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2 Bi-lobed gland over second and third
tracheal ring
2 piramidal lobe : 40 50 %
2 Weight : 20 30 gr
2 Epithelium lined follicle
2 Colloid : glycoprotein ( thyroglobulin )
2 Vascular stroma
2 True connective tissue capsule



2 Knferior thyroid artery :

Thyrocervical trunk
Absent in up to 6%
2 Thyroidea ima :
directly from aorta , innominate artery or
right common carotid artery
2 Present in up to 12%
2 uperior thyroid vein : K V or common facial
2 Knferior jugular vein : innominate vein or K V
2 Middle thyroid vein : K V
2 Lymphatic paratracheal nodes superior
mediastinum & middle deep cervical node
and lateral the neck

2 Median endodermal derivative that migrates

from the tongue base to its normal position in
the neck by 7th week .

2 The distal portion of this thyroglossal duct

forms the thyroid gland

2 Concentrate iodine
2 20 30 % is store in thyroid
2 mall percentage in hormone and nonthyroid
2 All tyrosine compounds are bound to
thyroglubulin and store in thyroid follicles as
2 The unbound thyroid hormone is responsible
for influencing metabolism .

2 7% of the population has remnants of the

thyroglossal duct
2 Cyst : anywhere along the length of duct
60% infrahyoid , 24% suprahyoid ,
1% intralingual
2 1-2 cm cystic mass that is mobile on
swallowing & protruding of the tongue
2 60% contain thyroid tissue
2 Malignancy is rare
2 Acute infection
2 Contain mucus like clear fluid
2 Kf it is become symptomatic it must be
2 istrunk operation


2 ailure of thyroglossal duct to descend

2 A mass at the foramen cecum
2 Aysmptomatic or present with airway
2 May be the only thyroid tissue

2 Anywhere along the migratory route of the


2 Mediastinum , larynx , trachea , pericardium

or esophagus


Present in children persistent ultimobranchial

bodies or an intrathyroidal thyroglossal duct


2 M=
2 Preceded by an upper respiratory tract
2 taph. The most common organism
2 Painful enlargement of the gland
2 ever
2 Abscess formation


2 More common in female

2 Difuse thyroid enlarement
2 Without pain or thyroid enlargement
2 Temporary hyperthyroidism
2 50% become hypothyroid which resolves in
6 month

2 Knitial hypothyroidism is mild

2 Lymphocytic infiltration and follicle disruption
2 elf-limiting disease
2 teroid may be of value

2 At all age most common at 5th decade

2 M
2 May be viral
2 Painful thyroiditis
2 Defuse thyroid enlargement
2 Malaise and fever
2 thyrotoxic


2 Ayperthyroidism : 1-3 month

2 Euthyroid : 1-3 weeks
2 Aypothyroid : 2-6 month
2 Recovery which is complete
2 Lymphocyte , monoycyte and giant cell
infiltration .

2 Treatment consist of analgesic steroid and

antiinflammatory agents .

2 Common
2 Affecting 2 population
2 95 % in female Autoimmune etiology with
strong genetic predisposition
2 Diffusely enlarge with nodularity firm
2 Disrupted follicle with lymphocyte and
plasma cell infiltration and variable fibrosis
2 Residual hypothyroidism

2 Anti thyroglobulin and antimicrosomsal ab

are present up to 90%
2 A is diagnostic
2 Kncreased risk for developing B cell

2 ncommon
2 M
2 Older patient
2 May be mediastinal & retroperitoneal fibrosis
2 ixed rock-hard thyroid enlargement
2 Gland replaced with fibrosisAirway obstruction and
2 Palliative surgery to relieve obstruction

2 3th and 4th decade

2 M : 71
2 Autoimmune etiology : abnormal Kg that fix on
TA receptor of thyroid epithelial cell
2 Diffuse toxic goiter
2 ophthalmopathy 55%
2 Dermophathy 5%

2  T3 , T4 , T3R
2 Thionamide , sympathetic blocker , iodine
2 Radioactive iodine


2 Refuse radioactive therapy

2 Thyroid nodules suspicious for malignancy
2 Must be rendered euthyroid prior to surgery




2 Older patient no ophthalmopathy or

2 Total thyroidectomy
2 Radioactive iodine but not successfully as

2 >ounger patient Quite large ( 2.5 3 cm )

2 urgical excision


2 Compensatory response
2 Common in female econdary to dietry
2 ymptom and sign of pressure


2 Thyroid suppression
2 urgery:
cosmetic deformity
pressure symptom refractory to suppression
ear of malignancy
Development of toxicity


2 Encapsulated tumor
2 Glandular epithelium with intratumoral
degenerative changes ( hemorrhage ,
fibrosis , calcification )
2 Rare thyrotoxicosis
2 Type : follicular,colloid , embryonal, fetal ,
Aurthle ???


