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'.' h - "'khl !!i!;,' bd' A'" I KL_II'. - A" .

h I' h - ifHli, "

1_ lel_': " l_. ,', .'. ~lliJulq :,5,- ~I,>~ar .

Transla~ed land edlred by:

At ..., l'Ii' .Ai, TJ' - O·1"·nil"TIO· '-NI-"'_,l" HJLlilUi. !. •.. - .. 1111.)'1 "hi'l. I. ! '.1'

N- b :'m: ,""'h, ed b - fry! -lI,

!UiJ_,_~._ tIll ,-.

IS· ~·L" ~~'C;c· p.mln~TG·';" ·JJ;lfmrL1C'Ul1!o.'G-:-- 1'001-'- .•••

. ··_:_lU"-U _ ' -J~'iJU/1~..u,,·-.·,~ "'lrlvu~w.J;:I.U:'.·~ '_- -~.1~

A.U -ri,g:hlS, reserved. No 'Pt'lI[1t of tais publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in ,any form. 0,]1' by any means, electronic, mtch,anrnie-aJ, photocopying, recording Of otherwise, without written permission from the pu bllshers,

pubr:~hed. Ilr: T,r.:llmlatmit edlUed ,and, dis:b:'ibuteti 'by.::

Blamie 'Prilli'IJn,g& PubliShing, COlli A~-Fadah. FOUD[I~,ti,on.

~,llbn.lla~il' A.l-ATlda~usi st., 24 A-t .. Tit,:r31~~ st.,

NasI Ci~Y'i Caire, EgypLj Nmsr Ci.~~ Cah\o~ Egyp'[

1iet &; fax; '(][)Z} 40J~ l J"J' - l~~l].1!@63 TeL & fax; (202) 2622838 - 4039169

mSBiN: 9'71=338,-167-6 ,. · ""If ",'" :t I',~ll ~.,)

A,cknow'lledgeim.ell't ".",.,~ "',i," 'i".i"iiii'~i'i' ii,','," ., •• ,.'.," .'. i'" .'.'. " •• ,.,.~ ~ •• ' •• '.",



III The mother's kindness

It) (ill


'Bo'\v' Can W're IGet OrD'r D,a,II"gll'ters, A~ClUilo:DI,ed,

to __ ~j~jab? '.'" ' .. ' ... ". ' .. ' II ' •• " ••• '. ' •• ru;" ". ,.," ~,~ ~ I, •• ~ ,! ~~, ~~! "'" ,! ~ii i,,;, "''; ,j ~,.,,;; 'i"';o; •• " .",. ""'" 13,




PI .. , . .' -_ '- ,~ '~'f' '. - "f.: - - '~I id - n,:;: ~ b

.re:mq u I,Sh)~S 0 V3Lw. L.· .!L~..l.Il J I. '. I.~, ~ ~ ,I". ~U,' ,,,,.,~ ~ ,',.,' , • ~,~ ii," '" ~" ~.' ~ 'i'" '. ~ ~ '.'





2_11"'1 ... ··


:g"'ltl.1D'n·-t "·~l"il'~· ... ·,:.·

Here, we would li to thank N:ajlia,' SD'yf'

ad,~Din, who translated the major PI~U:t of the book and Ahnl.d MJi ;'los8D, for his efforts; in, revising this work, Great appreciation is, due 'to, Umm Faruq Ceok, our editor, under whose guidance and supervision the subject matter took form",

W'I~ W'·, '·.·'IO···,·.U~ ld TIll~k-···I~ to draw ' .. 10·.·. the attention of 0.·· ur

~ ._ . _1.. ~f"_" _ ~ _ _ g "~ ILII _ ,!JW " .. '~'Jljlllr_JI '. .' U ".." _ ;

readers that all 'quoted, Qur anic verses are 'Eaken from "Abdullah Yusuf ~'AJi"IS translation of the Holy Qur'an,

P';'1l"II.a1'11'ly- -, all] prai coS! 'm II"'IlI d thank Ill:'!' are d ,. UA '111'0'·' All' I' ah

JLJ:I,d..LJL> ", I~. I'Lg_~iiJ'","", ~;U,,!l,_ ".JUjP,JLI_,~ '~I:" ~,' _""' ~_:_ ,..... __ ',i

without 'Whose Help and Guidance 'nOlmn!CJ!' can 'be

•• '_ _ _l". -. '_ _" .. I, J. .' • _ '.' __ -'_"._ I ~ __ \~ •. ' .l_, _ _ ,_ .• ,"_, _. ~ I. I~j '_" •• • _ .

,1OlIi"'!_:('i,O···· ·m-· .. plished Q,!w!"-' '.~'" I . c "11 ~Jll,"" -'"


lj:a'H'iJ."-",,",,"( LJ~-D~'.t.~, I ~l'~f LU,.. f.£lI' c;..L,;.UJ'~i


. ,1·j:lj"Qm~·'- '~"~"""' ''''A- IJ~H

I .~:r-;;l~_I~T_~_ ."., "':HIII .:_:.: _ '1111_'._



Praise 'be '~O Allah" the Lord, of the worlds ho

created people in order to, worship Him, and.' ,\,10 established for 'them, a religion that embraces 111m goodness in this life ,G'[ "the life '_0 come May peace be 'U'p1om. the most honored of M'es,sen"ge:rs~iPropbe:'t

M~tl' h--'!:I"I"'Ii"'i'IID-'cc 1,,',' (_iii h ousehold an d ]-"'I';~ 'C""'-'O'-']-Il--'~ panions

_j __ l~~,~JtU. I =.--=- ,I,,_,~ ~I " .IU!~~JI:I· .. IJ ,,-,:11 .. :-_ ttL J. ,'_', lJJllQ! ", '_:-~. ':___)l '"",,' ," ·0,_ lUi,! ,al'li

Dear h un; 0, IIO=,fI"a.~,11Ie fath ! er and most lovin '0' mother, to

'_ . ~I~~ :_=v. ,_. )tl. __ 'U~._. , ' ! ._.J.. ,g.ltlll'" ,YO _ ' _.'." ,:._,_I e' ~ .11 I "I! . ' ,

you lsend the courteous greetings of A11a'b, which is

peace A!: ]I~ of UI{I need 'ltn rem em ber A'" llah's 0" -, 'lP:"'Q,;fi;QJ 'iIf'ill!l:!1 ,~g!;.,.",!!!,.o!;~ .. ~:' ,1 Vi '!.J!,!i:li ,IV,",,'_, IL,IO' ~ .7', ',_ I~_; ,I~,;·. , ,l,aU ,~, ,:' ,1I.,,~11!i..! I':;JI,~

it is He Who from the depths of darkness has led us forth into Iight auided Ilh~' to the true relizion of iO'"111'1"

JIlf, ,I.t-, .. 1]" . _ ~.II~~f~ _I": ~~ '_ '_ '__ ~l~ U " l~ ,_ _." ,1_, '~_' _'"- U' !L!.f,L

fath er Ib i'ii·\til'b in n §'1F1d,- !~.Q\'1Ii"Ii ,- t- ~I us Hi I~' mo , st pr I~'t'"!~ 0' us ~i ft

' __ ,Il.~ ,I:_ . ~ if.1,~W u, ,U I,!!' ._, I~'!!..IJII,I r t - • V ,~,~ _, L-"'ilI '_C~;",'_',c " II.,;!'II!..oJlJ"c !CI!'~ 1_ ,~,

. ,""'"

-,- -:-' ',' ,> .. ::c_, -~ i:~ ,':'.,"" I - '," _c, , , _ _ -_ d 't'b·" I::':' 'G 1- ,:' '~fh-.;; -::~ .'. "--,, ]- ~ sht ,"'"

,m'OISI~, graclous mercy I an", l, ,e g ntermg ~c" ..

