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Illegal/Inappropriate Interview Questions
How old are you?
When did you graduate from high school? College?
Can you read small print? (Unless job related)
Do you have any back problems?
Do you have any medical problems?
What health problems do you have?
When were you in the hospital last?
Ethnic Origin/Race/Nationality
Are you bilingual? (unless job related)
What language do you speak at home?
What languages do your parents speak?
What's the origin of your name?
What's your nationality?
Where are your parent's from?
Are you straight?
What's your sexual orientation?
Legal Status
Although there is no federal law that clearly prohibits an employer from asking about arrest and
conviction records, using such records as an absolute measure to prevent an individual from
being hired could limit the employment opportunities of some protected groups and thus cannot
be used in this way. A number of state laws also limit the use of arrest and conviction records by
prospective employers. These range from laws and rules prohibiting the employer from asking
the applicant any questions about arrest records to those restricting the employer's use of
conviction data in making an employment decision. In some states, while there is no restriction
placed on the employer, there are protections provided to the applicant with regard to what
information they are required to report.
Have you ever been arrested?
Have you ever been caught driving drunk?
Have you ever spent a night in jail?
Marital Status
Are you a single parent?
Are you married?
Do you have a maiden name?
Do you have children?
Do you have someone who can take care of a sick child?
Do you intend to get married?
Do you live by yourself?

Illegal/Inappropriate Interview Questions
Do you practice birth control?
How many people live in your household?
Where does your spouse work?
With what political party are you affiliated?
What church are you a member of?
Can you work Sundays? Saturdays?
Are you a member of a religious group?
Classify the following questions:
1) Are you in a committed relationship right now?
2) Are you married?
3) Are you pregnant?
4) Are you religious? Do you attend church?
5) Do you have any disabilities?
6) Do you have children?
7) Do you intend to have children? How many?
8) Do you rent or own your home?
9) Do you smoke?
10) Do you work out regularly?
11) Have you been injured on the job?
12) Have you ever been addicted to drugs?
13) Have you ever declared bankruptcy?
14) Have you ever filed for workers' compensation before?
15) Have you had any recent illnesses or surgeries?
16) How does your spouse feel about your working here?
17) How many times have you been married?
18) How old are you?
19) Were your parents born in this country?
20) What are your child care arrangements?
21) What is your first language?
22) What is your political affiliation?
23) What is your racial background?
24) What is your sexual orientation?
25) What organizations do you belong to?
26) What's your ethnicity/nationality?
27) Where do you bank?
28) Whom do you live with?

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