canticle of Abbacum the Prophet (Hab . 3: 2 - 19):

The 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the 2nd verse of the l st Canticle, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein): o Lord, I con-sid-er-ed 1 Thy works, 01<

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse:

~ ,< < and 1 I was a-mazed.

And then, only the 1 st Cantor's side ei. the' Quire chants the entire next verse ('omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Between two living crea-tures shalt Thou 1 be Known; 01< in Thine anger shalt

Thou re- 1 mem-ber mer-cy. / .

God shall" come out of 1 Thae-man, * and the Holy One out of a mountain

.... overshadowed and 1 dense-ly wood-ed. , A

His virtue hath cov-er'd the 1 Heav-ens, * and the Earth was 1 f'Iill of His praise. And His Brightness shall be as 1 the Light; * 1 horns are in His Hands,

And ~e hath es~ablished a mighty love 'of 1 His strength. '" Before His Face ,;~

1 shall the Word pro-ceed, Ii

And He shall go forth for in-struc-tion at 1 His Feet. * He stood, and the

1 Earth was sha-ken; .

He beheld, and the nations mel-ted 1 a-way. * The mountains were violently

1 burst as-un-der,.. A

The everlasting hills melt-ed 1 a-way 01< at His ev-er- _1 las-ting go-ing forth. Because of troubles, I looked upon the tents of the E-thi-op- 1 i-ans; * even the tabernacles of the land of the Mad- 1 i-am weredis-may'd.

Nay, with the rivers wast Thou W)"oth, 0 Lord? t Nay, against the rivers was

Thine 1 ang-er, * or a-gainst 1 the sea Thine at-tack? .

For Thou shalt mount up-on Thy 1 hor-ses, '!' and Thy chari-ots 1 are sal-va-tion, Bend-ing 1 Thy bow, '" Thou shalt bend it against sceptres; t the Lord sa-Ith:

"The land of rivets shall be rent a-sun-der." t They shall see Thee, and jhe people shall be in t ti-av-ail, * while Thou scatterest the cours-es 1 of the )Vat-ers;

The a-byss gave forth 1 her voice, 01< and rais- ted her form on High.

Lifted up was the Sun, and the Moon stood still in her course; t at the light shalt Thy mis-sles 1 go forth, * at the brilllgnce of the gleam t of Thy weap-ons.

With threatening shalt Thou dim-in-ish 1 the Earth, '" and with anger shalt Thou tram- 1 ple down na-tions.

_ Thou wentest forth, for the salvation Of Thy 1 peo-ple, * to save Thine

an-oin- 1 ted ones art Thou Come. . .. .

Thou didst cast death upon the heads of trans- 1 gres-sors, * Thou didst lay fetters up-on 1 their neck at the end.

Thou hast cut asunder with fu-ry t the heads of the 1 migh-ty; 01< they shall

1 quake with-in them-selves, , A

They shall break o-pen their 1 bri-dles, * like the poor man that eat- 1 eth in se-cret. And Thou hast mounted Thy hor-ses in 1 the sea, 01< and they troubled the

1 man-y wa-ters. A

I kept watch, and my bel-Iy was 1 troub-led * at the voice of the 1 prayers of my lips; And trembling wenJ in-to l_my bones, ~ and within me my 1 strength was trotib-led, I will re~t in the day of mine af- 1 f'Ilc-tlon, * that I may go up to the people of

1 My so- jotir-njng. , . A _ A

For the fig tree shall not 1 bearfruit, '" and there shall 1 in-crease for the vines;

The labour of the OI-iv,e 1 shall fail,~* and the 1 plains shall bear no food, A

The sheep have fail'd from thelr] gra-,-zing, * and there are no more t ox-en at the cribs, But as for me, in the Lord willJ 1 be glad, * I will rejoice in 1 God My Sa-viour. The Lord is My GOd and t ~y Might, * and He will ins!ruct my (eet OO-1!0 per-fee-lion. He mount-eth me t on High, '" that I might be 1 Vic-tor with His son~.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to 1 the It Son, 01< and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and 1 ev-er, *' and unto the ages of t a-ges. A-men.

Q 3181June 2/15-Trinitytide Morning Solemnity of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM~Q 318

,t .J.-v~:I< .J.-~ A

Tone 1 I [. I .] I.. (. 011···· I I I • • • ••• • •• I. ~ 0 I II ij Psalms 148,149, and 150:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the=first verse of the 3rd Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (Within the first set of brackets therein):

Praise the Lord from the J Hea v-ens; *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse: praise Him ~ in the High-est.

And then, only the ... 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), tl;e two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Praise Him, all ye His J, Ang-els; :I< praise ~ Him, all ye His hdsts.; Praise Him, 0 Sun J, and Moon; * praise Him, ~ all ye stars and light.

Praise Him, ye Heav-ens of J, heav-ens; '" and thou water that art above the heavens, let them praise the ~ Name of /the Lord.

For He spake, and they came 1. to be;:I< He commanded, and they 1. were

.... cre-a-ted. .

He established them for 'ever, yea,for ev-er and J, ev-er; :I< He hath set an

ordinance,_and it t shall not pass a-way.

Praise the Lord from 1. the Earth, '" yedragons; and all J, ye ab-Yss-es. Fire, hail, snow, ice, blast of ~ !emp-est, :I< ~ which per-form His word, The moun-tains and all ~ the hills, :I< fruitful trees, ~ and Slll ce-dars, The beasts and all the J, cat-tle, '" creeping 1. things and wing-ed birds,

Kings of the Earth and, aU J, peo-"ples, * princes and all the J, judg-es ~of the Earth, Young men and vir-gins, t elders with, the younger, let them praise the Name

of 1. the Lord; =I< for Exalted is the 1. Name of Him A-lone.

His _.praise is above the Earth and 1. Heav-en, * and He shall exalt the horn 1. of

His peo-ple. ~

This is the hymn for alt 1. His Sai nts, '" for the sons of Isra-el and for the

people that 1. draw nigh un-to Him. _ A

Sing un-to the Lord a J, I]ew song; :I< His prajse is in 1. the Church Of the Saints, ,Let Jsra-el be glad in Him That 1. made him; '" let the sons of Syon re- 1. joice

in Their King. ~"" _ . I ,. . . •

Let them 'prafs!! His Name in J, the dance; * with the timbrel and the psaltery let.,.

J, them chant un-to Hi m. . . ..

For the Lord taketh pleasure in JIis J, pea-pie, * and He shan exalt the meek J, with sal-va-tion.

The Saints shall boast in ~ glor-y, ~ and they shall re- ~ joice up-on their beds. The high praise of God shall be in J, their throat, * and two-edged swords

J, shall be in their hands;

To do vengeance a-mong the J, heath-en, '" punishments a- J, mong the pea-pies; To bind their kings with ~ fet-ters,:I< and their ,nobles with mana- ~ des of i-ron; Todo among them the judgment that is t wrtt-tem '" "This glory shall t be to

all His Saints."

Praise ye God in J, His, Sai nts; :I< praise Him in the firm-a-ment J, of His pow-er. Praise Him for His migh- J, ty acts;'" praise Him according to the multitude 1 Of

, ... l

His great-ness.

Praise Him with the sound of 1 trum-pet; * praise Him with the J, psal-ter-y

and harp. _ . . _ ,

Praise Him with tim-brei J, and dance; '" praise J, Him with strings and flute. Praise Him with tuneful cym-bals, t praise Him with cymbals of ju-bil- 1. a-tion; * let ev- J, 'roy breath praise the Lord.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to J, the It Son, :I< and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As,it was in the beginning, both now and 1 ev-er, * and unto the ages of 1 a-ges. A-men .




. I. ~ ·"111 ....• ~ ... ~

I • ,,' I

All repeat: Who-so-ev-er shall con-fess Me be-fore men, him will I too con-fess be-fore

F "". • 111

My Fath-er.


Q 3191June 2/1S-Trinitytide Morning Solemnity of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 319

The Chapter

The Hebdomadary alone chants the following Chapter (Wis. 3: 4, 5):

Though they be punished in the sight of men, yet is their hope full pf immortality. t

And, having been chastised, they shall be greatly rewarded; * for God I • '.; lIij hath proved them, and found them worthy of Himself. All respond: ~. Thanks be to God.


The Responsory


The 1st Cantor

I /

alone chants:

Let the righ-teous re- joice be-fore God.


All respond:

Let the righ-teous re- joice be-fore God.

The Hebdomadary alone chants:


• •

• l1li

y. Yea, let them al-so be mer-ry and joy-fuI.

All respond:

Be-fore God.

The Hebdomadary


.II • •• ;

i-l •

• •

; . .

I ~

y. Glor - y be to the Fath - er, and to the Son, +
,I I.
• ; • • • ;
and to the Ho - ly Ghost.
, I

; .':' ;.


All respond:

Let the righ-teous re- joice be-fore God.

The Hymn and the Versicle

Q 320lJune 2/1S-Trinitytide Morning Solemnity of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 320



I I r\ • I


• •

The i st Cantor alone chants the intonation:

1. 0 Glor-ious King of Mar- tyr hosts,

The 1st Cantor's side only completes line 1: ~ Thou CrownThat each con-fess-or boasts; 1.~ The 2nd Cantor's side only chants line 2:

2. Thine Ear in mer- cy, Sa-viour, lend,

~ While un-to Thee our prayers as-cend; 2.~

The 1st Cantor's side only chants line 3:

3. Mar-tyrs in Thee their tri-umphs gain,

~ FromThee con-fess- ors' grace ob-tain; 3.~

Then, All chant line 4:

4. 0 Fath er ,~that we ask be .done


--) Through Je-sus Christ, Thine On-ly Son,


II ij I

1. Who lead - est to eel - es - tial day, ?

~ Those who have cast Earth's joys a - way. 1. 2. And as we count their tri-umphs won, .