- -

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh),


R '''b-' 'Ii','!ii' r d~- C""h" ·'L-d'

-I'i"'- '-'--.-.~----.' -,', . ," ~:I'f->-',; --'-1,-'_:'---::-':-,.---,[",- (:,1 .. -., '-I .,.-~ .~ ~I.-.-- .. -,·~

_ esp,onst '<L-t,ty towlZr '"S._c( ",l~~ __ Ten,

H·· --_ .' 'i' "b,]' fathe --- and n ··'t'L. ----'!I Children !!ii're-' :0, , onO[Q\I> e IJ:la"le:rs, an __ , mo~u(er!~L tld-_.! -" U,." LL

great bleasing. Allah says,

~:We!ldt:h; and 8,01",8 a re allN~i<e''I~e''1ts of the lif-e' of ,titis w,orirrl;,

(Al-" - K"'-'_-'- hr-- 4' 6"')""

. -, _ < -\' - 'Ii' . ",

1.,:.,'.;-" ,-.I",,·~a_,,_ i,' _ "',.'

They' are' our offspring.fhe dearestto our hearts

""'--~'.'"".' '-'-' ""-,'" --'~'~ -""-~',,'---'-.'.- -' ._' --'.",," -'--- ,_._'--- .. ,

and abour whom, we shall be, asked before Allah, Th ,.-, Pl .. -,,'. L.1,:-:"t [pb J h) said

e· ropu, e" ·.1 ~~ '_ UJl, I, '_-' 8 aI~, ~,

'1'~Evl~'"o'ne' of )lQU is a guardian; and responsible jrn'" 'W/'1 at i&'i:~l' his custody '.~" a hus band is; a guardian ,cif Jwnily al'1ed i'I' responsible far it; a ,l:aiJ:y is ,a guardian. oj her h,zij$bal~drts' house and ts ,re;,s,pollsib,le'/o,r it ~." I~I'

Th-~' .-1;'.. '~f''- -::::,.",.,--. '--;:'iF-::: "-,_\~,~-",,, theirchildn ,- '.' -1'J-

ererore, 1 parents raise neir C"_' , 1._·, 'en we ,

according to what pleases Allah they will in return, receive the reward fOF' this effort- In fact, they will

,,,l,_.-._c.-,_ ._.-'. __ --', _ . _"". _II ,'".''' . ,,_,- __ -- .. ,-" _" ,J __ , ---".-". _''__'' _" _-,'," ",-"

be rewarded for evervone else who will be' suided by

'.,- -, '- .. -.--' '_' ._ -- ---=,1 ,,'._-. '.' ,," ,. -,_-"", .,'_---' ~l --"-'. -J"



their offspring until the D'i!Y of Judgement and, vice versa. Allah says

~,But.' the thingstlsat endure, good deeds, are' b~i"l' iTl thle' sigl1t io.f thy La rd; as rewards, and best as {lite /OUllaat,lon for) hopes. ~

(A1.-:Kahf: 461)

'D(~ .'I"irlh,,~,t' '-~ rs In '1'- '-I'" :-'-,,-', ,a,,~:_,-,_I-:erill' I" 5 am,

"The Prophet (pbuh) said

"Ji'l).!' ,MUSU:lfl 'w.11o' has ,h\\1O ,duug,h.J(J'1S QI2d has been good to the'lfl, as ZOl7ig las' he accompanied dle:"~, ,they 'ltvlll' !C'luoe Iti~'~1, ira enter pa rail.i& fl. ~~'

Ali" ,,:C-, he (pb ih) - aid

,IO~! _' ,6 ';p .U =» sal' ,~,

"Wlloever had th ree dauehsere. three' s iste rs:

Ii!:). ~ ,

n.vo ,laugh,tiers.~, Of' ttlJiO sisters and ,dis'(;ipl ined 't1Ut'111;, :u,uj' J1lJ'i1 been good' ,U}, lh,en\~', "u!'wil~' enter

P,AI! ii'i"I ,;''1,;' ,j'liti ;~ '_. ~:If ~".ablLJ. c.. iii

A' , ''''.'.~ ..... ,,'IIJ..,' IJ...... .' hea t th '--".' ,t .Ii· "1· 1- id ,; ',' ",,_., .,..1

, nyon.,e WU'O u_ua r __ eal[~,_ 1 a. JleeJllS ,an:· ;01 mU!1u

t h .. ajt un dersta mds will real ize fully t'·1\1-~' si g .•. nifican ce of

_~' • _ _._ J ~, __ i\i.f., 0. . ,IJ,I _I:) llll ' ~ ~_. LlI;~r ._ ... __ . _' _in v ~ ~- _ .~,~'[11·, 1- "~ . ~'-' ",

the Pronhet's weighty woltids, which ask us to look

__ ,,:,: . - ,-',' r" ," .- -" ,0 " ,- _'" ',' ..->' '.-::c", -',',',' ',--,,' ,,'," '.:', . "I - '--"Cc" ,

, .' -f't,;·" _, d', -, .- L. t:lI!i:Iri.-:' ~ , : -:~', .. ' .. >, ,'-:::"-'d·'··- '-', '," ,::,' th A' llab ~" den

a .ILler . ·mug't,I_!~]_ s m 18,10(:'0] u :ance W.l .. ~, .... ,. ua " S IOli. ,--erg

and inj uncti 0'11:S.



A,UI,h, has created mankind, both males and, females taDd. assigned for leach S'i:X a, suitable position and, function in. the human 'Society ~ Allah, Most High, says,

,~ TI1e lfil aIZ,;tif: on. \ilni cit Jtl',cdt. li(~s~nQd e "JI{lJ:fki:nd~' no' Cb,Q.flge (fhe',re ,ill i,"~ the ~iIlor.k ('w r-o'ti, '_'~:J ," .. ' ,1\ l,la11:~~ til ,~t i3' tll:tt true R,eili::IJio~l1.~ ,but ~~t;O$t' al;RO~rJg' 'na~1;ld'~I(l k~1;OW' ",or'. ,

(A'f'~R,um:, '30)

The Diced, of one sex for the other and 'the mutual inclination between them: are from nature, Allah, the ,Almight)" says,

,~ F 'eir t,nr:/z,e' eJ"e'si IOJ-:' ,rtl,~',n ~'& the ,10 ve oj til i,~j,gs they C'ov\et; wo,n1,e,n an,1: sons; hJf8'a:ped3up

'LIii"lii;;!"fl! '1;o";I,('!!~1! g·:' .. olda "'~'d,'" ,(I';~UQ 'I" ,': .... lI1._UL!Il~lIli Uill v.~J .'_ ,.IV'-I :.' 1L("'iI!',~'r ,_. 1~"~I"r~ f Iill ""

~ .' ~

(A:'·, n-Nisa'; l"4'L\

" ''_::_.' ,:.___:""_ ·~"l,iJ " 'J

'T' his .... tual i --1 ~ .. --:-' t ~, ..•• - ]-'~]d- .. ':" ~ 0' ~ f - ot . -. '~.. 11'1 d--

. " 01 S .InlJl~u a. lD,C dJltil lOI1 01' ,,1...', 'D.c,,) no con I!.flC) ue, I "

can lead to tbe ruin of the society I-I' e M.>' essenger

wu. J.~!tlI. U II.,"'" ! ... ~ ., '.' • lb... ,~.l'i!.J,lL _ l~ '. • ~_ ~,I!!.;iii;;JiILl_ ~ ,'\,;;0 . .:.