'() '*%

2 Third 5th decade

2 M : 21
2 Kndolent with overall excellent prognosis
2 May arise from benign adenoma
2 Low-dose and high dose external RT

2 Occult ; <1.5 cm
2 Kntrathyroid ( 70% )
2 Extrathyroid : infiltrate larynx , trachea , strap
muscle , great vessel

2 Purely papillary
2 ome may have area of follicular
2 Anaplastic transformation is rar
2 Venous invasion in 10%






2 Advance age
2 Male gender
2 extrathyroid extension
2 Distant metastasis

2 Dedifferentiation
2 Vascular invasion
2 Atypical variants ( tall cell, columnar ,
sclerosing ) may have negative prognostic


2 Vascular invasion
2 Metastasis to bone brain and liver
2 Anaplastic transformation is more common
2 Overtly invasive : infiltrate surrounding
structure ( MR 20-50%)
2 Minimally invasive : microscopically has
capsular invasion (MR 5%)





2 Advanced age
2 Male gender extrathyroid extension
2 Distant metastasis
2 Vascular invasion
2 anaplastic transformation trabecular growth

2 As a variant of follicular tumors

2 Overtly invasive :higher mortality rate
Aigher L metastasis

2 Minimally invasive


 |     A 




2 10 20 % familial
2 poradic : in 5th decade
2 Multicentric ,lateral upper 23 of gland
2 Encapsulated , diffuse infiltrative
2 50% nodal metastasis
2 15-25% distant metastasis

2 Medullary thyroid cancer

2 C-cell hyperplasia
2 Adrenal pheochromocytoma
2 Adrenal medullary hyperplasia
2 Parathyroid hyperplasia

Kn addition :
2 Mucosal neuromas
2 GK ganglioneuroma
2 Musculoskeletal abnormality


2 ME type 2B
2 odal & distant metastasis
2 Extrathyroid extension
2 mall cell tumor pleomorphism
2 Poor calcitonin staining
2 Aigh CEA


2 Rare tumor
2 Arise in well-differentiated tumor
2 Older women
2 Advance stage early infiltration of
surrounding structure
2 mall cell , giant cell
2 Extremely poor prognosis

2 Primarily in the thyroid

2 As a part of systemic disease
2 Arises in a gland with Aashimotos thyroiditis
2 Elderly women
2 Diffusely enlarged gland or nodule
2 Aypothyroidism
2 Diffuse large cell lymphoma
2 Good prognosis

2 arcoma
2 Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
2 CC
2 Kidney , colon , melanoma are the most
common distant site



2 mooth and diffuse ( usually benign )

2 odular
2 Multinodular goiter may harbor a neoplasm(
10-15% ) :
90% benign
10 % malignent



2 Dysphagia ( discomfort on swallowing

obstruction )
2 Mild to moderate stridor chondromalacia
airway obstruction
2 TVC edema & RL paralysis hoarseness
2 Retrosternal extension tracheal deviation
& VC


2 tridor and hemoptysis

2 Rapid increasing in mass
2 RL paralysis
2 Dysphagia & odynophagia
2 Brachial plexus infiltration
2 Painful enlargement


2 Kt is the only obvious clinical evidence of

thyroid cancer
2 Papillary metastasis may be cystic ( 20%)
2 ollicular carcinoma : distant metastasis
2 Medullary and anaplastic : extracapsular


2 Most patients are euthyroid

2 Occasionally : hypothyroid
2 Rarely : hyperthyroid
2 Medullary :  calcitonin , ACTA , PG

2 Patchy calcification :
Benign thyroid disease
Well differentiated carcinoma
Medullary carcinoma

2 Retrosternal extension
2 Tracheal deviation
2 Mediastinal nodal involvement
2 Pulmonary metastasis


2 Kt should be done if the patient complains of

significant dysphagia
2 Kt differentiate thyroid from nonthyroid causes
of dysphagia

2 Determine the functional status of gland

2 Differentiate diffusely enlarge from nodular
2 Differentiate single nodule from multinodular

2 Low cost
2 Ready available
2 hort half life
2 Optimal imaging
2 Only trapped , not organified
X   K

2 Kt is able to determine function

2 K is the best but is expensive and have very
short half life
|  $(#

2 Detecting :
lymph node metastasis
retrosrernal extension
recurrent disease functioning
nodule within suppressed gland


A )   