~ For - give the sins that we have done. 2.


• I

3. O'er-corne in us the lust of sin,

--) That we Thy Par-d'ning Love may win. 3. 4. Who, with the Ho- Iy Ghost and Thee,

~ Shall live and reign e - ter- nal-Iy. 4.

I ~

Then All chfVLt the "'Amen" as follows: A - men.

. "

y. The souls of the righteous are in the Hand of God. W. And there shall no torment touch them.

The Antiphon on the Benedictus and the Benedictus

Then is sung the Antiphon on the Benedictus , which is ~I ~~.~~~. ~~~g~.~~.~~.g'~ij

always begun by the Abbot (or Senior in Quire) alone:

6 I • I ~'.., •

The ver-y hairs of your head.


•• • •

Are all num-ber - ed; fear ye not, there-fore; ye are of more val-ue


II ~

than man-y spar-rows.

The Benedictus (Luke 1: 68 - 79):

After the Antiphon on the Benediaus , the I ~.... .' ••

1st Cantor alone begins chanting the Benedictus: III Bless-ed be the Lord God of is-ra-el; *

Only the 1st Cantor's side Q[_ the Quire responds with the 2nd half of the 1st verse

I • •• •••• I •• .'." II

• ij

of the Benedictus: for He hath vis-it-ed and wrought re-demp-tion for His pea-pie,

Q 3211June 2/1S-Trinitytide Morning Solemnity of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.IQ 321

Tone 5


l' , A:;' l' _

• 8 • I • • • ••• • •• • 8 •••• II ij


Only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the 2nd verse of the Benedictus , using this Tone, including the intonation notes:

And hath rais-ed up a horn of sal-va-tion T for Os:;' in the House of His T ser-vant Da-vfdj

And then, only the<# 1st Cai'Ltor's side eitbs Quire chants the entire next verse (including the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses,thereafter:

As He spake by the mouth of His i ho-ly ones, lie the T Proph-ets Of old,

That we should be sa-ved from our i en-em-ies, :;. and from the hands of i all that hate us;~


To deal mer-ci-ful-ly with our T fath-ers, :;. and to remember His T Ho-ly

, A /


The oath which He sware to our fath-er i A-bra-ham: :;. that i He would grant .:~

, A • ,-I

un-to us,

That we be de-liv-er-ed out of the-hand of our i en-em-ies, :;. that we might

T - H" lth-out f A /i

serve rm, WI -ou ear, ~

In ho-li-ness and righ-teous-ness be- i fore Him, lie all the T days of our Iffe. And thou, 0 child, shalt be call-ed the Proph-et of the i Most High; :;. for thou shalt go before the Face of the i Lord to pre-pare His ways;

To give know-ledge of salvation un-to His T peo-ple, * by the t= i mis-sion Of their sins,

Through the bow-els of mer-cy T Of Our God; :;. where-by the Dayspring from on High hath T vis-it-ed us,

,..... '

To give Ligllt to them that sit in darkness, and in the shad-ow i of death, * to;

- ~

guide our feet i in-to the Way of Peace.

Glor-y be to the Fath-er, and T to the + Son, :I< and i to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and i ev-er, * and un-to the ages of i a-ges. A-men.

Then, !I~~'~~~I~~~~~.~~·~~;·~I~~.~~I~~~~.~~~. ~·~~;·~.~.~~~~~~~~I~

All repeat: The ver-y hairs of your head are all num-ber - ed; fear ye not, there-fore;

II ~

. ~. . ~ . .

ye are of more val-ue than man-y spar-rows.

The Collect

o God, Who permittest us to keep the Feast of Thy holy martyrs Marcellinus and Peter, grant unto us to rejoice in their company in eternal bliss. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, through all the ages of ages. ~. Amen.

A Commemoration is then made of the Holy Theotokos, followed by the Commemoration of All Saints as given for the Morning Solemnity for this day of the week in Volume I of the Psalter, the Psalter Outside of Paschaltide .

Q 322 I June 2 I 15-Trinitytide Prime of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM. I Q 322 PRIME

N.B. On Monday only, Prime is to be done with the Antiphon and Psalms as given here following, but on Tuesday it is to be done with the Antiphon and Psalms as given on pp . Q 324 - Q 326, and on Wednesday with those given on pp . Q 326 - Q 328, and on Thursday with those given on pp.Q 329 - Q 330, and on Friday with those given on pp. Q 330 - Q 333,

The 1 st Cantor alone

- --



• • ~. ij

All respond:

. ' .

In the law.

~ .,.. ... I ~ II

••• ... ~ •• ~ 1\. ~ • ij

Of .theLord was his will day and night,

begins chanting this Antiphon:


.. "

Tone 1 I [ ••• ] •••

Psalm 1:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the l stPsalm portion, F

using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein): I

Bless-ed is the !Dan that hath not walked in the counsel of the ungod-ly, t nor

stood in the way of J, sin-ners, * _ ;,

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei.ibs Quire completes the verse: ~

nor sat in the seat J, of the pes-til-ent.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

But his will is rather in the law of J, the Lord, * and in His law will he med- J, it-ate day and night.

And he shan be like the tree _which is planted by the streams of the J, wat-ers, * which shall bring forth its fruit J, in its sea-son.

And its leaf sq!JI J, not fall; *and all things whatsoever he may J, do .shall pros-p~r. Not so ate Ute un-god-ly, J, not so; * but rather they' are like the chaff which 1""

the wind doth hurl away from L the face Of the Earth. ,.

For this reaso,n shall the ungodly not stand up in J, judg-ment,'* nor sinners in

the council J, of the righ-teou.s. ,

For the Lord knoweth the way of the l. righ-teous, * and the way of the un-god- l. Iy shall per-ish.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to J, the .. Son, * and J, to the Ho-Iy Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and l. ev-er, * and' unto the ages of J, a-ges. A-men.



•• ~ D • lIij

Psalm 2:

The 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 2nd Psalm portion, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the firs: set of brackets therein):

Why have the hea-then j;ra-ged,*

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side d the Quire completes the verse: A

and the peoples medi- J, ta-ted emp-ty things?

And then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the' Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

The kings of the Earth were arou-sed, t and the rulers were assem-bled to- J, geth-er, * against the Lord, J, and ag-ainst His Christ.

Let us break their bonds as- J, un-der, * and let us cast a- J, way their yoke from tls. He That dwelleth in the Heavens shall laugh them J, to scorn, * and the Lord

, A

l. shall de-ride them.

Then shall He speak wHo them in J, His wrath, * and in lfis anger J, shall He troub-le them. But as for Me, I was Established as King by Him, t upon Syon His Hd-ly

l. Moun-tain, * Proclaiming the com- l. mand-rnent Of the Lord. _

The Lord said tin- J, to Me: * "Thou art My Son; this day have J, I be-got-ten Thee."

Q 323 I June 2 I lS-Trinitytide Prime of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM. I Q 323

,t J.VA* J.~

Tone 1 I (. • .] ••• ['. D •. I] •••• .' I • • • ••• • •• '. = D • II ij

Ask of Me, and I will give Thee the nations for Thine in-her- t it-ancc, * and the uttermost parts of the Earth for t Thy pos-ses-sion.

Thou shalt herd them with a rod of J, i-ron, * Thou shalt shatter them like a

J, pot-ter's ves-sels. ~

And now, 0 ye kings, tin- t der-stand: * be instructed, all J, ye that judge. the

Earth. ..

Serve ye the Lord J, with fear, * and rejoice-in t Him with trem-bling.

Lay hold of instruc-tion, t lest at any time the Lord be J, Ang-ry, * and ye

perish t from the righ-teous way; ,

W~eIJ quickly His wrath be l. -kln":'dled, * blessed are all that have l. put their , trust in Hi m.

Glory be to the Fath-er.; and to l. the iii Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and l. ev-er, * and unto the ages of l. a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 6:



The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 3rd Psalm portion; using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

o Lord, re-buke me ~ot in Thine 1 ang-er, ...

Then, only the 1 Sf Cantor's side fJ1. the Quire completes the verse:

nor chas- J, ten me in Thy wrath.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side fJ1. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two side~ alternating the verses thereafter:

Have mercy on me, 0 Lord, for I J, am weak,'" heal me, 0 Lord, for my l. bones are troub-~td.

And my soul is troub-led l. great-Iy; * but J, Thoii, o Lord, how long? ~ Turn to me again, o Lord, de-liv-er J, my soul; ... save me J, for Thy mer-cy's


For in death there is none that is mind-full Of Thee; ... and in Hades who 1 will

, ...

con-fess Thee?

I toiled in my groan-ing; t every night i will wash 1 my bed; ... with tears wiH I

l. wat-er my couch. -e

Throu~h wrath is mine eye be-come J, troub-led; ... I have grown old among J, all

." .

mme en-em-Ies.

Depart from me, all ye that work van- l. it-y; *. for the Lord hath heard the

voice l. of my weep-Ing, .

The Lord hath heard my siip-pllc- t a-tion; * the Lord 1 hath re-ceived my prayer.

Let all mine enemies be greatly put to shame and be 1 troub-led; * let them be turned back, and speedily be l. great-ly put to shame.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to J, the iii Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and J, ev-er, * and unto the ages of 1 a-ges. A-men.

I ... 1 111

Then, • • h. ~ • 1\ '.'. ... ~ •• ~ 1\,.. • ..

All repeat: In the law of the Lord was his will day and night.

The proper for Terce begins on pp. Q334.

Q 324 I June 2 I lS-Trinitytide Prime of 'Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM. I Q 324 The Antiphon and Psalms for Prime on Tuesday

The 1st Cantor alone begins chanting this Antiphon:


In all the Earth.