!.' I.'.:

lif''''''b' , :'ul,: ")1 !i?.!!l. i .d: I W .'_ l " i;Ji'I.I""

Ul ha~'e I~ot~ ilieft ,b,enind' a ;t~i',iQl wllich is harder on '~l!rn ,tho;n (t'iftJ oj) won;l;e1l. ,A,'JiI£~te'd~.Y1< the ,fi1"Sl' cause t~f th« de'strtu;t.,iirJ'R of tl1 (1' eh ildre» of' lsrae I' W,£lS l\l¥'O~1'Jen., j~'

,f: ,J

M.ys~ster in. IsJam! You, are the pure womb which will IC~y the coming baby whom Allah wants to protect along 'with~ 'the, lineage of all human beings. So that He has surrounded you, in. particular with, the gentle boundaries of His Rules.

Wha,t, ,Is, 'e.,q:uallty"

Nowadays '\ve hear women asking for equality

b u- 'I t wh :~I'lt d 10" mi~ '~~'1l-~i s mean? I--c cl ~m-I-I '111·.-I';j;'! reats men an d

__ ~ '.~~ , ," ,gj~ .- .i.··. ~~ I~I~I_' I ' •• i~A~" 1111 :_.~dl'Q,. _' IH wall w CI

women iaS equals, Allah 88.y8,~

,~For M,flSII inl: ,'7:I~e'l~ airel '~\Vtnnein, far bie,lievm~g ,r1'len ,0"11d WO~~l,eT~ '.' ~,!, ~-

(Al~' I A: hzab: ,,]15")'"

, '. - _ ',:ZIIIIJJ i, ,.Ji '/

This, clearly emphasizes diserimin "gt-:~io'n,-, be etween m en a

'_ .1 ~~ "" ~"u' _. II J ._ ,_ •• ~., '~. ~~l,. I~_...:

Almah, Most ,High, says,

~A,'1:d th'f'ir' Lord halt:l! accepted ,0/ th,ePfl" lutel tl,%swe,re'd them: 'Neve r wil,l l su . er to' be lost ,the liV10'rk oj' a'1IY of ,)'OU" be he "'~alei or /en'ltde,,;' ,e are members; Oi,flle' ojl(!f10tltelr ".'. ',;

,CiA,', iii ,,", Im -r-,~lJ- I" I 1~"5-~I):"',

' •. _ I!~ -.lIJ, - ;, ~ ' ~~ . ,;, .- .. -;, . .

that there isn:o

W· om "~'1IiI ·1:'n~1 Islam

y, _""",,il.lI =~" -~J,," .. , ,_

Is there 19: better equality than that? Does equality mean that the woman is, free to unveil herself and

£.. !I!Ji

expose her attractions ?D,oes, equality mean, the intermin .. gling of men 'and women with no limits? Does ]'i:t m ean t he m oth er's nezlizen ,I"'",~, '0." .f-· her ch ildren

- .. ~ ... .Ji. -~=, _"~ -~ ' __ ' ~ I ~. ~,:~, ~ ~ Jl ~,Dfl. Ol~l ,,_.¥~ .... _' I "~'.. ~~ ~I_._~I~ 'I

that may lead themto go :as;b~a:3t?' Is j·t equality to allow la, wom.a:o to be. alone with. some men who are not nel'Mahra,il11 (prohibited degrees i'n marriage )1'

The ,deClc;i,t, of the: ,hu.em, ag8:

Some people express ,the idea that abiJidingby Allah's Rules ],:8. a. kind of' retreat to the backward age of the harem i'n which th,e woman was imprisoned i .. n her household and deceived 'by her husband w-ho .did :al], that he wished, even if forbidden, without being jud sed or p--UU' - 'I" shed 0, ·····u·, r answer 'tiO-C: ~t..,i,~ .~~ tho. tat ·,ItL,~,

_-,- -O~"-- - u' ~.' --" ~ ~\'" .:__. UIi! .-.- ',-_ J lU~JlI,Q ',:. " .' .. Ill.:':_:: UI-~~! ~!!JII .. " ,U .. , ~1,Jl~

whole matter is based on biased deceit, Islam treats m en and women ~ ~ rly~.,,' ll~:~~I:t-h, regard to crim -II~~I and

t ,. "". _ ' I~,!I ~ ~._ 1 = .' 'n' [I, _ I, . UI U. _ V "_' l .~il! U_JJ.Jl... '

, , ~. i.:...... .

guilt Ma,ny verses in the Qur~,an, !emphasize, this, quality,

~ TIle wv."~ml ,and ,th,e' m:an. g'ut'!lfy of Jo'rnic.atioft, ,fl'OtJ ,(J'!aC'lt~ of ,t'ftem with Q; hU'lul~,,'d stripes . ,i.~ ~

(-A'" n-N -'~-ill'Ij"" '2-"")'1

_. " :. I /"'''''. ~' • '. !IUIJL ill : ' ~>

( ~" ;I es ·'M······· -i\'!i,Iii~d,;>'L,~· ·3~',··8·· .) .

. R.· '" .·I'Q, l_au,., ,I


-~ if With the' result) that ,Al'lah has to' pun,ish the' f~YI,()cri'te s~ ~ne,n, {1,I1;d W,O'21fH i •• ~

~~ (Al-Ahzab; 73)

Islam does not discriminate between people, on, the basis of 'sex, race lor color because it is not a religion foundedby man, Rather, it 'is the revelation sent down. by Allah, the Perfect 'in Knowledge land Wisdom, to emphasize that the criterion, of superiority is piety and righteousness, Allah" Most High, says,

~ Verily the' most nOfuJre',d of yorr~ i,t the sight of ,Allah is t,h;e' w'no is) ,hi!' mas t ,righteous' 0.1 YO',U; '~!' P

'T:ha ,mothe:[tsi kiD,dDerSS,

My honorable sister and, kind, motherl How hard Ire '[be pains you have endured during pregnancy " at themo1men't of giving birth to your baby ,and throughout your life span '3' 'which 'you, 'have sacrificed for' your baby's upbringing, 'May Allah accept all your deeds and may He make them wholly devoted to His Servieel

My sister, this is your daughter growing Imp gradually before your eyes and Lknow wen, that you,

wi s· '··11' h' ner ~ 'I 'II t ;~"l, Q 'If ~ ,~. g.,' '0" ." n,.,.JI.. !:I [Ii ,; tl ~ if" sai d · th ,Q.'1iiil~ ,iI Pi 't'IIi '0:' 0- 'U·1 ~

'lin' ,", dlJIl J.n:.U .. .II,jJ.i ' .. ," .uU" (;L,1i]) ,.II" 11 ~ 1107) ... 11, _ • ~' ",!!jJ,I!!.,;o .11,10 U 'C ' ~'I;,..o

loves others 111.0r['e 'than, himself except his children. Therefore; Satan 'beguiles 'the mother into believing that her love for her daughter means to let her do whatever she wants or expose her beauty as she so "",t...nnC'lS!o LIO'Vh"i OF your daughter dear sister m ea n (.'II "0-'

~~"lvval~~I~1 I ,_' ~,ildtb ':,,' 'y' --'_, U"~' .. --<.r· ::~"' -":'.~!UJL I~ '.~ _'~"_ ~ ~._,~~_:__, I~' t '