2 creening high risk patient ( prior RT )

2 Differentiating single nodule from multiple
2 Cystic or solid status
2 acilitating A
2 Monitoring medically treated patient
2 Evaluating clinically negative neck for
2 Recurrent disease after surgery


2 Extrathyroidal extension
2 Retrosternal involvement
2 Metastatic disease
2 nnecessary in the evaluation of a routine
thyroid mass

2 Bone scan
2 CT scan of abdomen and chest
2 Octreotide study

2 T3
2 T4
2 TA
2 Thyroid Ab for Aashimoto thyroiditis
2 erum thyroglobulin
2 erum calcitonin in medullary carcinoma
especially if there is a family history






2 Obtain satisfactory specimen from nodule

2 it is of no value in microinvasive follicular
2 Kf the report is suspicious the patient should
probably proceed to surgery
2 Knadequate specimen repeat A

2 The best results obtains from periphery

2 Multiple aspirates are frequently necessary





2 A portion of capsule and surrounding tissue

can be included
2 Kt is rarely indicated



2 Clinical or radiographic evidence of

2 Clinical or radiographic evidence of regional
or distant metastasis
2 A positive for malignancy ( papillary ,
medullary , anaplastic )
2 Thyroid mass with raised serum level of

2 uspicious fine needle aspiration

2 odule refractory to suppression
2 olitary thyroid nodule with raised serum
thyroglobulin level
2 Recurrent cyst refractory to two aspirations and
thyroid suppression
2 odule going wrong , a solitary nodule increasing in
size and associated with pain
2 True single nodule in males elderly women children ,
or in any patient with a history of prior RT






2 Better oncologic operation in the case of

multicentric disease
2 Difficult residual thyroid suppression and
anaplastic transformation risk
2 Good postoperative scanning and radioactive
2 Postoperative thyroglobulin titrage

2 impler & time consuming

2 Lower morbidity
2 ot affected the prognosis of well
differentiated tumor
"  " 

2 Well-differentiated tumor : 9-16%

2 Kf gross tumor would be left using the shaving
technique wild field resection should be
performed .
2 RL enveloped & paralyzed it should be
sacrificed .
2 Kf it is the only functioning nerve and the
tumor and the tumor can be dissected off this
should be done




2 uperficial thyroid cartilage : shave resection
2 Aemilarynx : vertical partial laryngectomy
2 Anterior larynx : hemilaryngectomy And
2 Cricoid and bilateral laryngeal involvement :
total laryngectomy



2 Kn all patient : pericapsular and paratracheal

node need to be removed routinely
2 Overt node in these area : sup. Mediastimun
and lateral neck exploration

2 Clinical node : 20-25%

2 Pathological node : 30-79%
2 Kt has no adverse effect on prognosis
2 Extracapsular extension does not appear to
have an ominous prognosis

2 Very rare < 10% clinically & 20%

2 eck dissection are performed only for overt

2 30% lymphatic metastasis

2 unctional neck dissection should be
performed when disease is encountered

2 Metastasis : 50 63 %
2 Prophylactic paratracheal , superior
mediastinal and lateral neck dissection
2 Or : positive node in mediastinum and lateral
neck dissection is performed


2 Become hypothyroid and after 4-6 week

radioiodine scan
2 Any residual tissue : K ablation
2 Kn overt local or regional remnant & distant
metastasis should be used
2 urther 6 and 12 months scan and then
every 2 year
2 erum thyroglobulin every 6 months

2 Calcitonin level : every 3 months ( in first

year )
2 Every six months there after
2 Aigh calcitonin level : full metastatic work up
CT & MRK of the neck and octreotide scan
2 o overt disease : neck dissection and if it
done before RT to neck

2 Residual and inoperable disease or cancer that has

undergone anaplastic transformation
2 50 Gy
2 RT appears more effective than radioactive iodine in
treating local recurrence in WD cancer
2 K radioactive is the treatment of choice for distant
2 RT is the treatment of choice in anaplastic

Most disappointing results


2 Total thyroid ablation : T4 supplement

2 Kt is useful in controlling any microscopic
residual WD thyroid cancer that may have
been left locally , regionally or distantly


2 Low risk patient : 1-2 % MR

2 Aigh risk patient : 40 50 %
2 Aereditary & sporadic cancer have similar
survival ( 82% at 5 year )
2 Anaplastic cancer has a dismal survival
2 Early stage medullary : good prognosis

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