I I.' ~. I. filii' :I • II ~

All respond:

With glor-y and maj-es-ty, hast Thou crown-ed him.

, t . l' ,A * _ J, v ':",--" A

[ • a • I] •••• • 8 • I • • • ••• I • - " '. I • II ij

Tone 2 I [ ••• ) ••• Psalm 7:

The 1st pantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the Ist Psalm, using this ..... Tone, including the intonation notes Iwithin. the first set of brackets therein):

o Lord My God, in Thee have I r put my hope; :I<

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse: I

, A save me from them that persecute me, and do jI

Thou t de-liv-er me. !

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter: /'

Lest at any time like a Ii-on he r seize my soul, :I< when there is none to re-deem t me, nor to save.

o Lord My God, if i have T done this, * if there be in-jus-tice t in my hands, If I have paid back eynto' them that rendered e-vil r un-to me, * then let me fall back empty from t mlneen-em-Ies.

_ Then let the enemy pursue my soul, t and take it; and let him tread down my

life in- r to the earth, :I< and my glory let him bring down t in-to the dust.

Arise, 0 Lord, In Thine r ang-er; * exalt Thyself to the furthest boundaries Of

t Thine en-em-ies. . . ,

~ And arouse Thyself, 0 Lord My God, in the commandment which Thou. r hast~ en-joined, * and a congregation of peoples shall t sur-round Thee.

And f'or their sakes re-turn Thou T on High; * the Lord 'shall judge 1 the

peo-ples. ,

Judge me, O,Lord, according to my T righ-teous-ness, * and according to mine in-no-cence t with-in me.

Let the wickedness of sinners be ended, and do Thou guide the r righ-teous

man, * 0 God, That searchest out J the. hearts and reins. -s. ,

Righteous is my i help from .God, * Who sav~th them who are t up-right of heart.

God is a Judge That is R:ighteous, Strong and For- l' bear-ing * and inflicteth

not t wrath ev-'ry day. . - A

Unless ye be converted, His glittering sword shall He T fur-bi'sh; * He hath bent

His bow, and hath made t it rea-dy. _

And on it He hath made ready the in-stru- i ments of death; * His arrows for

them that rage hotly hath He J, per-fee-ted. , _

Behold, he was in travail with un- T righ-teous-ness; * he hath conceived toil and brought forth t In-l-qult-y. A

He opened a pit and i dug it; :I< and he shall fall into the hole t which he hath made.

His toil shall return up-on his i own head, * and upon his own pate shall his

un-righ- t teens-ness come down. .. ,

I will give praise unto the Lordaccgrding to His T righ-teous-ness; :I< and I will chant unto the Name of J, the Lord Most High.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and, i til the II Son, :I< and to J, the Ho-Iy Ghost.

As jt was in the beginning, both now and i ev-er, * and unto the ages of a- t ges. A -men.

Q 325 [ June 2 I 15-Trinitytide Prime of .Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM. [Q 325

• • ~ • I



'. . . ..

Psalm 8: ,

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the-first verse of the 2nd Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes {within the first set of brackets therein}:

o Lord, Our Lord, how T Won-der-fUl *-

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse:

. , _ . is Thy Name t in all the Earth.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the t}'Vo sides alternating the verses thereafter:

For Thy magnifi-cence is i lif-ted '" high a-bove t the Heav-ens.

Out of the ptouths of babes and sucklings hast Thou perfected praise, be-cause

of Thine T en-ew.-ies, * to destroy the enemy and t av-en-gfr, -

.... For I will behold the Heavens, the works of Thy i Fing-ers, '" the moon and the

stars, which Thou J, hast found-ed.

_ What i~ man, that ThoU art Mind-ful i Of him, * or the son of man, that Thou

vis- t it-est him? I

Thou hast made ~him a little lower than the ang-els; t with glory and honourj hast Thou T crown-ed him; * and Thou hast set him over the works J, of Thy Hands. I, All things hast Thou subjected under his feet, t sheep and all l' ox-en, '" yea,

and the beasts J, of the field, _. I

The birds of the air, and the fish of i the sea, * the things that pass through the

paths J, _of the sea.

o Lord, l' Our Lord, * how Wonderful is Thy Name J, in all the Earth! Glory be to the Fath-er, and T to the + Son, '" and to _j, the Ho-ly Ghost.

As jt was in the beginning, both now and T ev-er, '" and unto the ages of a- J, ges. A-men.

Psalm 9 vv. 1 - 18:

The 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the lst verse of the lst portion of the 3rd Psalm, using this lame Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

I will confess Thee, 0 Lord, with my l' whole heart; *

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse..

- I will tell of all J, Thy won-ders.

And then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), thetwo sides alternating the verses thereafter:

_ I will be glad and re- i joice in Thee; * I will chant unto Thy Name, J, 0 Most

High. .

When mine enem-y be i turn-ed back, '" they shall grow weak and shall per-ish J, be-fore Thy Face.

For Thou hast maintained my, judg-ment T and my cause; * Thou hast sat upon

a Throne, 0 Thou That jiidg- J, est righ-teous-ness. ~

Thou hast rebuked the heathen, and the ungodly, man hath i per-f sh'd * his name Thou hast blotted out for ever, and unto a-ges t of a-ges.

The swords of the enemy have ut-ter-ly T fail-ed, '" and his cities Thoii hast

J, des-troy-ed. _

The remembrance of him hath perished with a re- T sound-ing noise; * but the

Lord for ev-er J, ab-l-deth, ,

In judgment hath He prepared His Throne, t _ and He ,Himself will judge the world in T righ-teous-ness; * He will judge the peoples in J, up-right-ness.

And the _Lord is Become a Refuge for the T poor man, '" a Helper in times of well-being and in J, af-flic-tions ..

And let them that know Thy Name T hope in Thee; * for Thou hast not forsaken them that J, seek Thee, 0 Lord.

Chant unto the Lord Who dwell-eth in l' Sy-on; * proclaim ye His way a-mong t the na-tldns.

For He That maketh enquiry for blood hath re- T mem-ber'd them; '" He hath not forgotten the crj' of J, the ,pau-pers.

Have mercy on me, T 0 Lord; * see my humiliation which I have suffered from t mine en-em-ies,

Q 326 I June 2 I lS-Trinitytide Prime of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM. I Q 326

~T 1', ... * ,!,v:"'-'"

Tone 2 (continued) I ... [. 13' 'J.... · 13 • I • • • ... • •• • ••• II.

o Thou That dost raise me up from the T gates of death; * that I may declare all Thy praises in the gates of the daugh-ter 1 of Sy-on.

We will rejoice in Thy sal- i va-tion; * the heathen are ensnared in the

de-struc-tion 1 which they have Wt'Qught. •.

In this snare i w!'ich they hid * hath J. their foot been caught. .

The Lord is Known by the judgments which He ex-ec- i u-teth; * in the works of His Own Hands hath the si n- 1 ner been caught;

Let sinners be turned away On-to i Ha-des, * yea, all' the nations that are

for-get- 1 ful of God. '

For the poor man shall not be- for-got-ten T to the end; * the patience of the

paupers shall not per-ish 1 for ev-er! .

.... Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the + Son, * and to 1 the Ho-ly Ghost.

As jt was in the beginning, both now and i ev-er, * and unto the ages of a- J,. ges. A-men.


Then, • ~

• 111

~ ~ ..' •. .' ';l1li. •• III' I _ n

All repeat: In all the Earth with glor-y and. maj-es-ty hast Thou crown-ed him.

The Chapter

The Hebdomadary alone chants the following Chapter (Isaias 33: 2):

Now unto the King Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, t the One Only Wise I • '. = 111 God, be honour and glory * unto the ages of ages. Amen. All respond: W. Thanks be to God.

The proper for Terce begins on p. Q 334.

The Antiphon and Psalms for Prime on Wednesday

, .....

• <S

The 1 st Cantor alone

begins chanting this Antiphon:

All I' • .:1'.

I •

. I I M

The Lord is Righ-teous.

I' P\i •

. ~

respond: And hath lov-ed righ-teous-ness; up-on up-right-ness hath His

I~~.~. ~. ~.~. ~" I

Coun-ten-ance look-ed .

... t t_ J A*

Tone 7 I [ ••• ] ... [. B • I] II.. · 0 • .0 • I • • • II. . .. · D •• 0 I II~

Psalm 9: vv. 19 - 38:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 2nd portion of the 1st Psalm, using this Tone, including the intona!j.on notes {within the first set of brackets therein}:

Arise, 0 Lord, i let not man pre-va ll; * .

Then, only the 1 st Cantor's side ei the Quire completes the verse:

.. .. let the nations be T jOdg-ed be-fore TheiL

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

o Lord, set a T law-giv-er o-ver them; * let the heathen i know that they are but men. Why, 0 Lord, hast Thou gone to i stand a-far Off; * why dost Thou overlook

us in times of well-being and i in af-flic-tions? , ~

When the ungodly man is arrogant, the poor man T burn-eth with-in; * they are

caught in the i coun-sels which they de-vise. ,

For the sinner praiseth himself ip the i lusts of his soul; * and the unrighteous man likewise i bless-eth him-self there-in.

The sinner i hath pro-vok'd the Lord; * according to the magnitude of His i writh, he car-eth not.

l' _


Q 327 I June 2 J lS-Trinitytide Prime of Sts. Mareellinus and Peter, MM. I Q 327

t l' ~ *

Tone 7 I [. • .) ... [. ~ • I) ... . • i 0 • • 0 • I

l' _

• • • ••• • •• • o ••

o ; II ~

God is i not be-fore him * profane are his ways in T ev-'ry sea-son.

