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Ejercicios: Some or Any?

Como ya hemos mencionado, SOME y ANY son palabras cuyo uso generalmente
se presta a confusin. Por eso te proponemos que completes las siguientes
oraciones utilizndolas de la manera correcta:

1. There are some letters for you.

2. Is there any news from Harry?

3. Have we got any bread for breakfast?

4. Would you like some more coffee?

5. There are some alternatives to do the exam.

6. Some people relieve anything they read in the papers.

7. We dont have any shirts in your size.

8. The employees didnt paint any building.

9. Some of the tourists missed the trip.

10. There isnt any milk in the fridge.

1. There is hardly any petrol in the tank.

2. I havent made any mistake in the test.

3. Some of the money is missing.

4. She doesnt have any plan for tonight.

5. I have travelled to Paris without any problems.

6. Some cities were destroyed during the war.

7. I havent seen my father for any years.

8. Some children were playing in the street.

9. The government didnt take any measure to solve the crisis.

10. There were some 200 tourists in the museum.

- Completa las frases utilizando 'MANY' , 'MUCH' , 'A LOT', 'A LOT OF'.

Do you drink a lot of / much water?

I like music, I've got a lot of / many CD's

1) It didn't cost money to go to New Zealand.

2) How songs can you sing?

a lot of
3) There's rice in the cupboard.

4) Paco visited countries when he went on holiday.

5) How interesting cities did Paco see?

many/a lot a lot of

6) He didn't see cities, but he saw friends.

much a lot
7) Do you eat cheese? Yes, .

8) Did you send postcards to friends? Yes, I did.

Would you like some coffee? Yes please.

There isn't any flour in the cupboard.

Did you make any sandwiches for the picnic?

1. Do you know good restaurants in Barcelona?

2. Would you like more potatoes?

3. When I went to Paris I visited interesting museums, but I didn't go

to art galleries.

4. Are there messages for me on the answer phone?

some some
5. I'd like tomatoes and mushrooms please. But I don't

want carrots.

- Completa las frases utilizando 'A LITTLE', 'LITTLE', 'A FEW', 'FEW'

We have a little money

I read a few books last summer

a few
1. I bought postcards in Paris.

a little
2. Can you ask the waiter for more wine please darling?

a few
3. You haven't passed all of the exams, you've only passed
4. people go out on Monday night in Valencia. There is almost no


a little
5. I like to drink lemon juice before I have breakfast.

a few
6. can I take pieces of paper, please?

7. $70 a week is money these days if you want to buy a flat.



All I want for the future is to be healthy and happy.

I like most of these CD's, but I can't buy them all.

1. Yesterday I spent my money, and now I don't have anything.

most all
2. people in Madrid speak Spanish, but not of them.

most of all
3. In Valencia, the shops open at 9 o'clock, but not of them.

most of
4. In Ireland it rains the time.
5. All German cars are well-made, but I like BMW's the .

6. I must be in love, because I can think about is you.

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