~~'9..J1 he r to th i~ w' -ay o f Al lah • end to au ide her '~O·'I the

i~u.U, ~...:.~ .- ' ,,'v I.' " ~ _,,' "',':,: .... ' t~,., '" ~ l . " . v ~~ .'.\1 '.'_',~ ~,.l~.!= 11).,.· ... '.' ,~

path of Paradise", Your role is tile most important because you are the nearestto her. So"

l , Be an example, in performing pr,aye:rs_ at the due time, in the way you converse with your husband, in caring about the eleanliness of your house" in keeping yourself ,awa.y from the vices of backbiting and slander, in constantly reading the Ever-Glorious Qur'an, in wearing the Hijab, in avoiding mingling with men and in complying with the rest of the rulings of Islam,

2~. Be cautious of the behavior of your relatives and nelzhbo ,·C·_C! and choose carefu ~]Y'" your friends an d

"'~ 'JI.~. ' .... '~'" ,U,'" '. "'~'~'--""'.' ' __ .' .. 1,,' "." . 'lJI", ,V,II.,~ .... iJi! ,!IIiL.",,_

vourdau '0"'11 ter's ~1~ ,i?'111-",d; "s bee ~ 'j"I't:!ililO ii'JIl P .. erson fo '11' ows .:

J' ',_, I, I_. _ l~;=L __ " to! 1,1, .~l~ ,',.~ !.-.,·L;.~"IbI'lOLP iU r: ~.!IIOiU l .1"- ": .. y ~v .

the example ,iIF'IIl'f-" his ·C. :',o'm- ·"n,I!i';lI··F1.I~·O·;··n- 'ii,1iIC" th (,iI; P:' ro ... phet

,h, '.. .. 'L\,Ia., ',:" .v IV, ~'_. I;J!_, "" , ,t"'~1, lJ, " u.a.. _ ""'"', , ',' .'. _","",I!!,

(pbuh) 'pointed, out in a haduh.

3~ In your speech with, your daughter, re min. d her of Allah of 'the necessity of submitting to Him" of

'the greatness of Islam an.d, of the 'traits of our divine Sha» .li;"~,.n:~'_, Y ou sh ·o·.··.·UT}-id h, elp her recogni ~~.

, _;~ . ,v _ I~~~ !II; Ut-rill. . ~_ ~ .. _ .. 1 __ . .,_. __ I • __ • _ .~ ~ ~ _ .IIJI"ll,~~

the endless soodness, which the Prop het Muhammad

___ - _"" - __ ._._ i~I"-"-" ".,_., _" , .. ,..... ._1 •. I ~. ;

(- b h) 'i 'h

PlI1.l· carne WJt r,

Th·. fath,er~1 :role

Dear father 'I: You are completely responsible for your daughters. S,~);" beware of' neglecting your' children and do not thinkthat d;lughters are the mother's responsibility, Do not neglect your daughter and her affairs, Do not encourage her '~o disobey her mother .. Do not prefer her brother '£0 her" but pay her heed and observe her' conduct carefully, Speak 'with your daughter, and, try tOI 'be not only her father but ,118,0, her brother and close friend who advises her ge-ntly and wisely,

. - I

Dear p. :_-.~'it:h- ~ er ~ Surr oun d vour datu ahter with 'Y' rou r

~m .:_:_ ~ :, _ ~ '.', v. ",_. I ',_ ,J- v _ "= __ ._ ..: __ I~'~I . '. , ", ] J ~.

love and, kindness and acquaint bel' with the true essence of Islam, Implant in her heart the love of Allah", His Mes.seng:er (pbuh) and. lslam~ Deepen 'in

h- er - ·!Q'O:· IU] *h· -. e fi· e ;;1,'1" of H" :ell 'and vearn nin ilJ' fo ·r-:- Par ·-'!1idi se

>V,- CII. _'." t . " .. _:.I~I- ',".'_ -~_.'_ .. -J. 1,·1 -,_.:. J"- '_ ".lIJ ,t'-l' . I . __ .~ gJ_._:-_~!iiJ! ~,,~,

TIl,e brother's. role

The brother's cole towards his sister differs, according to the age differences 'between them:


a, The elder brother: The 'pro bl em with, him i.SI that he may' only like, to give orders, ,or he may neglect his sister's affairs laying the \VhlO!IC responsibility of her upbringing IOn her father, However, we 'wish that the elder brother would take care of 'his, sister and direct her, yet in a mild friendly w:a:y,.

b The b-iroT''''.,th' "~,, of 'th'~ I~ same "m;:g' ,,~,~ 'TII'h, iis brother, in

,_,~, ., _,' _"', . ' .. ,~v,~ ',' ._. v I!iJlRJl.Jtl,~ Q, .,~~ .. _" JJj,Q .~., . IY, '_'= ,I ~JJ.~l

particular, has at 'very important role in his sister's life, Problems often arise between them, due to n,ms irritability, It ' ~::s, I therefore, with the parents to carefully watch the relation between them both (the brother and sister), and, not to give a free hand to the brother,

Sine!ere advlic,e fOlr plBreIl'ts

I~, Parents should separate their chi Idren, bro,tber-s, and sisters" in 'bed! (when, sleeping] from the [age of ten, Prophet Muhammad (p,buh) said,

"Teach "ll!O'~~l~ ,chi'ld'~t'eft\ p';rt'O)!iI'iI'r "'~j}'11efJ' thev are

J' I~.... J' .1 I ... l~.. .. ~ ~.1].~ n'l.. ) _" ~ _ J __ il_~'

8,eve,~1 )',earl of age; and' beat ,th,eftt (,U:g'u'ly.1 if' 1/11.1"'111 neelect it; w'11r!'n thev ar:~ Z'D.I,I! 'UB'/'ijlr'('i (}'il- t)!f1(f!

l~'I"~ ..Jf· !I'~~,~I~:~I .. :~. - .. '. ,I r .": '-,." l.' ," _' _:. ",)" I '~_' r 1,_' _~!~~:~ J ~JI~~~ lJi . '.:} 1_ "10' ".:jl

and separate betw,e,e,n; ~hje1nin beds (~vh'(tJn; 1,1 eeping}: ~"


2" The brother should not ask his; sister 'to call ~ girl with whom he has some IiC] ationsh ip on the phone or to" carry amessage to her, whether this girl is a . relative O~'" colleague, unless the relationship between him and 'this girl is! knOW1.1 to everybody as legal, Otherwise, he should know that he is encouraging his sister to Ic1. in 'the same way,

3" He, should never bring to the house any obscene magazines or any other means of d!e'prrBlvity~, He should 'neither speak Oil. the nhane sccrctlv or a:t iEll

I I It !~

late hour in the night lest his sister should imitate

him, or take his behavior ,:IS I,n excuse for' hers,

Dear brotherl Remember thalt ')fOU, are the closest PC!.S,Oll to your sister, It is true, that the ,flijaJ:J is a divine obligation, yet you have to! persuade her, W,e should all unite to bring, bier 'Up' according 'to, the morals of Islam. Wh,at an excellent brother you win

b- e ll:"f,,:' y·:·~u !t:lll11jf1!!ri'""j~~fll in Id··1 ,ni ii"i g .. ::, 'tlh-,"'I'Gti' ~

~ , ", U .' QY\o;o'!!..oVI!!..;!U JI!_I -·.\ .. .l!J[IILI" .. ,_,_iQ_ .•

. , .