_ Thy judgments are re- i mov-ed from his si ght; * over all his enemies shall he

i gain do-min-ion. _ ,

For he T said in his heart: * "I shall not be shaken; from generation to

generation shall i I be with-out harm." _ . ~

With cursing is nis mouth filled, 'and with i bit-ter-ness and de-eel t; * under

his tongue i are toil and trav-ail. - ,

He sltteth in ambush with the rich in T se-cret pJa~, '" that he may T slay the in-no-cent.

_ lJis eyes are set up- T on the poor man; * he lieth in wait in' a secret place like a

T Ii -on in his den. /'

He lleth in wait tg seize up- T on the poor man, * to seize upon the poor man

, when he T draw-eth him in. _ ~

In his snare will he i hum-ble him-self; * he will bow down and fall while

gaining dominion T o-ver the p_oor. . .

For he said in his heart: i"God hath for-got-ten; '" He hath turned away His "

Face, that He might i not see un-to the end." , ~' /

Arise, 0 Lord My God, let Thy']' Hand be Lift-ed high; * forget not Thy

']' pau-pers to the end. ' - I

Why hath the ungodly i one pro-vo-ked God? * For he hath said in his heart:

"He T will not make en-quir-Y.

Tho_u seest, for Thou understandest i trav-ail and ang-er, * that Thou mightest deliver ']' hi m in-to Thy Hands.

To Thee hath the beggar t been ab-an-don'd * for the orphan art']' Thou a Help-er. Break Thou the arm of the sinner and i of the e-vil man; * his sin shall be sought i out and be found no more.

The Lord shall, be King for ever, and unto the i a-ges of a-ges; '" ye heathen

shall perish i out of His land. ,-

The desire of the poor ']' hast Jhou heard, 0 Lord; * to the preparation of their

heart hath Thine T Har been At-ten-tive, '

To judge for the orphan i and the hum-ble, '" that man may no more presume

to be T haiigh-ty up-on the Earth. j

Glory be to the T Fath-er, and to the .. Son, * and i to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As,it was in the beginning, both i now and ev:"'er, * and unto the ages of T a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 10:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 2nd Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

In the Lord have I ho-ped; t how will ye T say to my sofil: '" Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse: _

, "Flee unto the mountains T like a spar-row?

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side qJ_ the Quire 'chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides .qlternating the verses thereafter:

,For behold, the sinners h~ve bent their _bow, t theyhave pre~ared arrows T for the quiv-er, '" to shoot down in a moonless T night the up-right of heart.

For what Thou hast formed i they have de-stroy-ed; * and the righteous i man,

what hath he done? ,

The Lord is in His i Ho-ly Tem-ple; '" the Lord, in T Heav-en is His Throne.

His Eyes are set up- ']' on the poor man; * His Eyelids ex- T am-ine the sons of men. The Lord examineth the righteous man T and the un-god-ly; * but he that loveth

unrighteousness T ha-teth his, own soul. ,

He will rain down ']' snares up-on sin-ners; * fire and brimstone and wind of

tempest shall be the i por-tion of their cup. ,

For the Lord is Righteous i and hath loved righ-teous-ness; * upon uprightness hath His i Coun-ten-ance look'd.

Glory be to the T Fath-er,"and to the" Son, '" and']' to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both T now and ev-er, '" and unto the ages of T a-ges. A-men.

Q 328 I June 2 I lS-Trinitytide Prime of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM. I Q 328

Tone 7 I [0 0 oj III [0; )J'" 0 t i 0 0 0 0 ~ i 0 0 0

Psalm 11:

The 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 3rd Psalm, using this same Tone. including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Save me, 0 Lord, for a righteous i man there is no more; *

~ .

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse: '

for truths have diminish--ed r from the sons of men.

And then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse

r~' / _ ' .'

(omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

'I' • ,

.... Vain things hath each man spoken .T to his neigh-bour; * deceitful lips are in his

heart, and in his heart hath he/i spo-ken e-vils.

Let the Lord des- T troy all de-ceit-ful. lips, * and the tongue i that speak-ethj


boast-ful words. 1/

Which have said: "Our tongue will we mag-ni-fy; tour i lips are our own; 7

i who is lord o-ver us? . - ~

"Because of the distress of the beggars and the i groan-ing Of the poor, * now will l' i a-rise," saith the Lord.

"I will establish i them in sal-va-tion; * I will be i Man-if-est there-in."

The words of the T Lord' are pure words, * silver that is f-ired, tried in the earth, brought to T sev-en-fold pu-rit-Y.

Thou, 0 Lord, shalt keep us i and shalt pre-serve us, * from this generation,

l' _

II I I I. I D ••

o = II d

T and for ev-er-rndss,

The un- i god-ly walk round ab-out; * to the measure of Thy Loftiness


Thou es- T teem-ed the sons of men.

Glory be to the l' Fath-er, and to the + Son, * and i to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both i now and ev-er, * and unto the ages of T a-ges. A-men.

\~ hast

All repeat: The Lord is Righ-teous, and hath lov-ed righ-teous-ness; up-on






I ,,~



up-right-ness hath His Coun-ten-ance look-ed.

The Chapter

The Hebdomadary alone chants the following Chapter (Isaias 33: 2):

Now unto the King Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, t the One Only Wise I I • I = 111

God, be honour and glory * unto the ages of ages. Amen. Allrespond: W. Thanks be to God.

The proper for Terce begins.on-pi.Q 334.

Q 329 I June 2 / lS-Trinitytide Prime of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM. I Q 329 The Antiphon and Psalms for Prime on Thursday

The 1st Cantor alone




begins chanting this Antiphon: He shall a-bide.


All I • 1'!Ii 1 • I·. !Ii. • !Ii ~ • • II ~

respond: In Thy Tab-er-nac-Ie; he shall dwell in Thy Ho-Iy Moun-tain •

... t ,J,.a." A * J..~ ~ A

Tone 4 I [. • .].... [. D .1'" .. ' · 8,' I • • ••• • •• .' ~ '" '!Ii • II ~

Psalm 12:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the lst Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (withir; the first set of brackets therein):

How long" 0 Lord, wilt Thou utter- t Iy for-get me? *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side Qi_ the Quire completes the verse:

/ How long wilt Thou turn t Thy Face a-way

from me?

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side 12i, the Quire chants the entire next verse ,J

(omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter: JI

How long shall 1 take 1 coun-sel in my soul, :I< with grievings in my 1 heart by

day and by night? "~, '

How long shall mine enemy be ex- 1 al-ted o-ver me? :I< Look upon me, 1 healr

me, 0 Lord My God. ,- _ ~

Enlighten mine eyes, lest at any time .l. 1 Jileep un-to death; :I< lest at any time mine enemy say: "I have pre- 1 vail-ed a-gainst him.'

They that afflict me will rejoice if .l. 1 am sha-ken; :I< but as for me, I have .l. hoped in Thy mer-cy.

My heart will rejoice in Thy sal-va-tion; t 1 will sing unto the Lord, Who is My .l. Ben-ef-ac-tor; :I< and I will chant unto the .l. Name of the Lord Most Hijh.

Glory be to the Fath- .l. er, and to the + Son, :I< .l. and to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both .l. now and ev-er,:I< and unto the ages 1 of a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 13: ~

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the Znd Psalm, using the same Tone. including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

The fool hath .l. said in his heart: *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side I2i the Quire completes the verse: 1 ( ") "There is no God."

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side I2i the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the-two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

They are become corrupt and loath- .l. some in their ways; * there is none that .l. do-eth good, no not one.

The Lord looked down from Heaven up- .l. on the sons of men, :I< to see if there be any that under- .l. stand or seek af-ter God.

They are all gone ~stray ~ they are altogether ren- ~.l. der-ed use-less; * there is none that .l. do-eth good, no not one.

, (Their throat is an open sep-ul-chre: t wlth their tongues have they spo- 1 ken

de-celt-ful-ly; :I< the poison of asps .l. is On-der their lips; ~

With cursing is his mouth filled, and with bit- J, ter-ness and de-celtj " their

feet .l. are swift to shed blood. , '

Destruction and misery are in their ways; t and, the way of peace 1 have they

not known; :I< there is no fear J, of'Godbe-f'Sre their eyes.) ~

Shall not all they that work iniquity come to .l. On-der-stand-ing? * They that eat up my people as they eat bread have .l. not call'd up-on the Lord.

There I have they fear'd with fear, * .l. (') where there is no fear.

For the Lord is in thegeneration .l. Of the righ-teous; :I< the counsel of the poor man have ve shamed, .l. biit the Lord is His Hope.

Who shall give out ofSyon the salvation of Is-ra-el? t W_hen the Lord hath turned back the captivity of His .l. peo-ple, * Jacob shall rejoice and Is- ,1, ra-el shall be glad.

Glory be to the Fath- ,1, er, and to the + Son, :I< ,1, and to the Ho-ly Ghost.

1\s it was in the beginning, both ,1, now and ev-er, * and unto the ages ,1, of a-ges. A -men.

Q 330 I June 2 I lS-Trinitytide Prime of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM. I Q 330

I ! l r' Til ' • , .• , • :-, .

Tone 4 I I I I I I .1 0 I. .1 I I I I I 9 I I I I I I I I I I I I III I i!i I "ij

Psalm 14

The 2nd Cantor alone chants t1r:efitst half of the first verse of the 3rd Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

o Lord, who shall abide in Thy ~ Tab-er-nac-le, *

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse:

., and who shall dwell in ~ Thy Ho-ly


And then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

He that ~ walk-eth blame-less; * ~ and work-eth righ-teous-ness: .

Speak- 1 ing Truth ill~sheart,.* who hath not spoken de- ~ ceit-ful-ly with his tOngue.

