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Jacob Lorber associé à Swami Krivananda à la kabbale et l’évocation magique de

Franz Bardon au développement personnel new-age de Joseph Murphy le Raja

Yoga, somme toute c’est dans l’ordre des choses : les torchons avec les torchons.
Les textes de Jakob Lorber qui ont retenu l’attention : « Terre et Lune »,
« Saturne » et « le pouvoir guérissant de la lumière ». Petite précision les versions
anglaises des textes de Lorber sont publiés par Merkur-Publishing de Franz Bardon
(en fait ses successeurs puisqu’il est décédé). Cette intéressante mixture se trouve
sur « scribd gu ».

A propos de Swami Kriyananda :

Swami Kriyananda, un prédateur sexuel


Because I think it is very wrong for spiritual leaders (who have our trust) to do this sort of
thing, I want to inform you of my experience. I am 66, so what happened to me was shortly
after Ananda Community was open to the public for week long yoga retreats, about 30 years.
ago. At that time, I had 3 small children and had gone through a very unhappy divorce as my
husband left me for another woman. My self-esteem was at a low ebb, although I was fairly
attractive at the time. I had an "illumination" experience in 1963, while praying for a person,
so thus began my quest, quite before the metaphysical hippy days had started. I read AY and
yearned for the Kriya Yoga initiation techniques, to further my spiritual growth and
understanding of my spiritual experience.

Joyously, I discovered that there was an actual Kriya yoga instructor, in the person of Swami
Kriyananda (SK), who came to San Rafael to deliver his teachings. I was very impressed, as I
knew that his name would mean "bliss in Kriya" and that surely he must be a Master. I had
been studying the *** lessons, and other yoga studies, and was aware of the humble respect
and service one should demonstrate toward one's teacher, guru, swami, etc., and that it was a
special honor to be singled out by them for any kind of attention or service request, that it was
likened to serving The Master, or even God. I was also aware of the law of Karma, (cause and
effect), and the fact that SK had taken a vow of celibacy.

I invited SK and a young woman (later called K), who seemed quite dazzled by SK for
dinner, so SK was more aware of me than others who had taken his classes in this area.

When I was at Ananda, I believe it was my second visit there, SK "honored" me by requesting
I come to his abode to give him a foot massage. I felt very honored to have been thus chosen,
considering that he had his own entourage of people who actually lived at Ananda to fulfill
this noble function.

This took place on the outside deck of his home, while SK reclined in a hammock. Shortly,
after I had begun to massage his feet, he pulled up his orange cotton garment and proudly
revealed his large, bare, tumescent penis, and he gallantly invited me to massage it (while
fondling himself), and have intercourse.

I was shocked, terribly embarrassed, humiliated, disgusted, and worst of all, AFRAID. I had
previously been beaten for turning down a man's sexual overtures. I knew I had done nothing
whatsoever to entice or seduce SK. I had been modest, dressed modestly and had acted with
dignity and humbleness. I was also amazed that SK would do this in broad daylight outside,
when anyone could have approached from the surrounding area, where people easily
wandered around. However, I felt safe in declining his request out there, than I would have
inside his home. That made me more assertive, because I felt he wouldn't attack me physically
outside as I could scream or someone might see us, if I declined him and made him angry.

Curiously, what actually came to mind after that was that I did not want the responsibility of
messing up his karma, and taking on negative karma myself by being a party to his losing his
vow of celibacy, so I respectfully declined his "kind offer", to mate with him. He didn't argue,
and I left.

I even wondered if he was trying to "honor" me with this special privilege so I would donate a
lot of
money to his community, since he had seen my nice home on the golf course in San Rafael,
and he may have assumed I had money to spare for such things, but I did not.

I left Ananda quite saddened, depressed, and disillusioned, I canceled my *** mail lessons. I
was shocked at the lack of integrity of this man who was functioning as the spiritual leader of
this community, with innocent people trusting him. I even felt it was a "test" by God of my
own integrity, or maybe Kriyananda had thought it up to see if I was a worthy chela or not, To
me it was cruel, and beneath the dignity of a spiritual leader, and certainly reflected badly on
the teachings, and that there was a pretense at celibacy so that a woman could feel safe in the
Ananda environment, without fear of being attacked. My trust was violated and compromised.
I even felt GUILT that I had not accommodated his request, for fear I should have obeyed
him, and consequently wondered where I stood spiritually with "God", as a result of my
noncompliance, which added to my depression. I was still of an age that women were
supposed to home and obey the clergy, doctors, and lawyers. My mother told me to. I am a lot
wiser now.


Sur wikipédia aussi, ci-dessous, les mêmes accusations:

In 1997–98, a former resident of Ananda filed suit against Ananda, an Ananda minister, and
Swami Kriyananda. In the course of the trial, eight women testified under oath that
Kriyananda had used his power as the leader of Ananda to obtain sexual gratification from
them when they were in their 20s. Kriyananda admitted sexual contacts with most of the
women but denied it constituted sexual abuse. The jury found the church (Ananda), and
Kriyananda liable for "constitutive fraud", with a finding of "malice and fraudulent conduct".
The church, Kriyananda and the Ananda minister were found liable for "intentional infliction
of emotional distress" with a finding of "malice" and a finding of "despicable conduct"
against the church. The church was found liable for "negligent supervision" of Kriyananda,
with a finding of "malice and fraud" on the part of the church. Swami Kriyananda was judged
to have misrepresented himself as a monk and to have caused emotional trauma, and was
ordered to pay $285,000 in compensatory damages, and another $1 million in punitive
damages (the punitive damages were reduced to $400,000 on appeal). The jury also found that
the Ananda minister had made "unwelcome sexual advances". The Ananda Church responded
to the million-plus-dollar judgment by filing for protection under Chapter 11 of the federal
bankruptcy code.That allowed Ananda to settle the lawsuit by paying $1.8 million dollars to
Bertolucci and her attorneys. Ananda views this second lawsuit a continuation of SRF’s first
lawsuit, in an effort to stop Kriyananda and Ananda: its main lawyer was an SRF lawyer, and
nearly all of the women making accusations against Kriyananda were associated with SRF,
either as members or followers. They presented, according to Kriyananda, “lies and complete
distortions of the truth.” Kriyananda’s attorneys, however, were not allowed to cross-examine
any of his accusers on the sexual allegations.

In March, 2004, Italian authorities raided the Ananda colony in Assisi, responding to
allegations of a disgruntled former resident who accused Ananda Assisi of fraud, usury and
labor law violations. Nine Ananda residents were detained for questioning. They also had a
warrant for Kriyananda's detention, but Kriyananda was in India. A five-year long
investigation followed. In March 2009 the judge ruled that the case was "non luogo a
procedere perché il fatto non sussiste" (not to be continued as the matter is without substance).


Sur Franz Bardon la page « Le chemin de la véritable initiation magique :

ou une de ses pages en français avec ses 10 pages vibratoires :

Et la maison d’édition :

avec la page dédiée à Lorber :

Ne pas croire qu’on ne risque rien avec des livres, car au bout il y a les « Etres de lumière » :,r147127.html

Et derrière une reconversion de La Fraternité Universelle Blanche de Omraam Mikhael

Aivanhov :

voici par exemple une page où on retrouve Aivanhov et les mutants et autres êtres
intergalactiques :

Un forum ou les cervelles bouillonnent :

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