Ro·'· ,lIJill'~1 ,I"!',a" I,i'fti 11113···· , .. Il'nf· '. OU········, "T"': I D':",tl,n .. ':. h·.·· 1_"'~iOr,' ' .. ,_" 'W' tJ'i" I~ f1ft_·, u~ ~i,-/_,_, :__:1M/!¥!!i'"3' I--,-'~, I a

Islamic obligations, as IJ[ MUBJimJs know, are imposed only on every mature, sane :Mu.slim. Nevertheless, Islam urges MusIh:ns, 'to start to, acquaint 'their children with PIJr,81Y':eI! at the age of S~V1e.n~, land tOI heat them, but not harshly if they neglect itat ·the lIe; of ten, TIle Prophet's Companions got theirchildren used to fasting before the age of puberty, Islam also a:U,QlW8 Muslims 'to accompany their' children 'to mosques ,IO"d. 'to flajj' even before the ehildren reach puberty, and Allah rewards t'hem

~ ,t'" »s

fiJI,that SI;Qll 'the question arises", how can we get our

daughters accustomed tOI wearing I/,'dab?'

~S':-'o-=-'m"~-'e I~'U" dd-~t· 'jA=-.: e'~

''_- . '.':. " 1~_-~~I~I__: •. u _ ___::i~H!!I

1 Ti 0 set . iftii'-m-:- 1!Q7~"';~ I~ ,~r'i :f'!i'I, 1 stem ed ~'nl W" eari -n:!Cf '1-10'- . '0' 0"

til ,_ ... '" 161':'." J O'.,~ 1~~.;Ll!~i I(~L)~-I~II~d LJy . v. ' limY· ".J"'·L!1I~·~_illin_}'.l·_·I~i _,' e-. ,1.,61

clothes even i.f' they 'w!e]j~1 wide trnusers and blouse, when they are at seven YIelD!, of ': e~

2,., To make the girl accustomed [0 covering her hair

by wearin "g';' 'm, scarf e'_ even a·" sho irt one 0" -- her be a d .. 1

,':.'''~,Jl '-, I'" ' ,I 'Ji _;,V,' '_' __:, '-,-',_",',' ',"' ,-,,::.,0 "I!!..r ~'."

by the age of ten.

3~ At theage of puberty the family should.oblige the daughter to wear the Hijab and to abide by its specifications and conditions", which 'will be discussed later, These steps prepare the daughter t~o eccept wearing the ,Hija,b pleasantly an,d naturally. It is better 'to let her Ii ve as a 111 uman bein g' and 'n 0- t as 'a' m ~ ~ achi ne t h iQ,'~ is d 1" re cted

-~: , .. -: " ' .I!,~,' [ I, ,', b . , . i, . :~ I "_'" ' '"U,1l,., ,.I! .- ' _. i!l.'- : 'I;,.I1~\,,;r ,

automatically 'by pressing a switch"

4,. The mother should carefully' monitor the changes in her daughter's body and, the deve 1 opment of 'her sexual maturity, This is because some girls seem older [due to having a larger physique. They reach. puberty at an, earlier age, Therefore. the mother should not '10=0:- k o'n~ her daush ter as !i:l1 child

.. ,!!i •• l_'", ,I, L '" ... ';" . '_, ","",JL 'I.JL ',b -II!..!: -:0 I~ ~Jr _.III"

focusing only on her age while being oblivious of her growing maturity ~I because other people do not see her in '[the same way,

5,. Some of the things that make wearing the Hijab easy for girls include the kind of upbringing she re-ceives in her house, the Islamic morals and values implanted in her, along with her family's



glorification of and adhererce t'OI Allah's obligations

an d I 'r-Ii'~II~~,

if.;JI,- "._. , U, -,~i3.. Ell

6 A' '-~ ,,'~ -'~ at - ~ - ,',' -, -: 'I"' '~~ I ~d"1 'L" ---.' d' , 'b-" the 1~:':ppropr1.,a,e CQimm,e~n ~S' Sut[lUi __ , lOt: rnJ8:'; _ e, ,'~{y I" ,~,

family on what the girl sees of women making ,Il

,..ll ',I • di' I f '-h J l 11 '1L,.. h f 'lllazZJlng I" sp",a,:y 0: ~ t~ emse, ves, l~,A!e t (Ie 'w 0 mien, o

the former times of ,Jall~i,l~yYal1~ (pre- Islamic era) " to arouse :menms 'lustful. desires,

7~, Speaking about the distinct beauty of the Hijab and, the ,gravity of shyness that it adds to the girl

w': ,,'h' ,0' ii!"\, W' ,~'QI\lili? ,i'tl", .". _ . y. ". ~UJl.c., .JLIIi.EIl

8~, Emphasizing that: ,~: Wllo,eVlf',f' holds in ho;,'u",dlf2' RUes of',A, ll(Jh'~, (.i'~l 1118 JO'c.r.tji'ce' oj QJd~~J~{jJ8J~, 'I:~:c,h I( nO:I'J-' or) ,110,ul'd' con',f trtlily ,f''tJ~tn ,pi',ftty ,of he'Clrt, ,(AI-Hajj:' :32); and that hastening to the obedience of ,AII,ah, is a sign of strong faith, and sh ding light on the Companions' example in fleeing to Allah's 'way :in every' thing '[hey did,

9~ Mentioning the many healthy benefits of wearing th,e H'ij:ab such &S' protecting one's complexion and, hair from, the harmful rays of the sun, from the ,S evere cold, etc,

10. The mother should clearly explain to her daughter 'the psychological aUld social advantages resulting


from wearing the Hijab. Explaining the benefits

f 'r 'h H" .~~ b Al11], ... L l I -

e wearmg tne / .,.·lJCl ""~': Jll 'ilUJI lay's" 1t _·'ii thatis most

convenient, tho: th,e)" s hould be known (as ,s~~C'h) and

h. ·t·· . - ',C'" ,. ted ~ (A·: I: Ahzab .. '5"9")" Weari ,''', 'th···

no, ~l1,oes e" Uii y I .• , '~.~ .. ,. zau", -< .... ,.'~ '.'. ·eatlng _ I. Ie

H'·· L .' d d flee .. t, ., It • h

uab~1 1.11,_ eer ,', renects the gms ngn teousness

and accordingly protects her from the rudeness and insults of immoral and corrupt persons,

11,. Bef ore all. this and along wi th it, we sh on] d implant in our daughter's hearts strong belief in

- - - -- - ~ c'I . . -

Allah, the importance of obeying Him and rhe

,. .

f uits .. of' that tc b'" f-::: ", '. 'd r, . K.' ,,-.~ .. or p--.- ...... ' d' ~- , .

n ur S OJL. ar to ue : -OUJ1L m auanung ,.'ID·,a', rae

and fleeing from the Hell-fire by virtue of Allah's, 'M"

:,,:'. i'e' ;0': :."'"

.. eICY",

After all, we ask 'jar the 'help' Of Allah, as, 'true guidance is the Guidance of Allah, and He guides

th ith h H]

.~-- ..... I':. '.' - ..... -::.. - ':,' '! :..- {j , ... ,c- ....

e"reWl' .. w, . cun · ... e, p. eases,~

G- r· '0'" •• iTld]- , A S'S' nla<lm'" ,s'

I '. '. ~ I. ')~"" - - ~__:.: ._1.', .