I _ I

Neither hath done evil ~ to his neigh-bour, * nor taken up a reproach ~ a-gainst ';1

those near him.' I

In his sight he that worketh e- ~ vii. is set at nought; * but he glorifi- ~ eth the~ that fear the Lord.

He giveth oath to his neighbour, and f'or-swear-eth not; t he hath not lent his

mon- ~ ey on u-su-ry, * and hath not received bribes ~ a-gainst the in-no-cent.

He that ~ de-eth these things * shall ~ nev-er be sha-ken.

Glory be to the Fath- ~ er, and to the lie Son, * ~ and to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both ~ now and ev-er, * and unto the ages ~ of a-ges. A-men.


Then, ~ I""'" I ~ I I I I ~ I III I ..

!:!!! • "I I I!:!!! [WI!:!!!i


All repeat: He shall a-bide in Thy Tab-er-nac-le; he shall dwell in Thy I;I0-Iy Moun-tain.

The Chapter

The Hebdomadary alone chants the following Chapter (Isaias 33: 2):

Now unto the King Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, t the One Only Wise I I I I ; 111

God, be honour and glory * unto the ages of ages. Amen. All respond: ~ .• Thanks be to God.

The proper for Terce begins on p. Q 334.

The Antiphon and Psalms for Prime on Friday

The 1 st Cantor alone begins chanting this Antiphon:

I I _

Who-so-ev-er shall con-fess Me.

I ... I


All respond:

Be-fore men, him will I too con-fess be-fore

!Ii I I II ij

My Fath-er.

Q 331 I June 2 I 1S-Trinitytide Prime of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM. I Q 331

, t J, V A *

Tone 1 I (I I I] I II [I 0 I I] II I I I I I

Psalm 15:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the lst Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Keep me, 0 Lord, for in Thee have i hoped; t I said unto the 'Lord: "Thou art

J, My Lord; * "

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse:

for of my 1 goods, no need hast Thou."

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

In the Saints that are in His Earth hath the Lord been 1 won-drous; * He hath

, ,

wrought all 1 His de-sires in them.

- /'

Their infirmit-ies in- 1 crea-sed; * there-up- 1 on they ha-sten-ed.

I will not assemble their as-sem-blies 1 Of blood, * nor will I make.'

remembrance of 1 their names through my lips. I,'

The Lord is the Portion of mine inherit-ance and Of 1 my cup; * Thou art He .

That restorest mine in-her- 1 it-ance u,Q-to me. I

Portions have fallen to me that are a-mong 1 the best; * for mineInheritance is most 1 ex-cel-lent to me.

I will bless the Lord Who hath given me On-der- J, stand-Ing: * moreover, even till night have my 1 reins in-struc-ted me.

I beheld the Lord ev-er be- 1 fore me; * for He is at my right hand, that I might 1 not be sha-ken.

Therefore did my heart re-joice and my tongue 1 was glad; * moreover, my J_ flesh shall dwell ilJ",hope.

For Thou wilt not abandon my soul in 1 Ha-des, * nor wilt Thou suffer Thy» Holy One to J_ see cor-rup-tion.

Thou hast made known to me the ways Of life, t Thou wilt fill me with gladness with Thy Cotin- t ten-ance: :« delights are in Thy Right 1 Hand for ev-er.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to 1 the ... Son, :« and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and 1 ev-er, :« and. unto the ages of J_ a-ges. A-men.


.. ;

o I II.

Psalm 16:

The 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 2nd Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set 0/ brackets therein):

Heark-en, 0 Lord, On-to my rlgh- 1 teous-ness; *

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse: attend unto my 1 sup-plic-a-tion.

And then, only the 1st Cantor's side el: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Give ear un-to 1 my prayer, * which cometh not 1 from de-celt-ful llps.

From before Thy Face let my jOdg-ment 1 come forth; * let mine eye be- 1 hold up-right-ness.

Thou hast proved my heart, Thou hast visited it in the night; t Thou hast tried me by -1 ri-re; :« and unrighteous-ness J_ was not found in me.

That my mouth might not speak of the works 1 of men; :« for the sake of the words of Thy lips have I kept 1 the ways that are hard.

Q 332 I June 2 I 15-Trinitytide Prime of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM. I Q 332

, t ,j. V A *

Tone 1 I (. • .] ... [. D • I] .... .' I


• •

; D • II ij

Set my foot-steps in t Thy paths, * that my steps may t not be sha-ken.

I have cried for Thou hast hearkened un-to me, t 0 God; * incline Thine Ear unto me, and he ark- t en un-to my words.

Let Thy mercies be made won- t der-f'ul, * 0 Thou That savest t them that

hope in Thee.... _

From them that have resisted Thy Right Hand, keep me"l 0 Lord, * as the tap-pie of Thine Eye.

In the shelter of Thy Wings wilt Thou shel- 1 ter me * from the 0 face of the .... ungodly which t have op-press-ed me.

Mine enemies have surrounded my soul, t they have enclosed them-selves with their 1 own fat; * their J mouth hath spo-ken pride.

They that cast me out have now en-cir-' 1 c1ed me; * they have set their eyes to 0;;

look t ask-ance on the Earth. Ii

They have taken me as might a lion read-y for J his prey l * and as might a lion's whelp that dwel- J leth in hi-ding.

Arise, 0 Lord, overtake them and trip their heels; t deliver my soul from un-god- tly men, * Thy sword from the en- t em-les of Thy Hand.


o Lord, from Thy few do Thou separate them from the Earth in 1 their

Ii fe * yea, with Thy hidden treasures hath their bel- J Iy been fill-ed. .

They have satis-fied them-selves 1 with swine, * and have left the 1 rem-nants

to their babes. -

But as for mg, in righteousness shall I ap-pear be-fore 1 Thy Face; * I shall be

. "

filled when Thy Glory is made L man-if-est to me. ',;

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to 1 the .. Son, * and 1 to the HO-tly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and J. ev-er, * and unto the ages of 1. a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 17: vv. 1 - 24

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 1st portion of the 3rd Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

I will love Thee, 0 Lord, My Strength; t the Lord is My Foundation, and My 1 Re-fuge, *

Then. only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse: and t My De-llv-er-er.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

My God is My t Help-er; * and 1 j will hope in Him,

My Defender, and the Horn of my sal- t va-tion- * J, and My Help-er.

With praise will I call up-on the Name Of 1 the Lord, * and from mine enem- 1 ies shall i be saved.

The pangs of death sur-round- 1 ed me, * and the torrents of iniquit-y J, sore-ly' trou-bled me.

Q333 [ June 2 I lS-Trinitytide Prime of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM. [Q 333

,t .J.,~~* .J.,~

Tone 1 (continued) I ... [. 0 • J II.. .' I • • • ... • •• '. = 0 • II.

The pangs of Ha-des en-cir- ~ cled me; * round about the snares of death have J,. o-ver-ta-ken me.

And in mine affliction I call-ed up-on .1 the Lard, :I< and iin- .1 to My God I cried; He heard my voice out of His Ho-ly .1 Tern-pie; * and my cry ~before Him shall

en- .1 ter in-to His Ears. .

And the Earth shook and was made to trem-ble; t and the, foundations of the mountains were troubled and were.I sha-ken, * because God was .1 Ang-ry with them.

There went up smoke in His wrath, t and fire from His Counten-ance set all

.1 a-flame; :I< coals were .1 kin-died there-from. '

And, He bowed the Heav-ens and J,. came dawn, * and thick darkness was

.1 un-der His Feet. / .

And He mounted upon Cher-u-bim .1 and flew; * He flew upon the .1 wings of the winds.

~ And He made darkness His hi-ding place, t His Tabernacle round a- .1 bout

Him; :I< dark water in the .1 clouds of the air. ~

From the f'ar-shlnlng radiance that was be- 1 fore Hi m * there passed by.

clouds, .1 hail and coals of fi reo I

;;\nd the Lord thundered out of 1 Heav-en, * and the Most .1 High gave forth I

His Voice. - . -

And He sent forth His ar-rows, and scat- 1 ter'd them, * and lightnings He

multiplied, and trou- ~ bled them sore~~y. ~

And the well-springs of the wa-ters .1 were seen, * and the foundations Of .1 the

world were re-veal'd, _

At Thy re-buke, ~_o Lard :I< at the on-breathing of the ~ spir-it Of Thy wrath. He sent from on High, and He .1 took me; * He received me out of .1 man-y wa-ters. He will deliver me from mine enemies, which are migh-ty, t and from them

that 1 hate me; :I< for they are 1 strong-er than I., .

, They overtook me in the day of mine af- .1 f'llc-tidn * and the Lord be- .1 came

my firm sup-port. _

An~ He led me forth in-to a spa- J,. cious place; * He will deliver me, be-cause

.1 He de-si-red me.:"" . ,

And the Lord will recompense me according to . my righ- .1 teo us-ness; * and"

according to the purity of my hands will He J,. re-com-pense me. •

For I have kept the ways of .1 the Lard, :I< and I have not acted impi- .1 ous-Iy

toward My God. .. .

For all His judgments are ,be- .1 fore me, * and His statutes de- .1 part-ed not

from me. ., ~

, And I shall be blame-less ~ with Hi m, * and I shall keep myself from J,. mine

in-i-quit-y. ,

And the Lord will reward me according to. my righ+] teo us-ness; * and according to the purity of my ~ hands be-fore His Eyes.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to ~ the It Son, * and .1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and .1 ev-er, * and unto the ages of .1 a-ges. A-men.


. . "


All repeat: Who-so-ev-er shall con-fess Me be-fore men, him will I too con-fess be-fore

F ptj. • 111

My Fath-er.

The Chapter

The Hebdomadary alone chants the following Chapter (Isaias 33: 2):

Now unto the King Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, t the One Only Wise I • • I ; II'

God, be honour and glory * unto the ages of ages. Amen. All respond: I¥. Thanks be to God.

Q 3341 June 2 11S-Trinitytide Terce of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM. 1 Q 334 TERCE

The 1st Cantor alone begins chanting this Antiphon:





, !

,.. '" ~

This man de-spi-sing.


, I





I 1




The : world, and tri-um-phing o-ver earth-ly


n- rs} •• - I






things, hath laid up treas-ures in Heav-en by word and deed.

" • , t 1', ~* ,I.~

Tone 8 I [I I I] I I I [I 8,: ') I. I I I OJ I I I I I I I I I I I I I

, <



N.B. On a Monday only, Terce continues as here given, but on a Tuesday,'

Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday with the Psalms as given on pp, Q 336- Q 337, jl

I Psalm 118, vv. 105 - 112:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 14th portion of th~ 1st Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Thy law is a lamp un-to i my feet *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse: and a light ~ un-to my paths.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

I have sworn and re- T sol-voo 01< that I will keep the judgments ~ of Thy righ-teous-ness, I was humbled ex-ceed-ing-ly, i 0 Lord; * quicken me ac-cord- ~ ing to ThY}\lord. The free-will offerings of my mouth be Thou now Pleased to re- T celve, 0

Lord, 01< and teach ~ me Thy j6dg-m~nts. _,

My soul is in 'Thy Hands con-tln-u- i al-Iy, 01< and Thy law have I ~ not for-got-ten. . Sinners have set a t snare for me, * yet from Thy commandment ~ have I not strayed. " I have inherited Thy testi-mon-ies for T ev-er, * for they are the re- ~ jolc-lng of my heart.

I have inclined my heart to perform Thy stat-utes for T ev-er * ~ for a re-com-pense, Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the III Son, * and ~ to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and i ev-er, 01< and unto the ages of ~ a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 118, vv. 113 - 120.-

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 15th portion of the lst Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Trans-gres-sors have I T ha-ted, *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the v~rse: but ~ Thy law have I loved.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

My Helper and My Pro-tec-tor T art Thou; 01< on Thy words ~ have I set my hope.

Depart from me, yee-vil- T do-ers; 01< and I will search out the

com- J.. mand-ments Of My God. _ ,



Help me, and I shall be 1 sa-ved; * and I will meditate on Thy sta- ~ tutes con-tin-u'l-lj.

_ Th9U hast set at nought all that de-part from Thy T stat-utes, * for unrighteous

~ is their in-ward thought. _

I have reckoned as transgressors all the sin-ners l' Of the Earth, * therefore

have I loved Thy ~ tes-tim-o-nies. , A

Nail down my flesh with the T fear of Thee, * for of Thy judg- ~ ments am I a-fraid. Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the III Son, * and ~ to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and T ev-er, * and unto the ages of ~ a-ges. A-men.

Q 335 I June 2 I 15-Trinitytide Terce of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM. I Q 335

, t l' I *

Tone 8 I [. • .) ••• (. 8 • I) •••• • 9 • I


_ A


.' • • I II ~

Psalm 118, vv. 121 - 128:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 16th portion of the 1st Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

I have wrought jiidg-ment and i righ-teous-ness; *Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse:

. ,

o give me not up to J them that wrong me.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chant s ithe entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:


Receiye Thy ser-vant i un-to good, * let not the proud false- J Iy ac-cuse me.

Mine eyes have failed with, waiting for Thy sal- i va-tlon, * and for the word

J of Thy righ-teous-ness. /'-

Deal with Thy servant according to Thy i mer-cy, * and teach J me

stat-utes. '

i am Thy i 'ser-vant; * give me understanding, and I shall know

J tes-tim-o-nies.

It is time for the T Lord to act;'* for they J. have dls-pers'd Thy law. Therefore have I loved Thy com- i mand-ments * more than J gold and to-paz. Therefore I directed myself according to all Thy com- T mand-ments; * every

way that is unrighteous J have Ilia-ted.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the + Son, :I< and J. to the Hc-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning,both now and i ev-er, * and unto the ages of J a-ges. A-men.

Thy :~






I---- '~""~ I • I • • I ~ I ~~
Then • ptj ~ •
• 1'1 I- I
All repeat: This man de-spi-sing the world, and tri-um-phing o-ver earth-ly
I • I • I ....,. ~'. I II ~
I • 1'1
• • I things, hath laid up treas-ures in Heav-en by word and deed.

The Chapter and the Versicle

Then the HebdomaCiary alone chants the following according to the Tone given for Monday Terce in the Psalter:

As gold in the furnace hath the Lord tried his chosen ones, *

Chapter (Wis. 3: 6)



and received them as a burnt offering. All respond:

y. The souls of the righteous are in the Hand of God. ~. And the torment of death shall not touch them.

~. Thanks be to God.

The Collect

Pleased, 0 Lord, by the supplication of Thy holy martyrs Marcellinus and Peter, both grant us pardon and bestow everlasting remedies. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, through all the ages of ages. ~. Amen.

The proper for Sext begins on p . Q 337.

Q 336 I June 2 /15-Trinitytide Terce of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM. I Q 336 Psalms for Terce on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. and Friday

,t t • A* .J.~ :..-..,.

Tone 8 I (. • .] .11 [I EI I I] I I I I I a I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II ~

Psalm 119:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the lstrPsalm, using this

Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set ot brackets therein): .

Un-to the Lord in .. mine affliction have I l' cri-ed, *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side Q[_ the Quire completes ~he verse:

. ~ and He heard me.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side Q[_ the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sidesalternating the verses thereafter:

o Lord, deliver !Dy soiil from un- l' righ-teous lips * and 1 from a craf-ty tongue. What "shall be gi v-en T un-to, thee? * And what shall be added unto thee 1 for

.... thy craf-ty tongue? " ~ .

The arrows Of the T Might-y One, * sharpened with coals 1 of the des-ert.

Woe is me, for my sojourning is pro-Iong'd; t I have tented with the tent-lugs of l' Ked-ar; * my soul hath long 1 been a so- jour-ner.j With jhem that hate peace I was T peace-a-ble; * when I spake unto them, they;

warred a-gainst 1 me with-out a cause. .

Glory be to the Fath-er, and i to the III Son, * and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost. I As, it was in the beginning, both now and i ev-er, * and unto. the ages of

1 a-ges. A-men. --

Psalm 120:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first halfof the first verse of the Znd Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

I have lift-ed up mine eyes to the i moun-tains *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side Q[_ the Quire completes the verse;' A from whence 1 com-eth my help.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side Q[_ the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

My help com-'4eth i from the Lord, * Who hath made 1· Heav-en and the Earth. Give not thy foot un-to'T mov-ing, * and may He not slum- 1 ber That keep-eth thee. ~ Behold, He shall not slum-ber nor T shall He sleep, * He That 1 lsieep-eth Is-ra-el. The Lord shall T keep thee; * the Lord is Thy Shelter l at thy right hand.

The Sun shall not burn thee T by day) * J nor the moon by night.

The Lord shall keep thee from all 1 e-vil; * the l Lord shall guard thy soul.

The Lord shall keep thy coming in and thy t go-ing out, * from henceforth J, and for ev-er-more.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and T to the III Son, * and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As,it was in the beginning, both now and l' ev-er, * and unto the ages of 1 a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 121:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 3rd Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set ofbrackets therein):

I was glad because of them that said T un-to me: *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse: " A

-rrLet us go in-to 1 the House of the Lord."

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side el. the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternatinp the verses thereafter:

Our feet i have stood * in th}; courts, 1 0 Jer-u-sal-em.

Jerusalem is builded as a T Cit-y, * which its dwellers ~ share in con-cord.

For there the tribes went up, the tribes T Of the Lord * as a testimony for

Isra-el, to give thanks to 1 the Name Of the Lord. ~

For there are set thrones un-to T judg-ment, * thrones over the ~ House of Da-vid. Ask now for the things which are for the peace of Jer- i u-sal-em, * and for

the prosperity of 1 them that love thee. _

Let peace be now i in thy strength, * and prosperity 1 in thy pal-a-ces.

For the sake of my brethren and my i neigh-bours * I spake J, peace con-cer-niog thee. Because of the House of the T Lord Our God * I have 1 sought good thi~s for thee. Glory be to the Fath-er, and T to the III Son, * and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As,it was in the beginning, both now and i ev-er, * and unto the ages of J, a-ges. A-men.

Q 3371

June 2 11S-Trinitytide Sext of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM.

1 Q 337


I II 1 • • • • •

• iI • P'ii l1li .'1. •

~ • 1

All repeat:

I· ·

This man de-spi-sing the world, and tri-um-phing o-ver earth-ly

'. =a- ~I. • .' l1li

• •

. ,,~

things, hath laid up treas-ures in Heav-en by word and deed.

The .Chapter and the Versicle

Then the Hebd<omadary alone. chants the following according to the Tone given for Tuesday Terce in the Psalter:

As gold in the furnace hath the Lord tried his chosen ones, *'

Chapter (Wis. 3: 6)

• • = II ~

and received them as a burnt off'erlng.. All respond: W. Thanks be to God.

v. The souls of the righteous are in the Hand of God.

.... ~. And the torment of death 'shall not touch them.



:; /

Pleased, 0 Lord, by .the supplication of Thy holy martyrs MarcelJinus and

Peter, both grant us pardon -;' and . bestow everlasting remedies. Through Our LOIid Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth arid reigneth with Thee in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, through all the ages of ages. W. Amen.

The Collect


The 1 st Cantor alone begins chanting this Antiphon:

, .....



• I I

If an-y man serve Me.

a l1li. • tI .1.

I P'ii.