'D,earMuslim, sister! You 'wiH hear many frustrating words, and. many questionsand fears! will echo in YOUl" mind .. 'Y OUt daughter will be subject to much blame and, quest ioni ng and Satan. will surely play his devilish role as 11SU al,


Some of these expected questions 'and, claims may be:

a, Thle glr) is, s'till y'OUO.:8:" so let ,- er -njloly h;e,f' li~le!!

"j:" OtU~ d:aug;hte.r ,;viB remain always young in your eyes, but you should. know that she is 'DO,t 8,0 before Allah 'Who judges her deeds as soon as she reaches the age of' puberty, You, therefore, should assist her to obey Allah,

b, ·Non:~cJo:m,p,lian.ce w.itb. 'tb.le Is;l!aDlic dress, tb.e Hijtib, ,~S, not a. majt1r'SiD~,

ThO '11' '. b r11 • . 'W" ~ L,

,'-11S ctarm 18 oy au means mcorrect wearmg tne

H~ja:b' :181 a divine obligation on every pubescent, Muslim young woman. Not wearing it, according to its specificatiens and conditions, i.SI one of 'the major' sins. Besides, this leads to mSf]J.Y harmful effects on

'b- h i .~. ". 11 d t, .t.." 1 ~

~,IO:t,~ the gm a~n.·I_. the 'W'E-W.O.~le, society 0;

C~ .... , '1'1' Uif;lI]· wear ''_'=b-, o. H:·~~',(rf'1f.. ·.ru-b- AiD'" '~l'Qh" ''IIi:Ul'''''II- ~J""

_ '!P. . I ",1,' ~I" ' ',,'rJ ~I_'I ilL· II~ _' I I~J' iHO To-"] l ~ 1 " ,1,llui '!F',," _It ~ ,

'1"1 f~'

:8Jlr ;8 0' :"te.D. 50,y II

This, is exactly like the person wh .. O claims that be will 'pray when Allah wi lls , bet :a11. these are falsie claims, ,_- llah has made .it obligatory for all. Muslim women to wear the Hijab. Hie wiU.s that, and He orders us to obey whatever He wills ... Thus, the


Muslim gmrl who does not wear the Hijab should know well that she is opposing Allah 15 Order,

d. Wearing the: BUabl is a barrier agaj,nst, marriage, This, claim means that the bridegroom does not want to' 'marry a religious young lady, S,Q he also ., opposes Allah's Shja'~i"ah~ 'W'e want our daughters and their husbands to be completely obedient I~O Allah, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said,

"Ifa "T~aJll1i".h08e religion '''lcl! morals please yo~~' c'(JI,r~'J e a to you tto propose to your d'au:,g:ht:e'r), l'et h i',m "flair,,' her. I'"

He (pbuh) addressed young men, in another l1adi't:h", saying,

Then, is 'the girl who does not wear the Hijab reli aious? 1'111 fact her reli ziousness is incomp Iete

,_ _'~_" .' - ' . ,I' . " ,'... 't. " . _., '- ~ ._. - - '_ ,.. _ . , , , . .. ,. ',: .. ,

isn't it?'

T' here are many other claims that can 'n'" O·.·"~, be

' .. ,' .. ' UJ!.I~ ,~U,~,_, v _ '_'" ." II:,. .. !U a, "t IU""

mentioned in this brief booklet, yet they are 3]80 'mere baseless doubts and 'false psychclogieal fears, For example, it is, aaid that the Hijab causes some


kind of psychological suppresaion to the girl, But, how' clan such suppression 'be created ou:~ of applying 'the obligations of 'the All-Hearing, 'the. All-Knowing]

It iSI at 810 claimed that the: Hi}ab hinders the girl's movement and activity in the society the college, or 'i!:'!iIt··, 'W' "'nr' ·~·k-·: I:3'O,,·\·i.l'AV"· e r w ... zomen 'W-' -F-I;'Qr1'n'~ (iT I'i511i!l1'¥n'~C' _. d"· re .C"C'i' c an .'

Yco_ '_"_~:Y,,,~<~~.~ -~I .. -- .. ·l('f'IIIi.!·."'·'~ '" ·~··.':'U,,·~'~~l "_'~'I~QJJ.JJ'''':I~ .ijI .a.JUILIJ1·_·-_- ._··:.:_IL._~~.~a .. -.~~~_ Ll

be more active in these fields than those who, donot wear the Hijab.

T!o Mus.Hm. ,stat,er·s,

Through satellite channels we heir many' words, various talks and. advertisements preoccupied 'with, f." 1. ,on , entertainment and seeking t _ ultimate pleasures of life: the religious woman who, isolates hersel f from. an. the se aspe cts is often labeled as backward,

Isla rn .-. d nlf]i~1 not f .. o iif"b-.·~ d w···.·· ..• .Q_-.~.'!i[I,,-,. ring fash tOC'C'Dl\]Jb<]i Q

odl.· - I .. ··_:u~~ "ut " ~ _ .. .IJ,.~_I ~'IU., latl[ , . .1, _,'~l.'::·.~,~'

~I h w..,."' ill-'" '"' hi h II h d

clott 'les'}I~ut 11 tmtts tn rs to t ie womans r I 01 use ano

with ber husband, Islam obliges the Muslim woman not. to w'le,1r these clothes while she is outside of her

h ome W.-'--,,.h··u.· ~'~D·.,-U1dr.. ,Q W··" . voman wear su eh clothes that

., ,"=_ ~'!il __ ' ".1/ o\_I,I._. _JI. . K _.1.. I u...!Jll, I' ~~ ~. _ . II ~J. ,.It . 1~1!i:l. ~ , .~l.

h ionof i;:~ ?

attract the attention 0 .. others;

Does she do this because she wants to be flattered by others? Does she believe these flattering


W- o 'lil!i d .. ~.? E,IV·I·] 'men will speak flatteri .. in g .... word S., to .•. m i:!I1n"'Y"

.. lL.. ~~. '. _.' . _ ,J . . _ _ _. . lIlA. , I l. .' . .. _ II. .~ ~.I!.iI!.

I : _"

women'! Does she like such a thing because of some

weakness in her character?

I owever, 'this, does, not mean that the Muslim woman should neglect her appearance or wear dirty, untidy clothes.

But let us return to the initial point of backwardness.First, we should ask "What is mean! by backwardness 1;"

Does it mean being at the rear of the train of scientific progress, technology, and human

advanct ment? 0)" is, it concerned Wholly with the. Muslim woman's Hijab, and, covering and protecting her body?

Europe and USA are the two powers 'which stand for materialistic civilization, 'What Brie they tee rning with?

Answer: Loss, of honor". host of' illegitimate children foundlings, large number of suicides, etc

Here, a question arises: By comparison, do you consider obedience to Allah as a kind of backwardness?


If it is so, I declare myself very proudly the first of backward persons,

When speaking of life's pleasures and, its enjoyment, I have some questions 'no ask: Does the H~iab ,deprri'V'ie 'us of enJoying the good pleasures of life? D'CU~~~Sj it iBcu~bi,id us 'tal see ,.; knowledge and progress? 'What is the kind of pleasure, which the

H"'· ,.... deeri fn D-- t ... dn 'L,.

uao aennves us 0: t Does nazeaness necome

.. ~ r

essential to gaining' 'the pleasure of life?