I =

All respond:

~ I' 1\ .II~

Let him fol-Iow Me; and where I AM, there

shall al-so My ser-vant be.

N.B. On a Monday only, Sext continues as here given, hut on a Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday with the Psalms as given on pp. Q 340 - Q 341 .

. t -l-v~* -l-~ A

Tone 1 I [. • .] ••• [. 0 • I) •••• .' I • • • •• ~ • •• '. = 0 • II ij

Psalm 118, vv. 129 - 136:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 17th portion of the 1st Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Won-der-ful are Thy tes-tlm- ,(, o-nies; *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse:

therefore hath 1 my sou) search'd them out.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides ajternaJing the verses thereafter:

The unfolding of Thy words will 1 give Light * and under- 1 stand-ing un-to

babes. ,

I opened my mouth and drew in t my breath, * for I longed for 1 Thy com-mand-ments.

Look upon me and have mer-cy t on me, * according to the judgment of 1 them

that love Thy Name. ~

My steps do Thou direct according to Thy 1 say-ing, * and let no iniquity have do- t min-ion o-ver me.

Q 338 I June 2 11S-Trinitytide Sext of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM. I Q 338

t J. ~ ~ *' .J, ,z, A
Tone 1 I [ I I I ] III t I : II] III I I I I I I I III I I I I ; 0 I II.
I Deliver me from the false accu-sa-tion t Of men, * and I will keep t Thy com-mand-ments.

Make Thy Face to shine up-on Thy t ser-vant, * and teach t me -Thy stat-utes.

Mine Eyes have poured forth streams of t wat-ers, *' be-cause t I kept not Thy



Glory be to the Fath-er, and to t the III Son,' * and t to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and t ev-er, * a~d unto the ages of t a-ges. A-men.



.... Psalm 118, vv. 137 - 144:

The 1st Cantor alone chantfthe first half of the first verse of the 18th portion of the 1st Psalm, using the same Tone, 'induding the inionauon notes (within the first set of brackets therein): I

Righ-teous art, Thou, t 6 Lord, *' ~i

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side Q.[_ the Quire completes the verse:

. _ and upright t are Thy judg-ments.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side Q.[_ the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Thou hast ordained as Thy tes-tlm- ~ o-n i es * exceeding t righ-teous-ness and Truth.

My zeal for Thee hath made me to pine ..1. a-way, *' because mine enemies have for- ..1. got-ten Thy words.

Thine oracle is tried with fire to the tit- t ter-most, *' and Thy ser- t vant hath

loved i t. ~,., ,

I am young and ac-count-ed as ..1. noth-ing, * yet Thy statutes have i ..1. not '.,:

-,; J

f or-got -ten.

Thy righteousness is an ever-las-ting rlgh- ..1. teous-ness, *' t and Thy law is Truth.

Tribulations and necessl-tles have ~ found me, *' Thy commandments are my

t med-lt-a-tldn. .

Thy testimonies are righ-teous-ness for t ev-er.; * give me under-stand- t ing and i shall live.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to ~ the It Son, *' and ..1., to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and t ev-er, * and unto the ages of ~ a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 118, VV. 145 - 152:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 19th portion of the 1st Psalm, using the same Tone, induding the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

I have cri-ed with my t whole heart: *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse:

"Hear me, 0 Lord, and I will seek at-ter

t Thy stat-utes."

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

I have cri-ed un-to Thee: t "Save me; * and I will keep Thy t tes-tim-o-nfes."

Q 339 I June 2 I lS-Trinitytide Sext of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM. I Q 339

,t '!'VA* ,!,~ A

Tone 1 (continued) ~I~;I~I I§[§,;I ~D~I~ll] ~1~1;1~1~~.~131~1~1 ~1~1~1;1~1~1~1~~I~I~=§D~I~111

- ,

I arose in the dead of night and I J, cri-ed; * on Thy words 1 have I set my


Mine eyes woke be-fore the 1 morn-Ing * that I might meditate 1 on Thy say-ings.

Hear my voice, 0 Lord, according to Thy l mer-cy; * according to Thy l jiidg-ment, quick-en me.

They have drawn nigh that la/wlessly per-sec- 1 tite me, * but from Thy law l are they far re-moved.

Near art Thou, 1 0 Lord, '01< and l all Thy ways are Truth .

./ '. A

From the beginning I have known from Thy tes-tlm- l o-nies * that Thou hast

founded l them for ev-er.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to 1 the II Son, 01< and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and 1 ev-er, * and unto the ages of l a-ges. A-men.











... I

All repeat:


I III If an-y man serve Me, let him fol-Iow Me; and where I AM, there

= I ~ I 111

shall ai-so My ser-vant be.

The Chapter and the Versicle

Then the Hebdomadary alone chants the following Chapter (Heb, 11: 36, 37) according to the Tone given for Monday Sext in the Psalter:

The Saints had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, t yea, moreover of bonds and imprisonment; 01< they were stoned, and they were sawn I I I I = 111

asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword. All respond: ~. Thanks be to God. y. Let the righteous rejoice in the Presence of God.,


~. Let them delight in gladness.

The Collect,

Grant, we beseech Thee, Almighty God, that we may share in the rewards of Thy holy martyrs whose victories we celebrate. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, through all the ages of ages. W. Amen.

The proper for None begins on p. Q 341.

Q 340 I June 2 11S-Trinitytide Sext of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM. I Q 340 Psalms for Sext on Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday. and Friday

_t -l-VA* -l-~ A

Tone 1 I [. • .] ... [. 0 • I] .... .' I • • • ••• • •• "; 0 • II ~

Psalm 122:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of thefirst verse of the lst Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein): •

Un-to Thee have I llf+ted up 1. mine eyes *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse:

- unto Thee that dwell- J, est in Heav-en.

An4 then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the' Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Behold, as the eyes of J, ser-vants * look unto the hands 1. of their mas-ters.

As the eyes of the handmaid look unto the hands of her 1. mis-tress, * so do our

eyes look unto the Lord Our God, until He take t pi t-y on us. .

.... Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, have mer-cy t on us; * for greatly are we flll'd

1. with a-base-ment. /'

Greatly hath our soiil been fin'd 1. there-with; :I< let reproach come upon them "

that prosper, and a- 1. base-ment on the proud. , "

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to 1. the lie Son, * and 1. to the Ho-ly Ghost. ;1

As ,it was in 'the beginning, both now and 1. ev-er, :I< and unto the ages of

1. a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 123:

The 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 2nd Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set_ of brackets therein).'

"Had it not been that the Lord was with us," let Is-ra-el 1. now say: :I<

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse: ,

"Had it not been that the t Lord was with us, And then, only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter: A

"When men rose up a- 1. gainst jls, :I< then had they swal- 1. low'd us up a-live. "When their \~"rath raged a- 1. gainst us :I< then had the water ,J,. o-ver-whelm-ed us. "Our soul hath pass'd through a 1. tor-rent, * then had our soul passed through ~

the water that is 1. ir-res-ls-ttb-le. ,

"Bless-ed be the Lord Who hath n,ot giv- 1. en us * to be a 1. prey to their teeth. "Our soul like a sparrow was de-llv- 1. er-ed," out of the snare t of the hun-ters. "The snare i1! 1. bro-ken, * and we tare de-liv-er-ed.

"Our help is in the Name of 1. the Lord " Who hath made l, Heav-en and the Earth." Glory be to the Fath-er, and to·,J,.the + Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and ,j, ev-er, * and : unto the ages of 1. a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 124,'

The 2nd Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 3rd Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

They that trust in the Lord shall be as Mount t S5'-on; *

Then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire completes the verse:

he that dwelleth at Jerusalem, nevermore shall ,j, he be sha-ken.

And then, only the 1 sf Cantor's side el: the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Mountains are round about her, t and the Lord is round a-boiit His t peo-ple * from hencef'orthL and for ev-er-mere.

, For the Lord will' not p~rmit the rod of sinners to be upon the, lot' of the

1. righ-teous, :I< lest the righteous stretch forth their hands iin- ,J,. to in-i-quit-ies.

Do good, 0 Lord, un-to them that 1 are' good * and un-to t the up-right of heart. But them that turn aside unto crook-ed ways shall the Lord lead away with the workers Of in-i- J, quit-j'; * peace be ,J,. up-on Is-ra-el.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to 1. the II Son, * and 1. to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and ,j, ev-er, * and unto the ages of 1. a-ges. A-men.

Q 3411

June 2 11S-Trinitytide None of Sts, Marcellinus and Peter, MM.


1 Q 341


. I,


... .

Then All repeat:


I ~ rt

. ...

If an-y man serve

• 111

Me, let him fol-Iow Me; and where I AM, there

I '

shall ai-so My ser-vant: be.

The 'Chapter and the Versiele

Then the Hebdomadary alone chants the following Chapter (Heb. 11: 36,37) according to the Tone given for Tuesday Sext in the Psalter:

. The Saints had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, t yea, moreover of

bonds and imprisonment; * they were ston~d, and they were sawn ' , ; • " I 111

asunde~i,. were tempted, were slain with" the sword. All respond: W. Thanks be to God.

... ,,_. Let the righteous rejoice in' the Presence of God. ~. Let them delight in gladness.


The Collect


Grant, we beseech Thee, Almighty God; that we may share in the rewards of ':1 Thy holy martyrs whose victories we celebrate. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy I, Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, through all the ages of ages. W. Amen. I


The 1st Cantor alone begins chanting this Antiphon:



My Will, 0 Fath-er.

, I


• •

. ~

Is that where I AM, there shall ai-so My

ser-vant be.

t .j, v ... * .j, ~

Tone 1 ; [ ••• ] •• , ( •. :. '1] "., .' 1 ' , , , •• • ., '.' 0 ' Iii

N.B. On a Monday only, None continues as here given, but on a Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday with the Psalms as given on pp. Q 343 - Q 344.

Psalm 118, vv. 153 - 160:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 20th portion of the lst Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within, the first set of brackets therein):

Be-hold my humili-a-tion and res- t cue me, :« l

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side Q1. the Quire completes the verse:

for Thy law have I ~ not for-got-ten.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side t2L the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Judge my cause and re- L deem me; * for Thy ~ Word's sake quick-en me.

Far from sinners is sal- t va-::tion, :« for they have not sought af- t ter Thy stat-utes. Thy compassions are man-y, ~ 6 -Lord; * according to Thy .l judg-ment quick-en me. Many are Jhey that persecute me and af- ~ flict me; * from Thy testimonies

t have I not de-elined., A

I beheld men acting foolishly and I pined ~ a-way,,* because they kept ~ not ThX say-ings. Behold, how I have loved Thy com-mand-ments, t 0 LOrd; * in Thy ~ mer-cy, quick-en me. The beginning Of Thy words ~ is Truth,:« and all the judgments of Thy

righteousness en- ~ diire for ev-er.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to ~ the + Son, * and ~ to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As, it was in the beginning, both now and t ev-er, :« and unto the ages of t a-ges. A-men.

Q 3421 June 2 11S-Trinitytide None of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM. 1 Q 342

, t .j, V A :I<

Tone 1 I (. • .) ••• [. D • I] •••• I' I • • • ••• • •• '.' D • II.

Psalm 118, vv. 161 - 168:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 21th portion of the 1st Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Prin-ces have persecuted me with-out 1 a cause, *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side l21. the Quire completes the verse: .A

and because of Thy words my 1 heart bath been a-fraid.

And then, only ther Znd Cantor's si:de l21. the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes), the [,kYO sides alternating tbe verses thereafter:

I will re-joice in Thy 1 say-ings * as one that t find-eth great spoil. Unrighteousness have I ha-ted and t ab-horr'd, * but t Thy law hav,e I loved. Seven times a day have I prais- t ed Thee * for the judgments t lif Thy righ-teous-ness. Much peace have they that 10ve.J, Thy Jaw, * and for them there t is no stUm-bling-bIOck. I awaited "Thy sal-va-tion, to· Lord, :I< ~and Thy com- t mand-ments have I loved. My soul hath kept Thy tes-tim- t o-ni es * and hath loved J them ex-ceed-Ing-ly, I have kept Thy commandments and Thy tes-tlm- t o-nies, * for all my ways

are be- J, fore Thee, 0 Lord.. .. -

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to 1 the It Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As ~ it was in the beginning, both now and ,), ev-er, * and unto the ages of;1

t a-ges. A-men. . I

.j, 2



Psalm 118, vv. 169 - 176: _

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 22th portion of the 1st Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (wi;hin the first set of brackets therein):

Let my sup-plication draw nigh be-fore Thee, t 0 Lord; *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side l21. the Quire completes the verse: A

according to Thine oracle give me t un-der-stan-ding.

And then, only the Znd Cantor's side l21. the Quire chants the entire next verse

(omitting the intonation notes)~ the two sides alternating the verses thereafter: ~

Let my petition corne be-fore Thee, J, 0 LOrd;:I< accord~ to Thine o-ra- J cle de-liv-er me. My lips shall pour forth J, a hymn :I< when Thou hast taught J, me Thy stat-utes. My ~e shall S'IX'lik of Thy 1 $3.y-i~,* for all Thy eom-mand-I ments are ngh-teous-ness. Let Ttiy lIan~be for sa'- ,), ving me,"! for I have chosen J, Thy com-mand-ments.

I have longed for Thy sal-va-tion, J, 0 Lord, :I< and ThX law is my J. med-it-a-tion. ~ My soul shall live ana shall J. praise Thee, * and Thy Judg-- 1 ments will help me.

I have gone astray like a sheep that J. is lost; :I< 0 seek Thy servant, for I have

not forgotten J Thy com-mand-ments.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to J, the It Son, * and J, to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As ~ it was in the beginning, both now and J. ev-er, :I< and unto the ages of t a-ges. A-men.



All repeat: My Will, 0 Fath-er, is that where I AM, there shall al-so My

I -. tl • 111

ser-vant be.

The Chapter and the Versicle'

Then the Hebdomadary alone chants the following Chapter (Apoc. 7: 14, 15) according to the Tone given for Monday None in the Psalter:

These are they which carne out: of great tribulation, t and have washed their robes, and

, I· 1

made them white in the Blood of-the Lamb; '" therefore are they before the • • ; II

Throne of God, and serve Him day and night in His Temple. All respond:~. Thanks be to God. v. But the righteous live unto eternity.

l¥. And their reward is in the Presence of the Lord.

The Collect

Grant us, Almighty God, ever to praise Thee in the commemoration of Thy Saints, for Thou shalt take care to refresh them to whom Thou grantest to persevere in Thine Honour. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, through all the ages of ages. ~. Amen.

Q 3431 June 2 / lS-Trinitytide None of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM. 1 Q 343 Psalms for None on Tuesdav, Wednesdav, Thursdav, and Fridav

,t -l-VA* -l-~

Tone 1 I (. ' ,] ,., [, 0 ,I]' · '" " I • • I ••• • I. 'I' 0 • II ij

Psalm 125:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 1s{Psalm, using this Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

When the Lord turn-ed again the captivit-y of J, Sy-on,* Then, only the 1st Canto~'s side Qj_ the Quire completes the verse:

/ we became as men J, that are com-for-ted.

And then, only the 2ndCantor~s side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse .... (omitting the intonation notesi .. rye' two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Then was our mouth fin'd J, with joy, * and our tongue 1 with re-joic-jng ..


Then shall they say a-mong the 1 na-tions: * "The Lord hath. done J, great

things un-to them." ,

The Lord hath done great things a- 1 mong us, * and we J, are be-come glad. Turn again, 0 Lord, our cap-tlv- J, it-y * J, like streams in the south.

They that sow 1 with tears :« shall reap J, with re- joic-f ng.

In their going they went, and J, they wept :« J, as they cast their seeds.

But in their corning shall they come with re- J, joic-Ing, * J, bear-ing their sheaves. Glory be to the Fath-er, and to J, the + Son, * and 1 to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beglnnlng,' both now and J, ev-er, * and unto the ages of J, a-ges. A-men.

Psalm 126:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 2nd Psalm, using the same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Ex-cept the Lord build 1 the house, *

Then, only the 1st Cantor's side Qj_ the Quire completes the verse:-

in vain do they la- 1 bour that build it.

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's side ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting the intonation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

Except the Lord guard theIcit-y, :« in vain doth he i watch that guard-eth her. It is vain for you to rise J, at dawn. * Ye that eat the bread of sorrow, rouse your-selves J, af-ter rest-Ing,

When He hath given sleep to His be- 1 lov-ed; * 10, sons are the heritage of the Lord, the reward of 1 the fruit Of the womb.

Like arrows in the hand of a might- J, y man, * so are the sons of them J, that were out-casts.

Bless-ed is he that shall fulfil his de-sf-res J, with them, * they shall not be put to shame when they speak to, their en- J, em-ies in the gates.

Glory be to the Fath-er, and to 1 the + Son, :« and J, to the H6-1y Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and -1 ev-er, * and unto the ages of J, a-ges. A-men.

Q 344 t June 2 11S-Trinitytide None of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter, MM. t Q 344

,t J.,v~*

Tone 1 I [I I I] I II [:. 0 • ') I II I I I 1


• •

I 0

Psalm 127:

The 1st Cantor alone chants the first half of the first verse of the 3r~ Psalm, using this same Tone, including the intonation notes (within the first set of brackets therein):

Bless-ed are all they that fear J,. the Lord *

Then , only the 1st Cantor's side ei: the Quire completes the verse: that J,. walk in His ways. ' .

And then, only the 2nd Cantor's iside ei. the Quire chants the entire next verse (omitting therinionation notes), the two sides alternating the verses thereafter:

~ -

Thou shalt eat the fruit.of thy I Ia-bours: * bless-ed art thou, and well J. shall it

be with thee.

Thy wife shall be as a fruit- 1 ful vine *' on J,. the sides Of thy house, Thy sons like 'young 01- J. ive trees :« round a- J,. bout thy ta-ble. Behold, so shall the man be J,. bless-ed * that J,. f'ear-eth the Lord.

The Lord bless thee out of 1 S~-on * and mayest thou see the good things of

Jerusalem all 1 the days Of t\ty life.

And mayest thou see thy chjl-dren's J,. chil-dren; * peace be J,. up-on Is-ra-el. Glory be to the Fath-er, and to 1 the + Son, * and J. to the Ho-ly Ghost.

As it was in the beginning, both now and 1 ev-er, * and unto the ages of J,. a-ges. A-men.

I :/



• _A_ll repeat: My Will, 0 Fath-er, is that where I AM, there shall ai-so My

iii " I 111

ser-vant be.

The Chapter and the Versicle

Then the HebdomadarY,alone chants the following Chapter (Apoc . To 14, 15) according to the Tone given for Tuesday None in the Psalter:

These are they which came out of great tribulation, t and have washed their robes, and

made them white in the Blood of the Lamb; * therefore are they before the I I I I ~ II ~ Throne of God, and serve Him .. day and night in His Temple. All respond: I¥. Thanks be to God. y. But the righteous live unto eternity.

I¥. And their reward is in the Presence of the Lord.

The Collect

Grant us, Almighty God, ever to praise Thee in the commemoration of Thy Saints, for Thou shalt take care to refresh them to whom Thou grantest to persevere in Thine Honour. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, through all the ages of ages. I¥. Amen.

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