If parents hinder your will to we.' the Hijab", you should kindly point cut to them 'that no person should be obeyed in, W:b,lt displeases Allah, Through your good morals, decent behavior, and advancement in study, you can prove 'liO your parents that 'the girl 'who stic .. to wearing tbe Hijab is distinguished in everything, You can also prove 'to, them that the, ,H'ijab' symbolizes purity and chastity, Above all, it is tan, obedience tOI Allah Whoae Obligations mustnot 'be opposed,

Pre'f8:quisi,te:s of'v,aIid, Bgab

1~, It should C:QVe:f all the body except the face and the two palms of the hand

21 '

201 It should no attract the '. ttention of others 'by its, striking colors.

3 ~ It should not be transparent, in order not 'to reveal wh a t .; S:" u l'ft d_l' ern eath

.. I .. IL_._ jJ •. ,,[,11. , . = _. u~

4~, It should not be tight so 8S, not '~O describe 'the bcdy's parts, but it should be wide,

5 .. , Finally th[e. women's dress should not be similar t10 wh,at is worn by men, or by the disbelievers.


Hijab in the QuT 'a.n

and ,,~Iunnah

All' 'M' ,,', M" 0" Ii:"f' Hi ,'! oi1b- says

iC' ,'I "iilll., I._,,~I.':J ~1~_,:,I"'Ji

• .4. A d II ... L b If " , tha If' ,:1-,';;;,

"'{'.."'" n,. 'try 10 me ,~e~le'Vt"8' W'OI,nen ~Iiw ~",;;ey

~ ,!:h O'N 1,1 low"" their g,Ql.t and ,""uard their ,nwldestyl~:1 fha!' tn,y s.ho;rllfl I"Ollt' displlay' thlelr' beau; " laM O',f:l-'Qltle'I:lts ~~, ~ "I

~. "~ Ancl the be,UevinB WO,nf!ll, that' t.hey s'hD',Mld cas thei',r Of 14"8 r ,I'tln'l,ents' IOVlel' the,i,,. pe r:sons I{w/le," 101111" lal doors): ,that is InluSl' Iconve,ftli'ent, that." t.1I ely 1,lIiolll:d' be knOW111~ ('la, such} and no'" molested; And ,A,l'lah ls Oft-FO'T8Ii'v,i:"~gfl' M:(Jls.t ,Me1ciful~,

(A]~Aln:ab:; S~g)

I:n the S"""I'it'"i."IIQ';_ we rea d '~h"- D follow ,,';"'I1'fiIIO'~'ad .. ,:~:i'fh":'iGi,1i,i;

_1.1 __ '_. M':J'["'·I~._-_.~', '., __ ' 1 __ • I= __ .I_W Il,lu, . l.JLlb II_._. .~,~; [_~~

"The "'lOS;,' !evi:l. a"lo:I"gs" w,o,nlen. Ii's ,'he' ',vho di~pIQ:',SJ her beautyl (itll/ro'f1t of ,me"l other thtl'n


her hUeSb(Uf,d and unmarriageable relatives) and wal'b' p r-OiulJly'~ TJu~,)J! are the l1YP'Q',c" ites, They wUl never enter paradise except like the' \iI}lti tish crow. III


"I w ill,tl,t?',t be' ,Q wi"le's", far w\\<"o type 5' of people wl'to are destined for flu!" Fire: people with. wl~,ipls~ like tl'u~ tails of cm~'8~, w,lto, beat the people { i: e., tyr:Clnn ic cd' rulers w;n,o are "hill enemi es ,of thei r ,O'W'1: peop'lie )~, ,Q,td lV10nteJ:l ,~tVho' Q~l~hiCJ'ugh clothed; are ))'et n!akeii~ 8ed'tl.,C'i'J'lg and be seduced, tniJ'ir na,ir styl'eil like the ,rille'"l l1.u:I1,PiS of' C'QI11e,ls, These w,tU' no: l3.~tte r Paradise' nor'l its fragranae ,ev.'!'~1 reach the m~ :edtho:ttgll, its fragran,ce reaches a great

.J;', t ' , , J,'

alS' a~lc,e~

Th1JS, H~jab' ]51 an essential part of Shari 'ah,

, '~ ~, b tthe h f lb' ,i di id 11 siam cares muon about tne nonor otthe individuat

and the Muslim family, So, it has bud down certain - ]l s and obli "t" "'.,' ,--,- ,t ',' ,t -', - "_"",,,-,--, ~~ d' th , nues anc onnganons LO protecr men, women anc me

whole society from destruction, It has also

b 11· h' 'd'] ha '1, d M' slims ' b A-' ]'1' h

esta j1.8 aeo 1"0 es tnat leal.', ,',',.',us !UDS to 0 .·ey ",'",',', an

and consequent uprightness and piety, Following ,i2tI1!:, some of these 'rules andobligatiens:


I, A"" dulterv is forbidden Al 1)IQI1- 'dtL,g. 'M-:"'" "OIS' ·t- High C!,g,\;"(!1

, . ~ ':-'.- .. U,Jl IL·.' .~ J' I ,1(1 ... ,t_' .i _ ',,Li. ".:' _' -<_, .• :1 ; .[; ,', ,~'.. ,u.~, ,;. ~JJ~~I _ ..... J .. ",I. ,. .jI,>" ~J ~~-Llij';~,

'~Nor come nigh, UJ adultery: j07' is is (lin indecent f,de(ld) f111>d aJ~ evil M!ll:Y~ ~

(A'~.~Israi: 32)

2. A man, is forbidden to 'be alone with. a. woman who is! [lot of his Mahram (unmarriageable person). The Prophet (pbuh) said,

"Never a ,rUln be. iJ1 P'I!'l'V,€l'CY 'li11~ith la' l~O~tla't other' than 'l;,i'S MaI'Jar'!un bu: S atan 'will be the t:hi rd 'l1Jith t/,". ,t

,3~ Men and women are obliged to lower their gaze

,Alllllh" Most High, says,

~,Sa:y to the' believins; men that they sh,ollld loW,e r their gaze' and guard their nlodesity~ A~1d Bay to ,tlt:e believil1.B 'MJOln.en flint tl~ey sho ~~l d lower their gaze and gU(J,rii' their ",o,de:lty .,.~ ;

(An-Nur: 30 ... 31)

4", Muslirns must ask permission before enteri n.g houses other than, theirs.

5~, Men are forbidden to enter a, house where thereis a woman ... who is not of their Mal!arin1 - 'when her husband is absent,


6~. Muslim women are not allowed tJO' travel for .3..


distance that t··· . S a whole day without being

accompanied . r Ollie. IOf her Mahari'm"

'1~. W,omem. are, prohibited 'to give at detailed description of another woman to their husbands or to any otherman,

~t Women should never apply perfume, while they are out of their houses,

i9~ W'om1cn are forbidden to display their attractions, to-expose the ornaments they wear, or to wear alluring clothes that attract the attention of others,

l'O,~ Men. and women should not shake hands with each other as, we see the Prophet's example, He (pbuh) said,

11,~ Wlome'r1i are ordered to be TI:(1it too complaisant of speech. Islam has deeply established the concept of chastity and bonored women, It looks on the society with a view to protect it from all aspects of corruption .. , Therefore

a, Islam encourages marriage, and makes it the sole pure relationby which men and women ro 00- b iiEii, 'U- - ~ ted

!!..;o - .• , •. ~ .···m.:"e.····'.,

b. It instructs Muslims not to exaggerate in 'the dowry.

c. It emphasizes that righteousness is the basis for ,e· . h '0'·'· 0·'· !VI' n g .. '. one's C'd'P"O"'llIQP

" r. ••.•. 'CL 1~~LI,'~-. ',' ~ ,_~ . ~I, "." '.'._.J~ILiIiill

d. It shows, clearly bow the husband and, wife can maintain ,a, good relationship between one another. A\]~,81h says,

~ And He h as put' love and' ~~,U! rey .betl.1?',ee.n you r (hearts). ~,

(Ar-Rum: 21)

, "s>l'":jlIF'-e.', .m its d,I"'\Y'IO· ,,·ree desnite its. beine the

e., JL UlTI, P 11 . ~ .1, ... _.). ,.. ~Jt'· - - b

lawful which Allahdislikes, in the case that life between the two spc tIS es becomes impossible, By permitting divorce, Islam frees the Muslim" from living with someone whom he/she dislikes. It, thereby, protects him/her from, falling into sin and, succumbing to temptation.


Dear sister! Deeoen fai th '1 n 'y: our heart flee. to

. ''''''1'' . , ". " , , . . .J . ._. _ -- ~I - - - --

Allah by repentance and realize f"u1:lythe responsibility you have towards yourself and your daughter ~ Constently, remember 'the: Hereafter and reflect on the everlasting delights of Paradise whose width is that of the heavens and the earth.vprepared for 'the righteous", Fear Allah's torture in the Hell-fire whose fuel. is men and stones,

Modern ci vilizations have made the most selfish and unfair use of women in, the present age, It has teducedher to a. means for exhibiting commodities in commercials, or for amusing men through her

';l~' ssol ute d C1i-"'Cl" 'n-- g- 'O--~ -~~1IF'I' so 'II!.. '1IIi'JIi~"ligC' hter It m ak C;,;;!!,,[!j' h g.'1"

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responsible for receiving men in work, using make-up and appearing a smile Ian. her face that may conceal great displeasure inside her heart. This is apart from 'the utmost depm:vity which Europe is now 5111 king in. Whore houses, adu ltery ~ fornication and other pictures of moral corruption bear witness '£01 'this.


In Islam. the status of woman is unique and highly-est! mated. Following are some manifesranons of th i 8 fact:

1. Islam sets women in a very special and privileged position, It made her take part in building the first Muslim state and share in the second pledge of A]- "Aqabah,

2 1- ClI am I ' '~'ll~ ewe, ,"', ''\1.( 0' rm ',', en '1'0' 'I fi '0" 11"11 t' ,; n th e.' ,c--:gu Q,Q 0' f,; A" n ah

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land whoever reads 'the biographies of Umrn ... Atiyyah, Nasibah bint Ka'b.Tlmm Salamah and "A'ishah (may Ailah be pleasedwith them all) can. see this, clearly!

3. It gives her the right to grant asylum, to any person asking for it.

4" As an honor to WOU1en 'iln the Muslim society, Islam has stipulated that marriage should be, public, certified by witnesses and .a woman should have at guardian appointed for her, Furthermore, Islam honors, women by setting them in a position, in which men propose to them. Islam nullified ali 'forms of falsemarriage such as Shi8ha,~1), Mu: "ah (temporary marriage), prostitution,

1.., The man m ID1)'"ingr the si. ster or d~raghter of another, and in return gi his s] ster or dang h tel' in order to a vo~ d pay in,~ the usual dower.

adultery , fornication, and the so-called ;. Urii

" - 'd') ·

(, n 0"" ['1i1 d' IQ"C U' rn Qi'1f'1j te .-_ . m t) 1"""'1', ag 'e'

\:' ,"', ,11=" _,'" :_:: _ .. : _\-;11, 'I!,.i" ",,' ... ' ,I jltLl,l,i'Ui.',::""~

5 '. Islam, does 110t humili ate the woman 'by forcing her t' ,0"" '11" V~ wit k1'Q, hu sband wh "10', rr n she 'hi ates: rather

~ I , _ L" \,.; ,?'I! .II" ~ U ],~, ,0 !!lA.l:,IIlli! ,_ ",' ,_ 1!Jj, _ I~, '~ ,'" ,il

it permits di vorce, However, it limits the times of di VOi"C,C, to three ti mes 0111 y ~

6. slam, grants women the right of ownership, Allah

Most High" say's,

~,A,na in I1lJ wi'se c.ovet those tM,in,gs in which. Allah. hath bestowed his gifts mOi~'"e freely on ,sOl1i€!' of' you than on others ;" to ,me,n, is allotted "11 h at they earnJ and to ]4!OJneJl' w ha t they earn: but. ask" A1lah of His Bounty; for Allah hath-full' knowledge of edl.things,,'

,(A·· Nisa': '3<2)"

, ",n"",lS __ . "'--i

7, Islam has allotted, a specific share of the inheritance

to woman according to Allah's saying,

~. From what is left ,by parents and those nearest relared there is a share for ,rne,n~ and a Stl1111"e jo'r 111;OlneJ~~ w'hiethe r the P roperty be small or large, d determinate share. ~ ..

(An~Nisa~;: '7)

8. Women are equal tomen in lights, and duties as Allah M· .. ··iO· C',.~ Hi ;" -0 h states

, , " Q. ,,,. '. Iil!l, .. ·, .~. I" 11l"LiIl.IL.i;I"

4 .llJ1icl 1-vor:ne 11: shall have' righ ts s imilar to ~~he .FigJus against them, according to whai is eq 'Lt ita ble; bus men have a degree over them.

A Mf11 A· . l,'~ n:~~r',~~ va-l ted ;'M P . '0' ~11"ii\J r !J'llj se ~. I.'J[~~ ... 'JI, t.~J~f~ ~Iil DJ~. ,~ ... 'U ~~r,. : ~ !!fG . J lit" ~Iil ...• r

(Al-Baqarah: 228)

This verse, in short, refers to the degree of Qaw'amah, 'which is meant in. Allah's saying, ~.,.~ but nl,f,11 have a degree over .rh;lt.'I1t". Another verse that focuses on the meaning of Qt~W;lan1;ah\ is,

~ .M en are the p'ro tee lor s and Tn aintainers .of because Allah has given the' one more is tre ngth J than t I'UE: other, and because they 81.~fJp(J'1, t~hern. ,fr0}!11 their means. ,

M.y beloved daughter! On the Day of Judgement

E' ~O' ple W·' ":I"lm 'b'e ·e··- d ]'~ vi de , ..... d .l~ nto tw in p' • art tie .. ·'t?'~

hI~.·,,, J..t, '-.' IJ"" I .IlL _. '_ ',_, ~_. ' .... '. - . _' ... ",' v. . IlL) _ I~ ..... lIJ.. _'II!J!.

. ' . ,

a, The first is the people of Paradise 'who will enjoy greatly the blissof being, with the beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), and of looking towards Allah, the Most Beneficent, They will 'bask i,n the

countless blessings, which no eye has seen" no, ear has heard about and '11,0 human never has expected,

b. Whereas 'the second is that of the people of the Fire who will suffer endless torture, eat of the tree of Zaqqum, dtink 'boiling water and curse one another,

So.with whom would yOlU 'like 'to be?

Finally .my dear daughter, be sure that the Hijab is: _, ,cb;as,tity" purity DI11d shyness,

I. obedlencete O'Uf' C' -eator,

('iIO" v'' "l. Id I' id ~ oth e' rs to th ,CC-, W';" ,QI: of A'" 1I~:, 'i~

~",~, .J on S&10U"l", guc:,~, I, " ,~ "," "', "I I ~ ,e ,", uy 0 .;,;-, Jl~,.a~ It,,

spread goodness in your society ,al"ndl kindly offer 'this,

- -

booklet as a present to your' family, relatives and

fri d


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